On T he Eve of The Labor Crisis

From Our Foreign Correspondents On The Eve of The Labor Crisis Economic and Political Factors Leading I p to the Pass ing of the Labor Government In Great Britain Tbt following article was...

...Practical politician* a n hurrying ne aal ' oa to doom unlam a rebirth of VtoiHsaTi from the 1 «Basses halts the dread judgment, aad wa remake * the fete of humanity in our mould...
...Macdonald, who was somewhere up in the remote highlands of a—tiimtaui hark to London...
...Says you, Sizoo...
...Let my good friend read aad re-read everso carefully the splendid work of his favorite, literary god...
...Old time barriers are being broken down, chasms spanned, by the inexorable processes of social development The writer can remember the time, leas than a generation ago, when membership in the so-called learned professions was regarded as a guarantee of immunity from the uncertainties and videi tudes that threatened the worker, and even the small business mas...
...Let us «ad sot down, look forward aad not KV*** remember that through the grace K?toone, the simple life and National n | * * * can go forward to a new Utopia, bbOs s i 0 , *"r...
...sad I assore you that the Indications an quite aa strong in that direction as In the directions' to which at the moment rumor Is giving greater credence...
...Old men tod the» world ; into the horrible butchery of 1814-1816 Old men ; committed the equally ugly crime Of Versailles...
...1 will ask you not to rush to conclusions about it...
...The defense that so many Isedore basa used whoa they deviated from strict rule of conduct baa al» ' ways been . . - "It was practical politica . . , 1 Idealism is all right . . . but to practice you bava I to compromise . . ." Stale aa the smell of old sewage thees words an 5 now in our nostrils...
...How come that fee Bemoaning...
...In this essay, Calverton, applies the theory of economic determinism to the theories, defeases aad conservation of writers te social science In general and anthropology in particular...
...As for defease or rebuttal, I haws nothing to declare in addition ta what was originally written, except my regret that I was inclined to be a tot tob jocular in spots, whan outright vituperaUoa might have been mon in place...
...let's bel5 ance the budget," they have a good . deal of the other alternative is t mind...
...that ever testoren play in the "Sunny Teddy-Bear • the top floor of the Hotel Roosevelt...
...Similar to the other social sciences, anthropology is still in its youth...
...Such a r balance could certainly be effected ; by taking weight out of the heavy \ scale...
...and it seemed to be the safest of safe predictions that for two months or more the thread by which the life of the Government has been suspended while Parliament was sitting was unbreakable, and that all worries on that score could be forgotten for s time...
...and within a week it ass become something quite different The past week has witnessed another of these sudden transformations in the outlook...
...This book con. tains a few specimens of that sort e aad it should encourage a better . acquaintance with this science aad j its growing literature...
...The Concord Press, 12...
...After a long session, in which the Macdonald Government had not been free for a single day from the p recari ousness of having an adverse majority is the House of Commons held like a pistol at Ita head, members of the Government scattered to all sorts of remote holiday places...
...Not only is it de• mended that unemployment bene- i fits should be drastically cut down, : but over the whole range of working class life reductions and economies are Insisted upon...
...Comparative anthropology, particularly, is still fuU of theoretical confusion and wild speculation...
...1 •aiTHATEVER serious criticisms I T T may be passed upon lts ac- i tosi achievements, there oaa be ' BO pesasele complaint about th« i British political theatre In regard 1 to the lighter qualities of quick ; change and unexpectedness which ' it stages for us Some humorist i has denned the flea as a creature which, when you put your finger on it, Isn't there...
...As* to the value of any book containing a collection of articles, fragments, chapters,1 etc., dipped from many volumes there is a conflict of opinion...
...Socialism* would j jive to each as equal right to take...
...and you need not be f greatly surprised if, when the prot posala are formulated and placed before the hastily to asssmblsd Parliament, the dominant fact in them will he found to be a stem wswpBlstaa aa the finance interests to make a mon adequate contribution to the cost of oar social services...
...Here is a selection frcm the Republican platform "or 1908...
...AH that, Z would warn you, la : at any rate premature...
...But then an - hopeful indications that when the • Government takes up the chal- lenge and says, "Just so...
...Mark these down to the book of judgment aad see If time does not check you up perteetly wlthto the next decade as lights that failed . . . . Trotsky, Mussolini, MacDonald...
...Let him laugh till bis aidea shatter at the drolleries sad the jibes against capitalism...
...The selection of data and the formulation of conclusions on such dangerous topics as private property, the monogrmous family, the democratic politicai state and individuali am by a number of noted writers In analyzed and*interpreted quite satisfactorily by Calverton aad his perspective winch he names "cultural compulsives.'' With this and ajded by his friend Brtffault he annihilates Westermarck effectively...
...18 and it Presents em excellent I analysis of tea trends in the Labor < Government, foratasi...
...The first phenomenon is primirily due to the social trends which, by eliminating the small economic units and hastening the process of merges and consolida- . tion, remove the sources of potential clients for the average lawyer...
...After many pages loaded down with attack on the bench and bar, th anther concludes that: - "any dishonesty or plain crookedness on the part of aome members of the bar, aa well as corruption on the bench, is due entirely ttf forces and influences inherent In our sodai, political and economic system . . . in which both bench and bar function.'' Corporate entities, which lawyers have done so much to create, have become the bugbear of the average practitioner—whose livelihood is made even more precarious by the competition of the title companies, banks an dtrust companies, by collection agencies, and casualty comanies—by what the lawyer bitterly describes as lay competition...
...It implies that any writing was aot dearIt infere many inferiorities to say literary makeup...
...Abundant i evidence for this observation cast' . be found In modern history, eoe» . nomi es, politics, sodology, phy7 scology (particularly in behavorf ism), and anthropology...
...loaf t consultations ware being held with j , the big bankers...
...and therefore recommended redactions of expenditure on a wholesale scale...
...This gentleman, Mr...
...very foundations of oar social life...
...Brilliant as Ramsay MacDonald has been, «ad still to, splendid as has been his service to the.;Lahor movement, and after you have au m mod wj> -aU- he had done or hdped to do, how can it all he ejasejajl with his utter desertion of the bid Idas asm., .jjjaa personal love of prestige and power %ax»t.e6 turn over into the camp of the enemy...
...Socialism would destroy wealth, Repubicsntom would prevent its sbuse...
...From Our Foreign Correspondents On The Eve of The Labor Crisis Economic and Political Factors Leading I p to the Pass ing of the Labor Government In Great Britain Tbt following article was written by tbt London corns pondent of Tbt No* Leader about August ' 18 and it Presents em excellent I analysis of tea trends in the Labor < Government, foratasi...
...A most appropriate br the beginning of the National Splurge sight be among the mining towns of West L If only Dr...
...One might be an unsocial Socialist, perhaps . . . but certainly not aa Anti-Social Socialist Mussolini is one of these...
...that is, by reducing and » mutilating assentisi services...
...The * names of John Spargo and Frank Bonn aad others L come up malodorously to my boss...
...ernment—If any such surrender oi our purposes to the claims oi finance wen to emerge from tali present situiti on Personally, 1 think that the capitalist aad finance interests may have th« surprise of their life when, having worked so assiduously to scan the Government into reaction under the plea of balancing the bud' get, they know just what th< method of effecting that balance is to be Happiness comf* Z dssm at Bapidan fixing up the em- PjLf— with the President of the United «was to be little far «a to worry WMI*- To be sun, we a n worried slight- te lev tsl«po°n e bill, aad unless wa worry 0 than ws have to the past, than to j] ^ f j m t v that you may not be able to Beai tune you can up to ask us if we J ?» «*pto of dramatic skits, magasine ed- <i Igjjcsty programs and the Ulte free gratia ' rTgjy in our span time, of which, to * jjeesssm to have a lot nowadays...
...But ? •m have been an awful lot of these just- t fcvesroer boys hanging around the White ' e ta» past three yean, and if Walter's bat- « m if no higher than theirs, we see aa- ' j^out in the near future...
...Socialism aad the party shall offer so dramatic properties aad stage for eccentric aad temperamental sten or primadonne...
...For that mat- . ter, so have the others...
...These pehnomena are the inescapable results of the profound unesttlement of our ?conomie and sodai structure and its incidental relationships...
...Our cause ta a fearfully serious business...
...I Shaw, Snowden aad MacDonald have lived too ' long for us...
...that a new use has been » sieving soap, through the fact that lasow Bting shaving soap for shampoos and •hf of their fancier Ungerle...
...dissatisfaction which baa not always taken into sufficient account the extraordinary difficulties of a Government holding office without the power of a Parliamentary majority...
...It potata out that our present national expenditure is over a hundred million pounds beyond the revenue coming in from our present tasse...
...That la pretty much what our Parliamentary situation amounts to...
...The committee of enquiry, rsprassntlng capitalist outlooks la a great majority, swprssssd the strong opinion that further taxation could not be borne...
...Nobody at the moment knows...
...It was not to rsassemhla until about the middle of October...
...almost exclusively hi the reduction of unemployment benefits, wage cuts throughout all the public services, and in some cases the abandonment of our social services...
...At the beginning of August...
...It'a a abort E*** especially for coal miners...
...We have here a parallel of the problem of the average worker and small business man In the presence of increasingly large scale capitalist organisations...
...the lack of leadership in our t when we have such acute minds as those hhee...
...and G. B. S. And the totter, to spite of his already musty smelling creations to words...
...What more would a poor man want for his money...
...This is no longer so...
...e e • So much then, dear readers, for the man whs) dared, from Philadelphia Next week, I hope to have more to say on the MacDonald matter . . » And I am thoroughly conscious of the smirk yea greet this announcement with...
...And « e ptetaora of praise for Shaw e genius will flood oat my detestation for bis unpardonable buffoonery sad un* Socialist behavior...
...I ?iroo, pastor of the New York Avenue |kc Church of Washington, saying...
...Aad above ail it demands the subservience of individual ambition aad desire to the general good...
...This begets a love I of truth, a discipline of mind sad , an enthusiasm for research that I drives the intellect to the inevitaI hie condusion regardless of any I "cultural compulsive...
...Ford workE** pucclers, but surely It is a gay one M * resolves to look on said life through K * * fiasses rather than the gray-fogged E** «ach confirmed pessimists as SocialK zf If the above paragraphs do not K^WTiting for some such happiness magthen indeed then is no Beata Claus n?* strtoB is not his pet reindeer...
...as it does la the case of Ramsay MacDonald, as one who la definitely dead...
...scit sntiflc spirit that animates so 7 many acholars...
...Almost 900 pages, 39 selected chapters and articles from as many contributors to the subject a good bibliography, handy short biographies, and In addition, the latest Calvertonian slam against monogamy...
...Hen an . treasures of information and thee ereticai clarity for the Socialist . Recent anthropological literature e to also abundantly rich with matf ter of great importance to our . cause and ideals...
...And mayt ail you are right For this sort of .disi far as income goes, (although we don't tor one moment you had that in mind) to lhat we Socialists have been kicking about 1900 . now- casus Dr...
...Let Him re-read again, that monumental re-hash of Marx, BebeL La Selle, Diextgen aad Hegel aad so !r.g«T3cus'v annotated with personal conclusions . entitled, "An Intelligent Woman's Guide . . . ate* AO this wiU not pronounce him the truer Socialist" for "the Ukes of the...
...X am suffidently vaia about my ability as a journalist to shiver a hit' at such a suggestion But really dear naden, I have aa quarrel with, a B. Shaw as ah important dramatist or Utereteur...
...HERE is a huge package for ninety-five cents...
...On the one hand, we have s situation in which there is increasing competition for «n™tniaMT»g sources of business, and on the other a rapid disintegration of public confidence In and respect tor the law and those who practice it...
...It exacts tramaadmis aeit-sacrifice...
...And then, quite suddenly, Mr...
...Gisnet Who to a veteran of the Socialist movement after detailing the difficulties of the lawyer and the problems which confront the profession, concludes that pending a revolutionary reconstruction of society, relief Ues in what he terms the 'socialisation" of the practice of the law...
...Aa you know, then has been widespread dissatisfaction with the meagre resulta of a period of Labor Government...
...Only Trotsky** fatting allowed for no attempt at keeping the old dragon alive...
...verton has done a good I job la selecting sad editing this assortment of otta aad has added an argumentative introduction to the volume...
...Within g twenty-four hours, the central d committee of five, who constitute . the inner cabinet within the cabin- t et of the Labour Government were a assembled at Downing Street...
...Gisnet hastens to acknowledge that "as long as we shall have rich aiid poor, it must be conceded that no administration of justice can be perfected in which the rich man wiU not have some advantage over the poor man...
...the further taxation of unI earned aad proprietary Incomes s and the reduction of the enormous - burden of interest sad debt charge e by which the nation Is bled tor I, the advantage of the .rentier...
...t .tie verdrobe of the average worker Is R^ntdBBf the simplicity of Gandhi's, and get say s en simple than moat of us seem today, a* win all be shinnying up trees gathbote use autumn...
...though everybody is repeating the sort of rumori I have Indicatasi...
...aad t wlthti a day or two It was known , that the Government were of opta- , Ion that we were up against a , position of national emergency fat , finance, and that the promptest j and most drastic steps mast be 4 taken to face i t It is now under- . stood that the Parliamentary noli- ( day is to be curtailed...
...Every sort of rumor has been set going...
...Then Is not only a confusion of viewpoint, method and style but particularly lacking is that unity and comprehension that inevitably., accompanies the work of an individua: master...
...As steps in the realisation of "socialisation," the author prescribes proposes several immediate measures —abolition o f all legal costs and disbursements, including expenses of appeals to higher courts...
...I will ask you I to haar to mind that it la not ne. cassarfly anything of the kind...
...1 . _ It to weU enough for articulate tods like my critia to bandy with such phrases as he employs about cloudy ideology, end to prate about botng practical to one's conduct AU of which would hold, water If the person wen net an avowed Sociaflat, and...
...Walter we knew him, was a bright young ", lew, » statistician-of parts, who knew mr assy telephones could be wished oa t m, J New Rochelle In any given sto > sjeesss of this somewhat uncanny fore- 1 [tottsl l°to the seeds of telephone time, t 'astdiy in that anything hat « - " M h > | ; or- c m fcaown as the American Telephone aad i' - Contpany...
...What have * we won except a long list of toadsrs who have ' failed, of union officials who have grown corrupt ; aad useless, of houses that we have built with blood aad dreams that now he in heaps of disordered debris...
...We * however, that a National Splurge Week I hil country really needs...
...Try I that on your piano, Mr...
...Then a n mon ways than one . of balancing a budget...
...TU fact G B. S has greatly praised that over-blown blow* heed m no uncertain terms...
...Parliament adjourned for what was to be a long holiday...
...la fact ala defection w4lL.aeip to instill a definite revdutionary fervor, 4a ^haar rsaks...
...the a acting leader of the Liberals made his appearance la London...
...You may ; think you have got it accurately •ised up aad clearly defined...
...That la pretty much what our Parliamentary situation amounts to...
...restriction of public oapoadttan la every direction...
...1 I ifl realise that if what a college profes 1 [•the threat of leisure" was imminent In 1 p. it is now upon us in full fury...
...In the brutal battle ta set the world aright, flesh, blood aad mind must be co-ordinated along Haas of disciplined action and bannered by aa uncompromising dream...
...Then has been a very welcome - note about equality of sacrifice - in the Government talk on the - matter...
...Literature has its definite nee in the heus of mental recreation...
...Historic materialism or economic determinism is a valuable noint of view but it must be supplemented by > cultural, psychological, moral aad I somewhat eccentric factors...
...It calla for UBdcvtottoff thought sad deed...
...At the moment the actual Government decisions ss to the kind of action to be taken have not been declared...
...and within a week it ass become something quite different The past week has witnessed another of these sudden transformations in the outlook...
...And the mon brimant they are personally, the mon terrible their guilt...
...The example of personal treason ta their cause win be like a prodding fork at their baeks hastening them oa ta action Ramsay MsfDoaalrt, like Leon Trotsky started to worry oa how history would record his leadership...
...The world is dying of practical I pontics...
...Some time ago the Government staved off this attack by the usasi device of appointing a «peciai committee of enquiry into the need for aad the possfblMftss of public economy...
...Those dose to the legal profession today, known the bitter struggle for existence which is the life of the average lawyer, and notwithstanding this fact in our planici— society the law schools keep swelling the armies of those whose fate to to struggle in intensifying competition for ever diminishing opportunities Readings In Anthropology (•The leaking of Man," Modern Library...
...What has been games ' except the law aeon m which we a n hast for be* ' tag spineless when wa should stow stiffened at the risk of evaa having our backs broken...
...koos might be to have everyone t?l?phone ! es tiss for a job...
...And it was on this that the Government hurriedly Interrupted its holidays aad set the world talking about a new sudden criais in British affairs...
...Then a n no arguments aa\ tute enough, then to no philosophy deep enough, • then to no sentiment decent enough to defend or condone him...
...We Hey to divide life into hermetically sealed isats, each water tight and separated with i wje fence...
...C e - Germany and Cxechon »a«da e V e r k D O W 0 1 6 like of...
...Sizoo and Dr...
...That dissatisfaction would be multiplied many times over—it would osasi to be merely d test tinfection aad would become a new organized pontics] activity against the Gov...
...McAlister Coleman, Scanning the New Books Edited by LAWRENCE BOGIN The Law And Lawyers Under Capitalism A Socialist Lawyer Speaks By Charles Solomon riE legal profession has fallen J upon evil days...
...6 aad London was in a panic of pou- r ticai exciteraent as to what it a all meatft The fact that the 6 banking interests were the centre t round which these movements of ( the politicians ?evolved clearly in- , dica tad a financial crisis...
...Snowden aad MacDonald using the pulmotor on the collapsing lungs of capltaUsm is just too funny to be tragic...
...Is sturdily hewing itself out of tot eavein, JtoiiiULMe the embattled economists of the MW*ration of Labor are right out then •at Une of trenches, fighting it out for "tod girls on the light wines and been '•"at struggle resounds through the lob•ay Atlantic City hotel, and they intend P « fight on in Montreal if it takes all ntosto time we have had complaints that I * * • » growing ponderous In this column P «Welling overmuch on the depression is BJfcoth to us and to our readers...
...The book has an introduction by Norman Thomas...
...Rambo t«,ckl'ng (quarters the most pressing of our prob• «n- country in the safekeeping of Walter Herbert Hoover and the holy men, let us • the bright side of things...
...Here for example is the Rev...
...Much of its data comes from careless and untrained observers, from missionaries, Sportsmen and adventuren...
...L tati estimable palladium, "The New York Ivate no formal comic section, its editors • far this by printing every Monday mornnale page of sermons such as those of the Irrmce...
...It was not to rsassemhla until about the middle of October...
...And then, quite suddenly, Mr...
...I By Fred Henderson ! LONDON...
...e AUGUST CLAESSEN'S The Chatterbox f fN another section of this issue, dear readers* JL you will find a profound, soul searching and altogether important article by • philosopher frees Phatodetpaia, who devotes great length to a "shallow" bit of journalism that appeared under tato heading several weeks age oa George Bernard Shaw...
...s e e I t is necessary to see this sudden eruption of activity In rela- < tlon to the known events which i preceded i t As I pointed out in i my last letter, a very formidable I attack on our unemployment in- i surance law has been carried on : by the capitalist Interests during : this summer...
...Harold S. Rambo, with the siggsttxu that as a way back to prosperI country should have a "splurge week" in "everybody would spend ten dollars that lot expect to spend...
...The author also urges Improvements in the workmen's compensation acts and that the etate be the exclusive insurance carrier...
...Increasingly, the lawyer —as weU as other prof easionls—to being reduced to the " • " ' " T 1 * and social statua of the wage worker...
...For I am always questioning whether anything I say here has even the least bit of importance to you . . . . Bat I persist nevertheless . . . with your decent forbearance...
...Most lawyers are honest Gisnet holds, but the victims of a society dominated 'by the profit motive...
...S. A. de Witt...
...Old men have betrayed and a n still betraying the causa ! of idealism sad humanity...
...The "cultural compulsive" undoubtedly effects a number of authorities and muddles thinwng generally...
...It la hateful to me to eater the aUtement that my critic missed the full point of my reason far attack...
...that th...
...wage cuts throughout all the public services, from the humblest teacher to the highest etvtl servant...
...Indeed 1 ft class has become so immeasureably ' 'fiat workers have even been seen asleep 1 epe libraries, their heads buried in books ' Tat Cure for Unemployment" pr, kt us sot be discouraged, for accord- , Is Rev...
...For example, Ntot over 423,000 families a n reading what tal aa "America's greatest weekly newstatgazine of which we have not hitherto Mai "Grit...
...Simultaneously the leader of the a Conservative party came back s frasa the south of France...
...free men and Freemasons, of up&od benignant Elk, and blessed aa O i T * ^ « n abundance of flora and fauna, •sBh* ? r o v , d « ° c e wiU never allow us to n^*» «n -KIIZH them dirty foreigners 1 Wallowing...
...Probably by the time this letter appears in prist then wiU be more definite knowledge about It, aad the editor will be able to point the moral One thins;, however, to quite certain...
...By Fred Henderson ! LONDON...
...end Jtts whole, American business, by such "torneata...
...The fact that the banken have been meeting In conclave with the inner cabinet of the Government has given currency to the assertion that the financiers—who, hen as elsewhere under capitalism, a n of course the real Government— have presented the political Government with an ultimatum demanding the scrapping of many sodai services...
...the creation of legal aid offices as part of the administration of justice in the civil courts...
...Only their, treason was direct clear-cut aad to a aenae honorable, g To remain a Socialist, to profess Sodaltom,sad to * give such personal comfort aad amusement"ia the * upper classes as G. B. & has been doing lately » has 'j a name among gutter gamma that to somawnst unprintable even to privately published amut .attests...
...the forme* i Hon of tba emergency government, j and indicates tbt attitude of tbt j Labor Party in general towards ' this government.—Editor of The ( New Leader...
...Samuel Henry Prince of the , kesee Department of Kings College, HallI trouble with this age has been its lack of tf •"Emancipation from the drag of WestaatisB," said the reverend, "can be found kaoSag the denominator of life by maaterilrt of doing without...
...aad that if Philip snowden is to make his next Budget balance, he has got either to eat est expenditure to that amount or ratea the necessary revenue somehow...
...The law, because of its cloenesa to and Identity with our business civilization, is naturally one of the first of the professions t o r e f l e c t the revolutionary changes taking piace la th...
...Better a little than nothing at all Batter a slice of bread, than hunger, better s little this or that, than utter nothing...
...1 •aiTHATEVER serious criticisms I T T may be passed upon lts ac- i tosi achievements, there oaa be ' BO pesasele complaint about th« i British political theatre In regard 1 to the lighter qualities of quick ; change and unexpectedness which ' it stages for us Some humorist i has denned the flea as a creature which, when you put your finger on it, Isn't there...
...V. C. Ca...
...L nat versed in White House economics, Lf irerfctsgs of what passes as the Presi- p od - t i not clear to us why the president Ss— company should be the one man .soustry to fix up the unhappy situation ' p-svails...
...aa they had expected to spend, we are sun atka would be warm, to say the least sac tince we suggested a "buy-a-diamond1 tor the textile workers, but to our surit National Jewelers' Association did not ) ttde scheme with any great gusto...
...Parliament adjourned for what was to be a long holiday...
...Rambo would go down there • tbs miners to spend ten dollars a week...
...All that is definitely stated so far is that the Government is determined at , an coats to balaaea its budget , That has been hailed by the : fSfrftaitst interests as being the • same thing as a determination to • oat down expenditure by starving , the social services...
...of , the law seems to be especially , hard hit This is true sot only , of the economic position of the lawyers—I speak, of course, of the general run of practitioners—but , as never before he is under suspicion end attack—from the humble all the way up the ladder of : the profession...
...This attitude has extended to our courts, not excluding the higher tribunals, yes even to the very highest Notoriously, these a n days of unprecedented flux and instability, days when immemorial standards and cretia disintegrate with startling rapidity and their substitutes have only begun to form...
...and it seemed to be the safest of safe predictions that for two months or more the thread by which the life of the Government has been suspended while Parliament was sitting was unbreakable, and that all worries on that score could be forgotten for s time...
...Macdonald, who was somewhere up in the remote highlands of a—tiimtaui hark to London...
...I only ask you to keep your minds open to this other possible Una of action...
...These mes too did great work for us to old days...
...You may ; think you have got it accurately •ised up aad clearly defined...
...One t that may be mentioned to th...
...The commercialis?t of the law, the conversion of the profession into a business, has stamped the practice of th< law with all of the characteristics of business, except per-* haps mon oonspicously, leading inevitably to a loss of public regard for the lawyer and hie caning...
...and this attack has J steadily developed into an allround attack upon the cost of our social services...
...We a n bond to our lower stomaatol * with speeches and tracts oa how careful we must * be about pronouncing our ultimate aima, oa how " decorous we must be when dealing with the enemy...
...Government are working hard oa , en emergency program of new ( financial arrangements, and that i the House of Commons will be called together to deal with the j matter at the earliest possible , moment...
...Let the reverend • taf all the rest of us take heart, for UWC.WO Americans have already reached ? cannon denominator by going without thing and shelter for three yean back...
...that is, by retaining services and • making the wealth of the nation • pay up mon adequately for them, j The capitalist interests have . heen poshing this campaign for balancing the budget because they have imagined that then was only one possible way of doing it...
...Republicanism • would give to" each aa equal right to earn...
...This would give, the . a ?; Walter Gilford's establishment plenty lL 323ght serve to fill up the leisure time erttess workers about which so many of 1 gmdf wen worrying prior to 1928...
...Aad what has now brought matten to a head la the issue ot this committee's report...
...Ita companion sciences, anatomy, ethnology and particularly archaeology are splendidly advanced and more accurate, and thanks to their aiU and example, such workers as Kroeber, Golden we iaer, Boss, Keith and Mead, to mention but a few, an classifying, proving aad interpreting evidence that in turn is routing the mass of ignorance, conservatism and prejudice involved in the subject Anthropology illuminates the past history of mankind and thus helps in the understanding of the present AU this furthermore provides an effective telescope for a peep into the future...
...ta^tdV In his ease however then to this glad taougat The workers will not divida or suffer mue* » division tf any occurs...
...Upon this point there win always be" «issa, res » meat between my critic and me...
...But nrj** bsck over all these happy portents, , ePotood can no longer be made...
...My bitterness arises oa the human equation that enters so directly in this case as a degenerating Bociahst...
...And so X repeat now, as I have said ' time aad time again, that the moment a Socialist ceases to Uve, think, breathe aad serve the cause, all that be baa ever dons, all the good he has givea I to utterly liquidated...
...In aome measure It to useful and interesting, aa an encyclopedias, source books sad compilations generally, but their defects outweight their virtues...
...It may be that because of * 4 prophecy he has been summoned by the ' g Bapidan to utter a Delphic prognostica- « 9 Uvj «ad of the present depression...
...At the beginning of August...
...h leader as well...
...The problems of the contemporary lawyer a n many and pressingand these are Interestingly aiid frankly dicussed by Morris Gurnet a lawyer who has spent a quarter of a century In his calling, in a book entitled "A Lawyer Tells the Truth...
...the > way of cutting down working class - standards of life...
...If any decision wen made, oa the ground of financial emergency, to intensify the poverty aad suffering of the workers by making the national ?conomies at the expense of their health sad livelihood — which is what the whole capitalist campaign has been aiming at—then would be a new political situation Immediately created here...
...But the . ancient and honorable canina...
...He does not overlook the role of the client who, according to the author, the more sharp practice and trickery the lawer resorts to in his behalf, the better the client Ukes it and the more he pays for i t "No one wants a lawyer who is just learned in the law nor one who i* really honest" Says Gisnet: "Once the profession has sunk to the level of mere service men in our business civilization and has accepted the standards which this business civilisation imposes upon all /who come in contact with it or under its influence, there cannot be any question of professional etnica or even of plain honesty...
...The fact FTthat the leaden of the ether political parties have eia» basa celled toto the conclave bai basa interpreted as masnmg thai the Government, submitting to the dictation e...
...the forme* i Hon of tba emergency government, j and indicates tbt attitude of tbt j Labor Party in general towards ' this government.—Editor of The ( New Leader...
...My critic tails a s bow elevar O. B. S. was wits his ironie lance against the estabUshed order...
...For this is j tov"_0...
...The radical whose reading in anthropology to Slight will probably get a kick out of i t but the average innocent may wonder what it's sii about The student of anthropology however, win most likely protest the subtle rationalisation presented...
...the repr?senta- t tlves of the other political par- t ties were called iato conference...
...What you a n getting so far Is only rumor and hearsay...
...After a long session, in which the Macdonald Government had not been free for a single day from the p recari ousness of having an adverse majority is the House of Commons held like a pistol at Ita head, members of the Government scattered to all sorts of remote holiday places...
...the banken, proposa to invite the others to share the responsibility for such a policy, and that we are to have a so-called > national emergency Ooniurnont of all parties to give effect to it...
...Tato ia why the science so early captured the attention of Socoltot theoreticians and why anthropology in its present and much mon mature state is so indispensfble to our study...
...We are tired to our very lasers with the gestures . of warning shaken from shriveled fingere oc palsied banda...
...Like an clever devices, however, this theory works best when you choose your victims...
...On the other hand...
...Bat . it can also be effected by putting . mon weight into the light scale...
...I do not know...
...Anthropology is an important branch of the social sciences, a fascinating study and a valuable aid to Socialist theory...
...creation of the office of public defender as part of the administration of justice in the criminal courts...

Vol. 13 • August 1931 • No. 9

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