N.Y.Socialists To See Films Of Movement

N.Y.Socialists To See Films Of Movement German Pictures to B Shown at Rand Schoo Saturday KEEP JUNE ItTH FREE " Party member* and branches in Greater New York and neighbor, lag towns should...

...Nomina tions for Congressman and State Senator will be made...
...Stories about Hilda Claessens are told that illustrate the sort of woman she was, how she pushed her baby In a carriage to a noon-day meeting, left a friend or a brother in charge ol the carriage, mounted the platform for her talk, and then quietly resumed the Job of airing the child...
...Financial Secretary, Meyer M. Raphael...
...Office and headquarters, 041 Willoughby Ave, Brooklyn...
...Telephones Algonquin * 4500 l 3 » 4 5 Sidney Hill man, Oen...
...Regular Meeting* nary Wednesday Evening, at the Labor Tempts, 249 East Stili Btreet...
...M. Oreeninger, Recording Secretary PANTS MAKERS' TRADE BOARD el Oreeter New York...
...Always Lea,k for This Lake...
...Hilda Goldstein was born in Russia in 1800, and was brought to Mew York in i»04...
...Murra Gross, chairman...
...Maurice W. Jacobs, Pres...
...Charles Kleinman, Chairman...
...May 16, for the nomination of the Congressional and Senatorial candidates...
...0, N. Y. O. Afflllated with the American Pederatloa of Labor and National B u i l d i ng Trades C o u n c i l, •leeta every Thursday evening...
...Corre*p*BJlag goo'y...
...3rd A. D.—The branch has starte Its campaign with the Institution o an outdoor forum every Friday nig tt Avenue St...
...A street corner meetings Is held every Saturday evening at McKlnley Square...
...BRIGHTON BEACH.—The branch will hold an Entertainment and Dance on Saturday evening, May 14, at 48 Ocean place, near 2nd street, off Brighton Beach avenue...
...Speakers, Georg Goebel and Leonard Bright...
...Fin Seo'y • Treat...
...the third of the series of lectures will be on "Our Social Environment—Th...
...Chairman: M Brown, VIce-Ohalrmsn: M Pelnstone Secretary-Treaaurer...
...Leon ll Land will speak on "The Need For A Strong Socialist Movement In America," at 122 Plerrepont street...
...Brooklyn Large and small hall suitable far all occasion* and meetings al reasonable rental* 8TA00 8M1 La.tr T i - ^ ^ % ' r V V o t t f n Workmen'* educational Association Pre* Library open rrom I to 10 p. as Halls for Meeting*, Enttnelnments and Ball* Telephone RE* lent 10011 LABIES' UARMENT WORKERS' • Wert iStbJRreel^New York OMjjj...
...General office, I I West :ist St., New York...
...J. J. Pahey, J. J. Bambrlok...
...at 8:30 p. in . I the Workmen's .Circle Center, 61 East 140th atreet...
...Educational Director, Joseph Tuvlm...
...AlemnaeV, PrJaidenl;* lilfid r^iolnSy* Secretary-Treasurer...
...On Sunday, May 15...
...A special feature of the May Issue is a story about the recent approval of polluted beaches by the Health Department and the charge made editorially In the New Deal that the welfare of millions of persons who will swim this summer at Coney Island and Manhattan Beach will be endangered In order to protect heavy Investments there...
...Phone Algonquin 4-70*3...
...W. M. F as speakers...
...Secretary at Executive Board...
...Mark'* Place Albert E Caltro...
...WHITE OOOD8 WORKERS' UNION Local (2 of 1 1. 'i w 11 1 West 16th Hired New York City...
...N. I . JOINT COUNCIL CAPMAKERS—Cloth Hat, Cap and MilA llnery Workera International Onion...
...Secretary Treasurer AT YOUR MILK MAN WEABf OUB EMBLEM...
...Office 12 East 33rd St...
...Branc meetings are held every Saturda evening at 2005—7th avenue, at 8:3 p. m. The speaker at the Sunda Fomm meeting at the same place 3:30 p. m„ May 15, is William Bohn, on "Some Peculiarities o American Democracy...
...McAlister Coleman will be chairman...
...Al Reverie, viae President...
...Local I. In F tematlonal pur Workera Union...
...N.Y.Socialists To See Films Of Movement German Pictures to B Shown at Rand Schoo Saturday KEEP JUNE ItTH FREE " Party member* and branches in Greater New York and neighbor, lag towns should net nuke engagements far Sunday, June 12...
...Social evening, Thursday, May 19...
...Attorney and Counsel 921 B'way , Rooms 3700-10...
...Another of the series of Unemploye meetings will be held on Wednesda May 18, at 8:00 p. m., at P. S. N 43, 136th street and Brown plac near Brook avenue...
...lath A. I).—A meeting will be held on Friday evening, May 13, at 9:00 p. m., at Workmen's Circle Center, 7212—20th avenue...
...Executive Board meets every Thursday at the office of the Union...
...6:90 P. M. M. Tlgel...
...Phone Watkins t 77*4 Regular meeting* every second and founts Tuesday at Arlington Hall, 19 St...
...frank P. Let...
...i el <l R a in e r c y > 05(11) C. ,A...
...2M West 14th St...
...how August would stay home with the babies while she went out to speak, how she gave a whole life uncomplainingly to the cause that illuminated her life and her husband's...
...Phone, Chelsea 3-I7M-I711...
...fl '1932...
...Business Agent, B. Kalmikoff...
...Claessens was a mem ber...
...The Youth picture shows the chil dren's Republic, and shows the So cialist Movement among the youn people of Germany, including th camp the Party has for the childre and which Is run as a children's Re public...
...At flflated with the American Federation ol Labor • Jackson Ave...
...Charles Potass, Flu...
...Dow town office, 840 Broadway, phone Sp 7-4641...
...Office, 31 West 11th Street...
...Keep it epen...
...A branc meeting will be held Monday at 8:0 p. m. Classes in Socialist fundamen tals are held each Friday at 4:0 p. m. until further notice...
...Morrla Plrtunan...
...Hilda Claessens was content to do what she could to advance the cause1 of Socialism, and to allow the glory to go to others...
...Funeral services were held at the Rand School Thursday morning, with Norman Thomas, Morris HUlqult, Esther Friedman, William Karlln, Algernon Lee, Rachel Panken and Jacob Panken as the sneaker...
...Oharlee I. (loldman Sec'y-Treas.: Philip Lubllner...
...243 aaat *4th Street...
...UNITED NECKWEAR CUTTERS' ONION, Local sill, A. P. of I . . 1131 Broadway...
...Joseph Schloubarg...
...Joint H ecutlve Board meeta every Tuesday nig at 7:90, Board meet* every Tuesday 1 ' at 1:00 In the office Bd Ootte*m*n...
...Offloe, 191 Second Ave...
...QUEENS ASTORIA.—On Saturday...
...M ILK WAOON DRIVERS' UNION, Loo*I M4, I. U. of T. Office: 209 W. l*th St...
...John Sullivan Oricu tiller...
...Plans have been made for a dinner-dance to be held on Friday evening, June 3. DOWNTOWN.—On Friday evening, May 20, Dr...
...Morris Kaufman, Oen...
...18th A. I)., BRANCH 1.—There was an excellent outdoor meeting held last Friday night at Eastern parkway and Utlca avenue, with Eliot White, harles Sumarsfcl and Judah Altman was the very keynote of her life...
...PROTEST MEETINGS.—On Ma 14 as a protest against Mayor Wal er's Beer Parade, street meeting wi be held In every district of the Bron all evening to emphasize the need o bread and unemployment relief as th vital Issues of the moment...
...Office and atadvaartars...
...All locals meet every Wednesday...
...Wherever Socialists gathered for the past few days there were hushed voices and moist eyes as the death of Hilda Claessens was discussed...
...The picture has just bee imported by the German comrade and the showing is arranged by th Committee on Education of the Part The admission fee la only 15 cent Comrades and particularly those wit children should see this picture...
...A very useful means of advertising all of the meetings which the branch will hold has been created in the mimeographed Socialist Party Bulletin...
...She was so sincere, so human, so forthright and honest that it is possible that she won more friends for our cause by her sweetness of character and her transparent sincerity than many a gaudy orator...
...A resolution typical of the sentiments of many Socialists and organizations was passed by the Debs Branch 665 of the Workmen's Circle of which Mrs...
...Board meets -very rue*d*y evening at the office...
...BHicai areas- UNION, Local Me...
...Stan 2-079* Reg...
...Chairman of Executive Board, Morrla Rosenblatt...
...Secretary Kumiiei Mlndel...
...Mg-r LABOR SECRETARIAT OF NEW YORK CITY A Cooperative Organisation ol Label unions to oroteet the legal rights of the union* and their member* S John Block...
...Comrade of other branches are invited...
...VEIT MAKER!' UNION, Amaigematao Clothing Worker* ot America...
...4th A. D.—The branch is moving to 1353 Boston road, the offices of the Bakers' Union...
...On Saturday evening...
...August Claessens Wife of N. Y. Socialist Organiser Loses Brave Fight to Live E Socialist and labor movement has suffered an irreparable loss in the death of Hilda Claessens, wife of August Claessens and until the time of her illness the chairman of the women's section of the party...
...MANHATTAN CHELSEA.—The next meeting wi be held Friday evening...
...Affiliates with the American Federation 01 Labor...
...Regular masting* every Tuesday evening...
...7th A. D.—The branch invites the mombers of other branches to participate in the May Festival and Entertainment Saturday evening...
...areeklra Labor Lyceum, *4» Whloughby Ave phone Stan 3~*«2i, Offlea opto dally except Saturday from 9 A. at...
...Worker*' International Union...
...The agenda of the coming National Convention was discussed by the membership...
...EAST HARLEM.—The opening cel ebration of the new headquarters o the Harlem Branches will be held o Saturday evening, May 14, at 8:3 p. in , at 1536 Madison avenue, nea 104th street...
...Clothing Worker* of America Officei 91 West ISth fit ; Tompkln* Bquar* 8 1)400...
...May 20, the Rand School, 7 Bast 15th stree at 8:30 p. m. I'PPEB WEST SIDE.—The Execu tive Committee will meet Tuesda May 17, at the home of Comrad Chalken, 741 West End avenue, 8:15 p. m The Open-Air Meetin Committee will meet next Monda evening, May 16, at the home o Comrade Oilbson, 160 Claremont ava nue...
...The leaflet Is distributed at regular intervals in the district...
...Chelsea 1-1177...
...President end Buslnes* Agent...
...Executive Board meet* on the 2nd and 4th Thursday* ftt Beethoven Rail, l i t B. Fifth St...
...Phone Penn...
...BROOKLYN BORO PARK.—Discussion group meets Monday nights...
...Manager: Hymen Novodor, Sec'y-Tiwh...
...THE NEW DEAL.—The May Issue of the New Deal, a recently organized Socialist publication in the Bth Congressional District has Just been Issued...
...They were constantly speaking together, and In 1915 they toured the country as far as California, combining a visit to the Panama-Pacific Exposition with a propaganda tour...
...Samuel Perlmutter, Mfcr Sec...
...At the branch meeting on Tuesday, May 17, Isidore Rubin will be the speaker...
...to I PTM...
...19 21st A. D.—The branch has de cided to give a Decoration Day Danc Saturday evening...
...Her brave fight against the disease that finally carried her off, and her devotion to the movement and to hei husband had endeared her to every member of the movement...
...11-16 Union Square, Ird floor...
...So far the branch has raised $44 for the City Office Drive...
...Bsccutlve Board meet* every Monday, All meeting* art held at 119 Second Avenue...
...Canvassin continues to be successful...
...August Claes sens will assist on the program...
...I. H. Goldberg, A. M*B> delowlta, M. Ooodman, Lucy Oppenhelm...
...HERMAN PAINTERS' UNION, Local 491, Brotherhood ol Painters, Decorator* and Paperhangere...
...Henry J. Rosner, Edward articles by B. O. Vladcck, Harry W. I,cvin.soii, and Harry Haskel...
...MIDWOOD.—The following branch officers were elected for the ensuing term: Organiser, Isidore Rubin...
...Regular matting* even Brat and third Sunday at 10 a.m...
...xe<- Board meets •very l'ueeday at the office...
...Admission 50 cents...
...Werkera: Eat only !• Reotaaraat* That Employ Union Workers WATERPBdOl OARHENT WORKERS' I shin...
...Pairs** J. Hanion...
...Local 110U, A. P. of I...
...Andrew "Hrelt...
...Saul Hodo...
...Pre*, and Sec...
...On May 20...
...Local Ml Office, to East 101th street...
...His topic, "How Can You Abolish Unemployment...
...Phone Wl...
...Data of Psychology...
...Iaiportant anneancement men week...
...Meet* every Tuesday at SOU P. M. B. Mar kin...
...Ball Thenen, Re...
...will take place Sun day, May 15, at 8:00 p. m. at 310 Broadway...
...S. Herahkowlta.l Sec'y-Traaa...
...New York Board ol Delegate* meets at the Labor Temple...
...Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, and the next meeting will be held on May 24...
...William R. Ohlellng, Manager...
...Treasurer, Isidore Fried...
...Plume Or•hard 4 - 9960-1-1...
...There will be a Joint meeting In Williamsburg on Monday...
...Hilda Claessens was not a flashy character, but she was pure gold...
...Regular meeting...
...7 East 16th Street...
...IRonaldes 6-89M...
...i>on KM ta*, Manager...
...A message of sympathy was sent to Comrade Claessens...
...meetings 1st and 3rd Monilaya...
...Laeal I—Regular meetings every 1st and lrd Saturday...
...HolTnan, Secy...
...TTHE GERMAN SOCIALIST MOVIE WO films, one depicting the Ger man Socialist Movement for th past eighty years, and the other fil the youth movement in Oermany wil be shown this Saturday, May 14, a 1:00 p. m., at the People's House, East 15th street...
...John and Fox stree Socialists Mourn Death Of Mrs...
...II Watt I6t.li Street, Naw York, M. Y. Phone Tompkins Square 1-6400...
...Robert S e m b r 0 ft...
...The place will hous the activities of the 17-18-20th A. and Harlem Jewish Branches, Work men's Circle School, and the Y. S. L. The program for the gran opening includes music, entertain ment, refreshments...
...Siec'y - Treat...
...A large Socialist repre sentation Is important...
...10, 1. L. O, W. U. Office...
...the part while under the leadeahlp of Lleb necht, Bebel, and Lasalle, the Social ist Party under the Bismarck Anti Soolallat Law, the Socialist Part during and after the war, In the firs days of the RepublicBknd to the pres ent day...
...Lehigh 4-1141...
...BmpToyment Bureau open every day at 8 p.m...
...Prank 8*1*1, Fin...
...N. Y. Tel...
...Phone Qramercy 6-1022...
...May 14, at 8:30 p. in., a card party will be held at the home of Comrades Steinberger, the proceed* of which will go to the various drives for fund* UNION DIRECTORY day Night in the Office of ti>* Ui L. Preedman, Pre»lo*nt...
...Fred Wolf...
...22NB- A. D—At the meeting to b held Monday, May 16, at 9:00 p. m in the home of Comrades Gisne 609 West 149th street, Leonard Ab bott will speak on "Rebel Authors Have Known...
...a Office end Headquarters, 34 West ism St., N. Y. Meete every Ird Sunday ot every month at Stuyvesant High School '5th St., East of 2nd Av...
...The paper, which Is edited by William Morris Feigenbaum and Hairy Haskel, Is Intended to spread the trlct In preparation for the coming Socialist message throughout the dlscampalgn...
...The meeting will be held In the home of Evelyn Cohen, 201 Eastern parkway...
...L Lefkowlty...
...I. B. Hertiberg...
...At a dinner to hei husband several years ago she was called on to speak and told the comrades present that her contribution to the movement was her husband, that she knew that' by having a husband working for the party she would hive little of his company for herself, but she was glad to make that contribution to the cause she loved Utterly sincere In everything she said and did, everyone knew she spoke directly from the heart, and that that The director Is Tyrell Wilson...
...T h Executive Committee has decided t give up headquarters for the Sum mer, but to carry on an active cam paign at street meetings, which I the next few weeks will be held o Tuesdays and Thursdays...
...The speaker Is William M. Feigenbaum...
...Phone Tompkln* Sq...
...1st A. D.—A meeting will be hel Thursday, May 19...
...Phone, Tompkins Square 8-6400 Meeting* every 1st and Ird Wednesday evening...
...11th A. D.—At the meeting on Monday, May 16, Henry Rosner will speak...
...A Snyder...
...Sidney Resunan, llanagen...
...7 son...
...MILLINER* WORKERS' UNION, M. Cloth n«t, cap and MIIIIL...
...May 14, a free for all card party and social will be held...
...w A i m s * WAITRESSES U N I ON " '^gSSkw i.oc*l L II Eaat 3ltn A4\% „ IfV St...
...MORNINGSIDE HEIGHTS.—T h debate between McAlister Colema and Earl Browder on "Which Part Works for Socialism—Socialist o Communist...
...241 I . 84th St., Room 12...
...Seoretary: Peter Rothman...
...The recognition of the solid worth and sterling character of his helpmate and comrade is the sole consolation his comrades can give Augusi Claessens and his two daughters...
...Local 20...
...The May issue contains I .a Idler...
...Like all other active Socialists Hilda Claessens often ran for office, but to her was allotted mainly the ground floor work, the Job of talking to people heart-to-heart...
...Long Island City...
...Claessens died Tuesday morning at her home, 208 East 17th street, after battling tils ravages of cancer for mow than half a year...
...There win be an Im portant special meeting of all th branches included in the 6Ui Congres sional District at 3820 Church ave nue, on Thursday evening...
...Admission 25 cents...
...Chairman of Exec Board: Philip Oretaky, Aaat...
...Abraham Miller, Secretary-Treasurer...
...Preceding the business meeting 8. Romualdl will speak on "The Menace of Fascism.' 23rd A. D.—The open-air meetings on the avenue are proving to be very successful...
...every Friday at 210 E. 104th -it M Oaft...
...A resolution was passed asking 1 the City Central Committee to state the Socialist position on "BlockAid...
...Morrla Blumcnrelch...
...uptown office, 20 West 17th St...
...Mlltou Rowcroft Rec...
...The council meets every 1st and lrd Wednesday...
...Benny Wclselberg, Manager...
...Chelsea 1-7141...
...Joseph J. O'Connor...
...Morris W. Jacob...
...Recording Secretary, Peter Goldberg...
...May 28 for th Opportunity Fund Drive...
...May 14, at the Workmen's Circle School, 789 Elsmere place...
...81M worked as a neckwear worker, and later as aa organ laer of the Neckwear Workers' Union It was la l t U that she met August Claessens when aha was a full-time student in the Rand School and he was her teacher of public speaking They were married shortly thereafter, and then began one of the really harmonious and happy marriages...
...William M. Feigenbaum was the speaker at the last meeting The Executive Committee will meet on Sunday, May 15, at 11:00 a. m. sharp...
...Meets 1st and 3rd Monday, 8 P. M. Eecutlve Board •aine day...
...0UTOHIBS' UNION, Local 174, A MO St I > ii w ol N A Office «no Headquarter!: Labor Temple...
...A. Weltner, vice-Presidents B Meyer, Recording Secretary: A. U Brrger, Plnancia) Secretary and Treasurer...
...She was conscious nearly to the end, recognizing her friends and exchanging a word with each of them despite the well-nigh unendurable pain...
...Simple, unassuming, unpretentious, absolutely without ambition for herself, she was one of the best loved Socialists hereabouts...
...phone Wlioonsln 7-1271 Bxeeutlve B meet* every Tuesday evening, • P.M...
...N Spector: Sec'y-Treas., Alex Rose: Organisers...
...Treasurer, H. Helb UNITED HEBREW TRADES, 175 East Broadway: Phone Orydoek 4-S6IO...
...Executive Board meeta every Monday al 7 pin...
...Vice President, S*m Oroll...
...Peter Monat, Manager...
...William Welngart, President...
...P. Wolleneack, President...
...1M, 111 and 111 of The INTERNATIONAL PUR WORKERS OP u 8. and v., 21 West list Street...
...Auatln Hewton, President...
...1 I., o w 11 . k West ISth St...
...I. 000**, AmaUUkfSRf . Bklg...
...New York City, on the last Saturdav of each month at g'00 d rn BROOKLYN LABOR LYCEUM 040 WHIeegaby Ave...
...Oertmde Well Klein, aided by a number of Ylpsels, will entertain with some Interesting skits, and Judith Wlshnetsky and Ethel Wettsteln will also entertain...
...Canvassing of old members and enrolled Socialists Is being carried on...
...Interment was at Mount Carmel Cemetery In Queens...
...Regular meeting* Brat Monday ot every month at Irving Pla»a, Irvine Place and ltth Street...
...21st A. D.—On Friday, May 13, at 8:30 p. in., the branch Is holding an enrolled voters' imeetlng at the 4 Unitarian Church, Bast 19th street and Beverly road...
...She was the stuff of which real people are made, and It is a source of con solation to her friends that "they appredated her in her lifetime and did not wait for her to die to begin to realise what manner of woman she was...
...at 7:00 p. in, the Brownsville Labor Lyceum Association will tender a luncheon to the Bazaar Committee for their work In making the Bazaar a success...
...5th A. D.—The second of the series of lectures by August Claessens is "Nature and Nurture—Man's Conflict With and Mastery Over Nature," at the Bellamy Club, 904 Prospect avenue, on Friday evening, May 13, at 8:45 p. m. sharp...
...Admission 60 cents...
...M*x Ltebler...
...These pictures sho all the German Socialist Party ha gone through from the day when Kar Marx started the New Rhelnlsch Zeltung to the present day...
...Hymen Blumberg...
...Daniel McCauley, Vice-President: James J. McOrsth, Necretary-Treasurer...
...Local 114 meet* 00 ltd Thursday of th* month at Beethoven Hall, 310 Bast Firth St...
...Ou* Levlne, President...
...Ashland « - JvmgBrtwaBBa Ham I 11 r k e 1. MFKfMVR r,ooi» Rubin- WjMimM "l"- Secy - UWuBfafS R e g u I a f meeiing ^•HgavfF and tin ^8B war T h a t * d a * al' ^BJsWW' Beethoven Hall, lit Bait tth 81...
...Kessler, Secretary-Treasurer...
...100 W. 91th St...

Vol. 13 • May 1932 • No. 20

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