18th A. D.: Brooklyn's Vanguard

Lewis, Marx

Branches That Lead-Ill 18th A. D.: Brooklyn's Vanguard By Marx Lewis • i j O E S of ihe Socialist Hptxty in two counties—New YL tad Queens—were dealt with I IK articles that have appeared "...

...Financial Security vs...
...Yipsel Editorial Service...
...More information can he lbtained by calling U D Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...Auspices Socialist Party, 3-5-10th A. D. Branch...
...Several hundred letters have been addressed to enrolled voters and we anticipate a capacity audience...
...Workmen's Circle...
...At the last meeting delegates to th...
...May 26...
...While the old folks were on the sidelines, playing anything from pinochle to the more aristocratic bridge and whist, the young folks, of whom there was a large group, made the welkin ring with their songs and dance and general good feUowship...
...The leaflets gar be secured at the rate of 30 ana per 1.000 from the Socialist fBt/ of America, 2653 Washington S r i . Chicago...
...May 24...
...10 went to the-May Day/committee to help them make up the deficit, and $10 was voted to the city office...
...Circle 10 Jr...
...and he called upon a number of younger members to also say a few words...
...For the past two weeks...
...K number of important matters were decided...
...Kansas Baste Secretary Ross Magill reseat, that he has been rushed with vat ja> Dreparing- and sending out maossMo tecure'the necessary sigtstamtQ piggr th* nominees of the SadtJK?rt?onvthe state ticket...
...May 25...
...It Is true that membership ta the other dominant (at he present moment) parties may have ts uses and might lead to material iuccess...
...But when alt of these factors are taken into account, and their relative weights determined, it will still be found that the loyal and devoted set vices of the comrades I have mentioned—and many more whom I should have mentioned, and may at some other time five brought this branch into leadership, and- ma v make political THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK National - TWO NEW LEAFLETS Th...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 7th A. D. Branch...
...Robert Otto, reported the treasury was in a very healthy condition, almost $100...
...May 25th, at 10 a. m. sharp and then proceed to Dunwoodie, N. Y. Bring along your old clothes and don't forget your lunch...
...For this reason Socialists cannot be fooled into believing that a single individual mouthtag liberal phrases, surrounded by a host of office seekers, and backed financially by hard boiled business interests can be trusted to keep promises made to helpless liberals...
...The consumption of time, energy, and enthusiasm spent in dozens of liberal causes though perhaps having some educational value, would have accomplished more for future generations if used ta building a strong Socialist or Labor Party...
...Wednesday evening...
...Samuel A. DeWitt, 5021 Parsons boulevard...
...Branches That Lead-Ill 18th A. D.: Brooklyn's Vanguard By Marx Lewis • i j O E S of ihe Socialist Hptxty in two counties—New YL tad Queens—were dealt with I IK articles that have appeared " J geries I started on branches ^ iave come to the forefront tt* last municipal election...
...Among scTie of the new comrades who have been doing yeomen service are Fannie Solomon, Herbert Rosand, Harry Trencher, Barry Feldnan, Solomon and Bella Bell, Florence Mitlin...
...Kings, with which I "™tfWBHjrJT*»' in this article...
...3-5-10th A.~D...
...The financial secretary...
...It is rumored that the Brooklynites have been out on the ball field for the last few days practising the game...
...Samuel A. DeWitt 5021 Parsons boulevard...
...a n d ^ t r f gbagsMB State Secretary Mefrffl again, caus' attention to the state convention assessment stamp which every party member must buy to be considered in good standing...
...Speaker to be announced...
...The plans for the new branch were laid in the office of Cohen, at a meeting held on November 18, 1937...
...Mav 31...
...Finnish Branch The spring frolic of the Finnish Socialist Federation will be held in Orchard Grove Park...
...BROOKLYN A county membership meeting will be- held in the near future and pending this meeting branches are urged :n complete recommendations for candidates for public office...
...23rd A. D. A well attended meeting was held Monday evening...
...2nd A. D. An tttemot Is being made tn <--"•ntr* an En^'ish-sneaking branch in he Brownsville section of the 2nd a. D. The Jewish Terband Branch ts mm » mM mi :« mm* committee, namely, S. Kantor, Henry Kapkowitz and Frank Rosenfarb will meet with Samuel Kantor, chairman of the organization committee of Kings County...
...but Better prospects than they were before they were visited, others couid not join for various reasons, but were willing to help out...
...The large Morln Hall was filled to capacity and great enthusiasm prevailed...
...QUEENS COUNTY Automobile Oonting The first annual automobile outing of Queens will be to tbe beautiful Chatham Colony, N. J...
...Martin Kearns gave a number of olano solos which were enthusiastically received...
...8 p. m...
...Leon R. Land, "How Should Socialists Fight War...
...Not only lectures, but round table discussions are bead...
...21st A. D. Branch meetings are held every Tuesday, at 8:30 p. m. in room 4 at 149 West 136th street...
...The campaign manager and the county organizer will submit a plan of campaign which will, if properly executed, give the Bronx Socialist Party a cohesive, responsible and disciplined organization...
...L taking up any other ^Cfcjg in...
...The Liberals /*war«TAIJSM means the con tin uaVl 95 6 ? the wage system, the * as»tificat:cn of industry, and "Waning of industry for the profit I » tew...
...The comrade hen sent his resignation ta and it was accepted...
...They lave started a library at their headman ers...
...Robert Bobrick...
...After a brief discussion the request was refused...
...Tbe large number of young people must have been an Important factor...
...They will appear next ;n the street I intuit sji, "PVHmlT.nr meetings, and finally develop aa Socialist -orators...
...Orders sty be tact to the Socialist Part v of Until tJM»3 Washing-tor...
...Despite a numsnaamodic attempts nberals, tsshn M they are with extreme in^rflPsia, have not been successt j j t a u n g a Domical party which S S J J™ for their reforms...
...Astoria The recent entertainment was a success socially and financially, the attendance being over 100, and the net profit over $40...
...The moving spirits at thai time —and since—with several valuable a d ditions, to whom I shall refer later— were Joseph N. Cohen...
...A plan of financing will also be submitted to the delegates The meeting will be called 8:30 and every delegate is expected to be present...
...Assembly, Esther Friedman: State Senator, 23rd District...
...2653 Washington » * « acOrig - as State Secretary dlawSott 4fltfl\ regular election can • km...
...All members must be present as there is very important business to attend to...
...Both artists are well known to the audience of WEVD...
...So far as the expression goes of more than 50 ner cent, returns there a op ears a large majority in favor of independent political action...
...Since J5*-JS».no party- ready to take iJiTJO...
...Nature vs...
...will speak at a dinner In Milwaukee on June 3. The dinner is being given by the Leader and will be held at the Pflster Hotel...
...4215 Third avenue, near Tremont street...
...Jessf W. Hughsn: 5th District...
...i • * Those who signed up were not permitted to'retire from activity...
...William Karlin and Bela Low...
...k t?*1 r r e r - ° * n 0 6 elected atha...
...Radical Activity An Interesting and not new problem cropped up - at a Circle meeting last week...
...May 27, 8:30 p. m...
...8:30 p.\ m„ Henry Rosner, "Old Age Pensions...
...Municipal Housing...
...Max Rosen, manager...
...Every circle ta the League has been active in helping to make the Annual Yipsel outing a success...
...Madison Square Garden, opera: "Samson and Delilah...
...3rd District...
...at 10 a. m...
...18th A. D. Branch t The meeting Monday evening was well attended...
...Ehnon Cohen...
...Anna Weiss, Morris Rosenbaum, William M. Feigenbaum, Hyman Nemser...
...generally, he hardest half...
...That brought In members like Mlna Pilat...
...The committee in charge...
...Twenty years of liberal activity has done little more than obscure the essential need for the abolition of the capitalist system...
...This /ear's .-rating will be held probably in •fther Belmont Park or Jones Beach...
...The meeting will be leld at 122 Pien-enoni street...
...S. Ben tarn tn Daublln, and later Max Krublitt...
...Socialism stands for the ••Bon of the wage system and the ™sa over of industry to be run J M p s Ms of all...
...Wilson, and a host of senators-- and congressmen: al!, with but very few exceptions, belying their liberal words when the real test came...
...old age pensions...
...Sydn e y Rothenberg and Edna Hyman participated, found a ready response...
...A good | measure of credit is due Miss Robbins for her enthusiastic cooperation...
...The net proceeds ro to the branch campaign fund, rhese outings promote sociability...
...Italian Branches Ths Italian branches are going through a reorganization...
...hearings • ^ " • g f c n get either a hollow gj jjj* what they want or nothing fa/to?1™0 0 t n t h * dejusion that their reforms by begging •ta Jw">ators interested only ta 9flauT 0 0 , 1 1 1 5 8 1 future...
...Samuel H. Friedman led the audience in singing of labor songs...
...The outing is not restricted entirely a members of the 23rd A. D. Com•ades in all branches are urged to sartfeinnte...
...in the Workmen's Circle Center, 218 Van Slcklen avenue...
...An excellent meeting of the Downtown branch was held last Friday evening in the Rand School...
...She is the secretary of the outing i commiTtee, has already obtained five autos...
...Dolled 5.7S0 votes, as against 25.607 for the Democrat and 9,186 for the Renubliean...
...Reservations are J2 per plate...
...thelr friends...
...This has been achieved tn sp'te of a serious h a n d i c a D — t he branch meets at one end of the district, and...
...May 25...
...May 27...
...and that may overcone th» difficult" somewhat...
...One can very veil afford to be an active spirit ta he Socialist and Labor movement md still hold on to a Job or oroession...
...The history of American politics is a succession of such "good men...
...S. Romualdl...
...May 12...
...There had been eases misunderstanding aa to when the canvassers ware ts meet the ' Sunday before', with the result that , there was ae canvass—and no applications...
...The problem as, we have pointed jut before, is- an 'old' one and has xen encountered by many an older ximrade...
...free' mflk...
...It is namely this: Is membership ta the Young People's Socialist League or the Socialist Party detrimental to success in business or professional life today...
...Alexander Kuhnel, A. Regaldi...
...A splendid program of games and contests has been arranged to begin at 10:30 a. m., and at 3 p. m. a concert and speaking program will be given...
...A number of Democrats and Republicans opposed to municipal housing will be present and a lively time can be looked for...
...Max Berkowitz...
...The following Astorians have contributed their automobUes for the Queens outing: Dr...
...and-shewed their rood faith by making contributions, while others signed on the dotted line...
...corners 133rd street and Lenox avenue, pnd 139th street and Lenox avenue...
...July .26, a""1...
...Ms Miracles Needed eagre it nothing mysterious or iSSm si—* *--i s showing on the _>t i Stags County, gratifying as I B S them and to the comrades jajglii rr Tears of work conducted - vva week- County brought its reajbf...
...Brooklyn Monday...
...7th A. D. Following a short, but important business session on Tuesday evening...
...Thomas received tn the 18th A. D. 8.09* votes, as against 24.622 for Walker, and 7.601 for La Guardla...
...T h * speakers include Oexart Tokio, Wilho Hedman and August Claessens...
...Tbe committee In charge Is as follows: Andrew Regaldl, Harry Phillpson and Alexander Runnel...
...8:30 D. m...
...An Interesting feature is that on each Saturday evening, he will introduce one or two of the new young orators, members of the recent public speaking class in the Rand School...
...It seems that one of the young comrades has recently acquired i position which might lead to a great future if followed up with diligent !ffort and a great deal of study...
...New York City COMING EVENTS Saturday...
...Refreshments were served by Elinor Henderson and Etta Meyer, secretaries of the educational committee...
...Auspices, Socialist Party Branch...
...at 8:30 p. m. in the auditorium of the Amalgamated Coroeratlve Houses...
...The feature dancing and the well-rounded program, in which Bill Lichstrahl...
...Wednesday, May 28, 8:30 p. m...
...DEBS: A MAN UNAFRAID' Tbe eagerly looked for biography 4 B*erre V. Debs by McAlister ColeBta k now off the press and is reaMtf nach publicity In both friendk stB-'-imfrlfTitily papers...
...Indiana l date convention will be held In hdhaapohs an May 24 and 25...
...Robert A. Hoffman >nd Charles H. P.oth " 5 delegates to the state convention...
...D. Lodato: de'egate to the city central committee...
...This talk is a review of the recent book by Professor Jennings on the biological basis of human nature...
...Tbe founders ef the branch were the younger people, whose enthusiasm had not undergone the strain to which the older party members had been exposed, and who, moreover, had the energy required to canvass, carry platforms, and do the other work essential at all stages of a successful organization growth The fact that they were young—and that they were entering a field where the materials out of which a branch could be shaped was only awaiting fashioning — encouraged some other young comrades, who had become inactive i n their own branches, and who decided to Join the new branch...
...Henry H. Layburn...
...Many Sunday mornings were spent by iranrsfirs winding their way up the stairs of homes in which enrenort Socialists resided, to appeal to them to ktm the party...
...August Claessens will deliver a series of four lectures...
...L. I. Auspices, Flushing Branch, Socialist Party...
...But the proportion of the Socialist vote is larger in tbe 18th A. D. than it is In either of the other two districts...
...Leon Rosser Land will speak in the studio of the Rand School...
...The formaH o n of another branch — known as Branch 2 of the 18th A. D.—has just been under*»Ven...
...8:30 p . incomers 180th street and St...
...Simon Wolfe Simon Haratohn, and Jack Afros...
...The branch also elected a number of organisers' and an executive committee, and made nominations for delegates to the state convention...
...After the labors of t day, five or six of the igjiitaawrg would check up their results, and find that some remained prospects...
...Socialist Party, 18th A. D. Branch 2. Queens Friday, May 23...
...Th» buciness rill be the nomination of dele?s*«« to he state eonventinn and randi^^tes 'or oublic of fire...
...N. J. on Sunday afternoon...
...which is not so bad for a branch seven months old, 85 was donated to the Y. P. S. L. and Comrade Mitchell moved to donate a similar amount to the Queens County committee...
...Following the entertainment were refreshments and dancing...
...giving Thomas second place art bad for a district tn which the* organization had not been developed as well as it is today...
...It began under extremely favorable conditions...
...The audience seemed so delighted with this talk that the officers of the branch informed the city office of their happiness in being favored with so excellent sa speaker...
...23rd A. D. Started Work The work of organization was undertaken by a group of former members of the 23rd A. D , Kings County, better known as the Brownsville district...
...J - * MO question the very exPifMgP2*» capitalist system, the aa...
...3-Sth A. D. The dance last Saturday evening was very successful...
...BUFFALO Local Buffalo...
...Edward Clarke, Florence Robbins and J. H. Diskant, is making every effort j to assure a complete success...
...and Mrs...
...He tpoke on "Heredity vs...
...Van Cortland Park, unday...
...Esther Friedman was the lecturer and for the next two weeks a number of other speakers will be present, including Joseph Viola, Simon Wolfe and Henry L. Laybourn...
...An interest has been shown by the young people outside the movement...
...3 D e a k » r . Leonard Kaye...
...Our new organizer...
...May 29...
...He sees to it that .here it a program at every meeting...
...Bay Ridge Another meeting will be held in the Bay Ridge section of the 9th A. D. on Tuesday evening...
...We can expect a membership of 100 in the near future...
...ollowing were nominated a** delegates B lbs stfivt convention...
...16th A. D. The open-air...
...candidate for Assembly in the 9th District, will be present...
...Environment," 3820 Church avenue...
...Chi- sga.^jpfc » . 3 « » - UlinoiCHICAGO Th...
...May 28...
...An effort * made to obtain at many automobiles as can be gotten from members tnd sympathizers, and all those com•ades who come along are charged a iee as passengers...
...13th District...
...These outings ire held a few times' each summer tnd are highly successful...
...STATE CONVENTION The state executive committee will make provision at its next meeting for representation in the state convention at Schenectady of fraternal delegates from friendly organizations, including the Y, P. S. L...
...We point with Morris Hillquit, Norman Thomas, Jacob Panken and others who retained their membership (and a very active one) in the party, while at the same time working at their jobs or profession solely because of their determined activity and devotion to the movement...
...A meeting of the executive committee was held and an important report and recommendations will be before the meeting for action...
...1457 Greenport road...
...A campaign committee was selected consisting of Simon Cohen, Anna Weiss, Bertha Bass, I. Garfink and Engeiman...
...8:80 p. m , corners 144th street and 7th avenue, and 139th street and 7th avenue...
...It is expected that with this committee the good news will Soon be made public of the formation of another branch in the 2nd A. D. which already has three branches...
...FoUowing the last meeting, a tea and round-table discussion was held, the subject being the "Limitations to Reform Measures...
...8:15 p. m. Dr...
...That indicates the extent of the district in which the Socialists are organizing, and their strength as they began, shortly after the last municios 1 election, intensive work ta build up the branch...
...J * n known liberal rabbi defend7 »*ran»xa as...
...Senate, Congress, 23rd District, Irving M. Knobloch will speak on "Municipal Housing...
...New York State ROCHESTER The secretary, of Local Rochester reports that the Central Trades and Labor Council has been making a canvass of local unions in regard to organizing a labor party...
...Jta* t The largest attendance in jan it Indicated for this picnic, any groups coming from surround1 7 . Haluthks...
...educational work of the Bensonhurst Branch started a few weeks ago and an open-air forum has been established at 68th street and Bay parkway...
...Brief addresses were delivered by Norman Thomas...
...A fine musical program was arranged and August Claessens participated in the entertainment...
...Joseph Mitchell and Plncus Sheer...
...August Claessens will speak on "Naturt vs...
...May 18th, by the Young People's Labour League, Circle One, cf the Montreal Y. P. S. L , was the finest demonstration held by Young People for the Socialist cause since the war...
...The social life which the branch activities have created has undoubtedly' helped...
...for a leave of absence covering a stretch }f years...
...D * C * the measures which favor of good men...
...some subject announced fox a round table discussion —generally a subject which .was touched upon but not fully handled daring the business part.of the meeting— and between alp» of tea or ooffee, and less liquid refreshments, the ifcoate proceeds...
...but they want good men supported by a party of high principles and intelligent men and women who will pay all of the campaign expenses...
...Street Meetings MANHATTAN Saturday, May 24...
...Speakers, ^rank Crosiwaith.- Ethelred Brown, William Smith, John Jones, J. H. Col- I lins...
...Uhxs Politics.' which clearly outtga Be need of independent political take By the workers...
...We are to meet at the foot of 242nd street...
...the present organizer, and later still...
...There was also a splendid musical program In which Dorothy Ballau...
...As a result of a shift In the ooouia;icn—in this case from one district to another in the sam" county —the 18th A i O wa» po'lina 8.000 Socialist votes without a branch...
...Saturday, Mav 31...
...BRONX County Committee A meeting cf the county committee will be held on Monday, May 26, at 1167 Boston road...
...VVUUamsbargh Branch meetings are held every Monday evening in the club rooms at 167 Tompkins avenue...
...and others...
...Bronx Boro Circles: A discussion on India was led by Comrade Rose Rubinstein at Circle Two Bronx on Friday...
...The following week* So:ialist Party Tactics will be the subject...
...t*ffS~~mtiaahht*<™tr of a political JSrjheans hard, determined, and f j_5~* work lor a great number kjrf* *nd women...
...Mav 24...
...Nicholas avenue, and 181st street and Wadsworth avenue...
...Nathan Rlesel, is on the Job...
...Eme M. Muell• 03 Sarlan St., Indianapolis...
...sr>ite netiHons...
...RECEPTION FOR NEW MEMBERS The educational committee held a reception which many new members attended last Wednesday evening in the studio of the Rand School.,In spite of pouring rain, more than 100 persons were present...
...Price list and sarnie* sent upon request...
...I BROOKLYN Saturday...
...a ^ ' ^ J s c D D s i n * BnTLWACKEE Sersoee...
...August Claessens, "Heredity vs...
...The business Is of utmost importance...
...Augueet Claessens...
...A report from the membership committee win be given...
...The following nominations were made for state convention: Samuel A. DeWitt, James Osteal...
...New York City News League Outing: All arrangements have been made for the New York City League outing...
...Flushing Another meeting of the new Flushing Branch will be held on Wednesday, May 28, in the home o f Mr...
...Far Rockaway...
...Comrades Julius MerengofT tnd Prank Fedele are the lSstfllll V SLalftsW...
...8:30 p. m corner . 68th street and Bay nark war Speakers, Joseph Viola, Henry H. FREE YOUTH Om...
...Speakers, Max Delson, Robert Delson, ol Perrin, Fred Hodgson...
...6th A. D. ! Beginning June 7. onen-alr meet'•->*> will be held every Saturday evening, corner Allerton and Holland »venues...
...ra -rtri _ In the nnrahas as t e rm it casts generally, it is the third largest district in Kings County, with a Toting population of 45,000...
...Sandino: financial secretary...
...automobile outing in the latter part o f June or early July, this being the third annual auto outing the branch will run...
...16* Is Membe*shtn * Th* membership of the branch, before the municipal -lections of last vear...
...Branch Jamaica The last social gathering - and entertainment of the season was held in the Workmen's Circle Center...
...Bamet Wolff, Edward Clarke, James Diskant...
...The following officers were elected: Recording secretary, fi...
...1 5 t h A. D. The" card party and dance - went over the top with a bang- and was satisfactory from every standpoint...
...rather SHfjeolicerted and united effort to eliminate the primary cause i P ,*»a*His evils • resulting from system...
...M»v 28...
...picnic, Ulmer Park...
...corn »r 68th street and Bay parkway...
...hcn the population of New York County began to move into two other counties—Bronx and Kings...
...Since the elections, about 6 0 new members have been trained...
...The leaders of the branch realized hat getting members was only oneaalf of the job—that keeping them fas the other half, and...
...As educated men they "* Sot be entirely oblivious to the S JSs easting under our present sys* At the same time their eleg s a e n n c position hinders them letting to the true causes of ..^-erilsL The result is a number j a w skirmishes against day-by-day H K l 8 - t r r » form-oft committees of ?Mp workine for the release of ffje/snd Billings...
...10th District, Evelyn Hngrin...
...The next social affair will be bigger, better and more interesting...
...Some qf the best lecturers in the sarty have spoken there during the last season, and the discussions that iave followed have kept the members iot only interested, but it has drawn hem into discussion, with the result sf a new croc of party" speakers is seine raised...
...July 19, State Convention, Schenectady, N. Y. Saturday...
...Land's subiect will be "How- Should Socialists Fight War...
...2 p . m . , there will be a conference of branch organizers and financial secretaries relative to Important pirty matters...
...Bronx Tuesday, May 27, 8:30 p. m...
...This is not a voluntary assessment, but on snecifically provided for in the constitution of the Socialist Party of New York...
...ssatabera of Local Cook Coun» hare completed arrangements for Mr aeauait press picnic...
...The chairman was Dr...
...in the past, Montreal Y Ipse Is Hold First Lecture and Concert The Lecture and Concert arranged for Sunday...
...Those on the arrangements committee were Comrades M. Abramovitch, A. Richstone, D. Lewis, P. Preedman and Sol Berman...
...Rand School Studio 7 East 15th street...
...The required number of mem-bers for a branch will b e obtained shortly and it is expected that a functioning organization will be established...
...In the midst of the debate a member came walking In with two | new applications, Tbe situation had been s a v e d—the rule had not been broken In both respects—getting members, and keeping members—-the branch has done remarkable work...
...Simon Cohen was elected as organizer...
...This will be the second fleeting held in this, section...
...Bronx comrades announce that Dr...
...May 28, at the East Side Socialist Center...
...The sroung comrade involved decided, in order to be able to pay all the attention which ta his opinion the task •head of him merited, to ask...
...This affair and others that will follow will greatly increase the membership of the Yipsel movement ta Montreal...
...iarperialism: the other...
...contralto, accompanied by Joseph Dwyer, assisted...
...order to get their demands the Mn granting of a good 1 B 5 . - — 7 W demands—such as the aw^**^ miniies i-om Central j f ^ J » h America or the abolition Ita...
...This has become quite an institution and a good audience BwaitiTtTie speaker every Saturday evening...
...Nurture," in the home of Mr...
...Auditorium, Amalgamated Cooperative Houses...
...Socialist Party.' 5th A. " D . Branch of the Rockaways...
...ytxma: office has printed two a-/TsS§ets—«ne entitled "Hew To S w a t ? >Bfch states the Party's sattke ea...
...It is exceeded only by the 2nd Assembly District, which has a voting population of 56.000...
...The branch instructed its executive committee to arrange street meetings and to bring in a complete report to the meeting June 6th...
...Members are reauested to brin...
...This lapse provoked a • debate and some insinuations that the canvassers were falling by the wayside...
...Comrade Low delighted the audience with a fine e x D l a n a t i o n of t h e aims and Ideals of Socialism...
...On Monday tour additional department heads and an assistant to the campaign manager will be appointed...
...For June...
...Further information in next issue...
...if he is big enough to fully inderstand his own philosophy and -illins to concede that his ideals are ibove everything...
...at 8:30 p. m...
...Alternates ace -Mrs...
...Ethelred Brown...
...Upper West Side The executive committee has decided to run some street meetings on Thursday evenings, at 95th street and Broadway...
...There was a widespread and interesting discussion...
...Lecture Calendar MANHATTAN Wednesday...
...Heywood Broun...
...Bela Low lectured on "The Fundamentals of Socialism...
...But we maintain and conend that a man's political opinions tnd ideals are not to be compromised, egardless of his Job...
...8906 161st street, last Saturday evening...
...The baseball game between the Manhattan and Bronx comrades against the Brooklyn Yipsels is attracting lots of attention...
...Intents regarding same should be tent s *» state Secretary...
...Joseph Viola, whose years of experience as Socialist organizer both in Brooklyn and in other Darts of the nation, and whose initiative, proved assets to the branch...
...accordlnT to nil reports, not the best end either...
...Donald Henderson and Max Delson responded...
...Comrades Presseru Philipson, Regaldl and Kuhhel have been appplnted to get in touch with old and new members who are not paid up in order to begin in the fall with a clean slate...
...Socialist Party have elected Rev, Herman J. Hahn...
...In building op the membership, aa a*written law has been adopted that no meeting should so by without a new member's application being presented...
...Broun of New York, whose column "It Seems to Me" appears in the Milwaukee Leader each day...
...A blind groping ta which by a hit and miss 5 J 2 J?**** for progress...
...8:30 p. m...
...Louis Hendin was elected campaign manager, and Louis Weil was reelected county organizer...
...A number it branches have already nominated ielegates to the state convention and lave tent in th»ir nominations Those crunches that have not vet done so >r» urged to attend to this without ielay...
...at 345 3ties place...
...This j ^ P P s s s a * in the dark" plus the S^PsjSat slogan, "Much can be JS**J*h tides'' explains whv libJSjFJ" on occasions from extreme ^ y * * n sm (as during the World ,fc-> » pseudo-radicalism...
...CARABINE MEETINGS Cohoes, Schenectady, Oneida and Syracuse are included in the cities that have agreed to arrange one or more open-air meetings for ex-Judge Carabine...
...Somewhere be*** theae two definite positions— jsfrut being able to tell exactly "•••It ft: what their goal may be *i|Wjjhey hope to obtain it, stand J s ranks -of the liberals are re*j»»»-PPtn doctors, lawyers, editors, ? * • » • writers and college men • • h e a l : people who to a greater *Js degree are free from the ecoy i * problems 0 f the great mass of JS^srners...
...Next Monday everiing...
...The nature of the district has undoubtedly contributed to it* success...
...204 East Broadway, at 8:30 p. m. Norninations will be held for local candidates, also for delegates to the state convention...
...4th A. D. A meeting will be held Wednesdav...
...Before the meeting was over twenty more bucks were parted with...
...Circles 5, 6 and the Morrisania group participated...
...6-8-ltth A. D. An important meeting will be held on Monday evening, May 26...
...Leonard K»ve: AsternMv...
...A cordial welcome i s extended to all...
...In the Assembly race, •.he Socialist candidate, Jacob L. Afros...
...Every member is urged to attend...
...win be held ?*Hd»y evening...
...Irving M. Knobloch...
...May 2B, at 8:15 o'clock...
...WiPiam T. Hade...
...June 14 has been set as the date on which the campaign will be officially opened and a banquet is being arranged to celebrate the occasion...
...Harry Diamond wis elected in place of Murray Gross, who resigned as organizer...
...May 26, 8:30 p. m...
...May 24...
...If this proves successful, similar meetings will be held as long as the weather permits and speakers are available...
...The state secretary is endeavoring to line up meetings for Carabine in a number cf small cities between Schenectady and Utica that have not had a Socialist meeting since the World War...
...This was the first public affair arranged by the Montreal Yfpsels and it was a great success...
...We claim hat It is not...
...Branch meetings are held everv Monday evening In the Workmen's Circle Center 3820 Church avenue...
...tnd A. D. Branch 2 A meeting will be held Sundav...
...August Claessens substituted, for William Karlin...
...Is a heearn...
...May 2 7 , in the home of Mr...
...a county, it leads all the JWTJ, in any test that may be except in the actual numSSpstaiete™—and in that reS t i l ' * rapidly coming to the 2 t It has" mora enrolled SocialLtjoteri than any other county, t-tvear it gave Norman Thorn as, — candidate for Mayor, abct.t as — » votes as both New York and L_« Counties combined—71,145 to •TjLgt It was almost half of the ZM:BSSTTI - o r Thomas in the entire 5 *Tne straight Socialist vote—if SLggi cut for the other candidates • - K tap ticket be the test of a "Ltajn rate—was also as large as f^tratdtt vote poTed by the same SSgas in the two other counties HEf> Charles Solomon, our eanE f c r Comptroller, polled 40,000 JSei is Eings County...
...It was the beginning—not the end—of their service to the movement...
...At the meeting Thursday night plans were z -cussed for future activities and open-air meetings...
...8:30 sharp, at the clubrooms 4215 Third avenue, corner Tremont avenue, during which consideration will be given nomination of candidates tor Assembly...
...Discussion and questions will follow...
...Elizabeth C. Roth and Julian H. Weiss...
...ran to almost 100...
...Kings: This circle's nembership is growing by leaps and sounds...
...The executive committee is 3usv f i n d i n g the best candidates for public office and also making arrangements for the coming branch outing to be held on June '15...
...I-3-8th A. D. An Important meet1...
...those' counties—and K .re (till many that have Eg worth presenting—it may j , weU to turrConr attention to B| OhuBty...
...Both tbe shift in the population— and the efforts of individual party members, who have • ~ V T " advantage of that shift—help tsB Ibn story of tbe 18th Assembly--^Ouartrt...
...At a meeting- I attended recently a violation of this an writ ten law seemed imminentapplications were called for, and . there was none...
...The last two motions were made by Steinberger and R. Otto, respectively...
...May 29, 8:30 p. m . cor- j ner Sattuer avenue and Hinsdale , 5treef...
...state convention were nominated, and also the following candidates for public office: State Senator...
...It Seems to Me...
...We hope that the young comrade will realize in the near future the mistake that he has made and v.ill -apply for readmtitance We are sure that he will be welcomed back by all who have known hirr...
...As in the case of the other branches I have written about, the growth of the branch was s e t due to the adoption of any spectacular efforts, nor •van to the fertility of the territory...
...James Oneal acted as chairman...
...8:30 p. m „ corner 95th street and Broadway...
...Patrick J. Murphy: Congress, 23rd District, Samuel Orr...
...Joseph Osherowitz...
...William E. Bohn...
...Today, some jf the most active workers are memjers who themselves joined only recently...
...and the 16th Assembly District, which has a voting population of 48.000...
...In both the Socialist vote grew with the shift in the population—in Kings possibly better than in Bronx, because there is more of an organization in Kings...
...At the last'meeting the following nominations were made: Sth A. D...
...Belnc contiguous to Brownsville, several oi the younger Brownsville branch members decided to venture into the district...
...120 68th street...
...Brighton Beach At a meeting Monday...
...At .the hst gathering a number of persons appeared, a few o f whom joined the branch...
...May 23...
...Frank Crosswatth, Ethelred Brown, William Smith, John Jones...
...George Mitchell...
...For Mayor...
...New Members Kent This work of retaining the interest •t the newcomer the branch has successfully accomplished...
...J . H . C o l l i n s . Wednesdav, May 28...
...After a meeting, tables are set up...
...AU were carried...
...The Bronx Juniors had "a Joint social meeting at 1167 Boston road on Friday, May 23...
...A program ilrector was placed in charge—in this case Simon Wolfe...
...ana "has undertaken a big share of the work...
...The outing committee is laying plans for the...
...It will hatat in Rices.»lew Park on Sunday...
...on Sunday, June 22...
...On Saturday...
...and Mrs...
...Organizer Claessens will speak on some Interesting topic...
...Amalgamated Cooperative Branch The postponed meeting with Heywood Broun as speaker win be held on Tuesday, May 27...
...and Mrs...
...Gus Claessens will take the rostrum at our next meeting and deliver his promised lecture on "The Distribution o f Wealth Under Socialism," following his recent lecture on ' "Ambition and Incentive...

Vol. 10 • May 1930 • No. 16

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