Operators Saddle Losses Of Coal Industry On Mines

Stanley, Louis

Operators Saddle Losses Of Coal Industry On Mines COMPETITION REDUCES DEMAND FOR COAL AS FUEL WHILE PRODUCTION COSTS DROP By hooka Stanlev Ill—Why the Meee fTHE CHAOS thex is coel has sprang...

...Anthracite calls for special attention because it is only within the last half decade that that industry has begun to mind the pinch of competition...
...Some of those workers had bean drafted to fight against the Germans in the World War...
...On August 4 the New York Times reported that "The officials of the Calvary Cemetery Corporation have refused to submit to arSltration the demands of the 360 ^rikers, who are asking the reinstatement of three of their number, higher wages and no employment on Sundays or holidays without double pay, according to a statement Issued issued from the cemetery's Manhattan office yesterday...
...Now, the sequence of wages and prices would work all right If it were not for the dole...
...Religion and Strikes Now in these textile labor struggles of Massachusetts we have had this remarkable thing occur over and over again...
...It consists of screenings too fine for metalthe^slze of steam sizes of anthracttc Bagbty per cant of coke, producer.^chiefly^as boiler ^fuai...
...Religious faith counted for nothing...
...Between 1896 and 1900 by' product ovens produced only 8.2 i per cent of the coke in the United States, by 1914 its share was 32.5, I by 1919 56.9 and by 1928 91.5...
...The Iran sad steel industry baa been a direct benefactor from the substitution of the by-product coke oven for the beehive oven...
...The day before the strike leaders had sent a telegram to Cardinal Hayes asking for abitration but no answer had been received...
...answer bat* yet been/ received from Cardinal Hayes...
...A few examples will illustrate what ia meant For several decades there have been some terrible labor struggles in the Massachusetts textile industry...
...Well, then, let him eat it that the mechanism of the labor market may prevail...
...From the nature of his work he Is known as a pick miner...
...In 1910 the United States Bureau of Mines was created and Inaugurated fuel testing on an adequate basis...
...Partly as a result of the shortage in its supply created during the 1925-36 strike but more particularly due to special efforts made by sellers of competing fuel briquets, coke, oil, natural gas and soft coal...
...Thomas Ciulla, business manager of the Cemetery Workers Union, recalled this statement and asked why the Rev...
...but those are people without moral responsibility, who do not realise that work is the noblest function of man...
...At ksjfl locomotive was staff...
...Not at all...
...In other words, that antagonism between workers and owners which Plus mentions replaced every other consideration...
...At the same rime rationalization has made it possible to produce more than ever...
...It is still the moat important primary source of fuel and power...
...The worksilj Religious Faiths And Economic Divisions—A Reply To The Pope - *A GRAVF»»Ilw4t3F».C» CTWIETl...
...How long this process wiB continue before an economical balance among the various, sources of power ia reached one cannot tell...
...Then sea • hardly ever ' mule in a coal SsBB ' complete survey sesm ' antzed haulage eatjfl '¦ United States Baasjfl bituminous coal tariM 1 This census shossjffl ' time 12.0 per csstfl ' mined production aam 1 using animals oshvfl from mines deposwfl 1 tives alone aad ttM 1 mines err, ploying wmj ' and animals...
...In many of the titles where the plants are located Catholic Democrats either rule or have a large measure of power...
...in i 1915 20.1 pounds of ammonium I sulphate or equivalent, in 1928 22.8...
...try imiaiimsra In 1998 the coke breeze i sou mred at coke pleats amounted to 4,500,232 net tons and waa worth $9,664,937...
...At the beginning of the century it ---f - ,— ~ , . . . <¦* Was seldom that a factory bought uuaii fiian nsatral Haiti In iilsnti JJBSJ SB SJSk arB-USBMBBt vwt*wa<»------- -- kj^^^^fff (3 gar cent in 1902...
...Mt also interpreted the statement m John Neeeer, considered above...
...Despite the general oppression of the Jewish people in their homelands across the Atlantic, when they appeared in this country and divided into capitalists and owners in the garment Industry the same struggles and brutalities have occurred in strikes...
...If the cost of labor is at all above the cost of mechanical production, machines will replace men, and unemployment will result The idea is that" imachines are only used when wages are above a certain level...
...The public officials in the city and county are Protestants...
...CTonvrTD onvnc sair rtr sec tsamo^____ ¦ A l,K\\t.tRS* STRIKE ILLUSTRATES THE STRONGER BONDS OF CLASS LINES _ —RELIGIOUS FAITHS DIVIDED By Jawties Osteal m WE may now turn to the see- , nomic considerations under- : lying this whole question which ' were mentioned in our introductory paragraphs...
...The theory is introduced to a grateful England by Sir Joelah Stamp in two articles in the "Times...
...Note: The number of strikers varies in the news stories...
...In 1913 2,433.3 pounds of coke was need to make a gross ton of pig iron end ferro-alloys, in 19X9 2.310.2 and in 1928 2,088.5...
...but every self-respecting worker would prefer the frying-pan to the fire...
...1 • • • It has been said that the brair supplies the argument but the heart and stomach provide the hypothesis...
...There is another aspect of labor struggles in the garment Industry that should not be overlooked...
...e>Rivals of Coal Between 1018 and 1929 the energy derived from domestic oil in the United States increased by las per cent, from natural gas 158 per cent and from water power ISO per cent In contrast the energy supplied by coal did not keep up with the growth in population and industry but Instead sustained a lorn of 10 per cent Anthracite's share declined by 23 per cent that of bituminous by 8. Of course, not all the oil is in direct competition with coal but bate sou the direct and indirect rivalry coal has sustained heavy It must not be supposed that coal is in its doldrums...
...Religious beliefs of owners and of palttkdana in office make no difference...
...These cranks say that monsy is an artificial factor and can easily be expanded or contracted to meet the needs of the people...
...Patrick's Cathedral, a board of trustees of the church being In charge...
...The anthracite producers have organised to recover their market but are meeting with the lusty resist sure of their challengers...
...To go above that level 4a "an impediment to the delicate mechanism of the labor market" You may say that to go below that level ia an impediment to the delicate mechanism of the worker's stomach...
...But having a dole to fall back upon, the worker has preferred to accept a dole which was not much lower than a wage and remain idle...
...A quarter of a century ago 63 or 64 per cent was a typical yield...
...And I hope he found time between ths courses to imagine yet another curve— namely, ths parabola described by a rich and well-fed man, when after telling a crowd of hungry working men that they must go oa being poor for ever, he was thrown into the canal to find his own level...
...In fact the problem is one of energy, of fuel and power, not merely of coal or oil or gas or water...
...In 1929 coal accounted for 16,033 trillion B. t u.'a as compared with 6,036 trillion for domestic oil, 3.000 trillion for natural gaa and only 1,927 trillion for water power...
...It is, if anything, worse than eating peas with a knife...
...The Interests of : the working people of all faiths and beliefs are the same As Lin- : coin said to a delegation of New I York worklngmen in 1863, "The pesky, ssskdsn of the family rehv i tfeta, should be one uniting all : wwhlag people, of all nations, and constantly keep in mind this principle of labor solidarity the worktag masses win not often go wrong...
...Since the war the figure has passed-the 68 per ¦ cent mark...
...The brutalities In these Southern labor struggles are so recent and so vivid that it is unnecessary to dwell upon them...
...Meantime 150 strikebreakers were at work, bodies were accumulating-, and it would probably be necessary to bury some In temporary trenches...
...declared that Seigeant Ferrick of the police department "has bssn going around wlthtt the last few days asking the nten to return to work la behalf of the Calvary Cemetery offlcialB...
...There is more careful selection of coal, engineering supervision, training of boilerroom personnel, installation of turbines and mechanical stokers and general improvements in plant equipment Between 1923 and 1927 coal consumed in manufacturing declined from 239,706,753 to 216,442,337 net tons or 9.7 per cent At the same time the rated capacity of steam engines and turbines increased slightly from 16,700,442 horsepower in 1923 to 16,923,931 in 1927...
...Fuel Economy Part of the rationalising process that has characterized recent industrial history has been the increasing of efficiency in the utilization of fuel and power...
...It is a^beautiful and logical as tha argument based on the hypothesis that Scotland is Soutt of England, that the nearest way to Glarf-ow is via Madrid...
...And a glance at the statistics shows that the working man's "economically correct" level ia somewhere near the bottom of a dustbin...
...From 1924 to 1928 the production of fuel briquets hi the United States increased from 580,470 to 947,433, their importation from 38 to 71,485, the domestic use of beehive coke from 2,813,771 to 6,254.382 net tons, the employment of oil in heating houses from, 2,800,000 to 14,273,000 barrels and the domestic consumption of natural gas from 285,152 to 320,877 million cubic feet It hi not known how much soft coal goes into domestic channels but it Is estimated at 56.000,000 net tons per annum and may reach as high as 77,000,000...
...On August 9 the Brooklyn Daily Eagle carried a three-column advertisement signed by John Neeser, a member of the Board of Trustees of St...
...Though the proportion of energy contributed by coal has declined from practically 100 per cent at the time of the Civil War to 73.7 in 1913, 7X3 in 1918 and but 65.3 in 1929, it cannot yet be shamed by domestic oil's portion of 34.6 per cent and that of natural gaa of a aligns 8.2 per cent...
...Now his skill is being destroyed by mechanization...
...In 1919 steam electric power plants consumed 3.2 pounds of coal per kilowatt-hour, in 1928 1.76 or a diminution of 45.0 per cent...
...It is based on the conclusions of two French economists, who havi succeeded in proving that "ths real cause of unemployment is the dole" Loud applause, and a voice: "I love the old songs best...
...A heavy police guard was being maintained...
...In that state and m the South the textile Industry ia an important enterprise affecting the lives of hundreds of tboneanrts of worklngmen and women...
...Stssjj| ! progress in msehasel \ been made...
...Coal has been giving way to oil, natural gas and water power...
...The owners of our various fuel and power resources are striking out for themselves regardless of the effect upon others In related lines and, indeed, even upon themselves...
...to mean "that there win be nsf arbitration under any circumstances...
...In addition there has been a larger yield of by-products i per ton of coal charged...
...While part of the decrease in coal consumption Is accounted for by a 7,000,000-ton decline in the iron and steel Industry and an 8,000,000 drop In the case of coke plants, the additional decrease of 8,000,000 tons must be explained In the main by increased efficiency in the use of coal in other manufacturing establishments...
...The Industry is largely owned by Protestant capitalists although Catholic capitalists have also invested in It...
...in 1915 1.5 gallons of light oil, in 1980 8.6...
...Dineen had changed his mind...
...This is called "letting wages find their own level...
...In the garment industry ' of New York, Chicago, and other cities the workers have been overwhelmingly Jewish and the owners are mainly of the same nationality...
...It is a matter of record and so amazing that we shall quote our sources of information as the story unfolds...
...He undercuts the coal, makes Law aad Order in PenrisylvaaltJ preparations for the blasting, sets aside the impurities and loads the coal...
...Meanwhile burial activities at Calvary Cemetery are paralyzed," reads The World story...
...the worker would have been forced to accept lower wages (i...
...As 1 a result of this change coal util> ized in the coke industry has been made to yield a larger percentage of coke than formerly...
...The old style miner now being replaced by the machine miner is a handicraftsman...
...and in 1915 4.3 thousand cubic feet of surplus gas, i In 1930 6.75...
...Ure!>P- **^^aB iron and steel, awj*^] connected with their <^Jif*M,3 the needi^jrf j^Bj era...
...The main argument is that wages must follow prices, otherwise everything goes wrong and the whole cosmic scheme slips s cog...
...Here again the matter of religious faith makes no difference in the labor struggle...
...The shortage in fuel supplies during the World War and the coal strikes in the post-war period stimulated experiments in economising...
...All this leads to another important and Immutable law, proved by the curves: That "a definite wage level which cannot be exceeded exists in every country...
...Sir Josiah is very anxious that the working man shall know his true position in the scheme of things...
...Manufacturing in general has experienced economization in fuel...
...Rationalising Mining The substitution of rival sources of energy and the resort to fuel economy have reduced the demand for coal...
...If you do not want unemployment you must let wages follow prices...
...Moreover, the economic . developments of the electric power industry have aided the fuel economy movement...
...It is proved by a chart with curves on it These curves, which are based cm statistics, show that whenever a fall in prices has not been accompanied by a fall in wages unemployment has resulted...
...Moreover, this situation is not peculiar to the United States...
...The following year the International Railway Fuel Association was established aad began its systematic encouragement of fuel economy on the railroads of the country...
...And that is one of the worst things a man can do...
...To some people it may seem like a choice between a bad egg and a wet Sunday...
...The vault will accommodate about 600 caskets, but is nearly full...
...Important also is the saving in fuel resulting from the ' utilization of the by-product known as coke breeze...
...I have never found a garment worker who believes that it does...
...Patrick's Cathedral, bearing the caption, "The Calvary Cemetery Disturbance," in which he presented the case for the cemetery and it carried the endorsement of Father Dineen...
...He claimed that personal conversations with almost 100 workers Indicated that they did not "realize what it is all about," that none mentioned "grievances or wages," that "They expressed eagerness to return to work, but feared for their parsonal safety...
...e., "economically correct" wages),- or starve...
...JL The cornpetj tioti of other forms of power and the ecocomizarJon in the use of fuel hare diminished the consumption of coal...
...general manufacturing 18.4 and miscellaneous 17.4 per cent The largest single group of consumers, the railroads, has been making great gains in fuel economy...
...This Leu ia ii as evident when we consider the Industrial aad political situation in two sections of the United States...
...These considerations also apply to owners and politicians of other faiths...
...In 1915 ! each ton of ton coal produced 7.1 gallons of tar, In 1930 9.30...
...While less than 2 per cent of hard coal was machine cut in 1929, by 1900 one-quarter of the soft coal output in this country was mined by undercutting machines, by 1913 one-half and by 1929 three-quarters (75.4 per cent...
...And, speaking as one whose whole moral and spiritual orientation is definitely against sin, I can only say that he la a dirty dog...
...This statement declared that Calvary Cemetery is not a commercial institution, that the average annual wage of employes was $1,500 without tips, f*at many of the workers had been employed there for years and had caved money, and that by not reporting for work the workera had "caused a situation embarrassing to the public generally and one that might have been dangerous ta the public hsalth...
...My information Is that these strikers were Catholics...
...thW ; gipn has Just bsfatJJ| , Invasion of atsflM"JJ With the wealthy «¦ ; the field and tfl« awj casts and haJMSJ] j maintain high peawl , lost markets, aeatj changes in the heaTjsJ the next few yssnvwj j 1929 the sve^sgsSFJ ' from 2 09 att tossjl | bituminous nuasf_sBJ ! the peak of Ms Sjfl ! with 4.85 net tons fSR pared with 4.89 fBm ; 1920 and 2.98J*JW The strUaag_aw| *j : technological fflH ; industry is that Hi ing taaphsaasflJM,:*3 ' ning, oobady M 'Sfjn \ happening...
...The same Issue announced that a general strike of 2,000 cemetery workers might be called by the local union affiliated with the American Federation of Labor...
...It has let out its spleen on the miners...
...But I—and Sir Josiah—would have you remember that man is made tor the mechanism, not the mechanism for the man...
...Operators Saddle Losses Of Coal Industry On Mines COMPETITION REDUCES DEMAND FOR COAL AS FUEL WHILE PRODUCTION COSTS DROP By hooka Stanlev Ill—Why the Meee fTHE CHAOS thex is coel has sprang from industrial progress...
...Energy may be reduced to the common denominator British thermal units...
...That this productive-machinery cannot be used beyond the point where it is, to use the phrase before me, "financially productive...
...duclng 85.6 per ssfjj mtaed output sf sJjH | United States...
...of capital available for production...
...Private establishments in many lines .have learned that they can save on their fuel bill by purchasing electricity directly from central power stations, which In turn economize...
...But ?he South presents an even more glaring example...
...In i the by-product oven the coal is 1 subjected to high temperature hi ' dosed retorts...
...In the anthracite the process has been delayed because of geologic difficulties and the absence of economic pressure but in the bituminous it has been a feature of the industry for many years...
...This is to Ignore the fact that capitalist economic laws are static and sacred and instituted by Qod in the days of man's Innocence...
...Aloysius C. Dincen, managing director of Calvary Cemetery, had been quoted by the press as saying: "We plan to meet the public requirements to the best of our ability and we are perfectly willing to have an impartial board of arbitration that will act as a factfinding commission...
...But ymi must have seme hypothesis, or ymi would never have any theories al all...
...The worker, therefore, has to choose between a dole and an "economic" wage...
...So are the workers...
...We may now shift our attention to the Southern States where Protestant Democrats rule and where the same Industry has been J?«Bed by simj^latyr strugence to the attitude of Protestant Democratic office holders in these textile strikes...
...In 1919 the percentage waa 11|5 per cent and in 1928 as high as 22.6 per cent Electricity and Coal The electric utilities constitute en important factor in coal consumption not only because of the amount that they purchase (8.6 percent of the total), as we have seen, but also because their constant drive to economise fuel diminishes the demand for coal...
...Now the history of the textile Industry and of labor struggles In the two regions shows that the uwueis of the industry and Democratic office holders in the two regions act precisely the same towards the workers in labor struggles...
...The mechanism is the thing...
...In 1928 it had dropped to 1ST, indi• eating a saving of 25.3 per cent Pounds per passenger - traln-car' mile during the same period declined from 18.5 to 15.0 or a reduci tion of 18.9 per cent In the case of coke the largest saving has been effected by the i persistant shifting of production i from the beehive to the by-product , evens...
...In' recent years consumers have learned to replace anthracite by bituminous coal...
...Protestant Democratic officiate In office have terrorised and beaten Protestant strikers Into submission to Protestant owners of the Industry...
...On August 5 the New York World reported that fourteen trade unions had pledged support to the strike, including the dock workers, house wreckers, clothing workers, barbers, stone masons, bricklayers and window cleaners...
...The latter was worth : $79,294,137...
...Boldface kindly lent by the printer...
...Therefore, thtt the whole purpces of modern productive mechanism is not to provide th* necessities Of life for the people but to provide profits for the finance-capitalist The whole argument is beautifully logical and conclusive, b&sec on the hypothesis that there Is nc possible source of...
...Transformations are taking place In all the industries involved...
...The drive to save the national sources of energy waa given impetus by the Whits House conference on conservation called by President Roosevelt in 1908...
...today onehalf of the manufacturing establishments prefer to do so {49.3 pet cent la 1927...
...The utilities are significant for another reason too...
...The strikers were urging arbitration and no word had yet been received in answer to the telegram sent to Cardinal Hayes...
...This correct wage, I read, depends on the supply...
...The brutalities are about the same in garment strikes that involve this type of worker and owner as will be found in the textile strikes of Massachusetts and the Southern States...
...purchasing power, but that provided by the price mechanism of the labor market...
...A New York State mediation commissioner was endeavoring to mediate in the dispute...
...gUl There are other M [ rationalization of Jl ; should be takes Sfjj description of ttB'jU \ has been taking fjgj das try: improved aswl ' paring tht coal BTtj ter planning of SJ i mines, efficient ataB ¦ tilating and adeqashm | of all functions...
...He was "glad to ha able to state that the lmmediata emergency has passed," that "the old men are gradually coming back, and ths Cemetery will soon te able to function normally.'' However, nothing was said in this statement absut the desire of the strikers to arbitrate Violence Breaks Out That aame day violence occurred and one striker was killed According to The Tunes report of August 10 he wes killed outside Calvary Cemetery "after he and his companions had/stoned five buses containing strikebreakers one of whom, charged with the shooting, said that he had fired blindly...
...In the New York" World of August 3, 1929, there was a report of a strike of 896 grave diggers at Calvary Cemetery, Borough of Queens, New York City...
...It Will also reduce the wage to a mmhnnm, It will not of course, reduce the suffering caused by working oa a lower wage...
...To let wages find their own level is "the only way to reduce to a minimum the suffering caused by unemployment...
...They might as well talk of upsetting the Albert Memorial...
...One may find similar instances in the labor struggles in other countries...
...Religious faith counted for nothing in these brutal struggles, the interests of the textile owners counted for everything...
...I hope the dinner improved his curves...
...Coke is the solid residue from the destructive distillation of , coal...
...Oil and gas still make up hardly more than a third of the country's primary sources of power, while water power can only claim credit for about 8 per pent of that amount In relative terms coal can still be proud of 1U record but that is near consolation...
...Hard coal, it will be recalled, is chiefly used for domestic purposes...
...His days are as grass...
...They have resorted to all kinds of heatsaving devices, such as replacing reciprocating engines by turbines, developing mechanical stokers, utilizing pulverised fuel, are employing, high steam pressures and temperatures...
...There ia no answering these curves...
...Meantime, according to the same news story, the striker: '¦had attempt 3d to picket St Patrick's Cathedral but were stopped by the police., Alexander Marks, representing the A. F. of L...
...In the terrible strike at Elizabethton Protestant officials terrorized Protestant workers who were striking against terrible hardships imposed by a German Catholic owner...
...The output per machine in bituminous coal mining has In3 creased by half shatifl > Most coal comes team : but there have ||H t gains in strip orsjfl r Because with tkaafl » eration the coal h asm . and power shovehtM I the rationalizatioa jm > industry has bstsM j the present tints all f cent of both hartal t recovered from suf/fl ] proportion is tnersjfl The coal mituegftM i concentrating oa Sam - mechanical loadhg 9 ¦• the advantages fsham r ical undcrcuttag...
...The rapid expansion nas automatically introduced up-to-date equipment while the diversification of the load, the Interconnection of systems and the increasing size of plants has resulted in a better use of available faculties...
...Does this "free-thinking" , of workers 'and owners alter the' character of labor struggles in the industry...
...In the beehive oven the cok, hag la accomplished by burning the ' coal with restricted air supply...
...But for this sinful dole wages would have had to come down with prices...
...IHAVE' before me another theory proving the necessity of permanent poverty for the majority of the people...
...He pleSged hlmrolf and the- ether tructc;3 to "a thorough Investigation and a guarantee that a fair, square deal will be given to every man employed In Calvary Cemetery...
...Eighteen superintendents of New York cemeteries signed the statement...
...In a typical year of industrial activity the railroads use up 23.7 per cent of the bituminous coal consumed in the United States, the coke ovens 17.4 per cent the electric utilities 8.6, the steel works 4.5...
...We may add that Leo's Encyclical of forty years ago does not appear to have exercised a humane influence upon capitalists and politicians of his faith In such struggles...
...If ll eTD «Ta74...
...1 The TJfcnes of August 11 reported that/65 strikebreakers did not retastglo work the day before as the result of the shooting of one strikes/ The police force at the rsmssjij was Inereased to 28, The Necessity For Permanent Poverty By Yaffle London...
...Economic backwardness has gone hand in hand with technical advancement...
...Large masses of the workers are also of the Catholic faith and they have frequently been on strike against intolerable conditions...
...IB many Massachusetts cities and in the South the Democratic party rules...
...At Elizabethan, Tennessee, the great plants are owned by a German Catholic...
...The Southern States are Protestant and is Massachusetts, Catholics are so numerous that they control many cities...
...The dole, therefore, "interferes with the free operation of economic forces...
...It says "The services of Sir Josiah' Stamp in promoting the application of economic science to practical affairs were recognized at a dinner given last night at Park Lane Hotel...
...We can only draw, humbly, certain ConchttAons from them: that owing to unalterable economic law* working clam spendscience and machinery make the production of infinite wealth possible, the purchase of that wealti by the masses must remain limited...
...That's fine...
...What ia man that thou art mindful of him...
...v At the foot of Sir Josiah a last article Is a paragraph headed: "DINNER TO SIR J081AH STAMP...
...But they forget that this wculd upset ths price mechanism of the labor market...
...Simultaneously the mining process has been rationalized, making ' possible greater production than before...
...The latter method ; saves all the valuable gaseous and i liquid constituents of the coal and i yields a higher percentage of coke...
...A day or two before this the Rev...
...SB i been very rapt^l|9 - only 7.1 per ca»4fjj was loaded nMekflUtm about two miUwBtll coal was loads] tf m chines, scrapes Ssd sal other self-leieflig com • 1928 the tqat eat UM - In 1929 it hsfsfts UM hi forms sBMMssI i was iBcludeflKfiss] • 1928 to 1929 WBMm > 559,000 to srJBBM , 75.6 per cent JUjMSl Hauling- the 99 mines has also sail 1 tention of opessbeB 1 one is impressed by8 ' mechanization of ttfl ' the largest mints tm cars have been isjfl ones, while hugs Sam ' tives pull their frsifufl ' or breaker...
...fronted by these conflicting forces private enterprise has failed (p come to grips with the fundamental difficulty...
...Catholic Democratic officials in office have terrorised aad beaten Catholic strikers Into submission to Protestant owners of the industry: Meetings of the union men have been suppressed, union men have been Jailed without warrant they have been brutally beaten by police and by hired mercenaries of the ownam...
...I Moreover, it ia osscntlsl for practical purposes in the labor straggle tor a better world...
...If any workingman or any person sympathetic with their cause thinks that religious faith is a restraining influence in such struggles anywhere they will find It impossible to reconcile this view with what actually occurs in industrial struggles...
...Quite a number of the workers In and the owners of the industry call themselves "free-thinkers...
...We may now turn to the most remarkable labor struggle we have ever had to Illustrate our contention...
...I have found that the Increase in unemployment for the month of June was accompanied by an increase in rainfall, thereby proving that the dole is the cause of the bad weather...
...If these figures were translated into terms of coal, we should find that in 1912 there!was consumed 3,637.2 pounds of coal per gross ton of pig iron and ferro-alloys, in 1919 3,427.6 and in 1928 3.053.4...
...Not only has coal suffered from rival forms of fuel and power but it has been severely injured by the fuel economy movement of the last two decades, particularly ia the years since the World War...
...I may pause here to say that I. too, have been proving things by curves...
...Bodies taken there are left lying on the grata around the large vault until the few men working can get them inside...
...Through Improvements in design, retirement of obsolete equipment, greater skill of employes, improved road railroads la the country have oaf deem their consumption of coal per I iBisspriit allien unit In 191930 the average number of pounds eeaaumad per 1,000 gross ton* miles freight service waa ITS...
...is estimated, that in 1913 tie heat vaiues saved by the recovery of coke btssas, surplus gas, tar aad light oil in the 'manufacture of beehive coke was the equivalent of 3.8 per cent of all the coal made into coke...
...Private ownership and private profit make this impossible...
...Less etui re quired, but more cod possible has been the central problem of the coal industry in recent years...
...So it may be that the theory I have been expounding may not satisfy those phople wh< say that if the capitalist econom lata think of a way to provide met with money enough to buy what they naed, it is time we made-a dent in their curves...
...Under our haphazard method of conducting industry the various sources of energy fall to be related into an efficient coordinated national system...
...The cemetery Is under the jurisdiction of St...

Vol. 13 • July 1931 • No. 2

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