The Economics of Bolshevism - The Socialist Criticism

Oneal, James

rthe French revolution fostered tue ont hand a n d of f e w o n t he other the n i n e is true of the Rues i en munitimi We have our Wolla. Fishes, and other > ? O T » eheviks who a n certain...

...The objection of the transit companies indicates t h a t their action was hypocritical...
...We s c r a p ruthlessly in almost every domain of our social life...
...The issues of yesterday—tariffs s t a t e s rights, a strict or loose in t e r p r e t a t i o n of t h e c o n s t i t u t i o n - have yielded to our present da: problems of involuntary unem ployment and social insurance s t r i k e s and injunctions, the con trol of public utilities...
...This should bo utilised In r e d u c i n g e s t i m a t e t a r depreciation...
...A political realignment corresponding to economic and social realities is imperative if our politics is to keep step with our general progress, if parties a r e to h a v e a n y real meaning for t h e voters...
...They are adjusted and geared » prnbiams and situations that have gone...
...These early Democrats were opposed by t h e Whigs who, under t h e leadership of statesmen like Daniel Webster and Henry Cray, represented the same economic interests that were championed by t h e Hamiltonians...
...There a r e 356,000 of these left to t he United States...
...Our guess is t h a t the companies will receive at least $510,000,000...
...h a d announced that they would not p a r t i c i p a t e in the bearings on the ground t h a t the plan was unofficial and h a d not received the endorsement of either t h e Transit Commission or the Board of E s t i m a t e a n d Apportionment, the t w o public bodies, authorized under the l aw to bring about unification...
...Be showed t h a t from the very beginning they had cheated t h s f r p a r t n e r , the city with t h e result that the c i ty had aever^frtttected % cent on i t s large h a v e ^ y t o t o g to* d o ^ w i t h ^ t hi rapid transit system ta ; City after inuasjagjj, we account for' tto change in viewpoint...
...Any increase* in fixed charges will mean a deficit, especially in view of the fact that the cost of t he new subways is so expensive that they cannot be self-sustaining from a five-cent fare...
...Untermyer wfll ever again go to b a t for Tammany Hall...
...104,986.000i«i ' $411.392.241 Depreciation funds...
...In each, there is, broadly speaking, a left and right wing...
...The illegitimate profits t o be made from t h e operation of a billion a nd a half dollar traction-system through t h e a w a r d i n g of construction contracts and t h e purchase of supplies a r e tremendous...
...The culmination of the Civil War meant t h e triumph of capit a l i sm over agrarianism...
...The Sstoetojstantos is more solicitous of the welfare of private corporations tosa ol the great mass of citizens to New York City who use the rapid t r a n s i t lines daily...
...In medicine, w e dispassionately throw Dverboard old notions to meet changing r e a l i t i e s We a s s scientific...
...It is a n import a n t factor to Communist policy...
...An advance made them "view with alarm" and a reverse brought predi ?tions of the "death" of t he bey totr ^ Xautaky's study is divided into five sections...
...It i s only a question of time before the Brooklyn elevated dues will be in exactly t h e same position...
...during the last t o o years...
...American flactslists also differ not their main differences date from the were joining the party...
...He is concerned with t h e Russian revolution and i t s resulto as t h e y have unfolded since the Communists seized power to 1917...
...w a s t h e vivid appreciation that out of territory in which slavery prevailed might be carved slave states, and , t h at more slave s t a t e s meant additional political power...
...Ten tato...
...Employees on our subways and elevated lines are horribly exploited...
...Between plantera and industriali s t s , t h e landed interest and capitalism, for control of t h e government...
...The small economic units of yesterday have been supplanted by our modern large-scale organizations in indust r y and finance...
...An enormous bureaucratic apparsvtus is built up in order to control t h e people en t r u s t e d with t h e management of production, which only issjgWs^to p a r a l y s i n g them and t h e entire a p p a r a t u s of production...
...The interests which constituted t h e backbone of t h e young Republican p a r t y understood this fun well...
...Delaney r a t h e r t h a n with Mr...
...A n ew period has t u rn ed up n ew problems and w e shal have to make social and politica adjustments accordingly...
...The Manhattan elevated lines a r e a l i ability to the Interborough and not a n asset, and have been kept g o ing by t h e earnings of t h e city owned subways...
...I t will be franklj committed to the proposition o: achieving real fresdom, appreci a t i n g t h a t such freedom cannot bi achieved except the people owi and control what they cannot live without...
...I conclude: Whatever their antecedents, our dominant parties a r e essentially t h e s a m e ; they exi s t primarily t o conserve t h e s t a t u? quo a n d safeguard t h e material Interests and social advantages ol I t s prime beneficlaries...
...l a s first was "The Dictatorship of t h e Proletariat," 1*18...
...He w r o t e: The most serious item on t he negatore aide of toe baisene sheet is the severe deterioration of Ufa standard of living...
...The essentia] principles of both were the same...
...It is ai historic fact that institution...
...I have heard of extreme cases where big engineers win not prospect for oil or mineral* because failure to find what wmaaatea^-w...
...The Walker administration, unusually friendly to transit interesta, particularly the B.M.T., has consistently refused to adopt t h i s policy...
...K a u t s k y quotes d a t a t o show how t h e bureaucracy stifles toe very economic forces t h a t a r e ass s a t i s ! t o t h e development of Tniiif...
...We wonder whether Mr...
...Each chapt e r divided into sub-sections and t h e study is enataMd t o 193 pages...
...However, with the increasing industrialization of the country a nd t h e rapid expansion of capitalism south of t h e Mason-Dixon line, t he situation was changed...
...Their tribal and communal ways of living ~asi**s> survived the l a t to systems despite every effort t h em tato the population...
...If this revenue went t o labor instead of t o capital, assuming a $35 weekly wsge, an additional 3,000 men could be employed...
...The following year he w r o t e t h e second, book and in 1921 appeared his 'pamphlet " F r om Democracy t o S t a t e Slavery.'* In the pamphlet Kautsky contended that while it was n o t t h e intention of the Communists yet t h e functions of t h e dictatorship were becoming counter-revolutionary...
...Things have changed fundamentally...
...F o r example, what is being attempted in Russia is t o industrialize a nation of over a hundred million people, t h e v a s t majority of whom a r e i l l i t e r a te a r a s a n t s who, together w i t h t h e c i ty workers, have litt le or n o knowledge of machine technique, and do this within a decade o r two...
...certificate property 28,718,241«> T h e Williams b u r gh Power Plant 11,911,000(3) ? R . T . System — Recapturable L i n e s . . 161,238,000(») Non - recapturable...
...a t t h e tost minute, he to g e n t ly shoved out of t h e p i c t u r e by t he Tammany Hall whom h e h a s con consistently defended...
...In t h e first place, i t assumes that the company should receive reproduction cost less depreciation for t h e elevated linee...
...V e may a d d t h a t t h e empirical a p proach hi t h e Socialist approach and this distinguishes i t f r om t he various "liberal" and reactionary studies t h a t have been made of t he Soviets...
...The companies should not receive any more for their prope r t y t h a n the price for t h e r e c ap tumble subways as fixed to the Dual Contracts and t h e a c t u a l investment, lees depreciation, for t h e non-recapturable elevated lines...
...Assuming 5% carrying charges, this means an extra four and a half million dollars going t o capital out of opera t i n g revenues...
...that social systems a r e not s t a t i c , t h a t they have come and gone in t h e course of s o d a i evolution...
...The < however, transferred ttS i t s own corporatewsars...
...Unless t h en i s a s h a r p reversal of policy, transit compani.i w i t emerge on top a t t h e expense of t h e riding public...
...V Reasonable Price The entire procedure ^s outrageous...
...One of the results of unification should be a reduction of t h e work week for rapid transit employees without a reduction in .wages...
...Fischer writes ta the present situation t a Russia: ' What undermines toe usefulness of the Soviet bureaucracy is its fear of responsibility, fear of initiative, and t h e party's lack of copfldsnce to it...
...I t w a s Mr...
...The present work, a s t h e hook j i r h t t durian», to "the only one which t r e a t s t he subject to t h e light of basic principles r a t h e r t h a n b y t h e empirical method of t r y i n g t o strike s balance between the alleged 'good' s a d bad* features of Bolshevism...
...The former were lad b y Alexander Hamilton, too latter by Thomas Jefferson...
...To e a r n $35 a week, they have to work from 65 to 70 hours...
...The dominant pasties a r e b a d ly worn survivals of a world t h a t is >aat...
...charged ail it* *• come taxes against t t o* Rapid Transit Cuufsaf ! in partnership with « t o ' operates only a part S t ; mated that at least *J this sum should hsre • from the earnings S t ai cars and toe b a am ? • *! ing chargsd a g a i s s t t m^ Rapid Transit Con»!**"»* port also states "*• "JJ examination of the es* tax returns for the V...
...8,877,000(») $420.269.241 (1) Recapture prior as A n d on C o n t r a ct 4 m of J u n e SO...
...even g r e a t e r opportunities for fraud...
...Ee writes: "The Soviet system, which transfers the m a th o a t of monarchia...
...No one today would think of reproducing these elevated lines...
...When this happens, they win be in t h e s a m e boat a s t he Manhattan Elevated Railways, which a r e in a precarious financial condition today because of t he competition of erf s t i n g subways...
...The republic was v a r y young when distinct political alignments appeared...
...If private capital in existing t r a n s i t lines i s t r e a t e d a s liberally as is contemplated by t he city, labor can n o t have i t s conditions improved without an increase in fare for t h e riding public...
...y ML careful reeding of h i s t o ry discloses that every great 'conflict of material interests has had i t s reflex to political competition...
...Two weeks ago, in T h e NEW LEADER, i t was pointed out t h a t t h e city h a d awarded a n extremel y profitable bua franchise to t he B.M.T...
...The same hoMs^true of the B.M.T...
...The organizations n i t i t o t i t t w v MHIM m o t U M . n r w h i c h ea to those' which had served a sjb*gjstas>etones **** which the...
...Occasionally, it broke out to dramatic form a s in toe *»—f«g- of 1896...
...Simultaneously t he sailors at Kronstadt, t o whom t he Soviets owed a debt for t h e i r service against t h e White Guar?Ts, also revolted in February, 1921...
...Hi t h e n recommended unification b> negotiation a t a attori of $489,678,000, which a s w e l a t o | seen, meant a bonus of fT«JW9jsf8 t o t h e company...
...I t will know also that modern war is the result of competing capitalist nationalisms for markets, r aw materials, and investment opportunities...
...B a t their ameafttal nature is not altered thereby...
...To accomplish this it w a s i m p o r t a n t to get Mr...
...It i s fmpssan give the compieta osta various items which sat total...
...Thus, early to our national existence, to fact, antedating it, were present t h e basically conflicting material interests which, down to oar very day, have i s fundamentally affected our pontics...
...The "liberal" studies, although many of them are Worth reading, remind u s of t h e pre-war e r a when journalists and politicians formed their judgments of toe Socialist movement by e a ch r e verse or advance made by it...
...T . C Rand School Presa, $1.75) is s translation from t h e German by B. Pritchard and carries a special preface by t he author which considers developments to Russia, a s tote aa last January...
...e The above considerations a r e implied r a t h e r t h a n s t a t e d to fan by Kautsky...
...In addition, he favored operation of t h e existing Unes and t h e new c i ty subway system by toe B U T . to fats first report ho had iwrnnuairacl t h e B U T . is a o a a c o r t a t e tajton...
...Of course, t h i s is an extreme case of t h e survival of folkways a n d i t i s singled oat only' because i t i s t h e m o s t obvious o ne t o Americans...
...The stamp of social effort is on all o u r major economic activities...
...The old individualism, rugged or otherwise, h as passed into the l i m b o of history...
...wrHorrtne of food was unknown in tonato during t he yean of the Hew nooraomie Policy...
...The economic order of our forefathers is dead...
...Notice of recapture win m a k e them sing a different tune...
...In the days of Jefferson, Washington and Hamilton there were about four million population, and over 90 per cent were tillers of t h e soil...
...It Is ssjfchj contradictions that cai canoe t o t h e title esenti s k y ' s book Those who have ta*) theme a s reported hi nek appearing in the Ms**, will find the views of tag confirmed...
...and LR.T...
...To the manufacturing interest a low tariff meant destructive competition...
...The whole tread' i s toward replacing them with subways...
...Kautsky as well as other Socialists watched this vent u r e with some apprehension, b u t t o quote him, "with friendly eyes...
...a r e robbed from it b y t h e B.M.T., the Walker administration proposes to give the B.M.T...
...would beg t h e city tc purchase its elevated propertiei a t a reasonable price...
...and t h a t the workers of the world by hand and brain have nc interest in these wars except tc banish them by ending t h e system t h a t breeds them...
...The n a tion's major economic interests were conspiring for political advantage, for control of t h e public powers... social welfare...
...Not s o to our politics...
...The landed interests, a s a m a t t e r of principle, corresponding to basic material frsv n lis, was opposed to toe tariff...
...On April 13, l f ? 0 Lockwood, Transit OesS filed a report with the Cri recommending the fungi against t h e New York Bs) s i t Corporation, which...
...without any adequate compensation to t h e c i ty for t h e use of i t s s t r e e t s. On Tuesday it was announced t h a t Chairman John H. Delaney of the N.Y.C...
...under continuous control and r e s t r i c t i on by political a n d economic judicatures, which does not lesvi t h em any initiative...
...ONE hundred and f o r t y yean ago, James Madison, "Father of the Constitution,'* wrote in the "Federalist": "The m o s t common and durable source of factions has been t h e various a n d unequal distribution of ptupeity...
...sidiary of the B.M.T...
...The program, however, was continued...
...t h a t p s y t ^ t i t aU with the BUte"Ldaitrsi stoa high gradtjssafll New T o r k Rapici^tata?» has charged to ptol t i g amount of $553,844...
...I n t h e second place, t h e T r a n s i t Commission valuation assimili t h a t t h e companies should receive a consideration for t h e - « M * " " M of existing sssaatossi contracts...
...Today it is almost altogether machine and social...
...Tato p ro g r a m more than ever centers pow er in t h e hands of a central bu reaucracy...
...a p a r t y committed to t h e building of - a cooperativi economic life for t h e s o d a i good instead of a competitively conducted economic life, primarli) for the profits of t h e owning few These, broadly speaking, musi serve s s .the underlying and unifying principles...
...When one considers t h e enormous profits watch have been made by these companies finta the operation of d r y owned subways, while a t t h e s a m e time t h e c i ty h a s r e ceived almost nothing on i t s investment of o v e r STO million dollars, it i s preposterous to grant t h e companies any aaessntol compensation lor t h e cancellation Cat t h e Dual C o n t r a c ts • • •-' *' The com ramies today have t he failed ^tbe^'^last^'four' y s a r s ^ to give notice of i t s mtanrVto t o aa...
...We adjust our conduct to t he facta...
...Mr Delaney, on t h e other hand, whe is t h e Mayor's transit adviser, hat held t h a t t h e companies ought tc receive more...
...when auatafces are often seriously punished and may bring ' down t h e suspicion of counter-revolution or sabotage on them who commit them, every official dreads putting his signature to a paper and stands in horror of making an independent decision Bach one "passes the buck" to somebody higher up...
...against tossjm tahtaap tant Item not fon^*^' feto pesato out that bureaucracy if "pam...
...We t a k e issue with t h e manner in which this figure is reached...
...Within a few years Brooklyn elevated Unes, l i ke t h e Fulton Street and Lexington avenue, will have t o face t h e competition of n ew c i ty owaed subways...
...The price fixed' in t he Untermyer plan is barely low enough t o enable t h e revenue on a five-cent fare to meet operating expenses and interest payments...
...The f i r s t President eras c a n a t a unanimously...
...t h a t they should go, in fact, when they no longet serve to insure happiness and sec u r i t y for t h e g r e a t mass of the people...
...Tammany Runs True (Continned from Pas* Foor...
...Untermyer out of t h e p i c t u re The l a t t e r had insisted from tot very outset t h a t t h e p r i c e fixed hi his plan was already in excess of t h e value of t h e companies' property, and t h a t h e would not approve any f u r t h e r increase...
...It was Mr...
...This new p a r t y must be basse on the needs and aspirations ol t h e great amassa of t h e people workers of h a n d and brain, to mill mine, shop, office, factory...
...I t is just, a s idle to s p e a k of t h e Republicanism of Lincoln today aa It is to speak of t h e Democracy of Jefferson and Jackson...
...Ignoring them, the Communists, who at first a s Marxians were well aware of these difficulties, ventured upon a p r o g r am of complete Communism after seizing power and established there dictatorship...
...I have made my choice, I am not only doing all t h a t lies in mv power t o accomplish this political realignment but, in t h e meantime, I have identified myself with the only p a r t y that embodies these ideals and principles—the Sociali s t party...
...T h e b a t t le between New England industrialism and Southern planters for governmental control was a life and death struggle...
...Umaxnot conceded enoogs u J Gerhard Dahl, the essj the Board of Directors en B.MT...
...To t h e landed interests a low tariff meant «toMSjav prices for manufactured arti r i es This basic conflict of »g material interests lead almost inevitably t o t h e v e r y toreahhold of toe Chr...
...r4) s a m e as (S...
...Untermyer has labored for m a n y years on t r a n s i t unification without a ny compensation...
...Today, another basic economic conflict, that between t h e owners of the physical foundations of society, and therefore the masters of our economic life, on the one hemd, and t h e growing army of propertyless dependents on the other, presages t h e next great political contest, the battle lines for which are already beginning to take form...
...Aa soon as the Bolsheviks felt secure in their new position,'* writes Kautsky, "they looked^askance a t every free organisation to t h e S t a t e which they could not manage bureaucrat...
...will probably make impossible the preservation of t h e 5-cent fare or the improvement of working conditions for employees...
...This is $90,000,000 more, than the c i ty should be reasonably expected to pay...
...All this the new p a r t y will know...
...It will fearlessly proclaim that ac the increasing many cannot liv< without, political democracy serve: only to conceal the existence o industrial autocracy...
...Those who held and those who a r e without property have ever formed distinct interests in society . . . Regulation of these various and interfering interests forms the principal t e a k of modern legislation and involves the spirit of p a r t y and fartions ta t h e necessary and ordinary operations of government'' ' . W h a t Maiasna said of the sources to which political parties a r e rooted h a s been aa t r u e since, a s It w a s with respect to the period ta which it was w r i t t en M a t o i y teaches political parties have grown out of " t h e various and unequal distribution of props t a y ." I n t h e early days of t h e republic, t h a n were two g r e a t political organisations—the federalists and t h e anti-federalists...
...and t h e I.R.T...
...Kautsky does not r e s t a t e the historical philosophy of Socialism...
...The workers were more and more restricted in thought and action...
...Negotiation is...
...This new p a r t: will understand that throughou all history, economic masters havi been political rulers, and t h a t oui own time and our own country-an no exception...
...Then, industry was l a r g e ly handicraft and individualistic...
...i s t h e succeeding years t h e trade nrfjnmm and iwoaeratlves, overwhelmingly Communist and cooperating wRh t h e ruling group, more and more lost their functions as organisa Hows of workers and bacarne subordinato organs of t he dictatorship...
...explanation is that tin had made it clear that 1 to p a y a higher prist, « the B.M.T...
...iCentmuea MI riti • rus week witnessed the latest Development on t h e p a r t of t h e Walker administration to sell out t h e c i t y ' s t r a n s i t interests to t h e Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Co...
...There is a n Ironical feature in t h e entire situation, Mr...
...Obviously, the more capital .receives In paym e n t the g r e a t e r will be t h e interest charges to be met out of revenues...
...a n d pr?venu their doing a n y t h i n g on t h e i r own The slightest alterations in th« works require a n endless exchange of correspondence with the supervising bodies...
...For decades, thereafter, the old economic contest continued to express itself politically...
...On t h i s basis they should not receive more than $420,269,241...
...a n d Wiggins who contro t h e B.M.T...
...One i m p o r t a n t p a ra graph summarizes Kautsky's vies of this...
...Several win sets a good picture of itrtasj ?workers out "di stead of ixsurafl I company...
...Just like the I.R.T., they will be willing to s a | t h e i r elevated properties at s reasonable price...
...Political clarity and s healthier p o l i t i c a l atmosph?re would be served by a realistic p o l i t i c a l alignment — o n e thai would frankly correspond to and reflect the industrial and social II ilstham ta earn tim...
...t h e more * "nallsalj^ factory workers a r i a! thsn others so they t*Z tions of authority ta tsT...
...The Jeff ersonians were a l so known a s Repulicans...
...The l a s t of t h e White Guards was defeated in 1920 a nd t h e civil w a r and economic ruin fostered by, complete Communism had produced such vast misery t h a t Communists themselves led t h e general strike in Petersburgand Moscow...
...Involuntary idleness, breadlines and doles an absolutely unnecessary with oui economic resources...
...Had thi c i t y recaptured t h e E a s t Side lini of t h e Interborough, which U cai do, a n d operate it in conjunctior with t h e n ew E i g h t h Avenue s ub way t h e Interborough would havi been left with, a lam profitabli West Side line because of t h e cam petition of t h e E i g h t h Avenue ani and the unprofitable MsabJrtsi Elevated...
...revolutionary changea ii industrial technique require cor responding revolutionary change: in our social relations...
...Teitof t h em Is n o longer any essential difference between the two...
...Recapturable lines $79,496.000(1) Original Elevated Lines of B.M.T...
...T h e Labor Revolution," 1034...
...Our eighteenth century sosia relations are outmoded by oui twentieth century industrial technique...
...I t seems to us t h a t he could h?ve made bis position much stronger had h e devoted a j ) a g e or two to t h e historical aspects of t h e problem...
...I t will have t o s t a n d for, democracy, industrial as well a s political...
...By 1*28, a s f a r a s t h e Democratic party was concerned, the age of Jefferson, Jackson and Bryan had come to a close...
...The c i ty administration has consistently refused t o adopt this policy because i t would reduce t he profits of real-estate speculators close t o Tammany Hall...
...There are almost three times a s many people in o u r own s t a t e today as there were in t he whole of the United States in 1789...
...It competed with t h e Republicans for the favor of large-scale industrial and financial capital...
...The basic difference tata sea t h e Republican and D?mocratie j s r H s s g r ew over dimmer... other wafto M.T...
...True, them p a r t i e s occasionally and grudgingly make concessions...
...While the N. E. P. policy re oner...
...I t will knov and declare that the essence o all slavery i s economic dependence and t h a t slavery prevails, politica forms notwithstanding, where thi means of life are t h e property o: a few, to be used by them foi their material agrandizement, tx the consequence t o t h e r e s t of ui what they may...
...The t w o dominant parties a r e really, a t least, four...
...I n industry we scrap machinery—entire plants...
...It was s s t r a t e g i c move on their, p a r t tc force a deadlock in negotiations which would enable them to gel more compensation...
...He assmnnf that Socialists do not need this restatement- Neither does he discuss Russia and Soviet problems as a theoretician...
...The last named f j g a s ? ^ 1 ^ * * ' * T r i S l s l j has w r i t t e n nothing aa pessimistic a s t h e above by Chamberlin who goes on to say- t h a i "Life has become harder, bleaker more intense, more fanatical," fa R l K s u t s k y * s reference to the stifling a t imagination and initiative which we quote above is also mild compared to what Louis Fischer wrote to "The Nation," issue ol November 26, 1980...
...This applies ti our present day major politica alignments...
...But w e still hang on to their political notions...
...The history of attempts tc achieve transit unification demons t r a t e s the t r u t h of the abc-i analysis...
...i p a r t y commute ed to increasing subordination of private profit...
...5) Funds In depreciation r e s e r - - s «valla s i - (or r e h a b i l i t a t i n g raged t r a n s it system...
...of course, preferable to t h e l i t i g a t i on of r e c a p t u re But not negotiation a t terms dict a t e d by t h e transit companies That, apparently, is their policy today...
...He has also checked it w i t h information appearing i n ascent issues of t h e "Moscow News" a n d finds t h a t t h e r e i s a a astonishing agreement between mach of Kautsky's analysis and t h e mater i a l t o b e found to t h e s e pro-Comatriking similarities w e shall r e fer t o them l a t e r on...
...Back of t h e struggle to extend slavery I n t o the territories, or to keep ft out...
...i n d u s t r y . Rather t h a n quote h im w e t u r n to William H. Cfcamberlin's a r t i c l e to "The N ew Republic" of F e b r u a r y 25, 1931...
...He quotai hi Soviet publications, essj gardrng the lower** sj goods produced ataosS) a s important as qumtiq, ample, if a shoe plat: ai volume in a year by ]»j but the quality decant* | will not l a s t aa long tali t i r e gain must be iste) qualitative loss Hew af... ' to...
...The new p a r t y will understand thai t h e hfe, liberty a n d I m m i l l i— referred t o to t h e Declaration of Independence, i s impoasrihte without the m e s a s ta Ufa, a n d t h a t the means of Ufa a r a too propos ly of a profit-seeking, owning class...
...tas mats t h e cost of torn « This action meati tinti was eaBed upon to bear the expense of WofXSaS pen s a t i o a insurance IX r i t i s s have earned t t fH c i ty ought t-> enjoy the jat these securities...
...Today, the nation is overwhelmingly and increasingly industrial...
...More than once, the political contest over the tariff threatened t o break u p t h e Union...
...Kautsky Is recognized by Socialists all o r a r t h e world as second only t o M a r x a n d Engels in Socialist scholarship and this is his fourth hook on Russia translated tato English...
...ft atea the elevated ani sta for t h e a w n of ie.MUi h a d been withheld fOssI t h e city...
...and t h e I.R.T...
...The writer of t h i s review has taken t h e pains to compare Kautsky •a s t u d y with certain recent articles by William Chamberlain and Loafs Fischer, both authors living in Bnanla and sympathetic with Communism...
...have shown themselves at all times to be extremely shrewd...
...Even the names of t h e dominan parties mean essentially t h e semi thing...
...They a r e t h e p a r t i e s of th< s t a t u s quo, t h e political protagonists of t h e principal beneficiarie) of things a s t h e y are...
...That means greater operating coste...
...Down to and rnrhsdrwg e a r a s t i a s s i convention to 1928 American Sociali s t s were practically a unit in their a t t i t u d e , a s to* writer showed to The Mew Leader last January, by wmtawtog the p a r t y '* actions since 1919...
...This tax wm fta consolidated returns af at lyn-Manhattan TraasKJ tion...
...capture i t s own subways...
...often persist after the social cir c urns t a n c e s that produced then have disappeared...
...G i a nt modern machines have taken the place of the old individualistic handicraft industry...
...He i s over 70, end Ulte would baye been, t he crowning echievement of bis career...
...The Republican p a r t y came into existence in 1864 s s a direct challenge to t h e expanding slave power which controlled the Democratic p a r t y . The Whigs refused to take a stand on t h e slavery question...
...Only r e t a i ) « i other excellent tosassi how it h a s cheated ta S t h e city, Its p a r t o * a operation...
...p e r e t e » bat these p o s ai special training s*4 „ t h a t them amami w , Fischer adds that at t , t h i s policy "there art SJS officials than factory «, This is scarcely creato i t i s made by a (tonna pathizer...
...I t Is argued t h a t recapture of the B M T . subways means dis memberment of t h e rapid tr anali system in Brooklyn because thi c i ty lacks t h e power to recaptun lines like t h e Brighton Beach ark Sea Beach which feed into t h e citj owned subways, sassata Dahl lienden...
...The interests championed by Hamilton —early American capitalism—was Saisies led, among other Mit«g«L In a protective tariff...
...2) Valuation by T r a n s i t Oomwlealon a* of J a n e SO...
...There is nc hope in t h em for t h e g r e a t masse: of t h e workers of hand and brain They need a p a r t y t h a t shall tx unequivocally theirs, dedicated tc building our economic and socia life to be t h e servant of all instead of the source of increasing profits for t h e decreasing few...
...Karl Kautsky's "Bolshevism a t a Deadlock...
...This h a s been a c complished in t h e United States, but it h a s t a k e n 150 years and in i ts beginnings there were, only fifteen million people t o feed and clothe instead of over a hundred million...
...Only special assessments to p a y ' p a r t of the coat of construction levied against property benefited by t h e new subways would make the fivecent fare possible on t h e n ew system...
...His recommendations Ware completely ignored by t h e c i t y administration The result was t h a t tJsrse y e an l a t e r , i n December 1930, he presented a n o t h e r plan to t h e commision which was a complete reversal of h i s previous position...
...and of the IMS, ] plained to t h e city «ma t h a t Samuel U n t e r ? » j supplanted by chafam I The t u r n i n g over tettai, a billion and a bag esta of t r a n s i t property wa* t h e value of U.-e mm i .when to* tone ??USt been added, i s *• tostisi h i s t o r y of r u tottus* *t c i t y have beesftat get j long since f o r t e » * «j», od enee... making oui industrial technique end physics resources, under expanding socia control, agende» for service aac emancipation...
...The price fixed in t h e Untermyer plan is already excessive Our estimates show t h a t the excess payment is a t least $70,000.000...
...The anti-federalists, led by Jefferson, a Virginia planter, iSMuaisitsJ t h e a g r a r i a n or landed interest...
...Obviously, t h e traction interests preferred to deal with Mr...
...Everywhere lise w s movo forward with light•tog like rapidity...
...I t is t r u e t h a t t h e r e p o r t on t he valuation of company owned rapid t r a n s i t properties by t h e Transit Commission places the maximum s t a t u t o r y limitation on valuation a t 5503,540,205...
...Untermyer in hii first report on t r a n s i t unification in September 1927 recommended r e c a p t u r e with operation of t lx unified system by a quasi-public corporation called the Board ol T r a n s i t Control, t h e personnel of t h e Board to be selected by t h i city...
...I n t h e course of time, the Jeffersonians emerged a s t h e Democ r a t i c p a r t y under the leadership of Andrew Jackson...
...ethics of fib liaftaiittaThe New Tork Rata Company also Brads en pooled operations for s ta payments on account <tj> come taxes of *140TJ» period January 1, laT* al 1990...
...the aanassi t r a c t for t h e unified raj Evidently Mr...
...They, cannot be unaware that their elevated lines a s soon a s the Brooklyn crosstown subway and t h e F u l t o n Street subway a r e completed as well as other subways ' contemplated is Brooklyn and Queens will lose s g r e a t deal of their value...
...27,048,0000) N o n - Recapturable...
...They are out of join with the times...
...By t h e summer of 1918 h e w a s convinced t h a t Russia was drifti n g t o disaster and h e w r o t e h is "Dictatorship of t h e P r o l e t a r i a t" as a warning...
...Fa o u r politics, when w o d o n o t rtand still, we crawl...
...The higher price t o be p a i d to t h e B.M.T...
...The latter, operata subsidiaries, not oruy ft ait lines, but street-csnta a s wen...
...If they* w o n ' t sell reasonably, the only alternative hi recapture...
...Our readers will be interested to 'lattar t h a t this view is supported by t h e pro-Communist sources OMtrrtioned above...
...autocracy fron politica to industry gradually in creases t h e rights of t h e factor] directors over t h e workers, but al t h e s a m e time puts these director...
...The Agrarian Revolution to Russia, The Social Revolution to Industry, The Political Revolution, Possible Forms of a New Revolution in Russia, and What to t o B e Done...
...Board of Transport a t i o n had moved to t a k e rapid t r a n s i t unification negotiations out of t h e hands of Samuel TJntermyer, who, a s special counsel for the Transit commission, was preparing to open public hearings next Monday before t h e Commission on h i s unification plan...
...I The federalists tod by Hamilton, a New York lawyer, represented t h e t h e n industrial, fin anelai and t r a d i n g interests, confined largely t o t h e northeastern seaboard...
...Here s o are reactionary, dilatory, unscientific We h a n g oa t o political notions a n d forms whan their material b a s e s have been swept away...
...The fallowing table shows how t h e figure is reached...
...Both stated t h a t they considered the price of 8489,678,000, which Untermyei proposed to p a y for their propert i e s was too low, a n d did n o t r e p resent their true value...
...Untermyer who rushed into print in defense of those Tammany district leaders who refused to waive Immunity before t h e Grand Jury, when called t o t e s t i fy in t h e s t a t e ' s Investigation of t h e buying of judgeships in New York City...
...I n view a t all t h i s s hook on Russia by one of the world's leadtag Socialists is timely...
...close further onnt*zt** No wonder toi • V - collected a cent ea to*" in the subways « 9 » J" ated by t h : UM& JZ discloses that I t o t a ** to the city **^*?*,2 this fashion as^*»fa city sends *-J*J~Zi a f e ^ dollartcissnssi •» «5r« Neto York Transit...
...freedom of speed and of t h e p r e s s ; freedom of UM sto...
...The* Socialist P a r t y In i t s 1923 and 1929 Municipal Campaign tool t h e position t h a t only recapture followed by Municipal Ownership adn Operation would remove the c i t y from the clutches of tbt t r a n s i t companies...
...W e a n t i c i p a t e t h e facts, t h e future...
...This action was taken after the B.M.T...
...Faced by t h i s prospect the I.R.T...
...The political realignment whicl produced t h e Repulican p a r t y WBJ preceded by dissolution in th< Whig and Democratic parties dissolution in t h e dominant partie: of our day foreshadows the to escapable realignment of tomor row...
...Year Plan, which is t h e presen phase of Russian life...
...The white man's tools and ma have transformed h i s environment but not him...
...Both a re outmoded by our completely revolutionised economic life and s o d a : relations...
...Bastonine with 1928, it was extended to a wider and wider circle Of articles, until today it includes almost all t h e important articles of diet . . . I t would seem that the Five Year Plan, while concentrating on steel ingots, kilowatts of electric power and similar things, has rather overlooked the necessity for supplying the popolata» with such humble things as locks, nails, brooms and soap...
...I t is a commonplace Of Russian history that t h e old Czarist bureaucracy was largely responsible for arresting t h e development of Russia's productive forces...
...Fishes, and other > ? O T » - eheviks who a n certain that the ^ a n d ^ l i b e r a J s ^ v h o writ?Tbc^oks to p r a t e of « a l t o s a d w i n find it easy t e sejppmt B a t t ? i or Hoover to the United States...
...a a o t e d Jhtaa^Ss tarii Isisslliai of the s t r i k e r s . ' I t was in «sto year t h a t Lenta Abandoned the 100 per cent Com* inujusm and^the ' New- Economic m e m f ^ i c h had been p l a c e d "? «tatara was given a n ew tease ol life, conditions improved, but the was not conceded and Lenin announced t h a t "The Socialists must, nevertheless, b e kept in prison...
...But even this fundamental economic consideration doea not take account of t h e persistence of old habits, ideas, customs and t r a ditions which are almost impossible t o root o a t by a n official decree however mach it may be backed up by force...
...They demanded freedom of "all imprisoned Socialists and workers outside all p a r t i e s ; the r a i s i ng of UN s t a t e of siege...
...B u t t h is tad not m e s a there was not press ? t that "various and unequal aTtailutluu of p r o p e r t y which""is too k e y to t h e existence of diverse political entitles...
...They &ave always been sloughed off in t h e general economic and cultural A striking example of the «arpia* a n d their iisli'sili i to SeV den rbsngrs i s t h e American Indians...
...This would reduce unemployment and would, result ta a considerable reduction in the work-week of t h o s e now employed without any c u t ta their wages...
...In 1928 there emerged an other economic policy, . t h e Fiv...
...This would have meant municipal ownership and operation He pointed out t h a t in t h a t wa> t h e city would obtain all sapid t r a n s i t facilities to New Tors City a t a reasonable peto», ami would free itself from fatili thi B.M.T...
...Inscribed upon i ti banners must be t h e slogan: "Ai economic life t h a t will be t h e servant of all instead of t h e s o um of profits for t h e few...
...Basic socia: reconstruction is the imperative need of our time...
...ISSO, with right ot r e c a p t u r e accruing In ISM...
...The l a t t e r , a very wealthy lawyer, undoubtedly undertook t h e t a s k because no longer in need of money, h e i s desirous of public prestige...
...t h e second, "Terrorism and Communism," 1820, b o t h published by t h e British laaapanclent Labor Party, s a d t h e third...
...The political philosophers of Jefferson and Hamilton, of Jackson and Lincoln, reflected the economic life and social relations of their times...
...Even Communists so fear t h e burden of unshared responsibility that they will frequently not attach their names singly to a given document...
...Untermyer who defended District Attorney Crain when under investigation by t h e Governor's Commissioner, Samuel Seabury...
...3) R e c a p t u r e price a s axed in Contract 3 as of J u n e 30...
...The O v a War was essentially a contest between basically diverse economic interests...
...They have a n t only resisted t h e c u i r e n t changea in society over three hundred years b u t even military force employed over and over again leaves them today living their tribal ways...

Vol. 12 • January 1931 • No. 25

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