Substitute Proposed for The Detroit Declaration THE foliowinf substitute Declaration of Principles was prepared by the Continuation Committee of the Socialist Party Unity Conference- and...

...The Socialist Party proclaims anew its faith in economic and political democracy, [but] It unhesitatingly applies itself to the task of replacing the [bogus] limited democracy of [capitalist parlamentarism] capitalism by a genuine industrial and political [work, srs'] democracy... Av...
...4. ; Socialist Quarterly The convention debate on th* Socialist Party's proposed Declaration of Principle*, including a draft of the Declaration ai It was considered, the roll cell rote and the later opinion of attorney...
...Kirkpatrick to Tour Oregon By Don If...
...of Toledf state organizer of Ohio, will fm ! the speaker...
...True] Democracy is a worthy means of progress...
...It purposes to eradicate the perpetual economic warfare of capitalism, the fruit of which is international conflict...
...the successful candidate, polled 10,548 votes...
...On his last trip he organized six new locals...
...100,000 Votes for C.C.F...
...A state convention will be held a* soon a* petitions can be Med...
...The repudiation of democratic meant by the workers invites fascist repression...
...Esperanto J. Moreau, l.H Rue de la ColonUr, Parts, has asked that members Interested In promoting Esperanto eoniinunlcate with him...
...Bulckerwood ipoke and a musical program followed...
...Michigan v% V*1, • Leon Cooaens of Detroit and John Monarch of Battle Creek left (hi wssk upon en organising tour of the southern and central sections, Ouy Lockwood, state organizer, 1* active In the northern section...
...On July 6, in company wish J. H. Snider, H. Linger and other comrades, he organized a local at Falrvlew with, it inember...
...They will meet war [and,the detailed plans for war already mapped out by the war-making arms of the government by massed war resistance, organized so far as practicable in a general strike of labor unions and professional groups] by organized, and disciplined public opposition through mass demonstrations and, insofar jas practicable, through the use, in concert with organized labor, of a general strike of workers of hand and brain, and through all other means within their power in a united effort to make the waging of war a praetical impossibility and to convert the capitalist war crisis into a victory for Socialism...
...ILLINOIS, ISKin, Haiulell...
...Lewis has been visiting In Chicago wttbjWinnle Branstetter...
...ICansas A panel truck, equipped with loud speaker and an electrical transcription system, Is being purchased by the party to be used in the educational and propaganda campaigns of the party...
...Jean J. Conmel will speak on "Socialism In Our Time...
...Ills offences coyer both period* oft hi* lis'Ti _ Tnf , "Ih-ovJaional committee" *,''«h -*.cl*Jmi5 1r.'t",«<>nt» a majority of Virginia Socialist* has no standing among party member...
...They will unitedly seek to develop trustworthy working class instruments for the peaceable settlement of international disputes and conflicts...
...not unanimous...
...He will be Oregon from August 24 to September SO, inclusive, and anyone desiring dates should get in touch with Don N. S wetland, state secretary, 805 Labor Temple, Portland, Oregon...
...J^W* ?' J™* Senatorial District will alio hold a nominating con...
...rolled up 6,086 votes and in York South 5,516...
...Dancing, ping pong, baseball, | boxing and race...
...The New Leader reader* aru urged to get In touch with the** comrades when they visit their section...
...Oregon has secured the 18,000 signatures to the petition required to gain their legal standing (and will have a full ticket in the field at the fall election...
...A copy -.ill be sent oft request to Winston Dancls, S40 Randolph Street, Chicago, Enclose a stamped telf-addressed envelope...
...In its struggles for a new so:iety, the Socialist Party seeks to attain its objectives by peaceful and orderly means and depend* upon education and organization of the masses...
...Harlln Talbert covered a number of town* In a car announcing the date and presided at the picnic...
...flwetland A George R, Kirkpatrick, veteran Socialist writer and orator, author oi..i'War~Wh«t-.Fo».?.,V-SooiaU*t nominee for Vice-President in 1916, and now candidate for United States Senator from California, will spend about six weeks in Oregon to organize that state...
...The YP8L will sponsor a shooting gallery...
...Bergman, Richard Naysmith will act a* chairman...
...It further -jagtructed the State Exejfogfce •^Committee "immediately to prnffre 'inch new Declaration and take it up with the requisite number of locals in accordance with the provisions of the National Constitution to be submitted as an alternative Declaration to that adopted by the Detroit Convention*,- The Convention also requested the National Executive Committee "not to /send out for referendum the Declaration of Principles adopted by the Detroit Convention until a chance is given to initiate the referendum for the proposed substitute...
...It] will do all in its power to fight fascism of every kind all the time and everywhere in the world, until Fascism is dead...
...War cannot be tolef ated by Socialists, or preparedness for war...
...He will be hi the state until August 25, helping the party In It* primary ballot campaign... Ontario TORONTO...
...We are now informed that the vote was...
...North Haven and Hamden...
...wa* In the process of reorganization and very little money was at its disposal, its candidates polled 100,000 votes in the 37 ridings contested in the general election in Ontario and elected Controller Sam Lawrense in East Hamilton with a substantial majority...
...LOUISIANA, I^place...
...MICHIGAN, Jack' son] MISSOURI, Lllini...
...m* w...
...Begin With first nine paragraphs of the Detroit Declaration and con, tinue as follows: The^ fl9ClBlhrt-"Party is opposed to militarism, imperialism and war...
...In Superior they will help Socialists, unemployed groups and organized labor to a range a mass meeting...
...Wisconsin Ernest Kluck and William Quick, Jr., are making a two weeks' organization tour, which will cover the cities of West Bend, Steven* Point, Antlgo, Shawano and Wausau...
...Ohio Floyd Bossier, president of the 'Federated Automotive Workers' Union of Toledo, report* that various Socialist party organization* over the country sent in inure money for relief during the recent strike* than any other organization in the United States, The Miami Valley Socialist League, which consist* of twelve locals arid two circle* of the Young People'* Socialist League In the vicinity of Yellow Springs ha* engaged David Sal I nine and Jerry Raymond a* organizers during summer...
...Stanley Elliott secured 5,042 votes for the C.C.F...
...They will seek to eliminate military training from schools, colleges and camps...
...Towns lo tHa district are llrauford, East Haven, Outtford, Madison, WaUingford, North Brap...
...ventlpn at the picnic...
...Since fte first or the year Comrade Strickland ha* addressed the Central Labor Union a number of time...
...They will loyally support, in the tragic event, of war, any of their comrades who for anti-war activities not in contravention* to the principle* and decisions of the Socialist Party .or who for refusal to perform war service come into conflict with (publie opinion or the law] the capitalist war machine...
...The local has adopted...
...A CORRECTION s _____ Last week The New Leader, in a story of the state convention of the party in Michigan, reported that the Detroit Declaration of Principles was endorsed by a unanimous vote of the delegates...
...The reconvention referred the substitute to the incoming State Executive Committee "as a satis• factory basis for the preparation , ' of a new Declaration... to "Peak lot-either !"9W...
...1 ¦¦'-Colorado Glen dale...
...It is understood that he will tupport Upton Sinclair, for the Demosrattc nomination for Governor...
...Mekt m<,e~.P*„u'„,h* Ms»°*r...
...This political democracy won by the workers, however, it not an end in itself but one meant of achieving social democracy through the abolition of capitalism... Skiff St, turn right and con l nue on over top of hill and watch ftr sign* I From, Merlden and Walllngford follow bu* line through North Haven down State St...
...If the crisis comes through the denial of majority rights after the electorate has given us a mandate, we shall not hesitate to crush by our labor solidarity the reckless forces of reaction and to consolidate the Socialist state...
...Oregon Albany, Fine picnic and rally held July 4 With good delegation* from Portland, Eugene, Lebanon and other port...
...M. Moreau is secretary of the Socialist Espcranttit Committee, California Boy BuVt, national organizer, has gone direct lo California from hit teaching nl the Socialist Summer School in Red Feather, Colorado...
...It will rely [nevertheless] on the organisation of a disciplined labor movement...
...engaged by the NEC that the Declare lion1 la not Inhibited by any present state'law, la contained In a supplement to the American Socialist Quartely mailed to every local and branch *ecrerary...
...York East, too, the C.C.F...
...Many of the C.C.F...
...OKLAHOMA, Mincoi OHIJtiON, Krrol Heights, Gold Hill) i'liSNSYLVAN1 A, Wick Haven...
...County plrnfe August I H a, DeYomig's Farm, . i cEm!1 Solomon and ^p^Bg^SMaEer^ 1 b* announced later...
...VT New Jersey rassale...
...Next week he hopes to organize several more locale...
...Controller Lawrence...
...FLORIDA, Lake Walea...
...The trial lasted, three nights and he Was expelled on 14 count*, HE...
...The Unity Conference Substitute follows: Declaration off Principle* Note: The basic text of this declaration is..the Detroit Declaration...
...Business meeting Friday arm Mali* Ave, at »I'M p.m...
...or He has been .,Veftl'Pr Knn ""<l recently "Right...
...Forest Ave...
...Korwhlrh (Fifth District Branch...
...Additional eopiee may be purchased for IS centi a copy, nine copies for ft, either from the party's headquarters in Chicago or from [he Quarterly office., now located at 41 Union Sqquare, New York City...
...IOWA, Ames...
...compared with 4,906 for the Liberal nominee and 7,867 for the Conservative...
...Al Benson, state secretary, wil be the main speaker...
...This is his second recent trip in that state, having spent sixteen days thefa preceding the national convention, which he and his wife attended as delegates from California...
...Kanawha County socialist* are Industriously circulating various nominating petition...
...In To* ronto Woodbine, Fred C. Copp polled 5,474 votes for the C.C.F...
...Party Notes...
...If the capitalist system should collapse in a general chaos and confusion' which cannot permit of orderly procedure, the Socialist Party [whether or not in such a case it is a majority] will not shrink from the responsibility of organizing and maintaining a fovemnrftffc [under the workers' rule] of the producingmasses...
...County picnic at Luna Park Sunday, July 10, at the IS Mile Road and Heed Highway (also known as M 07 and tiroesbeck Highway...
...OHIO, Treble (Eldorado county branch...
...a resolution approving the Detroit Dec* rattan -aim tmideuined The New Leader In "allowing more spare" to those who oppose the Declaration than to those who favor It...
...Lena Morrow Lewis Tow Leha Morrow Lewt*, tormer state secretary of California, and party speaker and organizer for more than thirty years, i«* following up a week's work In Wisconsin by n speaking tour Into Indiana, Ohio uad Pennsylvania, . Arrangement* are made for two weeks In Indiana, and plans are well along for at least two weeks in Pennsylvania...
...JNortb Haven) until you 2«5 to Skiff it, turn right s£fgi », •hort distance to farm...
...West Virginia H, L. Franklin, Fairmont, candidate ror Congress In the 1st District Is campaigning and organizing local...
...New Locals and Branches OAIJFOHNIA, Doa Pulos...
...The organization had to overcome many obstacles, but it did very effective work and is in good shape for the federal campaign...
...air *»# I at ait ft...
...but true democracy must be created by the workon of tba world...
...Amendments are indicated as follows: new matter is in italic...
...Cabell County Socialists are carrying on an educational campaign among the Trades, Union* and report gratifying result...
...Karl Paul...
...Socialists will, bold tfcdr annual picnic Sunday, July M, on <E» Ernest Castiglloni farm an Skiff Street near the North Haven-Hamdeu town line...
...W*yn* Ceenty...
...In Toronto Beaches, Rev...
...During thsf ab- 1 •ence of W. (i...
...They will oppose military reviews, displays and expenditures, whether for direct war preparedness or for militaristic propaganda, both in wartime and in peacetime...
...T ' The 3rd Congressional Campaign Committee will meet at the Hamden plealo astl Plan for a lively campaign...
...Comrade Larseti, nominee for givemor, and Comrade Monarch, far ; U, I. Senator, will also (peak...
...they will, on the contrary, hy agitation and opposition do their best not to be broken up by the war, but to break up the war...
...Branch 1 will luaagsnte the "f«« »«rect nwwllug Saturday, July at s:30 p.m...
...Virginia State Secretary Klbler report* that P"v,d Si S,torV ha* been expelled by Local Richmond upon recommendation of It* executive eonmiltttce which heard charges Sled through the action of the state committee...
...Capitalism is doomed...
...Despite the f*ft that the C.C.P...
...Again in Waterloo North, 4,328 votes went to the C.C.F., and in Wentworth John Mitchell polled 5,772 against 8,230 'for the "successful Liberal "candidate...
...old matter to be deleted is in brackets...
...YPSt Winston Dancls, national secretary of the Ylpsels, has sent out to circle organizers u mlyicngrapht'd outline of their duties, .While prepared'especially ror young people's work, this outline contains many suggestion* that might be used by party locals and branches...
...W. S, Richard, Albert Strelff and Ueorge It...
...J. Stitt Wilson has resigned from the party...
...They will oppose the detailed plant far war already mapped out by the war-making arm* of the government...
...Moreover, recojrnizing the suicidal nature of modern combat'and the incalculable train of wars' consequences which rest most heavily upon the working class, they will refuse collectively to sanction or, support any international war...
...If it can be, superseded by majority vote, the Socialist Party will rejoice...
...T : Connecticut ¦aatdea...
...Substitute Proposed for The Detroit Declaration THE foliowinf substitute Declaration of Principles was prepared by the Continuation Committee of the Socialist Party Unity Conference- and presented to the New York State Convention June 80...
...From New Haven go out Whitney Ave...
...The state convention will be held this month at a place to be decided upon by the State Central Committee...
...North Carolina The state office Is Issuing a new mimeographed bulletin which will appear every two weeks...
...P. O. Strickland will apeak at Ave place* in Kanawha County In the coming week...
...See The New leader statement on another page... against 6,87J for the Liberal and 9,008 for the Conservative...
...Comrade Franklin reports big crowd* and good attenUon at all meetings...
...The first Issue contains an excellent review of the national convention and Information regarding the petition campaign to set the party on the ballot...
...Until the realization of social democracy, the working clan must fight to+retain what political concessions it has wrested from the capitalist class...
...Monroe Si...
...Recognizing the increasing resort by a [crumbling]1 decaying capitalist order to Fascism to preserve its integrity and dominance, the Socialist Party [intend* not to be deceived by Fascist propaganda nor overwhelmed by fascist force...
...Its methods may include a recourse) to a general strike which will not merely serve as a defense against Fascist counterrevolution but will carry the revolutionary struggle into the camp of the enemy...
...candidates in the better organized urban centers polled good votes...

Vol. 17 • July 1934 • No. 77

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