How Long Will You Keep Doak in the Cabinet?

How Long Will You Keep Doak in the Cabinet? Secretary of TMt$f^r Has Broken the Law~ffe Has Outraged Every, Code of Humanity and Justice—He' Must Go! T H E Department of Labor as administered...

...Pennsylvania, where an strike has been going cm since April...
...Upon the statements extorted in this way from the alien, through fear, restraint of liberty and "in some cases, duress," the suspect may be later deported or sent to prison on criminal charges...
...came to Boulder City, called a meeting of the workers in camp and placed the situation before them...
...Andersen Co., who has the feeding contract, served two free meals to the men on August 9, but was closed this morning, the tenth...
...In the post-war years we had Attorney G*Q0&fi3B& who perpetrated hideous brutalities iirtilawDT^SssTBfe ^enJaaded Ins removal...
...It will not mean dumping in world Call the international hatred dumping implies...
...In other words, he declared a lockout...
...Ber their employee* they have outrageously mismanaged iness.Few of them are making money...
...The methods involved in making these 'Rod Raids' were denounced by several Federal courts...
...the processes of deportation reach over 100,000 persons a year, many of whom are aliens lawfully in this country or United States citizens...
...Crowe, superintendent of the Six Companies, made the statement to the press that the situation was not serious and probably not more than 50 to 100 men would be effected...
...Harry Miller of -who is no professional -dry—seems to show that the lessened drinking in the working class of the ; prohibition made for more, not less, prosperity...
...Crowe, who made a terse rejection of all demands, stated the wage reduction would stand and announced the job was closed down indefinitely...
...This episode has been discussed in detail by Prof...
...To* day Palmer's regime .is officially stamped as "outrageous.'* " italic Must Go Now The same report of .the Wickersham Committee which stud* ied the methods of Secretary Doak...
...The verdict has been pronounced by the Wickersham Commission, a body of conservative men appointed by ritatdfjit Hoover...
...has its own comment to make on Palmer's reign of terror...
...On the eon^Torfcers ought to ask budget director stonier what > the budget for the unemployed and...
...It hi better to have the legitimate employment that the sale o f fight wise and beer might make possible than the illegitimate employment Of gangs of beer runners and alley brokers...
...As in the Inquisition, the inquiries in deportation cases often search every aspect of the suspect's life and thought...
...The Inquisition Revived The Wickersham Report then turns to ''inquisitional examinations" and adds a new count to the indictment against Doak...
...OF OVR WHEAT 'lot by no means unimportant suggestion was made »the week that was good...
...We ask for iced or cold water on the job until frigidaires are installed, because we have suffered from the warm water and lack of water at several times...
...So they to sell to the government—at their own price, of d mines or set up some vague Federal control... both new policies and new personnel...
...Many Strikers Seized . " ( b ) There is strong reason to believe that in many cases persons are deported when further development of the facts or proper construction of the law would have shown their right td rttnain...
...The Wickersham Commission finds that the Department of Labor under Doak "insisted on making deportation a death penalty...
...We want 8 hours, camp to camp, or as near as we can get to it...
...The Wickersham Report Not since A . Mitchell Palmer staged his infamous series of attacks on the constitution has any cabinet minister been so indifferent to the legal rights of workers as has been Secretary Doak...
...The pleas fell on deaf ears.' Palmer was allowed to finish Ms term of office before he dropped into the pit of obscurity he so richly deserved...
...Really in his heart hate of any "dole" but private bread lines...
...We are willing to split— one way on company's tune—one way on our time...
...That's why the Department of Labor should have a house-cleaning now...
...a committee was elected to join one of the river camp to act as a strike committee...
...At 10 o'clock the committee met Mr...
...He also stated that men would be paid off and tracks Would be furnished to take the men to town* un returning tne committee raporteo to toe men and asked that they refute to leave until compelled to by legal papers served by the right authorities.' They cautioned the men against allowing any violence to start...
...later: We have been forced to abandon out camp, and move it to the desert hills, five mUs...
...Doak should not be* allowed the grace which an indifferent nation gave Palmer...
...The next day dawned upon well over a thousand men who had: said down their tools and by ten in the morning, when the committee were to meet the company officials, every man, except those needed to keep the camp running, had ceased work...
...The honse-cieaning must brine...
...c) Many persons are permanently separated from their American families with results that violate* the plainest dictates of humanity...
...The men sent a committee into Las Vegas to collect relief funds and food,to establish a picket camp if evicted by the company...
...Considerations of practical 'expediency cannot be urged to defeat constitutional rights...
...We ask that no employee who is in this meeting be discharged ' Mr...
...And among criminals, Doak includes even- workingman who dares raise his voice or strike against poverty and exploitation...
...The general vote was to follow that plan...
...For one thing, the wets c u t have it both i nation we are drinking as much as, or more than, - instead of illegally, won't make much if any isn't it far fetched to suppose that if people W J to buy food, furniture, clothes and good houses j it in abundance to buy beer...
...The committee...
...There is nothing else to do...
...It will not mean wheat now on the farmers' hands which would t farther down..., and he is going to have a convenj to start a new party on this basis...
...They confiscated the company arsenal and announced that they were in charge of peace maintenance and would maintain it They did...
...The Communists had their chance if the A. F. of L. had really t Of relief and leadership...
...about OPERATORS' PLAN proposal for better time* comes, or is said by the to be coming, from none other than those feudal i'i wont exploiters of labor, the coal operators...
...Then there at pensions for extra miners until they can be I industries...
...Doak has the effrontery to ask that he be granted new and additional powers to deport aliens...
...If it will, why aren't 'England or ' of them floating in beer, more prosperous...
...There must be a house-cleaning in the Federal Derailment of Labor...
...This Job is the A. F. of L.'s lof modifying the Volstead Act...
...As though he has ever stopped at the legal limitations placed on him...
...Illegal Raids Perpetrated" Raids without justification in law—rather in violation of constitutional safeguards—"oppressive a nd unconstitutional': apprehension, illegal deportations are every day practices-of Daak"s Department of Labor, the report indicates...
...Doak's recent raids are described as having for their chief purpose the apprehension of seamen who have outstayed their time here,- rather than radicals, but "It is a short step from these raids to the breaking up of any meeting which a Government official may not approve...
...He adds: T know of no more important work before the country than to rid it of alien criminals...
...He hopes to avoid public .action jflMuument by private and municipal charity...
...I ~ ^ "A recent and startling exception, to this practice has caused international comment," the report proceeds...
...There must be a plan for the industry, for the future, democratic, expert and non-partisan recognition of the union, and mine committees to at: on problems...
...Andersen has been charging $2.00 per day board for those on the graveyard shifts...
...There is no, proposal for natural planning, no fast that Juggling money won't go to the root of a There fc no recognition of the necessity of a fundaappesl to tns workers, and in an interdependent world he make w o * trade almost impossible...
...I should like to inquire into with the A_ F. of L. suggestion that fication of the Volstead Act may be oar saviour, making...
...It win golden grein rot while millkine starve...
...But to sty that such an arrangement will go far to ending unemployment, making compulsory unemployment insurance under the' state unnecessary, is worse than childish...
...Doak's agents have conducted many raids on meetings and headquarters of strikers on the spurious grounds that the strikes were "un-American" or anti-governmental . Doak Asks More Repression...
...More than thirty state* *% their constitutions or their poverty from effective The federal government la not so handicapped, our Socialist demand for a Hunger Loan of | | f repaid by heavy, graduated income and inherit1 proceeds to be spent on public works—some of it, ""direct relief...
...In particular, the report refers to the case of Guido Serio, Italian anti-Fascist whom Doak insists on deporting into the clutches of Mussolini, hangman of Italian liberty...
...In the administration of these laws one agency of the U. S. Government acts as investigator, prosecutor and judge, with despotic powers...
...Department of Justice, issued by the National Popular Government League in May, 1920, and in the Deportations Delirium of .1920, by Louis P. Past, Assistant Secretary of Labor from 1913 to 1921...
...They were stopped by United States authorities and one of the gunmen was arrestee^ This voluntary gunman was working as a shift boss in the river camp and his name is Got Britten...
...HARVEY RE-APPEARS remedy for depression is by our old friend...
...The crews walked off the job and called upon other shifts to support them...
...Hoover or says they win be as weU taken care of as last > aB know how weU that was, Mr...
...parvey of Queens, a man who can find the vindit to find in Governor Roosevelt's statement refus• from office, but sharply criticizing him...
...The time to end injustice is when it is being done...
...We ask a hat rate of $1.50...
...Before Doak took, office, the Department of Labor would occasionally permit deported alien* to go to the country of their chofee* Wt^^fli^Bm^Mi^^ as Secretary of Labor, the pciicy changed...
...He There is and can be no plan even for emergency 'aot require federal action...
...T H E Department of Labor as administered by Secretary William Doak stands convicted as an agency of attempted murder, of brutal inquisition and of lawless invasion of the homes and persons of men and women...
...The reference is in general to Doak's boasted policy of ordering "undesirable radical aliens" sent, back to despotic countries for inevitable punishment...
...Justice Brewer, as a star-chamber proceeding...
...Despite all this," it concludes, "the board of review insisted upon making deportation a death penalty...
...It win are not sure of financial repayment in full, a gratitude, which in the long run will pay in PROBLEM REMAINS this disposition of wheat is no extensive answer of the unemployed of whom Mr...
...No isn't a wet first and economist afterwards or will »tt Well—to duck the dole talks by modifying the VolU—torci prosperity...
...Under the present system not only is the enforcement of the law handicapped but grave abuses and unnecessary hardships have resulted...
...The committee met with Mr...
...Inquisition in the Middle Ages, and remarks: "A referenve to the, description of some of the preliminary examinations J» deportation cases shows the appropriateness of the comparison...
...The day and night passed quietly...
...for a lot of reasons It is f ar better to have beer and light wine legally available than to have them and much stronger liquors supplied, by...
...After dealing with the fact that the courts have upheld the rights of aliens, and, pointing out that their rights are violated by the methods now employed by the immigration inspectors, the report recalls Palmer s general deportation raids of 1920, "when outrageous methods were used in the apprehension of supposed deportable radicals...
...recently at Allentown...
...In the White Plains road builders strike, Doak caused a score of alien strikers to be seized because they refused to work for $18 a week...
...tICS OF PROHIBITION I are by no means <saenJ moua on the economic effect but a recent study by Prof...
...The report quotes from legal tttU^t'ot^.-Mu^l...
...The United States and county officials' took the box and said that they were here in an impartial position and would guarantee us legal protection as well as the company...
...The comment of Secretary Doak on this damning report points more than anything else to his complete unfitness for the he holds...
...what waste The Mayor and his Republican henchman (except at buses) George Harvey of Queens, between _ p t am appropriating money to keep some Queens Ejtfc The Mayor went to Europe, the workers went ~ A special meeting of the Board of ffisHmst* _ up after weeks of yansj wnaij iiiffailiig, but J j * the nation, there is no plan...
...It came from a man who There, he says, some ten million people face actual "he proposes that our Farm Board sell its surplus ken long term credit A fine idea...
...The demands were as follows: We ask that the company continue to carry on as rapidly as possible to better living conditions...
...The spirit of the men was that of a holiday, though tempered with an undercurrent of grim determination, which was heightened by the presence of the gunmen in spite of the workers having guaranteed there would be no violence tolerated...
...the absurd claims for it, I repeat, I should support of the Volstead Act...
...The United Stales and other nations have a way of recognizing the claims of justice years after its victims have suffered the torments of the injustice...
...Serio's case, including the undisputed plea that he would be killed if deported to Italy, is taken up fully, and quotations from the federal, district attorney and disrri * court in New York are given, showing how they appealed in vain to Doak to show mercy...
...The ; gifts" aren't half as much to be feared as operators federal government to take the losses and leave thm •Mentlsl is straight naturalisation, paying no more mines are worth to owners who cannot afford, to conserve them for the future...
...Post-mortem regrets may salve the national conscience but by the time they are uttered the victims will have suffered irreparable harm...
...unemployment laaiiranrs and any plan like oar Sorlanet propcaal for a $5,000,000,000 Hunger Loan unnecessary or worse...
...The report declares that labor department inspectors often searchingly cross-examine aliens in private and without giving than the right of counsel, as to their "private beliefs and, personal morality...
...Frankly, the idea is bosh...
...g eM and sJMar, plus ascBe paper some government ownership, and an arbitrary Private ownership of the mean* of producoperation of business for profit up to the limit he left...
...Zachariah Chaffee in his book on Freedom of Speech, in the Report upon the Illegal Practice* of the U.S...
...The fear expressed by the Commission has already become a reality...
...T h e workers then held a meeting and elected a committee to go to Boulder City camp and call upon the workers there to support them...
...In a chapter dealing with the conclusions and recommendations, the comrrussion declares: "The execution of the deportation laws involves most important rights of personal liberty...
...Crowe asked for twenty-(our hours to consider the demands, which was agreed upon...
...The Wickersham report tells enough of the story to prove this, though the families of hundreds of workers could add more eloquent testimony...
...mean that cities need do no more...
...We could do the job better, if our laws on deportation were stronger" Doak promises...
...During the day, company men tried to deport men from the river camp with the aid of shot guns...
...Not only is the alien wronged by failure of the inspector to warn turn that anything he says may be used against -him, but "the nature and scope of the questioning to which many suspects are put can only be desscribed, in the phrase of Mr...
...The workers | by a Communist minority which seeks to rule or Ltea union to party strategy...
...Are they to buy on [kstiTlmrit plan...
...In short this quack ' is t*na*fmis demagoguery...
...a ) The apprehension and examination of supposed aliens are often characterized by methods unconstitutional and oppressive...
...The evening of August 8, the company moved in a small arsenal, including shot-guns, rifles, tear gas guns, etc., and deputized a crew of company gunmen...
...The response was spontaneous...
...The first intimation of the now solid frontof the workers came when the cut was announced to some of the tunnel crews working out of the Six Companies river camp...
...There are hundreds of thousands whom we have not been able to reach with our staff," says Secretary Doak...
...The case of Guido Serio was one of 453 studied, but is too important in its implications to be omitted from this report, particularly if it is to be the precursor of a change in tine government's traditional policy...
...The cook-house was ordered closed down in an endeavor to starve the men out...
...Is lost : commentary is has recor Strike Ties Up Hoover Dam Construction at Boulder Chairman, Boulder City Strike Committee) (Special Despatch to The New Leader) TDOULDER CITY, Nevada.—The workers on the Hoover Dam are out on strike in protest against a wage cut and atrocious living conditions...
...Crowe, Six Companies superintendent, and presented the demands voted by the men...
...Shift after shift followed until all work was tied up in the 'river camp...
...What I chiefly regret is the A. F. of L. leaders are so much more in earnest jage than about supporting adequately certain strikes, ; workers, or making effective their demands for the j and a larger share of the national income...
...During the night, United States government officials, including the U. S. District^ Attorney, U. S. Marshals and county officers came to Boulder City in response to a telegram from the workers asking for protection against deportation...
...The coal industry must, of with the oil industry, the electric power inr, all of which must be socialised to make The operators will fight this to the bitter be satisfied with less, nor will our mining camps I tree men until this is done...
...That is why Doak must gat TIMELY TOPICS j y . Winter—The A. F. of L. j Br ead—"Coin" Harvey'* Pa Undo OITLOOK * the outlook for next winter that it is no few last minute cure*, tome of them {or our help...
...Once more as in the 90's be would save the...
...Jim Oneal, in ht, has had some interesting criticism of this, is not that Harvey is wholly wrong, some of his on money and banking are good, but he jumbles so many Bihie texts and quotations from church ny purely hypothetical figures, that he makes himquite ton drunk on words to understand what in his constructive rrmnosaT Primarily this is i etSjMgw es...
...Modification of the Volstead Act of itself la a good thing...
...We want strict enforcement of Arizona and Nevada safety laws and a safety inspector or miner in every heading...

Vol. 13 • August 1931 • No. 7

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