Lightening Debt Burdens by Nice Financial Faith Cure

Rosner, Henry J.

By Henry J. Rosner Lightening Debt Burdens by Nice Financial Faith Cures Analysis of Roosevelt's Program of Relief Shows That It's a Program of Boot-Strap Lifting. I N last week'*, New Leader...

...Girls go home at night so tired they cry in utter weariness...
...So much wretchedness and misery that you feel helpless...
...It does not make any difference to the unemployed, however, what federal relief is called...
...Prices did not rise 6 % a t first, but subsequently fell below the September 1 9 3 1 level...
...A large colonial farmhouse has been taken over and fixed up by a group of college faculty, men and women...
...that they are retarding the downward movement, but not changing Its direction...
...But today— well, today thousands of women and girls are the sole support of families...
...It is evident that a policy which doss act enonaouaJy increase the federal money* lor relief boa merely changes the tarminologg will not substantially alleviate the distress of millions of Americana If the President really wants to raise prices, raster* employment and properly meet the needs of the unemployed, inflation would be used to provide $ 8 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 of unemployment relief instead of pumping more money into the banks...
...The amoeba was just a single cell of goo...
...There is no evidence that the proposed inflation program contemplates anything of the sort...
...or a t least to play dumb...
...Applesauce, girls...
...With Goethe we must lament: Eine grouse Epoehe hat das Jakrhundert geboren, aber der grosse Moment findet ein kleine.s Geschleckt...
...They called women unnatural who simply happened to run counter to the accepted ideas of their limited time...
...They ought, therefore, not to he exclusively absorbed in these unavoidable guerilla fights incessantly springing up from the everceasing encroachments of capital or changes of the market...
...The times cry for healing...
...England's experience is illuminating in this connection...
...They ought to understand that, with all the miseries it imposes upon them, the present system simultaneously engenders the material conditions and the social forms necessary for an economical reconstruction of society.| Instead of the conservative motto, "A fair day's wages for a fair day's work" they should inscribe on their banner the revolutionary watchword, "Abolition of the wages .system By Gertrude Weil Klein Girls Battle Starvation In Elizabeth Shirt Strike ELIZABETH, New Jersey, is only a half-hour's train ride from New York...
...The farmers in the West, especially in Iowa, Minnesota, Washington, Nebraska, Oregon and the Dakota*, are manifesting unmistakable signs of revolt...
...The director is William H. Bridge, formerly assistant professor at Hunter College, andKedar Nath Das Gupta Is director of Public Relations...
...At the same time, and quite apart from the general servitude involved in the wages system, (he working*class ought not to exaggerate to themselves the ultimate working out of these everyday struggles...
...C o n d i t i o n s everywhere are wretched...
...We went in for careers, and politics, they said, because we had no men to adore...
...A staff of ten has been enlisted including college professors in sociology, psycho] ;igy, physical education, comparative religions and instructors in the arts...
...No salaries are being paid...
...Saturday, May 2 7 , the Forum will hold a whist tournament and dance at 2 0 0 5 Seventh Ave...
...Crosswaith will continue his series of lectures at the People's Educational Forum, 2 0 0 5 Seventh Ave...
...1 , 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 00 was pumped into the banks in this way but to no avail mostly because business was so bad that the banks an* few sjuyiitustStee tor profttsJsle fcvtstmsa*, | t these open market eperatioM are pursued oa a large enough seals, credit will be loosened ap aosnowhat because of the pressure of Idle funds earn* ing ao BBtorest- This tendency, however, will be enormously checkmated by the fact thst apportunities for safs investment will be small as long as the masses don't hsve money to spend...
...but this praise worthy interest and genuine sympathy of the Negro masses should not be interpreted as Negro endorsement of Communist tactics...
...That s-as when men held the absolute nave goas 1 1 1 It* aay t o n s at organised help...
...In other words, the place to s t a r t is s t t he bottom by putting money into the pockets of those who have no buying power...
...Instead British export trade dropped 1 0% in 1 9 3 2 as compared with 1 9 3 1 . The plain fact is that normal rises in prices can be achieved only by increasing the public demand for commodities...
...And one of the results, I am sure-, is the courage and the quickening of interest of the "normal" home women, wives and mothers, who are now in our own midst undertaking study courses, preparing to take part in political activity and to become public speaken and leaders...
...Every Negro above the mental level of a moron is wholly in sympathy with the fight to save the Scottsboro boys from being legally lynched...
...Jt is not a hick town, but a city of aliout one hundred thousand inhabitants...
...For the most part the women who have majored in ideas have been a frowsy looking lot and nobody loved them...
...The paramount question is whether the sum of money spent is sufficient...
...For leadership...
...Roosevelt relief will not be much better than Hoover relief...
...By the way, Gertrude, where's that new picture...
...As usual the Negro workers are bearing the brunt of the depression...
...There was one aspect of the "Class Day" luncheon of the Women's Section—a full account of which I have given elsewhere— which made a great hit with me...
...The employers are busy circulating scare stories...
...The other two-thirds power and women had to be what men wanted them to be...
...In recent months relief per family in the United States has averaged between $ 1 5 and $ 2 0 a month for only one-third of the unemployed...
...It is likewise clear from a reading reading of the IHW that the power to iseue new currency will be utilized, principally for expanding the upen-market operations of the Central Reserve Hanks and for the purpose of meeting normal expenditures of the government...
...that they are applying palliatives, not curing the malady...
...No, I wasn't there, but how else can you explain what happened...
...their gains are so meager...
...How did the men get t h a t way ? To go back a little way, life started without any sex at all...
...Vet industrial conditions - a s the diirt strike currently in progress diows—are as bad as in the little towns of Pennsylvania and Connecticut, which means that they are not much better than in the South...
...In September, 1931, when England abandoned the gold standard, she did substantially what the President may do by reducing the gold content of the dollar...
...This could best be accomplished by increasing expenditures on "direct unemployment relief...
...In marked contrast to the noise they make the Communists are making no appreciable inroads in Negro ranks," said Crosswaith...
...The $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 00 recently appropriated by the federal government will be distributed at the rate of $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 a month...
...Keep it up, girls of all ages, it's grand 1 Unions and the Wage System By Karl Marx In •'Value, Price and Profit" ' J ' l IK very development of modern industry must progressively turn the scale in favor of the capitalist against the workingman, and consequently the general tendency of capitalistic production i-- not to raise,»but to sink the average standard of wages, or to push the value of labor more or less to its minimum limit, . . . Is this saying that the working class ought to renounce their .resistance against the encroachments of capital, and abandon their attempts at making the best of the occasional chances for their temporary improvement!' If they did, they would he degraded to one level mass of broken wretches past salvation...
...Kisco, New York, by the All-World Gandhi Fellowship, of which John Haynes Holmes il President and Rabbi Stephen S. Wise Vice-President...
...Which was usually true...
...A petty g e n e r a t i o n — o u r great tragedy...
...and oh, fellow sisters, I'm not sure whether it is to laugh or to weep, but it sure iB interesting and esciting...
...Meetings every Sunday afternoon at 4 p. m., until June 2 5 . His subject Sunday, May 2 8 , will be, "Some Contradictions of Capitalism...
...It is impossible to bring about a thorough-going change, to raise wages to levels that will represent a decen standard of living...
...Applesauce, and we know it...
...So far they are sticking to the strike and to the union...
...Bertha Mailly noticed it, too, and I think it has more than superficial significance, in spite of the fact that one of the men speakers felt called upon to set us right with a speech about the "inner beauty" and the "higher good...
...After they are out on strike a few days they actually begin to look better...
...The law of supply and demand has yet to be repealed...
...I refer to the very attractive appearance of the women present...
...Conditions among the workers generally are distressing, he said...
...The pound dropped from $4.86 to $3.20 but there was no corresponding increase in the domestic price level... of t h e older w o m e n asked me...
...The Hoover Administration pursued the same policy in 1 9 3 2 although not on such a huge scale...
...To B» Concluded) Frank Crosswailh Returns From Successful Tour After an absence from New York of four months, during which he lectured in many colleges and universities, Frank R. Crosswaith returned from one of the most successful lecture tours for the party in recent years...
...Men kept the upper hand all the time...
...At least $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 of new purchasing power adjusting for the decline in the cost of living must be provided to bring prices back...
...To Use Idle Resources A project for the "social usage of idle resources" has been started at Mt...
...For a class-conscious muss fired with vision...
...The total wage and salary bill of the nation was $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 00 less in 1 9 3 2 than in 1 9 2 9 while the farmers' income has beeh cut $ 6 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 for the same period...
...And little as they can do, the unions seem to be the only agency that can do anything at all...
...But that day Is paHng...
...The theory is that the banks will increase their cash reserves through the sale of their government bonds and that the pressure of idle funds will stimulate the extension of credits to business men to finance increased production...
...And rf you think that isn't going to make a big change in oar attitudes you just don't know your economic determinism...
...Is it any wonder that these young girls go wrong...
...UnlesB more money is put into the pockets of the masses of people, prices must remain at the present low levels...
...The President is authorized to enter into agreements with the Federal Reserve Banks to purchase up to $ 3 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 of federal governments bonds...
...Men preferred them a little dumb and not too active—and Socialist men weren't always exempt from this weakness—and so they had to be dumb...
...S h e h ad win ked in shirt fact o r i e s thirty - two years and s a i d she f e l t s he might just a s well have been i n prison a l l t h at time...
...There are many reasons, psychological, financial and others, why the unions can do little more than treat the worst sore spots, but whole communities are sunk in abject poverty...
...I N last week'*, New Leader 1 pointed <»it that President Xooxvtlt's program for re financing home and farm mort |a«;es would provide almost no [cliif for the ureal bulk of farmers and home-owners in |he U. S In defense of the tdniinistration's policy, M»'n* t i l l argue that there is no need lor a more radical and thoroughgoing plan fur lightening the 5„rden of mortgage debt helausc the inflation program will lender it unnecessary by accomDlishitiB a substantial rise in the price level...
...These persons in a co-operative association are opening a new type of recreational and educational institution...
...New currency will be issued with these bonds as security...
...One part of itself stayed stuck in the mud (that was u s ) and the other part went galloping furiously away in all directions...
...And it's going to percolate all the way down to the little mill girl whose brother used to whack her across the ears if she came home later than he thought kit sister should come home...
...the assumption being that any woman who was unmarried was so because she never had a chance to be married...
...They call at the girls' homes, sometimes two and three times, in an effort to bring the girls back to work...
...Even the most independent woman was cowed by the prevailing notion and In a weak moment grabbed any man who offered himself...
...Hoover's dread of a federal "dole," aid was extended in the form of loans which will never be repaid...
...Then—we'll skip a few centuries now—women lived a life of horror under the first thousand year8 of Christianity...
...Organization work is being done, and that is important, but the material gains to the workers are pitifully small...
...Too painful to dwell on, but if you want to know more about it read Mary Beard's "On Understanding Women...
...Knowing it is little use asking for philanthropic funds, they are using goods and services in place of money...
...The new relief law is more honest in that the money is given outright whereas previously to satisfy Mr...
...It is hard to see how this will he the case under the form of inflation contemplated under the present law...
...I t was also thought that British export trade would be stimulated because foreign importers would then be able to buy more pounds for the same amount of native currency and consequently would find it cheaper to buy British goods...
...They ought not to forget that they are lighting with effects, but not with the causes of those effects...
...When it wanted to multiply it had to divide...
...They notice it themselves...
...The Reconstruction Finance Corporation loaned $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 in December and January to local governments for this purpose...
...for a "Fellowship Center...
...The unions are struggling against terrific difficulties...
...You have in Elizabeth, also, girls under sixteen years of age, working W) hours a week, for a wage which makes their hourly earnings about 2l/t cents...
...Today big brother is depending on the kid sisters for everything, including cigarette money...
...White workers who in the past scorned such menial positions as waiters, dish-washers, porters, etc., are now being forced by the pressure of circumstances to accept these places at the expense of the Negro workers, Crosswaith said...
...Other than for a few lecture engagements in the New England States, he plans to remain in Harlem and devote his time to lecturing and writing, and aiding in organizing the unemployed of this section for more adequate relief and more employment opportunities for Negroes in the businesses that exist on t he purchasing power of Negroes in the neighborhood...
...Ed.] Psychologists told us we were pathological, and "normal" women thought we were pathetic...

Vol. 15 • May 1933 • No. 21

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