Socialist Party Progress

Socialist Party Progress CALIFORNIA em,l plant are being made for a, »niiu»l ttate convention to be ua ta Paaadena, Saturday and ZJf, February «^». atoportt C^Ucalt throughout the State 2?ate...

...A. Batten of New City will preside...
...Snd A. D.—Social evening a*J dance haa been arranged for Sate?, day, Feb...
...Sunday nights to the Y.P.S.L...
...DeWitt 3rd A. D.—Surprise I lane* Ye BeUaasie Manor, 904 t'.o,u...
...INDIANA Ths National Executive Committee will meet in Indianapolis March Uth and 12th...
...banks refuse to strangle themselves with unsalable real estate on which they are entitled to foreclose...
...Throughout the meeting the Communists kept bawling out their "demands," but were drowned out in tries of "throw him out...
...1HI A. D, Branch 1.—Luncheon u bean arranged to celebrate tk anniversary of organisation of at branch at Oriental Restaurant, 43» St...
...23rd... with 9 charter members...
...24th, the Maplewood Mtlibura Branch will meet at the home of E. L. Aeken, 04 Mountain Ave., MapUweod...
...Next week, James OneaL The branch plana a Russian Vtckerinka or informal convival evening, Sunday, Feb...
...Practically all of them represent Socialist and Labor organizations...
...Prominent speakera, meral merriment and good com tdeship...
...MICHIGAN Has appointed an Education Committee, of which Jean Seidel is chairman, to promote study classes throughout the state, building on ths successful labor college work being done in Detroit Outlines are available from the state office for classes in economics, public speaking, Socialist philosophy and program (the national headquarters' course) and history of ths labor movement...
...atoportt C^Ucalt throughout the State 2?ate that the convention will be Z^oAtd by one of the largeat delt„u bodies ever assembled in the C,M There are now about 66 2w locals and branches...
...Adjourned meeting will take place Saturday evening, Feb...
...The tentative list of speakers includes Algernon Lee, Bruno Wagner and Abraham Cahan...
...3 at the high school assembly and the Young People's Society at Askov...
...Following the suggestion made by the National Executive Committee the comrades everywhere are sccepting this course ss part of the nstionsl educational program...
...Jessie Wallace Hughan has just completed a course on International Socialism...
...Refreshments will be served...
...MANHATTAN 8th A. D.—Imporatnt meeting on Monday, Feb...
...Algernon Lee, President of the Rand School, reports the Workers' Training CIsss for the third term of the school year is larger than it has been before, consisting of 268 students pursuing studies on free scholarships, taking regular courses to fit them for work in the Socialist and Labor movement...
...Saturday night, Feb...
...New York State Legislative Hearings.—State Secretary Merrill, who waa in Albany Monday of this week, reports thst the joint Labor and Industry Committees of the Senate and Assembly will give two days, March 1st and 2nd, to hearings oh Compensation Law and Labor Law amendments...
...They were well represented at the public hearings of the Board of Apportionment and Taxation m e e t i n g s to protest strongly against the budget The lone Socialist Alderman, Fred Schwarzkopf, led tho fight...
...The following ticket has been named for the spring elections — Judiciary, Civil Court: Arthur Shutkln, Rudolph Kudroeh, George Mensing, Robert Hess...
...Marions-Local Socialists were shocked recently when Clint Grow, a bottle blower and member of the Socialist Party, was instantly killed by a Nickel Plate train...
...Hall, Sullivan and Union St*., Wednesday evening, Feb...
...Margaret and Robert Dullea will speak Feb...
...Monthly dance Saturday night, Feb...
...25, Robert A. Hoffman will speak on "Men and Machines...
...and St...
...will be debated by Morris Goldberg and an anti-evolutionist speaker at the In gersoll Forum, Pythian Temple, 135 W. 70th St., Sunday, at 8. The following Cooper Union lectures are scheduled by the People's Institute: Feb...
...Three others have been organized in the state recently...
...Branch Secretaries.—Because of the legal holiday Wednesday, all branch notices meat be in the party office by 10 o'clock Tuesday to get into The New Leader...
...Sunday night forum continuing...
...19th, 8 p. as.— Max Delsen will lecture oa "Breaking Through the Breadlines" at the Poliah Educational Ball, 256 Court St Sunday...
...The committee is also encouraging the use of workers' plays...
...Unusual Interest has been show snd other classes will be formed...
...landlords cannot collect rents...
...The local is using the Rand School study outline...
...All lectures start at 8 o'clock...
...Wharton Clay, of the Nyack Trade and Barter Exchange, Thos...
...21, at 8:16...
...New Haven.—Walter J. Couper, commissioner of labor, spoke on "State Employment Oflires" at the loer.t) meeting Monday night...
...Jersey City— Morris Gordin on "The Philosophy of Socialism," 94 Belmont Ave., 8 p. m. West New York.-Morria Gordin, "Technocracy," 17th S t and Tyler Place, 7:80 P m. Rosalie.—Sunday, Feb...
...The number of classes taking the Correspondence Course in Socialism continues to grow...
...CONNECTICUT Bridgeport—Jacob Panken will lecture Sunday, Feb...
...list A. D.—Branch meeting will • held Monday, Feb...
...The School conducts 48 claas sessions a week, 41 in the evening and 2 in the afternoon...
...Paesair —Branch 1 will present at Its lecture forum Friday evening, Feb...
...Half of the proceeds •™j »• donated to the Kentucky BERENBERG AND MEAD TO DEBATE SOCIALISM "Can Capitalism Survive...
...Tickets at all prices from Edwin Koppel 460 Audubon Ave...
...The party is growing month by month and will eventually, we hope, regain its old-time strength...
...The Unemployed League of the Lower West Side meets every Friday night...
...Sam Friedman will apeak on "Reform and Revolution...
...18, 8:30...
...Borough Park.—New Executive Committee consists of Chas...
...He ia survived by his father and mother, two sisters, a brother and two eons Ha amend — Starting campaign foi spring elections with full city ticket Many new members joining...
...They give ample evidence of the Party's belief in education...
...22, 2 p. m., at 7308 Bay irkway...
...21, at Y.M.H.A., 159th St...
...Monday, Feb...
...Bridge party Saturday, March 4, at 1721 East 12th St...
...28, and has in prospect a dance in conjunction with the Paasaic Ypsela...
...PromiLBI speaker will address next Zktg, rah...
...The Fipteli distinguished themselves i a debate on Socialism with a ncisl club...
...It is still possible to start a group and finish the course before summer...
...Robert Shosteck was elected organizer of Branch 1, succeeding J. Mahlon Barnes, who declined to stand for re-election...
...I may safely predict," writes L. C. Tamer, "that by May Day we will be holding thirty meetings a week...
...Wednesday, Feb...
...State Convention will be held in Richmond, Feb...
...Friday several comrades traveled to Hartford to represent the Party at a hearing on a bill submitted by the Party to establish a more equitable representation of the' cities in the House of Representatives...
...The school has 24 instructors...
...Wolf Adler will lecture on "Is Man Incurably Religious...
...under the auspices of the Freethinkers of America, Steinway Building, 113 W. 67th St., Sunday at 3:30...
...8, Newark, will meet at party headquarters, and the Bloomfleld Branch will meet in the Pythian Hall, 818 Glen wood Ave., Bloomfleld...
...The War of Classes for Control of Life," 802 Locust St., 8:15 p. as.: Feb...
...17, David P. Berenberg...
...Jaoper McLcvy, town chairman, was spokesman for the Partv at a maas meeting held under the* auspices of the Taxpayers' League as a protest against high taxes...
...Capitalist Development and Social Change...
...An excellent musical program has been arranged co supplement games, dancing and refreshments...
...The first lecture will be by L. B. Boudin on "The Theoretical System of Karl Marx...
...has been organized for more than two months...
...An Allegheny County Y.P.S.L...
...the former are a Class in Socialism for women, by Esther Friedman and August Claessens, Monday at two, and a class in the same subject conducted by Gus Tyler for Junior Yipsels Saturday afternoons...
...Hou* comittee of Anna Woiss, Mrs Schwartz and Bass appointed Saturday, March 11, a social ml be held, called the Russian Can* raderie, formal opening of the Ms headquarters...
...25, branch will conduct ita third camaraderie, "Russian Night...
...The Bankers Force Wage Cute, a lour-page leaflet is now ready for distribution...
...Details next week...
...25, at headquarters...
...19th, t sw at* August Claiaestii, Jewish Community Center Hall...
...Everett Dean Martin, "Malthus: Essay on the Principles of Population—The Contribution of Biology to Political Philosophy...
...Rockland County.—The local will hold ita second lecture at Pernor's Hobnob Restaurant, Nyaek Turnpike, Nanuet, Sunday, at 8 p. m. Mrs...
...Thursdays a elass in Socialism...
...The largest group comes from the Socialist Party, the next largest from the Young People's Socialist League...
...21 (Washington* Birthday Eve...
...Seven important committees reported progress in organizing tenants, conducting the Sunday evening forum, starting a Socialist study class, maintaining the party dqaheaurters, and in furthering other local activities...
...Meet*, will be held Sunday evening, Mirri 12, at Brooklyn Academy of Mu«., 30 Lafayette Ave...
...The recent affair at the Bellamy Club was very 'w^cee*** thanks to splendid e*>M^T Fine program by Jacob i-Vuerrn* at the piano and by Samuel...
...Election of Central Committee delegate branch organiser, delegates to City Convention, report of finance and auditing committee, final decision upon a meeting night Chelsea.— More than 400 workers visit headquarters at 52 West 8th St weekly for branch meetings, unemployed league and forum...
...Radio Oratorical Conteet— Sun«y, February 19th, at 2, a contest will be held at the League Center JJ Pick the best speaker on "The lias and Development of the American Labor Movement...
...near Claremont Parkway), the Bronx, Feb...
...VIRGINIA Richmond.—The handful of Richmond Communists, led by ths now famous "martyrs," Abe Tomkin and Thomas H. Stone (Stone was recently expelled from the Socialist Party aa a Communist "plait"), thoroughly disgusted a public which had been entirely sympathetic at a mass meeting in the John Marshal H. S. Auditorium...
...The L.I.D...
...WISCONSIN Milwaukee...
...t ink A. D.—Branch hat ob- ~LT*W headquarters at 289 2 trd St, where ft will meet "1 Monday...
...20, at 9, at 1539 Madison Ave...
...W. B. Tipton, Mrs...
...Dance music by Rubinoff and his famous orchestra...
...A discussion group in Sociansa will meet every Tuesday, aegh, sing Feb...
...21 at 8 p. m., ia the home of Comrade Rutes, 849 Linden Boulevard...
...Braaak aetjvttiea ami plans ere direericled a bi-weekly newspaper, "The Neighborhood News...
...20, at busiaen meeting delegates to the City Convention will be instructed...
...The textbook will be Bernard Shaw'a "Intelligent Woman'a Guide to Socialism and Capitalism...
...7. Amendment* to ByLaws...
...8. County Organiser... the Community Forum, 560 W. 110th St., Sunday at 8 p. m. John Haynes Holmes and V. F. Calverton will speak on "Economic and Spiritual Determinism" at Town Hall, 11 a. ro...
...Topic: "The Crisis of Capitalism and Its Significance for Socialism...
...Leah Stark Is organiser and Howard Oshny is educational director of this live group...
...FLORIDA The Pensaeola Socialists are publishing "The People's Economist," a weekly edited by J. J. Patton, chairman of the State Committee...
...17, at the Amalgamated Clothing Workers Hall, William M. Felgenbaum on "The Road to Freedom...
...The new Fair Haven branch, at a meeting on Feb...
...Calabritto, financial secretarytreaaurer, and Selvatere Formica, literature agent NEW JERSEY Newark, Feb...
...1377 42nd St...
...Washington Heights 7-6744...
...Sixty-five members of the Grange were present...
...19th, at 8 p. m., Workmen* Circle Hall, Grand St, Rosalie...
...Friday, Feb, 24, 8:80, 810 Locust St.: Haina Kaatoroviteh...
...19, at 2, at Burnside Manor, 86 West Burnside Ave...
...A strike of unionized city em- Cees, forced by an unfriendly ocratic Mayor, is a factor in the situation...
...The members have voted to continue their work, with Esther Friedmsn as teacher, and to make their next course one in Advanced Socialism...
...QUEENS Sunnyside.—Feb...
...Subject: Economic Evolution...
...R. A. Townsend, Mrs...
...LECTURE NOTES The first of three lectures by Scott Nearing on The New World Economy, will be given in Ambassador Hall, 3876 Third Ave...
...Women's Committee.—The class in Socialism and Public Speaking with Instructors Esther Friedman and August Claessens will continue its sessions every Monday afternoon at 2*30...
...and Second Ave., beginning Feb...
...This is the third educational meeting arranged under the auspices of the Educational Committee, Local New York...
...28, under the auspices of Local Olean...
...The labaftunjftax of the city furnish a large cbiitin' gent, and well represented are the Women's Circle, Young Circle League, Pcale Zion...
...Fully two-thirds of the working population jobless...
...Thursday, March 16, at 8:30...
...Waahington Heights.—We are running a theatre party at "Biography...
...Mary Hlllyer, Helen Plckenhack, Edward Levin son and Donold Reiff elected dele antes to the City Convention...
...PENNSYLVANIA Philadelphia.—The Labor Institute School waa organibed in 1982 as a radical Social Science Institute by the Labor Institute and the Socialist Party...
...Arrangements were made for a public debate to be held next month...
...21, 8:30, at 365 'ompkins Ave...
...Educational features of the week include Rebel Arts dance group Wednesday evening end study classes Thursday end Friday tveningt...
...Comrade Wegener had been actively associated with the Socialist movement in New York City and its suburbs for the past 25 years...
...OHIO The Socialist Party and the YPSL of Cuyahoga County adopted strong resolutions protesting against the sentence of Angelo Herndon, Negro Communist, to 20 years in Georgia, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington, D. C, Socialists, at a business meeting held last Friday night, paused long enough to pay respect to the memory of J. Webb Richman, for many years the leading Socialist worker in the Capital...
...81st, the Mont clalr Branch will meet at the home of Thomas C. Galligan at 6 Hawthorne Place...
...There are 186 women and 181 men...
...Benjamin (ieberrky and Alfred Loyd were elected to fill vacancies on the city executive committee...
...Saturday nights sre given to sociability...
...Meta BtTgsr, Martin C. Baumann, J. R. wttea, Leo Wolfson, Henry Ruts, ftrfolph Beyer...
...Correspondence Coarse...
...19th, at 4, at the YCLA Center, the John Dewey Y.C.C., Branch MM W.O., will have a lecture on T)rg*m»,lng Uniona In the Coal fields of West Virginia and Hli*>i»" by Mary Hillyer...
...No dates have yet been announced for hearing* on Unemployment Insurance or on amendments to the Election Law, The principal bills on Unemployment Insurance were referred to the Senate Finance Committee and the Aasembly Ways and Meana Committee...
...Johns Place, Wednesday fening, Feb...
...near Harrison...
...The sessions will be held Mondsy afternoons, 2 to 8:30, beginning February 27, continuing for twelve sessions...
...New members are invited to join, but the membership will necessarily be limited to about fifty...
...Local Marion County, which includes Indianapolis and suburbs, has adopted branch organisation with a County Central Committee...
...Dunkirk.—Local Dunkirk, under the leadership of Organizer E. W. Sherman, 414 Leopard St., now haa 24 members and recently organised a Y.P.S.L...
...8L 8th A. D.—Branch members wen ahaamad to hear of the suae** death of Norman Thomas Brad, ford, 2-year-old son of Comrades Bradford, former membei* of thy branch...
...Meetings are held in the lecture room of the Public Library...
...2. Finances...
...Lectures in headquarters every Tuesday at 9. Morningside Heights.—At last branch meeting members were urged to send clothing to the Miners' Relief, care of L.I.D., 112 East 19th St...
...Admission, 50 eenti...
...H. Goebel en "How to Avert Revolution ia America...
...The first Y.P.S.L...
...New Leaflet...
...YOUNG CIRCLE LEAGUE NEWS Syisposlam.—Haim Kantorovich, Philip tieliebter, Educational Director o! the Workmen'a Circle, and J. L. Afros, National Director of the Young Circle League, will l*»d a symposium on "Yiddish, Socialism, and the Young Circle Ugue," at 8 W. 16th St., February 19th, at 8:30...
...Each week classes are added to the list, extending from Massachusetts to California and from Florida to Alberta...
...Pittsburgh.—Circle No...
...Comrade Wegener died suddenly In Union Hospital, New York City, following a very brief illness...
...18, at the 71st Regiment Armory, 84th Street and Park Avenue...
...1222 Locust S t : James Woodard ."Crime and Punishment" August Claessens will deliver e series of five lectures, starting Saturday, March 4, 8:30, at 810 Locust St, on "Social Problems and the Social Scenes...
...Ave* Feb...
...Major Joseph Wheles will spesk on "Who's Who in Heaven," at 2:30...
...Six canvassers out visiting enrolled Scoalists...
...Fifteen branches hare been organised with others forming...
...the Debs Young Circle Club Wl celebrate its Fifth Anniversary jna a dance...
...There will be 106 delegates...
...Upper West Side.—Branch meeting...
...Agenda: 1. The County Ball on March 18...
...Norman Thomas, Frank Crosswaith, Leo M. Kryeki and Carl D. Thompson have spoken here, with Dr...
...Aa Educational Committee has been elected which haa already started Ave classes ia the branches with the Rand School extension course of Soientiae Socialism...
...Jackson, John E. Wilson, g B. Thomas, Mrs...
...BRONX Bronx County M e m b e r s h i p Meeting.—Important Bronx membership meeting on Sunday, Feb...
...It is a mine of facts regarding the development of that movement in this country... headed by Fred W. JackJon, ties chairman of the S. E. C. Otberi tre John C. Packard, na^.i executive committeeman, u- John C. Packard, Sheldon ..„u Frank R. Noble, Ethel Cd...
...Refreshments after the meeting...
...Tuesday, Feb...
...Central Committee has been organized and has delegates from the five circles in the district MAINE Augusta, Maine, Feb...
...Meetings every LfSy st the 91st A. D. headLgrtert, 8889 Church Ave...
...3 of the Y.P.S.L...
...The branch new paper ia expected to come off tU ore** at the official opening...
...Olean.—Robert A. Hoffman, organiser of Local Buffalo, will speak on "Men and Machines" in the I.O.O.F...
...lectures have drawn good crowd...
...OKLAHOMA Starting Tom Elliott on an or •anliing tour in the eattern part of the state, building new organisations and suggesting new lines ef work to the older locals and hranebM.' MISSOURI Kansas City is holding study cliiiri in different parts of the city, gathering small groups in the homes of comrades and friends...
...The winner will deB»tr his talk over Radio Station "BVD Saturday, February 26th, P. m. fifth Anniversary Dance.—Saty™«y evening, at the Young Circle tfHue Auditorium, 3 West 16th...
...A large majority were bora in the United States, but nearly all the countries ef the world ars represented...
...S. A. DeWitt will speak...
...G Herbert EkTms will speak...
...Amicus Most addressed last branch meeting...
...Marion Malone was elected financial secretary, and an executive committee of five was elected to add to the varied program of party activities...
...IDAHO Buhl.—George F. Hibner, ens of the most active party workers, haa been meeting the attacka by Communists by drawing ipon the material of James Oneal's history, 'American Communism...
...Laet CaU for Tickets for Forward Ball for the benefit of the Socialist Party and allied organizations, will be held Saturday evening, Feb...
...Gertrude Bates, Mrs...
...Music by Shapiro String Quartet...
...Admission 10 cents...
...5. Bronx Tenant** Emergency League...
...Superisor: Charles W, Taylor...
...Recently Comrade Hibner had about a column in a local daily in answer to this criticism and it haa been helpful in clearing up some confusion...
...The present very successful class for women at the Rand School will hold its final session February 20th...
...William M. Feigenbaum's profile of Richman, in a recent issue of The New Leader, was read...
...Norman Thomas will spesk on "Can Intelligence Master Chaos...
...85, 2:80, at Jerome Count's office, 285 Madison Aye, Hoffman end A. Oil boon elected refreshment committee...
...Admisbs, 56 cents...
...26, at 2, on "The Menace of Fascism and Hitler...
...The Rend School wishes to acknowledge the loyal and comradely support it is receiving from the National Office and from the state secretaries in promoting this course...
...Karl Marx Memorial.—Executive Committee of Local New York ia arranging an impressive commemoration on the 50th anniversary of the death of Karl Marx at the Town Hall, Sunday afternoon, March 19...
...lisststsrtt Unit of Socialist 'aaea will meet Wednesday afteroon, Feb...
...David P. Berenberg, teacher, lecturer, economist and writer, author of rtandard and authoritative works on Socialist theory and one of the editors of the American Socialist Quarterly, will argue that capitalism cannot survive, while Professor Nelson P. Mead of New York City College will take ths opposite position...
...21st, Professor Edward Kssner, "The Disruption of the Atom: Modern Alchemy...
...ILLINOIS Chicage^-Cook County is ar»n«ing a bazaar to be held Friday, Saturday end Sunday, February 24th, 26th and 26th, at Party Headquarters, 3262 W. North Ave...
...John Ise, Garfield Cox, Karl Borders and Oscar Aineringer to speak here on successive Wednesdays until March 8th...
...Annual Musicals and Entertainment, Rockaway Branch, 1855 Mott Ave., Far Rockaway, Saturday, Feb...
...was started in Minneapolis last week...
...3—Speaking before the regular meeting of Gardiner Grange, Lawrence E. Brawn opened Kennebec County program for 1933...
...19th, Nathaniel Peffer, "History's Lessons: 1933 the Political and Economic Reckoning...
...uuj A. D—Forums continue Miff evenings, A new series of Htnret is Yiddish begins on Sunay evening, Feb...
...Is Evolution True...
...Mason Morrell, Irving Mitchell, Pauline Steinberg, Sol Weinstons, R. L. Bobrick and Harry Chsnin...
...Brighton Beach.—The E ;utivt Committee met at headquarter«, 1118 Brighton Beach Ave...
...Recognition must be given, not only to the Party officials, but to the unnsmed Jimmle Higglnscs everywhere who hsve given their time and energy to organising groups and raising the necessary money for fees...
...The Auguata Local has worked out a quota for Kennebec County...
...One of the best attended meetings that the branch has.held was enlightened on political and economic conditions in Japan by Brother Fugimura...
...It has endorsed Peter Sjodln for alderman in the ninth ward...
...William M. Feigenbaum will reminisce about the movement in the past...
...School Board: Mrs...
...Weisa and Weinfeld elected to the Conference on Unemployment Insurance...
...14, the following were elected delegates to the City Convention: E. P. Clarke, L. Rogin, E. Lurie, C. B. Garfinkel...
...Members of the committee will All speaking engagements at nearby locals and universities befere and altar the aba** dates...
...Branch meetiat, Thursday, Feb...
...The Workers' Training < lass...
...RAND SCHOOL NOTES New Rand School Class for Women...
...19, with B. jjritsn ef the Forward aa the Maker...
...G. W. Heskint, Mrs...
...A banquet will be held at a leading hotel on the 11th and a mass meeting at Tomlinson Hall on the 12th...
...Lsctarea Sunday afternoon, Feb...
...Ritson Bellinger, C. W Hillier, Mrs...
...Frank Kingdon will apeak at the meeting of the Young People'* Socialist league at 84 Park Place...
...Alternates: E. Oxhandler, Nathan Fine and Mark Khinoy...
...20, 8:30...
...Admisiea, U cents The dramatic group tier the able direction of Mary ttkoirg is engaged in the proaction of "Black 'EJ1," a war play j Miles Malleson...
...Excellent work being done in membership campaign...
...Friday, Feb...
...21, at Burnside Maaar, Bui naide and Harrison Ave*, M' the French room...
...19, Mark Starr, "Commodities and Their Values...
...9, on "Socialist City Administration...
...ITta, Dr...
...Feb, Sfth, Henry Fruchter will speak on "Democracy or Dictatorship...
...His subject was "The Farmer, His Place in the Puzxle...
...Every Young Circle Branch may appoint « entrant...
...speakers: Morris Hillquit, Theodore Shapiro and Norman Thomas...
...Factory payrolls have shrunk to a fifth, some say a tenth, of what they used to be...
...Brownsville Unit ef Socialist Women meets Tuesday, Feb...
...Weinfeld and Garfinkel were elected to the new City Central Committee...
...Tuesday, Feb...
...10, elected Peter Panico, organizer...
...Picket* of the union are conspicuous at the City Hall, and the City Employees' Union is taking the lead in the fight to prevent breaking down wage scales by the relief agency which is headed by a representative of the General Electric This unparalleled situation :s creating renewed interest in Socialism, and the circle of the Y.P.S.L...
...6. Unemployed Leagues...
...The price is 88 a thousand...
...Admittance to Party members only...
...Saturday evening, Feb...
...It is not a debate on whether capitalism ought to survive, or whether Socialism ought to take its place, but whether capitalism has within itself sufficient strength to ride out the present depression...
...22nd, Branch No...
...Mid wood.—Last Tuesday J. B, Matthews gave an Interesting talk Monday night, Feb...
...Propaganda and membership committee meet Saturday, Feb...
...Harlem Branches meet on Monday, Feb...
...The audience left thoroughly disgusted with the two men whom they had come to help, and thia was the net achievement of the two "rrrevolutionists...
...Eleanor Brantion will peek lTtl A. D.—Branch meeting {•assay, Feb...
...MINNESOTA Minneapolis—The party which had lost its political identity in the Farmer-Labor party is emerging as an independent party, and is trying its political wing3 in the next city election...
...The local is saddened by the death of Comrade Hortense Wegener of Nyack...
...Nicholas Ave...
...Workers' Unemployed Leagues...
...A class in Socialism—leader, Dorothy Rock of the University of Minnesota—is being held every Tuesday with 30 people...
...20, at 14-1 Second Ave...
...Schenectady.—There is no city of the state more severely hit by the depression than the one which used to boast that it "lights and hauls the world...
...The principal speakers will be Norman Thomas, Moms Hillquit and Dan Hoan...
...25, at the Rand School...
...4. County Autonomy...
...The entertainment program will include a motion picture...
...W. Davis and others will speak on "The Use of Script Money as an Emergency Relief Measure...
...Comrade Grow was an active party mem Kir his death is a severe blow to the local movement Grow's body waa terribly mutilated...
...802 Locust St., 5:30 p. m. t'hiUdelphia Lectures...
...A number of stage celebrities will be present, featuring Jack Pearl, "Baron Munchausen...
...The P»*\ -nfok has witnessed the Party taking part actively In civic affairs...
...Branches are urged to call local mass meetings March 4th in conjunction with auch meetings throughout the country by the National Federation of Unemployed Leagues, to make an effective fight for relief...
...19, 5:30, 810 Locust St: Mark Starr, "Commodities and Their Value...
...Anti-Hitler Meeting.—The Socialist Party and The Neue Volksseitung are arranging a mass meeting in Town Hall, Sunday afternoon, Feb...
...12th A. D.—niembers urged to bring friends to social evening at 71 Irving Place, Tuesday, Feb...
...William R. Bloor, recording secretary...
...The Role of the Intellectuals in the Present Crisis" will be the subject of a courae of symposia to be given in the Labor Temple, 14th St...
...22, at 7:80...
...will be the subject of the debate before the Brooklyn Forum Sunday night, February 19, at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Lafayette Ave., near Flat bur h. The debaters will represent the point of view of Socialism, and of those who believe that the present order will be able, in some form or another, to continue functioning...
...meets ZLrm st 4; Falcons, Friday M Jeadty school holds aeaZs st 1L III, A. D.- Branch is showing , treat growth...
...17th, Dr...
...New York City City Convention.—The first session of the City Convention will be held Saturday, Feb...
...Prob*!, (50 delegates will present .—Um\m The convention com35...
...George R. Kirkpatrick, and Alfred Ludlow...
...recently organized in Schenectady promises to be s big asset to the local...
...Unemployed meeting Tuesday, Feb...
...Further information is to be secured at the Party office...
...28, in headquarters, I West 170th St BROOKLYN Karl Marx Memorial Meeiin, . Ticket* are new en sale at tl King* County branches and at uu city office, 7 B. 15th St...
...Forthcoming lectures Feb...
...The fee for the twelve sessions will be |1.50...
...A card party and sola) will be held Saturday evening, tb...
...25, at 2:30, in the Debs Auditorium, 7 East 15th Street City Central Committee...

Vol. 15 • February 1933 • No. 7

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