Organizers' Meeting to Precede Convention

Organizers' Meeting to Precede Convention Agenda Mailed To Socialist Party Locals New York Request* a Change in Voting Basis—Other News of | Party Activity S^HICAGO. — The agenda for...

...Trade unionism, war, Russia, organization of women, party press, cultural activities, unemployed leagues, Negroes, International unity, third party movements, and a new declaration of principles are the principal items...
...The organization meeting will take place at the Labor Temple, corner Oailfornla and Weber, 'Tuesday, April 38, at 8 p. m. MUen Dempster, HaVaHaaaaaa^HaflHa^a^n Chicago Socialists Organize Excursion To Milwaukee May 21 (Bf s Now loaSar Cwrnp»¦«¦¦() CHICAGO...
...A special treat for all Socialist party members, sympathizers and friends on Saturday, April 30, at Socialist part...
...The state executive committee will hold its monthly meeting at the Workmen's Circle Center, 73 Legion avenue, New Haven, Sunday, April 34, at J P- m. A conference of delegates representing the Socialist party, the Workmen's Circle branches, progressive unions and individuals interested to the maintenance of The Oommon3B1?\S B"fiS paper, will be held In connection with the executive committee meeting...
...recording secretary, Louis A Colombo...
...April 38, at Oarpenten Halwl, 478 Franklin street...
...Washington, D. C. Branch 2 of Local Washington, D. C. has passed ths following resolutions on questions likely to come before the Milwaukee convention: That the class struggle reference be reinserted in the application blank and "that a full recognition of the class struggle be demanded of all new members...
...Thursday, April 38, lecture, 8 pm., 846 West Lehigh avenue, Frank Bllder...
...This Sunday at the St Regis Annex...
...Taking advantage of the antl-capitalist resolution adopted st the conference of Ohio Ministers of Prot1 estant Churches, the state office has written to all ministers urging their active participation in the workers political struggles being waged by the I Socialists...
...May 21st, and Sunday, May tin...
...A social will be held after the meeting...
...NEW YORK, New York: (Bronx Italian): U. Spatola, secretory, 1189 Arnow avenue...
...We were much disappointed as a few previous speakers had come late...
...It was the first tune he had forgotten a meet and he assumed the entire blame...
...that the party make special organizing efforts among the Negroes...
...The Buffalc Ylpsel Circle will present a one-aci play by Upton Sinclair...
...News of the bit layoffs to the General Electric planl Is systematically suppressed by the twe dally newspapers...
...against "all participation in coalition governments...
...The local will meet at the members' homes...
...OLEAN.—Secretary Loeffler of tlx new Olean local, Cattaraugus County reports that ten more joined the organization at the first meeting held and still more were expected to affiliate...
...and one for women and those interested in the organisation of women...
...Business meeting...
...Margolles declared that large masses In Russia were dissatisfied with dictatorship with all the characteristics of a ruling class exploiting the workers...
...Tin speaker will be Oustave A. Strebel general organizer of the Amalgamate*: Clothing Workers Union...
...J, w Southwich, chairman of ths Central I*bor Council, 443 East Weber avenue, has volunteered to act as seen,, tary...
...Taw-day, April 36, Strawberry Mansion branch, 8 p. m., 3009 Ridge avenue...
...OHIO, Akron: Saul Heaven, secretary, 608 Orlando avenue...
...Reservations may be made at 849 Randolph, by mail, or by calling Andover 4483 The Sixth Congressional branch, 3036 West Roosevelt road, announce...
...The letter, after reciting Golder's unsavory political record, asserts "that the (Forward) article is universally interpreted by the Jews to Philadelphia as a definite endorsement of Oolder's candidacy...
...New York State STATE COMMITTEE.—The official state committee met April 16 and organized to the manner provided by the election law...
...About 100 New Leaders and other literature were sold at the open air meeting Saturday...
...Rodney Heckman o Trinity Evangelical Church, who wll discuss "The Economic Background o: the American Revolution...
...The letter concludes with a protest against publication of the article and request...
...Pennsylvania PITTSBURGH.—Over a 100 Unlver- 1 tity of Pittsburgh students nominated 1 by about 1.300 of their fellow students 1 to a model political convention en- I dorsed the need for a new order based ' on production for use instead of for 1 profit and called for "a militant labor 1 movement" as the means to realise 1 this end...
...In complying with the request of the N. E. C. that New York out Its delegation from 108 to 40 the state committee did so because it did not want to...
...The banquet will be held on the 34th floor of the Steuben BOilding, 188 West Randolph, at 6:30 p. m. There are seats for almost a thousand persons, but with the brilliant array of speakers to be present, the committee Is certain that only those who get their reservations In early will be able to be seated...
...2): Miss Florence Jackson, secretary, 1406 Montello avenue, N. E. ILLINOIS, Belleville: Frank Rlppllnger, secretary, 428 Scheel street...
...Missouri Clarence Senior, national executive secretary, will ho the principal speaker at the St LouhrMay Day meeting, to be held at 8 p. m. in the Deutsche) Hsus, Jefferson and Lafayette streets Ohio Cooperation of 73 organizations representing s total membership of about [30,000 was promised at an anomployment conference sponsored by the Socialist party, held to Cleveland Friday...
...are held every second Monday at the Labor Lyceum, on West 38th street, where the forum also meets...
...The Pitt Socialist Club got out an extra edition of the "Gadfly" in which , a sharp-letter of protest from Thomas ( was reproduced...
...The committee considers such a rule fair iid proportionate, expressing the will of the members...
...Stockton Socialists should get 4o touch with Comrade ; Southwich at once...
...SCHENECTADY.—The effect of tlx winter L. I. D. lecture course Is stu: being reflected by revived activity ir the local...
...Connecticut WEST HAVEN.—After a number of efforts a local of the Socialist party has been organized to this town...
...OKLAHOMA, Castle: Marvin Hicks, secretary...
...A motion was adopted to elect two delegates and two alternates at large to the national convention at Milwaukee...
...The meeting was ad dressed by Morris Cohen of the Poale Zionists, who urged Local Buffalo' delegate to vets to allow this group t affiliate with the national organlu tton The next meeting will be held oj 'Thursday...
...Martin F. Plunkett of Walllngford, formerly state secretary of the party and now a member of the executive eommlttee, has been put on to do special organising work to the state...
...The committee has tried to represent the divergent viewpoints expressed in resolutions already sent in for the convention...
...secretary, Route 10, Fairfield... to the Workmen's Circle Ban, 190 Belmont avenue, with Henry Jagei and N. cnanin as speakers...
...The Hempstead Forum Friday nigh: of last week bad arranged a debati between James Oneal and Trevor Tlsdale of the American Legion... secretory-treasurer, Charlotte Harrington...
...DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Washington (Branch No...
...The following were elected officers: town chairman, Charles H. O'Connell...
...The "Gadfly" also . set forth a Socialist platform which the convention a day later adopted almost entirely...
...Tlx press carried stories, handbills wen distributed and cards were mailed bul the Socialist debater did not arrive A few nervous members rallied to the defense but it was difficult to improvise...
...that the party organise permanent relief and legal defense organizations...
...Ben Fletcher and George Carey will speak on "The Class War to Kentucky...
...Camden (Y...
...Olen Carbon: Joash Critchley, secretary...
...He will make speaking engagements In Kentucky, Tennessee and the surrounding territory until the Milwaukee convention Members and sympathizers wishing to arrange meetings are requested to get in touch with National Headquarters, 549 Randolph street, Chicago, at once...
...P. 8. D: George F. Yost, secretary, 4863 Lexington avenue, Merchantvllle...
...that the party actively participate in the organisation of "revolutionary industrial unions along class lines, and that a national labor committee direct and coordinate such activities...
...Identification by the delegates in Milwaukee will secure their credentials there...
...Illinois For the first time hi several years, Olen Carbon will have a mass May Day celebration Sunday afternoon, with Clarence Senior, national executive secretary, as the main speaker...
...Admission 10 cents...
...Wednesday, April 37, Delegates Adolph Dreifuss, Meyer Halushka and Hyman Bchneld will begin a symposium on "Problems Facing the National Convention...
...Monday, April 38, Central City branch, 8 p. m., 334 South Camac street...
...The next meeting will be held at the home of Charlotte Harrington, 633 Second avenue, Thursday, April 28, at 8 p. m Socialists of West Haven have decided to place The New Leader on the newsstands...
...In making reservations, please state which 1* desired either Saturday or Sunday or both...
...workers must rally to defend the only Socialist state...
...A May Day...
...for "a more friendly party attitude toward Russia and disciplining of any members 'who in any way aid the enemies of Soviet Russia...
...and • fourth In the Labor Lyceum, 14th street, by the Gorman Socialists...
...meeting will be hel< Sunday, May 1, at 8 p. m. to the bail room of the Hotel Lafayette...
...Regis Annex with Walter E. Peck and the Rev...
...that the program and poucy of the party be one of militant Marxism brooking no deviation towards liberalism, reformism, opportunism, revisionism or compromise...
...Preparations are being made for a May Day celebration and extensive outdoor speaking campaign...
...Douglas has made several visits to Europe...
...that the party tatke cognizance of the fact that the conflict In China is the basis of preparations for an attack upon the Soviet Union and upon Socialism...
...Wednesday, April 37, North Philadelphia branch, 8 p. m. 3738 North Reese street...
...State secretaries are urged to rush then- delegates' names and addresses...
...appear that New York desired to control the convention...
...A drive to gel 8,000 signatures to petitions is now being made, led by Siegfried Amcr jlnger of the American Guardian Wisconsin The Deutsches Ha us was not largt enough for the enthusiastic mob which gathered in Milwaukee last Monday to celebrate Socialist victory to the city elections...
...two meetings, the first and third Wednesdays, at 8:30 p. m. of the month, devoted to the national convention agenda...
...Five new members wen taken in at the last regular meeting and Schenectady County has agair moved to the head of counties outside of the city of New York In thi number of dues-paying members...
...People overflowed from the main hall into the gymnasium, the dining hall, the balcony, the basement and even the stage...
...ArrangoaenU art betas completed to have several bondred Chicago SoetaHttt and their friends go to Milwaukee for the opening of the national eon vention ef the Socialist Party an Saturday...
...Herman Hennig died this week it Buffalo...
...Paul Douglas, department of Economics of the University of Chicago, will talk on "Socialists, Communists and Fascists of Europe...
...South Philadelphia branch, 8 p. m., 1U4 South Fifth street...
...Cedarhursi and vicinity branch will hold a special meeting Saturday, April 33, ai 8:30 p. m , at Socialist headquarters Bayview and Lord avenues, Inwood The safeguarding of the Nassau Socialist Home, the arrangement of thi summer course of the Nassau Forum and •general activity demand that al members should be present and heli make this a banner year...
...MilW LOCALS REPORTED CMNECTTCUT, Easton: Dorothy L. Allen...
...According to the letter of the county central committee, the editor of the Forward (Philadelphia edition) in commenting on the letter "expressed satisfaction that Golder had given his assurance that when another case of the same sort presented Itself Golder would not receive it...
...Reservations requests must be accompanied by cheek so that sa flic lent botes will be ready...
...The meeting was called to order by State Secretary Merrill, and Edward P. Clarke of Queens County was elected chairman of the session...
...ORGANIZERS TO CONFER National headquarters announced this week that it was arranging a conference for organisers and secretaries of locals, branches, states and federations tor the Friday preceding the convention...
...A motion was unanimously adopted requesting The New Leader to publish a "Militant program" so that Socialists could Intelligently follow the criticisms published against It...
...The committee submitted a table of the membership by states showing that while In some states s delegate may represent but one member in others, like Virginia, the delegate will represent 144 members...
...CHICAGO.—The Socialist campaign banquet committee reports prompt response to its announcement that Nor...
...anotbei to the Polish Hall, Court street and Belmont avenue, with George H, Ooebel and a Polish speaker...
...Registration for the convention was 16 per cent Republican, 0 per cent Democrats, 8 per cent Progressives, 24 per cent Socialists and 49 per cent Independent which included some Communists...
...Nelson Brant of 140 Baldwic street, was elected financial secretarytreasurer...
...The speake will be the Rev...
...Okemah: A B. Zlegler, secretary...
...BUFFALO.—Local Buffalo at Its last meeting admitted five new members...
...They refused also to permit the ap- ' pearanoe of Norman Thomas and Wll- , 11am Z. Foster...
...At the last Chicago Socialist banquet, for Norman Thomas, 300 persons who came without making reservations had to be turned away because the hall was packed...
...Thirty additional organisations, 1 representing 8,000 more members, expressed themselves at being "in sympathy" with the party's drive for an adequate unemployment Insurance bill...
...Nc city In the state has been hit worst by unemployment...
...literature agent, Eugene J. Carroll...
...A letter Utter brought an abject apology from Comrade Oneal who took the entire blame...
...N. Y. ASKS VOTING CHANGE The New York State executive committee has voted to ask the national executive committee to provide*' in the national convention rules that In requests for a roll call vote and In votes by roll call each state be accorded the number of votes the delegates represent in proportion to the dues-paying membership of each state...
...An attempt will be made to hold a similar conference for editors of Socialist newawapers...
...I- I l formerly ot Stockton and now of Ban 1 Francisco, has been invited to be the main speaker...
...Later, however he embraced Socialism, and during the last two decades had been Socialist candidate on numerous occasions for city or county judgeships...
...NEW HAVEN.—Nomination of state officers will be made at the meeting of the local Monday evening, April 28...
...and "for exposure" of the League of Nations as a tool of capitalism...
...Special buses are being chartered for the trip and the total ooet will be only $2.28 each for the round trip...
...New Jersey BAYONNE...
...State secretaries do not need to send Individual credentials...
...NEWARK—County Organiser Rosenkrans reports that four May 1 meetings will be held to Essex County...
...Friday, April 39, West Philadelphia Jewish branch, 8 p. m, 4164 Poplar street...
...23, at Labor Temple, Oklahoma City I Representation is expected from 88 ol the state's 72 counties...
...Oklahoma A state convention of Oklahoma So. ciaii-w will be held Saturday, Apri...
...that a "definite machinery for war resistance be set up...
...Murray Baron, national organiser tor West Virginia, will leave for Kentucky this week to speak and look over the relief situation...
...The agenda for the' Milwaukee convention has been' submitted in a supplement to The' New Leader to all locals and branches for pre-conventlon discussion...
...This was the response of the dele- 1 gates to the reactionary stand of unt- 1 verslty authorities, shown in this case by the refusal on flimsy grounds, to j permit the carrying out of the original plan to have prominent members 1 of the Republican, Democratic, Socialist and Communist parties present then- viewpoints to the convention...
...Frank Klngdon as speakers...
...One will be held In the St...
...The article questioned was printed in the form of a letter from Benjamin Golder, Republican candidate for Congress, to which Golder attempted to explain away his action in trying to get an Injunction against the Amalgamated Clothing Workers...
...Merrill and Vladimir Karapetoff who had previously been endorsed by a referendum of the dues-paying embershlp of the state, were unanimously chosen to represent the state as delegates-at-Iarge, and August Claessens and Murray Baron, similarly endorsed by referendum, were chosen as alternates-at-largc...
...P. 8. L.): Hal Lambert, secretary, 120 West 28th street...
...This subject will be continued Wednesday, Mayy 11, with other delegates leading the discussion...
...August Oerber, Julius .Oerber, William Karlln, Rachel Panken, Robert H Rltchey and Theresa B. Wiley members of the executive committee...
...MICHIGAN, Greenville: H. H. Hansen, secretary, Route 1. NEW JERSEY, Bayonne (Y...
...speaker, "The Development of Imperialism and War...
...California STOCKTON^-After a visit by Hy Fish, the ''hiking" agitator, national organiser for the Y. P. 8. L., the local sympathisers determined to organize a local of the Socialist party...
...A Sunday afternoon forum organised by the local Socialist branch under direction of Hal Lambert has boosted party membership from 9 to 36... Thomas, Hey wood Broun, Mayor Hoan and others will speak Wednesday, May 28...
...National headquarters will send instructions direct to the delegates, including Information about railroads, housing In Milwaukee, credentials and agenda...
...All Interested In reserving places should call Kediie 4316, Ben Larks or write to Socialist Party of llli nois, 3636 Roosevelt road...
...It was the concensus of opinion that it was decldely unfair for the editor to stuck this program withou publishing it...
...All Illinois delegates have been Invited...
...Michigan DETROIT.—Jacob Margolles, labor attorney, and Scott Nearlng, Communist, debated democracy and dictatorship here last Sunday..., 3036 Roosevelt road...
...Hennig was elected u the corporation counselshlp in 1883 or the Democratic ticket...
...The followers of Nearlng booed while his opponent was speaking and Nearlng made his familiar argument for dictatorship...
...Louis Waldman was unanimously re-elected state chairman, Morris Herman treasurer, Herbert M. Merrill secretary and Berman...
...the Forward to immediately announce Its opposition to Oolder's candidacy Philadelphia Meetings Saturday, April 33, Y. P. 8. L. general conference on the Kentucky miners, 8 p. m. at the Labor Institute...
...PHILADELPHIA—The county central committee has sent a letter ol protest to the Jewish Dally Forward for publishing a story which Is believed calculated to aid an old party politician...

Vol. 13 • April 1932 • No. 17

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