Standard Oil Trust Takes Shape Again; U.S. Court Gives Aid

Standard Oil Trust Takes Shape Again; U.S. Court Gives Aid N.'Y. Standard and Vacuum, Separated 20 / Y e a r s Ago, Merge Again NATL MONOPOLY HEAR POSSIBILITY Congress Aiding...

...He urged all persons possessing lists., of...
...Involuntary unemployment", reads the bill, "is hereby recognized as one of the most serious evils of our present industrial system, and it is the public policy of this Commonwealth to limit the hours which * employed persons shall be permitted to work, in order that the available work may be distributed among a greater number of persons, and the evils of unemployment thereby abated...
...New York State has pitched into the Socialism Forward Drive Hosiery Worker Shot by Strikebreakers—Phila...
...Then the leader of the Pinchot Republican forces, after hurried consideraton, delivered a hearty "no" on the motion to commit...
...Socialist Party branches have also been invited to attend the conference and it is hoped that they will have a good delegation on hand In the meantime, the' station stands in urgent need of financial assistance...
...There are 1,500 cases of flu, and a rapidly growing number of cases of the hunger-disease, pellagra, among the children...
...jandidates—especially Thomp» rood show... the President's Emergency Committee for Employment New Attack On Housing Standards Tammany Commissioner Fosters Bad Bills— G. O. P. Man Offers Another THERE is grave danger that old tenement dwellers in N. Y. C. will be deprived of the benefits of legislation passed during the last two years, if bills sponsored by the Tammany Tenement Commissioner, Deegan, or those prepared by the multiple dwelling law committee are passed...
...A heavy rifle, a .32 calibre revolver, and a shotgun were the weapons used...
...316, Assb...
...I t is "an entirely new undertaking...
...It- came...
...amending Sec...
...The only two measures of a constructive nature offered and deserving of passage are those which would prohibit the use of windowless rooms after January 1, 1936...
...It is the only company in the Standard Oil group that Has this advantage of nation-wide marketing channels and it covers territory that the other Standard companies taken together do not reach...
...One would suppose, therefore, that an attempt of these two to unite would be contrary to the prohibitions laid down in the above citation from the decree...
...sjLg A.SD MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT _ad trouble in Chicago, as in New York and Philadelb that the rich and powerful and on the whole the "reBe" generally, while they may not like Thompson's circus, fang, or New York's vice revelations, would rather E-oon or Tammany than take a chance on a real program E§ Socialism which might arouse the masses...
...The matter was* at an end except for the laughs at the near-panic of certain members...
...The Socialist leader on behalf of himself and Rep...
...To such good extent did the Union arouse public opinion that Mayor Mackey interrupted a protest meeting of the Central Labor Union Sunday afternoon to summon a delegation, of strike .leaders and union officials to a conference...
...The union's success at the second largest mill involved in the strike, scared the owners of the (Continued from Pas* On*) with a vengeance with the appontment of a state wide committee of four prominent* Socialists aad a Drive Director who has made conspicuous successes In organizing the Jobs he has been given by the party...
...The Union met Schofield's strikebusting tactics with a courage that equalled his lawlessness...
...This bill is sponsored by Tenement House Commissioner Deegan, and is the so-called "City" bill...
...Wednesday Hoopes called up his resolution and in a sharp speech railed for its "adoption...
...York and Vacuum will gfve "Socony" products a national distribution...
...330, AssB...
...The case for the Oregon Act was successfully fought before the United States Supreme Court by the present Justice Brandeis, then a private attorney, who set up a new current in American legal history by submitting a brief made up entirely of medical and technical authority opinion...
...Where organizations do not meet in time the officers of every group are urged to attend...
...the little boy in the street has a word for it—"guts...
...Lg« ARE HAPPENING HERE rAStpest pleasure to see the activity at the National party aCna Things are happening...
...28-March 1. Word has just been received from Andrew P. WitteL state secretary of New Jersey, that bis executive committee has instructed him to arrange banquets in the principal organized counties of the state and to cooperate in any other ways with tbe National Drive headquarters...
...Duplication Unavoidable Although all lists that can possibly be checked against each* other are checked, some duplication is inevitable unless a great deal of time and money is spent comparing the large number of names to be circularized All lists are checked against the names of those who have already contributed, Senior said, but if some per...
...Only about 150 of the former strikers have actually been taken back at regular jobs In the mills...
...Wednesday it called onethird of its force, about 300 workers, back to the machines only w have them walk out in a body the same day...
...The Socialists have, aside from introduction of bills and two resolutions and the careful answering of roll calls, not taken the floor of the Assembly or taken any extensive part in debate...
...but it was then too late...
...Their demands Include no discrimination against strikers and revocation of a 20 per cent wage cut, which would bring the scale back up to within 10 per cent of the union rate...
...Haven't the Insulls got what they Eifisn Thompson...
...They all feel that WEVD is BJMliiL UkC general interests of all workers' movements in the best spirit of the man in whose memory the station was founded Eugene Victor Debs...
...However, it is safe to expect after this rap on the knuckles that house members will not take any "sight unseen" chances on Socialist-sponsored measures...
...Bruno Wagner, American agent for the International Federation of Trade Unions: and N. Chanin, president of the Workmen's Circle...
...The vote to commit was apparently passed on a yea-nay vote and the Socialist members at once moved for a roll call...
...It permits basement occupancy under certafm conditions, the most important of which is the requirement that every basement room have a window opening to the outer air...
...iaflIke it...
...Resibrd Vote Asked On Feb...
...We Socialists were the first to point BE^streaty or the agreement with the Niagara Power Kssf under it was not a victory as Roosevelt claimed over Bay...
...The litigation continued for three years...
...216), relating to cellars and basements...
...It was then that the Rockefeller and allied interests decided to change their giant into a new form...
...According to Clarence, Senior Drive Director: "We are using many lists of persons who had no contact with the party for many years and who now want to get back into the fight for a better world at a time when that fight looks more hopeful than it has in the past decade," he said...
...This is aimed at the Venezuelan oil that the Shell Union is bringing into the country...
...One mill, the Quaker, owned by the notorious unltn-hating Bromley interests, sought to evade the strike test by not opening Monday morning...
...The Apex management visited Major Schofield, director of Public Safety, swore up and down there was no strike at their mill and demanded that picketing be halted because of the "danger to public peace...
...Following the cue of the Oregon 10 hour day act for women, the Hoopes measure would have the Commonwweafth assert that the regular practice of hours longer than the legal limit was in...
...It is a shameful record But what expect wton the-workers demanded so little and the A. * li did not even ask unemployment insurance ? IT FROM THE STARS" , U/» «*U this an a& of science and some times an age of un^**e r - Y e t Evaareline Adams gets big money from the • SMI...
...If everyone will help, we will not only raise our year's budget of $50,000, but we can also have FIFTY NEW LOCAIS ON OUR BOOKS...
...Clarence Senior and his young saLi ue doing a real job...
...A number of civic and welfare organizations oppose these bills at a hearing before the Senate Committee on City Affairs, Wednesday, at Albany...
...The news spread around the Capitol and was greeted in the Senate by profane amazement one Senator inquiring as to "Who in H put the House on record as opposing investigation of the price of bread...
...8 Hoar Day Sought The eight-hour day, cardinal demand of the organized labor movement is now before the General Assembly in a bill introduced by Rep...
...The Standard Oil Trust may soon be with us again...
...I t also does a thriving business in the Far and Near East and in South Africa...
...Clippings from Harrisburg papers of the morning following the Governor's assertion which told of the suicide of an unemployed family head and the confession by local welfare associations that they had spent the major portion of their budgets in the single month of January were also made part of the record...
...But we don't want it at the price of Krsion to a. private company which Roosevelt approved...
...Strikers Undaunted by Arrests STROUDSBURG, Pa, (FP).— -Alberta Bachman, young girl hosiery worker, was shot to death and three companions, all on strike against the Mammoth Hosiery Co., were injured .when fired upon by three scabs at Stroudsberg, Tuesday, Feb...
...Joseph Hamburger, Jimmie Higgins contestant...
...The ReHps canit make a real case for investigation because they Hvestigatibn upstate, where in one small county one of their B ) has gofcvaway, it is charged, with more than $80,000...
...At the same time the companies which had made up the combination in restraint of trade were: . . enjoined and prohibited from continuing or carrying on or carrying Into further effect the combination adjudged illegal hereby, and from entering or performing any like combination or conspiracy the effect of which Is, or will be, to restrain commerce in petroleum or its products among the States or with foreign nations, or to prolong the unlawful monopoly of such commerce, either "(1) By conveyance of the property and business of any of the parties td a potentially com>etitive party to this combination, r • "(2) By making any express or uplied agreement or arrangeJent, like that adjudged illegal %eby, relative to control or man- 4ment of any said corporations, «|he price or rates of transport% n of petroleum o r ' i t s pw>d % which will nave a like effect i n (straint of commerce to that o f *te combination hereby enTl united States Supreme C o u%ipheld the decision of the lasttfirt in May, 1911...
...The Socialist measure now before the Pennsylvania law makers also bases the eight hour provision firmly upon an expression of State responsibility in the matter of unemployment...
...Not content with that Schofield, great labor economist that he is, told the union officials they were crazy to call "a strike when so many people were but of work...
...This is the ideal H M the transition from fpl basement occupancy Hk> As a matter of fact, pMBon has \n many "tnIflpsady take...
...Among those who have sent in lists during the past week are Upton Sinclair, who sent 11,000 names...
...The court ordered the combination to be dissolved thru a distribution to the owners of shares In the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey of proportionate shares in the companies whose stock had been owned by the Standard of New Jersey...
...Neither laws nor court decision will stop its advance...
...In 1892 the/ Standard OU Trust.was declares] illegal in Ohio, but it continued a secret existence until the Ohio courts began to attack It again...
...jurious to the health, general welfare, and ability of, the citizen to function effectively In civic matters... withNtton from th\ tenants of MM easements vnd the cry [ present law Vm create Nk>a in most cash without SUBS...
...Governor Pinchot and William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, had issued scathing denunciations of the Director's antistrike activit...
...Exceptions would be penalized by a requirement for a time and a half rate of pay...
...2) requrL [a» ceilings of cellars in on •••Bents (where many fir* WM fire-retarded...
...Harry Kritzer, who organized the huge MooneyBillings demonstrations last year, win have Ms headquarters at 7 East 15th S t , New York City...
...Blocks Bread Cost Investigation Socialists Cause Consternation by Putting Old Party Legislature on Record By Arthur MacDowell (Special New leader Correspondent) HARRISBURG, Pa—The two Socialist members of the House 'of Representatives have pulled a coup that .is the reason for much chuckling on the part of political observers on Capitol Hill...
...I suspect that 'mftafinr knows that if he wants to be president he will have •Baes&ttle independent of Tammany and McCooey, which it is jCkan to do now that he is reelected...
...The roll call proceeded in a half empty House and it was not until the calling of the roll was more than half completed that political lead, ers awoKe to the significance of being on record hostile to inquiry of the cost of bread...
...This Is an P*»»y and unreasonable rep « fire protection stand^**ees which unsuccessfully ^° Prohibit the t •war rooms and rooms F^Jdows in bassments for Wj^Ly*88 *re the same KfcT...
...Elizabeth Gilman, member of the Drive Committee and Socialist candidate for Governor in Maryland in the fall election...
...It seems by no means sure that Muscle Shoals is But be equipped for the most economical way of producing V * for fertilizer, or that if it Is a new fertilizer plant is needed Bitot when existing plants claim that they can produce about p i t s probable annual demand for fertilizer...
...T^g words, it will take aggressive Socialism to stir our great cente.' against the Democratic and Republican rings...
...This, tn other words, would permit the use of aiiy every basement in oldaasnts which open on to hStall are about 6Vi feet kSBd which are utterly In-1 • to give the necessary air, I ventilation, (c) The bill It Tenement House Comer discretion to permit By until April 1, 1932, of I tad basements which do sJsrm to the present law...
...That's the story of Philadelphia's hosiery strike...
...Girl Striker Is Killed In Stroudsburg Apex mill, employing 2,000 workers, into bellowing for "protection...
...By a New Leader Correspondent) PHILADELPHIA...
...The station, according to a statement issued by Norman Thomas, Morris Hillquit and G. August Gerber, the active officers of the radio station, is in very serious danger of being forced to close down by the governmental authority...
...421, amending Sec...
...The powerful Standard interests by controlling imports, service stations, strategic patent rights and the all-important pipe lines from the producing fields will probably bring to terms their British as well as their American rivals...
...If those who can afford any sum at all will only con...
...They are the Standard Oil Company of New York and the Vacuum Oil Company...
...In the meanwhile, the union has not been idle...
...30 and 34 introduced by the Socialists...
...C. A. Bushnell, member of the Colorado S.E.C...
...They are held without charges pending the inquest —Tho ftmttrar^^Satorday, Fenr 28, was attended by numerous members of the American Federation of Full-Fashioned Hosiery Workers...
...Now it is up to slio can use the old trick of a pocket veto if he so desires...
...They've even got fr*^*^ iptign meetings for "men only" Saw* _ only" in Chicago...
...tribute their share as willingly as seme comrades who have made real sacrifices for the sake of Socialism, the success of the Drive and a real 'come-back' for the party are assured" 50 New Locals Possible "Already over one dozen former party members or sympathizers have written the Drive headquarters in response to letters, expressing joy over the advances the party has made lately, and asking for information and assistance in forming a local...
...W « a |10 and $500 is $5...
...There are three features to this bill which make it highly objectionable: (a) The bill would permit the use of basement rooms which do not conform to the present law, where such basement rooms are used in conjunction with the entire floor above by the same family...
...To be sure, cheap Ktorfor farmers is important, but power rather than fertilizer tofiief useful product of Muscle Shoals...
...Prominent speakers as well as one of the country's most famous radio engmeers will address the delegates...
...Marketing occupies the strategic position in the oil industry...
...The Vacuum Oil Company sells thruout the United States and the rest of the world its well known brands of "Gargoyle" and "Mobiloil...
...There may be a' 4 aer electing one Alderman...
...Ncjitwo of the companies in the qLination at that time were tne S g a r d oil Company of NewYork and the Vacuum Oil Company...
...If the kfitng or Tammany get some graft, well, don't they earn L^an the masses amused and quiet for the benefit of landutility magnates...
...288, Asseb...
...This was a scheme hereby some two score companies turned over their shares of stock* to a board of trustees sad *#fl celved in turn trust certificates...
...son happens to receive more than one letter he should remembr that several of his friends may have suggested him, or he may belong to' several friendly organizations...
...1980., Standard OB—First Trust Standard Oil is responsible for the name "trust" and perhaps more than other corporate interests for the anti-trust laws on oar statute books...
...Lilith Wilson declared that relief of a genuine and effective character was obtainable only through state-wide, compulsory unemployment insurance such as was proposed in Bills No...
...Every individual and organization interested in the maintenance of the present standards and in better housing should oppose the last four bills described in this statement and support the two bills which would require a toilet for every family and would prohibit the use of windowless rooms...
...A credulous sWration lets the stars do i t No E ^ f r S o n ^ * b e t t ^ « o r d to "toggle for plenty, llrbS^ ? g W t t h a t ™* M o t V » iHnesa compelled me to cancel ITfrtL,?^!' 1 h o p * to m a ^ i t ' up to my South Dakota and Penn...
...Westered or which are covpfc exposed matched boards, KR* " * hereafter covered Iffcelal of Tsft less than 28r*»n be deemed sufficiently ft^"*** f ° r the purposes of P*J»a of the law...
...but another big gift to i t The Senate Committee K B Affairs has been slow...
...otherwise for filing how the stars in infinite space shape IT, *wtinies...
...Hence,- "It is clear that there are sound business reasons for this merger, which are entirely sufficient and are wholly unconnected with any desire to create a monopoly...
...Turner of Delaware moved to commit to the Appropriations corv mittee because of the request for an appropriation contained in it...
...Collins for Mayor heads a ^aVlsCsksgoan can vote with clear conscience when^the elecP Cass...
...Organizations, Including all unions branches of fraternal bodies, should be represented by three delegates...
...this respect, the Texas and the Shell Union which is controlled by the British concern, the Royal Dutch-Shell...
...In 1903 under Roosevelt the Bureau of Corporations was established to Investigate corporations engaged in interstate commerce...
...CUSS ON UNEMPLOYMENT Kthis Washington's Birthday, as I write, it would seem i certain that a Congress which could find money for an •ass army and navy budget could do nothing specific for the Bph...
...Every Democrat hears his master's voice and votes Bstt an investigation that his party rightly fears...
...After having made this profound observation of economic conditions, the court went on to state that Standard Oil of New York specialized in gasoline and Vacuum in lubricant oil...
...Among the organizations who have sent in protests, are not only those that have always stood by all Socialist and progressive movements, but many of the more conservative bodies...
...The strikers immediately found that in addition to fighting wagecuts and long hours, they had to fight the police force of Philadelphia, i Strangely enough, their old foe, the injunction, was not among the means used by the manufacturers in their attempts to break the strike...
...With few exceptions, newspapermen held the story awaiting expected retreat...
...I t is understood that with the various Standard companies still being run by the Rockefeller interests the filling stations controlled by Vacuum will also market the gasoline being sold by the Standard companies operating in the various territories to which they confine themselves, by some kind BC understanding among themselves Vacuum is now' engaged in an aggressive campaign to acquire filling stations...
...The Standard OB Company of New Jersey was incorporated under the lenient Now...
...The majority of both the Philadelphia and Pinchot Republican factions present were already on record...
...The unquestionable tendency is, as to a very important class of owners of automobiles, to sell direct to the consumer and to sell both gasoline and oil at the same time and place...
...The resolution was laid over for printing...
...John D. Rocksfeller entered the oil business only three years after the first successful oU well had been drilled at Titusvtlle, Pa., in 1880...
...Laltthe party is slowly gaining ground...
...He intimated that the motion to commit was a motion to "pickle...
...Only a strong protest will save it...
...The eight hour measure introduced by Rep...
...Be requests speakers for the banquets...
...The Washington meeting of the N.E.C Labor Conference Sunday Will...
...One of its first inquiries went into the affairs of the Standard Oil Company...
...Only two other companies In the field approach Vacuum Oil In...
...Hp at the present time Reset apartments In oldPsssaato kt New York City P»* before...
...Pellagra, Fin, Hunger Ravage Strikers' Homes WASHINGTON, (FP)—Reports submitted to Washington headquarters of the National Women's Trade Union League by Miss Matilda Lindsay, Its organiser at Danville, Va., show that pellagra, flu and hunger are ravaging the homes of the 4,000 textile workers who went on striae In the Danville mills last September, and who called off the contest on Jan...
...One hundred and fifty workers are still on strike...
...The Director of the National Drive will confer with him about the activities in the state during his Eastern trip to attend the N.E.C...
...H p s H (Downing<?eingut, \H...
...When will he think it * C t tackle our banking department and our inadequate bankEss...
...The union of Standard Oil of New...
...Sectiol w 'tis bfll would amend thsj • * that ceilings which are...
...A militant union waging a militant strike...
...The last named bill Is a dangerous attempt to lower existing standards...
...In the three days that followed, 392 pickets,,were arrested on the arrogant Director's orders although the very police that made the arrests admitted there had been no disorder or breach of the peace...
...This weedd permit fibs use of rooms without windows to has em BBSs for sleeping pmpnsui...
...The day following the Governor's address to the Assembly on unemployment Rep...
...Conditions in the oil industry are different now from what they were twenty years ago...
...The Basis of the Merger I t is true that it is more economical under present conditions to have oil and gasoline sold by the same interests but the court looked upon the merger In its very superficial aspects when it did not go beyond this consideration...
...A preliminary agenda containing resolutions adopted by the branches and locals win be prepared and submitted to all subdivisions of the party for further amendment and revision...
...Ys-#OSSES STICK TOGETHER K fate the legislative investigation of New York City sheds B bight light on the cynicism and moral rottenness of both •titles...
...And*he Chicago Tribune, "the world's worst great—newspat," gives away 825,000 weekly In prizes down to $10 faVzodiac' reading...
...The company in addition went fj9 the otl business on its owa «§• count The fear expressed by mlddto class elements as they were being throttled by Big Business led both the Republican and Democratic parties to agnee to governmental Opposition to the squashing of competition...
...Within 24 hours...
...BE SHOALS IP TO HOOVER H K R K S S did a good job tn passing the Muscle Shoals bill for KgwtTTLment operation of the power plant and transmission of B> The compromise which provides for leasing of the fertilizer mm * private company which will have a bonus of 15 per cent B W e r than it needs for making nitrate for fertilizer is anBwStter...
...The decision of the radio commission has Involved the station in a costly contest...
...The merger had been announced a year ago, on February 21, in defiance of the court order of two decades ago...
...GovJmL fceserelt's move for an investigation in the Magistrates' *dsBrooklyn and Queens is good, but belated...
...Family Relief in Cities Grows Rapidly WASHINGTON...
...Degrading as the Chtcampaign is, you can't dismiss it simply with con, ?e Chicago brand of urban democracy...
...Hoopes provides for a universal eight-hour maximum for daily employment allowing a very few exceptions...
...Although the shooting took place shortly after midnight no arrests had been made up to the time the scabs went to work the following morning, and < the sheriff had not planned to make any...
...The outcry against these "Big Business** methods became so persistent that court actions and hostile legislation were instituted...
...Therefore, "the intent and purpose of the merger is solely to meet the normal and'natural business necessities of the two companies, brought about by the development of and the changed competition and business conditions in the industry...
...K. Cellar Booms dfl bill (introduced by AsMm Falk, Assb...
...1) The Downlng-Steingut Bill (Sen...
...lias s progressive city manager on a plan democraticalSasd end likes him...
...It did finally pass the B...
...Organizations signing resolutions demanding that the station be permitted to operate, include the United Textile Workers of America, the resolution being signed by the president Thomas F. MacMahon, and the general Secretary, James Starr...
...Timeely Topics By Norman Thomas <u Political Burlesque—Respectables and Mugj fljsgovernment—New York's Scandals IJajki Governor—In Congress—Muscle Shoals and Unemployment - ggfiag the city which Big Bill Thompson says he built '^004 a circus show there now...
...But ^BP-cr is Milwaukee where the people rtBJ2af infinitely better and have it...
...16th, Rep...
...The Bills to amend the law concerning cellar and basement occupancy and to amend the provisions requirhig the use of fire-retarding materials in cellar ceilings are particularly unnecessary...
...The real reason for the union of the two companies, still dominated, as are all the Standard oil companies, by the Rockefeller interests, is to control sales...
...IsHs for counting the unemployed and for setting up a • » fond for future public works...
...The inability of government to prevent the trustification of industry is again demonstrated and the contention of Socialists that nationalisation is the only solution for the evils that arise under capitalism is once more upheld...
...2) The Hofstandter-Moffat Bill (Sen...
...Louis for violating the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890...
...In November, 1909, the court declared that the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey and thirty-seven other corporations were a combination in restraint of commerce and, therefore, illegal under the terms of the Sherman Anti-Trust Law...
...Magistrate Costello had freed the 392 pickets, arrested under the picket ban, two hosiery mills had signed union agreements, twelve others had agreed to negotiate a settlement the ranks of the strikers had swelled to 3,800 and an unbroken picket line maintained around every struck mill...
...Socialists recognize this and point out that the nationalization of Big Business is the solution for the evils of labor exploitation and price control that accompany monopoly under the system ef capitalism...
...Civil Liberties Union that he had no right to break the strike, Schofield declared: "I know I have no right, but I have the power and I'm going to use it...
...John E. Sala, state secretary of Minnesota...
...persons Who might be inclined' to contribute or to help in any other way to send them to Drive headquarters, 2653 Washington'' Blvd, Chicago, Illinois, immediately...
...The trustees managed the affairs of the companies Urns placed under their control in order to secure the maximum profit possible under such monopolistic conditions "and in order to drive the remaining independents out of business, ate successful was the Standard Oil trust that it was initiated by trusts in such other Industries as cotton, oil, linseed oil, toad, whiskey, cordage, and sugar...
...All you have to do is 2 ~ *• your name, adVess, birthday and "ambition...
...Numbers of members recorded as in favor of "pickling" crowded around Hoopes to explain that it was all a mistake as they voted against the resolution simply because it was moved by a Socialist D. Glenn Moore, leader of the Pinchot forces, who control the House, announced that the resolution would be reported out of committee next week...
...A hearing will take place before the commission on March 3, in Washington...
...Upon the publication of the Bureau's report on the company's activities in 1906, the Department of Justice proceeded against the Standard Oil Company in the United States Circuit Court at St...
...The District Court has held, however, that the present merger has nothing to do with the original combination...
...There is no excuse for this attempt to give legislative sanction to the indecent and shocking conditions which existed in the days of the old tenement house law, and Which still exist in many parts of the City...
...SSffELT LOOKS TO 1932 emJgTBttle out of touch with New York affairs, but it looks as •^Ksf Torkers couldn't be very high hat about Chicago...
...It either owns or has arrangements with service stations everywhere in the United States...
...It was in this year that the Standard Oil geniuses Invented the "•trust...
...Two of the Standard Oil companies that were among those separated by the dissolution order twenty years ago have reunited...
...Its growth is an economic process...
...Warned by lawyers for the Union and the...
...The preset P** 2*0, subdiv...
...The forces supporting the objectionable measures are so strong that prompt and,efficient cooperation is necessary to present the enactment of legislation which will constitute a permanent lowering of standards...
...And what does he think of the adverse report of the S f e Committee on that Niagara treaty with Canada, which he EssliSimllr praised...
...Objectionable Bills , The Multiple Dwelling Law, as, amended in 1930, prohibits cellar occupancy...
...And B e Sam Koenig as an authority on good government in New Bsty...
...Plan WEVD Defence Funds Are Needed to Carry on Fight for Free Speech' Station STRONG protests are pouring in from all over the country on( the Federal Radio Commission at Washington, D. C. against the second attempt to revoke the license of the Debs Radio Station, known as WEVD...
...He was forced to act by pressure from a citizens' committee...
...Now we have "integrated companies having an ownership of crude, refining capacity, producing gasoline, lubricants and other petroleum products, selling to each retailer or to the consumer as near a complete line of products as the consumer uses...
...The police chief fell for their line and displaying the egotism of a Mussolini, immediately notified the Union that all picketing in the Northeast was forbidden...
...meeting, Washington, D. C. Feb...
...On February 7, the United States Circuit Court of Appeals at St Louis gave these two permission t# unite as the General Petroleum Corporation...
...Yes, democracy of the gig its share of blame...
...It was a holding company owning the stocks formerly, held In trust by the trustees, who now became thai directors of the new corporation...
...Hoopes turned the laugh on the Delaware member by interrogating him as to his reason for failing to make a similar motion on his own resolution for an endorsement of the present Senate investigation of utilities...
...The United States Tariff Commission gave support to the proposed bills by a report it submitted to Congress on February 7, on the comparative costs of producing American and Venezuelan oil...
...Standard is clearly aiming to take advantage of the increasing apathy towards Big Business maneuvers to restablish its domination of the oil industry...
...and which require a toilet for every family on the floor on which the family resides...
...Hoopes submitted a resolution calling for an investigation of the high price of bread in Pennsylvania by the State Department of Agriculture...
...One sectioi of a^tl contains a vicious n (j Bjto provision...
...Thompson's iuHsaat Lyle, candidate of the s^H*, ijSjiinf to clean up the city, is ooe hears in Chicago no better — g a quite as much of a demaBkeiy to give the Negroes and " f K ^ L l groups "a break," and at least "j^K*w^Bestion as to his personal cbar'^r^|gssgsgate and libel suits flourish...
...It appropriated no money •H state unemployment insurance, no money for direct relief at memployed—unless they happen to be war veterans—who •ato now wSUe other plans are being set up, and it made no * «Ppropriatioi for public works over and above those which gP** * e e n beam anyhow...
...216) a This restores the 1901 cellar and basement standards...
...This bill is sponsored by the Multiple Dwelling Law Committee...
...When 2,800 operators walked out Monday morning from 30 open shop mills in the Kensington district of the city at the call of the full-fashioned workers' union, the courage of their action was reechoed repeatedly in the stirring developments that followed...
...Devoted to giving the minority groups in the United States an opportunity to express its views...
...Already there is legislation before Congress that will curtail the importation of foreign oil for three years...
...Local Red Cross assistance to the ex-strikers has thus far consisted in giving help to 365 families in one week and 300 families the past week...
...attempting to reHP& °f that hard-won ^tepressksi uiat these bills are unobjectionable has unfortunately spread far and wide...
...Socialist Party, 2658 Washington Blvd, Chicago, HI...
...They will be acknowledged promptly...
...A series of measures designed to lower the standard now embodied in the law has been introduced...
...Every organization is urged to participate in the protest conference called for Sunday, March 1st, at 2 p. m. at the Broadway Central Hotel, 63 Broadway...
...Doris toe stars do the W . The winners who have "the most •Bag readings" all ha4 noble ambitions, like taking care of *wes children, being a gW[ wife and mother, etc The read| « so general that t h e y W d D e m a d e t 0 fit ^yone...
...Fred Gendral Brookwood graduate who is now Pennsylvania state organizer...
...war against unemployment...
...Detroit had a real election, not a m it chose Mayor Murphy...
...Standard and Vacuum, Separated 20 / Y e a r s Ago, Merge Again NATL MONOPOLY HEAR POSSIBILITY Congress Aiding Rockefeller Interests Fight Off Shell Union Competition By Louis Stanley I r[E revival of the Standard Oil Trust supposedly dissolved by court decree in 1911 seems assured...
...The bill is ••an and is so worded that pwnkl occupy such apart^ • r f k e janitor...
...The French had a phrase for it —Tou jours l'audace...
...The Standard Oil Company of New York sells only in New York and New England, while thru the Magnolia Petroleum Company and the General Pacific coast...
...Party Drive Brings Spurt In Activity > * - * — Contributions Increase Markedly — Sinclair Sends Senior 11,000 Names (Br a Hear TraSrr Ciriiinln i> CHICAGO,—The Socialism Forward Drive mail has been swelled during the past week by a huge increase m the answers to requests for contributions or pledgee Not only has the number of answers jumped up, but the average amount paid or pledged by each individual has risen "If the results from the Drive continue to show the gains they have up to the present, we will make our goal of $50,000 by May Day in spite of unemployment and the actual physical distress of some of our members," Norman Thomas, who was in Chicago on a speaking tour, said "New friends are being gained by the Drive, and localities where there has been no Socialist organization for years are now beginning to organise...
...At that time the Standard of Ohio already the largest oil company In, the country, controlling ten per cen of the oil refined In the United States...
...By 1879 the Standard Oil controlled more than ninety per ceat of the country's oil refining...
...The United states .Government brought salt on the ground that the dissolution decree had been violated Meanwhile, the two companies have proceeded in carrying out their plena and the stock of the General Petroleum Corporation was admitted to dealing, when, as and if issued, on the New York Curb Exchange February 24...
...Furthermore, under the definition of a "family," contained in the Multiple Dwelling Law, as many as four hoarders are included, (b) The bill would' also permit a basement room which does not meet the present requirements to be used, provided that it has a window opening to a yard or court "not leas than 87% square feet tn area...
...All suggestions should be sent to National Headquarters...
...While the entire Northeast was calling for Schofield's resignation and even the reactionary Public Ledger was criticizing the Director in its editorial columns, the Mayor promised William Smith, secretary-treasurer of the hosiery federation and John Phillips, president of the State Federation of Labor, that a halt would be called to Schofield's anti-strike activity...
...Jersey laws with a capital stock, of ton million dollars...
...Shell Union is its chief competitor but this British concern will have hard sledding...
...Many machinists' locals as well as building trades unions, have done likewise...
...these are hard times and so the P» pour in...
...Jft 488) P*«« the Multiple iWung lltanUy...
...He nasi his partners expanded their business rapidly until in 1870 they had the Standard Oil Company of Ohio Incorporated with a capital stock of one million dollars...
...This bill iSwponHst bath Commissioneipeethe Multiple Dfl*jmg ICsamtttee...
...Hoopes had risen to a point of personal privilege to read a challenge on behalf of the Socialists of the Governor's claim that existing relief measures were sufficient to meet existing unemployment crisis...
...We need a new treaty with •b protect the falls...
...Those arrested are John Dago, dark Miller and Robert Arnold...
...WEVD has had to rely on men and women In Socialist, labor and liberals ranks for its main support Contributions are needed now more than ever and should be sent to Station WEVD, Debs Memorial Radio fund, 45 West 45th street New York Cfty...
...Eighty-four American cities having 50,000 or •more population spent a total of $3,641,925 for family relief tn November, 1930, as compared with only $1,648,554 in November of 1929, according to an unpublished report which was submitted on Jan...
...Maybe some Republicans aren't as sorry as they preBsbe that Republican Boss Ward, of Westchester, stands by •antic Bosses Curry, McCooey and Flynn, of New York City, feasts need to stick together...
...1,000 ML 216) which would perHkn to occupy basements mm tenements, upon ob• t permit from the TeneHbose Department even • the basements do not conMi the present requirements fna This would permit the I fas* Hi rooms for livH S i and would in all •sss^render the present proMBM law inapplicable to Hp self the basements to •ft sew applies...
...It made deals with the railroad which enabled it to ship its oil so cheaply to market thai the independents were forced oui of business...
...HL Socialist Branches Urged to Propose Agenda Items for National Conference June 19 to 21 —i « (By s New Leader C w n t a n i n t) CHICAGO,—The National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party having definitely set the date for the National Conference as June 19-20-21, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a call has been Issued by Morris Hillquit, national chairman, asking all locals and branches to notify National Headquarters within the next month of the items they wish placed upon the agenda of the conference...
...Therefore it saves the Drive money if everyone will answer the requests for pledges or contributions as quickly as possible...
...Court Gives Aid N.'Y...

Vol. 12 • February 1931 • No. 9

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