Hillquit and Thomas to Head Drive for Solomon

Hillquit and Thomas to Head Drive for Solomon 1UORMAN THOMAS and Morris Hillquit, national leaders of the Socialist Party, will head the Socialist mayoralty drive in New York, it was announced...

...It is expected that this area will show signs of party activity in the near future...
...So effective was his talk'' at the last meeting that the crowd remained during a downpour, contributed toward a collection, and then purchased everyone of a large batch of New Leaders...
...Henry J. Rosner has been placed in charge of research and publicity, with Louis E. Yavner as assistant, and under their leadership a campaign handbook will be shortly published with contributions by Morris Hillquit, Norman Thomas, the candidates and other leading Socialists...
...Bring lunch...
...6, Broad St...
...Tuesday, Sept...
...Washington Ave...
...Street meeting on Saturday evening at lower Main and Bank St P; A bus will provide transportation to the state picnic at Metuchen, Sunday, Sept...
...paign will be launched, folowing s Labor Day meeting of the State Committee in Norfolk...
...Volunteers needed during the day «r evening...
...Regular meeting Tuesday, Sept 6/8:30., Dance at headquarters, Saturday, Sept...
...The Party is preparing a concerted effort to put an end to police violations of civil liberties in New York and requests that Julius Gerber, executive secretary, be notified of all such cases...
...The next day Matthew M. Levy, defense counsel, compelled the magistrate to examine the wounds on the bodies of the victims...
...In the East Bronx, on Friday night, at Union Avenue and 160th Street, Sol Marcus, Frank Stern and Dave Tulchin were arrested for holding a meeting...
...When Jack Diamond, Bronx County Socialist Secretary, questioned one of the policemen he too was taken in...
...Before the trial, a protest meeting was held the next night on the same corner...
...Don Matchan is secretary, Charles Welsh treasurer, and Dr...
...A new local was also organized in Mankato...
...if u MANHATTAN 4th'A...
...At ' Waoob meeting Friday, Sept...
...The Queens County committee condemns the arrest of Athos Terzani on framed-up charges for the murder of Anthony Fierro...
...Meeting of speakers will be called during the month for general discussion...
...The local has nominated a full town ticket for the election on Oct 2 and adopted a local platform...
...Both men, incessantly busy with national and international affairs, announce they are eager to take the time to throw their energies in the campaign for the ticket headed by Charles Solomon, candidate for Mayor...
...A number of persons protested against the rough handling and three were arrested...
...Louis Reiss in W. C. Lyceum banquet hall, 7 p. m. Speakers: Frank Kingdon, T. Alexander Cairns, and others...
...Mrs, Elisabeth Lewis Otey, of Lynchburg, U. S. Senator...
...Crown St., New Haven on Sept t, Virginia With much preliminary work ak ready accomplished, the state cam...
...The Bulgarian Social Democratic Party expresses the deepest and most comradely good wishes to The New Leader on behalf of themselves and the Bulgarian working class...
...Hillquit was elected chairman of the campaign committee, Thomas vice-chairman, and Meyer Gillis treasurer and chairman of the finance committee...
...11th A. D. (Ballroom, 901...
...The local has nomin-a ted a full town ticket from Assessor to Constables...
...Though the magistrate stated that he would be glad to be a witness when the case came to trial if he were not presiding over the court, the matter was adjourned, and Stein-hardt's case was still left undetermined...
...7, at which Alexander Kalm, "Candidate for Alderman, will , be present, * IHlh A, 1>, ftfanch 1 (16^6 Resident St...
...It was the first gathering in this area in years, and many old-timers came many miles to attend...
...The local will hold a city convention at 99 E. Main St, Tuesday, Sept 5. A committee is making a study of local coopers-tve possibilities...
...Circle, is alas Party representative to the state Y.P.S.L groups...
...For reservations and information communicate with Socialist Party, 7 East 15th Street, lVXr C, Algonquin 4-2820...
...Hunnyside will hold a reception to mayoralty candidate, Charles Solomon, Thursday, Sept...
...Enrolled v*te*y meeting for tlharl.-s Solo-mon-umier auspice* of - Joint Cam-pain Committee, Monday, Sept...
...The latter was finally acquitted only as a result of a skillful technical plea by Levy...
...Meeting, Tuesday, Sept...
...At 10:30 the apeaker had adjourned the meeting because the police had indicated a desire to cause trouble...
...A number of street meetings have been closed at an early hour, speakers and by-stand-srs have been arrested, and several comrades have been assaulted by policemen...
...l»h A. A*—Meeting, Tuesday, gepb 5, 8:30, 71 Irvitig Place...
...6th A. D. (Pel Park Palace, White Plains Rd...
...side of monument, 7:30 p. m. William M. Feigenbaum, associate editor of The New Leader, speaker...
...2nd A. D. (East Flatbush Br., 486a East' 83rd St...
...Other parts of the city report similar occurrences...
...Em ton...
...Also George H. Goebel and Henry Green...
...D. (126 Delaneey St)— Jelnbmeeting with Dbwhtown Br., .Tuesday, Sept...
...New York City Report of the Paris Conference St Camp Eden Jamboree.—The con-ference over the September 9th and 10th week-end at Camp Eden is arousing tremendous interest...
...Tuesday, Sept 12, surprise welcome home supper to Dr...
...The conference will be devoted entirely From Our Bulgarian Comrades nriiE NEW LEADER has re-* ceived the following letter from the Social Democratic Labor Party of Bulgaria: The common social democratic ideal of the working class, the destruction of the world's capitalist anarchy and its replacement by a world Socialist cooperative commonwealth, requires that the workers of every country should be in touch with and work in cooperation with the struggles and achievements of their comrades in all other countries...
...Meeting, Tuesday, Sept...
...J. Luther Kibler, of Newport News, Lt Governor...
...D. (144 Second Avenue...
...A new local was organised, of which E. T. Kroshus was elected secretary, Paul Rosen-dahl secretary, and Arnold Sater literature agent...
...Local members and •Yipsels are doing good work as pickets in the gerferal dress strike...
...New York County Committee meets Wednesday, Sept...
...The campaign will be one of the most vigorous ever conducted, and will be waged on all possible fronts, with Solomon, Laidler and Crosswaith, as well as local candidates and speakers, on the-ttump in every part of the city...
...6, 6 p. m., party office...
...That same night the police celebrated their victory by going on a rampage at a meeting of the Industrial Union League on the same corner...
...Maeeai hisoeslti New Bedford.—The local is inviting all Socialists in Southern Massachusetts to its annual picnic on Labor Day, Haselwood Park, south...
...The Bejirieaa delegation to the Paris Conference of the Socialist and La-E» International will make their Sjsjiul report and that will be the basis for * general discussion, jkere will also be dancing and a concert Saturday evening, special midnight supper and entertainment, Sunday afternoon, outdoor jports...
...Branch meeting, Tuesday, Sept 5, 8:30...
...Enrolled voters' meeting Thursday, Sept 14, 8:30, in main ballroom of Burnside Manor...
...A committee, headed by George Steinhardt, went immediately to the police booth to inform the arrested persons that legal defense and bail would be promptly arranged...
...Please accept our heartiest greetngs...
...Destination Silver Lake, N. T. Reservations accepted now...
...8, 8:06...
...Every Social ist local is urged to elect two dele, gates to this Congress, which will be held st Convention Hall, 17...
...Upper West Side (100 West 72nd fit...
...More than one thousand comrade) and friends enjoyed the spies...
...Local Socialists will hold an outing at Charles Gro-schel's farm, foot of Sport Hill, on Sunday, Sept 3. Handen...
...Organizers- Meeting...
...Connecticut Congress of Fares, ers sad Workera...
...Richmond Socialists, at an en...
...New Haven...
...Speakers were Raymond W. Henderson of Bakersfield, and George R. Kirkpatrick...
...Socialist Party Progress California Socialists of the central coast region held a successful picnic at itaywood Park, on Monro Bay, near Can Luis Obispo, recently...
...City Central Committee.—Meet-lag, Wednesday, Sept 6, 8:80, at People's House...
...5, 8:30...
...When Steinhardt spoke to the prisoners, he too was arrested...
...and Lydig Ave...
...Several persons were arrested and two persons including a woman eighty years of age were severely clubbed...
...All branch organisers1 should be represented personally er by representatives ft apecial meetings every Tuesday between « and 7 p. m.i tat 1 East 15th Street1 Important matters relative to' organization, branch problems, pubEcfty for The New Leader, street meetings ard taken up...
...William R. Snow of Washington will tour Idaho and Montana soon...
...thusiastic convention last week, selected a full ticket for the House of Delegates: Mrs, Emma L. An* sell, Thomas C. Bottoms, Miss G. Pauline Copley, F. H. Greene, Mrs, Angie M. Norris, A. J. Royal...
...Thomas will formally open his contribution to the campaign in a day or two with a public statement on the futility of "reform" and fusion, and the need of a strong, virile and aggressive Socialist Party...
...Decision on Stoinhardt's case was postponed...
...14, 8.80, in Monroe Court, 43-18 47th St., Sunnyside...
...Report to the city of-#ce, 7 East 15th St...
...Volunteer* Needed for Addrese-|m) - • 'if mailing of over 80,000 letters must go out within two weeks...
...John C. Davis, of Norfolk, Attorney-General...
...Another automobile outing* ar tanged for Sunday, Sept...
...Comrades Weber and Glass will discuss "Fascism'* following the business meeting...
...We are launching a big campaign of education in Marion...
...The committee led off with a substantial contribution The committee is considering establishing a County Socialist paper to he published until the end of the campaign and permanently if it proven a success...
...17, leaving at 9:30 sharp from front of Burnside Manor, Buraside and Harrison Aves...
...Bronx Police In Drive On Socialists DEPORTS from the Bronx indl-•*» cate a special drive against Socialist meetings is being made by the police...
...The committee demanded the arrest of the real murderer and called uppn all Socialist branches and affiliated organizations to support the Terzani Defense Committee, of which Comrade Norman Thomas is chairman, with all possible publicity and contributions...
...A committee has been formed under the chairmanship of Adrian Gambet to investigate...
...Regular semi-monthly business meeting Thursday, Sept 7...
...Permanent headquarters will be discussed...
...Yorkvjlie.—Fourth annual Reunion Dinner at Labor Temple, 843 East 84th St., Saturday evening, October 7. This event has become traditional for New York Socialists...
...6, 8:45.' 1 J6th A, D. (J020—76th Street)— Membership meeting, Thursday, Sept...
...16, Flatbush Branch (2239 Church Ave...
...Three weeks ago at Walton Avenue and 170th Street a policeman attempted to atop Aaron Lev-enstein but he insisted that Socialists don't work under an NRA code that specifies their hours...
...Indiana Marion.—The local recently sponsored a picnic attended by members from Kokomo, Huntington, Muncie, Hartford City, Montpelier and Indianapolis, and a fine time was had by all...
...The state ticket consists of George Cary White, of Prince George County, Governor...
...One of the most successful picnics in the history of local Bridgeport was held at Success Park on Sunday, Aug...
...The cost of the round trip will be 75 cents...
...Meeting at Military Park, Wednesday, Sept...
...New Jersey Newsrk...
...For reservations call or write George'Steinhardt, Bronx County headquarters, 9 West' 1.70th Street, er Jack Altman, 7 East 15th St 2nd A. I...
...At the trial two were found guilty and one discharged...
...BROOKLYN Downtown (157 Montague St...
...Musical program will follow...
...An excel, lent slate will be presented to Vir...
...All county meetings take place last Friday at Monroe Community Court, 47th Street, near Queens Boulevard...
...As soon as the meeting was ended, however, officer 11119 dispersed the crowd with his club...
...All young people interested in the Socialist youth movement are ssked to get in touch with Alfred Loyd, 336 George St, New Raven, Comrade Loyd, a member of the New Haven Y.P.S.L...
...No branch meeting Monday, Sept 4. QUEENS County Committee.—At well attended county.' committee, August ¦25th, much enthusiasm and interest displayed as to general activities as well as coming campaign...
...The Bronx Executive Committee was in session...
...Aaron Levenstein of New York will speak Saturday evening, Sept 2, at Main and Passaic Aves., at 8:30 p. m. Passaic nominates William K. Tallman of Jersey City as its champion New Leader salesman...
...If owner of ear, or friend of owner of car, get in' touch with Jack Diamond, 9 West 170th St., Topping 2-6660, or George Steinhardt Foundation 8-9084, to let them know for how many there will be room...
...Election of central committee dele-gate...
...BRONX Thomas and Solomon at Dinner (or Clarence Senior—Bronx County is arranging buffet supper in honor of National Secretary Senior, Thursday, Sept...
...These two locals are the first to be organized south of the Twin Cities...
...10, at the Sleeping Giant State Park...
...5, «:«0...
...Meeting, Tuesday, Sept 5. Haim Kant6h>rich will lead discussion on the Socialist International Congress, ei . , •«» ' A. D. (Burnajde Manor, Bumside and Harrison Avenues...
...State Secretary Emma Henry, Steve Garrison and others spoke...
...9 West 170th Street —meeting of Executive Committee Wednesday, Sept 6, 9. Plans for the baton will be mapped out - 3rd A. D. (904 Prospect Ave...
...De Coster literature agent...
...1, H.yO, a Jewish studa/jt Just from pitleria wiH speak...
...Connecticut The stats executive committee is mobilizing the party strength behind labor organisation under the NRA...
...All interested in going will make arrangements with Olga Sscheroff, 368 Summer St Tel.: Sherwood 2-4678...
...Hillquit and Thomas to Head Drive for Solomon 1UORMAN THOMAS and Morris Hillquit, national leaders of the Socialist Party, will head the Socialist mayoralty drive in New York, it was announced from party headquarters after a meeting of the City Campaign Committee...
...j tfW International Situation...
...7, 6 p. in., at Hum side Manor, Burnside and Harrison 'Aves., Bronx...
...Idaho Socialists will hold a state convention in Twin Falls on Sept...
...Many other arrests are taking place...
...The police did not interfere...
...Harry W. Laid-ler, candidate for Controller, and Frank R. Crosswaith, candidate for President of the Board of Aldermen...
...Norman Thomas, Charles Solomon, Matthew Levy and Henry Fruchter will speak...
...Minnesota George Riedell and Robert Dullea spoke in Spring Grove last Sunday, the first Socialist meeting ever held there...
...ginia voters in the November else* tion...
...There will be a basket picnic Sunday, Sept...

Vol. 16 • September 1933 • No. 10

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