Capitalism Lines Up Miners Against Each Other

Stanley, Louis


...Kennett displayed two pictures of donkeys...
...They were made worse by the piling up of commercial stocks of 62,000,000 net ton* on January 1, 1924, as compared with 36,000,000 the year before, in expectation of a general strike on April 1, 1924...
...There have been two medif to I LI* m Hi j' I fnr sit 11> iihTYWil |ta the coastal states, especially to the lower Great Lake port* for...
...It has, of course, had a market at home in neighboring territory but the huge productions of West Virginia, Kentucky and Virginia sought distant outlets...
...The Virginia port stood second only to New York in supplying bunker coal, 1,903,415 net tons as compared with 2,615,422 for New York...
...tfes capitalistic helter-skelter in West Virginia is the leading asnthni n, coal state, with Kentucky, Alabama, Virginia, Tennessee and Maryland fallowing in order...
...The sectarian unions show stagnation while the regular union* show life and growth...
...Southern operators, therefore, had an equal, if not better chance than northern to deliver their coal...
...We cannot pea* up this subject without referring to what ha* happened to Socialist trade union, and cooperative organizations of the worker* ta Italy...
...for the operators, virile competition, and for the workers, non-union rivalry, wage slash - sag and finrnn>loyiuejit...
...The union was beaten back after e year and a half of terrific struggle...
...A PAPAL BLESSING ON niSSOLINT: REPLY TO ENCYCLICAL CONTINUED By James Oneal IV HAVING cnwiiVrnd the attitude of Catholic, Protestant and Free Thinking capitalists toward* wag* worker* in the labor sUuggJe and having found that this attitude is the same regardless ef the views held regarding j^y...
...Unemployed Chapel, New York PhotoEngravers' Union No...
...It would require a book to answer this correspondent's inquiry...
...How can the southern operators overcome the disadvantage of distance...
...Th* southern railroads immediately took step* to restore the former differential relationshipis by filing tariffs reducing the rates on southern coal by 20c per ton...
...1, of New York City hereby repudiates the writer also articles appearing in June Issue of Labor Age and The New Leader under caption of "Open Letter to Matthew Woll" and be it further RESOLVED: That publishers of Labor Age and The New Leader be requested to publicly acknowledge the receipt of these sketauflons and be it further Resolved, that copy of these resolutions be forwarded to Matthew Wall, Vice President ¦ of American Federation of Labor, Vice President International Photo Engravers Union of N. A- iPnblishers of Labor Age and The -New Leader...
...Bout hern coal mining has been stimulated by the various coal shottigis in recent years...
...One looks In vain in Leaves of Oram for an expression of social protest that is unmistakably radical and outspoken like Shelley's /cry to the men of England: "Shake your chains of earth like dew Which to sleep had fallen on you— Te are many—they are few...
...SOCIALISM AN* COMMUNISM Editor, The New Leader: Enclosed find $l for The New Leader for six months...
...One would suppose that the northern coal field* because of proximity to market* would supply most of the coal to the northwest' that was delivered by way of the Great Lakes...
...Tennessee 0.3 per cent, and Virginia 0.1 per cent making a total for the southern producing area* of 67.2 per cent Pennsylvania accounted for 23.6 per cent and Ohio for 9.2, making a total of 32.8' for the northern contenders...
...The writer's "American Communism" ta i history of the evolution of the movement and its methods in this country and it can be obtained from the Rand School Bookstore, 7 Bast 15th street, New York City, for $1.50.— Editor of The New Leader...
...Other poets are distinctly reactionary, some serving special forms of reaction and others universal reaction...
...He is not a Socialist, he Is not a revolutionist...
...Kansas wheat farmer** and the other "Farm Board...
...The readers will note that the method* followed in accomplishing this result are largely the same as the methods followed by Communists in the unions...
...and organtzetk...
...The Union Collapse The Jacksonville scale maintamed the union wage of f7.50 per day in the face of the commencement of wage cut...
...It may call forth some sort ef akmnTleant response from your reader* If true, the fact that Whitman was not taken up by the workers in no way detracts from hi* greatness aa a pock That stands...
...It fa with this episode a ground that we tan »I to the Encyclical of A which appear on psgsJ 9 r*1u* is considering tsH trade unions so-e*laf nj of Mussolini...
...That resolution reads: Nothing would be more injurious to the welfare of our movement than the Injection of questions relative to religion...
...The Catholic clubs were "nuclei*' carrying on propaganda in the unions and when this had won enough members the latter were reorganized under Catholic auspices and control...
...The fact that Whitman has made little or no appeal to American workers is hardly to his discredit...
...Actually, the southern operators have had the lead...
...July 8, 1931, the following resolutions were by unanimous vote adopted...
...The X. C. C has endeavored to arrange the rate structure no encourage the dcvelupment ef fields remote from th* market" The Commission ha* accepted in full the theory of the desirability of competition and permitted a lower rate per ton-mile for long hauls than tor abort haul* Southern coal in the lake trad* must travel about twice the distance of coal from the Ohio and Pennsylvania fields to Lake Kris ports, yet the amount paid per ton by the southern operator* ha* been slightly leas than that by the northern...
...The question was raised many year* ago in the trade unions abroad following the advice of Pope Leo teat Catholic workers should astshlisti sectarian trade unions under the control of church authorities...
...With the expiration of the Jacksonville agreement in 1927, the union operators demanded a reduction...
...As to this we do not know, but as a result of this propaganda about 26,000 Catholic wage workers are.organized in three federation* under the control of Catholic authorities...
...I am of the belief that Whitman, despite his sincere profession of faith in the workers of America, never touched the heart of the problem that confronts this class...
...Gradually and without undue violence to establish conditions, the rates should be readjusted to reestablish more natural conditions between the elements of cost and service...
...During 1927, the output of four southern states (Alabama, Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia) rose to 296,072,000 net tons and surpassed that of nine union states (Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas) with a total tonnage of 221,770,000...
...During toe development of the Communist movement in the United States, especially the period of 1B1B-1023, every phase of the issues between the two movements was dlsrnsted in the Socialist and Communist press and much pamphlet literature was published...
...Lake Cargo Coal The lake trade is the cherished prise sought in a long standing contest between the northern and the southern operator* It is an important factor hi the soft coal industry, first, because of its magnitude—it took 36,399,344 net tons or 7.8 per cent of the total production last year...
...If not, why not...
...Important railroads connect the southern port* with the coal field* They have become prosperous...
...On the basis' of dues paid, it has been calculated that the membership of the United Mine Workers in the soft coal field declined from 384,617 in 1919 to 98,039 a year ago...
...Begin) the appointment of a chaplain tor the guidance of the labor union* ta moral question*" Magr...
...It la merely an important fact that in an Iwlisrtiy already over-expanded, new mines should he opened to add to the excess capacity without any r*-'"IT whatsover...
...My Lifs,» published by Chicago University In 1913...
...Incidentally, the resolution was adopted by delegates representing a variety of views on religion...
...But we prefer to turn to • Catholic reference to this incident...
...He credits the Catholic unions of Quebec with a membership of 25,000 which would indicate that these unions have made little or no progress since they were organized in 1918...
...The matter might be discussed In your paper...
...In Illinois and Indiana, 86.10 became the basic day wage...
...In Justice to the several hundred i members involved it ta respectfully 1 suggested that this communication | be given sua* consideration as was the /'Open Letter to Matthew WoU... their appeal...
...During these moonths of suspension of work, the southern states did not go entirely unaffected, but they made important gain...
...In 1926, the increased production called forth by the British coal strike steadied wages for a while...
...Do the workers In this country subscribe to the Whitman cause...
...If they did, those principles did not differ in their application from the course usually JMsswil by employing corpora"America" regrets that the lamrii su trade unions do no t admit religion to their councils which it considers a "fatal bar to jfeeWbfuI progress...
...the worker* because it divides them into hostile camps, although there are occasions when dual organization may be necessary to save a union from bad policies and unhealthy stagnation, but dual organisation along sectarian line* is the worst possible form of dualism that can afflict a labor organization...
...America," the Catholic weekly review, issue at March 1, 1980, carried a leading editorial entitled "Catholic Trade Unions," the occasion being a letter addressed by Pope arts* to' the German Catholic Dorkmen's Associations in which he declared that these organizations "are best adapted of an to be of real and solid use to their ¦¦mill i*~ since they are "established upon the Catholic religion Sjad openly follow the Church a* their guide...
...A railroad mto ef $1-00 or an seated to each ton of coal is as significant as the coat of producing the coal itself...
...Ohio and western Pennsylvania obtained no agreement at all...
...He had abounding sympathies but no vision of liberation...
...Including Catholics, Dual unionism Is bad enough for... 1923, 34 per cent, and in 1929, 44 per cent...
...We would say that Whitman Is universal in his radical and revolutionary outlook and for that reason cannot be claimed by any particular movement...
...It is against this tendency that the country must set its face...
...Tour statement based on experience, would afford valuable testimony...
...In the American Federatlonist for February, 1929, John T. Foster, vice-president of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada, writes of the "Labor Problems in the Province of Quebec" He declares that in 1919, one year after the organization of the Catholic trade unions, the trade union) movement of Canada had a total membership of 378,047...
...In many sections there is hardly the remnant of a union organization...
...The issue is again raised by Pope Pros In hi* Encyclical but even before this document was issued the policy of organizing sectarian trade unions was being urged by Catholic publications in this country...
...The southern non-union operators slashed freely until in many instances they had even gone beyond me 1917 wage level...
...Bad times for the industry set in...
...1. Donkeys A Farmer Dump* His Wheat and Tells Why in Pictures Bucklin, Kansas,—Rather than seU his wheat at 27 cents a bushel, Forrest Kennett opened the sad gate of his truck sad snowed the grain to spill out on the streets of Bucklin...
...A nation-wide strike was urged...
...Bebel Jeter* to it in his autobiography...
...Eastern Kentucky 18.1 per cent...
...By way of introduction to this we will recall an episode ta German Socialist and Catholic history...
...I thing is true of sttcmY erature and religion...
...I happen to be s Bronx resident and was entered in The New Leader contest as a representative of the Sixth Assembly District...
...In fact, so j greet was the demand for miners' in the South that wage rates reached the level of those in the North...
...Before August 10, 1937, the rate from Pittsburgh was $1.66...
...It ta merely another illustration of...
...Practically all of this literature ta not available now...
...These reasons, I maintain, fully account for his virtual rejection by the workers of America...
...RESOLVED: That the Unemployed ¦Chapel members of New Tor*- PhotoEngravers Union No...
...The southern production sees ateadily...
...If the wheat farmer raised 16bushels an acre—the average estimated in the latest Department of Agriculture tsaaman end sold at that price, be eouacted at the rate of 84 aa acre for Ida crop...
...Let us consider what has happened hi Canada aa a result of Catholic sectarianism in the trade union* Gerard Trembley contributed an article to "America," tome of May 30, 1931, entitled "Catholic Labor Union* in Canada.'* Be write* that in February, 1918, "the Trade* and Labor National Council ef the District of Quebec unanimously voted a resolution, demanding of the Archbishop (the l*te Magr...
...How does the membership of the sectarian unions of Quebec compare with the membership of the other unions la Canada twelve years after the former were organized...
...Its chief problem has been marketing...
...He is not then- poet he does not voice their message... 1918, 28 per cent...
...I wish to take the opportunity to ask if The New Leader has any provision by which a subscriber can send In questions and have them answered...
...There are also difference...
...A CORRECTION* Editor, The New Leader: Just to rectify an error appear nig in last week's issue, this ta to tat you know that I was listed as coming from Brooklyn...
...Care were allotted to producers according to the capacity of their mine...
...II you like, you may print my letter...
...that is, "War of Culture...
...Even without the southern production, there would lave been a surplus mine capacity in 1914 and 4993 for the country as a whole...
...The explanation of cheap labor is not enough because railth^^verage^prlce"fw bUumtoous care Oeas^^hng*exp«meT in 1929 was $1.78 tor the United States **' * whole and $1.60 for tbnaajht southern coalstates...
...2,950,291 from Baltimore, Md., and 147,465 from Charleston S. C.,—a total for the southern ports of 24,626,137 net tons or two-thirds of the total tidewater shipments...
...Unlike piwbthe northern and south* joined to oppose wide**, ferential* at this tin* I argument was bud k measure upon th* mm4 reductions m the norak* a new set ef cireaasm June 28, southern rtlln coal operator* formally a I. c. c. to dtonusHate* rebirth of mil isSSs k Pennsylvania, Oak mi 9 gun* may, of ejss* cht situation a*ra* as** a few months otfsm Religion and Trade Unionism-The Pope's Position and That of th e A* fv ot DEAL ORGANIZATIONS ALONG SECTARIAN LINES A MENACE TO PROGRESS...
...After August 10, 1927, the Pittsburgh rate was reduced by 20c to $1.46, making the differential of southern high and low volatile 45c and 60c above the Pittsburgh rate...
...This culminated tea bffi framed by Bismarck in 1872 for the) earpshaon of toe Jesuits Item Germany...
...And* bow do condition* of workers in the province compare with the conditions of the workers in general ta Canada...
...I am eager to have your opinion on this point...
...Last year President Tom Moore of the Canadian Trades and Labor Congress conceded them 25,000...
...Those who have had experience in labor organizations will have little difficulty in choosing between this A. F. of L. resolution and the advice given by "America...
...The United Mine Workers under the administration of John L. Lewis refused to take a backward step...»»B»lumsil to th*: asft^swea...
...Union operators began to violate the agreement...
...W.mSmmm World" of Septem-j her 90, 1924, Father MSI ta answer to those sj Catholic* not to vote * lette for President bees* 1st* were supporting Ma Muench said: In the TO's and tn <t century the German SnaM their support to the 0* the fight against tat aa elous intolerance of tit kamnf Inaugurated ay 8k) Again in lets wher...
...burden than focmsBh^j 8th of this year, **msj Bard well, of the late*) mere* Com mission, m* that the lake cargo cod brought before th* 11 Ohio and T~i.....ayhssjl be dropped...
...Here is approval of **» tion of Socialist org***" a Fascist dictatorship *¦ soltal at the head of ¦ Shirt* effected Ms ** over Italy his Fascist M stroyed Socialist trade a operative, and educations...
...The walk-out was averted by the signing of the Jacksonville agreement but the huge supplies of available coal glutted the .market...
...he had no knowledge, no adequate conception of economic forces and their influence on men...
...Between 1918 and 1923 the southern states increased their production by 19 per cent...
...Besides, the new industrialization of the South brought into the industry fresh supplies of labor...
...The result win be * reduction in the total cost of transportation to the nation...
...we win now turn to a consideration of religion and trade unions...
...Georgia and North Carolina have only one active mine each...
...All other onrn that refused to comply * commands of to* "srstsl > were destroyed Msty m nation where fr*"*****, opinion is lniposwlbte ss» the whole labor **** been crushed by brat*)" Contrast th* ***** forts" with the fine r***j cialists tn th* Gersett*1 against the "Knitur*****^ marek and Iia*tljj|g express no oaj§r§mJSHP| may be left to forrnj...
...That on southern high volatile waa $1.91 and that en tow volatile, $2.06, or 25c and 40c respectively more than the basis rate from Pittsburgh...
...In an Isrtastij that was already suffering from overdevelopment the creation of new mine capacity sn the South merely aggravated Om drfTtcnlrten...
...Th* United State* Coal Commission called attention to the fact ta 1923 when it said: "The inevitable result of an over-developed softcoal industry is that each field is seeking to widen the territory ta which it can market Its product If the cost of production easmot be lowered, the effort is to have the freight rate reduced relative to the rate from other competing field...
...Foster answers: "The annual wages of Quebec workers are approximately $100 less per capit* than that obtaining ta other province* and while there baa been considerable improvement during the pact few year* yet unquestionably there remains much to be desired to this connection, though the effort* to improvement are considerably retarded by the conditions described already...
...The resjsj complaints by the Ohio] go Coal Bate Comraiu* West Pennsylvania cm Bureau...
...Cathoti for the abolition of tot to •d against th* Jesula k i the Socialists came te M the defense of their en* rights...
...The language is bo plain that it requries no comment We may only observe that in those union* affected by racketeering and other such practice* there are a* many Catholic member* and leader* involved as members and leader* of other religious view* 9 We may contrast the above advice with the resolution adopted by the convention of the American Federation of Labor in 1913...
...Trembley then follows with a long argument based upon Catholic teachings to justify this partition of the Canadian labor movement into two more or less hostile groups...
...He ***»• composition and fanes* the Fascist dicutorsnip I adds this paragraph "Little reflection Is at perceive the advaatsfssl stitution thus summarC* 4 peaceful collaboratioi of « es, reawessto* of Sedate rations and effort*, tMJ tag influence of s mm istry...
...He also asserts, in partial defense of this course, alleged "clear expressions of antiCatholic views and outrageous propaganda on the part of some A. F. of L. organizers...
...The tuyning point in the soft coal industry, as we have seen, occurred jn 1923, when the specI ulative bubble in coal *"'"'"g burst...
...Daring the war period, 1918*1918, a scarcity of railroad ears was responmWm *** the boosting of prices...
...It isn't easy to classify post* ta their relation to the movement of the rnov while others are seats ml— versa...
...The Chesapeake and Ohio, and the Norfolk and Western have reported earnings as high as 828 to $29 per snare of common stock...
...He preaches the manly attachment of comrades, adhesiveness, individualism, but offers no solution for the economic problems that beset the tower classes...
...New wheat acid ta Salina, Kansas, this week here at 28 cents s bushed...
...Charles PBJpma...
...A slight variation in transportation charges may gain or lose a market The kike cargo railroad freight cast* have been before the Interyears... cannot te shaken...
...Last year, Pennsylvania bituminous amounted to 122,459,000 net tons and that from West Virginia to 120,040,000...
...In 1922-23, Alabama, Virginia and Kentucky actually increased production during the strike and West Virginia and Tennessee showed i very slight losses...
...In th* seventies when Bismarck was Cssmeeftor to* Council of the Vatican ta Rome tamed its dogma ef papal infallibility and the Liberals, i'H|nssiiwltag the middle Class, ventured upon the crusade known as "Kulturkampf...
...The union organization became demoralized...
...There are eight states/ south of Ohio and east of the Missisaippi which produce coal...
...Between 1914 and 1929 it increased by 112,sBeVWfl net tans...
...Hampton Roads accounted for 12,379,796 net tons of the 14,026,424 shipped from all ports to New Kngtand and for 1,860,463 net tons out of 2352,648 exported...
...Begin Induced the unions to amend their by-laws an a* to "baa* them on Christian principles" and a Cathi oiic club was founded to cany propaganda for the idea into "other unon*" In this way the Quebec Trades and Labor National Council "became an official Catholic labor organization" and the unions affiliated with it were "independent of the American Federation of Labor...
...The strike periods of 1919-1920 and 1922-1923 played into the hands of the southern coal operator...
...It could not be otherwise...
...They are Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia- In 1914, they produced 29 per cent of the total bituminous coal output in the United States...
...In Canada this policy has been followed with the result that the organized working class is divided into two sections, one section guided and controlled by church authorities and the other guided and controlled by the members, regardless of their religious views...
...His poems, he declares, "are not known, or else not liked, by rank and file...
...Do they read his books...
...The reason for th* fight against this arojo* lation was that Sociifli posed to an gxrmuam ence in favor ol or arsis* gious denominations I any progress at afl a li a Socialist movement freedom of opinion, jam bly...
...zations of the working lashing plants wars **¦ the papers destroy** ¦ tors of them orps**sm sacked and give* ts tt* Members were tiatoi *¦ murdered in cold hloo* were imprisoned or fwsa Into exile...
...This has enabled the distant southern fields to outbid the nearer northern, stimulating new mines and increasing th* overdevelopment of the industry...
...Shelley was such a poet and he can be quoted consistently by workers whose philosophy ranges from peasant revolts to modern Socialism...
...The I. C. C. cancelled these tariffs but was prevented from enforcing its decision by an injunction obtained hi the United States Circuit Court by the southern producer* After April 20, 1928, therefore, the 25c and 40c differential went into effect once more...
...One waa 1*totted...
...Even Trembley gives them no more than 26,000...
...Salina I* one of the pxte-cipal shipping points In the winter wheat country of Kansas...
...Bate Differential* The I. C. C. took advantage of the situation and decided in a case before it to widen the differential between the northern and the southern rates on lake cargo coal For purposes ef illustration, the rates and differentials with respect to Pittsburgh and southern high and tow volatile coal* will be considered...
...As * result of proposals and counter-proposals of southern and northern railroads during the lake trade season of 1928, a compromise differential of 35c and 50c came into existence and ha* been maintained ever since...
...The New Leader Mail-Bag WALT WHITMAN Editor, The New Leader: I should like to solicit your opinion on a matter concerning Walt Whitman...
...In this connection it is interesting to note what W. M Rossetti said m 1873 about the reactions of the English workers to Whitman's work...
...The Catholics and the A. L of L 3 "America" agree* with tola view, holding that these Catholic trade union* embody the "principles taught by Leo XIII" which •Jena "can effect lasting peace between .capital and labor...
...The foregoing resolutions were adopted due to fact there was absolutely no endorsement of "Open Letter to Matthew Woll" by the Unemployed Chapel of Photo Engravers, also the person submitting letter was given no authority to use Unemployed Chanel of New York Photo Engravers Union No...
...I favoritism and • fa* I opinion for an views...
...He belongs to the whole world...
...West Virginia became the leading coal producing state in the country in 1927 with a production of 148, 122, 447 net tons as compared with 132, 964, 639 for Pensajlisuls The Hr took the lead again in 1929...
...This by no rneani exhausts the differences of opintor on methods...
...Philadelphi*, Pa...
...At the same tuna he reported that the -paid up membership of the organizations be represented waa 138,887, n gate ef 12.349 over whs previous year, or ummjg mitt Che unions...
...Kipling is a type of the first, a singer of the glories of British imperialism...
...The pitiful pay envelopes that occasionally receive publicity in the labor press are the outcome...
...Communists intrigue and plot in other 5isiilsrih«ts to obtain control while HoctaTtsU favor nrtaratWi to win the Sr^unhm E2^*nw-5E armed insurrection while Socialistopposed this folly... interpretation of capitalism and iti transition to Socialism but space doei not permit us to consider them...
...There are the A. F. of L. organizations, independent railway organization, another independent organization consisting of building trades worker* and the Catholic union* One of the main difficulties in organizing the workers of the province, Foster says, "may be found In the organisation of what Is known a* the National Catholic Syndicate, where religion is permitted to enter Into the industrial field with resultant itjsastar and disruption to the economic movement" That is what always happens when workers are organised on a sectarian basis...
...The American trades union movement, from Its Inception, has excluded all questions of a sectarian nature fronHRs conventions, and this rigidly applied policy has made If possible to build up a united movement, which otherwise would be Impossible to either secure or maintain...
...As a result of the 1927,1928 strike the single agreement for the Central Competitive Field (Illinois, Indiana...
...Theoretically both movements are opposed to the capitalist system of society but in the matter of organization and methods there ta a vast difference In general it may to said that Communists believe in an aggressive minority to lead the masses while Socialists believe in more ****** i stir methods In education and action...
...Of 37,138,592 net ton*, of bitum1930, 21,528,381 came from Hampton Roads, Virginia...
...1, as 'fill nj1 to any **xssnnnsBatlan on letter wrisasosvsr...
...The Tidewater Trade The southern coal mining industry has been able to grow for several reasons: cheap labor, better coal seams, newer and more modern mine...
...We lam seen that church authorities ta to* Catholic cemetery strike 8w3*sr did not apply these principle* or...
...The result is not only * divided labor army but a conflict of aims, purposes and acNow for the evidence?, and to be Bare that we do not exaggerate we quote Catholic source...
...and secondly, because of its stabilizing effect on the industry—it is heaviest during the summer months when the lake* are open for traffic and when the ordinary coal business is dullest...
...For the soft coal i ndustry - it baa meant a surplus mine capacity...
...PHOTO-ENGRAVERS DISSENT By unanimous action of unemployed members assembled at 625 World Building...
...But it dispels once for all the notion that he is the representative pa»S aftos masses...
...The rate from Pittsburgh is still $1.46 but that on southern high volatile coal is $1.81 and on low volatile $1.96...
...Please let me CHARLES I. GLICKSBEEG...
...Before consklering this view we will pass on ¦nsmother editorial from the same publication in the issue of January lw3»¦ It saboixld fa© FBBSsSflftbS rod teat both editonais appeared after the notable strike of the Calvary Cemetery worker* "America" declared that by excluding religion from their councils the American trade unions are "menaced by gunmen and murderers" who "plan to control the local union*" It adds that "The time may be ripe for the formation of Catholic unions, founded on Catholic principle* But organized labor can find no policy that is both appealing and Christian, except in the social teachings of the Catholic Church...
...No intimation is being made that the Southern mines should shut down, •sen If that were possible...
...This sectarian dual unionism was carried to Montreal by these propaganda club* but the work was harder there because more powerful locals of the internationals were firmly rooted in decades of organization...
...Lodi, Calif...
...For Instance, I am seriously troubled to know toe difference between Socialism and Communism...
...Trembley declares that in Montreal "the only possible means of Christianizing the labor movement—since the international local* through their constitution and affiliation were 'non-sectarian' was the setting up of a new organization, notwithstanding the possibility of duality in trade unionism...
...American workers in general reveal little interest in poetry including those poets who represent their cause, except in the case of those who are identified with the advanced sections of the labor and Socialist movement.—Editor of The New Leader...
...There were a few ltwrl*Tl*ts ta the Reichstag sa| by August Bebel who vigorously fought this measure...
...In 1930, West Virginia shipped 48.7 per cent, of the lake cargo coal...
...But dualism has gone to the extreme in Quebec...
...In 1918 and 1929 the southern production was greater than the country's surplus, la other words, if the South -were eliminated, the soft coal industry would just about be able to Ofjarat* at full capacity...
...Non-Union Worker ABPUTHERU coal has been at the heart of the agitation about bituminous coal in recent years...
...Due to the colk«*j IMS strike wag* ratal lowered so cocjutsstb and Pennsylvania that | em operators ham i present rate different...
...New mine* were opened to the South Just as they were in the North, and by the end of the war, the eight southern coal state* had retained their share of one-third of the soft coal production of the country...
...Ohio, and western Pennsylvania), according to which scales in other districts are adjusted, was lostDistrict settlements were made...

Vol. 13 • July 1931 • No. 3

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