A Socialist View of the Week

Ward, William Allen

A Socialist View of the Week wheat By William Allen Ward IAM strong I csrry nations on my back. ... I grow from the aoiL . . I am wheat. . . . Let the war lords rage. . . let the...

...Alfred Hugenberg, Minister of Food and Economics and the Rockefeller of Germany, swings to the anti-Jewish campaign with an order removing all Jews and Marxists from all syndicates related to his ministry...
...It ia one of the most remarkable aad tnapiliag Socialist address* ever delivered...
...The Nordics "cannot but put the finishing touch to the economic collapse and the masses will be speedily disillusioned...
...One unerring index to the civilisation of a nation is whether the number of offenses punished by death ia declining The Cabinet has extended the death penalty to several offenses regardless •/ ihi i/ rttulU and thus takes a big stride bark to barbarism...
...Paralysis of commerce, fostered and intensified by the absence of purchasing power of America's unemployed, has closed our schools, stunted the growth of children, and imperiled our national advancement...
...Labor organizations should back op this bill with vigorous language although latest reports indicate that the bill will be amended to a 35 or 36—hour day...
...Germanism is a gift of God and God wants me to fight for my Germanism...
...It also demands that they submit to "the principles of working class democracy...
...Reforestation is a useful project and the larger sum would help ilir jobless a little, but the members of both him...
...Moreover, it is doubtful whether any legislation for agriculture short of its socialization will bring to farmers anything but a precarious existence...
...An Assemblyman charged the League with getting a loan of $3,000,000 from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to help farmers and then using the money to buy up new dairies...
...Hitler not only has the Brown Shirts, the Steel Helmets, the police and the Reichswehr, but hysterical masses of the unemployed with him...
...In accord with that referendum the Governor recommended this appropriation...
...The net increase In the umber of the unemployed in M nations was nearly a million, bnt the fignrea do net include the Unites] States...
...Bury the dead...
...Signed rontr Unit Ion* do not necessarily represent the poller of TkS Mew Leader...
...The time will then come for "successful mass action against the existing system...
...Senator Norris pointed out that this question had been raised when the hours of labor were 14, then 12, and then 10...
...The Socialists announced thai they would substitute for the Schuta> bund an organization of "monitors* without uniforms which the government considers an evasion of the order...
...Since these events last week tlie situation has quieted in Austria...
...He considers it foolish for the working class to challenge an opponent "at the very time when he is the stronger...
...Give me time...
...It will be possible for us to abandon the defensive and take to the offensive once more...
...It declared, "Time is vital in meeting this situation...
...On the contrary, the struggle mast go an with more vigor...
...so declares that the increased interna, tional reaction "necessitates a thorough examination of the strategy and taetici of the international labor movement, Tha circumstances which have led to the see...
...The demand made by the 22 baron , ami this action by the Legislature are trends that may be expected in other states...
...the increase in thin country was nearly two and one-half times the increase in all the other nations...
...In the meantime Hitler's "Nordic knights" cannot cure the capitalistic crisis and the best brains in the government service are being driven out...
...Adolf Hitler's State calls to the church...
...On the aational front the Continental Congress to meet in Washington on May fi and 7 must he made a big success and the drive an Albany for unemployed m¦wanes mist go forward with aVterminatiem...
...Hitler might well provoke an attack so that he could send "troops armed to the teeth" against the workers...
...On the other hand It welcomes a variety of opinions consistent with lis declared purpose...
...Nan Idiocy in The German Reich 1I/E pay our respects to Hitlerism on " the first page...
...I make men . . . women . . . carry nations on my shoulders...
...Are you prepared to enter at once into an armistice or a pact of nonaggression, as Communsit Russia has done with capitalist states...
...With this as a background our readers will appreciate at its fnll value a telegram sent to the Governor nf New York State by 22 heada of corporations and open shoppers in this state...
...Some Democratic Senators . led by Tydings of Maryland proved to be the moat reactionary foes of the measure which proposes a 80-hour work week...
...There must be no cessation of the fight for relief through legislative action...
...The assassination of Dr...
...lianuacrtpls that cannot be used will not be returned unless retSTS postage ia enclosed...
...It was a fighting apetek He warned the workers not to be 2 voked and at the aasas time to be ready to fight for their class...
...Thirty-Hoar Weak BB Before Senate r\\ April 3 the United State Senate " debated a measure proposing the limitation of work hours hi privately owned industries throughout the nation...
...And are you prepared it respect such a pact honorably...
...The estimate af the A. V. of L. of the increase n the number of the ¦nentnloycd for the whole of last year in this conntry is 2.400,000...
...The work of the Brown Shirts is approved In this statement: "We ssy a storm trooper jn his fighting is mors la God's will than a church that doss not jubilantly join in the call for the third Reich...
...Arturo Toscanini, Walter Damrosch and nine other eminent musicians had appealed to Hitler against persecutions and the answer is an order prohibiting their compositions ia Germany...
...We may add that the conflict in the ruling regime is already apparent to all...
...gles of the counter-revolutionary period will separate the wheat from the chsf" in Germany...
...Now what is the temper of the Legislature...
...With economic disintegration the masses who are now with Hitler will flock to Socialism and Hitler cannot be sure of his bsyonets...
...The reason given for this attitude is that economic recovery will be retarded because heavier burdens have been placed upon the enterprises of New York barons thsn in any other slate...
...The executive of the International *j...
...Since it was written other aspects of it has emerged...
...at the Post OMiJjf Hew York...
...aaSaa art at Matt* I, MtS...
...Early this week the Assembly passed a milk-control and price-fixing bill, the Dairymen's League fighting it every inch of the way...
...This means that the rate of decline in other countries is much lower than in the Unite* States...
...the church must heed the call...
...I-ate last, week the Socialist Sehutzbund, tat armed organisation of the workers, wM • "dissolved" by order of Chancellor DoU» fus who had the doors of the Schut* bund sealed but we do not think that thl Austrian comrades were caught nap> ping...
...Here is intrigue, Nazi idiocy, murder Plots and assassination worthy of a novelist's pen...
...1 Tear t. Caassta...
...Millions of workers and their families are subsisting on charity doles, unemployment is an the Increase more in this country thsn iu say other, and the legislutu.se sre filled with Republics^ and Democrat ie agetrU of cspitsl snd finance...
...The issue of March 18 also carries a speech by Otto Bauer delivered to 2,000 Socialist and trade union workers in Vienna in anticipation of a strueggls with Fascist hordes...
...ceas of Fascism in Germany must b* laid bare, and the international labor movement must not shrink from point, ing out teh reasons whirh prevented tin labor movement from making use of its power at decisive moments...
...Since the A. P. of L. est>mate we hnve had the bankrig crisis which has resulted in further discharges of workers from employment...
...There is no moratorium on unemployment but these magnates urge that a "moratorium < n all further regulatory social and labor legislation would be the best possible policy in the interest of the whole people...
...No doubt the anti-Jew orgies of Hitler's bands in Germany and the world resentment that followed have made the Austrian Fascists remain quiet for the present but the danger has by no means passed and, our Austrian comrades may face a crisii at any moment...
...Baterss as las—4 Caasa Hatter, Jen» aarr It...
...A Nazi Protestant movement, "German Christians," manages to win the palm for Nazi idiocy...
...For the time being the workers may have to employ the methods used in the days of Bismarck's anti-Socialist laws...
...I will make soil of them...
...The Judiciary Committee reported favorably on the bill...
...What happened in the Democratic Senate and the Republican Assembly...
...Last year the voters of the state in a referendum approved an expenditnre of $1,200,000 for reforestation in the next fiscal year...
...In up state New York last week dairy farmers near Rochester were halting milk trucks and steel helmeted state troopers were ordered out to guard the trucks...
...Austrian Socialists Still Face Menace •SOCIALISTS everywhere will anxious...
...Bell and a friend were fugitives from Germany...
...Both the Senate and House have received this statement through their presiding officers...
...Tk» statement concludes: "The severe strug...
...Infui iiiatton is beginning to at rite of the views of the Socialist and Labor Parties on the united front...
...H" S Mentha la tha UaMed Btataa...
...Mark that important fact...
...That is the kind of a legislature whirh the distressed masses have to face in this state...
...This legislation would only slightly reduce the interest rate on farm mortgages and if the rural toilers are to get out of the abyss not only should there be a more drastic reduction of interest but of the principal as well...
...Sick Agriculture Before Congress and the States FALLOWING a special message by President Roosevelt recommending a two billion bond issue bearing 4 per cent interest to refinance farm mortgages at i1/, per cent, Senator Robinson has introduced a bill in the Senate to enact the Roosevelt proposal into law...
...This will help to reduce German receipts from tourists...
...cat the appropriation down to one-third...
...The Senate has beea) a fortress of capitalistic individualism and the serious discussion of such a measure demanded by the labor unions of the country is itself a partial sur render to an old dogma of American capitalism...
...The ex...
...an official publication oT the Socialist Party, supports the struggles of the organised working class...
...Socialist Mayor Seitz countered with an order for the dissolution of the Heimwehr, the Fascist organization...
...The international conference to be held in June will givi special attention to these problems...
...ecutive anticipates that "weak and fiekb elements will submit to the new rulers" but it has confidence in the great So* cialist masses...
...Knth had an important item before them last week...
...Tydings wanted to know how the owner* of industry would be able to pay as much for a 8-hour day as for an 8-hour day...
...As information on this matter comas through The New Leader wifV report it to its readers...
...1 v r.r I. Paralsa Oaaatrlea...
...A Socialist View of the Week wheat By William Allen Ward IAM strong I csrry nations on my back...
...That ia to say...
...The Struggle Ahead WORLD unemployment in March wss considerably greater than in March, 1112, according to a repert of the International Labor Office at Geneva...
...Socialist and Labor Trends Across Atlantic INTERNATIONAL Information of * March 27, the press service of the Labor and Socialist International, carries the statement of the executive on the proposed united front which appears on another page of this issue...
...They turn thumbs down on unemployment insurance nnd health insurance and insirt that the cost of workmen's compensation shall not be extended...
...StlB8< RIPTtON BAT IS 1 Tear la U» ti.lt.it States...
...let the battlefields along...
...He urged at*, letanan discipline, to await orders froaj their leaders, but if the leaders an seized, "you must act on your own initiative...
...Whatever may be the fate of the bill its mere discussion and even defense by some Senators is an epoch in the history of that body...
...Another milk strike is threatened in Wisconsin and the State Assembly rushed through a bill declaring milk a public utility and empowering the department of agriculture to fix the price...
...The great need is to increase employment...
...ly watch events in Austria when Socialist Vienna is an island surrounded by Fascist states and within Austria is faced by the same menace...
...In the last general election in 1931 the Socialists palled 248,000 votes and the Communists 12,778...
...The Senate is Democratic and the Assembly is Republican...
...The execs, tive of the Swiss party has adopted s statement to be submitted to the party congress this month...
...The canon adopted requires the faithful to approve this: "God has created me a German...
...the stats, ment reads...
...A referendum is n mandate of the voters...
...The former had gone over to the Catholic Centre party and in a Catholic paper edited by his friend revealed that Captain Roehm, chief of the Bavarian Nazi storm troops, had appealed to the Munich Socialist Rcichsbanner organization for protection from a murder plot tn his own party I The London "Daily Herald" reports that the murdered man had also been employed in Germany as a British spy...
...George Bell, former German Nazi, in the Austrian Tyrol, however, has an amazing background...
...tere can be little increase in employment except through increase ia private employment...
...Kautsky'i Views of German Situation |f*~ARL KAU1 SKY, writing of events in Germany, endeavors to analyze the class forces and the course events may take...
...Contributors are requested not to write on both sides of the paper and not to use lead pencil or red ink...
...The millions of office seekers cannot be satisfied and the ruling regime itself is torn by internal dissent ions...
...The government obtained only six rifles ana 2,000 cartridges at the headquarters it sealed...

Vol. 15 • April 1933 • No. 14

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