Cop Who Beat Socialists Is Found Guilty

Cop Who Beat Socialists Is Found Guilty Detective Lichtblau Con-| ricted for Assaalting i Gross and Rifkin im Brooklyn at the N. T. C poUeo foraa, «ms found grullty Tuesday In Spado! Sessions....

...VIrgtala Norrla...
...and compaaloB...
...Tea caadidatea for the Seaata were nominated for the House of I$ele-gates, sad one for County Board of StQMrviaorB...
...Leoa Hoaser Land's addraM at the 8 o-dbck VUlowship Service at the weekly sMettag of the Breax Free FsUcwahlp, Aanze Xhaeale Teai^ un sostoii Mead, near ITtad rtraet...
...Tou speak of regulation...
...I admit that he ia ¦ strange mixture," Hoopea declared "I3ja Sociahst Party, my Party doea not believe ia pubUc r^nla-tion of private utIUties...
...Aaaabel Ricka, Richard Ik Johaaoa, aad J. P. Rice, waa elected to draft a platform, to make plaaa for the orgaalaatioa aad political caasipaigss, aad to study the poaslhtUtlaa of launching a at*ta or Southern propaganda paper...
...Cheaterfleld and Powbattan...
...New Tork attorney, fonaer candidate for Governs (N...
...a total of n aalaara have beea used ta the coal mtafK ta the same period laat ° year the deatha were 738...
...We also take thla oocaalaB ta express our deep aympathy with Comrade Michael Zametkis ta the kMs of hla davoted wife, oemrada...
...Comrade M^^h...
...More thaa ^ghty saea.aad woaMn were preaent the larg^ attendance stace these affairs were started a year ago...
...House Hoopes Attacks Attempt To Confuse Pinchot With Socialists By Arthur G. McDowell HARRISBLTIG, Pa.—The Pena-ayhrania house has paased tha two aiitl-in}unetlon bills sp(m-sored by labor forces...
...To do what...
...Max Xjuwvet...
...I am told...
...The attempt at regalatioi ia a ttSbm as any inspeetlon of the enonBOoa record of the Investlgathig earn-sattee of your own Houae da-clarea...
...BtA whoever beUflvaitl emphatic rebuff of t)rtMi(|i emment would coaftffii jb tags of IU BagUsh MMria eatioiates the c^adlifl|g| the human heart parOaHJ capacity fbr love of tha Tor this answer la being tha first of Its klni|i tuaately the ooagratuljiji drass of the lad^endadl Party wlU probably aUe 1 the last maaifeatatoa «fl style...
...8th DUtrict Cyrus Hoteh-kiss...
...Wafhiatlwiia Made The Committee ratified a number of local amnlaatioaa for the LeglsUture...
...aad ewmectlpaa In 45 other clUes where branches will probably be estaUiahed within the coming year, were reported to the second annual convention of the League for Independent Political Action by Execu-Uve Secretary Howard T. WU-Uaaa...
...For House gf JMefataa: aty of Richmond...
...The Social ownership of these limnsaae monopolies is tha only nmrae that can finally serve the common man's ia-terast and for thla courae the So-cialiat Party ataada...
...Asaherat County, Dr...
...Ttt "eatlnS class" of Russia is eoi^H meditate over the aoeeiiia Flve-Y ear-Plan is sllaneiS not permitted to reply to % gratulatory addresi ef fie peadcBt lAbor Party...
...But the optaioD of tki I govemntent about tbt of seatlmeat of its BaiM porters haa already beaa m/k He ta the "Pravda" of Tlie Soviet goremmnt M that the Xadepesdeat taka ference "haa at.^'lklsgly le atrated the treachery s{ Oil ^era of this piU&lde p«tf.> dIroeU IU Engllab afMli vote thamaetvas "vtt mi aaergy" to the "ubmBu' this trsadiary...
...SSth Distriot John J. Kafka...
...She and her husbaad...
...Our laU comrade lived tato the ripe yeara of aodal dumge aad advanced age fouad hw worktag for the cause inspired by the spirit of eternal youth...
...jfonner moxiber of Branch Jamaica of the SodaUat Party, herewith axpreea their l>rafouad sorrow that aba wUl ao laager ahare with us the struggle for a Sodal-Ut World...
...8 West 18th street CSielaea 2148...
...Power control, aodal Insurance, andragriculture were discussed on the Bumiing of the aecoad day by Joha Bauer, I. M. Rubinow aad Benaon T. Laadls, respectively...
...In a House debate on the subject May 20th...
...The people aa a whole, of course...
...constantly shifting credit poUclea on the part of our central banks...
...Louis Waldnuia...
...Regulation baa gone on steatBly and ao has tha ataady rotobeiy of the people...
...eth, DIatrictS W. F. Bllliags...
...Eleanor Q. Colt of the AfiUiated Summer Schools for Womaa Workm, and Oswald Gar-riaoa ViDard...
...laght mem-hen tttf*** Hm ooBunlttee adopted a State constitution, discussed tha platform, aad made plans for the Summer orgaaiaa-Uoa drive and tha campaign...
...that attorney, aaaoeUted with the Amalaganatad Bank...
...Mo-Alister Ojleman, writer...
...Griacom and Company, author of "America's Stake Abroad...
...Attacktag Congress aad the Hoover admlalstratloB «or faUiag to live up to ita pledge to put agri-oulture OB a parity with tsdiMtry, the ooBvenUoB pointed out the seed of a land survay...
...reduetloa ef freight ratea, asd aids te ooopera-Uva aiarketing, credit and purefaaa-lag agencies...
...By tiie commoa lot of the people of course...
...10th District J- M. Meat...
...aulr-BUB ttt HopeweU waa aominated...
...Paul Blanshard, Executive Director of the City AfTaira Committee...
...SUtlag that "it ia the duty of every dvQIsed goverament to guar-aatee either a Job or a n'"'mviT« of existence to aU those willing to do their share of the nation's work," the cosventlos called for a' apedal sessios of Congress to provide adequate relief for the tm-smployed aad droug^it sufferers aad to develop a real public works program...
...It condemned the waste, untimelineaa, and obvious propagaada puipoee of the aii demonstrations...
...Also, a "atiaear (Sommittee" of 100 wUl be organized to |ielp the campaign in the Ckqutiea...
...anith Bird...
...April CiMriBnl WASHINOTON — m*) — deau la coal^ asiaaa ta tte Vmtad Statea ta April coat Oia Uvea of lis wwkers, aiooordiag to the Bu-sBda of iemmt mmaoMxy...
...Socialists Name Ticket, Plan Campaign Party Clears Deck for Most Extensive Fight in History of State (Bt a K«w TmSm CiMMaieiiat) RICHMOND, Va^The aaw sute Execotlve Committee i of the So^Bat Party la K>pe-weOla a -day aeario^ laa^ Sat-tirday aad Siadagr...
...David G. (George, acting State Seeretary^ was elected to a foil tan aa State Secretary...
...Nkholsa Kelly, New York attorney, former Assistant Secretary, U. S. Treaa-ury...
...We f eti keenly the va-oant aeat at thia gathertag of frteada aad ooaaradea toalght Comrade Kametkin was aa iaaplr-atioB to all who knew her...
...Vladimir D. Kazekevlch of the National Bureau of EcoaMnie Reaearch...
...lUa Ooaualttae will rqplort back to ths Ceatral Committee la Jlilyv At that time further aom-iaatioaa will alao he nude...
...Willard Thorp, Profeeor of Economics, Amherst College, author of "Business Annals," aad E. E. Agger, Professor of Economics at Rutgers College, author of "Organised Banking," wiQ speak at thla session...
...Ia paytag our tribuU of affae-tloa to Comrade ZaoMtkta we herewith reeolve to so serve tha great oauae whioh riM loved that we wffl be worthy of that confidence which she reposed ta those with whom she worked...
...A Diatrict Offlce and library have been opened...
...Bvaaa Clark... of "Inveatmsat Truata Ooaa Wroag...
...Ellxabeth U Otey...
...Gross, a former student of Brooklyn aty College, waa arreated at the Socialist Party headquarters, 55 Snyder aveniie, by LichtUaa for distributing Socialist pamph-leU in front of Erasmus Hall Hlg^ School, Flatbush and Church avenues...
...Max Winkler, of Bertron...
...Whaa others doubted, she affirmed, ftrm aa the rocks ta her convietloBs, she carried our red baaaar tb her Jouroesr'a end...
...Harry W. lAidler urged the League to back the Socialist Party ta the 1932 elections...
...Dortar tiM ant Jbw.BMOtha of 1831...
...The case la on M>paal...
...Forest Park, Pennsylvania, from Thursday, June 25th,* to Sunday, June 28th...
...ResMva-tlona are Umltad' iCad it lb therefore adviaable reservations !)« made at once wdth the Kcw York office of the Unity Hoaae...
...Four character wlt-nassM also tesUfled for him...
...The Mart^ rate was 8.00 deaths, aad the rate for A^rU last year waa 4.01...
...Deniea Governor a SortaHat "I deny that the Govenim- ia a Socialist...
...1» years old, of SS Verlnia Hace and Jesse Groaa...
...Lionel D Edie, Mithor of "Economies—Pria-eiplea and Problems...
...12th District, P. D. Norrla...
...Lynchburg City...
...Tboaa tatereated ta ae-curtag the program of the conference abould i4>ply Immediately to the lieague for Industrial Democracy, 112 Bast 19th street New Tork City, Alg<»quta 4-5805...
...In arranging this . program, the League-for Industrial ]>aa&ocracy aanotmces: "Owt 1,300 baaka faUad i&.X980i "Hie paat few yeara have witneaaed marked coocentti^iOB of gold asd allver la the world money centers...
...The coauaittee decided to employ J. P. Rke...
...The coaferMce wiU begta oa Thuraday evening, June 25th, and win deal with the quesUon, "Should the Gold Standard be Retataed...
...Soviet dH Rebuff 8|H ForGi3 British Soddfa^H ^*Treachero«p9 ""Pitiable fSm Pravda Priiiti j3 BaSLZN.—tha a. (HH maa IsformaUoc a^l^H Rusrdan Social DcawitSH Pa...
...aad itaelf acmUaated a number cf caadWataa ta distrlcta where there are ao locals...
...TPhe Socialist Party does not believe in regulation becauae kng experience alone has shown that the public regulation of private utlUttaa la a TimUTT...
...The foUowlag are the caadirtatsa, For State Seaate: Oty of Richmhad (38 DUtrletl: Harmaa R. Aaa^ aad Jtx...
...David O. George...
...Nonaaa Thomaa and Paai Blaairiutrd...
...aoth District Rav...
...In Stroudsburg, the prellm-Umlnary writ being lisUted to flvo final decision of the court after two months...
...Thomas WUl PreeMe Norman Thomas, Executive IM-rector of the L. L D., will act aa chairman of the various aeaaloaa...
...80th Diatrict Mrs...
...Who pays for the cooaael to tha utilities...
...Two Anti-Injunction Bills Passed In Penn...
...hearing in open court with wltnesaea Being required and the conttauanea of tha pra-Mmiary writ being BnUted to five days...
...Rifkta, who, with Groaa...
...23, of 108 East Niaety-flfth alreet, both of Brooklyn and both members of the Young People's Socialist League...
...For the Hottae of Dele-gatea from the Diatrict coapoaed of the City of Hopewell, and the Oountlea of Priace George aad Sony, David' A: Oeorge waa aom-taiafted...
...I* Johnaos---' Vleteriaa Expeeted Sodaliats expect to-win several seats In the L«glalature and to elect Richard Johaaon to the Ooua-ty Board...
...Why the people through their rates, of course...
...Miss Sarah WaaaerstaiB aad Mra...
...In endorsing the partioipaUon of the United SUtea In the disarmament conferesca of 1933, the league-urged the acceptance of the method of budgeting Umitation, and the reduction of expenditures for mUitary purposes by JO per «ent aadi year...
...formerly with the Reparation Commission ta Paris...
...m ««le* Uco U our aflUettea...
...A cure is pn^wsed, a People's CounseL To be paid by ^om...
...Willard Thorp, Profeaaor of Bcon<aBies...
...Uehtblau denied striking either of the youths and was mq^rtad by several poUce <rfBcers prssaat at ths time...
...The Grundy macUna raiaad ao determlnad op-poBlUon...
...Celaton Wame, Profeaaw of Economics, Assherst CoUege...
...A meeting of the State Central CoBsmlttee wUl be held In Rlch-moad...
...Comrades Praise Mrs...
...What *rkMed cmr, bat mm* aeMt ^"Zy^Ji^TJt *^ apprere M with a teat—fhakaapsaaa...
...June aad, at «J0 P. M. The lectare-ia to Spee^ Trais aunteiwd For IM<7 HooM GneM Itoaae ts stin avaiBtiMe on the ^hartmd tinia that is to t^ir« g«wsta of the XTaity Honae who are aaxtooa to Saave Friday ywdaff for tha T>aooc»tloa Day , weak-ead...
...Tha Causae] of the utilities...
...during the 1008 campaign...
...The Loci^ baa taken a large baU over the Mareelle Theatre ob Broadway and is conducting vari-ooa affairs...
...Anthracite mlnea ta Pasuylvania killed 7.19 men per mintpa tons mlaed—a had rata eoo^ared with thahlaod Aad ialiiMih thia ye«r er haJkpA taat yanr...
...Hoopea at once took up the cudgel rising to declare, that he wished ia view of atatementa auule ia the ^oae aad Senate, to pubilely rm to dafend the clear prognm tuA good naioe of the Party ha represented...
...Bany A. Ovaratreet wOl be the topic of Rev...
...Hart^d G. Moulton...
...UvAwd at Tk« Gnmp I Otgr ASain Oammae wlB «9ak i «r •Vaakatewiaf BIgh aad Un^ ia tB« ^Atttflitam...
...Henrico Oooaty, Whutoa F. DawBon...
...George aad Surry...
...Whom la the People's Coonacl to oppose...
...For the Stata Seaate Is the DIatrtet compriaiag the aty of HopeweU aad ttie eouatiea of PHaee Geoifa...
...early In July, when the plat-fonn will he mSopttA...
...rraalt Murphy, mayor of Detroit...
...X very aettva caaipalgB ia piaaaad, aad the membership ij coaftdeat of yiotory...
...To urge the people's caae before the Public Service Commlsaioa...
...He was found guilty on two separate chatgea brought by Bernard...
...No barrier was too high for Oonrada, Zametkta to •nimouat Whaa oth« ers faltered, she moved ea...
...carries aa tatieiSB of tha receptioa ghwWfB gratalatocy tdagraa y9 Britiah Independent lS3 to the Soviet GevernHiMjl buff toy the BoWievte|iS| auaL It is a cimrae t^td eraSy f oUowed in di^^ aoB-Bolahevik —n—tltawjj ( Tte atory appean •^M haadtag of "Unrequittad li3 ia follows: 'Tt win be remembamal recent conference of tte3 d^t Xiabor Party of drisaaed a congratulatotylfl to the "Soviet govenuuita the entire working din gM 8. R-," ta whlcb it -irM gratification of the Ib(h| Labor Party at the "meaiifl tofora achieved hi tha igM of the Flve-Tear^Plan...
...the fl|^tiag Secretary of I/oeal HopeweU, aa organizer, bagtaaiag la July, and to aak tha National Office to aaalgn ' two votoateer 'orfaalscra to the State la Juty...
...Darlington Hoopes, Socialist member of the PesaaylTaala Honae of ReprasanUUves has checked an attempt to aaaociate the name of th« StKdalist Party with reformist proposals of Oor-emor Pinchot, on the matter of the r^roUtlon of public uUllttaa...
...One sad feature of the gathering waa the absence of Adella Keaa Zametkta who died last week, the speakers were Barnet Wolff...
...Xknnui L. AnaeU...
...Mlaa Ikmloe M. Johnaon...
...on Sua-day eraali^r...
...lliaae robber, fee mmcXbag barons ot privilege of modem times, now actually desire regulaUon to save them from their own fanlta aad Bias, for they are war oertaia that aa far aa regulation ia the latw-eat of tiia maaa of peoi^ la coa-cemed they aeed have ao fears, It is impossible...
...BBOmC raXB FEULOWtHIP "Tba Badurlag Ouest—a Search tor a raieapphy of I4fe," a atu*' of the reeeat hook by Prof...
...Praeidant tha Brookings InsUtutloa...
...SociaUata attmdad « hMpMog dtaaer laat Sunday night ta the Royal Restaurant m Ja^aaiea avaaua...
...Rifkin, it waa charged, interfered with the arrest...
...What is the Matter With Our Banking System...
...The week-ead, which wffl be fal k>f activity, wIH wind op with a gala ooMett <» Saturday evealag, wUdi wm he headed by lieoB Katroir...
...28th I>iatrlct Andrew & Leitch...
...waa represented by Charles Solomon, forraer Socialist Assemblyman, was found guilty April 7 on the disorderly c<8iduct charge and paid a fine of $50...
...The cry waa first raised in a Senate debate on the 18th, In which the Governor's foes in that body charged him with be^Jg "the catjvaw of the Socialist" The cry was taken up in the House during a debate on a proposal hypo-criUcaUy made by utiUty for^s to estabuah a "Paoplaa Counati" to argue tha peopla'a (consumara) case before the Pennsylvania Pul>-Uc Service Conunisaloa...
...The Lo-bal Bieets every Tueaday night aad every Friday alj^t a uueuasioii taroup meets, to read, study, ques-ttoB aad debate Socialism...
...We who survive her marveled at her tatenslty, her never faltering idealiam, her eagerness for work ta the aioveafteat her radlaat eathiisiaam, aad her unshakea eoofldeaoe ta the ultimate triumph of the oauae of the laboring milUona of the world...
...Socialization of Banking Here and Abroad...
...The Democratic politioiana ahow maay aigas of behiig badly acared-Many non-Socialists freely predict a Socialist victory, whUe the Socialists ara absohitaly confident Already it seeau cgrtahj that the Rfpublicana wiQ fuse wttfa the Donoerats...
...Surry, Soaaex, aad Oreeaavffle, W. T. lUItBCS...
...Both the young Sodallsta were taken to the Snyder avenue police station nearby, where, they subaa-quently charged, Detective Lichtblau kicked and beat both...
...Director of Tha Tweatleth (3aatury Fuad, autbM: «t "Tlaaa-elBg the Omswmse...
...Aa la fbnaer yeers, the Sator-day evening aeaalon wiu be divided betweea addresses aad an L. L D aUt eatertatsmmt and danclog...
...Dewey Group Membership Is Now 6,000 Second Conventioii Mec«s in N. Y. C— Laidler Ui^es Support of Socialists AMEMBERSHIP of about 6,000 local branches to the number of 40 with five State braachea...
...Tha Houae wOl be o^ for the month ef Juae aad wlU he host to the Agbth Stadaats* OaoCareaM ef the T. M. aad T. W. C A., Wfaleh will have aoMug tta jg;>eak-era Rdah<dd Melboar, Sherwood Eddy, Randolph PhlUpa...
...Before such reorganisation If possible, there must be a thorough understaadiag of the iaaues ta-volved...
...Tlie bllla provida fOr oamfKSamj Jury trial in conto^ caaea growing out of a labor injunction with the reUrement of the issuing judge from the case upon prtltton and prohibiting the iasue of a preUm-inary writ upon mere application of an empk>yer...
...John T. Flynn...
...For the Board of Supervlaora ia Bermuda District of taieaterfleld County...
...Want Speetal Hiaslna Reaotntioas ware adopted de-oouadog tha tariff, eaUlag for ratification of tha worid court protocol with the optional danse aad reeom-meadiag aa lateraatic^ coafai^ aate for tha reduotloa of war debts and reparations...
...Banking, Credit Will Be Topic At L. I. D. Meet Tamiment Conference Program Announced —Prominent Speakers Listed "-nAllKING, CreAt and ^imM Jj naaalag- Is tba' subjcet <m for that JUae OoaSareace of the XiOBCue for ladostrlaL Demoeaacy to ha h«d Ots year at Camp 'HaA-meat...
...Gsran C9ian4 Pr<rfaasor of Economics...
...Our atrongeat districts are those being eooteatad by W. F. BllUaga for the Stata Senate, and by David G. (Seorge, Dr...
...uftw lack of statesmanship ta the handling of tatema-tional debts, reparations and tariffs, aad one of the worst world depreaaiona of the last generation...
...entire worktag class R." thinks about the t«nw| sure aad the life of baaf«r|fl it Is subjected, hu lo fu w aiade public...
...Hla ecpariaaoa is that he aad Adella Keaa Sa-ntatkta for awre tbaa for^ yaaia were privilefad to *ac« «aeh oOip vCm idtUa aad wotk Ja tta CTeat» aat eanaa «f aa ttaaa...
...a member <a tha Po-Bce Department four yeara, faces an ind^tarminate penitentiary sen-tenc3 as ths result of the decision bv Justices Thomaa J. Nolan, Hy-noa Rayflcl and Darnel A. Diren-so...
...Ohia was a death rate of 3.31 per million tona of «>al mtaed...
...At the luadt meeting, Kirby Page, outgoing chairman of the league's executive committee, and Katharine Deveretix Blake spoke on dia-amument and international relations...
...boptag to defeat tha bBta in the aanata...
...the grcat haalaib wffl aot ehltt«Kte tha aeaBMR «C Adtila Keaa *«-t^*^ wte waa aa taapiratUm to her oomradea aad frieada...
...Groaa waa acquitted at the nme time bafora Magistrate Sylvester Sabbatlao ia the Seventh District Court...
...E. Sibiar koffsky and Eunice M. J(flmsan, for tha lower Houae...
...We have had regulation in Pennsylvania, for more than a generation, aad there ia the record...
...other sesaiona will be as foUowa: "Should We Try to SUbilize Price Levels...
...Paul Blanshard, executive director of the City Affairs Committee...
...fluctuations in price levels...
...Patna Uteivwtdty, India...
...Mv^a^ At Um Biaa oMIotit Oyea^ftaUB...
...TTie Need for a Planned Economy...
...Beth eaadidataa are waU kaows aad good speakers...
...Emil Slbiakoffaky...
...Hoperwall, Pr...
...The speakera at these varioua meetings will include I>r...
...To date we have 19 caadidatea for PubUc Offlce la the State: Ht^ewell Socialists aominated a strong ticket to contest the beiat-organlxed legwauvt DistricU la Virginia...
...Ao w. asth iatreet Tueaday Bvenjag...
...These and other events caU attention to the need for the rsorgan-laatlon of our moaay, credit and banktag structure and for ccm-structive social planning...
...Amherst CoUege...
...Vlfco pays the Public Service Oom-missioa...
...Us ta* ««r looa: hai thae...
...Zametkin's Work for Party TiKBlArrnT York...
...had for more than forty years ahared the Joys and hardships of the Soclsllst strugi^e for a liberated humanity.* They Bved tatensely ta that struggle aad many thouaanda of recruits to It were gained by their devoted service...
...T.), SociaUst Party...
...A auh-OomfUttee, Henaaa R. Aaaell, State Ohalnaaa, Stata Secretary George, Mra...
...iCcAJiatv Oalma'Mia ^eak e» Xawe sad dSkum e( fiamUHw...
...Guy Greer, contributor to "The Outlook...
...fluaooa Raaaiaa folk atager, and with a special baaqm* es teaday aftanewa...
...Julia Morgaa Jones...
...Ramanticism Is a Uri diieaaatand la eur^e adjrl temal Msiadlea, L «¦• na ni^Uad hy tha dovelopmtal daaa atninlM ^ aad by the aucceaa of ai| Biovemeat of tha EcgUa i tariat" _J...
...Brooldyn, of aasault-big two young Socialists after arresting them on a disorderly coo-duct charge March tU He was continued hi $200 bail for sentence Friday...
...editor of The Nation, spoke at the dinner on the opening day, which was attended by over SOO dalegatea...
...An Executive Coauaittee of 15 was elected, and a Campaign Committee of 25 ia being formed...
...Xsait Waaaersteta...
...William Dammar, Samuel Friedman, and Jamas OneaL John D. Giavea was toastmsster...
...It ii the utflltlea that have regulated Government aad the people, aot people through their govenuneat the utlUUea...
...A Rilla-delphia member In attacUag the OovaiBor, quoted Chief Justice Taft aa declaring Pinchot "a So-claliat and a strange mlxtura...
...m BfEMOIUAM "The friends and comradea of I the late Adella Kean Zametldn...
...America and the International Credit SituaU<ai...
...John Dewey, national chairman Of the league, discussed prospects for 1982 and roundly condemned the war department's air man-eOvera then taking place overhea4 "Apparently, according to our govtaamaat war is the moat likely political prospect of the future," eoBuaented Dewey...
...It is with the hope of promoting this understanding that the L. I. D. has decided to devote iU 1931 June Conference to these challenging problems which the progressive and radical movement can no longer hope to evade...
...Qneal read the foUowtag tribute to Comrade Zametkta which waa adopted aad aent to Comrade Michael Zametkta, bosbaad of Mrs...

Vol. 12 • May 1931 • No. 22

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