THE NEXT EMANCIPAT VII.-The First Emancipation This is the seventh installment of a nezi' booklet, "The Sext Eman iVu-tion" It has been published to sell at cost, lOc postpaid, hy ike .\cgro Labor...

...tion of the h^ of 1664 the 'As slavery wmA now consUUa^ M this rebelKo^lHyl alwav-s and 4Ji|M| tbe princiapEllil emmeot...
...Those other capacities are <onsidered as essential in the condua of war as bearing arms itself...
...No potentate, nor seer f»f worlds beyond, Was he, to preach content to misery...
...I fuUy realize the cost of estab-llahiag a daily paper...
...In the Statea where slavery ex-sted the Republican party admitted the "right of each State" to 30ld such slaves...
...rtaa jad.^^ aUd the •Crtaga d the adtiaa'a inimw^g* ¦ nrwaaM also latetfare with the iMMooal' ceartwt of theee mea...
...In the NMl| party did net m vote et that thi politically wlthHlti When th* Bap* reorganized thi i to suit Nortkatl Republicaa aiiii drew the feder^ m South and left tl| fate...
...Doea my idea aoond antk]uated...
...Tbe following patagtapb is ilkantaatoa the ieU er hattla thi eMS^ IWtt throat aad laiMa thta narttry...
...C<.urgc Station, Setv York City, or 265J Washinglon Bouletard, Chicago...
...Irishmen I do not care to tissoci...
...These iHi Republican StsM l^chigan...
...Hf had broadcast a rosy Utopia in 1928 and the following year the whole structure came rumbling about his head...
...But we have learned this oa^ aa... work by the aide of a man whom I detest 'What...
...Whoever and whatever my per...
...So we should have worked from within, organizing the rank and file, and getting a delegate from the rank and file...
...To this extent it has not kept its Socialism "unadulterated...
...In their own words, that is the spirit tatent -with which the ComMranftts can for unity and cooperation...
...This is a belated discovcty ba better late tlun never...
...He is qtialifylng as exacutlcmer ta some penitentiary...
...I feel certata that of the half mllli«i miners (perhaps mostly unenvioyed) not one per cent own radioa...
...I There is noticing wrong about a radical movement couchtag its meaning ta radical phrasM if the phrases are clear and precise...
...than using modem parliaments even though both have a majority of I non-Sodalist elemepts...
...Just visit the homes of workers in the vicmity of a mill or a mine and »ee how many radios you will nnd...^aaVprervad...
...Party Heads Laud Work of Mrs...
...So the railroad anarchs submitted to "regulation" and the anarchs in turn saw to it that men favorable to them became regulators...
...part-ttBie taduatrlal workoa...
...Hien let me daddate...
...They don't know what is the matter...
...In fact, wMla leaders in Con|n on tbe SouUmM Negro-suffrage : i State ConaUtaM i Ucan Statea *( Mtaneaota and ', refused to estsa 1 Negroee WkyT-I publican party « i Negro in tbe MM \ lltlcal contrd fsrl ; ism...
...Tbe dis-enaslao confirmed m* oaoe more in my <4>tnlim that a achool for waken ia the Bit, the amat latportant, thing that our labor meveatent needs at th* pcwcst tine 'While it U true tiiat eondttkm hare are different freai those of BiI rope, wHm* the go*«inmenta can ne Umger go ahead wttheut the partid! patkm of the wen erganlsad worfcii^ dasaes, we, ne doMbt, are goba tbroo^ a ptrlod v^aa the AmeileaB , p*(q^ ara feetttng aaabned team tti mmumsm experienced in techniques, commerce and other practical things to the extent that they lead the rest of tha world, are ignorantly lumping So- ' cialism...
...a result of our aiistake... iaereaaed aatertea...
...Blaine's investigation of the post office rental scandals, which have coat the government miUions...
...I believe that U would be far more worth whUe to have a dally, devoted primarily to edueatkm, t^ a powerful ratfio ata-tioa...
...I Post Office Excludes Communist Journal The IT...
...On May it Xxch Coleman, Tint Aasistaat Ipeatmaster General, iasued a circular letter to pos^aasters which forbade any promotions of employes in the service except those made mandatory by law...
...No law can compel one Nfegro to [ associate -with apother Negro if he i does not want to...
...It Is my un-dsratandtag that the Socialist Party U a party of tbe werkii« daaa: all ^Worker*, not only tbe skilled, tbe ta-tdlaetual, aad tbe salartod...
...Bi^K>p Manning has no objections to armaments and has the courage to say so...
...A separate book would be required to do it full justice...
...Thus the railroads have vegetated in a twilight zone between collective control and private ownership...
...There are some...
...As a "movement" expressive of the pep-pie's fundamental discontent with the capltaliat ^rstem the L L. P. considers Itself ultimately mvincible as long as it keeps its Socialism unadulterated, and as sucif a movement is not apt to be notorious for tact, it has a selfixh habit of framing its programs with scant regard for mere parties...
...As for reduction of employees, that also is difficult as Brown dU-covered last year when he ordered that no -vacancies be filled...
...Nothing of the kind... help CooUdge aad Hoover...
...I personally have aeriooa doubU as to the vahie of such a plan...
...Reading the opinions of both we favor cofiferring the degree of Doaor of Asininity upon members of the majority...
...We must prepare the rank and file to sBiash all of the Socialist youth ofgantaatlons and wta them over towards the Yotmg Commimist League and all of our mass or-ganizationa...
...Until mtm kutn OtOne aa «fM,ia« flomt...
...Repubtti "carpet banmn i Sonthem SUtagi ' Negro voters iB d But while tba^ extended tbe saftl in the South*fa| tected it vrith Mj Republican Stati^ excluded the l«e|i frage...
...We are also tacllned to thlnlt that our correspondent underestimates the number of radios possessed bj-workers.—Edtter, The New Leader...
...THE RADIO Editor, The New Leader: Reports indicate that the Socialist Party henceforth will stress the upbuilding of a radio sUtksn and the nae of radk> ta general as a means of spreadtag Socialist propaganda...
...Anna Ingerman...
...Practically every organizatiOE and institution associated ta some way -with the Socialist movement was reprcaented and the services were tha nwst impressive held over a departed comrade ta many years...
...Among my most intimate acquaintances are, Jews and Russians...
...the Gerpian section of the SociaUst Party, and Bertha H. Mailly, Camp T a m i m e n t. Other speakers also paid their tribute of affection to Comrade Inger-man About 500 friends attended the services...
...We hope that Wall Street will grant him a leave of absence...
...The 'United Front' Is Defined Last week, the Kew laadei carriad'a r^ort ot the Hear Toili •^mta rreat Ouuttriaflir tn Kati<^ li^aoth Tfor...
...Of course, not everyone agrees with their idea that a few reactions, usually the prelude to greater forward sweeps of the pendultun of progress are preferable to coalitions which cause cynical confusion in the mtads of the voters besides frequently vitiating the purity •f Socialistic idealism of the group itself...
...The FourtsaaM enacted to protafl or Immiaiitie* reduce the r^'JJJ i gress of aw* ¦•J chlsed wortoia i vote In an tt»J sonendmeat be*i^ law since ^1^1 party ha* nwwr_g duce tlie rapra^ Southern State g The ytfta^^j adopted in 1^*** right of dtla^J SUtes to vote M or abridged or any StaU : color, or P]*^B servitude...
...from mlaes...
...j The writer of this i>ookiet is of \ Irish extraction...
...That means, of eouiae, that so much ta 1 funds will be lost to the press...
...ate with on a basis of social equal- i ity...
...nbt Is the-aame Ar«di C<deama, oi IttimmpMM, -whoae aame baa beea coasjdcuous la Sea...
...or steel Idants...
...h^t manly men j Who, scorning worship, qitfik their heads erect Give voice to Tr%th and wield a fearless pen To honor him with homage and respect...
...They only know that capitalism is in a bad way...
...If a man is opposed to forced equality in human relationships he should be opposed to the wage system of robbery which often imposes an equaHty that is personally dista8lef-.ll...
...They are Nerv...
...Floral wreaths and clusters of flowers were also sUent tokens of the esteem in which Comrade Ingerman was held by her many friends and comrades...
...Jim Crow Laws Much more couid be said on this matter, but it is too big & subject to deal -with in this booklet...
...The contest between sodaliam and ta-dividualism may well come to a head sooner thaa any one has foreseen...
...Tbe Btagastne u bought for five oenta aad aella to the public for ten eenta...
...Five men eminently learned in the law and robed as justices of the supreme judicial tribimal of this country have denied citizenship to two applicants...
...choice on my part and on their: part...
...It was not « in the Stataa It was oppoeil of slavery ia|g heid in the algl the normal ei| territory of til ' that of freedesi to interfere i| Su.tes where Ri did not vnmt sM the Territoriai'5 ritories were at \ to the Uniea m'M Iican party wutM in as free StMCl Ani Thaa tMJ It was not mttm after several yMBj Republicaa futfi against siavety...
...fO^M never eaforrtdg while ths CfJflH it away^lafljIM Railroad Regulation "«a7HEN Joseph B. Eastman, member of tbe In-terstate Commerce Commissicm, aitidzes regulation as a solution of the railroad problem and suggests an advance beyond this to a form of semi-public ownership he challenges a saaed American dogma...
...yet cwaparatlvely few SocialisU are active ta the aelltag of the magazine laddcntany-maybe not sc incidentally—this ia a good way ts earn part ot a Uvtag whik no real Job is availalfle...
...After all, the imly ^ppre-eiabl* differenee to U>e wdika* is usually only the title, dont ywi think...
...8o who will our 'WEVD reach...
...Sergiua Ingerman, who died last week, were held in the Forward Buildtag on Friday of last week at 11 a. m. Algernon Lee of the Rand School of Social Science, presided at the ceremonies...
...We Sodalisu de not see pnapertty around the eor-nar...
...The soul of the Coolidgc-Hoover "individualism" has -wandered between the one and the other and has been mocked by both...
...The fourth ¦ lection admitted the "right of each ^ate to order and control ita own Jomestic institutions according to ts own judgment exclusively...
...I tiave some Negro friends of whom I am fond...
...Five Noble Judges "^^AT'E favor a new declaration of "inalienable rights" which will confirm the right of judges to be perfea asses...
...W« would regret to see the Socialist movement without s I radio...
...New York City, by the Commtinist League of Struggle, that it has been denied second class mailing rights...
...I think it is worth the price, even at a sacrifice of a larger and better radio station...
...It goes so far in its war against Mooey-bs^ and his kind as te say that the soldiefs fought for big business...
...Individualism" is like a jobless man imcntaia of his place in the scheme, of things but as a wanderer it has the blessing of Hoover and the official editorial police of capital-bm...* dimimoi ia PrtHamtt kami...
...Now it is clear to everyone what is wrong with our trade imions and what has to be done to enliven them and make them stronger ta order that they mayjjick up in accordance with surroundiag conditions...
...No prayers ascend, nor regittertd • mvi For puny hands the univtrse to sway: Pure reason asks no goit...
...The chief psychological item to bear ta mtad when you criticize an J. L. P. numlfesto Is the tact that whereas ta America "Socialist Party" ia the accepted term, the L I...
...We would have to consider the Jim Crow car...
...the various Russian Socialist organizaUon...
...At the same time they are encouraged to look hopf ully lo the future when changed conditions will make it possible to safely lift the ban against promotions and return to the old system of rewarding merit revolutionary movement in Russia in the days of Crarism...
...It even goes so far as to con-skier that any Socialist Party which needs a coalition with capitaUst parties to save it from extinction is better extinct, so clarifying the political atmosphere for the real struggle between ei^jitalism and a true people's movement, tested by reaction...
...If the city office of the party here were to advise the branches to take "maas aetk>n" in support of unemployment insurance it would be using a 'radical ^riirase but we doubt whether any branch would understand what kind of action was meant.-—Cditer, The New Leader...
...VlBi^^aaBaa^smmttgr^^yg of the I. L. P. program lo end vrlth the cheap sneer of "Radical phrases can never be a sulwtitute for a clear working class policy...
...They will approve most anything that does not interefere with the disease that brought its collapse...
...Regulation was resorted to in the eighties to divert anention from a growing sentiment for public ownership...
...j I am really proud of betag one of i the hundreds of enthusiastic students of the Rand School and glad to express my delight, ta the work of the Student Fellowship and in the high i spirit of the teaciiers and the administrative staff...
...the new Jogma that the Constitution, of its own force, carries slavery in1' to any or »ji the United 8tiM| this dogma as -< '.iticai heresy...
...It is my conviction that we will never speed up on this way except through the activities of a good workers' school, a school where you cannot merely study things in geiieral but where you can carefully study the things which a worker must know... you know, It seems rather odd to me to think of a Socialist body, sternly determined upon the replacement of capiUlism with its own system compromising and ooalescing with tbe monstrosity it seeks so ardently to destroy...
...But, as the demand of Senator La Follette tadicated, the poUUdans are certata 'to beset the government with tacreaslng insU-tence...
...Tbey agree that tbe money could be saved, by biereasiac the postage rates on secood-daaa mattor and l>y stop-ping the ship subsidy game, but they do not...
...On the other...
...The result has beear-w Eastman points out, "the present system of divided responsibility and dual control...
...The Republican platform of 1 I860 is very Interesting reading, rhe third section oppoaed "all ichemea of disunion...
...Others I cherish -with | deep affection...
...there is of compulsion in this ' matter of human association aomes from capitalist society today...
...THE NEXT EMANCIPAT VII.-The First Emancipation This is the seventh installment of a nezi' booklet, "The Sext Eman iVu-tion" It has been published to sell at cost, lOc postpaid, hy ike .\cgro Labor Sen'icc, P O. B-x (.16...
...and if the -working class can make and operate this marvelous wealth-producing machinery, they can also develop the ta-telligence to make themselves the Blasters of tliia machtaery and operate it, not to turn out millionaires, but to jwoduce wealth ta abundance for themsel-ves.—Eugene X. Debs...
...Moat of tbe 7^100.000 unempleyed are just auch workers...
...Secretary of Labor Doak ta deporting alien radicals to countries that mean death for them need not fear for a Job if Hoo-ver is defeated next year...
...Doughbag's War IT is more than a decade since the soldiers re-turned from the job of making the world "safe for democracy...
...The oath required of applicants, as Chief Justice Hughes points out, is the same as that administered to Federal office holders and it does noc contain a promise to bear arms...
...Richard Pohle...
...There are some white Americans whom I: despise...
...I do not believe that present or future economic condition* will permit the vast majority of American workers to enjoy the luxury of a radio, and I therefore doubt the advisability of spending huge sums in building up a radio statk)n that tain reach only a limited number and a special class of workers B. S. Washington...
...that the deficit oa the air mail service is near 913,000,000...
...It will help them to guard against sending their sons to another war for Mr...
...Picayune aaving, at the «9cpenae of the veteran poatolBce -workers, baa already beea started...
...j "It is believed... eUims, wttboot aaj erplMititm, «S8,e00.000 -WiU bave been Mved by June SO—ta awaJcemlng tbe akepti-eal bttereet of 00,000 employees of that depextment -In pri-vaU conversation tbey pronounce bia plan "a lot of booey...
...i this polkT' is not urged as a coni tlnuous one but for exceptional and critical situations of whlcb the party ta each country is to t)e the judge...
...Many of them volunteered in the service of the fat boys of capital and fimoce upon their return by breaking up meetings trf Socialists and others... choice and will always remsun such...
...Blaine baa declared that a large slice of the swag weat-lat<rthe campaign cheat of tbe O.O.P...
...A roll call of the railroads in that body would bring a response from many members...
...a Russian worker, was the last to speak in memory of Comrade Ingerman...
...TBK aANB SCHOOL Editor...
...The L. t D is ready to extoid creOt iqi to 50 magaztaes to any BoctaHat Party or Y. P. 6. L. ""¦•¦*tT aha wm ahow his or her card at IdlMr 'Ba^le...
...New Yark City...
...Qncens Village...
...Comrade Ingerman and her husband had for many years given devoted service to the Socialist movement ta tliis country and to the President Hoover, Wage-Sl "Economy" in Post Office Administration Toll From Workers By Laurence Todd WASHINGTON PRESIDENT HOOVER'S proposed magical "saving" Horn tte Wdi«t tM Po«t omoa Oq«rtauBt-of ivUiA...
...Ingerman FUNERAL services for the late Dr...
...If our paragraph regarding the League of Nations was "bewildering" to Comrade Elliot it is evidence that she is not aware of what tbe attitude of the IntematioiULl has been for years...
...He was ttajjl : ed from th* tom^ i Southern mairtar^ PapwW • Before th* «i Negro from the lican Conn 1 sua 1 States ratified, I Fourteenth and meets to the O*" tect the Negro asfl The Thirte*BttJg supposed to rtlg invol'jntary asrfW roes were sgala i Southern States J denture ayataial* ¦ ed whit* wotkaaw years in America... dlschsrged from huge textile, antcsaobile...
...wife of Dr...
...D. C. There ts room for difference oi opinion regarding this but it is certain that the radio is probably the most powerful instrument for forming opinlOTi today...
...I alwaya thought that Socialist asovementa were ta existence as the peog^s taatrttaent for fighting CBpltaHat governments and ta-amottoiM...
...For the worktag clasa its political action is to its industrial organization what the scaff(^ding la to the buildtag of a house...
...I must remain satisfied with dealing with the deepest prejudices of all—the prejudices associated with personal human relations between peoples of different races and pf the same races aad nationalities...
...Permanent armies have been establudied ostensibly to repulse foreigners, but ta reality to oppreaa citizens.—Rousseau...
...Four other men as eminently learned and members of the same body favored granting dtizenship to the two applicants...
...the theater, the hotel, amusements, and a h-indred other institutions around which cluster racial prejudices...
...they«3^| toesed up iM|H THE NEW LEADER MAIL-BAG THE I. L. P. PROGRAM Editor, The New Leader: It ^vaa .with taterest and surprise that I read your editorial m the issue of May 2 on the I. L. P. program...
...As thousands of -vacancies occur each y«ar, and failure to fill them means overwork for the rest of the force I Brown a^^^H lie wmo^^^H curtMlad'H^^l l<^»uad.'lM^^H I the coBaSB^H These ma^^^H of theb>^^|^H not be dii^^^l But the^^H Hoover aa^^H confab ttl^^H foimd a f^^^H from the ]^^H ; aroused Ba^^l defensive^^^H examine al^^H talyze tor^^^M I further sta^^^l the admiaiiX^H selves...
...aad if tUa aasomptfam la correct why tt k aet logieal for than to da tatamatlnnany what tlwy akn to do natJonaHy...
...I regret that ta a country with thirty million workers there are very few workers' schools and only one where problems are studied from the Socialist potat oi view...
...But the organized employees ta the Department do not expect to see^prown aad cut off any of thesftJtraas of below-cost services, or ask Ctmgress to do so...
...It has accepted the Socialist intetpretatioa of the war...
...There was no more surprised man than Hoover when the thing collapsed and ncAody was less surprised than the Socialist...
...If I may pidge by the expreaatcms beard at the recent meeting ot stttdenta for diacuaekm of the eonduct of the aehool I am aoie I espreaa tbe aenttment of all tbe sta-denta aa weU aa my own...'wffi be rw BHObeMdniat tta Tipaa driei^ mt It waa mabte to ee epecati wtth tile' Ouuiniuuiata, beeaaae ut their paat reend ta absdlar alEUra aad eapreeaed a beBeC that tatvtt-ing aie Soctaliala to partte^wU -waa not doae ta good fatOL la this cooaacttaa, it is of ta-tareat to read an article ta this week's Youag Worker -wiuat deads -with attempta made to iatmat Utc Chicago 'Xlpacla ta jotat activity, quotation follows: *^ot kaowii^ how to go about ta making a proper united front, due to taex-perteace, we have made a serious errw...
...expect Postmaster Oeneral Brown to permit any such perU to the administraUcm's poUtical machine to raise its head...
...The railroad corporations were arrogant thieves, looting the government, the farmers and shippers...
...When the I. L. P. framed that program Spanish conditions probably completely alippad their mlnda, though It is poasible that th*y consider a Socialist movament sUU needs to stand for Sodaliam aa much aaatast a Repd>llean as a monarchlal capitalism...
...Every cog in every wheel that revolves has been made by the worktag class, and is set and kept ta operation by the working class...
...No law can compel one: Irishman to associate with another Irishman tf he doea not want to...
...Each claims it and each disowns it...
...We see no more bad logic to ustag the league, to the extent we can...
...Some of the worst phases of the looting were checked in the interest of the railroads themselves, just as a physician advises a •glurton to restrain his appetite on the ground that otherwise he would commit suicide...
...The Stars and Strips, organ *of the veterans, un-dersan<ds~" something of what has happened...
...A paper has an unlimited sphere of distribution...
...unctiously, "the employees affected [will cheerfully accept this as their share of the burden now being borne by the great majority of their fellow citizens lx>th in and out of the government service...
...The New Leader: I wiah to expreas my gratitude to the Rand School staff and teachers lor their splendid work during the past winter...
...Here is a note of uncertainty and dread, fear that a "contest between Socialism and individualism" is just ahead, and a lame conclusion that it is fortunate we have a president "with the wisdom to judge economic faaors aright...
...She does not deny, what we affirmed, that the Belghin aad Austrian movements did wise to send representatives into the govenunent ministries at certain critical periods following the end of tbe World War and thus protected working class organiI ration against reaction...
...OoagaAaca eooM remain aafely at booae and eouat up Ua-preOU as they n^led t...
...The New York Herald Tribune tries to comfort all and sundry with this observauon: 'What Inisineas improvement or decltae lies ahead ta the months to come no man can predict...
...aosal associates and friends may [ be, they are a matter of free...
...By James Oneal THERE is another and ^^ore intimate sense in which tills fear of "social equality" is expressed...
...By colleaive ownership it will discharge the anarchs and give the individual a chance to live | without being gouged by glorified expoliters...
...Leo George, president of the Na-ticmal Federation of Post Ofllce Clerks, discusabig the post ofllce tntdget, said that the cost of handling seccmd-class maU ia now $70,-000,000 more than the amount paid by publishers for that service...
...Here Comrade Upavaloff...
...For instance, boy-cotttag tbe bnnerlallam-ridden League of ViMoml Ot u the league tater-natkmal gorenmaent Itself...
...Tet, as a waje worker, Ij may be compelled, in order to 1 hold my job...
...IN A NUTSHELL The worst is over and trade is gaining, declared Farrell of the U. S. Steel Corporation, and then he went to a good dinner juat to show that he is ta earnest...
...At the rate of tacreased sweating of postal workers the past two years we have no doubt that they will resOixe their happy goal and that some of the worker* will be able to find a breadltae...
...L. L Our correspondent does not consider our criticism that the I. L. P. had taken on a good cargo of sjmdi-calism...
...lite breach (Tipaela) tiect-ed deiegatea, but iaatead of electing rank aad file members, aiem-bers of the city contailttee were elected...
...that the steam railroads are paid ap...
...Legion dubs were aioied at out Sculls for saying the same thing years ago, but as this otpa observes, "this is another day...
...Tba vast ma}crity ot workera are poorly paid...
...a prattaaately fiS^OOO.OOO a year for carrying the mail on a space ba^ aa ooaipared with oaly half that aaaa fbr 27 per cant leas aer-vtoe hi MIL when prices and wagaa were higher than now...
...What is wrong with a confessedly radical movement couching a radical program in radical language, tatelllgible to all save a certain type of hair-spUtting politicians...
...Be careful, gentlemeB... loe« ak Mr...
...If we would have the raak and file definitely organized tato an oppositior group, we could use this group tc fight for a rank and file delegation to the coitference...
...How to get it on its feet is beyond their ken...
...P. refers to ita^ as tbe "L L. P. Movement"—which most people seem to thinly is a significant difference...
...S. Post Office department has just informed the "Class Struggle," published monthly at 212 East 8th street...
...Big business has its profits safely invested in gilt-^ge securities" so it has no further interest in the soldiers...
...Tbetaia^ara are urg*d to accega ^eae laatrut^Jaaa aad aot reoom-aiead proewitieBa whidi if received msm...
...They have betrayed themselves once mere as wreckers of working-class organizations and working-class unity, and every Socialist must be on guard against these treacherous tactics...
...It is feared that the emancipation of Negro and white workers would bring- abo-jt some inti- ¦ mate personal and social relations of the two races by force of law ] or legal comp-olsioa...
...asqrthtag aad ararythiaa waa promiaed...
...Yotir criticisms were, to say the least, provocative, but is it not a rule ta criticism to first imderstsind the mentality irhich produces that which you criticise...
...But it denied, n the seventh aectioti...
...Communism and ' an other isms ta one mess...
...WIU Craik...
...Then there is a deflat of $12,000,000 a yeau- due to free handling of county new^>aper8...
...And compare the amount of material which can be Inserted ta a paper with what can be delivered ta a hour radio addreas...
...Morris Hiilquit represented the Socialist Party: Abraham Cahan the Forward Association...
...Tb credit him with "wisdom to jud^ economic faaors aright" is absurd in face of the record...
...Philip Geliepter the Workmen's Circle...
...the Sodalist bogey man will get you if you don't watch out...
...i^peri couki be distributed at factory gates at a very small coat...
...There is a mistaken belief that the Republican party has always been the party of the Negro There were early Rep-ablicans who were sincere friends of the Negro, but the party as such used the Negro as a stepping stone to power Abraham Lincoln sincerely desifed the freedom of the Negroes, yet even Lincc^ would have been willing to let the So-jthem masters have their slaves if the South Bvould have ceased to make war j )n the North...
...A daily newspaper, on the other hand, could be aold at a few cenu a copy, a matter which a worker could well afford...
...Here are a man and a woman who served in the World War, the man seeing service at the front as a chaplain and the woman as a nurse...
...Both have scruples against bearing arms but are willing to serve in other capacities...
...Comrades Brailowsky, 'Viliatzer and Kalishnikass...
...Member Typegrapkical CnieB No...
...ous Nellies apprehensive of what is ahead...
...The Unemployed" published by the LeagBe for Industrial Democracy, haa developed a circulation of natkm-wlde proponions...
...THE UNKKPtOTED ! Editor, The New Leader: Many mentaers of the Socialist Party and the T. P. S. L. have beer, overlookli* an excellent opportunit> to spread effective propaganda on unemployment and unemplorment insurance...
...aarety not for tbeae minions A tlS to 125 a week, when employed cannot afford a radio...
...To five the Constitution means one thing and to four it means something else...
...Very likely the skilled well pakl (relatively) workers, the professionals, aad tlie tatellectu...
...Why it brc^e down they eitl»r do not know or pretend not to know...
...We sbould have understood that the leadership would not permit raak and file meBtbera to go as delegates, because they fear -tbe mHitaacy of the raiak and file, and also because they know that the raak and file could be won over, and they would see to it that the leadership themselves would be elected...
...Having used them for reactioa the money-bags now turn an indifferent eat to theib...
...Hcm'cvcr, we are glad that they are saying it now...
...ami oa ocean maU routes, $25,000,000...
...Only after the house has been built does the scaffolding become superfluous...
...Members of G)ngrcss, especially members of the Senate, wore the celiac of some railroad corporation...
...Hoover and the postal chiefs beUeve that the saving ta the postofflce department ta two years will amount to (53,000,000...
...a minority of the worktag class, aad already reached by our jnesa fairly adequately...
...It is true that "big business was growing abootmallf fat" during the war bur many of the soldiers would ooc let us say it ten years ago...
...tkat WoolA ^^"^ laaae...
...Socialism alone will give the wanderer a home...
...I must j say that this same sort of confusion is sometimes found in the ranks of the Socialist movement itself...
...It is all the more reassuring to know that ta such a period the nation possesses a President with the wisdom to judge economic factors aright and the coiu'age to act promptly and decisively on the side of Americanism...
...This order affected some 1,000 special clerks and robbed them of $100 a I year each...
...Your paragraph oa their attitude to the tttgae of Nations is rather—well —bewUderiag...
...We want to get rid of the militarist, not simply because he hurts and kills, but because he is an tatolerable thick-voiced blockhead who stands hec-tortag aad blustering ta our veay to achievement— H. G. Wells...^H i the 1932 Oi^^l now...
...World unity he asked, to strike the bond From shackled limbs and set the whole world free No fetish his, Of where sowte pagan kneels— // God there be, how can Ihe just ofendf Is Truth and Justice less than coward appeals For heaven, to a comrade and a friend f He bore the thorns, with lovd jmetin the thrall, Where idlers feasted midst iko toStr/ want, Abundomee seormmg wktr* 'two* nat for all, WUh reonn, foittt M courage aeae eonU doitnt...
...Nervous Nellies It is amusing to note the nervous disorders of the prosperity chorus...
...OhiOki j and Wisconshi...
...Remember, when the judgment's weak the prejudice is strong...
...jnuM safety deiMiun 1 plete extiqHftj of the repil^H i ab<riition of garded aa a 'toM With the afia Statea tha NeM : were given thaM were elected te ¦ I tures...
...We must at the present time prepare ourselves and make a united front with the rank and file of these organizations...
...3<3 *^ gtwet>jJiga^Cioity...
...A radio has tbe added disadvantage of a limited sphere of influence, say 300 miles from New Tork cnty...
...The fact is that the President does not have that wisdom and he is just as much scared, puzzled, and uncertain as the Herald Tribune...
...Coleman wrote...
...I refer, of course, to the Raad SchooL And what is worse is that this unique institution, after rendering ao much valuable assistance to the entire labor movement do«* not get sufficient reciprocal assistance from those organizations that sbould be interested in it...
...He hkwed Mr lardk...
...The mat- [ ter of intimate associates and companions is a matter of person...
...hand, if an Irishman chooses a ] Negro for a personal friend and '< both find each other's company • congenial, that is their affair and nobody else's...
...Karl Marx No worshippers in holy reverence bou\ Nor bend the knee where rests his honored clay...
...We hope that ta the next war Manntag will ha-ve the coiuage to man a machtae gun and we will support Us application for a place ta the firat Itae trenches... >aaie daya enf h|g hiHtnsBi mea i^aced their ^aat ia tha aMa a«o won the uaiform...
...The final services were held at the Fresh Pond cremator}-, where the remains were cremated...

Vol. 12 • May 1931 • No. 22

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