Top o' The Leader Tower With Readers n' Boosters

Top o' The Leader Tower With Readers n' Boosters By the Editor NEXT WEEK! Q U T of the underjfround Socialist movement of Germany has come ^ a small book that is of extraordinary interest to...

...Yes, it was Fothergil...
...The number of jobless in the United States is over 10 millions, niore than one-third of the world total...
...Do the big financial rulers have confidence in their syslemT They do not...
...The May Day issue was great...
...SLOAN'S ECONOMICS FEW more pearlt from the Sloan jewel box should be stored by the historiat...
...It is now reported that President Roosevelt has prepared a "lasting new deal...
...How do you get that way...
...His vjews will appenr ixclusively in The New Leader...
...stration asking that these "acts of God" be countered by permitting the 40-hour week ctause of the limestone code to be clianged to a 48-hour week till next September "to recover from «ir losses" The NRA granted the rcqtiest t i ^ the "acts of God" now figure in the Ici^er accounts of capitalist enterprise Labor, however, pays for God's acts by increased working hours while {he capitalists recover theiclosses...
...I ami therefore I be...
...We marveled at the man's reasoning powers...
...The laboring masses want to produce and distribute and your class have locked the gates in their faces...
...He is convinced that "the American workman has generally decided that his interests are outside of a national union rather than inside one...
...Our definition of a moving picture is a Democr.itic or Republican judge issuing orders to striking workers to move on...
...What a man...
...All this was said with a modesty that was impressive...
...therefore you be...
...You are...
...It is one of the most important Socialist documents that has ever been published in many years and an Eriglish translation is now available...
...You still receive an enormous salary which is extracted from the exploitation of the workers who still serve you and from the surplus you extracted from those whom you hurled into the breadline...
...In three months ending March 6 the deposits in national banks increased a billion dollars but bank loans in the same period defreased $200,000,000...
...We have the "right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" but the right is a phantom of the IJtain till we can transform it into bread, jobs, homes and security for the workers * • • Of course, Socialism might wreck civilization i<ut as capitalism has done such an excellent job along this line we will not waste time arguing the question...
...a figure strode across the threshold, paused in the center, and gazed at us with an air of triumph...
...But your class, Mr...
...Sloan, possess the industries that enable us to produce things to distribute...
...Stambulisky was murdered and rule by political assassination became general for a year or two under, th« Zankov Government...
...He abolished freedom of the press and assemblage and enacted a compulsory labor law...
...Havmg surveyed the minds of the workers, he also concludes *hat they prefer the company union kindly provided by the big shots...
...Ever thinljiof t h a t ?" The query came as quick as a flash of lightning, showing that the man was resourceful in any emergency...
...Few of us for several years past," you say, "have enjoyed the incomeAo which we have been accustomed, to which we firmly oelieve we are entitled...
...Alfred P. Sloan, president of General Motors Corporation, is one of this type...
...That is al that can be Baid in answer to your question...
...This is the third dictatorship Bulgaria has had since the end of the World W&f: Stambulisky was dictator during 1920-23, ruling in the interests of the peasants...
...Why the umbrella...
...In fact, it may be ' wrong in part if the report is approached in the right spirit...
...we thought...
...These are only a few of the messages we receive from all over the nation...
...Every party member and sympathizer WHAT HO...
...The depression gave me my opportunity...
...One objection that we have to imperialist wai- is that the generals have always led us to fight uur friends and to support our enemies, li they will lead us against the exploiters of the working mas es of this country instead of against the working masses of other countries we will talk the matter over with thtm...
...some one cried...
...Long live Fothergil Montmorcrcy Wiggle...
...Your paper will carry fifty-two issues to every subscriber loaded with Socialist argamenta and reasons why he should join the Socialist Party...
...Activity during dog days declines, with the result that party publications and institutions suffer...
...Their patronizing air, their assumption of affection for those they despoil, recalls a similar attitude on the part of planters for their Negro slaves... was asked...
...All realized that th|^ great hour had come...
...Sometimes it rains and sometimes it pours," said Fothergil...
...All these troubles were "acts of God...
...1 "What do you think of tb« I Dnrrow report...
...You know that eternity is endless, and no educatj^ man will trifle with time...
...They now t irn to fascism, the last ditch of a decaying order...
...Don't think too hard over this or you will also be in need of recovery treatment...
...The worker who once received five dollars a day gets nothing now...
...Why arc these industries paralyzed in your hands...
...Sol Berman, Montreal...
...He looked for a moment at the portrait of Karl Marx, shifting his glasses upward from their lodging on a wart at the end of his nose...
...We s.hall run an article next week regarding this notable publication... The New Leader...
...Above all, in the street and hall meetings, at picnics and other aflfairs, do not neglect to get subs to The New Leader...
...William Plampin, state secretary of Texas, wishes that "every party member in the state had received a copy of the Tenth Anniversary number...
...Louis, "as Just one more subscriber," is highly pleased with the Labor Section...
...The labor skinners add snobbery to their role of exploiters...
...F. M. ^ i , ^ (What a Man) Wiggle Is With Us Tuesday there was a roar in the Rand School, a crash and the door of The New Leader office fell in...
...Lemke Bron of California sends the following: "Congratulations on the militant tone The New Leader is using...
...Yes, we are one happy family in this country with the same interests and no class struggles but it...
...For some time," he answered...
...Perhaps it is necessary to explain this heavenly aspect of the NRA...
...Up in Vermont a limestone industry ten miles from the nearc;H city was isolated by the washout of a bridge...
...Th« number of the unemployed throughout the world is over 27 million...
...John II...
...should find his place in Socialist work...
...Fothergil Montmorency Wiggle...
...Bates is enthusiastic over our scries on Basic Principles and lio|ie.i "that these articles will be continued as a regular feature in The New Leader and that they will Inlcr hv publishrd in permaBi'iil f i i i t n. Murray R. KiiiK, who writes the informative article on fascism in this issue, congratulates us on the "splendid historical May Day- number," and writes that "The New Leader gets better and more interesting all the time...
...Biilgaria has suffered from the depression and the ruling cliques have been unable to restore production and exchange to nortiial...
...We were afraid to press Fothergil further on this issue for fear of exposing our intellectual limitations...
...To distibute more we must create more...
...We cannot distribute that which does not exist...
...B u l g i ng banks, decreased loansi When the big bankers have no confidence in capitalism, why should you...
...Q U T of the underjfround Socialist movement of Germany has come ^ a small book that is of extraordinary interest to the workers and SotialisU of all nations...
...The booklet is not offered as a final word on the issues that are raised but is presented as a serious discussion...
...Take their attitude towards the labor union controlled by workers...
...Alex Solomon of St...
...So far it has been a blasting new deal for the workers many of whom have been fasting for years...
...The company wrote a letter to the Recovery Adniini...
...Watch for it...
...Daniel F. Downey of Massachusetts sends a similar letter ^nd was especially impressed by the first pa^e drawing as "full of a deeply tragic aymbolism...
...No comrade can afford to rest in these days of depression...
...Tell your readers about it, and now for a wash and a sandwich...
...Dog Days The hot summer months are always bad for Socialist publications and Socialist propaganda in general...
...I believe that I \»TIS Born during an eclipse of the sun, man, but^ahera—there are others...
...BIG SHOT SNOBS U E who has been down and out ^'t.d had his home invaded by a charity ^meller will appreciate the arrogance of the snob...
...Away with all compromise and kowtowing to petty liberals, but let's use common sense...
...NRA will nnsider "acts of God" as a reason for agreeing to hours of labor longer than are fixed in a code...
...A boarding house accommodating the "hands" of the company was also destroyed by fire and the most severe winter in years brought further inconvenience...
...Vna» the good word on...
...Pouff," said Fothergil with another gesture as he turned from the portrait, "I'ra^a radical," \id he, at the same time surveying each person in the room...
...We are sure that this feature will be of special interest to all our readers...
...It's right but, on the other hand, it could be wrong," Fothergil responded...
...A group of Socialists have written a survey of what has happened in Germany, interpreting the forces that brought the ascension of Hitler to power, presenting a critical view of the German Socialist movement, re-examning its Uctics and methods, of the International, the Communists and the Communist International and presenting some tentative con-« elusions...
...therefore we be...
...Bom during an ecplise of the sun, an astrologer declared that I was' destined to great things...
...And to think that he is added to The New Leader staff...
...The American capitalist system ia more severely hit by the depression than any other country...
...Space is also infinite, and where I am or where I will be is also immaterial...
...How long will you be with u« ?" he was asked...
...rather embarrassing that some beg for bread while others are hogs at the same table...
...He strode out of the room and was goj...
...He was overthrown in June, 1923, in a bloody counter-revolution...
...FASCIST BULOARIA I ATE last week Bnlfaria turned fascist and many Sodalitts and Gmimunists were imprisoned...
...1'he big shots of capitalisM too often display this insufferable snobbery...
...He was a little academic, of course, but he had made the answer as simple a.s is possible, considering the coniplea matter it dealt with...
...With Our Readers Mordecai Shulman of Chicago uriUs that "The Ne^ Leader has greatly improved lately and is the best Socialist periodical at present...
...We are...
...Members of the staff and a few visitors rose in respect and .stood at attention...
...I t it ripest for Socialist transformation and most rotten for human welfare...
...The comrade who asked the question wilted...
...The assumption is an equality of sacrifice by your class and ours...
...he was asked...
...More powei...
...When the masses know the Socialist road to power they will not tolerate your system very long...
...A m e r i c a n capitalism is the highest developed but is terribly affected by the depression disease...
...Millions of workers are outcasts while you still sit high in your tower of dollars...
...That picture of a giant ruled by a pygniy niov<^ us to tears...
...for future reference...
...It's all a matter of perspective and , perspective is important to ritfht what is wrong...
...The governments that have followed have been little better than di^uised dictatorships with working class organizations living a precarious existence...
...i. "I'll be up and at 'em," Fothergi^ added...
...With a majestic wave of the hand Fothergil bade us to resume our sitting posture...

Vol. 17 • May 1934 • No. 21

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