A Socialist View of the Week

A Social View of the Week Hunger Revolts Forecast WHEN Edward F. McGrady warnsa Senate committee that a revolt of the jobless is Impending if federalrelief is not given we may be sure that the...

...General Groenernswered that Ihe storm troops hadrevented peace and this was counteredy Fascist claims that the troops hadeld back Bolshevism...
...Today the owner ship of the tools (machinery), the plants, the rawmaterials and the finished product Is vested In thecapitalist or corporation...
...A Social View of the Week Hunger Revolts Forecast WHEN Edward F. McGrady warnsa Senate committee that a revolt of the jobless is Impending if federalrelief is not given we may be sure that the situation is grave...
...All of which Is true but the speakerfailed to consider the revolution that accompaniedthe passing of this hand-tool order...
...Increasing Costs Of Government E rising cost of government, city, state and federal, is becoming anIncreasing theme of discussion andPresident Hoover recently made it thesubject of a message...
...Here is the main source of the In­creasing costs of government...
...Such bright minds should be pickled in jars so that our descendants livingin a Socialist world may observe thesecurios of a rotting civilization...
...On thether hand the Soviet needs the grainor the purchase of materials and mi"hinery abroad and the smaller collec­ions will reduce these purchases laybpy Fascists n Germany ASCISTS in the German Reichstagagain resumed their stormy tacticshen on Tuesday it was necessary touspend the session...
...In no other country has the politicsof capitalism become so degraded andmercenary as in this country...
...Jobs, bureaus and de­partments have been multiplied to takecare of party hacks and mercenaries.Tammany is the classic model...
...But there Is a refuge for the farmers...
...All sources of Information indicatethat the per capita cost has been in­creasing much faster than the growthof population while the cost per unit In the expansion of industries declines.Then it is claimed by specialists thatthere are more persons giving theirtime to political and party work In theUnited States than in all the nations of Europe...
...Sponsoring the power magnate la Al Smith who but yesterday rose out ofthe mudsill class to heighUl of financialbliss...
...TheDemocrats are willing to take them over and with big bankers and capitalists financing the party thefarmers will continue as mudsills as before...
...Just as interesting is the magicpowers of a conjuror recently ascribedto President Hoover by a Washingtonofficial at a Republican dinner in Jack­son Heights a few days ago...
...However, the farmers do not think klnd-jy of being pitched out of their farms and beingreduced to peasants seems to them to be a poorreturn for the votes they have given to the 0. 0. P. "Econunlc conditions In the West," reads a dis­patch from Washington, "resulting in the sale of a large number of farms for taxes and to meetmortgage obligations, have produced a situationunfavorable to the Republican party...
...They stand in awe beforethe gigantic powers that capital has de­veloped...
...I Moscow Lifts BonN On Snudl Traders E great hydroelectric plant, Dnieprostroy, in Russia was tested ata "formal opening" two weeks agoThree turbines of nine separate generat­ing units hummed while the workerscheered but power for actual use willnot ha transmitted till August 1. Itscost is estimated at $110,000,000 andwill not be completed in all it* units tin Molotoff permits peasants to sell partof their grain in the open market attheir own prices...
...Taboos and Magic To Cure Depression TT^UL LAFARGUE once wrote thatML despite the crass materialism ofcapitalists and bankers in piling up lootthey are essentially superstitious...
...What has happened is that the peas­nts in many collectives have permittedrain to rot and in other instances theyave hidden it for their own use...
...The rulingclass is removing that "backbone" which has been more of a string of Jelly than anything else...
...De la Torre, whoaa the closest rival to Sanchez Cerron the last Presidential election, was ar­ested...
...Queer farmers, to be sure...
...The revolution In propertyrelations la basic for It has reduced the formerworkman to * dependent...
...A placardreads: "Here, we pray, the ghosts ofgloom may never be conjured by echoesof that unhappy word, 'depression...
...The skies grow darker over American capitalism...
...Peru has an upheaval...
...He added that the labor chiefs are losing their patience with the gov­ernment...
...Certain Republicans bint that Hoover will not veto an amend­ment to the Reconstruction Finance Act permitting the Reconstruction FinanceCorporation to purchase municipal andstate bonds issued for relief purposesand Democrats talk of federal loans tostates for hunger relief...
...President Green declared that American Laborrefused to emphasize "class lines" and yet therevolution has produced marked class lines andthey cannot be ignored If we ate to understandwhat has happened...
...Concentration of capita) and power in the hands of the upperplutocracy proceeds apace and the class lines become more glaring...
...Of nearly 60 billion dollars worth of sales in 1920, 47.6 per centpassed through wholesalers and one- third of this business was handled by the manufacturers' own wholesalebranches...
...A Hitlerite hero­cally demanded the end of reparation!nd this was followed by a general de­unciation of the breaking up of theascist storm troops...
...In other words, the upper capitalistclass is eliminating the middlemen...
...Enoughpublic funds are wasted on these para­sites to finance a complete system ofunemployment Insurance throughout thecountry...
...Sales to independent retailerswere 19.8 per cent of the total, 2.1 per cent of which passed through the manu­facturers' own retail branches...
...In Hesse the Supreme Court has an­ulled the elections to the Diet whichave the Fascists a gain of 27 seatsast November because the electionoard had barred the candidates of theconomic party on the ground of faultyetitions...
...Th«ollectives have in some cases serveds fortresses of resistance for the peas­nts who have refused to part withrain unless they could get the manu­actured articles they wanted...
...Capitalist politics has many of the features ofAmerican Industry...
...Hoover, he declared, had saved the nation fromeconomic destruction and he denouncedthe impious criticism directed againstHerbert...
...Its-distinctive feature was that workmen ownedthe tools, the shop, the raw materials and the fin'Ished product...
...he Ministry dismissed the case.epression Disturbs atin-America ATIN-AMERICA continues to be af­flicted with the depression fever.rturo Alessandri, former President ofhile and with "socialistic" views, waslected to the Senate by a huge major­ty over four other candidates...
...Hooverplayed the part In 1928 but his job was to keep capitalism as a going concern.Al Smith, John W. Davis and CharlesH...
...Like our barbaric ancestors,that which they cannot understand theyview in terms of mysticism...
...This revivalf "private capitalism" extends even toembers of farm collectives who areermitted to privately trade...
...Theycannot understand the mysteries of their own order...
...A revolution In owner­ship and property relations has taken place In thepassing of the tool-order and the coming of themachine-order...
...For decades theyhad been warned to avoid Socialism as a plague.Once place Socialist rebels in power and the far­mers would be compelled to "divide up...
...Hitler plays the clown in Brunswick.ast month he filed charges againstimself with the Minister of the Interior, 100 per cent Hitlerite, the basis beingn article in a Berlin paper saying thattiler had informed foreign correspon­ents that France had inspired the de­ree dissolving his storm troops...
...The argument was sound but hisreference to the age which preceded the machinesomitted one consideration that is vital to an un­derstanding of modern capitalism...
...O. P. has warned the tillers of the soil and thewarning was heeded...
...Revolutionarieseized two cruisers, locked up the offi­ers, and it required planes and sub­arines to subdue the mutineers...
...He asks us to believe that acollapsed house is ready to be occupied...
...The hacka are paid out of pub­lic treasuries but rAost of their time isgiven to private organizations, their po­litical machines...
...So reads an an­nouncement by that organization which adds, "In earlier days of American In­dustry the selling of manufacturedgoods was largely separated from theirproduction, and a group of middlemen known variously as selling agents, fac­tors, brokers, manufacturers' agents and commission houses intervened between the manufacturer and the wholesaler...
...The Democracy, once carrying thebanner of the small fanner and themechanics of Eastern Industry, hasstored it in the party's museum andtoday it carries the Jolly Roger of ourmodern Captain Kidds...
...So theG...
...Its collection of millionaires Inthe post-war period Is as imposing asthat of the Republicans...
...emphasized the anil-social effects of the modern machine order which does not equit­ably distribute the benefits to be obtained by theuse of machines...
...Democracy Finds AA "Miracle Man" FEW leading Democrats are pre­paring to market a "miracle man" who, as President, will be expected tolead us out of the depression...
...The capitalists andbankers who whine about this are inrevolt against their own shadows...
...The doors torevolution are going to be thrown open and leaders of the country ought toknow it...
...The food and generalgoods shortage had become very graveand it is expected the decree will alsorevive petty manufacturers who willtrade their wares for grain...
...Farmers Worry the G. O. P. rriHBRE la weeping In the upper section of theX Republican nobility at Washington...
...It is an industryitself with its big magnates at the top,its state and district magnates, and thecity professionals below...
...That class Is slowly taking over the whole­sale and even the retail functions ofdistribution...
...TheSocialists outside both parties await the outcome,knowing that the workers in all industries musteventually make war against both parties and putan end to the legalized plundering...
...The waveof protest against the party in the West is at­tributed chiefly to losses suffered by farmers which, in some states, have reached more than half thenumber of farms...
...So Republicanpolitics has proven to be the most costly luxurythese farmers have ever Indulged...
...The two facts are closely re­lated...
...Sabln, the banker, will next week pay their respects to Owen D. Young as a"dark horse" to be entered if Roosevelt falls to land the convention prize...
...The capitalistparty machines have become parasiteson public funds...
...A. F. of Ii...
...Even the nitwits of the governingmachine at Washington are getting itthrough their thick heads that some­thing must be done...
...He Isxpected to lead the fight against theovernment of President Monte ro...
...Theovernment charged the revolt to Com­unists but it appears to have itsrigin In the movement led by Haya dea Torre, founder of Apra, or the So­ialist Labor party...
...They own nothing in Industry now,not even their labor power which becomes theproperty of the capitalist buyer...
...Now with the public powersla the hands of the G. O. P. the sheriffs and bankshave been dividing up the farms and In the processthe farmers have nothing left...
...If Andy Jacksonlooks down from the battlements of theblessed upon his heirs he certainly willindulge in some of the choice oaths forwhich be was noted...
...He is one of the power and electric barons of the new capital­ism...
...With decliningrevenues it is natural that this question should come ta the fere...
...A rab­bit's foot passed to each guest to ward off the jitters might well be added tothis taboo...
...Concentration of CapitalA and Power CHART published* by the National Industrial Conference Board "de­molishes the popular belief . . . thatmanufacturers sell primarily to Inde­pendent wholesalers and also demon­strates that the middleman Is not soImportant a figure in the channels of trade as formerly...
...Thebroad agricultural belt west of the MississippiRiver has, since the Civil War, with a few excep­tions, been a region loyal to the only party "fit togovern...
...Socialist thunder will followIn November If our army of liberation does its work well...
...Hitlerccused himself of a "breach of duty...
...The ruling dissolves the Dietnd a new election is ordered...
...During the hand-labor era,*** said the speaker,"the tools which were used were made and oper­ated by hand and goods and commodities wereproduced by hand labor...
...Meantime acute starvation has beenwarded off a few months in large cities like Chicago, Philadelphia and NewYork by certain emergency measures.Closing of hospitals is threatened inChicago and Cleveland and a charityagent in Philadelphia relates a horrify­ing tale of families going one and two days without food when relief stoppedfor eleven days, and of mothers begging coins to buy bread...
...Young also has the advantage of being a "fatcat," a gentleman with mountains ofcash...
...The Property Revolution |N A RADIO broadcast President Green of the.1...
...More and more does the Democracy climb Into the upper reaches of the plu­tocracy...
...So a hotel proprietor In Maine hasraised a taboo against talk of the de­pression on his premises...
...The Socialist Interpretation of capitalism is verifiedby this trend...
...Young Is alsoa company union magnate...
...Lafargue would have selected this as aclassic of capitalistic voodoolsm...
...President Cerro declared martialaw for fifteen days and Lima was pa-roled by mounted troops following anpra demonstration against the arrestf de la Torre...
...Moreover,he government grain collections in tatoming harvest are fixed at 4,300,000tons less than the 1931 figures although greater harvest la expected Even thegricultural tax will exempt profits ofrivate trading...
...Who Is Young...
...Aa a result of this train­ing men and women became skilled and highlyefficient...
...We pass thta information on to those who talk of the middle classes as the•backbone" of the nation...

Vol. 13 • May 1932 • No. 20

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