N. Y. Socialists Plan Record Picnic July 30

N. Y. Socialists Plan Record Picnic July 30 Thomas and Maurer May Start Tour at Giant Ulmer Park Rally rOE great annual picnic of the New York Socialist party, afflliated and friendly...

...East 4th street and Bright Water n»n%BAntonsen, M. Kurinsky...
...4th A D.—The nest regular meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, June 7, in the Bakers' Union headquarters, 1351 Boston road...
...A meeting will be held Thursday evening, June 9, at 241 Kast 84th street...
...Speakers, Joseph A. Well, I. Grossman, H. Schaohner...
...A special joint meeting of the branch and the Jewish branch will take place Monday, June 6, at 8:30 p. m. In the assembly rooms of the building...
...6th street and Avenue B. Manhattan...
...Speakers, Frank Crosswaith, Arthur C. Parker, Prang Poree, V. Gasper...
...BRIGHTON BEACH.—The branch at Its last meeting obtained donations from members for the city office emergency fund...
...All organizations connected with or friendly to the Socialist party are urged to cooperate by keeping the date of Saturday, Jury 30, open and not to arrange affairs in conflict with the picnic...
...John and Fox street, Bronx...
...Speakers, J. Altman, Judah Altman, Amicus Most...
...17th A D.—At the last meeting of the city executive committee this new branch was chartered...
...The next branch meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, June 8, at the home of Dora Delson, 615 West 164 th sheet, Apt...
...It Is essential mat "every member make It his or her gty to come to this meeting...
...Stelnway and Jamaica avenues...
...A-l, at 8:15 p. m. sharp, ¦wry comrade is urged to attend in order to vote for delegates to the state convention, and to nominate candidates for public offices...
...Avenue St...
...Speakers, B. Young, H. N. Perlmutter, Spear Knebel, Prank Klein, Joseph O. Glass, Sam Safrsnoff, J. Davidson...
...Tompkins avenue and Hart street Brooklyn...
...Nicholas avenue...
...There are fire places available and every accommodation for picnicking...
...Clark and Henry streets...
...Comrades Sarah Volovlck and Louis Hendin will report as delegates to the national convention...
...The prices • MM including transportation, and 13 75 without transportation...
...Admission by membership card only...
...Tbe branch has now been officially chartered by the city executive committee...
...JUNE 9 137th street and Broadway, Manhattan...
...Amicus Most...
...Street meetings are being held regularly...
...A branch meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 7, at 8:30 p. m. at Paradise Manor...
...Speakers, John Davidson, T. Wilson, Aaron Levensteln...
...The lecture will begin at 1:30 p. m. Zznd A D.—A meeting will be held en Monday, June 0, in the home oil Comrades Glsnet, 609 West 149th street...
...Members of the branch are active in raising relief funds for the 600 striking shoe workers In the I, Miller factory In Long Island City...
...A. N. Weinberg is in charge of arrangements and the organization of committees, etc., te make this affair the greatest success now under way...
...CAMP EDEN OUTING.—The county ¦eeuttve committee has arranged an owing to Camp Eden on the weekend of June 25...
...158th street and Broadway, Manhattan...
...Speaker, James Oneal...
...Ami's avenue, Bronx...
...Speakers, August Claessens, Jack Schulter...
...19 20th A. D—A meeting will be held on Friday evening, June 10, In the home of Comrades Well, 88 Harmon street, at 8:30 p. m. QUEENS COUNTY CONVENTION.—Socialist branches of Queens County will hold an annual membership meeting Tuesday, June 14, at 8 p. m. at Monroe Court community room, rear 43-13 47th street, Sunnyslde...
...Voting on ballots for state convention will be on the order of business...
...Street meetings at Court and Carroll streets and Clark and Henry streets, Brooklyn, are held every Friday evening at 8:30 p. m. (except the first Friday of each month when our business meeting Is held...
...Central avenue and Stockholm street, Brooklyn...
...An Important branch meeting will be held Monday night...
...The branch will hold its regular monthly business meeting Friday evening, June 3, at 8:30 p. m , at 122 Pierrepont street...
...Refreshments were served...
...Speakers, Max Edelson, A, N Weinberg, H. Schachner...
...Dyckman street and Sherman avenue, Manhattan...
...Hinsdale street and Sutter avenue, Brooklyn...
...IT-lS-teth A DA meeting will be held Tuesday evening, June 7, at 1S30 Madison avenue, at 8:30 p. m. ls-Jlrt A. D.—Branch meetings are held every Saturday evening at the clubrooms, 3005 7th avenue...
...ROCK AWAY.—On Wednesday, May 25, a business meeting was held In Comrade Hodge'h home and I. Braverman was elected financial secretary A card party was given for the benefit of the branch In Comrade Klein'* home Saturday, May, 28...
...Speakers, Frank Crosswaith A. C. Parker, Frank Poree, Vlctoi Gasper, Amicus Most...
...With more than a dozen comrades to begin with, the branch ls expected to grow in membership and activity...
...SUNNYSIDE.—Standing room only has been the rule at the meetings of late...
...Bensonhurst unit of the Socialist Women of Greater New York will meet on Wednesday, June 8, at 2 p. m in the home of Mrs...
...Speakers, David Kaplan, Walter Dearlng, J. Schulter, Jacob Bernstein TUESDAY...
...One Item on the order of business will be...
...WEDNESDAY, JUN7 8 Allerton and Cruger avenues, Bronx Speakers, Sam Klleger, Dave Gollub, Al Bneslau...
...It also decided to launch a cooperative enterprise by which it expects to raise enough funds to enable it to carry on big activities WILLIAMSBURG...
...The regular Sunday forum will be held at 8:30 p. m. Comrade Ronald Duval will discuss "The Victory of the Left) Wing in the Socialist Party," including an analysis of the Left Whig program...
...Besides the great day of amusement*, there will be many features to attract a record crowd...
...David Breelow, 1010 President street...
...All communications, are to be mailed to this address...
...Speakers, Morris Rosenbautn, Louis Epstein, H. Schachner...
...All are urged to bring their own lunch...
...SATURDAY, JUNK 4 Jamaica, L. I. (front of Town Hall) Speakers, John Davidson and others...
...125th street and 7th avenue, Manhattan...
...Avenue J and East 14th street, Brooklyn...
...At the last meeting which was held at the time of the national convention, accounts of the proceeding* written by a reporter on the spot, were rpad and discussed and greatly enjoyed...
...It probably will serve at a send-off for the tour of our candidates for President and Vice President over the country...
...Branch announces an interesting series of lectures on "America—The Dream and the Reality," by Dr...
...Lydlg and Cruger avenues, Bronx Speakers, Tyrell Wilson, John Davidson, Abe Wlsotsky...
...all memIbers are urged to attend...
...Junction aad 38th avenues, Elmhurst, L. L Speakers, A C. Welnfeld L. C. Wlllard, W. J. Cordiner...
...Speakers, Frank Rosenfarb, A. Platoff, A. Kaufman...
...the election of officers and delegates to the various committees, etc...
...The place ls considered the nicest in Westchester County...
...East 17th street and Kingshighway, Brooklyn...
...167th street and Gerard avenue, Bronx...
...The Bronx campaign will begin at this ¦eettng, nominations will be made for all districts and county-wide offices, • report of the convention will be •wen by the delegates, and other very ¦aportant matters concerning the Wm|nf_campaign will be discussed...
...2nd A. D—At tbe last meeting Comrades Schleslnger and Mollin were recommended for Assemblyman and state Senator respectively...
...Speakers, Ed LeVinson, Ed Gottlieb, Walter Dearlng...
...Harrison and Richmond avenues Port Richmond, 8. I. Speakers, Walter Dearlng, Irvln Sternfels...
...On June 9, there will be a branch meeting at which Samuel Orr and Esther Friedman, delegate* to tbe national convention, will report...
...Speakers, J. J. Coronel (in a series of lectures), A. Hegakll, chairman...
...Speakers, Ben Bhunenberg, Zekor Antonsen...
...BRONX All Bronx Socialists will take notice mat the county office has moved to ¦a Prospect avenue...
...It was decided that Sunday mornings should be devoted for canvassing enrolled voters A committee of ten volunteered te devote their time to this work...
...FRIDAY, JUNE IS 72nd street and Broadway, Manhattan...
...904 Prospect avenue Admission is 26 cents...
...Breelow will report on the national convention...
...Amicus Most Will report on the national convention recently held in Milwaukee...
...The picnic will also be the first great mass rally lor the Presidential campaign In New York City...
...Tremont and Mansion avenues, Bronx...
...Speaker, William E. Bonn (first of a series of five lectures...
...CHELSEA BRANCH.—The branch will meet Friday, June 3, at 8:15 P. m in the Rand School...
...Station Plaza, Far Rockaway, L. I Speaker, Samuel A. DeWitt (first of a series of five lectures...
...139th street and St...
...William X. Bonn, director of the Rand School...
...Comrade Duval will speak on "The Pioneer Spirit...
...Buses and automobiles wlM leave 904 Prospect avenue on Saturday, June 38, at l so p. m. All comrades who have automobiles and can accommodate passengers will please get In touch with Murray Gross, 904 Prospect avenue...
...Taubkln, 2017 72nd street...
...Speakers, Frank Crosswaith, Arthur C. Parker, Frank Poree, V Gasper...
...There will be other speakers and a street meeting win follow...
...Broome and Clinton streets, Manhattan...
...MONDAY, JUNE 6 138th street and 7th avenue, Manhattan...
...Pitkin avenue and Bristol street, Brooklyn...
...Tbe membership Is instructed to attend the boro meeting at the Academy of Music this Sunday, June 5, at 2 p. m. 16th A. n. a meeting will be held on Friday evening, June 10, at the Workmen's Circle Center, 7212 20th avenue, at 8:30 p. m. Comrade anil Bromberg will render a report on the national convention...
...Speakers, Henry Rosner, Ed Gottlieb, Ben Blumenberg, Mary Hillyer...
...Nicholas avenue...
...Samuel A DeWttt wlfl deliver a serial ef five outdoor lectures under the-, genera) heading "Pictures-of America...
...Nominations will be made for Congress, the State Senate and for six Assemblymen There are branches now In every Assembly District in Queens...
...College Point, L. I Speakers, Samuel A. DeWitt, H. H. Layburn...
...21st street and 8th avenue, Manhattan...
...7th avenue and 11th street, Manhattan...
...Utlca avenue and Eastern parkway, Brooklyn...
...On Saturday, June 4, the branch Is holding an entertainment and dance In the Bellamy Club...
...These Uaks will be giv%n every Monday evening in the large space at the Station Plasx, Par Rockaway, L. I. The first lecture will be held on June 6, at 8:30 p. in A meeting of the branch will be held on Wednesday, June 8, in the home of Comrades Treves, 460 B. 38th street, Idgemere, t. I. Street Meetings (All meetings begin at 8:30 p. m. unless otherwise indicated...
...Speakers, Max Delson, John Herllng, Morris Miller Edwin Kopper, Fred Hodgson, Amicus Most...
...179th street and* St...
...Speakers, Herman Salzman, D. Gollub, Tyre 11 Wilson, Abe Wlsotsky...
...After a short business session the members Will listen to reports from the delefetes who recently returned from the national convention...
...At the Sunday afternoon forum held in the headquarters, Miss Layle Lane will speak on "The Negro Woman In Politics...
...A full attendance of the members is expected...
...N. Y. Socialists Plan Record Picnic July 30 Thomas and Maurer May Start Tour at Giant Ulmer Park Rally rOE great annual picnic of the New York Socialist party, afflliated and friendly organizations will be held Saturday, July 30, at Ulmer Park...
...The Unemployed Union win meet on Thursday...
...Speaker, August Claessens (first of a series of five lectures...
...A campaign committee heeded by Comrade Minkoff was chosen...
...8th A D.—On Sunday, June 19, the branch will have an automobile outing to Silver Lake, leaving 30 Bast Kingsbridge road, at 10 a. m. The price u $1 round trip, which is practically the cost of fare by railroad...
...Court and Carroll streets, Brooklyn...
...Speakers, J. Umansky, M. Metzler, Samuel Orr, I. Polstcln...
...122nd street and 18th avenue...
...The following are the members of this committee: Meyer amis, P. F. Chalken, William Halpem and Leon Gtlbson...
...133rd street and Lenox avenue, Manhattan...
...Active work will begin June 9 with a series of open air lectures by August Claeaaens at earner 167th street and Gerard avenue...
...Sunday, June 5, at 1:30 p. m., a general meeting of the Bronx membership will take pucaytt the Burnslde Manor, 85 Wart BjSTiiide avenue...
...Speakers, H. Woskow, H. Salzman, Al Breslau...
...Miss Lane Is a well known teacher and a member of the Teachere' Union...
...Astoria, L. I. Speakers, Leonard C. Kaye, E. Stelnberger, J. D. Bayers...
...110th street and Broadway, Manhattan...
...Speakers, Cheater Williams, Ruth Shallcross, Ronald Duval,'John Herllng...
...Ditmars and 2nd avenues, Astoria, L. I. Speakers, E. Stelnberger, John D. Sayers, Z. Antonsen...
...Speakers, Max Delson, Edwin Koppel, Fred Hodgson, Morris Miller...
...The executive committee elected an open air meeting committee and decided to have a picnic in June...
...Arrangements have maoe with the Camp Eden management offering our members a KW**«ant week-end for very moderate ¦ A symposium will also take on current Issues...
...Longwood and Prospect avenues, Bronx...
...A preliminary campaign committee meeting in conjunction with the Morningside Heights branch will be held Monday evening, June 6, at the headquarters of the Morningslde Heights branch, 3109 Broadway...
...This series of six lectures Will be delivered at an outdoor forum to be held every Thursday evening beginning with June 9, at corner Tompkins avenue and Hart street, at 8:30 p. m. 11th A D.—The next branch meeting will be held on Monday, June 6, at 8:30 p. m. In the home of Dr...
...JUNE 7 179th street and 8t...

Vol. 13 • June 1932 • No. 23

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