Party Notes

Party Notes do TOU WANT propaganda literature? GO TO "peace on earth" on Wednesday evening, december 2sth, at civic reportory theatre, get tickets prom your rranch organizer, no money—no...

...a member of he party tor several years and flnan-:lol secretary for the past three years...
...Election of officers...
...19, 8:45...
...Saturday, Dec...
...8, Dr...
...17, 3 p. m., at the home of Comrade Slutzky, 3344 Fort Independence St., Bronx...
...10:15, Eugene Ryron Morgan, baritone...
...WEVW University or the Air...
...18, 8:38 pjn...
...William M. Frlgenbuum, "The Challenge of the German Situation"—Queens County Labor Lyceum...
...DECEMBER It F'rank Crosswaith, "A Socialist Looks at John Brown"—V.M.C.A., 135th St., near 7th Ave., Manhattan...
...To do so, we are running a dance Friday evening, Dec...
...canvassers' report on 3rd Thursdays...
...Tuesday, Dec...
...Arrangements to be made for big social event January 16th...
...10:30, Half-Hours with Shakespeare: Eduard Dolze and Associate Players...
...Films for Party Branches With the rupld development of 18 mm...
...Norman Thomas, "Capitalism versus Socialism" —Bronx Labor Forum, 809 Westchester Ave., Bronx...
...An effort must be made to get every Party branch to take el least 82 worth of ticket...
...Plan bridge and package party...
...Washington Heights Branch of the Workers' Unemployed League Is holding Its first dunce Saturday, Dec...
...Calkrinha, president of Rajah Ram University In India, will speak on "Socialists and Radicals in India" at Circle 8, Sr., Manhattan, 95 Ave...
...B, Sunday evening, Dec...
...22—4:30 p. m., William M. Felgenbaum, New Leader period...
...Election of officers...
...Spe-rlai membership meeting Mon...
...James Oneal, "American Industrial Crises"—Jamaica-Richmond Hill, 137-18 Jamaica Ave...
...lh A.D...
...ft to ,,i Hotel .Marseille!, Broadway and mi,,I St., ltoom TlX Mutthew Levy will speak...
...Meeting, Mon., Dec...
...Regular meeting Tues., Dec...
...William M. Felgenbaum will speak on 'The Challenge of the German Situation.' Features of the Week on WEVD Sunday, Dec...
...will be discussed by Drs...
...Miraeva (gypsy singer), Paul /.inn's Russian Gypsy 'Orchestra...
...Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables" and "Hunchback of Noire Dome," Eric Remarue's "All Quiet on the Western Front," and mam travelogues of India, China, and other valuable educational subjects...
...Despite a serious Illness which prevented his attending branch meetings for several mouths before his death, Comrade levy's efforts In behalf of the party never slackened...
...llth AD...
...20—8 p. in , Charlotte Ryan, soprano...
...Tickets obtained ut the Bronx Luhor Centre, 809 Westchester Ave...
...The Three Cheers...
...WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21 Harry Lea Mcssner, "Can National Economic Sclf-Sufllclency Be Permanently Maintained...
...Tickets are on sale by members for 35 rents, and they may also be secured at the door for 40 cents...
...Youth Rally of Rldgewood District Council, Friday, Dec...
...Many American and foreign classics are now available at low rentals, among them Kisrnstein's "Potemkln" and "Ten Days That Shook the World...
...Large number of tickets sold for theatre party...
...Bronx Labor Forum, 809 | Westchester Ave., Bronx, 5 pjn under the auspices of Mix-ha Goodman, Joint anniversary dinner planned for February...
...corner of 127th St...
...Eleanor Levenson, "Labor In Palestine"— Beiisonliurst Forum, 6618 Buy Parkway, Brooklyn...
...Harry Schachncr delegate to city Central Committee...
...night, Dec...
...10:30, "Old Man Music...
...Sit Sluyveaant Ave...
...No More War" Rally of Circle 14, Sr., Kings, Sunday, Dec...
...Regular branch meeting Mon., Dec...
...8:15, Allan Russell, baritone...
...Tuesday, Dec...
...Business meetings held on first Thursdays...
...Friday, Dec...
...Upper Weat Side (100 W 72nd St...
...Robert Minor, "Which Way Out for the American Workers—Communism or Socialism...
...War.hina.ton Heights (1118 St...
...7 E. 15th St., Manhattan...
...Hyman Suasman, organiser...
...It Is announced that physicians are especially Invited...
...21st A.D.—Meeting Mon., Dec...
...For the last three weeks Y. Vesa has been polishing up what promises to be a most attractive program...
...Executive meeting Monday, Dec...
...i.nit Luncheon on Lynching Heywood Broun, Walter White, Roger Baldwin and Scott Nearing will discuss "Fighting Lynch 1-uw in America" Saturday, Dec...
...22nd A.D...
...William Bonn, "Will Roosevelt's Policies Head Towards Socialism...
...13, nt his home, I5S East 91st St...
...West Bronx Socialist Forum, Burnslde Manor, Burn-side and Harrison Aves., Bronx...
...18, at the Assembly Hall, M Van Cortlandt Park South...
...Matthew Levy, "Socialism and the NRA"—llth A. D. Foruin, Hotel Marseilles, Room 223, Broadway and 103rd St., Manhattan...
...Maurice Gordln, "Russian Recognition"/ inn...
...Looking for permanent headquarters...
...GO TO "peace on earth" on Wednesday evening, december 2sth, at civic reportory theatre, get tickets prom your rranch organizer, no money—no literature— so—let's go ii New York City>' Muling, Monday, Dec...
...He was 30 years of age...
...i ,| ami Economic Musrum of Vienna, to illustrate the Vienna method of pictorial statistics, will he delivered by Dr...
...tot Washington Ave) Regular meeting Tues., Dec...
...Downtown (157 Montague St...
...ltth A.D., Breach 1 (1686 President St...
...lectures on 2nd and 4th Thursdays...
...The speeches will be broadcast over Station WEAF...
...BRONX New Year's Eve Danee and Cabaret at the Bronx Labor Centre...
...A. I), 219 Sackman Street, Brooklyn...
...People's Institute Cooper Union lectures are scheduled as follows: Friday-Everett Dean Martin: "Social Unrest in the Middle Ages...
...National Executive Committee meets In New York City Dec...
...Siegfried Llpschltz, "World Socialism In 1933"—Midwood Forum, 1401 Kings Highway, Brooklyn...
...nor will his memory be absent from his comrades...
...Wednesday, Dec...
...10:30, "Around the Samovar": Ell Splvak (gypsy baritone...
...Monday, Dec...
...MANHATTAN llth A. I...
...Circle 6, Sr., Kings, will run a social and the full proceeds are to go for raising funds...
...Musical arranged for Jan...
...18, 8:30 p.m...
...18, 8:30 p.m...
...Brighton Boach (1113 Brighton Beach Ave...
...Robert W. Anderson and J. R. Verner at the Sunday evening session of the Ingersoll Forum, Pythian Temple...
...18, 8:30 p.m...
...Executive meeting, Mon...
...The next symposium will be on "Socialism and Democracy," and speakers Include Phil Heller, Maxwell Ilurwltz and Morris Cohen...
...Sec the ad in this issue...
...Christmas Eve Frolic and midnight supper at headquarters...
...8, International Exchange Concerts under direction of Henry Cowrll...
...IS, at 11 a.m...
...Ml South 4th St ).-Al hist meeting following new officers were elected...
...Each member has given his wholehearted support In the hope that the public will be duly satisfied in every respect...
...So I might say here Hint we are prepared to give to you, dear Public, a show of shows...
...Write Hose Prarlman, 108 E. Slat St...
...21, at 8:30 p. m , in the ltmid School studio...
...10:15, "Unlvrslly In Exile...
...10:30, Opera Tidbits: scenes from famous operas...
...John Klalier, Thursday, Dec...
...12th A. D. (71 Irving Place).—Meeting, Moil., Dec...
...Workmen's Circle branches must also be covered...
...Jean Kantner, Metropolitan Ensemble...
...It, ¦t 6 p. in...
...The second term started last week with 27 women...
...Nomination and election of all offices Tues., Dec...
...A special low rale for week day showings for unions and organizations has been arranged...
...The speakers Include Norman Thomas, Leo Krzyckt, Winston Dancls, Arthur G. McDowell and Aaron Leven-stein...
...The funeral services were held Friday, Dec...
...5, Actors' Dinner Club...
...DECEMBER li Nathan Fine, "The A. F. of L. In the Present Crisis"— Brighton Beach forum, 1113 Brighton Beach Ave., Brooklyn...
...It, 8:15 p.m., at Queens Labor Lyceum... heudquarters...
...soprano, and string ensemble...
...Although unable to perform the more arduous duties of tils olll.e, he participated In the work of the Executive committee of the brunch up to a few days before he died...
...J. B. S. Hardman, "If Revolution"— 22nd A. 1), 861 Sutter Ave., Brooklyn...
...17—11 s. m., Forward Hour...
...films, there is a great opportunity for unions, soclnl clubs, political organizations, etc, to show films in their own headquarters of definite educational value...
...Discussion on The Agenda for the City Convention...
...Comrade Levy's loyalty and devotion to the movement were a source of Inspiration to all his comrades...
...28, 28, SO and 31...
...6. The first subject will be "A Program for American Socialism...
...21—8:45 p. m., Foreign Affairs Forum, talk...
...8:15, Allan Russell, songs...
...lain and Artem" filmed from the Gorki story will be the next presenta-i 1l.ui of Hi...
...8:45, Michael Strange, "American Poets and Poetry...
...New York to raise at least fit* to pay the expenses of the meeting...
...10:30, "Memory Press Rook," Charles George...
...Vanguard will be needed to act as ushers...
...1638 Bast 1724 SL).-MeeUng, Tues., Dec...
...Herbert Merrill, "Technocracy and Socialism"—2nd A. 1)., 579 Dumont Ave., Brooklyn...
...Jacob List...
...Election of branch officers and executive committee...
...Murray Huron will describe labor conditions under the MIA, the first of a series on the NHA...
...These talks give the women an opportunity to develop opinions and to express them In a friendly, intellectual, and cooperative atmosphere...
...William (...minis, "The History of the American Socialist Movement"— 4th A. I)., 126 Drlanccy St., Manhattan...
...8:15, Oswald Gar-rls.i Vlnllard, talk...
...sec'yj Hymen Finerman, rec...
...Symposiums will be held every Saturday afternoon, 2:30, at the Rand School, beginning Jan...
...between 04th and 95th Sts...
...15, at Amalgamated Temple, 27 Arigon Place, Brooklyn Ethel Sehiirhiier, Jacob Panken, George Goebel and James Redmond will speak...
...Nicholas Ave...
...18—1:30 p. in., Musicale, featuring Edith Clemens, Charlotte Ton-hazy, Carlo Lanzilottl...
...Next business meeting Jan...
...5:30, Harriett Hi It ton...
...Speakers Include Gus Tyler, Aaron Levensteln, Bill Gomberg, Ben Fischer...
...17, at 9. WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW A group of live-wire women tip In the Ainalgauu.ted Cooperative Houses, and some from the Sholem Alechim House urge the women readers of The New Leader to Join them In their second term of twelve afternoon discussion-lectures at the Workmen's Circle School 3990 Saxon Ave., Bronx, beginning at 1:30 p. in and continuing to 3:30 p. m» every Tuesday...
...Joseph Slavlt, "Paradox America" —Williamsburg Socialist Forum, 167 Tompkins Ave., Brooklyn...
...1 m,in n Slide Lecture.—A lecture, accompanied b\ lantern slldcg from the So...
...Branch meeting, Dec...
...29, at the Debs Auditorium...
...Lower (Ih A.D...
...1'elpnrk JJulurr...
...17, at 8:30 p. m. Circle 1, Sr., Kings, will issue a monthly bulletin under editorship of George Novlck...
...Regular monthly business meeting Thurs., Dec...
...City Convention, Sunday, Jan...
...The advancement of the Socialist movement whs never absent from his heart...
...So 1 hope to see you all on the afternoon of December 17, at 3:30, at 2058 Fifth Ave...
...Report to the Executive Secretary at noon for instructions...
...Samuel A. DeWltt, "The Influence of Poetry on Revolutionary Movements"— 18th A. 1)., Branch 1, 1686 President St., Brooklyn...
...Saturday, Dee...
...QUEENS Ridge wood... new headquarters, 2307 Snyder Ave., corner Bedford Ave...
...18, 8:30 p.m...
...Sunday—Professor Mortimer J. Adler: "A Calculus for Justice...
...16, at Hotel Woodstock at a luncheon staring 12:45, arranged by the L. I.D... the Millliclser I uncial Chupel, Lexington Ave...
...17, 7:30 p. m., at 2202 Mermaid Ave., Brooklyn...
...708 Lydlg Ave...
...Klranor Levenson, "Labor In Politics" —East Flatbush Branch, 539 East >5th St., Brooklyn...
...4. Officers and delegates to be elected...
...Circle 6, Sr., Kings, will hear Fritz Eisner on "Austria and Fascfsm" at 167 Tompkins Ave., Brooklyn, Sunday, Dec...
...Tuesday: Professor Mortimer J. Adler: "Modern Science and Ancient Wisdom...
...13 at Socialist Forum Calendar (All meetings begin at 8:30 p. in, unless otherwise Indicated...
...864 Sutter Ave...
...DECEMBER 22 Theodore Shapiro, "Seven Months of NRA"—18th A. I...
...Circle flags and banners will be in evidence...
...Debate: Norman Thomas vs...
...Turks Die—Comrade J. Richard Levy, Inanrial secretary of the branch, lied curly Wednesday morning, Dec...
...8 p. in., Modern American Coin-posers: 8:30, Psychology Clinic of the Air, Dr...
...10:45, William Bowers, Negro baritone...
...Branch held successful local Terianl Defense meeting In conjunction with L.I.I...
...8:30, Music Hall Program: Helen Steele...
...Mass Rally to greet N.E.C...
...for tickets...
...Harry W. Laid ler...
...10:15, WEVD University of the Air, Philosophy Course...
...J. Paper delegate to Kings County Committees...
...Branch 1, 1688 President St., Brooklyn...
...Holding regular weekly meetings...
...Scott Nearing, "Socialism versus Communism" —Brooklyn Forum, Brooklyn Academy of Music, 30 Lafoyctte Ave...
...Membership cards must be shown...
...15, 3 p.m., at party of Bee...
...Conradand Tremont (piano duo), Del Casino...
...SUNDAY, DECEMBER IT Debate: Norman Thomas vs... are made on safety film, and obvlide the necessity for renting large halls equipped with fireproof booths or licensed operators...
...7th A. D. Forum, 789 Elsmere Place, Bronx...
...8:30, Hunter College Musicale...
...16 mm...
...J. D. Hayers, of the Aataria Branch, far many years on* of th* moat active tearhera of Kapcranto la Amerira, la available to the Parly branches far lectures on "Knperanto, lla Growth and Value in the Sorlallat New World...
...class In Socialism, 'Hans., 8:30 p.m...
...Meeting Mon., Dec...
...6:45, Eva Miller, contralto...
...Sandor Uirand...
...30, 2:30 p. m, at the Debs Auditorium...
...A small charge Is necessary to defray expenses...
...10, Mildred Anderson, contralto...
...10:15, "Psychoanalysis": Dr...
...Y.P.S.L NOTES The circle program outline for December by Gus Tyler, national educational secretary el the Y.P.S.L, deals with the history of socialism In the United States before lttl...
...Telegram of protest sent on recent Scottsboro decisions...
...5:15, "Labor Marches On," dramatic sketch...
...159th and 160th Sts...
...23—S p. m., Author Reviews His Book...
...LECTURE NOTES "Medical Liberty or License...
...Circle 10, Sr., Bronx, will hear Leona Finestone on "Diego Rivera and Workers' Art" Sunday, Dec...
...10, 8:30 p.m., at I Arts headquarter!, 22 E. 22ii.l St...
...Debute: Hamilton Fish vs...
...It—5 p. m., Afternoon Musicale, featuring Estelle Hoffman...
...Nicholas Ave., bet...
...New York Vesa Is Prepared—Are You...
...Wed., Jan...
...Representation will be based on dues stamp sales for the entire year of 1933...
...Sun., Dec...
...l»th-21st a. D. (2005 7th Ave...
...January and February educational outlines will deal with the movement during the 20th century...
...7. Local papers will appear abort ly...
...Amalgamated Branch...
...ius Tyler, "Inflation and the Workers"—8th A. I)., 226 East 10th Street, Manhattan...
...18, at V. ishingtoii Heights Y.M.H.A., 975 St...
...Party Notes do TOU WANT propaganda literature...
...Preparations for a gala event under way...
...Fred Harwood will lead discussion on "Communist Manifesto" to bo followed by short business meeting...
...4th 14th A.D...
...Dramatic group meets every Wednesday evening at headquarters, 864 Sutter Ave, Brooklyn...
...Mh 17th A.D...
...BROOKLYN Rings County Eiecatlve Committee.— Friday, Dec...
...Thursday, Dee...
...Harry Schacbner, la...

Vol. 16 • December 1933 • No. 25

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