Rene Clair Grows In "Le Million"

Rene Clair Grows In "Le Million" The Stage The Movies Music The Week On The Stage By Joseph T. Shipley GOOD FILMING 'LE UILUON." Film by Rene Clair. At the Little Carnegie. ^ "ZiO IfUUon"...

...The story is oae of those swift Aamea about, that need no commentary: a poor lad loses the lottery ticket that ia worth a million florins, and a gang of thieves it is that helps (though for a time OBwittingly) to get it back...
...Lew Ayres in "lip for Murder,** a Newspaper Story, at the Globe Lew Ayres is sterred to Uni-veraal'a "Up For Murder," a romance of toe daUy press which ii toe attraction at toe Globe Theatre tois week...
...When Sid Grauman, the intrepid showman of the western coast, announced that he had bought the rights to "Once In A Lifetime," he was warned that he was committing hada-kiri, both physically and financially...
...Indeed, the exchange of con-men and the pleasant tanter of the various atars, is 034 of the acusmg elements of the evening...
...and several middle-westerners have written in asking for copies of newspaper criticisms and the programs used by the theatre...
...I The Soviet Five Tear Haa bracea a period from intaa and now, with the haU-ai^eai pasaed...
...Jack La Vier, "The Air Male...
...the thoughts sung ¦wbile the thinker is quieUy ab-aorised, the dancing dozen (almost) <tf thieves, shows imagmative quality rare in French films, and promislBg the work of one French director to equal the best fllm-men anywhere...
...As a reault of bis ctmtributlons of dato aad apecioaens to the London museum and zoo, -Dr...
...The desire to write lands him on toe staff aa a cub reporter...
...comea thia auOMHkar aion of IU acUevemeBtm In In a grai^c aad viiri|j|aiga "The Five Year Plan...
...Old Man Murphy" sets that stage of life in a mid-western city, against the rising importance of Charles Murfree, Pat Murphy's married sop...
...for father was imcouth and daughter must be refined...
...The otoers on toe bill are Harry Kahne, the oian wito ten brains...
...Daald Davenport of Caaada aad tlM ttolted Statea...
...Perftuuaeii la after wUl be twice daily ttS and 8:45, with aa addittaal|i f ormance on Saturdayi all a days...
...Davenport was made a Fellow of toe Zoological Sodety, over- IIS specimens of beast and fowl l>etog showa on toe acreen...
...Radaelli to Sing At Hippodrome Giuseppe Radaelli, rolnist tenor of the La Scale Opera Company of MUan, Italy, will headline the vaudeville program at the Hippodrome this week...
...ChleC in support of Miss Laadi are Lewis Stone and Paut Cavanagh aad John Garrick...
...and 'Phil Fyaker...
...bat this is not necessary...
...This old material is made entertaining largelju through the work of Maire O'Neill as the Widow Donovan, and of Arthur Sinclair as Old Man Murphy...
...Harris: "Sez you...
...a atory by Kate McLauria, adapted aad dialogued by Lyim Starliag...
...Sons of bricklayers became college presidents, or at ;BVorst politicians...
...does the honors, and later writes his impressions of the affair from a cub's standpoint...
...Wortoy and Thompson, syncopated darkies...
...Monta Bell directed...
...Sing a Little Jingle...
...I Tvu ready to vow that the fldrest chorus of damsels on Bt'oadway this season sings in the Gilbert and Sull^^n good-time-for-all, imtil I eaw thi bevy that dances behind the Crazy Quilt...
...In this case it is rather the ambition of the daughter-in-law that has hid the old man from social sight...
...Xiooia Neo-aiaa of Brussda...
...There have been many dramatic presentations of this old problem of the melting pot...
...Ia apito of the hardahlps that Dr...
...The opening picture was "Der Grosse Tenor," with tiie celebrated EmU Jannings in the title part...
...The show, which retains a few of the best features of its predecessor-"StricUy Unbearable," for instance, demonstrating the Mw amateur night—has been lightened a good deal...
...i Some interesting Facts ConcerrUng *Tabu,*NotD In Fourth Month at the Central Park Theatre With "Tabu," F. W. Mumau's' South Sea romance entering ita fourth successful month at Leo Brecher^s Central Park Tlfeatre, | some Intereating facta concerning the picture have come to light Although a aUent film, 'Tabu" has already enjoyed the longest nm of any picture now showing on Broadway with one exception, and to date more tljan 745,000 people have paid admissions to see it...
...The picture is an Erich Pommer production, directed by Hanns Schwarz and has met with tremendous success all over Europe due to the fact that for the firat time Jannings appears as his natural self—a gay, humorous, delightful Jannings, just as he appears to all who know him personally...
...Daveiqwrt toea had to eadure alone, he coattoued hia work .to the juag^e for five years, taking moti(m pictures of the to-teresting jungle Ufe, as well as conUnulng hia work of scientific rcKarch...
...However, here again this much touted "limited appeal" got in ita work and "Once In A Lifetime" played to packed houses for 12 weeks, to the financial and spiritual gratification of all concerned...
...daughters of washerwomen soaked their scanties in Lux...
...ZiO IfUUon" is not merely a SMre comic mood than Rene Clair's evUer film, "Sous les toiu de Parisit is a subUe, richer woiic e? camera skill...
...The PubUc Enemy*' Moves to the Hipp...
...The expe«tiea atarted ften Bel-glum to the Juaglea ef the Bdglaa Congo Iwaded by Dr...
...Sinclair, in particular captures the flavor of the "shanty Irish" to the full, and makes, of a trite theme well handled, a good entertainment 'Aluays Goodby^ No»^ At Fox Wktyn^Simgm Shmio BigtmA Timdy The Fox Brooklyn Thaatra la offering aa entertahuBSBt tU» week "Alwaya Goodbgr^ '«ai ita acreen...
...Said they: " 'Once In A Lifetime* Is a grand show, clever, satirical and aU that, but it's just a little too special for the average theatre-goer...
...PhQ Baker climbs several fioors to Ted Healy's dressing room, and at last remembers what h-'s come forto say to Ted "You're Lousy...
...The loyal movie fans with which Hollywood teems would certainly stay away en masse while those atars and movie executives who saw themselves caricatured in the play wotild undoubtedly go gunning for him...
...They'll never take to it Its appeal will be limited to the Broadway crowd...
...Prominent in the cast are Dorothy Peterson, Frank McHugh, PumeU B. Pratt, Kenneth Thompson and Frederick Burt...
...Ufa Cosmopolitan Opens WUh Emil . Jannings in "Der Gtosse Tenor The long awaited opening of the Ufa Cosmopolitan took place last night before an audience that was entirely comprised of the preas and other invited guests...
...Harris to the promptings of the better judgment of people "who know" that he Is even going to tempt fate further and attempt to tour "Once In A Lifetime" throughout that vastly illiterate, unsophisticated, and provincial portion of the United SUtes which lies west of Broadway...
...This is the -best of Jannings' performances, for Janningrs is made to feel at home—he speaks his own language and plays the life he lives in the atmosphere and surroundings of his own world...
...Alice and Sonny Lament, accompanied by their mother and dad...
...Vbangi,** Filmed in ^ I fhm Smmn 9f Aifritm, ; .Jlef?n« Rtmm Cmmm Late te ISM BdftaB eaidtd ddecf to aend a auiOeal m^toaam toto the Ooogo to aaa what eoold be d<me towarda the piwaaaHoa of yellow Ueme KoAi&oiiSa^ akkaaaa...
...Says Mr...
...I Found a MillioD Dollar Baby in a Five and Ten Cent Store" (the milUon being In love and kisses): Tn the Merry MosJi of Mayloe...
...WiU Aubrey, toe bard of toe byways and Victoria and Lor-enz, knockabout comics...
...The fact that the Central Park Theatre is the only playhouse in the world presenting "Tabu" has resulted in some odd requests to the management of the houae...
...Howard, Tine aad Howard wito Ted Macke and Ruthie (Soodwto...
...Fanehon Jk Mwco'a "Proapert^ Idea on the atage and Sam Jadi Kaufman tatertoping aa Maater of Ceremooiea aa weU aa Bob West singing at the organ aad Bddie Maglll CTomiag through hia U-huninated aieg^rtioae...
...Aaron SUters...
...and more, are llve'.y and ciever—not forgetting the ;ood bit of town satire Phii Baker <tfera in "Under the Clock at the Astor"— God's every blunder Somehow gets under The clock at the Astor HoteL Fannie Brice, especially in her flrat numbw, trades a bit on her reputation, but every minute of Ted Healy is lively and bright, and Phil Baker's kidding turns somtlie:- g:ice:_._ ::3.r.:'ri 3.zi :o.:t-tui cos:u.T..:s ari qu:cK"con:'e]y ¦ daor-js add ;o a »VJt ai.mnncr FATHERS AND SONS "OLD MAN MURPHY...
...The Band Wagen," Max Gor-don's new revue by George S. Kaufman and Howard Dieto, will ope nat the New Amsterdam Theatre on We<toesday night, June 3, instead of Juae 4, as previously announced...
...And when production went ahead, notwithstanding, and Moss Hart, coauthor of "Once In A Lifetime" was called out there to help atage the play and act the part of Lawrence Vail.^ there was further talk of bullet-proof vest and armored cars...
...Billy Rose's gi<^ are equally pul-ehritudinous...
...The picture waa named "Ubangi," meaning expediUon, and is now at toe RKO Cameo Theatre...
...but there are more of them, rnd there is more oft them...
...Street... rented eventog clotoes...
...Shortly after this calaaaity...
...ttr.'/i Trd I Italy, Fannie BrxiC...
...If you happen to observe Mr...
...Radaelli waa brought to this contry by Lew Leslie for the International Revue but due to the length of the ahow the opening night, the tenor did not appear...
...For thia picture Janniags' own home at St Wolfgang, where he owns one of the most beautiful estates, has been used, and shows Jannings enjoying farm life...
...Many of the crtUcs at the time said that the aiiort-lived revue would have fared better had Ra'lE'-Ui been put on Instead of the now forgotten Argentina...
...Once in a Lifetime,** Now at the PlymoiOh, Proven That Even Wtoay Wise Boys Often Err When, on Monday last...
...aad Dr...
...I remember when goats climbed Hogan's BluC, behind the Polo Grounds...
...At the Royale...
...Rctue siuicssnr to "Sneel and /.o...
...A number of the songs are quite the sort that the kind permission •f the copyright owners may broadcast through the coxmtry through the summer...
...However, judg-' ing by past performances, we are inclined to think that "Once In A Lifetime" will have to travel fiur-ther than the confines of the United States before it can definitely exhaust iU "limited ap-peal...
...A new farce'corned)/ by Patrick Kearney and Harry Wagstaff Cribble...
...For instance, many admirers of Mr...
...May 25, "Once In A Lifetime" moved to the Plymouth Theatre it oompleted a run of more than eight highly successful months at the Music Box Theatre...
...Alwajrs Goodbye...
...At the] 44...
...Also, the population of the entire village is used in certain scenes together with Austrian bands and choruses...
...since Broadway i« New York, often these have dealt with the Jews,—with whom religious changes complicate the generations' changing...
...S Every phase of Ruaata'ajpB velopment is revealed in "lS| Year Plan: Russia's ReH...
...Munau have written from (Sermany requesting photographs of Matahi and Reri, the native stars of the island epic: New Yorkers during the last two weeks have sought autographs of Reri, having 4ieard that she is in New York to appear in the new "Follies...
...By the device 0t thrusting two Englishmen into the picture, one asking, one ex-plslnlng what it's all about, a running summary is supplied for those that cannot grasp the French...
...Claire does not disdain valid older work, ^n the development of hia new wajices...
...Maua waa atdckea wito yeUow fever aad thad, leavlag the wo^ of <Adal lAotograitoer to Dr...
...Neumaa was gwed to deato by a wild ihto-oceroB...
...Jaoqaes Maaa of Antwerp...
...Tommy Harris & Danny Daniels...
...But really the audience should not applaud this ao loudly...
...Dodge Sisters Top Big Stage Program Besides "The PubUc Enemy," wlto James Cagney and Jean Harlow, direct from Ite sensational Broadway nm, the Hippodrome this week offers an exceptional eight-act vaudeville program, headed by toe Dodge Sisters, Beto and Bett, to a series of songs and steps set to the smartest frocks and fashione...
...Sam H. Harris, the producer, indulging in private chuckles these daya you will know that it is at the expense of a certain clique of self-appointed prophets generally | designated as "wise-guys" or "those in the know' who pronounced the early doom of "Once In A Life-1 time...
...The story concerns Robert Marshall, a helper in toe circulation department of a metropolitan daily...
...One of the chief famUy prolB-lems in this country, especially in the days when immigration was aflood, was the break between the generations...
...tmltMf making" deplete toe MSifa new Russia, ahowinf afi|M|^ agrarian country beiii U^H|| toto a land of gigantic it^H of auper power plants fl^H agricultural enterprtaes...
...It is in the litUe touches, however, that "Le Million" ebows Oair's /luallty...
...There are touches such aa the swift sweep over tJie house-tops, reminiscent of the work of other directors...
...At the v«y beglaalag the ex-pedltioB, Dr...
...According to the minor prophets "thejrTl never get It in the 'sUcks...
...So thoroughly Immune Is Mr...
...which briaga Elissa Laadl to the acreea for her secoad fihn role, ia trota...
...Danny Beck, "The boy who makes faces and beats it...
...The movement up the stairs...
...Thus far a "limited audience" of about 250,000 people has seen Hollywood and its "darling industry" trounced nightly on the stagb of the Music Box and liked it And the run of the play is by no means over yet...
...The pioneer, fresh from other lands, eager and vigorous, made his way in the new world...
...His children went to school and grew into other ways...
...and the Stmkist Beauties...
...Ita reference to the society editor as the most beautiful woman toere is toe beginning of a love "The Five Year Plan Russia's Remaking Begins Run at C An actual photegraphlc d ' of the vital chaagea aINM ' taking place to the BwtlittM today wUl be uaMMM.f^j Central Theatre, coanaaadh^fl day evening, May SKh, aMn presentation by toe AaUdMll poration of "The Fiva TaarJ||a Ruaaia'a Remaking," a MIJm feature film...
...Of course old Pat, for all the rugged bark of his exterior, has a heart of gold...
...With the general trend through out the country toward better business conditions, "Prosperity" Idea cites the fact through the medium of entertainment that "good times" are here, featured in this Idea are Lucille Page, "America's, foremost acrottatic danseuae...
...Genevieve Tobto haa the leading feminine role...
...The night of toe presidential inaugural everybody is assigned but Bob, when the society editor, the beautiful young mistress of toe publisher, demands of the city editor, an escort...
...I ebould like to sed him try,' in the development of hia comedy toward caricature, the possibilities of incorporating in the film incidental use of one of America" s greatest contrilmtions to film art, the comic cartoon...
...and it is Widow Dofflnovan's boy from "The Patch" who woos Pat's granddaughter to a better sense of values...
...The atory is accidentally banded to toe city editor, who likes it, and "runs" it to the next edition as a feature...

Vol. 12 • May 1931 • No. 22

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