A Sicialist View of the Week

A Socialist View of the Week Aniirlnjunction Bill Pasted by Congress BOTH House* of Congress have passe, the Norrts-LaGuardia anti-lnjunc Hon bill, the Senate by a vote of 75 to J and the...

...One thing is certain...
...They may become the victims ol police provocation or'an Irresponsible few in the demonstration may venture upon some course that will give police agents an opportunity and an excuse for brutal conduct In either case the workers .get the worst of it and there Is danger of a local dictatorship being set up that will close all avenues of agitation for relief...
...It is serious and responsible work that must be carefully organized and which requires that the rank and file-be instructed against the arts of secret police agents...
...the money paid for several thousand Fascist books thai were sent to the United States...
...Dolly Gann, sister of Vice President Curtis, assured some business ladies in Boston that if we are to crawl out of the Hoover wreckage it is necessary to return Hoover to the White House in November...
...Clou Struggle* in Latin-America LATIN-'AMKRICA is again in a ferment In Havana Cuban newsboys demonstrated at the offices of two dailj papers against raising the price and the police reserves were called out...
...You will have enthroned the proletariat...
...Russia W ate he* Border LEON TROTSKY, Communist exile in Turkey, has received permission to spend three months in Czechoslovakia for his health...
...Rebuffed by Secretary of the Treasury Mills, they will go to Congress to wage the war against Russian trade with the United States...
...Soviet officials at Harbin are suspicious of Chinese mutinies on the Siberian border which require the presence of Japanese troops and for this reason Russia Is reinforcing frontier garrisons against the possibility of the Japs overreaching the limits of Manchuria...
...There are quite a number of bankruptcies but the Fascist press prints only a few of them...
...HEW LEADER Sick Patriots Mobilize AN awkward squad of terrified .patriots have again appeared in Washington demanding an embargo on imports from the Soviet Union with ten Senators and twenty-six members of the House leading the crusade...
...That is to say, a continuance of the industrial cyclone will make Dolly happy...
...Even Industries that enjoy a monopoly show a decline In the value of their securities...
...Labor men in the galleries no doubt observed a "yellow dog" at the heels of the noble statesmen...
...A grand jury it investigate the Detroit affair and toe Civil Libertiei Union is looking after the rights of anj persons that may be accused of "rioting.' Forty-eight persons were taken In th< dragnet arrests...
...If they want to commit suicide Socialists will be glad to order flowers...
...President Green of the A. P. of L. jroadcasts his rejoicing over the adopion of the bill and declares • that the one outstanding legal right which this till clearly and definitely establishes is he right of labor to organize and funcion in a normal, logical way...
...Dutch Socialists Fight A Potential Fascism IN the Dutch Parliament the Socialist group has presented a bill prohibiting the mobilisation of voluntary troops and another bill aiming at voluntary dis...
...It is certainly a profound discovery that the same freedom of trade unions before the courts in other countries would here "enthrone the proletariat.'" We wish it would as in that case we would beckon Beck to retire from Congress where his boresome speeches would not be tolerated...
...The authors charge that the funds were used for Fascist .propaganda at home and abroad and part of...
...All this, however, 4s merely a precaution on the part of Russia...
...His wife will not accompany him...
...tee Easley of the Civic Federation has again spoken for the money bag class by assailing Norman Thomas and Morris Hlllqult for urging "production for service Instead of profit...
...His work is too little known to American Socialists who would do well to possess at least the classic mentioned above...
...Whatever may be the outcome in De' troit, these disturbances again emphasize the responsibility of our own members to the jobless workers...
...The overwhelming majorities ;iven the bill in both Houses were given i the year of a Presidential election lie politicians have a "labor record" to note and only the workers will have to wry about the fate of the bill before he high executioners of the federal ench in the coming years...
...It Is the first time since his exile that Trotsky has been permitted to visit another country...
...In Naples there are 172 million lire in outstanding taxes which cannot be collected and Mussy faces the same problems that other capitalist governments face...
...We recall that similar cjoicings were heard after the passage >f the Clayton Act In 1914 and which1 vaa accepted in labor circles as the lagna Charts of the organized workers, a the ensuing years the judges dlsemoweled it...
...If this continues many of us will go to the polls without a shirt next November...
...Sic 'em, Fido," is the collective order of his powerful backers...
...Comrade Modlgilanl, an exile In Paris, writes that the bank was administered by an ex-convict...
...Our ruling cliques are sappy In their ignorance but It is doubtful If they will have their way...
...These sick souls, representing the invested dollars of the republic, fear the contamination of Russian lumber, coal, hides and caviar and would protect our holy altars by a strict embargo against all Russian goods...
...Riots have occurred in one province and former Fascist bank clerks have fought in the streets against salary reductions...
...The drive against Russian trade this week was preceded last week by the introduction in the Senate by Senator Walsh of Massachusetts of a plea for the Jeffers bill which would outlaw Communists...
...L both instances it appears that Commu nist organizations arranged the demon stration...
...One was sentenced to death, another to twenty years in prison at bard labor and three were acquitted...
...materialistic conception of any American historian...
...The Crown Prince has not been heard from but the breadlines will be glad to get the news...
...There has been a civil defense force in Holland since 1018 which has been regarded by the working class as a threat and a potential Fascism...
...Professor Turner Interpreted our history in terms of geography, soil, climate ana economics and his work was the nearest to the Socialist...
...In Nicaragua the National Guard under the command of an American lieutenant of the marines killed twelve insurgents and that country still remains safe for American bankers...
...Northern possessors of capitalist enterprises, and the frontier as a whole against the settled communities of urban wealth...
...We hope hat he is correct, but we shall withtold our shouts till after the judges have lad their say...
...for bids injunctions prohibiting workers from refusing to work or dairying on striki activities or on the ground that striken we engaged in an unlawful conspiracy rhe injunction power is limited to un lawful acts resulting in "substantial ant Irreparable" injury and for which then Is no remedy at law and defendants li sontempt suits are given a jury trial and i new judge...
...In Peru a number of revolutionaries were tried by a court martia' for an alleged attempt on the life of President Sanchez Cerro...
...Some minor alteration* lave been made by the conference comnittee of the two Houses but the major provisions are in the main as stated ibove...
...Thus organized and disciplined, organizations of the jobless can become intelligent and effective pressure groups that will reduce the dangers of conflict to a minimum...
...Apra is solidly opposed to American exploitation of Peru...
...inflated Bladder* in Our Federal Diet ONE method of diverting attention from important questions is for our ruling cliques to rattle the saber or to start a hunt against "internal enemies...
...We hope that the regime will totter soon and that Mussy will be deposited In the...
...Here were the mining, coal, lumber and manganese interests allied with the National Security League dollars, the ladies of the American Revolution, the Industrial Defense Association, General Fries of Spider Web Chart fame, and scores of other patriots of noble lineage...
...Russia has moved many locomotives and freight cars in the direction of Harbin and from Pieping comes a story that the Soviet Union has suspended traffic between Vladlvostock and Blagovestchensk which will permit military control of the line...
...Hamilton Fish was also there, one who recalls the British aristocrats organized against Jacobins and levellers in the period of the French Revolution and who sipped their wine to toasts consigning the souls of all Jacobins to hell...
...If Moscow was alarmed there would certainly be a statement Issued against Japan and appealing to the masses in other countries...
...The Socialists state that preparations of this sort are in their early stages and It is necessary to destroy this danger of civil war...
...Having no citizenship, he will be in charge of Turkish secret service men to the Czech border...
...Trotsky to Vimit Caechoslovakia...
...Meantime the great man has been unable to check the depression and unemployment "has passed the million mark...
...Enjoying the sunshine, he sang a hymn, and then told a reporter that "business conditions are improving...
...If these measures are adopted by Parliament the Dutch workers will have the credit of strangling an infant Fascism In Its cradle...
...One leaflet is devoted to the wrecking of a bank by Fascist officials to the amount of 50 million lire...
...He profoundly influenced the work of other historians and his "Frontier in American History" is accepted as a classic...
...It appears that the brother of Mussolini, who recently died leaving 15 or 16 million lire, was also Involved in the swindle...
...Not a single wage Increase and 300 wage cuts are listed by the Labor Bureau, Inc., for December while January shows a further downward trend...
...Unemployed Clashes In Two Cities rVtt persons killed near the Fon plant In Detroit and a few day later five wounded In another unem ployed demonstration In Chicago an ominous symptoms of the industrial de pression that is growing more acute...
...It Is because of these possibilities that the Socialist party urges the organization of the unemployed for disciplined and self-controlled activity for jobless relief...
...Like a pup looking for meat in the Ice box, rely on Ralph to appear on the scene when any impious person suggests that dollars invested In exploitation of labor should be abolished...
...The bill appears to follow the outline of the old anti-Socialist law of Germany...
...What a glorious time a few well informed Socialists would have in puncturing these pompous bladders in the ancient halls of Congress...
...Mu*»y\ Fatcitt Regime Show* Economic Disease ThsfUSSOLDirs castor oil regime is in It J. trouble and secret anti-Fascist literature is being circulated despite the fact that possession of such literature brings a heavy penalty upon ttie offender...
...Turner, Notable Social Historian, Dies rxpHE death of Frederick J. Turner in JL California this week means the passing of a notable scholar in American economic and social history...
...A Socialist View of the Week Aniirlnjunction Bill Pasted by Congress BOTH House* of Congress have passe, the Norrts-LaGuardia anti-lnjunc Hon bill, the Senate by a vote of 75 to J and the House by a vote of 363 to 13 The bill declares the right of workers t< organise and bargain collectively to tx the public policy of the United States outlaws the "yellow dog" contract...
...For some reason Ralf Easley of the drug department of the National Civic Federation was absent and Matthew Woll failed to do his bit The composition of the united front is interesting...
...There are also 15,000 cigarette makers on strike and eleven strikers have been arrested for alleged anon...
...President Cerro received 150,000 votes and Haya de la Torre, candidate of Aprs, received 110,000, Apra charges that its meetings and classes were suppressed and that the economic crisis Is becoming grave in Peru...
...Documents were presented to prove that the Aprs (American Popular Revolutionary Alliance) was linked with a Communist movement but Communism, Socialism and anarchism are so often confused in Latin-America that it Is difficult to accept this interpretation...
...The striken have been out two months...
...In the meantime 23 Apra members of Congress were deported to Columbia where they Issued a statement They declared that the recent election was "a fight between two tendencies, one conservative and the other imperialist...
...American capitalism is sick and some blood transfusion (increased foreign trade) would help it but quite a number of its supporters are too dumb to understand their own best interests...
...One suspects that Professor Turner would have rationed out more interpretation of the class struggle than he did were it not for the clammy hand of capitalist interests in the universities where he taught...
...John !>., head of the Oil Dynasty, is wintering in Florida...
...Congressman Beck of Pennsylvania also opposed the anti-injunction bill and said that 4'you will have made a long march from the Philadelphia of the Declaration of Independence toward Moscow...
...armament The second bill would also ban all private armed corps and prohibit any training by private organizations of persons in the use of weapons for political purposes...
...Hastily arranged protest meetings and parades ol Workers who have not been properlj organized and disciplined for effective demonstrations run the danger of going astray...
...Throughout bis work the class antagonism is bared but it is interpreted chiefly in terms of the conflict between the capitalistic East and the agrarian West, slave interests vs...

Vol. 13 • April 1932 • No. 12

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