Weinie Is Getting Ready For the Picnic

Weinie Is Getting Ready For the Picnic EVERYBODY knows that summer is really coming because A. N, Weinberg—Weinie to you— •is at work on the annua! party picnic that will be held this year, as...

...The earlier we awake the whole working maiihmril—the proletariat and the masKed proletariat, the middle claw men—the more the Red Falcons rly over the land, the more /tne Red Falcons win the littltr ones, the more the Red Falcons obey the law that we must begin with the work to bring up with the younger people, with the younger brothers and sisters, the better to learn the simple figure: t! and 10 are l(i...
...One of the chief difficulties encountered was to get the girls to take the part of an honest woman...
...He has been doing that every summer since 1U2X,'and he has not hud a flop yet...
...Tin' majority of Socialist Party officials in the city lilt Sen Virk to attend the convention cither as delegates or visitors.I BROOKLYN i "ih A. I)., limn, h 1 i2ti!l I Ilea Ave.l...
...All Circle organizers must attend this meeting...
...of Socialism...
...500 tickets, $2ti...
...with a series of murals...
...The way to this aim is a long one, but no other way will lead to it, so we must travel that path...
...Plunge into the work and.help_.us build a firm foundation for a daily...
...But the word is a true one...
...Tin Annual Party Picnic which has becomi a popular festival whele 25,00(1 or mole come to spend the day in pleasure and entei tainnicnt, and where thousands come to meet old friends and renew acquaintances, will be held this year on Saturday, .July 28, at Ulmer Park Brooklyn...
...dancing, mivies, and other forms of entertainment for everybody...
...They have been awakened to the fact that unless the, younger and more militant numbers are grounded in the purpose of Socialism they may he easy prey for any movement that calls itself revolutionary and A Socialist Party Branch in Action is ready to receive "innocents...
...The aptitudes and the .alentf, known to he latent, have leen called forth by a program :hat reaches practically all the membership...
...These activities ai i :t f.rum, open to the public on F iciay eve-' nings, a party meeting on Tuesday, a Yipsel meeting on Sunday, and a social evening on Saturday mike the headquarters a busy and attractive spot in East -New York...
...REBEL ARTS ACTIVITIES Rebel Arts continues its activities as the cultural auxiliary of the labor and Socialist movement...
...Each year he has brought out a rigger croud, and has put out a better time for- the crowd, than the year before...
...The percentage who are not subscribers will amaze you...
...25(1 tickets, $12.50...
...He drops whatever other party or trade union work he is engaged in at the time and gets his picnic machinery into shape...
...Among the outstanding personalities in intimate close-ups are] Max Winter, August t'laessens, Frank Crosswaith, Bill Gomberg, and Ethel Schachner in militant mood...
...which will hold lis meeting Saturday, .lime II...
...Nadja Abeles direct- and Florence Lesser is the official !aW radio skit writer...
...a neutral membership meeting* of Manhattan Yipsels took place, At that meeting a new slnlV was elected consisting of Mux Horowitz, organizer...
...Their ambition is keen to advance to the mural work...
...Comrade Latter will conduct a tins* in labor radio nkit tpritingl forJti i.d Ai'n, innbtiblii on Friday f All interested should reg-jV.tr at once by mail...
...Fraternally yours, Mary Hunter...
...For 1 weeks, artist and poster makers, led by Harry Heiz.ig and Bertha Gottlieb (who were chiefly respon- i Bible for the May Hay parade showing) a14*4.by Bernard Fein-stone were busy on the No More War p -etrs and other pouters...
...All Circle organizers will meet this Saturday...
...Many documentary filnls of this type and also others are planned for production under party auspices...
...Wide experience as Health Commissioner of the State of Nebraska and as leader of the movement for better health among women and children in Florida has given Comrade DeVilbiss abundant opportunity to gather material pertinent to thus topic...
...All Mm hattiui Circles me to elect one new delegate to the N.II.C...
...Notes The ni w ly elected Greater New York Federation (executive tCommittee does Into office Wcdnesdij-l .lime lllli...
...Theodore Shapiro, ably assisted by Jack Bai fmsh, is, in addition, directing the production of a labor play to be presented June 2. The large Last is now engaged in rehearsals...
...Other films giving-the working class point of view can also be shown with these...
...ConrrWes Shapiro,' Block and -.-.-.Baron are among the mature members of the branch...
...Approach sympathetic no -fibers...
...There will be no charge for ad-1 What Is Necessary for The Red Falcons...
...Socialism will be fulfilled when the great majority of the working men —working class and middle class together — are fighters in this spirit...
...June 2, at ' oVIoek, The Cultural Committee also tinnoutlcea that although the Y.I'.S.I...
...At 20115 7th Ave...
...at 2 orlork...
...As a thinking people we must know that 6 and 10 Are 16...
...HOLIDAY" Film of Socialist May Day Parade and Demonstration...
...We are providing a good ' time for everybody...
...In addition to a day of pleasure, the picnic is a magnificent demonstration for our party and its cause, as it will mark the opening of our gubernatorial campaign, and a source of income to the party and the branches...
...We can dance our fine folk dances and through them win the hearts of others...
...We can play our fine plays in the fresh air and win with it also the other people, especially the children...
...at the Hand School...
...We cannot attempt a dailv until we have demonstrated our ability to support a weeklv...
...Week-ends must be for all Red Falcons not only -a time for recreation but also a time for agitation...
...While we have the coupe) at ion of other friendly organisations, it is essentially OUR JOB to get large numbers cut because it is OUR PICNIC...
...song hooks are out of print, we have available a sonu sheet giving the words of the eight most popular Y'ipsels songs...
...Many of the interesting highlight^ of theWreat May Day celebration have Ibeen recorded in a fchcrt film by one of our comrades...
...The members of the branch, are eager also to go among their fellow-citizens equipped to answer all questions...
...To have a clear brain and a stiff neck and a good heart is the requirement for a future fighter for Socialism...
...A very elaborate program is being arranged...
...and in the camp of the unconscious, of the egotists, of the soldiers, policemen, mercenaries, gorillas, in truth all proletarians united with capitalism \rf serve it and to save it from/the awakening of the united working and middle class...
...The Socialist Vanguard f natures prominently in its imp ,>ing formations, with scarlet banners waving in the breeze...
...Their good work over WEVD during '.he LID radio period "Labor Marches On" is winning a widening circle of ap-prt-.a" listener...
...Sam Tolnutk...
...A six-year-old child in the hands of capitalism and of its schools and other institutions to influence the spirit of—like the Boy Scouts, for instance (I have seen Boy Scouts with real rifles on Riverside Drive) —may become a grown-up person thinking he can also become a rich man and/an exploiter of labor...
...u 'it lire leaders...
...The picnic, this year, will be better than ever...
...Most of the youth brought up under capitalist influence will become indifferent proletarians, many of them but mercenaries...
...Secretary New Leader-Socialist Party Com...
...The ranks of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers' Union and the Inter-natii n«l Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, among others, show up impressively...
...the committee will provide for better "eats" to make 1 the beer pastier...
...2. Make New Leader welfare a special order of business at your branch meetings...
...The Drama flroii/t is busy .rehearing new playlets, including a satiiica...
...You will find the following steps a great help in filling your quota: 1. Elect a special New Leader committee...
...Remember, a member who does not read The New Leader is a member whom you are eventually going to lose because he is already out of touch with the party...
...intensive canvassing of all enrolled Socialists for subscriptions.^ Begin by approaching your branch members...
...there will he good beer to diink...
...On the strength of articles by Thomas...
...The great mass of proletarians in this world are still divided in two encampments: in the camp of the conscious, of the thinking workers, of the Socialists (unfortunately not united but split in many parties...
...d r" "Comrades...
...He began his year's campaign with the following letter, which is gent to every Socialist sub-division in the city...
...A six-year-old child will grow up to a thinking, helpful, upright person in our hands, in the hands of the Red Falcons, and with it a fighter for the future...
...Max Horowitz, tins Tyler, llcrny Cnhln, Yltiniiy (lold-lierK, Alev llet/kln...
...They therefore attend a class in current events led by George Baron, to employ the truths as occasionally revealed by the daily press and always by The New Leader as mental dynamite...
...Hilda Sill, education il director, and Ktl Jfiiwlcy, secretary...
...We can fly over the country and each build our nest under the shadow of each factory chimney...
...The action \v:ts filmed from different angles, giving a documentary record and an interpretation of working class solidarity and stiength...
...The tickets are priced 40 cents, JiUt the branches can secure tickets at the following terms: 125 tickets, $7.50...
...A series of illustrated brochures for the lajbor movement is being prepared...
...V" need every comrade's su/iport...
...George Baron makes it clear that the events of the day are reason enough for Socialism...
...One can get a good impression of the vast crowds which line the loute of march and jammed Madison Square...
...Discussion tin Hie work ol the National Convention...
...Turmlay, .luijc 5, special meeting al llea<li|llnrters...
...Her subject on June 4th will he "T/he Forgotten Woman...
...The quota set for your branch is subscriptions...
...In casting the loles there were found to be more players than parts...
...ly Max Winter /V\E of my finest experiences in the United States I received in a small meeting of the young leaders of the Red Falcon Groups of New York...
...Hal l.evinson...
...Ilcnsnnhurst Yipsels will tender a Spaghetti Dinner and Dance as a farewell narly to Kthel Schachner, Saturday Kvenfng, June 2, at the Socialist Hon room, faun liny P'kway...
...It is possible to have your branch or union or club arrange for a showing of these films, and, also films of the No-More-War Parade, This can be arranged through the Party Office or directly through Alan S. Hacker, 55 Washington Square South—Tel.: Spring 7-1614...
...The ChoniH, meeting Saturdays . at five, has been reorganized on a. new basis...
...Party Notes {Most party activities were suspended during tin' wick because of the Detroll convention...
...A PARTY BRANCH IN ACTION THE question of what to do with a membership that calls faf tcUon has been somewhat ade-lUately answered in the 22nd A. D., Brooklyn...
...1,(100 tickekts, $35...
...Samuel Block leads a.class in the study...
...Aiound party circle* the warm weather always brings Weinie out...
...Hiking and wandering from place to place, we can sing our enthusiastic songs and through them win the hearts of the people...
...The attendance at (.'asses shows promise of pi...
...The artistic - minded members have been brought together by Theodore Shap'ro, who encouraged and stimulated them to improve the appealance of headquarters at W4 Sutter Ave...
...Games for the kiddies...
...Many are called but few are chosen, especially in cur time of fighting between capitalism aifd Socialism...
...Hill Coi'tihcrg, Hen llr.rin' 11/ iinil H'Tiiian Mensni...
...DeVilbiss, who is a member of the Socialist Party, is coming te New York to deliver an address before the national convention of the Ameiican Eugenics Association...
...A number of innovations which will make our paper more attractive and influential depend upon the success of this drive...
...comedy evalvcd by its member...
...There were not more than thirty young comrades, hut in all these people dwelt something of the true spirit of Socialism, and that is licics.sify for the Red Falcons' organizations" as a whole and (specially for the leaders of the groups...
...Every member should have tickets to soil to his friends and shopmatea...
...The follow ina were elected: l:en l-'isrhcr...
...We have not lead in our feet...
...Admission, girls 14c, boys 33c, Communists 1.47 (special...
...Some branches have already re--sponded splendidly, but in order to assure reaching our goal of 2,000 new subscribers the committee has decided to assign a quota to every branch...
...Lydia Allen DeVilbiss of Miami, Florida...
...terry Cnlciiian, Mil Draper...
...This awakening will be the beginning of "the end of capitalism...
...DeVilbiss Speaks On Health Monday On Monday evening, June 4, at 8?o0, in the' Rand School Studio, the Women's Committee of the Socialist Party will give a reception to Dr...
...Mike Arcoiie, llol) Parker, Will Chasau...
...sports for the young...
...This permits the branches to make money for the branch treasury, and every branch should .-ell a large number of tickets...
...A Letter to the Party Members Of New York The New Leader-Socialist Party Committee, elected at a conference of all party branches, is launching the greatest New Leader subscription drive ever attempted in New York...
...The Orchettra, led by Jack Cohen, is firmly grounded and in-* vites all instrumental:"** to attend rehearsals at Friday a...
...8:30 p.m...
...One June 2nd all unemployed yipsels will report ill 2:'M\ at the Hand School...
...Bob La Heine is also taking registrations for a Short Story Clatt i to nuet Wednesday nights...
...The aim of the Red Falcon movement must be to give the young people an opportunity to bring themselves u p to be . thinking, upright, helpful men and women...
...And we can shorten if, if we remember that we have younger brothers and sisters, and rememher that the Red Falcons have wings...
...Ilalloling on delegates to Stute Convention...
...The group, among which Bre Julius Kaplan and Florence Kresner, has hegun work on some interesting and provocative posters...
...Music by S. Davis and his Rhythm Dukes...
...This is the annual lendczvous of tjie party in New York, it is our affair anil it is up to the party branches to make it a success...
...Party and YPSL mem-j bers are urged to attend and get the thrill of their lives by finding' they can sing in unison and harmony even without knowing it...
...She is a vivid and convincing speaker, and the occasion is sure to be one of exceptional interest...
...The Wriiiin' <i io"i>, meeting Monday nights, and the Arti*tt'\ Group, convening Monday1 and Thursday nights, are all agog over the foi thcoming magazine...
...Among'the features that have aroused interest are an art and dramatic group, a class in Socialism and another in the interpretation of current events...
...At the special rate of one dollar a year for new subscriptions—less than two cents per copy —they should come pouring in...
...party picnic that will be held this year, as Usual, at I'lmer Park...
...Hoan, Laidler, Oneal, Khinoy and other leading Socialists you can make them subscribers and, eventually, party members...

Vol. 17 • June 1934 • No. 67

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