1,500 W. Va. Miners In Hunger Parade

1,500 W. Va. Miners In Hunger Parade U. S. Minister Aids Grab Of Nicaraguan Territory By U. S. Lumber Company Hanna Urges Treaty Which Would Make Honduras Fight San-dino GRAFT IS PASSED,...

...iftaM«iaiB'\nr;.ves9eU, howi ever, were on time off the coaat oi Panama...
...There he told his story to Max Liebowitz, whono Mr...
...W« will bring the strike right to their doorsUps, wherever they may be...
...ffitoae schemes point to the necessity of a general socialist jj*»> not an impossible specialized program of favors now to Jl'teit grocers and now to wheat growers...
...This was refused, but Supt John Lucas said the mine./'wbuld operaU...
...jganized tonight...
...The exact time for the rie-ing in Panama was planned here...
...Such a socialist would have to decide "such questions as: (a) How much *•» Jives over to wheat might better be turned over to for-» (*) &0W much wheat (and cotton land) should be given to •^T>ea of diversified farming...
...ing document relating'the story ol (the Honduras-Nicaragua tjeaty scandal...
...Keeney then spoke.' The hungry marchers then proceeded to the county courthouse...
...In this case the SUte of West Virginia said publicly that it could do nothing for iU citizens who were admittedly sUrving at the moment and through no fault of their own...
...Roosevelt arranged for the Boston, Dixie, AUanta, and Nashville to be off the coast of Panama when the "revolution" wm to occur...
...He wlU meet ia Vleana, a^t only the leading reprcaeatatives of all existing Soebdlrt parties, bat mMed la tke Wofkmea'a (Nym-piade, also scores ot thonnands of tte keenest ^-aietartaa •portaMa af tte «ori...
...At 8:15 came an answer from Panama "No upriiing yet...
...Haaaa'a latervlew, the Treaty was before tha Nicaraguan Congress for ratlfleatl(»L It waa being timidly oppoaed there although feeUng throughout the country was strongly against it aad.the University of Managua had been ordered closed on account of the protests of tha student body agalaat the Treaty...
...There was anxiety in the State Department...
...Hanna seas aa a good measure, ia to my mhid a dangaroua step to take, for it might involve the government of Honduras, a cotmtry fortunately at jteace...
...wiJic^ the efforts of thousands Of United states marines have so algnificantly faUed...
...an unemployed carpenter and glazier, of 3S4 New-I port street, Brooklyn...
...many things may be known to be true which, nevertheleaa, for lack of evidence, cannot ba proven so before a tribunal...
...himger march to Charleston got at least some force the Hoovers and Mellons and the smaller ! states to act in an emergency of sheer starva-cening...
...Columbia de-jmanded compensation for the out...
...This concession baa beaa giaatid by tha Nicaraguan aorenuaeat but could not ba made valid because of Honduras opposition while the dispute re-mataMd unsettled...
...fMEDlES FOR THE W HEAT GROWERS U #iting this in bed where I am temporarily laid up to my fnu disgust...
...Wimf tttMiner, cbairaaa of tlM Charleston Invaded by Coaldiggers Governor Expresses 'Regret' —Red Cross Not Interested — Tense Situation Created By Tom Tippett CHARLESTON, W. Va.—(FWC: —Fifteen hundred coal s^N ers .their wives and chUdrea...
...Liebowitz, according to Zaretsky, then looked up the enrollment boolu for 1930...
...They get what they haw to have for the next day's msalfc When the mine closes for a tmt days, the store closet, too...
...The document was sent to Senator Borah last February by De La Selva from Costa Rica, where he is an exile from Nicaragua . Our information is that Senator Borah received the document but will not take any action...
...Zaretsky said that LiebowiU then slammed the book closed, and told him to "Go to the Socialists...
...I can't even summarize some txeelieat letters I have received...
...They filled the Charleston streeU, marching past the beautiful homes of the rich, on into the business section and into the county courthouse "to petition the government for redress of their grievances...
...A brief account of the Panama raid will serve as an introduction to the Honduras-Nicaragua boundary treaty scandal...
...Boffartag la acute aU througk the ftolds and praAa* Uons were frasly made that th«M will either be a saw attituda tm the part of the boasea...
...The United States obtained a vassal colony and a strip of territory for a canal...
...When the march on Chadeatw began the miners had boan wltlt% out work four daya and most them had gone 4S houri withoiri^ food...
...Is It possible that no Inkling of the scandalous deal between the Louisiana Nicaragua Lumber Co...
...That means that Jesus Christ, Francis of "Mstoi, Wm...
...The Panama flag was designed here...
...Long lines of himgiy people from the coal camps filled the corridor and stretched out into the street...
...The womaa wait at the mouth (rf the mhie for their men to come to tb« top with new credit at the company store...
...We have the pledges of support of the labor movement and many Isarthif ctti> sens of the city...
...The French engineer saw both Roosevelt and Hay and was satisfied that a "revolution" in Panama would be welcomed by these gentlemen...
...It would not be farfetched to say that the ratification of that Treaty by the Nicaraguan Congress and the consequent cession to Honduras of a fifth part of the territory of Nlcaragiia would have created in the psychology of Nicaraguans ^ "Alsace-Lorraine complex...
...Huy mardiad all algliV to get to Charlsstoa la iMftrJ that the staU, or the Red Cnmf orjha imltky «iti«M M|| M tMM mmet Mp % First they want to .Qer...
...Hanna is absolutely in the wrong...
...Government will be or...
...Keaaey Mhi Mnera • .ic: tfc&t st^ds between yal|' hungry people and food arc a UKfll p'.&t< glass Windows...
...The offer was igncjred...
...First they had no evidence with which to subatan-tlate their charges...
...aU the more so as Mr...
...Tlie mine had been cloaed several days and credit at the company store cut off...
...Why, if the more-of the Senate mean business, doesn't Senator lb-committee on tmemployment to hold hearings ' And why doesn't La Follette himself get to Isgs his committee was authorized to hold on r America...
...Is othor ^^^^^^^^^B 00 huBgar loan to ba re- ^^^H^^H^H ¦ income and Isberitaaca V^^^Bm^^M usiy relieve present suf-x:lal wealth in public im- ^^H|^^^^^|^ 1 the iHFOceaa atimulate ^^^HHJH^I tineas recovery...
...Abo the Treaty would contribute to the padflcation of tiie North (Oie Sandlno region) because the commission of engineers that will mark out the boundary win liave to l>e protected in Its work by forces of Honduras and Nicaragua in order to avoid an attack from the brigands (forces of the Army '•CJJbera-tton commanded by Gen...
...Reported wii be in...
...Food Handed Out It was an unforgettable meeting...
...Besides, tiiat boundary dispute should be settled in a friendly manner In order to avoid later on a conflict between the two countries...
...pies of class "justice" and the silk strike at Al-camples of the solidarity and courage that are k wage cuts than good words from so unex-President Farrell of the U. S. Steel Co...
...Several hundred striking work-era in the crowd puahed back the <xf^ who tried to stop them, sma,^ed the window in the Town Hall, and went into the haU with their wives and children joining in the struggle...
...Miners In Hunger Parade U. S. Minister Aids Grab Of Nicaraguan Territory By U. S. Lumber Company Hanna Urges Treaty Which Would Make Honduras Fight San-dino GRAFT IS PASSED, BORAH INFORMED U. S. Senator Silent So Far on Plea for Investigation - i FOLLOWING is tlie text of ! Salomon De La Selva's protest I to Senator Borah revealing a new | American imperialist veature: i San Jos4 de Costa Rica, C. A. February 21, 1931...
...But that did not feed ths inla««< Finally, the sheriff—tradttlQMf enemy of coal miners in the Kaa« awha field—established a braad« Ime to meet the sitaution wtalcH' gave evidence of bocoming aari* ou« for the wealthy storaHnrnem of CharlastOT and perhaps <or tM sheriff hims^ Tf aituattoa f mains taaaa...
...He told the mass meetings that any vmtoward act by Independent employers would bring immediate extension of the strike...
...The miners thm refused to go to work without suiq>er or breakfast and with the kaowiedge that at home their wtvea aad dilldrea were starving...
...as a penoaanl guide, at%he City Hall...
...More Than 2,500 Quit —All Association Shops Are Tied Up BETWEEN 2,500 and 3.000 members of the International Pocketbook Workers' Union went on strike Thursaay agalaft'an am* ployers represmted by the Industrial Council of the Associated Leather Goods Manufacturers...
...glaattr* oi I as a general laborer, ZaretAy i was told to see his Democratic { district leader...
...your diplomats and your eoaoesakm banters Join in purpose...
...Hanna's first raaaoB...
...u-e far more equitaldy the IHHH^^Hb n and in the process help ^^^^^KSf^^^ nomic recovery...
...Petroleum works wonden in American "idealism" so in April, 1931...
...Zaretsky said he knew to b« a Tammany district captain...
...In other words, Varilla selected himself to serve as Minister representing a nation that as yet had no existence' The hour came for the "revolution" in Panama and no word of It was received in Washington...
...A certain Dr...
...The Panama "consU-tution" was written in New York...
...Uprising occurred tonight, 6: no bloodshed...
...would meet any emergency...
...Dakota (By A New ^J^%^rT c»rre»»»in1-iit) HURON, S. Dak.—Local Huron of the Socialist Party had Norman Thomas in this city...
...At the' same time it refused credit that would furnish food for the miners' lireak-fasU and food for their families during the day...
...WoW, othw ^paakcn at the meeting were Charles KleioBaa...
...Into a war with its own poi^ulation such as the war between the 2Concada Govemmest and the people of Nicaragua as represented by t])e army of Gas...
...Taking the third reason first, Mr...
...Adolf Vetter ol ! Ule City Hall staff has been as-, signed to act as a personal guid« 1 to the fortunate winner...
...It win be of great benefit to Nicaragua...
...It read: "Uprising on Isthmus reported...
...expressly, to nq;otiata aaid Treaty.3.—That besides paying lanra amounts of money (graft that ia to say) fat order td create a "Yxvor...
...After a day or ; two, food is enUrsly lacking in tlM ' camp and the families do without until the mine re-opens...
...Situation is critical...
...We will foUow any 'runaway' ahi^ which attempts to set up sub-standard factories out of town...
...They will go down and their places will be taken , by firms more ready to deal In a reasonable marmer with their j workers...
...I fear, however, that under capitalism J^Md depression it is probably beyond the power of the Fed-^¦KTe Board or any other governmental agency thtis to raise Aort of a wild inflation with its new evils...
...Colombia could gel no redress until many years later oil was discovered in her territory whereupon the imperialist crowd at Washington had a change oi heart...
...Hanna have nunora of thta Nicaraguan Toa-Pot Dome, l»t that be acted with ftiu kaowledge ef aU that waa Invidved...
...Airi ke ym ba ajla to aw aad t* ja^ge h«w WmoM...
...P®U> SUPREME COURT J^to remind us that it's the same old Court, the Supreme Kj^t which actually talked reason and sense in reversing the KtwTw Stromberg in the famous California Red Flag Ksl^rt • 6 to 4 vote decides that you can't be naturalized In States unless you will fight in any war for which any may draft you...
...We will fight any infringement of union conditicms in the shops fA independents who attempt to take advantage of the strike...
...It means goading the Government of Honduras to undertake the pacifl-<mam of thai put ^ Ificax9«a* It...
...New Leader Prize Winner To Be Announced Monday Party Members Invited to Attend 'OpenHouse' —Seitz Welcomes the Winner By The Contest Editor IjNTIL midnight on the eve-ning of Monday, June 1st, the New Leader will hold open house...
...Loomis, acting...
...Our representative Interrupted him: "—Bat the j)eople of Nicaragua as a whole reject that Treaty because it wounds (cuts into) our territory...
...Invitations have been extended to all contestants who can possibly come to the New Leader officer that evening, to join with th« Board of Directors and the business and editorial staffs in celebrating the successful outcome ol the contest and to partake of refreshments that will be provided When the clock strikes twelv* congratulations will also be in order for the prize winners...
...Some of the marchers had been offered work that day...
...He spoke before a history class in the college...
...I fati alao—aad la thla I am certainly aot alone—4hat he was craecloua that his wordg would have treaMoAoua vright ia a Coagreea all tha oMBtoera of which have been eteoted oadav United Stataa dtetatorial eoatiol of eleetloaa...
...The commander wamec the Coloirlbian Government not tc send troops into her own provin« of Panama to put down the "revolution...
...They would not discuss what tha hungry were to do or the ra« peated statements by Prea...
...25,000,000 Finally Paid The "revolution" was a few hours late but it had finally ^¦ rive...
...Signed by Thomas A. Creannam, chief clerk of the Brooklyn office of the Board oi Elections, the form attested that Zaretsky has been a resident ol New York City and a citizen for 20 years...
...The courthouse waa crowded full...
...These disclosuras, attastad to by Mr...
...An underling in the department cabled the American consuls at Panama and Ctolon for Information...
...He may be sure to fad a warm reo^tton wlili os...
...A Bevdtution Organized Events moved rapidly...
...On present-\ lag his certificate from the Boar(J of Election with his request foi ?*fk" "is a carpenler...
...The hosiery strike in Stroudsburg, Pa...
...He is partienlarty invited to meet with comrade Dr...
...A "Evolution" apparently had gone astray and they were required to find out what had happened the ^nmderer...
...Asks Barah TUn Aeltai What doea the Touted State* Iflnister, Mr...
...fyiifl^e»„i|W| second, a pfaBPUacad^ MgWrt^l^J horrible eStaatiba tlM^i^^^^B Ior DISASTER rer ttaiaka we cai^ lagiaiate •vaclvea act af and that a apaeial aaasion of C<Hicreaa would the delicata {ooceaaea of recovery that ha ob-Crom tha Engineer Diaaster...
...A free press is not to be expected where United States marines upheld a government Our charges nevertheless circulated profusely In typewritten copies which we had signed, aad they were read in Con-graas...
...We are often told that oafair denunclatiosa are aiade by these of us in lAtla America who aee a menace to oxir naUonal interests and to our tnteiaatlonal peace in the toterventtoa of United Stataa forces in our poUUcal affairs, ta the offlciousness of tnitted States diplomatic agesta, aad In the metb-bds of state Department-backed United States concessloa hunters...
...Banna, when he gave that Inter-Tlew, had very recently returned from consultation over Nicaraguan aftaira with President Hoover and Secretary of State Stimson in Washington...
...Haaaa is ai> IrreaponaiUa indtviduaL X for eae reoogalse la him great dl^omtle sMUty...
...It would be a great adiievement for President Moncada if he succeeds in having It passed (ratified...
...Job Fund Used to Aid Tammany Applicant for Work Is Sent to Democratic District Leader—Rejected as Socialist INDICATIONS that the $10,-000,000 fund voted by the New York City Board of Estimate to create temporary employment for jobless men and women is being used to reward Tammany voters and punish others was given to Edward C. Rybicki, director of the city's free employment bui^pau this week by the Socialist Party...
...Matthew Elting Hanna, United SUtes Minister to Nicaragua...
...Hanna's statement ia part, u fc^wi: 'Viar (La N«tlete) repreMate-tive afHted Mr...
...1. Debentures or other subsidies, direct or indirect whereby at eac be sold abroad for less than the farmers get for it at It I waj never enthusiastic for the McNary Haugen or any fcr measure, but I think the world situation makes stny such to lioth less effective and more dangerous to international good I If not zo peace than were the farmers' proposals of 1924 I *¦ guaranteed price on all domestic sales regardless of quan-FpBdaced or of the foreign market...
...I bid an especial weleome to the winning comrade and Invite him to visit Vienna's So-dattst inatitutioas...
...iniiMaail Mff regrst that the stats could mH legally he^ tham, «ad gave |tt —almost a penny apiaca...
...Nothing is clearer than II«B"W*#ljr ahead of the effective dOBMatr The porary collapse of Russia took her out of the one forever...
...Mayor SeK* writes: "Tour plan to give ^ winner of your aobscrtption contest \ a free Mp through Europe with Vienna and the Internationa] So-daliat Congress as ultimate destination, is highly commendabie...
...Conley had iuat flvaa W misers $10—juat caoogh, MM ev aaid, to irtart a riot, aS mougta to meat tha ritnatlOB...
...It is very unfair to farmers to have Prback k>ans in dollars that will buy ever so much more than '*tor they borrowed...
...which had failed to build the canal...
...Varilla supplied Amador with $100,000 and the latter returned to Panama to organize the "revolution" which was planned in New York City...
...The people of Nicaragua would forcvermore resent the high handed manner of settling that, dispute which the said Treaty contemplates...
...Thoea of us who have been exiled from Nicaragua, those that have beaa Biruat in priaos, aad the relatives af those who have been executed, know the bitterness of it not In ourselves only but hi the grtef and bribulatioa of our dearest oaes...
...i' "Don't Starve...
...The last strike fotight by this union took place 15 yean ago...
...Russia at Geneva officially offered y with teeth in it...
...Again, thla Intervention that waa aouf^t of Honduras although in the guiae of cooperation with the Govazhment of Nicaragua, would have created as enmity between the two peoplea...
...The caWe-was sent at 3:40 p. m., November 3, 1903...
...Varilla prepared the "proclamation of independence" in New York as well as the military operations In Panama...
...Kow, la such a situation, irtiat effect could the atftemeata of tha tmited IRatea lOnlstar have on Ocmgreas...
...the U. S. Senate ratified a treaty paying .$25,000,000 to Columbia for the Roosevelt-Hay-Am-a<k»r-Varilla venture in "Interna ticnal morality...
...Hanna has not disclaim-ad, dsnied or corrected asy of the atatements attributed to him by Xa Noticia, a paper, by tha way, of rattfd aati-Sandino partisanship...
...I hhve strong reason for believing that not only did Mr...
...Heaawhile he ^^^B^^^^^^K 3uld meet deficits by cut-icreaaing the number of ^^^^^^^^^^ , not the amount to be B^raBE^^^^adl , It's the old way of the nwus Thmi hing learned, nothing forgottoL And as for it them, a certain comWnaaon- Bourbon-Haps-cas give some informaticai, FOL!SD WAI^Tim' don't show up well in this imemployment mat-'ollette once could have forced what now he ra session of Congress...
...Pocketbook Union Calls Strike in N.Y...
...Sandino is ta the right They would not...
...The union did not seek this fight," Mr...
...In a4dltk» to |Ir...
...without profound resentment, see tha forces of Honduras fighting the forcaa of Ges...
...See Your District Leader" The unemployed carpenter and i glazier then took the blank tc ! the third floor of the city's em-t ployment agency at e9 I/eonarc ; street, Manhattan...
...it is my duty to Inform the Committee on Foreigrn Relations of the United States Senate, of which you are the chairman, with regard to these statements...
...Rybickis attention was called by the Party to the experience of William Zaretsky...
...who has a wife and three children dependent upon him, then visited the Democratic i clubhouse at 179 Hendrix street I Brooklyn, which is in the 2nd assembly district...
...and states that Dr...
...before 185 college stuclcnts...
...Hanna's second reason is nothing short of despicable...
...N '^e •aUxaaXk -at- tha «BWl^B dau lai firat food troa tha ty to tha atarnm...
...We are often accu««l of speaking loosely and paaalonataly and of aot being aUe to atfhstaatiate our charges...
...fuUy aa ateadily at other mines, but even so their iK-ages are absorbed daily In thal# daUy living expense...
...We are ready...
...Haaaa, lucve te aay BOW...
...Adolfo Ortega Dlaa (eailed Nicaraguan newspaper editor) and I saw fit to addreas a memorial to the people of Nicaragua making the following accu-aatloa: 1.—That a United SUtea company, the Loulaiana Nicaragua X-umber Co., waa back of th* nego-ttatloo of that boundary Treaty aeekiog to secure from Honduras a valuable cencesaion ia the disputed territory...
...This took plac« on Friday of last week, according to Zaretsky...
...I euneatly hope, I ferveaUy pray, that your Committee may want to iavestlgate It fully and so reallaa tiiaX we are t^t 4r*iaat la Latin America wbea your martnes...
...What baaeflta can Nicaragua poasibly derive from loalag a fifth part mora or laaa of ita territory...
...CoalaSi He mads a spesch...
...I Army and navy jfBcials taken j prisoners...
...The vast majority of the Nicaraguan people believe that Ges...
...The miners havi* been working...
...A« tUa ia a matter of oim-tiamtal pubUe iatareat X am OMtfc-Ing thla aa open letter with re-card to which I tniat that ywt good aalf aad fBUew<^S«uUoni vrfn hear from maay fair-miaded cltl-aena of tb* United Stataa...
...Adcdf Vettec...
...The Progressive group orts or information than it had before March been to go just far enough on unemployment ; not far enough to antagonize the business in-fearful of a special session...
...Zaretsky applied to the city's employment bureau for work over a month ago...
...Hoovw er and John Barton Payne, hsad of the Red Cross, that that aganey...
...has bonie her tragic fate, how after and sface the ymmMemm of the eMwbfkVlMaw papers, published an etUtorial clearly in sympathy with the miners and as clearly critical of our society, ending with demanda for immediate action to relieve the distress...
...able atmoaphere" for the Treaty, the Tionlalana Nicaragua X<umher Co...
...It ationed in the United States...
...l%ar woilcers demandsd to kaoir irilQfl tha sUte could not take eara «i...
...But I can outline some of iiemedies I have heard or read about for an industry admittedly r bankruptcy...
...The workers are members of the hod carriers union of the A. F. of L. One of the reasotu unemployment is so sertcnis in this section is that many of the rich owners of estates are firing their low-paid workers and going to Europe for several months...
...Ortega IMax aad X had the hoaeat courage to act aa we did, our Uvea have been threat-eocd...
...Harold Houatoa, ^tt«"g"<«»^ Charleatoe attoraey, paiated the eoatraat betweea Rua-sla and America aad attadced a society that atarvea tta impmtaat membera aad heapa hanuiea on the Mte rich...
...Townley of Non Partisan League fame is proposing a mora« farm loans in the wheat belt...
...Hanna's advocacy of the Treaty is based on three reasons: First, it will be of great benefit to Nicaragua...
...Enclosed please find a clipping containing the interview in full...
...This applies to women as well as men, "liKion...
...The old French companj in which Varilla was a stockholdei realized $40,000,000 for its oW junk...
...The workera a*e left to face hunger, since their wages were always too low to alio^ for any savings...
...On February 13th, Inunediately upon learning of Mr...
...That is their misfortune...
...Liebowitz said to Zaretsky...
...May 15, when he reached over 1.000 people in several addresses...
...Hanna replied: "—I am not surprised that the treaty should have opposition because at this time, the great benefits that it wiU bring to Nicaragua are not seen...
...Laborers Smash Qty HaU, Block Pay Cuts GREEafWICH, Ccwm.,—(FP)— -Laborers on city contracts smashed their way into the Town HaU at Greenwich recenUy and frightened the mayor into compelling city contractors to restore wages of $6.50 a day which they had tried to cut to $4.25...
...j»ot easUy blotted away...
...Wolff declared...
...Honduran Intervention Sought You will please observe that Mr...
...The mayor hastily called the contraqtors into session and they decided somewnat abruptly to rescind the wage cut order...
...The leading conspirator was Philippe Bupau-VariUa, former chief eoj:iae«r-iel the old French canal oDmpan...
...Becauae Mr...
...chairauui of the strtke coraaUttec...
...With this background we are ;now able to appreciate the follow...
...The price suggested to me ¦i» militant farmers in South Dakota was $3 a bushel...
...I , topracdcable way of fixing or enforcing this price against IWag of surplus wheat...
...Wolff announced that union efforts will also be directed against any attempt by independent employers outaide of the association to take advantage of the strike to lower union atandards...
...At tkls point Sheriff Homer Ste-phensoa of Kanawha County volunteered to give every hungry persoa one dinner and tha county seatttaaaatjraeha toeaihw feed N.Y...
...Second, it would contribute to the pacification of the Northern part of Nicaragua...
...2<ar-etsky appeared at the employment bureau on Tuesday and Identified the clerk who had directed j him to the Democratic district leader...
...Nor do X believe that the people of Honduras would tolerate suob a crime: rather, what Mr...
...With the aid of the fir* department and paid mercenariei Panama became a "republic" which was recognized by Washington...
...Conley, addreasing the marchers at the end of the town, apparently attempting to keep the di^ace of their presence out of the city, read from the constltu-ti(m of the sUte to prove that he was powerless "to do anything In such a situation," and donated the ^0...
...Ortega IXax and I undertook the fuUUmant of that duty and have stated that we can prove our accusation...
...Credit was again refused, but the comp«my told the CMnmlttee to Instruct the coaldig-gers to bring their empty dinner buckeU to the tlppel and dhmers would be put taito them as they went to work...
...Keep department promptly and fully informed...
...to 825 people on "What Is Socialism...
...Years later when some of the details became known Roosevelt declared that he had acted in tenas of the "highest international morality...
...I traoalate Hr...
...Thm operator will not advance credit so there la no reason for the stora remaining open...
...The Executive was «certlng great presiure ia order to have tha Treaty ratified...
...Such a plan might help 11^ *Wild hag.e to be considered in relation to the whole credit If a moratorium for wheat farmers, why not for loans Where would you stop...
...In this battle of the firms who helped bring it on wUl go down...
...For these reasons aona dared to speak out the truth In Nicaragua...
...Xt was pointed <Htt that thara ia M labor conflict at Ward, marely va^ empioymeat is an acfravatad form, and that Payas'a aliM «¦ hidustriat trot^e brsaka <kmm...
...JREICy AFFAIRS ' the Hoover administration could hardly pursue d irritating policy...
...With bandit-like arrogance Floosevelt later boasted that he "took Panama" and let Congress talk about it afterward...
...Hoover himself tells us this 1 but Secretary Doak work't even let Miss Mary officially at the Geneva Conference called by bor office principally to consider world unem- • lectures the world on disarmament and iwlls riate blessing of the bishop of business and IdcI-iittle Maiming—showy air maneuvers while his usily goes on turning a War Policies Commi-icted to inquire how "to promote peace'^and ins of war" into just another Commission on T worst 'bit of irritating internatioiial politics ::onferaace at London...
...The [members are solid and deteimload ! to fight it out if it takes all Bom-I mer and longer...
...A sUUment bad been circulated in Charleston that the miners had been offered work and had refused it Keeney explained the basis of the rumor...
...Its equipment on the Isthmus wa« rotting and the investors wanted to dispose of it Varilla came to the United States from France when a proposed treaty between the United States and Colombls for a canal staip had failed of ratification In the Colombian Senate...
...which might have led future generations to possible war...
...Now, thU Incident that I have here related at sonte length, is a oooorete caae...
...Rybicki c»me to his defense, asserting that the clerk in question interviews 200 job applicants daily and could not therefore be expected to remember every individual Ije has se(!n...
...had agreed to pay In Nicaragua, through the Nicaraguan lawyer Dr...
...We may not need as much r'*JJW we need more milk, (c) How can unemployed workers ,**^a buying less milk buy what they need...
...IH^^KSH^I ers no alternative except jj^^^^^^B^Sm loing nothing but let the ^^^^H^QI^^ on no matter bow many H^Hj^H^^H t crushes...
...An- M^-jr^.^_|kHl>^ Jjgi til Mtoi'B lbf^"'*ttBI^WBtt" "T^rtSBfr ''MMHM just receivel from Burgomaster Seitz, of this famous Socialisi citjw In a most cordial maimer he bids "an especially hearty welcome to the winning comrade...
...He found Zaretsky's name, "Do you see how you voted last 1 year...
...We tnade every effort consistent with justice to the workers and the best interests of the industry to meet a peaceful agreement While we accepted the suggestion of impartial C3iairman Henry Mortrowltz that we submit the dispute to an arbitrator, the Indtistrlal Council turned the proposal down...
...there is a to be said for this which would help not only wheat growers *^OMrs and all producers...
...ES WORK . Uttle more boldness Uke that of the W. Va...
...OoBitaay Faaaaa Ofaft 2.—That Dr...
...While we did nbt seek the fight, ; we are now in it and are oat to sec it through to a succ^essfu^ conclu-^on...
...A com-mitUe had seen the boss and aaked for extensi<m of credit to feed their families...
...Wolff declared yesterday that no single worker had entered.any of the plants and that production had been brought to a complete standstill...
...Conditions at Ward are report* ed desperate...
...and the Moncada Gov-emment had reached the kSOWl« edge of the United States Miota-ter...
...Frank Keaa«K of the VftMt Virginia MUm Woti«: ers Union spoke to tha BBlaMi at the stata hoose aad lad tk«lii to a hall wbara thay eoald XMSf' to dadda CO futnra action...
...We can't legla-world dapreaaiOD...
...Amador arrived 'from Panama and consulted with Secretary of State Hay and the attorney for the Ftench company...
...While In New Orieaas, whither the course of exile took us last year, we were able lo get to the root of this Treaty a^tla-Hon and to unravel the entire filthy ikein...
...To the Hon...
...Frank KssB^jH the West Virginia lOna Wo^taS Union toid 1.500 Ward iiiiMllH their wives and chfldraa...
...In the course of the day, the union threw picket lines rnxoaaA the factories of the employesi...
...a oav wUI* ingness to distribute some of ttHI $40,000,000 the Red Croai ia iMli* Ing "for aa emergency," or tto old fight of tba coal miaan «to once marched an army of "XtfiMk armed men to get what they awM^ will be renewed...
...We must have food in order to work," his miners r^rted...
...Addressing two large meetings of strikers at Beethoven Hall, 210 East 5th street, and at the Rand School, 7 East 15th street, Bamst I Wour, manager of the union, urged the workers to conduct a flntah fight against wage reductions and against granting the employers ; "re-organization rights," the two i issues over which the break came {in the industry...
...Pens, Einstein and Gandhi aren't good enough Pjiij^^ ^* reactionary corporation lawyers who endorsed Blll^ *** *U against the Soviet for occasionally conscripting HBL against poverty, but they would conscript everyBlt jLT*^ °* destruction regardless of conscience or sense of HS2r.^'* other words the old capitalist-miUtarist ¦|^J7^^°»<»ral law, which denuuids more human sacrifices ^^HB*^'"' ^ »>te that Chief Justice Hughes wrote the ^^^^P^ Uuit he has r^antMBy toacs ob tlia liberal mei.^ ^^^^^wxtr he goas in proving to us who cppcrej hi3 nom- ' l^^^^ft aa toad aa «a-jMI...
...at end of their migration to CTiai^lg ton demanding food...
...starving miners wtaan It eoOM spend miUlcna on bdialf of MM|y operators...
...Orctga Diaa's signature and mine, were ao strict secret Many who knew of these Inatters were not ia a position, however, to make them puUlc...
...Although the contest win not cIoe< officially until several days latei to allow for the receipt of subi that may have \>een mailed at th< last hour, midnight of June lat as announced in the contest rules those present will be reaaonaUj certain to itnow who the first flv( prize winners may be, as all leading contestants with the exceptioi of one ara New Toritera...
...over the radio...
...to 43 adults on party organlzaticm...
...wil$ were facing starvation at Wai4^' a mining camp 18 miles from Charleston, marched to the cap* itol demanding food...
...The clerk denied ha\'ing given such instructions...
...Banna's quoted Interview has ftvan the impression that yotir great Goremment, for which he is tha anfherlzml spokesman in Nicaragua, ia of the ophdoa that he hu aapi eased...
...Secondly, the Moncada regime is a crud despotism and to cross a despot maintained in power by the forcea of the t^Wted BUtea Is ao lig^t riak for a Nicaraguan citizen to run...
...d) How can J^^^ be financed in a change from wheat and cotton Sf** » job for the best brains there are...
...One consequence is that I have been delayed get-f access to some facts I need for that further discussion of iwhaat situation I have promised...
...Varilla proceeded te Washington where he was received as the "Minister" of Panama...
...Nlearagna'a xBcneata" But what of Mr...
...He conferred with Amador in secret code and informed the latter that he (Varilla) would repissent the "new republic" at WSihlngton...
...There are some aspects of this affair which recall the complicity of Prealdent Roosevelt and Secretary of State Hay in the "revolution" whiob detached Panama from the republic of Colombia in order to get a strip of territory on the Isthmus to build a canal...
...It wasn't a nardi W muaftk as a mlgratioa from f aadas ooiil ditiona...
...The noarch of hungry men, women ai^ children from the hda-Ing camps to the Capitol threw In-' to bold relief the impotence of a capitalistic state to remedy the obvious flaws in iU structure...
...The atudeat body aad the laboring classes beeaate ever more detctmlaed la their OMMaition «( the Treaty, aad Its ratifieatien aa origlaally praseated has for the thae boiag f aQed...
...In the meantime i Mdtelvie of the Farm Board promised not to 1 no treaty and couldn't even discuss a world leat pool The zm>3t: justifiable irritation against the United Ues and no pfegresa at all in solving our own pressing domesdc teat proUem...
...The eaytahn of oar laaustries arc making a rev-idutioa aa faat aa thqr caa drive wuahlfig men into if lie aaid...
...X hava today raetivad mall from moaragua poated there last night, icy Information la that up to thla data Mr...
...There were 1,500 of them —miners, their women folk and children—all hungry, all determined to be fed...
...He was referred to the Board of Elections for the usual form indicating his citizenship and was given the form on April 30th...
...rage which Rocsevelt denounced as 1'Tjlackmail...
...A committee was aant to Vbm Red Cross but got the aaawar that had been given before, "W» wi:: DUIy help farmers who ara starving because of the drought...
...At 8 p. m. came a cable from the same source...
...Other events followed in loglca...
...Thomas Makes 6 Talks In Huron, So...
...Third, it would settle the boundary dispute in a friendly manner...
...I The unemployed man looked and saw he was listed as a Socialist, in accordance with the way he had enroUed at the polls last year...
...no atata a right to call yon criminal ,|b you 'aike what you moat to live," Pres...
...They are in no position financially to stand the Idnd of a fight the union wUl put up...
...The lesson learned then lasted for fifteen years...
...WiUiam E. Borah, Senator of the United States, Senate Office Building, Washington, D. C. ! My dear Senator: | La Noticia, a Mana|rua, Nicaragua, daily, published on February 12 of this year, certain statemehts made in the course of an interview by the Hon...
...Hanna) rapreased himself in the following manner: •%y opinion is that Uie Treaty is magnlflcMit (exceUeat...
...Or M aB hoiM of a Jntlee antved at »y rauoaalda matlwte of txpoA'Om aad inveatigttioB a vafat hope, «Bd is tb^ notlijbBf «hat we of V\mr Grab of Nicaragua Land Redtlls Colombia Steal IN publishing the document below by Salmon De L* Selva, Nicaraguan labor leader, TTie New Leader places before Its readers what appears to be another dirty episode in American imperialism...
...the night...
...On February 11th, the day of Mr...
...The l>ene-fldal consequences will come later, and then they (the opposition, that te, ttie people of Nicaragua as a whole) will understand that the step wUeh this Govmunent (of Nicaragua) is trying to take is magnificent...
...Hanna's state-meata, Mr...
...Hanna vrixat was his o pinion witb respect to the i Boundary Treaty with Honduras, and he (Mr...
...Felix Katebaa Guandique, the aum of $75,000 (seventy-five thousand dollars) which it knew was loot to be divided among Praa-Ident Moacada, Minlater Irlaa, aaid Guandique and other Nlearaguaa parties...
...JuUaa Irias, SCin-later of Foreign Ralatioss of Nicaragua and Nicaraguan negotiator of the Treaty, had been in tha pay (rf the Ixniisisaa Nicaragua Lumber Co...
...A government which wants to give of farmers a fixed price far above the market wUl have IPbDl production and will find itself compelled to go down the Mirt fix pric«i of farm labor, flour, bread and lots of other * A restoration of the price level of 1926 or '27...
...before 125 adults on "The Way to Peace...
...No newspaper in Nloaragua dared print ear aoeusatian...
...hut we j...
...Following the comiriaint lodged by the Socialist Party, Rybicki began an "investigation...
...Strike meetings wiU be held again today at Beethoven HaU and at the Raad SAocd...
...Now, It seenu, I we must demonstrate the louoe all over again...

Vol. 12 • May 1931 • No. 22

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