The United Socialist Drive

Fruchter, Henry

The United Socialist Drive By Henry Fruchter 'J 11 -I Socialist Party of N ew * Vork. because of a crowded series of important events, enters the United National Socialist Drive belatedly. The...

...TO HONOR OUR MARTYRS By H a r o l d Latki Professor Laxki, in eommentDill upon the London elections, •gives Socialists everywhere an incentive for increaxrd fervor in their work...
...All members u r g M to nit,ml i i . i hireling Monday, April 9, In dlsruss iniijorltv mill inhnuit) ugrmlii resolutions...
...That is the true way to honor those martyred dead...
...Hat., Apr...
...I In/ii u r mill hull th'krls to lir srltlrd...
...published By Circle...
...Brunch H i r e l i n g Monthly, April...
...Ifith Kl...
...BKONX 1st A. II...
...1 0 - 4 5 : 1 5 - C.rT.N.Y...
...g t h A. i i . tiiinnsiiii' Manor, Hurnsidc mill Hull I v i n Avrs.i...
...Boh Parker;member of the YI'SL NEC and city brganizer, will speak at a newly organizing senior circle In the Fur Hocl.iiway headquarters, 1851 Moll Ave., Monday night, April It, ut 8:.'ltl Claewens to Be Welcomed At Banquet Sunday o August Claessens will be staged Sunday night at a dinner* given by the 6th and 8th A. D. branches Sunday night, April 8th, at the People's House, 7 Kast 15th Street...
...Business meeting Mlill(ltt), April D, devilled In discussion ot ugcndii reso lull..ii...
...The central office, occupied as it is with the forthcoming convention and the May 1st demonstiations, must depend largely on the cooperation of the branch officers and active individual membars to push this drive to a successful consummation...
...Twenty district u n t l w u r m e e t i n g s are Being held during anti-war week, April 8-1!l...
...anil Lexington Ave...
...Features of the Week on (Mi H.) WEVD oiatKc Sun., Apr...
...Author Reviews Ills-Rook...
...22nd SI., Ilrnoklyu...
...Auspices: Slieepslieiul liny Branch...
...8 : 1 5 - .leiiiili- Moscow i l / ; N::til .lunuilcu Nights In "The Heart vt New, York...
...Our lininrli Is trying t" havr thi'i' • tables nt Tin New Lender ( H l l l l l T . • , (•in, i-i A. I...
...This police activity'arises out of a misapprehension of the law which is^established beyond the peradvcnture of a doubt/' writes Solomon to Commissioner O'Ryan, citing the eases which clearly establish the right of persons to distribute 1 such literature 'without police intercession...
...8:45-,Mirlinel Strnnge;' III Ulzulirth Andres, cunlriilto...
...CidO.'i 7jh Ave.I...
...I have taken the matter up with Deputy Chief Inspector Seery," Solomon declares, "and he not only agrees with me but has assured me the force will be advised accordingly...
...Copies at the City M i l , , Challenge agents I The first Birthday Issue of our paper must he sold...
...10|3D— Hippodrome lii-iind Opera, Thurs., Apr...
...7th A. l> (78II F.fsnirrr Plate), ltuslik'ms • t it-t-1 in Tuesday, April III...
...9 - 8 A.M.—New York's Leading F.vent»;'ft|d5— Psychology Clinic ol Hi, Air, Dr...
...First meeting Friday, April ft, al the Socialist Outer, 41115 Foster Avr., w i th Hurry Fleisrhman as speaker...
...April 7. ut .'I p. in., ul the Hund School...
...Irving M. Ivllnlilorh, r hti i ri i in 11, tlriinv o K a i i l / i i t hm committer, will In- prrsrnl tfnd A, I...
...W VLADECK ON HOUSING AT BRONX LABOR CENTER City Housing Commission, will speak on Housing at a meeting at the Bronx Labor Center...
...New Vork's quota for this drive is approximately $7,000, of which about 50% remains for the state and city organizations...
...MONDAY, APRIL » David i.a|iian lethal Kchachneri AntiWan Rally I pper West Side llriineh, Hill West 72nd SI...
...William Karl i n ; "The New UpoelC— :i::iu p.m...
...C e l lu Sola niuii, '-nm-crt ; 8 : 1 5 "Sophlstlnited Itc'vue...
...1:15 Surprise Pregrutn...
...Events are, moving with extraordinary rapidity in the political and economic world and we Socialists must meet the challenge of the times...
...Meet at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...11—»:45 P.M.- Nicholas Siisluvsky, iiiirllnne, I enscmhlr...
...Open air mertiugs urr tiring held in various purls of thr c i t y . Blrthdny Dance to Michael C. Arrone, New York finunrlul sreretury, By the Beusonhurst Ytpscls ut rails Buy ParkwaV, Saturday evening, April 14, Circle Ii Sr...
...Socialist Forum Calendar (All million...
...8:4.1 p. M. —Theatre Union Forum...
...Henry I'rurhtci Subject In he a n nounced, hili A, I) ( I S M Allerlou Ave...
...critical series on n u l l , , , 111:15 I I I ppod i i,i m i d Opel il...
...While fully realizing the stringent financial condition of our local movement and the widespread unemployment among our members, the importance of meeting our designated quota cannot be overemphasized...
...pamphlet, "Towards A Revolutionary Soc i a l i s m ' ' ; llulin Kantorovitch's "Towards Socinllst Heoririitutlon...
...We need more organizers...
...8 - Radio i'»i i: 11 Board I 8 : 4 5 - T h e Dunce und Our i ii ii.i'in...
...His articles in The New Leader have Been in the nature of weekly lett e r s to his many close friends in New York, but it has been com plained that New York has not been thc^ame without his physical presence...
...1 ;15 "UlKir Marches On...
...Oavl.l llrrshberg, !Hi7 New York Avr., at Kiistrrn I'uikwny...
...Nirlliiliis A v c . l . Brunch uncling Monday...
...4th A. 1...
...I ET me say with emphasis that the Socialist government of Vienna should be the model of the Socialist government of London...
...14 5 I'.M...
...1202 Cypress Avr...
...The Central Committee will meet Saturday, April 11, ut '.I p . m. mid will ronsidec resolutions on tne "Bond to Power" und the "Lulled Front" that were tuliled from the c i t y Convention...
...A Borough dance will lie held By the Querns comrades Saturday, April 7, at the Central Terminal Building, Flushing (Boom 221...
...l llr...
...4:30 P.M.— Actors' Kliinrit;lu...
...Iluslni ss i n , . - h i i i, Tuesday, April III...
...WW Westchester Ave...
...12 s P.M...
...K4th St., announces u sociul for I r i , l a \ night, April 0. Circle 12 Sr...
...reused energy...
...Hlli A. D. I?M I...
...Illlli SI.I...
...will hold dunce und social Saturday night...
...Kings feulures the fn mods Bronx Cncuphoulc Symphony Orchestra ut Its Spring Dance SuturiBiv night, April 7, ut til...
...21111, Seek Road unil 1J...
...Kings, 167 T o m p k i n s Ave...
...809 Westchester Avenue, Bronx, Friday, April 13...
...Party Notes New York City City Kserutlte ('iimiiiiltil' A special meeting uf the Cllv Kxerutlvc Commit t e c wlil h« In-Ill I...
...In lis letter to the Police Commissioner, Solomon directs attention « the frequent arrests of Socialists intl others for distribution of political literature and states that he has personally appeared for defendants in such cases repeatedly, acquittals resulting invariably...
...Circle H Sr...
...the need a very urgent one...
...May 15th was the date set for achieving our goal of $7,000...
...10:1.1— "'I he Union Assembly," International Ladies' Garment Workrrs' I'nlon...
...8 II A.M.—Forward Hour...
...Brighton Bench Avr..., "I, List...
...W».hin*lon H.iKtil- (llllfl St...
...Cull for your April copies ul the City Office Immediately...
...BROOKLYN I i . h i . . >• ii Il.'i7 Miiutiimir S l l . Iluslnrss meetings lulil weekly...
...Orgsniatrs' Mettlnt Monday, April 9, Ii p. ill., 1'i-npli i - s House, 7 I...
...II . l is Bronx...
...April H. 8:3(1 p. in, K m u t i i r Mrttinf of City Kiecutivc < u a i m l t t M , W e . l n i - s i lm . April II, S-'lli p.Jtt., 7 I...
...Ours is the mission of hastening the day of the workers' emancipation, and in the immediate present the raising of large sums of money for propaganda and organization purposes is the duty of every loyal Socialist, The New Leader has kindly offered its aid in accepting dona* tions for the United Drive, and readers are urged to send in t h e i i contributions and designate them for the "United Socialist Drive...
...13 5 P.M.- W i l l i am M. Feigeuliiium, The New l o u d e r ; 5::ift— 11 ii 11 1 Inn i s wllli Sliukespeure...
...5 Musluulr, F.ldu F.rrole, sopranoj Carlo Liin/llnttl, ltnss...
...10::i() Around the Sumnvar...
...The Pence Ivdllor Looks ut the News," Fslclle M. Sleruliergee, i : \ i i u l i \ e Director,, World Peucew i n s ; III "Whal Next hi Radio...
...All in - hers requested (o participate In unemployed detnonsti atlnn Saturday atlci noon, April 7. Meet at Lyceum 0 p.m...
...and others...
...Bussiun dunce I,ii... Hie l l r o w n s v l l l r Ijihnr l.ycruiu...
...H-Herman Iternstcln, l-.di lor, Jewish Dally Bulletin I 8:15—"A, Night in Vlrniiu...
...hrgln nt 8:30 p m . unless otherwise iinlleuteil...
...The branch quotas range from $10 to $200 each, depending upon the branches' numeiical and financial strength...
...Brunch meeting Tuesday, April In...
...III- Nortli Queens Ih "The Heart of New York...
...Members h i p Is asked In nlleiul VI'SI, Duller ul Brighton IiiikIiiuhi Irrs Saturday, April 7. F.stcnsivc New Lender eiiinpulgn Is being pli I. l l t h A. D. Minulnv...
...Organizers will meet Saturday...
...F.clrctloii of tlrlrHUtc* t" National ('.iiiivi'iitlnii, discussion of progrnm uT City I'.ntivi-iitliiti, mill guest spriikrr...
...Hooks and leaflets on important Socialist questions must be printed and distributed throughout the country in the •millions...
...Upp»r Went Side (1(111 West 72nd St.I Reservations Inr Till' Ni-» Leader illmii'l s i i u i i l i l In' unit In I .run (Jllbson, I'll Itlversldr Drive, ur telephoned In MOnu i i i i i i I a-iltl...
...2117^rn T U E S D A Y , A P R I L I t " f Sidney Hrrt/lirrg: "Soeliillsm In Srnijdlnuvlu" Mid wood lirancli, room 54, l l l l l Kings Highway, llrunklvn \ IT 'ii.I 'Cel...
...11 K. Ill'lli SI...
...u«tr Hall Program...
...Every day the crisis U becoming intensified...
...o:45 - l'.ll/iilielli Andres, confrulto...
...i".>iii I. 1th A. U. (II83 Allertoii Avr...
...Drun i . i h . Croup...
...Brunch meeting Sunday,' April K, d:30 p. III...
...In a letter to Police Commissioner John O'Ryan, Solomon points out that such interference s utterly lawless and asks that the !orce be instructed accordingly...
...Willi111 Imilln: Antiwar meeting Young Men's ilehrew Assoelutlou, !l2ntl SI...
...Comrade Vladeck was appointed to the Housing Commission because of his exceptional knowledge of the subject, and he is serving on that body with the approval of the Party's State Committee...
...April 9, only, meets lit limit...
...From the Atlantic to the Pacific the workers need Socialist education and organization as' they never did before...
...The aim of the United Drive of our party is to raise at least $50,000 for a very ambitious program of organization and agitation work...
...g: 15...
...An Interview with Li i i u i u (loldmun und un urtlcle on "I'nlted Front" by .lames lineal feature the April Issue id' "The Ideal...
...Manhattan, 95 Avr... and march to Lower'a Square and Pitkin Ave...
...Solomon Protests Arrest of Literature Distributors ' cialists and others in the [•ourse of distribution of noncommercial literature has been taken up with the Police Department of New York City by Charles Solomon...
...8 Half Hour of Song, llrlen Bishop, •opruno...
...Midw.od ill.hum f i t . lint King- HlghWay...
...April In...
...Millions of workers are awakening to the failure of NRA, the need for workers' organisation, if security and well-being are to be achieve^ for the workers...
...lOtSU —Hippodrome (irund Opera...
...i. Brunch meeting Tui'Mluy, April 111, nt hi'iidiiuurters...
...Duvld liershherg: "1'rogresslve Niitioiuilism und l i s Relation to Socialism"llth A. I...
...It i s hoped within a week or two to have a subscription list in the hand of every party member...
...portion meeting Friday, April (I...
...In order to meet our New York' quota, subscription lists have been distributed to the various officers of all our local branches...
...We urge all readers to see to il that they get a "United Socialist Drive" subscription list and seek to collect as much money on such lists as possible...
...kThe dinner Sunday will he a reunion with Claessens and a gettogether of all party workers in the city and environs...
...April 7. Circle I I Sr...
...Branch mm i t i n g lui'H...
...Notes Printed matter will lie systematically used liy the N ew York Yipsrls l i m n now on with III...
...211 1...
...nnsslnn ( uruluil i Dance Suturdav eynilng, April 7. F.slher Friedman wlil April ior l' ' ' l l , n ' T l", , d l ,>' 'venlhg, !lrd A. I), C'l'i Sui kiniiu SI 1. Inf...
...Reservations are to be made through Julius Gerber, 7 East lf)th Street...
...Committee on Survey mill Statistics will renHr report an branches hi Manhattan, MANHATTAN A. D. (Bo Avr...
...The cause is a noble one...
...short leeturds after luislili'ss srsslnns mi the 'n-l, nli mill 5th 1 luirsiluys...
...The Socialist I i l u r n i i n m i l Leuguc is storking up on pumphlets mill l e i d t e i s The League's iilui is t h e side ul live pumphlets per week by each member, Alreudy the League hus on s u l e I l u l l . l i s new...
...People's Kdurutlotial Koruni, M TtIi Ave...
...Frances Jenkins, iiit/.»o*oprauo: Metropolitan' String RiiaranMe...
...APRIL 8 \ Norman Thomas: "The Nation us 1 See It"—I'.S...
...Tues., Apr...
...1.1th St...
...i i n v i i i i . i i i'.-ii.ii (ins nii..hi..i...
...The latest case of police interference arose in Brooklyn a few days ago...
...The O m e n s Council is organizing a new t'lrale in Sumiyside...
...Brownsville Ylpaelsl Bully to t h e unemployed d e m o n s t r a t i o n Sulunluy, April 7, ut ii p. ill...
...Quotas have been assigned to every blanch in the party and all donations from individual party members will be credited to the particular branch of v. hich the comrade is a member...
...Claessens, most popular of Socialist propagandists and writers and one of the best-loved of the local Socialists, has just returned from a long agitation tour that took him into the far Northwest and as far west as Nebraska...
...l*:30—H I p p o d r o m r i.mod Opera...
...August i . l i i c s s e u . will spmk lit mi rnnillcil vnt tis meeting Friday evening, April It, lit branch h''ii<|i|iitirti'i-s...
...H, holds ials elvcry Sulunluy night...
...Mil,is Most Is In charge of the meetings...
...Brunch ineetIns MuiKliiy, April II...
...April III, riHini 3. Sth A. D. i Sim Westchester A v n ) . Branch iii'-i-liii...
...April II...
...Beach Avr...
...18th A. U., Branch 2 (Sll Ctlra Ave...
...more branch and local activity...
...The air i* charged With fear, class conflict, anxiety about the future...
...s45- Eva Mlllrr, contralto...

Vol. 17 • April 1934 • No. 14

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