Fight Starvation! A Call To Action

F i g h t Starvation! A Call To Action An Appeal to the Laboring Men and Women of the United States to Fight for the Relief the Nation's Rulers Have Denied Them TPO THE WORKING PEOPLE OF THE...

...The working masses of the nation must desert the parties of capitalism and organize to take over the governing powers in city, state, and nation...
...Simil a r urging was voiced l a recent editorials in leading California Bail Refused Imprisoned Harlan Miners / Judge Hurries Back to Town to Thwart Plea to Release Men HARLAN, Ky...
...Blind despair and food riots are likely to follow...
...Wages are being cut all over the nation...
...t h t h e a id of external circumstances, a once mighty •Bob...
...Three times since the seventies the farmers have either burned their grain for fuel or fed it to their hogs...
...J*UE*%- WAGES AT WEST POINT I , F * 1 1 OE a P h a t l c e B y want t o endorse: appeal for relief made b y t h e Socialist P a r t y In rBfetae benefit of t h e s t a r v i n g a n d s t r i k i n g minera, v t c - ^J**^""», coal a n d Iron police, and coesacks, a s weQ a s \ ^ * ' P j B « r a l depression...
...Al Benson and t w o therm...
...W. L. Garner, state secretary of Missouri, grill make an organization t r i p in that state and possibly through Kansas and Virginia will have one in t h e field in July...
...Pensvlvania: Jasper MeLevy, Connecticut... won't think this sentence a fair « m - Bp^^V BUT hi* proposai f o r a n mrmm\r con^S \ foranea between c a p t s t n a of Industry s a d • ft the workers...
...It does not include those working farmers who still manage to draw upon their savings...
...The committee met in t h e Mayfair Hotel on Pena Avenue'Saturday morning and immediately took u p t h e report of t h e Nations Secretary...
...bosses m a y t a lk w if* Plan they a c t e n i s t o keep our universities docile...
...How blessed, and y e t how futile are t h e f ew t r u c k - loads of bread a n d other foodstuffs now being sent into the s t r i ke a r e a by labor unions...
...A Republican Congress adjourns without adopting any adequate measures of relief...
...Materials win, b e paid for b y " T H E MINERS RELIEF FUND...
...At i t s inception, i t seems to have been almost a spontaneous rebellion of t h e coal-diggers against their miserable existence...
...get bell fixed for t h e coal miner prisoners held m t h e H a r l a n County Jail by Judge D. c . J a n e s h a s f a i l ed Judge Jones went t o a convention recently a t Danville, Ky., out of t h e county, making i t possible for the miners* lawyer to a s k a writ of habeas corpus from City Judge Addison Avers...
...In some New England textile mills girls are working for as low as three dollars a week...
...Millions of t h e unemployed , aspax, and Hoover has n o plan...
...The two leading political parties have no word of hope, no program, for starving men, women, and children...
...We cannot wait for the November elections, important as they are...
...It merely a s s e r ts e d?bats on t h e subject would l e s t t o t h e t i m e of our g r e e t afidren...
...B a t i t s J u s t about a s f a ir K* V ** one sonteoc* can be...
...Massachusetts Jobs Drop State Report Shows BOSTON—(FF...
...The time for thinking and action- has arrived...
...J a n e Tait, Treasurer: Robert Lieberman, Maurice Schneirov, and Sarah fjmharh, Executive •JlR9M?KBft.--i SARAH LDfBACH...
...The reasons t h a t t h e issues a re put up to Pinchot a m manyfold...
...Referendum on Ones The dues system of t h e p a r ty was again considered but a general discussion of t h e m a t t e r resulted i n a decision to postpone action for t h e present...
...Both employers b s v g » T and workers suffer for t h e time being •PI I from depression...
...So far, however, t h e brotherhood of maintenance of w a y employes h a s h a l t ed this by appealing to t h e U. S. board of mediation...
...1) Some expert a u t h o r i t y m u s t decide what antf teaansd now, w h a t should be k e p t for t h e f u t u r e , a nd ansai sana b e abandoned aa t o o inefficient a n d costly...
...The Socialist Party warns of the approaching disaster unless we take our cause into our own hands...
...would weaken t h e court's a t t a ck on the workers...
...The welfare of our families depends upon us...
...T h e f i r st had been in t h e form of a writ before Circuit Judge R. 8 . Rose on behalf of William Rightower...
...Alfred Baker Lewis, Massachusetts...
...Of organization work being done by the s t a t e s the Executive Secretary reported California has two Foil time workers in t h e field but Pennsylvania h a s for t h e present been forced to discontinue i t s two organizers because of lack of funds...
...VERIA> REVELATION a^saspoBt Herbert Hoover committed hlinsrrf t o capitalist p i the l a t e s t protective tariff a n d a l l , a n d t h e n had t h e > ( t j ti» vision of a future spurt of prosperity a n AmerpafcBs the railroads want 15% increases in r a t e s . (The • *> not...
...His friends express^c<mfldence^h^ natia...
...They MUST be helped...
...A p a r t y e nd fanions of workers could deal w i t h these difficulties...
...Public meetings should be he 1 d to enlist the support of the unemployed masses...
...Every week that passes increases the calamity and despair...
...Clarence Senior, Nations Executive Secretary, recommende< t o the National Executive Com mit t e e , which met h e r e June 1! and 14, t h a t t h e p a r t y establlal a n officiai monthly bulletin, t he a visiting' organizer be appointe* for six months next year for thi purpose of arousing dormant local t o n ew life, and t h a t a definite ef fort be made t o Increase t h e cir culation of Socialist liters t u r through p a r t y channels...
...Marx Lewis and Powers Hapgood were mentioned as probably being available and l a t e r in the session the committee voted to move the headquarters to Washington in t h e fall...
...if you c a n send no money send food a n d o t h e r supplies...
...THE RULING PARTIES DESERT THE WORKERS The Government and the dominant political parties do little or nothing to meet dus tragic situation...
...It was decided that the committee should appoint an organizing secretary t o devote all his time to organization work, increasing the p a r t y membership, and assist in financing this work...
...The initiative must come from the labor army in agriculture and industry...
...They a r e people without present or future hope...
...Our very numbers make us i vast political power...
...The Executive Secretary waa instructed to urge locals to make seconds to and vote this proposal...
...but U»ey have ami been signed and Pinchot ont* h a t u n t a J u n e t9 t o decide whet to do with his own measures...
...Perkins and others had been on a t r i p t o get relief for starving mine families...
...The whole membership of the affiliated bodies should march to the cky halls when these measures are presented...
...scm aayone have a p l a n for t h e wellbeing of t h e nation m is think piecemeal of w h a t t h e r a i l r o a d s went, of t he se* th* coal i n d u s t r y a n d t h e p l i g h t of t h e f a r m e r s ? And panent plan for t h e s e t h i n g s i n t e r m s of t h e wellbeing of 0m a* producers e n d consumers a s l o n g a s t h e i n t e r e s t of 0 takers is p a t first, aa i t m u s t be under t h e capitalist mWATIO N OF COAL jgnfal my h e a r t a n d soul I hope t h a t effective, honest a nd •griffant organisation of t h e miners will come o u t of t h e ir paaatt...
...This is o n of t h e first indications of real pos sibili t i es for a mass socialist move ment t h a t h a s occurred since th present depression began.'' Seeks More Closely Knit P a r ty An official National Headquar tecs organ, the report suggests would b e invaluable in c e n t r a l i ze the work of s c a t t e r e d p a r t y unit around definite objectives, and ii giving individual "party members i feeling t h a t they a r e " p e r t of a organization t h a t knows where i wants t o go, knows what t o d o t get there, and i s determined a t al costs t o a r r i v e" Such a bulletin, Senior estimate* could be printed at a cost t ha should not exceed 25 cents pe year p e r member...
...COURT RUSHES TO AID OPERATORS Revolt of Coal Diggers Spreads—Police Continue Repressive Meas* ures Against Workers By Arthur G. McDowell TaTTTSBURQH.—With t h e leso •Sl ance of one of t h e most sweeping injunctions to Pennsylvania's long history of strikebreaking by the state, the issue of free t r a de union organization is p o t squarely to Gov...
...Let us use it for our relief...
...J?f vThe so-called "Progressives" in Congress met one week later, decided to "investigate" the extent of the suffering and adjourned ! In the cities and states relief fonds are raised by charitable organizations but the degrading charitable relief is ludicrously inadequate to provide for the wants of millions who are dear inn...
...I, Mr...
...Thi amendment, it was reported, hai been presented in resolution fora in state legislatures, would be pushed in t h e Socialist press, ani may be one of the subjects fo: nation-wide debate m schools ani colleges next year...
...F P ) — Another attempt to...
...Join the Miners7 Fight...
...Connecticut will have a full time Drgaaiser this summer and one will work in Westchester County, N. ? , for "three weeks...
...Mooney Pardon Appeal To Be Argued June 29 F r a n k P. Walsh, volunteer a t torney for Tom Mooney...
...James H. Maurer...
...The committee adopted a motion t h a t it was t h e sense of the committee t h a t t h e p a r t y constitution should be amended so as to provide for annual dues of one dollar to the National Office of which 25 cents shall be s e t aside to send a monthly bulletin to all p a r t y members...
...A state executive of responsible men and women should be in charge of publicity and arrange for a huge rally at each state capital when the state program is presented to the legislature...
...So f a r members of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks have- n o t been affected...
...Now t h e miners are asking whether Ptnchef will move t o c a r r y ont t h a t policy...
...Scanty belongings of t h e Perkins family were turned upside down in the search that uncovered a small s t a c k of I . W. W. leaflets, according t o Bill Gibbs, miner, who said t h a t Perkins, himself and others Two And > Injunction Bills Await Signature of Self-Styled "Progressive Governor PA...
...The i n t e r e s t s of t h e boa— In [ v ^ ^ t a y proflu and of t h e workers in wages are I V^^^v opposite...
...They would erise from t h e psychology of defeat ka the greed of owners who would t r y t o g e t from t h e govK they now own fancy prices f o r a d e e d horse...
...During these periods, workers in the cities have been lacking bread...
...A BITTER WINTER AHEAD Within five months we will face another winter...
...Unorganised clerks have already been made t o t a k e 10 p e r cent cuts...
...will argue in support of Mooney's n ew application for an unconditional pardon before Gov...
...A Call To Action An Appeal to the Laboring Men and Women of the United States to Fight for the Relief the Nation's Rulers Have Denied Them TPO THE WORKING PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES: We are in the third year of an tnrinttritl breakdown without indications of a recovery this year...
...4) fancy m u s t give out of w o r k miners who cannot even orbed In a n overdeveloped industry unemployment help t o placa them i n other Unes, t h i s c a n o n l y be done when t h e people collectively f own coal a n d c a n p l a n for i t a a t h e y d o f o r a whole najajney...
...That also ^fcblic inquiry...
...If so, t h e y would not h a v e made the shrewd ••politician...
...Extract from Matt Woffi •fia» Story for t h e National Civic Federation...
...Within millions of bleak households women and children will lack food and clothing...
...That s o r t of pkusnhtg depends nauion and t h e r e i s nothing more Utopian t h a n t h e P r e s s 's ' constructive leadership which dodges this i s s ue plUURHNIIA SOCIALISTS t h e nation over owe e debt of thanks t o t h e socialjpasntatrraaj P a r t i n g t o n Hoopes a n d LUith Wilson, from l «or making t h e Legislature face facts a n d socialist solulh> socialists n ow a r e t r y i n g t o force Governor Pinchot to 1 «Ere sessioni of t h e Legislature to deal with unemploy•we power t o t h e m! •rails from Philadelphia comes news of one of t h e most ;n4 hopeful rank end file labor p a r t y movements in recent A s m is fine coop?ration between this movement a n d t h e P Puty...
...A great crisis will be here...
...National Party Bulle tic Authorized—Organizing S e c r e t a r y to Be Hired CV a Ssnlil I h r I n f e r C r r . ) -j-yTTSBURGH, Fa...
...3) I t must plan t he K ma A c t i o n of machinery w i t h a view t o shortening t he • dipana absorbing e x t r a workers i n o t h e r industries...
...Clarence Seeder, National Executive Secretary, Pittsburgh...
...Reading is already flushing t h e s t r e e t s of West Reading and supplying Ita water...
...The Northwestern is believed the f i r s t major western road t o p u t a wage cut into effect...
...A HEALTH CENTER has been established composed of t w o g r o u p s ; one w i n b e a staff of physicians, and t h e e t h e r of dentists, who h a v e agreed t o contribute their services free t o t h e ailing and under-nourished children and dependents of t he miners...
...J t s members* agreec t h a t t h e National Office is so bur dened w i t h work that one man giving his entire time to organization work is e see n t l s l to t a k e advantage of opportunities t h a t non face t h e American Socialist movement...
...In the period of 1921-1929 farm bankruptcies have averaged about 5,660 each year...
...No money will be spent on a n expensive office force, or on r e n t ; services will be furnished GRATUITOUSLY, on a volunteer basis...
...Lilith M. Wilson, Pennsylvania...
...A solidarity of urban and rural workers wift force concessions from the reluctant politicians who are permitting us to drift to ruin and disaster...
...A suggestion t h a t speakers util ixe some of the free advertising pictures, both silent and "talkies,' to point out Socialist principles was another point brought out ii Senior's report...
...r r \ H I S is a n u r g e n t appeal to seve courageous, human beings from • Jr starvation...
...One bill provides for a bearing in open court before a preliminary injunction la g r a n t ed, which may t h e n stand b a t for five days, end t r i a l with Jury before another Judge t h a n t h e .one issuing the writ on T + t r n pt charges...
...Gilford Pinchot...
...Jailer Leslie Ban produced t h e priaonerr ht a courtroom guarded by milit i a , gunmen and deputies, end t h e miners' lawyers filed affidavits supporting t h e i r motion t h a t Judge Jones Should vacato t h e bench The affidavits s e t f o r t h t h a t t he Judge h e d t a k e n t h e lead in the fight on the union, t h a t h e w a s • b i t t e r enemy of Cawood and h a d denounced him i n big advertisefor s h e r t t t j i n d Jones for^judje Bail Is Refused Miners in Harlan , . , Continu»* from r a g * O a c ) that he is heavily interested In mining properties, t h a t he appeared personally before the g r a n d jury to obtain indictments against t he miners and t h a t he travels with a bodyguard because he i s afraid of the miners as a result of h is actions on t h e bench...
...A. Levin of Socialist Reading Is Asked to Aid Neighbor (By A S«w Leader C e r r a s p u i d e a t) READING, Pa.—The borough of •Vest Reading h a s asked t h e So:ialist city government of Reading jo furnish it w i t h s a n i t a r y inspection service on t h e milk used in h a t borough, after an investigation of commercial chemists had :onvinced i t t h a t t h e Reading m u li cipal service would be b e t t e r a nd it smaller cost...
...Coal miners i n W e s t e r n Pennsylvania, Northern Bspkta and Southeastern Ohio a r e i n w h a t i s virtually e Bjgos «volt against starvation...
...H e cancelled his speech, drove all night to get back to Harlan, and blocked t h e w r i t t he next morning...
...It is a pity t h a t some of our C.P.L.A...
...2) pant «part a u t h o r i t y m u s t look forward t o t h e r e l a t i o n of » effldfK electrification of t h e country...
...The union will fight the wage cut...
...There is n o finer record than t h a t of t h e Socialist P a r t y and affiliated organizations during the miners strike of 1927, when over $100,000 was raised in • provisions and cash throughout t h e country-for t h e Western Pennsylvania district...
...Their standard of living is sinking Many will eventually drift into the breadlines...
...These people are STARVING NOW, TODAY...
...The farm mortgage debt has increased about eight billion dollars in the same period...
...Including ; their families over 20,000,000 human beings face want and destitution in oar cities...
...Judge Jones disregarded the motion t h a t he v a c a t e t h e b e n ch but passed on a motion which h ad not been made—a motion to set bond, which he overruled...
...These groups live on a scale just above destitution...
...A reasonable estimate of the number of workers on the farms and in industry who suffer acuto distress brings the tot?d at not loss than 26,000,000...
...Those powers were voted into their hands and we can vote them back into our hands...
...June 14th T i m e l y T o p i c s fy Noniraan Thooias ^ fer Sheep, Matto» f o r Woreee Hooves A p - j * a p f ^ P TO FRATERNIZE : n i e d the sheep a_od t i e wolves t o have a OSSaUaanlaa -^>#f to decide how t o h a v e b e t t e r pastures for t h e sheep *^0m for t h e wolve...
...Within twelve years the value of farms and their equipment has decreased from 78 billion dollars to 58 billion dollars...
...Daniel W. Hoan, Wisconsin...
...Never in our history bat there been such stupidity, such indifference, and such neglect in facing a terrible calamity...
...We urgently call upon the workers of the country to take speedy action...
...W. C Jones, J o e Cawood, Asa Cusick...
...telOAVtl, FACTORIES * T brief letter from a friend in N o r t h Carolina tells me ^ t thai ane man, citizen, a n d educator, who dares to think **for himself...
...2ty *** i t s o w n troubles in t h e m a t t e r of t h e professors *J«ir Jobs a t t h e Long Island University...
...To anticipate this crisis and attempt to meet it is the duty of every victim of our bankrupt economic and political system...
...The powers of government are in the hands of parties and politicians owned by capitalist interests...
...Congressman LaGuardia, whatever his p e r - •taev their principal spokesmen in behalf of t h e Brooklyn •Jioyees who w e r e thrown out of their Jobs...
...It is generally admitted t h a t , before the strike, t h e miners w e r e subsisting on s t a r v a t i o n wages even while t h e y went into t he d a r k p i t s two o r t h r e e days a week, always w i t h t h e i r lives a t s t a k e. Over twenty thousand miners, and t w o o r t h r e e times a s many more women a n d children, innocent victims, a r e n ow destitute...
...We cannot afford to let conditions drift to certain disaster...
...the other band there is n o conceivable w a y of Aamitng with ritbout iiiUmsaailliiii The P i t t s b u r g h Presa, commenting ally on a vigorous resolution of P i t t s b u r g h socialists f o r s o - Hoa of coal, says t h a t we ought t o h a v e s t a r t e d t h a t w a y b u t pose i t now is "reaching for t h e moon...
...Those living in company houses a r e being rapidly dispossessed, and have nowhere to lay their heads...
...Twenty thousand or more coal miners are o u t on s t r i k e in western Pennsylvania, in t h e Counties of Allegheny, Westmoreland, Washington, Greene and F a y e t t e . Every day t h e s t r i ke i s spreading...
...A responsible committee has been appointed t o handle the a d ministration and distribution of funds and supplies...
...The National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party calls upon its local organizations to seek the cooperation of labor and farmer organizations foe these ends...
...WORKERS MUST ORGANIZE THEIR FORCES These connais should survey local conditions, draft measures for relief, and present them to the cky administrations...
...That is n o t ' 8 5 build up t h e working class organization, both political that they t a l k about...
...Reporting XT an almost doubled circulation of Socialist literature, and a n in creased development of local lead ership within the party, as thi most heartening . a s p e c t s of thi p r e s e n t condition of American So rialtsm...
...Make your check payable to "MINERS RELIEF...
...Not less than 2,000,000 working farmers also face stark nervation...
...Daily hundreds of calls a r e coming from despairing towns and villages for aid...
...First, t h e governor had j u s t writ* ten a l e t t e r to t h e sheriffs of sheriffs of t h e five strike-ridden counties in which be had said t h at while he would suppress sB dieorder he intended to guarantee miners the right pea t e fully to picket and p a r a d e The s h e r i f fs had given their pledge ef cooperation on t h i s heals...
...This does not include the wage workers employed at part time and those whose wages have been cut...
...This was t h e second a t t e m p t to release t h e men on bau...
...It gives no reason So prove that it is "reaching for t h e moon...
...Other laborers have been told that their p a y will b e c u t t o 35 c e n t s an hour...
...The value oi Washington as a center of publicity Is obvious and a s Comrade Lewis is a resident of Washington, Morris Hillquit and J a m e s Oneal were authorized to confer with him regarding his availability and to report the results of t h e conference to t h e next meeting of the committee...
...3rt of t h e Brotherhood of P a i n t e r s , Decorators a nd -a Rockland County t o compel t h e government t o p a y ^2™h* construcUon in West Point t h e prevailing r a te V, : n '"hat seems t o be d i r e c t violation of l aw a nd WMstioa of t h e l e t t e r and s p i r i t of Hoover's advice to ' ^ ^ r a m e n t is now p a y i n g a t West Point the lowest National Cornmittee Makes Decision, Effective This Fall, at Pittsburgh Session SEXIOR REPORTS BIG PARTY SPUR...
...He was jailed on a charge of criminal syndicalism...
...Strong industriel unions a r e indispensible t o t he K a n e . Bat i t is wholly impossible for a n y union I n t h e coal Mi fee s a strong t h a t It c a n c u r e a sick Industry b y itself, pa a s n ay out b u t nationalization of c o s i Let's see w h a t kshoa requires...
...Dean Carl Taylor, lost h i s Job a t t h e N o r th 8 u t « College in Raleigh in v e r y much t h e s a m e w a y a nd J* ?e tame sort of absurd alleged reasons a s cost Herbert Jr?** Place In Ohio State University...
...The b e s t proof that t h e movement means someBWjg» Some of t h e hosiery strikers, with t h e approval of phla, are refusing t h e little favors t h a t old p a r t y politicians • txastanes do peifoi.ui for p i c k e t s when t h e y e r e arrested, h staying m Jail a n e x t r a d a y r a t h e r t h e n p u t t i n g them••hat to old p a r t y politicians who always demand a n e x - *W for little favors...
...When the lawyers tried t o appeal his decision on hearing the case to t h e Court of Appeals, they found the records only showed a motion for the fixing of bonds which he had credited to them...
...M e a t times e r e disposed t o criticize Socialists a s lacking y tane militancy, did n o t t a k e this Philadelphia point of * «ccount...
...If signed by him...
...Organizations of working farmers in their lespectwe localities should also formulate measures for relief...
...J a m e s Rolph, J r ., on J u n e 29...
...Joseph W. Sharts...
...Meanwhile petitions urging t h e release of both Mooney and Warren Billings continue to pour in on t h e governor from many p a r t a of t h a country...
...Second, and ' m o s t important, t h e r e a r e t w o anti-injunction bills on the governor's desk a t H a r r i s - burg which...
...BIMllilt and Literature Pointing out eke success - t he h a d been attained by F r a n k B Croaswaith In a three-month or ganizatlon tour, reoommendatloi was made t h a t another six-monti I be launched sor n ex year, v more definitely aimed a strengthening p a r t y locala P l a n s for propaganda on behal of a "Workers' R i g h t s " amendmen t o t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s Constitution which would give Congress broai powers t o pass social legislatioi without interference from the Su preme Court, were given...
...Tab writ was issued, returnable at 9 a. m t h e next day...
...The- rVfrwr*rir Narional Committer met lac* March imuwvwl ate jobless workers and hungry farmers, and decided to raise 16,000,000 for the Democratic campaign next year...
...Local Socialist and Labor organizations in every city must take measures against the impending disaster...
...Persons who h a v e been activ in the Socialist movement fo years, or persons entirely new ti t h e movement," Senior says, "an playing leading roles in t h e reviva of p a r t y organizations in variou, p a r t s of t h e country...
...Won a n d m a y b e soma of t h e r e s t of rjjBL...
...Long before t h a t if we h a v e n o t h a d intelligent i s we will have h a d m g e n e r a l bust-up and a s t a t e at hell : t a n any coal can m a k e 1 Puss's Idea of constructive leadership i s conference between • • . a n d operators...
...So the men s t a y in jail until the n e x t term of court, August 17, a t l e a st F r a n k Perkins, 45-year-old union miner, was a r r e s t e d when searching officers found a bundle of 1 W. W. l i t e r a t u r e In his home...
...The committee will be ready to provide the councils with a program adapted to the grave emergency...
...The funds will b e used t o purchase t h e necessities of life, and distrlbtion will be made b y t h e Committee DIRECTLY t o t h e miners, with no favo r i t i sm t o aayone...
...It would •at deal of good if Lewis a n d h i s g a n g hadn't come so n e ar Mar...
...Jones' stoolpigeons wired him...
...They should link up with the state councils and cooperate in determined action for A common program...
...T h* writ forbids union man to persuade miners to strike, as well a s denying peaceful picketing...
...u t . even if t h e union were strong, no conference asjtitude of operators could plan production or deal dress a t a t problems of sin i n d u s t r y in which about twice* t oo Ml mines h a v e been opened...
...A society of T. .J^^^ workers must own collectively the basic I P things t h a t i t needs t o m a k e pJaOfisg | ^ ^ ^ ^ — J effective...
...At t h e same time the railroad announced ,to the maintenance employes t h a t it will decree a similar cut for t h em June 21...
...Indnding their families, at least 6,000,000 tillers' of the soil endure distressing poverty...
...An Appeal to t h e Nation "THE MINERS RELIEF FUND," which is organized by t he Socialist P a r t y of Allegheny County is appealing not only to t he people of Western Pennsylvania, but to t h e people of t h e whole n a tion for relief...
...That might do e l i t t le good...
...Employment and weekly payrolls both dropped abruptly from April to I f i QK Massachusetts, the s t a t e labor department reports...
...3,000,000 FARMERS LEAVE THE SOIL A recent survey in New York City shows that the incomes of some working class famines have been cut in half within two years...
...In every state these dry councils of labor and Socialist bodies should arrange emergency state conferences to formulate measures for the state legislatures...
...Ton c a n n o t k e e p t h e profit sysI \ tern and a n d end e i t h e r cyclical or techI nological unemployment...
...This was n o t true, but t h e record made appeal impossible...
...New York...
...The company would cut t h e pay of section laborers t o a maximum of 3 8 cents a n hour from 41 cents...
...The unions in t h e field have no s t r i k e relief funds...
...J A N E TAIT, TREASURER", a nd send them, o r your supplies, t o Room 618 Lyceum Building, fill Perm Avenue, Pittsburgh, P a . The following a r a t h e Committee in charge :—Julius Weisberg, Chairman...
...These bills were drswn by Pinchot'a attorney g?nerait tion measures...
...Later this was reconsidered when t h e m a t t er of a p a r t y bulletin was u p for consideration...
...Other roads a r e expected t o a t t e m p t to follow suit...
...During the past fifteen years more than 3,000,000 farmers have' deserted the farms...
...Over six million worker* are unemployed...
...The need for action is so urgent that it must be taken before winter arrives...
...They must organize into permanent ronnnli for unrwipk pnfitnH relief...
...James Oneal...
...Morris Hillcjuit, National Chairman ; Meta Berger...
...Wont yon h e l p these courageous coal diggers a n d t h e i r families...
...There e r e even t o d a y n o insuperati» legal o r pracM n e s i n t h e w a y o f acquiring a f s i p a H i t a t i wwueislilp Hret America by t h e n a t i o n . The difficulties would be of II nak?ig...
...When he returned he found five of Sheriff Blair's men ransacking his homo...
...The principal cause of ft | m ? taut profit t a k i n g of t h e o w n e r s . Profits, 7 aa P i of essor Hayes of Ohio S t a t a UniverEaT V sity h a s pointed out, w e r e t h e nemesis of ^ f ^ j r prosperity...
...We appeal t o you, a s individual or organisation, to sand your contribution for a a much as yon c a n afford...
...Northwestern Slashes Wages Bv 10 Per Cent U n o r g a n i z e d Clerks First, Laborers Next, Is Program of Rail* CHICAGO—(FP)—The Chicago it Northwestern Railroad h a s begun wholesale wage cutting, following u p wholesale layoffs... prominent candidata among progressive Republicans for c a a d l i l sf for the presidency i n 1932...

Vol. 12 • January 1931 • No. 25

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