THE SOCIALIST PARTY; AT WORK L tidtoiul Office of the Mttmtjis located at 2653 faff Blvd., Chicago, III. Me Biggins C o n t e s t •Mb seeks to go before the Efef jbnrnie Higgins...

...There win be a 4th concert March 21, and a 5th April 18...
...Alwln Bcettiner, Secretary...
...Z. Lorber of the Chicago Daily Forward- April 9—Prof...
...This Sunday we shall bare s movie show that win be both interesting and entertaining, In addition to the other forms of entertainment...
...B- A. Zaremba of •as passed Frank Manning • place, altho every other enIked his placeIP...
...27, Morris Hillquit, the national chairman, wul apeak at the Yorkvule Temple, 157 Bast 8«th street, between Lexington sad Third avenues, on "Troubles at Home aad Abroad...
...Abraham Miller, Secretary-Treasurer...
...Local Bias, A. P. of L. 7 Bast 15th Street...
...The first aflalr was a dinner and card party at the Food Crafts Shop, 319 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg...
...B p N E B S PLANNED •Land Hopewell, Virginia, • • e Bronx, and WilnungHJk now making arrangeWpnauets...
...Tickets are on sale at every Bronx branch and at the headquarters...
...Basu|8» ' meeting every 2nd and 4th Thursday at Always Look for Beethoven Baa, 218 This Label Bast 5th St...
...The executive also decided to order 250 New Leaders (extra) for that section, making a total of 750 copies to be used next Saturday...
...The branch is doing all it can to dispose of 200 tickets for the Bronx County ban...
...I. H. Goldberg, A Mendelowits, M. Goodman...
...He replaces Kuhnel, who is leaving New York...
...During the course the teachings of each founder will be explained and their application to present day problems brought oat...
...23, at 8 p. m., at 204 East Broadway...
...BROOKLYN 12th A D. Plans are under way to reorganise this branch...
...23rd A D, Branch meetings are held every Friday evening in the Labor Lyceum...
...Harold Lasswel...
...Mollin, 1405 Walton avenue...
...a John Block...
...The local comrades are beginning to feel confident that in the next municipal election they will sweep HopeweU...
...AMALGAMATED CLOTHING WORKERS OF AMERICA Amalgamated Bank Bldg., 11-18 Onion Square, 3rd floor...
...27, S. A DeWltt...
...21st, at 11 o'clock, the Adesdi Chorus wfll sing...
...Employment Bureau spaa •vary day at e p.m...
...343 East 84th Street...
...Office (3 E 106th 8t...
...22, at 8:15 p. m., Dr...
...J. Rosenswelg...
...This free distribution is made by our house captains appointed by the executive board...
...This Parliament has been arranged by the N e w History Society, sponsored by Mr...
...22, 10 a. m- in the Slovene Hall at 57th and Butler streets, Pittsburgh...
...Lata SL Rouse, President: John Sullivan...
...23, at 8:30 p. m., in the clubrooms at 96 Avenue C. The Sunday evening lectures are progressing with fair success...
...8th A D. Branch meetings are held every Friday evening at 8:30 p. m. in the Cap Makers headquarters...
...R K y c f r ^ J * a U members fe*^^ Chicago" is the ^ L ^ p ^ ^ Q n t of the So2853 WWash: • S t p « i * r * ^ 5 > e * k e r s •"'ui In the future the meetings of the Socialist Open Forum will be on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month...
...AU members of the party and friends are urged to make their returns on the advanced sale without delay...
...Horowitz, Corresponding Secretary...
...Indiana - The city of Richmond knows that Norman Thomas was in town on Friday the 13th- The local Socialists met Thomas after he had spoken several times at Earlham College, held an automobile parade in the evening with red flags and red fire galore, held a banquet of the members of the local and then sponsored a mass meeting in a local high school with the auditorium packed...
...20, at 9 p. m. sharp, in our headquarters...
...210 H Fifth at, president and Business Agent...
...Algonquin 7083...
...Our financial secretary, Simon Sarasohn, has the comrades scouting around getting in touch with members who have failed to attend meetings...
...Organiser Claessens wiU deliver a series ol lectures beginning Friday, March 6. on "Heredity and Environment...
...Rose Breslau, aad Pletro Dominic ©. / The fin*™**' secretary reported that the finances are on a satisfactory basis, and following the lecture the House Committee met to lay plans to assure funds for the upkeep of the headquarters the coming year...
...Telephone CBalm 114a Benjamin aeaiaaiagar...
...Office, ISt Second Ave...
...March 22, speaker to be announced...
...Next meeting wul take place on Monday, March 2, Henry Jager, state organizer of New Jersey, win deliver a very interesting lecture...
...President, L B. Hwrtsberg...
...Besular raeetlngi every first and third Sunday at 10 a.m...
...The clubrooms at 20 East Kingsbridge f oad are open every evening...
...Treasurer, H. Helb...
...Comrade August Gerber delivered an admirable lecture on the subject "The Socialist Party and the Radio Station...
...16th A D. Sunday evening, Feb...
...Operators, Loeal 1. Regular meeting* every 1st and 3rd Saturday...
...Secy, Frank P. Lata Treasurer...
...A committee was appointed to look Into the matter of securing an appropriate theatre for which the branch proposes to sell a block of tickets and help to make an enjoyable theatre party...
...The debaters, Harold R. Raitt and James W- Moorhouse, are both former members of the British Labor Party and now are members of Local Buffalo...
...Bast of 2nd Ave, Phone Watkins 8188...
...March 6, Algernon Lee...
...20, on "The Problems of Unemployment...
...L Offices...
...William E. Bonn will address the forum of this branch...
...SI West 15th Street, Mew York, N. Y. Phone Tomklna square 5400...
...I insane•* ed Clothing Workers of America...
...A special meeting of our women's committee was held last Thursday at Mrs...
...David Dublnsky, aecreUry-Treasurer...
...On Thursday, the 26th, McAllster Coteman win speak on the topic "A Radical Looks at the World-" N e w York C i ty COMING EVENTS Feb...
...27, a weU known speaker wul discuss the subject of unemployment Insurance...
...22, at the headquarters, 556 West 125th street...
...F. Wollensack, President...
...This Saturday, Feb...
...Theodore W. Douglas...
...BRONX AU efforts are being concentrated upon making a huge success of the coming annual event of the Bronx in the Hants Point Palace on Saturday evening, March 7. An excellent concert win precede the dance...
...Me Biggins C o n t e s t •Mb seeks to go before the Efef jbnrnie Higgins contest, Kjroior, national secretary, ^ E p s t all applications reKtsnty or city central commidnight on March 1, "Hanted as credit for the H a l secretaries are charged •tapontibility of reporting K^tcks, or by March 15, on PiaiUBj received from the pit, aid the contestants are p> far awing that their cards l i s the national headquarters...
...This new production wul far surpass the former...
...Refreshments, entertainment and the distribution of a variety of valuable prizes to the lucky winners will be the order of the evening...
...The debaters are Henry Fruchter and Theodore Shapiro...
...20, Samuel Orr, "Labor Legislation...
...This affair has been arranged for Saturday evening...
...March 14, in the Brownsrule Labor Lyceum...
...Comrades Coryell and Mills were elected to the executive committee...
...VUK DRESSERS' UNION S? Loeal 2, International Fur Workers' Union...
...i t , on "The Five Year Plan in Russia...
...Upper Wert Side The social affairs committee has arranged a branch gathering for Saturday evening, Feb...
...and above ail...
...Local Richmond has adopted a resolution similar to the one adopted by the Washington Heights Branch of New York on RussiaPennsylvania A WOMEN'S GUILD In response to a suggestion by the State Committee, a meeting of active women members was called early in January, to organise a women's committee for special work- The organisation is rapidly taking form and promises to fill a real need...
...Miss Laura Garrett Is the speaker at the next meeting on Tuesday, Fan, 24, at 8:30 p. m The members wi9 attend the midnight movie at the 8th Street Playhouse, on Saturday, M t f 21, at 12 o'clock...
...10, L L a W. C. Office, US W. SStb St...
...On Sunday, March 1, at 2:30 p. m., the enrolled voters of the 7th, 9th and llth Assembly Districts wul be the guests of the Upper West Side Branch...
...Walden School Presenting Attractive Children's Concerts Simple, beautiful music for children, excellent mualrlans, no tiresome explanations, is being presented this season in five concerts at the Barbison-Plaza under the auspices of Walden School...
...The brancrji has raised more than Us quota 22-t 3rd A D. This Sunday, Feb...
...There was considerable business disposed of...
...The opening gun in the Unemployment Insurance Campaign for Illinois win be fired by Norman Thomas on Feb...
...Hodda, a .rruc wagon drivers* union . Local 684...
...Loeal 684 meets an Ird Thursday of the month at Beethoven Hall...
...L Hendin lectured on "The Economic Situation in United States...
...2068 East Third street, near Brighton Beach avenue...
...Aggressive work wul now be started to get 300 new members in from the over 1,400 enrolled Socialists...
...Selfishness—A Study of Human Behavior...
...G. Karlin will address the gathering...
...A meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, Feb...
...SM B'way...
...SOI be given for members Utter March 1, however, and •"will be given on applica•ed to the national office Eight on the 15th...
...Residents of this district are asked to keep their eyes on this column as there win be a meeting to elect officers and committees shortly...
...Executive Board moots every Monday...
...Morris Blumenrelch, Manager...
...The Bensonhurst comrades are making an effort to obtain the largest attendance of the season at then* very successful Sunday K?m ? 2 ^ h e m e e t i ^ p l . c e ? the^ Workmen's C^rc^^Center.^213 number of people present to hear Jacob Axelrad speak on "Unemployment, Its Challenge to America...
...To work once is not sufficients to have an organization as good as the best, you must be prepared to give the best that is in you...
...The meetings in both Utica and Albany received good newspaper publicity...
...Clarke, contestant from tejtdae branch in New York, *bj application Ibr Sherwood ••publicist, who joined the i w t HUD DRIVE SUCCESS ursKn Thomas as the main pM Cleveland Drive banquet B i s 10, and was more suemm the one held in the fall Hfetost $500 was raised...
...We are rehearsing under professional direction...
...It Is bagel to secure 200 stockholders...
...of H A 175 E. B'way Orchard 7766 Meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesday SAMUEL SU88MAN J. BELSKY ISIDORE LTFF Secretary Business Agents B. X. JOIST OOOBGXL f^APMAKERS Cloth Hat, Cap and iCninery Workers International union...
...The organisation work is proceeding slowly...
...Philip Orlofsky Manager...
...A House committee of five members was chosen—Mr...
...219 Her km an street Following the brief business meeting, a lecture and discission Is the Interesting feature...
...Regular Meetings every Wednesday Evening, at the Labor Temple...
...The branch has arranged a ball to be held on Saturday evening...
...Songs of Spanish origin, old English, Italian, Jewish, German, French, and Russian, make up Miss Gordani's varied and interesting program UNION DIRECTORY 630NNAZ EMBROIDERS UNION < P Laaal s a ^ U O . W . ^ T a. W h Si...
...Executive Board meets every Monday at 7 p.m...
...These sessions are very well attended...
...Executive Board meets every Tuesday evening, S i 1 * 0 * * ! ' . •poetor...
...V Mid wood »• J Tuesday, Fab...
...only through everlasting inspiration can we truly build up a party of the working class...
...Sydney Hlllman...
...16th Str...
...Board of Delegatea meet at the Labor Temple, S4S a MOt Street, on the last Saturday of mm month at use a. sa THE INTERNATIONAL ? ABIES' GARMENT WORKERS' * " UNION S Wast istb Street, IMw Tat* City...
...The enrolled Socialist Voters of the 7th District wfll be circularized, and other lists win be used in an effort to bring out a record vote for this first educational venture of the branch for this season...
...Bam TurkeL Pres...
...Eat Only ta Bestaoraata That Employ I'nlea Workers WATERPROOF GARMENT WORKERS' UNION Local 30...
...Both are union carpenters and both served in the British Army for five years during the world war...
...Phono Watkins 7764...
...We have formed sub committees to take charge of each branch of this work, and one on finances...
...March 27, Norman Thomas win speak at the same place...
...TTEBREW TRADES Q its East Broadway: Telephone Drydock M i a i B e t i w S krd stone...
...L o u l a Rublnfeld...
...Executive Board meets every Thursday at the office of the Union...
...March 15, Samuel Seidman, "Socialism in Our Times...
...Phono Onfeard SSSO-l-a Tbt Council meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, a Herahkow'.ta, Sec'y-Treaa...
...The subject win be "Pacifism and Socialism...
...Bui Ross, active In the Marlon, N. C. strike, now a " f ""'ir of the branch, gave an informative —r'firka.tion of the cooperative movement at the last meeting...
...Following this the branch will act upon the recommendations of the executive committee and elect a new organizer...
...Chairman of Executive Board, Morrbi Rosenblatt: Bae'y...
...Her program, which is neither concert singing nor monologue, is a recapture of the now rare mood of the diseuse, in which pantomime— body and face—share the effects of word and tonal quality...
...March 7, Bronx County Ball, Hunts Point Palace...
...I O A I N T E R S . DECORATORS vsg ^ ^ " a X S; ^SgfiL ! > 7 r V l U uW TJATNTERS* UNION Noi 281 a office, at a last* day ateaio a°BM*b •w^^^^aaaaw^l' T r e a i . Mini— rotary...
...No SS0...
...Ail locals moot every Wednesday...
...Admission is free...
...A banqoet in Richmond and a mass meeting in Hopewell on March 2nd and 3rd are being arranged tentatively for either Mayor Daniel wHoan of Milwaukee or Morris Hillquit of New York, when they are in Washington for the meeting of the N- E. cT A T E f K N T K A L C O M M I T T EE Feb...
...Helen Gilbson, Ketaen and •Moskowits were elected to represent the branch at - the WEVD conference...
...Comrades Thomas, Claessens, Levinson and McAllster Coleman are preparing feature articles with the aim to enlighten the enrolled voters upon Socialist Party principles and ideals...
...SITiittwM mSS$ the American Federation of Labor...
...Maurice W. Jacobs...
...Very important matters concerning the branch wUl be taken up...
...PANTS MAKERS' TRADE BOARD of Greater Bow York...
...Discussion win follow...
...Keep that date open...
...Board meets every Tuesday night at 8:00 In the office...
...N e w York S t a te MEMBERSHIP State Secretary Merrill announces that the number of members-at-large has now passed the hundred mark by a good margin- These are members admitted from counties where there are no local organizations- About one-quarter of the dues-paying membership of the Socialist Party of America is now found in New York State...
...Raitt Is from Glasgow, Scotland, and Moorhouse from London...
...An excellent band will furnish the dance music...
...The I o n the envelope is the only She week...
...Cloth Hat, Cap and Millinery Workers' International Union...
...28, In our auditorium...
...QUEENS aswysHi Bela Low spoke at the Sunnystds forum, Feb...
...Feb- 18JU GO-SLAV SOCIALISTS Prosvetna Matica and Clubs of the Jugo-Slav Socialist Federation of Western Pennsylvania will meet Feb...
...Nina Gordani at Guild After traveling with "Nina Rosa," then as Katchen in "The Student Prince," Nina Gordani comes to The Guild this Sunday night In a series of folk-songs and singing divertisements...
...Telephones Algonquin 6500-1-3-3-4-5...
...The branch can grow only through permanent enthusiasm...
...Peter Monat, Managar...
...More meetings win be held in the near future and canvassing will be done ta induce the many new enrolled nil sag in the 1st A. D. to become mensbsn Bordoni at Fox "Girls Demand flgr** on Screen m w t t t , the Fox Brookm k*s an extra attracmJjg*^, to its regular _ -Girls Demand Ex. me Fanchon and mtJB at Youth" Idea, m ^ m •p^mj stta ge Apnerdso nLalait yB or- sot only does some PE^gtatfaattions, but sings songs in her own ^••rolling fashion...
...6th A D. Organiser Claessens win lecture on Friday, Feb...
...Ashland 4-31ST...
...A number of people Joined the part...
...V i r g i n i a Standing room only was the sign on the door of the courtroom in Hopewell when the local Socialists brought Judge Jacob Pan ken from New York for a propaganda tour In Virginia...
...Sec'7, BU T C H E R S * U N I ON Loeal 174...
...April I I , at the Yorkvttle Temple...
...Attorney and Counsel...
...All those desiring to aid in any way should communicate immediately with the campaign manager, I. AAnderson, 3239 Potomac avenue, or with the County Office, 2653 Washington boulevard...
...Plans are under way for an Intensive drive for membership...
...Lewis Stuyvesant Chandler, aad win present one spokesman of a World Faith each week...
...On Monday, Feb...
...Amalgamated Cooperative • The branch had an excellent attendance last Monday when Dr...
...Our branch meetings are conducted on a high Intellectual level...
...The program for the next few weeks includes the following speakers and topics: Friday, Feb...
...Immediately following the lecture there wiU be a brief branch meeting at which plans wlB be discussed relative to the membership drive,.the strengthening of the branch and embarking on new activities...
...Peter Rothman I Fin.-Secy...
...Downtown office...
...William Karlin and Samuel A DeWltt aroused considerable enthusiasm by their splendid talks...
...It win meet in the Workmen's Circle' Center at Broad and Laurel streets, Richmond, at 10 a. salt win be an important all day session and members are urged to attend...
...Joseph J. O'Connor...
...Ba law) rm IS...
...ol the Party Baata* J „ 1 1 *• m., at the SKs Btranr?S* ^? H-.o*lbrook ave- R * ^ , m and yOa klbaen da...
...On Friday, Feb...
...Donald Henderson of Columbia University spoke on "Third Parties and the Socialist Movement...
...Recording Secretary, J. Mackey...
...Samuel Perlmutter...
...March 8, Henry Fruchter, "Socialism and the Youth Movement...
...The executive board decided to hold a special meeting this Friday for the benefit of the Sholom Alichem Houses, in order to create an active group of party workers in that section and to pep up our neighbors who had been somewhat negligent in their duties to the movement until now...
...Following the frank stock-taking in which the past methods were critically analyzed, plans were made for a number of changes and an intensive membership drive...
...This series was recently delivered in the Rand School...
...Weinstein presided...
...Max Llebler, Secretary-Treasurer...
...Max stoller, chairman of Exec Board: David Fni filing...
...Katherine K. Smith, Recording Secretary...
...Tomktns Square 5400...
...L Ladermaaj Chairman...
...There isn't a week that goes by without at least one new member initiated...
...A goodly audience attends the sessions...
...A social and dance has been arranged for the specific purpose of raising the branch quota for the City office emergency drive fund...
...2nd A D. At a meeting of the branch executive committee last Tuesday in the home of Comrade Hoffman, a thorough discussion was held on problems and progress of the branch...
...Phone, Lehigh 3431 Meetings and and 4th Mondays, 10 AM...
...22, at its clubrooms, 241 East 84th street...
...With a vote of over one thousand to build on, the local comrades are looking forward to a hot campaign which will give good results in education and organization...
...D. O In gold...
...U St...
...306 West 14th St...
...81 W. 18th St.: Tomklna Square S tK Board meets every Tuesday evening at the office...
...This wul be the only time that this series of lectures wul be delivered In the Bronx...
...The speaker this week Is Theodore Shapiro, topic "The Economics at Art...
...Lively discussion followed on illuminative talk...
...4th A D. The Friday evening forum is succeeding relatively well... the Paradise Manor, a social and flnennow preparing plans for a large barn dance and debate during the month of April...
...Lavinia Oppenbehn, Organiser: Joseph L Sugar, Financial Secretary...
...HEBREW D T T T C H E R S * O R I ON *~* Local 234 AM.O...
...Executive Board meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at Beethoven Hail...
...Stuyvesant 5564...
...L Macblia...
...Admission by invitation is to be the only entrance tee...
...Algonquin 7678...
...N. Y. C. NEW YORK ?LOTRTNG CUTTERS* UNION A- C. W. ot A. Loeal "Big Four" Office, 40-42 W. 17th Street...
...March 14th the campaign will be opened with August Clsessens of New York as speaker... 8 30 p. m_ Be la Low will deliver the fourth lecture on "The Road to Socialism" la his aeries on the fundamentals of scientific Socialism...
...L L a. W. C. 3 W. 18th SB...
...These five lectures were recently given under the auspices of the Rand School and at eke of the East side branches, and attracted considerable attention and comment...
...AT WORK L tidtoiul Office of the Mttmtjis located at 2653 faff Blvd., Chicago, III...
...Sidney Reasman, Managers...
...These wwwitrjiy get-togethers of the branch are fine social gtherlngs...
...310 East Filth St...
...All the comrades come with their entire families...
...TJEST MAKERS* UNION ~* V Amalgamated Clothing Workers at America...
...A special issue of the "Comrade" is being prepared to consist of eight pages...
...The program for the month of March includes the following speakers and topics: March I, Pauline Newman, "The Equality of Men andWomen...
...Sympathizers in Iowa should get in touch with L S- McCrillis, R 7, Des Moines...
...Regular meetings every Friday at 210 Bast Filth Street...
...Every member must attend...
...Invitations are now being mailed to these voters...
...Cbaiias Pflaaa, Flu...
...A number of members art assisting...
...Joint Executive Board meets every Tuesday night at 7:30...
...William weingerv Fretident, a—an Water, Viee-Fresldent: Samuai Potter, Bsc...
...B U F F A LO On Thursday, Feb- 26, Local Buffalo will stage a debate at Carpenters' Hall, 475 Franklin street, on "Britains* Labor- Government, Success or Failure...
...22, in an address before the Federation of Jewish Unions in the Labor Lyceum at 11 a m . The Socialists of Chicago won their battle with the capitalist politicians and succeeded in keeping five of their six aldermanic candidates on the ballot...
...Em 11 Thenen, Bee...
...All branch members are requested to bring with them at least one prospective Socialist if they expected to enter our hall of merriment unchallenged...
...Vie* President, Sam Kroll: Business Agent, H. KalmlkoU: Secretary...
...Meets every Tuesday at S:00 P. M. B. Merkln, Manager...
...Iowa Norman Thomas spoke at the Workmen's Circle Branch in Sioux City, Thursday, Feb 19...
...A. F. of L., 7 a 15th St...
...24, in the Hollywood Gardens, 896 Prospect avenue, at 8:15 p. m. Following the business meeting an interesting debate win take place on "A Present Program for Socialists...
...German Screen Play Stays at the 55th Street "Zwei Herzen im 94 Takt" (Two Hearts In Waltz Time), German screen operetta, is to be held over at the 55th Street Playhouse...
...A We'.tner, VicePresident...
...Memfc Rational Executive ComBaeir way to the Washingmeting Feb- 38, and March paste for datesfcVAKIA TO FOLLOWUP skwe been announced by jMSach, secretary of the JS» organization, for fol1* in that state- Letters p i t s all those who have Bp* the national appeal by • J B U and Morris Hillquit, 9m leaders of the state orHMaeluding James H. Mau• a a Hoopes, Mayor Stump, ^ > Then "key-men" will be ^ w c h community, whose J"?tt will be to see that all "•ISBMty contribute should do gJJJJBE LOCAL METHODS K****»m, organizer for the g*eed last week that the 25ff**blP would not only aarnes that had already j^*s_py the national drive jgwoeW put on a local drive ra" spread out and take in eosld not be reached Michigan DETROIT Hj^Dramatic Club preSjHell" and "What Price 2»*y, March 7, at 8 p. m-, g , H « a . 431 E. Congress I H t ladles 35c and gents BGne County1 o r K & t u z a t i oD ^aomas will' speak in De•fWeauspices of the Peo•m amday, Mawh 1, 3 p. m., slioS«n,Kavenues- Readers Ktito...
...See'y and Tress...
...YorkvBle The branch wul have one of its family parties on Sunday evening, Feb...
...The course of lectures wfll present less history and more inspiration...
...Phone mags OAs* epsa daily except Saturday from S A, M. to S P. IC...
...Is Hsjf show, ^ p t Marco's most costBasstb-taking lesson in b sndressing, is "FounL" which is on the . headlined by Lottie C featuring Eddie HanBjTHg-tt»y—,Tr Stever, Bob sad the Sunkist Hp-ring Girls...
...Andrew Stmt, Baa Agent...
...Discussions after lectures are animated and stimulating...
...Albert a Castro, President: Patrick J. Hani on...
...B. Meyer, Bee...
...Admission is free...
...Hymen Slumbers...
...Astoria An enrolled voters meeting held by the branch last Friday ninnlaf* brought out an excellent crowd for this section...
...Weinstein's home for this purpose...
...Meetings every 1st aad 3rd Wednesday evening...
...This German production enters the 20th week of its run, commencing Friday, February 20...
...gBlCKLAYERS' UNION LOCAL So... Insistence on creed and more emphasis on truth...
...Puny 110 persons jammed the room, and many were turned away for lack of space...
...All Lodges and Clubs holding membership in this Federation should attend this conference, the first in 1931...
...Telephone Wis...
...Miss Mary McGovern Spoke on "Cultural Possibilities of Present Civilization-" The discussion was concerned with the connection between this and a prevtoat lecture on the utatsnt tendency toward the mechanisation of society and a numnished by Comrades Kohn and HermannThere is to be a Sunday Supper on the evening of the 22nd, when Wm...
...The program Is as follows: March 12—"What the coming Socialist Conference Must Face and Achieve-' Discussion led by M. Halushka- March 26—-"The Socialist Attitude toward Soviet Russia...
...Office and headquarters, S49 Wllloughby Ave...
...3-5th A D. A meeting win be held on Tuesday evening, Feb...
...AU officers are doing their work thoroughly and committees are functioning properly...
...As this is being held an Washington's Birthday, a prise will be given to the person who tells the best lie...
...cmons^to'pttiteet ^2*tem]U<rtghU of*the OS Haw and their aawilisri...
...21st A D. Our last affair was successful despite the fact that a couple of comrades laid down on the job...
...Offices and beadquartera, 34 w. 18th St...
...MANHATTAN 4th A D. A meeting will be held Monday, Feb...
...Executive Board meets every Monday at 7 p. m. In the office...
...Samuel Fieedinan...
...Communists masquerading as members of an Albany Unemployment Committee were scattered in the audience and became very audible during the question period, seeking for opportunitiec to denounce the Socialist Party instead of talking on the subject of the lecture...
...Manager Bee...
...Lucy Oppenhem...
...PBrtyahandto H| CONVENTION MS aS?*^*1...
...Mew York City Telephone Chelsea 5758-5757...
...The meeting will be preceded by a lecture by August Claessens on...
...All meetlngi are held at US Second Avenue...
...By the end of this week, "Zwei Herzen im % Takt" (Two Hearts in Waltz Time) wfll have 798 showings at the 55th Street Playhouse, practically to capacity business all the time...
...However, Claessens, a master of repartee, more than held his own, and the meeting adjourned without a riot...
...Organizer Claessens is visiting branches preparatory to the intensive membership drive which will begin immediately after the ban...
...Mow York...
...All seats were t a n and late corners bad to stand...
...meetings, 1st and 3rd Mondays...
...Samuel Mlndel...
...Over five hundred people crowded into the small courtroom to listen to the judge and to David George, outline plans, starting May 1st, to have a fun-time state secretary and four district organisers in the field...
...August Claessens said a few words of encouragement...
...March 29, August Claessens win begin a series of lectures on anthropology...
...Amallthone Bldg...
...OSaoa, gf West 18th Street: Phone...
...of Executive Board...
...and Mrsj . Thure Nordin, Joseph' L Sugar, Mrs...
...Mark's Place...
...L C. of T. SOffice: 359 W. 14th St...
...It win be produced towards the latter part of March...
...and Mrs...
...A MoUtn resigned as organizer and the executive committee win recommend Phil Paaik...
...Besular meetings every second and fourth Tuesday at Arlington Hall...
...As a result of the affair the greater part of the campaign deficit due Comrade Murphy wul now be paid* off...
...B. enisling...
...The County Executive Committee of Cook County is calling a preliminary conference of delegates from Central Labor Bodies, Fraternal Organizations and Socialist P a r ty Branches for March 1, in Hall 1, Workmen's Circle Lyceum, to plan a joint May Day celebration...
...HO Broadway, Phone Spring 4548...
...GERMAN PAINTERS* UNION Local 4M, Brotherhood ot Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers...
...N A S S A U COUNTY The Local met Feb 12, in time to permit a business meeting before the Forum, as election of officers bad been scheduled for that date- The officers for the coming year are: Mrs...
...The women have selected the name, "Progressive Women's Guild," and set dues at 15 cents per month, and meet every second Wednesday evening at the Pittsburg Headquarters of the Party We do not confine our membership to party members but make a definite effort to enlist othersThe objects are Strike Relief .work, Mutual Aid to those who have grown old in Party or Union service and educational work along the lines ol Child Labor and Women in Industry...
...N e w J e r s ey A fun city ticket will be entered In the Camden municipal elections this spring...
...21, Forward Ball, 71st Regiment Armory, Park avenue and 34th street...
...He win speak on "Socialism and War...
...Jack Bersy...
...Frank Schel, Pin...
...105, 110 and l is ot The INTERNATIONAL FTJB WORKERS OF U. & and a 33 West list Street...
...Sec'yTieai, INTERNATIONAL Jp'UR WORKERS' UNION OF TUB UNITED STATES AMD OAMADA Affiliated with the American Federation ot Labor...
...Mass distribution of our campaign newspaper the "Municipal Advocate" is occurring daily and will go on until election day, Feb- 24- In order to give the Repubocrats a run for their money and possibly beat some of them we need the help of every comrade...
...Phone, Madison Square 1834...
...8th A D. : The 8th A D. wishes to express lis appreciation^to^the^ rnany^patrons, ed make their dance on Feb...
...Sidney S Grieb, the new organizer has mapped out a plan to cover the city with literature at least five times before the campaign...
...6th A D. A meeting will be held on Monday, Feb...
...Regular meetlngi second Wednesday of every Month at 183 West 33rd Street...
...Julius Umansky will address our forum this Friday, Feb...
...Watnick's office...
...Alex Row...
...A. M. O- * B. W. of B. A. Office and n««dmieHen: Labor Temple, 2*3 E. S4Ui St, Boom 13...
...The following artists have been obtained: Duncan Dancers in a selection of their best numbers: the famous radio artists known as "Around the Samovar" group, in a number of Russian folk songs...
...Simon Wolfe, Theodore Shapiro, Max Frankle and Frank Smith are on a sub-committee of the C. C. working to put this organisation into shape...
...August Claessens wfll deliver the first of a series of lectures on "Heredity and Environment," a popularization of recent scientific literature on the absorbing topic of hmnMi nature, its potentialities and plastic characters...
...uptown office, SO West !"th Street, Wisconsin 1270...
...of the University of Chicago- Subject to be announcedUNEMPLOYED CONFERENCE An Unemployment Insurance Conference Is being called by the Socialist party and a number of trade unions for Sunday morning, March 8, in the Labor Lyceum at Qaden and Kedzie avenues and all local unions of the A F. of L , independent unions and fraternal organizations have been InvitedThe conference will be presented with a bill drafted to suit Illinois conditions by Kellam Foster, Harold Kelso and Clarence Senior and based upon the N- E- c. model bin...
...Tickets are $1 and S2, on sale at Beckhard and MacFarlane, Inc., 250 West 57th, Columbus 1805, or at BarblzonPlaza, Saturday morning...
...Secretary -Treasurer...
...a OAce and headquarters, Brooklyn Labor Lyceum, SO) WBlliililiy Ave...
...Phone Oramerey 1023...
...In 1924 it was less than onefifthA L B A NY August Claessens concluded his upstate tour last Sunday night by a lecture on "Unemployment" under the auspices of the Albany Unitarian Church Forum...
...Manager and financial secy., L. Hekelman...
...Brighton Beach AU members who have not paid for tickets for our last affair wul please do so at our meeting Tuesday evening, Feb...
...Oas* era...
...a Snyder, Manager BBOOaXYN L A B O R L Y C E UM S4S WTO—gbby Ave- BlieSlja Large and email hall suitable for aB occasions and meetings at reasonable rentalA STAOO S84S j LaW Te-sfle•^Mxw^o«a*,,,• Workmen's Educational Asaocletlao Free Library open from 1 to IB.p.jflj Government ol the people, far the people, by the people shall not perish from the carta.—lAnowtn - J... the office of Dr...
...This section of the Bronx is not so responsive to the forum idea as yet...
...Jackson Ave., Long Island City, M. Y. Tel Hunters Point 3068...
...The educational secretary is arranging weekly lecture* running into April and wul announce them shortly...
...Names and addresses were taken and the local comrades hope that a thriving organization win soon take the field working for Socialism in this part of the state...
...v MorningsMe Heights The second of the Sunday night discussion forums will be held Fab...
...Friday, Feb...
...The Liquidation of the SmaU Business man...
...A goodly audience is present and interesting discussions and questions take place...
...7th A D. The activities have been increasing...
...WHITE GOODS WORKERS U N I O N Local 62 of L L. O. W. U. 8 W. tab Street...
...A temporary organization has been effected to establish a bakeshop in Sunnyslde...
...Conn., Festival), Rabbi Louis L Newman, of Congregation Rodeph Sholom, wfll be the guest speaker in the Parliament of World's Faiths, in the ballroom of the Park Lane, tomorrow evening at 8:30...
...and possibly the famous Isa Kramer, well known concert singer...
...Business Agent, UNITED VECKWEAR MAKERS* UNION IV Local 11018...
...The meeting takes place in Dr...
...At the last meeting Comrade Lichtenberg was elected to represent the Upper West Side Branch at the city central committee...
...Stage 07SS...
...Details win be B a r . Speakers are availM i groups upon demand to M drive headquarters, 2653 * boulevard...
...g a r k Goeet H)r with Symphony Kjpstrty of Brooklyn • b r a y Society of BrookHjaagstad, conductor, f their third, concert, HjgeoB, March 1. at Hjjraoklyn Academy of Bps sad Anton Witek, HHwSkgetjring violinists and wul be the guest Kfb compositions cover a | gny strongly contrasting l-fsadi'il expression, rangEg«rAert, snappy, popular 12a, etch as his "Country L> sat "Gay But Wistful" aklennd eMstad, to large works and austere char;-a at other, such as his eag Scsig of Democracy" 0) a Worcester, Mass., in I -aa Warriors," "Music to salary Ballet" (first given • awfalk... 53 Wast 31st Street, New York... claim for the superiority of one Prophet over another...
...AU active party workers are closely cooperating...
...22, Henry Rosner of the city affairs committee win speak on "The Bank of United States Crash...
...and Mrs...
...The women of Sunnyslde nave established an employment office to assist local victims of the depression...
...Becirar awt4tss« every Tuesday •venini...
...Barnet Wolle, Manager...
...Jaa j . MoGrain, Secretary-Treasurer...
...N. Y. Meets every 3rd Sunday at every month at Stuyvesant High School...
...Richmond, after a few years "in the dumps" again possesses a live Socialist organization...
...TW7ATTER8 at WAITRESSES union Loeal 3> • 41 East 28th flag Tel...
...Max Shack...
...Spurred on by the experience of most every other branch in the Bronx, Branch 7 win also conduct a weekly forum on Friday evenings in the headquarters, 4215 Third avenue...
...A brief 'business meeting was held after the lecture...
...As usual, a fine journal wul be presented and an effort is being made to obtain a record amount of ads for it...
...Morris Kaufman, General President rnd Secretary...
...Our "players," flushed with success on their production of the "Weavers," are now rehearsing for another play...
...Joseph Schlossberg, Own...

Vol. 12 • February 1931 • No. 8

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