Thoams and Maurer Filed in Forty States

Thomas and Maurer Filed in Forty States N. E. C Elects Committee to Run Campaign Weekly Paper to Be Published for Mas* Distribution; Appeal Made for Miners MILWAUKEE — The greatest...

...Mm Victor L. Berger, Leo Krrycki, Powers Hapgood, and William E Cunnea...
...Admittance to this meeting will be by paid up membership card only...
...National Chairman Morris Hiflouit...
...There will be no admission charge...
...L. M,), 8»mal of'Urn ¦iiisan'K'iniitlinal...
...Candidates Norman Thomas and James H. Maurer...
...These arguments involve the question of constitutional rights of accused persons to a fair trial- The trial at Scottsboro, the Supreme Court was told in the preliminary showing which resulted hi its temporarily saving the prisoners* lives, was held in a rural courthouse surrounded by a mob demanding a lynching...
...Ore.- a thraartnd ptap&t attended a hangar* arranged by Chicago &>ii*a*U in honor of'
...Supper will be served at 6:00 p. m sharp...
...and Maarer and nearly as many were tamed away due ic space haul* tic...
...v<* a record rote and...
...The program will include dancing by Ruth Allerhand and her group, and a one-act play, "St Peter Loses a Soul...
...All contributions, it was emphatically urged, are to be sent to tbe national office of the party which will forward the monies collected...
...rhomas received 151 votes on the Syracuse balloting, Hoover 143, Newton D. Baker 10, and "AT Smith 79...
...Tamed Away...
...National Secretary Senior and Marx Lewis, drive director, are to be member* ex-offieio...
...Tbe committee authorized Seaior to spend not more than $1*500 ill ?ctttn...
...As our candidates for President and Vice-President will make their first appearance in New Tork City...
...Te Issue Weekly Paper A leading item in tbe campaign program, one recommended by the convention, is to be the immediate publication of a weekly campaign newspaper which is to be appropriate for mass distribution...
...For further Information apply to League for Industrial Democracy, 112 East 19th street New York City...
...tbe ticket 01194* 1,000 Cheer Candidates At Dinner in Chicago As Man* More Are...
...Stirring speeches were saade by | a galaxy of SocaUket leader* avj eluding Morris HdknaX Darnel, Hoan...
...Many of the plans evolved for American industry were plans for the purpose of ensuring steady profit to capitalists through stabilized prices at a high price level...
...By announcing that it would grant the petition of the seven Negro boys cow under sentence of death in the Scottsboro, Ala., race-hatred case, aad would review the affair on Its merits, the Supreme Court on May 31 stopped tbe anticipated execution of these prisoners...
...s B'klyn Membership To Meet on June 5 The entire membership of the many Brooklyn Socialist branches is urged to attend an important county membership meeting on Sunday afternoon, June 5, at 240 p. m., in the ball room of the Academy of Music...
...He is to be assisted by a special man to be in charge of fund raising, and another in charge of publicity and publications...
...When the Court meets on October 10, it will bear arguments on the issues raised by tbe defense counsel...
...Swiss Socialists Tighten Zurich Hold By Election Gains zi aK'H (W...
...Every speaker stre—ed the great j opportunity presented the party: st the present time aad urged that in tbe present campaign our ease* Situation be turned to bwihaag the organization rather than ratrhrng votes...
...The banquet gave ample evidence that the Chicago movement is back oa its feet and will back the national campaign to the limit Tbe spirit of the affair was web expressed by the rinsing word* of the chairman: -The national campaign is bow opened...
...At the Minnesota University students mock convention, Thomas won on the third ballot with 519 votes out of s total of 1,004...
...Efforts are to be made In all the other states, but where the expense Involved In filing In a small state is too great, It was decided, the campaign funds are to be sparingly used...
...On a motion by Mayor Hoan, the committee approved the agreement reached between the West Virginia Socialists and the Independent Labor Party of that state, with tbe proviso that tbe party is not to surrender Its right to organise locals in any part of the state...
...N. Y. Socialist Membership Meets June 12 Afternoon Meeting, Dinner in Evening to Hear Thomas, Manrer, Hiiiquit AN IMPORTANT and interest' mg program has been arranged for tbe membership of Local New York, Socialist party, for Sunday afternoon and evening, June 12, at the Park Palace, lioth Street and 9th Avenue...
...1300 Rai*e-d for (Campaign I Bp * T< * ls.*4f C«rmj imdm > CHICAGO —The national onv dKLfes U the Boris hat Party ! were greeted by az, oiufj* crowd at the first meeting of the cast- I pouga...
...Rand Commencement To Be Held Friday Charles Solomon will be the speaker at tbe Rand School Commencement Friday evening, June 3rd, at 8:30...
...Unfinished | eoercntios bnsfaaess and campaign , piaas were the order of the day...
...An effort will be made to make It the largest borough meeting in recent history...
...Hoover received 136, Roosevelt 5, and Foster, 28...
...When the campaign committee met Utter in the day, it canvassed the party's situation state by state, and it was found that at the present stage of tbe campaign, the party is already assured that Its national candidates will be on the ballot in fully 40 states...
...Friends of tbe Women's Committee are invited to Join in the trip...
...Roosevelt and other >ld party men...
...Lewis was chosen for the former Job...
...The Committee elected a national campaign committee to consist of Mayor Hoaa, chairman...
...Ia the Cantonal election* in Basel ea April 16, the Socialists WW* 4 seats, making their wpresflaMea 98 eat of a total of 130...
...the building of permsxesrt party j organization* was decided upon ' by the new National Executive j CoauaittM of the ftociaiut party j when it me*, here Wednesday, after ! adjournment of the national <oo- ¦ veation...
...On to vie toryr Supreme Court Gives Seotlsboro Youths Rehearing of Case WASHINGTON, (P.P...
...The King's County delegates to the National Convention will be' present...
...For the last year much has been written about social planning...
...WtBiam Cissiii s, veteran Chi- ; eago Sorts bet, eras an ahie chairman...
...Norman Thomas will speak B. C. Vladeck will be chairman...
...Hudson River Dayline boat leaves West 42nd Street pier at 10 o'clock daylight saving time, and 10.20 from 129th Street pier, North River...
...Every devoted Brooklyn Party member ia urged to make note of this date, time and place and make no other engagement We expect a well attended, interesting and effective meeting...
...Rand Women's Committee As a final get-together, the Women's Committee of the Rand School, has arranged a boat ride to Bear Mountain on Tuesday, June 7th...
...The SsrlsMsts have TJ of the Tt» members of the new Caauaal Council...
...Charary Vladeck...
...The committee also approved resolutions calling on Socialists to aid the miners in West Virginia, Illinois and Ohio In their struggles for decent conditions and civU liberties...
...He aad Boy Bart, Socialist candidate for Governor in Illinois,> J the speakers andwguests from other states oa behalf of the local movement...
...The commencement will be the occasion for a reunion of the old and new students of the School...
...This point of view will be represented at the L. I. D. conference...
...The Cimminliti held their 6 stats...
...Refreshments, dancing, and plenty of opportunity to converse with old friends will be features of the occasion...
...He is to carry on hi* activities from the national office...
...The subjects of the conference Society, The Political Structure in a Planned Society, The Industrial Structure In a Socialist Society, Cultural and World Planning in a Socialist Society, Roads to Social Planning, Roads to Social Planning: Industrial Building an Effective Movement The speakers are to be Norman Thomas, Morris Hiiiquit, Colston E. Warns, Isador Lubin, Pierce Williams, Eveline Burns, Paul Blanshard, Fens Cohen, Louis Waldman, Vladimir Kaxekevitch, Algernon Lee, McAliater Coleman, Frederick V. Field, B. Charney Vladeck, Andrew Biemuler, Edward Berman, Louis Bud ens, Coleman B. Cheney, Clarence Senior, Phillips Bradley, J. B. Matthews and Harry W. Laidler...
...L. I. D. Meet to Discuss SocialistPlan for America " a SOCIALIST Plan for AmerJ...
...Algernon Lee, president of the School, win present certificates to one of the largest graduating classes in the history of the institution...
...approved in principle the text of a declaration on tbe Negro workers referred to it by tbe convention...
...Senior is to act as national campaign manager, subject to the experiences and needs of the next few months...
...The campaign committee is to select the other workers which the campaign may require...
...Immediately following the afternoon session, the banquet will begin...
...lea" will be the general topic for discussion at the June Conference of the League for Industrial Democracy to be held at Camp Tamiment from Thursday,* Jane 23, to Sunday, June 26, 1932...
...The afternoon session will begin at 2:00 p. m. and the order of business Is the report of the New Tork City delegation to tbe National Convention—Every delegate will be urged to be present The program will be so arranged that there will be time for questions and discussion on' the Convention...
...Tbe entire commute*, with tbe - exception of Albert &. CooWge of j Msassr-hiiaetU, was present at the New Randolph Hotel...
...Appeal Made for Miners MILWAUKEE — The greatest . Socialist campaign is the] nziMm'm buttery with two ootslaad-1 ;ng object...
...and Hey- ( wood Bronx in addition to Nor- j maa Thomas aad Jim Maurer...
...A capacity attendance is expected All comrades desiring to attend this important event are urged to make their reservations at once at the city office, 7 East 15th street The cost is $1.50 per person and this does not cover the full cost but tbe price was set that low to make it possible for as many comrades to attend...
...Tbe graduates, all of whom have finished at least two years' work in the School, represent a great variety of Socialist and labor organisations...
...Socialists believe that no genuine social planning ls possible under the capitalist system where each corporation Is striving to obtain as large profits as possible for itself...
...Presbyteri| u* Evangelical Lutherans, Umtj arsaan, and Quakers...
...The bat of speakers includes Norman Thomas, James Maurer, Morris Hiiiquit Heywood Broun, Louis Waldman, B. C. Vladeck, Charles Solomon, Algernon Lee, Jacob Panken, aad possibly one or two delegates from other states...
...H. a Green did ! an eaxxsVat Job of ¦ahwrta" ; One mtereathag aspect of the ' stosjry raaang wa* the competition * that developed among religions j CajcUj ibutiaa* mere received from • Methnrtwt...
...Every So , ctahnt local ia Chicago respooded with *MU*dsosne contributions a? dsd the WortoBea's Circle...
...rhomas Wins Polls Of Student Bodies At Two Universities Straw votes of students at the University of Minnesota and at Syracuse University last week rave Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate, the lead over President Hoover, Gov...
...Tbe NEC...
...Hoaa predicted a Socialist victory in ISM if the Party took advantage of its opportunities during the next four year...
...Recommendations for candidates for representatives in Congress, State Senators, and'Assemblymen made by various branches will be presented for final endorsement Last but not least, tbe 1983 campaign will be officially opened in Kings County at this meeting...
...Assistance for the defense in the Harlan, Kentucky, cases, should be sent through the General Defense Committee, the N.E.C...
...mS^m^m^ntmS dhshrtlm of the greater ctty, seat U Seekdsm* te Jam their a iisiruin est Urn board, while the bonrUoa of the CowaHJ of the whole GsMtSfls Oaf ZflrtCsjaa It©W'fVff, tale* Sectsasat didn't do so wen, hwsag g seals to their bear geess aad agrarian ippeafts...
...Hiiiquit and Thomas made reference to the wonderful inspiration given the party by contributions from workers, particularly 'the Iwmsyamstll locals Bath fills* 11 'east that narUn could a '"¦ " !¦% taVM*** lilfcf j these aad then- gtaiinus contri' KkaiSE of the Sooahst move! Altogether $1-500 ni raised at j the ssrctiag Dr...
...A committee consisting of Hiiiquit, Thomas and Prank Crosswalth is to edit the declaration...
...They had little to do with social planning on the basis of the full use of all of our resources for the common good...

Vol. 13 • June 1932 • No. 23

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