U. S. Leases Flathead to Power Trust

U. S. Leases Flathead to Power Trust Montana Power Co., Ally of Anaconda Copper, Minion of Bond and Share, Is Favored A S H I N G T O N . — I n spite at T T protests from members of the...

...Of course, they sell nothing but themselves but the net result of such action is to make unionism an article of barter in the market of capitalist politics...
...He elaborated on the platform of the League: public ownership of public utilities, taxation of land values, heavier income and inheritance taxes, full protection of the workers, justice to the farmers, and a radical approach to disarmament and peace...
...What is the report of the Coroner's inquest...
...Both the Davis and Grundy machines have acted on the principle that what you want you must buy and that voters are cattle to be purchased in the market...
...These are sold b y Marion workers touring with the Women's Trade Union League in Chicago, St...
...A dead silence on the part of railroad and Pullman official...
...He discussed con:rete municipal issues such as real estate assessments, public utilises, bousing, taxation, municipal anance, and insisted that the leadership of the movement must iome from the localities, from nen and women who make it their Business to study the connections »f their government with the lives and pockMt-bOOka as- the **a...
...De vere Allen...
...W. E. B. DuBois Sherwood Eddy, Helen H . Fincke Nathan Fine...
...An effort is being made to secure Norman Thomas and Morris Hillquit as speakers at the August 3 picnic...
...Mo and a member nt H Brotherhood o f Sleeping Cur Port> era on M a y 5 at Locust Grove % Georgia, is still s-jrrounded wtta mystery...
...f F P I — Warned by a small progressive group and Democratic Leader Garner that they would be beaten, the House machine bosses...
...3. Where is ib< "call card" of the deceased...
...Paul H. Doug las, Mrs...
...The budget of the League 'or the coming year calls for $20,XX), part, of which is to be used for campaigning...
...House Machine Blocked In Muscle Shoals Move WASHINGTON...
...Oswald Garrison Villard, editor of the Nation, was the most effective speaker of the evening...
...can capitalize its contract at $10,000,000 or $15,000,000 and charge the consumers of electric current a price high enough to turn this pen-scratch into gold...
...If a minority p a r t y ha< even one representative on thi Board of Estimate and Apportion ment, it could d o a grreat deal bj revealing and stopping g r a f t Thi builders of t h e - n ew party them selves, said Vladeek...
...Business will be party are entitled to participate in the conference...
...There was no technique ti build a p a r t y in his opinion, bu it was a m a t t e r of education anc organization, of a c t i v i ty and Intel ligent research...
...It is "non-partisan" only in the sense that it is for sale and certain labor leaders have acted on the assumption that trade union*, m a y be sold in the market...
...Glenr Plumb...
...Vice ^ Chairmen James H . Maurer...
...An answer to these euasUoaa...
...Clinchfleld Mfg...
...Senators Walsh and Wheeler have maintained that there was no possibility of creating a movement in Montana which would undertake state ownership and operation of power plants, and would utilize the'Flathead site...
...Vlad eck pointed t o the fact that th< American thinks that g o v e m m eh is a personal affair, that reformer have had more light than warmtl and not gotten into close humai touch with the people...
...seems to have enveloped this whole affair...
...Business will suspended Saturday afternoon and the delegates will be taken to points of interest...
...Williams, executive secretary, reported that he had spoken at about 300 meetings, of svhich between 25 and 30 were :entral labor unions, and that iiore than a half dozen of these vere either looking forward to or making referendums for the forma:ion of labor parties...
...Clarence Senior, secretary o f thi Socialist Party, present as an o b server took the floor for a fev, minutes to make an appeal to al present t o j o in the Socialist Party He was well received...
...The opening picnic will be held on Sunday, June 8, at which time Mayor Stump will be the speaker of the day...
...Villard drew his conclusion: an opposition that was opposed to capitalism, an opposition that dared because its interests were diametrically opposed to the plunderbund, must be created to fight t he two-headed- monster that was...
...already carries 52.5% of its capitalization on its books as "water rights, franchises and contracts," according t o Wheeler, and it charges the people excessive rates in order to set aside big earnings on this inflated valuation...
...Work Among Labor Groups In the Saturday morning session, Mr...
...production primarily for profit...
...would give some definite C|JM which may lead to the apprehto.' sion o f t he culprits responsible lei this crime...
...i •• Vladeek Speaks Om Ctttea Mr...
...Frank P. Walsh has been retained by the Brotherhood at Sleeping Car Porters with headjuarters at 239 West 136th Street...
...If the labor unions have so many friends in Congress," he asked, "why has not legislation been enacted making illegal 'yellow dog" contracts, and why has the abuse of the injunction not been remedied...
...which will sell an of its power to the Montana Power Co., and can control the price at which the electricity is sold to the Montana Power Co., its regulatory authority will stop there...
...i u c t o r ? '8...
...Muete, •niirtliil on the topi1 of where a new party is to g e t i t strength, quoted James Madison the father of the Constitution, m to the "common endurable basis a parties," He showed that thi Fathers knew that politics had ai economic basis...
...James H. Maurer, A. J Muste, Henry Neumann...
...5. If not round, where are the "call carta" of the other porters...
...with some gallant exceptions, debauching the country...
...The workers went out the second time because of...
...Harry E. Barnes, Cath erine D. Blake, Paul Brissenden Paul Douglas...
...The labor leader and councilman, suggested that inasmuch as people do not understand long or complicated platforms, that the appeal o r thtfse favoring a new party be simple, with a concrete slogan dealing with unemployment or the "yellow dog" contract...
...they represent conservativism...
...Nor man Thomas, Oswald G. Villarc and B. Charney Vladeek...
...Norman Studer, former editor of the N ew Student, -as been added as assistant sec-etary...
...U. S. Leases Flathead to Power Trust Montana Power Co., Ally of Anaconda Copper, Minion of Bond and Share, Is Favored A S H I N G T O N . — I n spite at T T protests from members of the Senate Committee on Indian affairs that the Department of Justice should be consulted...
...cit teens and wharstanta...
...This two-day conference is expected to bring out the largest group of Socialists that have attended any state conference in years...
...He said he strategy of the League was to .hrow all o f its speakers, finances, oublictty and help Into an effort to •lect about ten o r twelve Congressmen in the fall of thi3 year...
...Liberty and private monopoly cannot live tafether.—Henry D. Lloyd...
...In addition to planning extensive organization work and arranging for the - publication of a monthly party bulletin, candidates for state offices will be nominated...
...He stressed the necessity for building j p local groups by people who tnow their communities...
...6. Whe flagged the train or ordered it to stop...
...filed against Knud Wefald for U . S. Senator from Minnesota Against Floyd Olson for governor Carl E . Taylor has filed, all on the Farmer Labor ticket...
...The other dates set as party picnics are July 13, August 3 and August 24...
...Jesse" H. Holmes Harry W. Laidler, John A. Lapp Robert Morse Lovett, William V Mahoney...
...discrimination against active unionists...
...In eight months, since Howard Y. Williams had taken hold as • executive secretary., w}ttt the aid" o f such men as John Dewey, national chairman, the League had secured 2.000 dues-paying and contributing members...
...Co.'s cotton mill last fall are on the verge of starvation, as operations are curtailed to eight days a month...
...This will be the event at which the park will be formally dedicated to the service of the Socialist and labor movement of Berks and the activities of that day will be given widespread advertising...
...phis has happened before in Pennsylvania politics but i t has not been so glaring as in this year...
...At 7 p . m. they will meet in the Socialist Party's newly acquired picnic park at Sinking Spring where dinner will be served...
...must lean something o f c i ty government, ant then t ry and educate the commoi people...
...H . C. H u n , and W. E. B DuBois...
...The manager o: the Forward gave some choice il lustrations o f h ow corruption take: place, from his first-hand expert ence as an alderman in N e w York watching the t w o old parties, anc his whole method o f presentatioi won the hearty approval of hii listeners...
...The nomination of state candidates is o f special importance this year considering the primary contests that have just closed in this state...
...He talked of the tariff and came down with a battle-ax on President Hoover...
...Walter Wheeler, independent bidder for the license .issued a declaration May 20 that he would appeal to the Federal Power Commission as provided b y the federal water power law...
...Tilson, Snell and Long-worth, hastily abandoned on May 17 their announced plan to drive the Muscle Shoals private-lease bill through under suspension of the rules...
...They received ineffective support from some of the so-called progressive Senators...
...He said that if the workers and farmers did not f o rm :he basis of the new party, the ^eague and the liberals were wasting their time...
...Copper Co., because its excessive rates to other consumers make this subsidy to its big ally a mere detail of policy...
...Hours that ran over 12 daily have been 10 ever since the Arsf strike settlement...
...Maurer Hits Non-Partiaanism James H. Maurer pointed out that the old party politicians, "instead of telling the workers that the present capitalistic system is the real cause of their miseries, make them believe that the tariff ought to' be higher1 or lower, or that prohibition is the cause of their being out of work, and if the workers show any inclination to become independent politically, they resort to an appeal to their religious or racial prejudice...
...Reading's Summer Plans Four big picnics at Socialist Picnic Grove (formerly Keller's have also been planned by the Local Berks park committee for the coming summer season of activities at the big Socialist picnic grove in Sinking Spring...
...tun}, this shocking outrage was- committed: 1. Where was the Pullman conductor ? 2. Where was the relief porter...
...Thomas in a series of letters exchanged with Senator Walsh of Montana opposed private power leases, reminding the Senator of his preelection public ownership pledges...
...Anything to keep the workers divided...
...r e a s o n a b l e r a t e s, w r i t e M r s . A r t h u r R. C a m e r o n , S c o t ch l a o u n t a l n . D e l h i . N. Y Is Lynched h i Georgia T O > V T | •••—^:-:*ri brotherhood R e t a ifii§ Walsh to Push Inv«fe ligation of Mystenaajg Killing rl E lynching of J. H. WiBtiojr a Pullman porter of lSaaajy City...
...Money has flowed like water in this preliminary struggle and it is generally believed that much of it has gone into the pockets of labor leaders who have been retained by each faction in the internal war of the Republican Party...
...Senator Walsh replied to Thomas in letters and in an attack on the floor o f the Senate...
...Dancing will follow the dinner...
...The League was not inerested in promoting independent :andidacies...
...AS porters are supposed to have cot), 4. What does it read...
...He called 'or 100 per cent, cooperation with h e Socialists where they had an organization...
...This plan meant passage without a chance to offer amendments on the floor, but it required a two-thirds maj o r i ty to carry...
...Maurer did not mince words on the non-partisan plan...
...All Members Invited Out of the~ muck and mire of this revolting primary contest emerges a sorry looking thing called "non-partisan political action...
...MatUe V n p kins, are asking...
...Lilith Wilson, chairman of the committee on arrangements, with headquarters at the Labor Lyceum...
...Dewey declared that "the Republican and Democratic parties are the political expressions of the great business institutions...
...Dewey Group Holds Parley In Washington 2, 400 Members in League, Secretary Reporter — Manrer and Vladeck Speak By Nathan Fine WASHINGTON.—Before diners from 12 states, the bulk from Washington, Devere Allen, chairman of the executive committee, opened the first anniversary banquet of the League for Independent Political Action with the observation that the League was not, is not, a nd will not be, • party...
...Paul Douglas, A. J. Muste, and ^harney Vladeek made formal speeches at the sessions...
...i | ? which, according to t t l M lB should not have stopped until H reached Atlanta...
...7. Where was the train con...
...Who killed Wilkins is the question Pullman porters everywhere and the widow, Mrs...
...Wilkins wa3 found tlpt to a t r ee with the sleeves, of ht| whits coat tied around his neek...
...Sinclair Lewis who wrote in scorching terms of Marion's sanitation would n ow find water piped into all the houses, real bath rooms replacing the privies, and -X-size bathtubs...
...i3 answering inquiries regarding the program...
...He was on duty on the ffinjai City Special o f t he Southern TBmV road when it left Macon...
...S I M M E R B O A R D E R S o n f a r m I n h i l l s o f D e l s w a r e C o u n t y ; d e l i g h t f u l s c e n e r y , c o m m o d i o u s h o u s e w i t h a l l I m p r o v e m e n t s , h o m e cookioE...
...He pointed out that, by dealing with a dummy corporation which is allied in turn to the Montana Power Co., the American Power a Light Co., and the Electric Bond & Share Co., Wilbur had left the public unprotected...
...California, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Dhio and Michigan...
...and that c i ty employees, because of thi l ow pay they receive, are sorel...
...Marion- Scabs Feel Lash of Depression MARION...
...Thomas maintained the Montana Power Company has already vast undeveloped power sites and is seeking the Flathead lease to strengthen its monopoly...
...It sells current at less than actual cost to the Anaconda...
...It is because of this that a clean labor ticket nominated b y the Socialist Party and presenting the cause of the workers has special importance this year, in the conference...
...But the Brotherhood and Wilkins family, and the public, want to know, at the...
...Secretary of the Interior Wilbur signed the license issued May 19 t o the Rocky Mountain Power Co...
...It was vitally interested in helping t o l a y the foundations for a new political alignment In this country on the principle of increasing social control...
...N. C.— (FP>—Workers who went back and scabbed at the Marion Mfg...
...Douglas dealt with the technique j f building the new party...
...Reinholc Niebuhr, Kirby Page, Mrs...
...National Executive Commit tee: Kirby Page, chairman...
...Joseph Schlossberg...
...On the subject o f redeeming oui cities from corruption, Mr...
...They cere anxious to see two Milwaukee socialists sent to Washington, one >r two Socialists from N e w York f it was at all possible, one from Heading, and another from Los Vngeles...
...Williams referred to the probability of erecting :hree Congressmen from Farmerl^ abor Party districts in Minneso:a...
...Now the administration will grant the right to offer amendments but by means of a special rule will try to pass the bill by a simple majority, aft»r a debate...
...Though the-strikers have won no settlement with t h e mill in the second strike, the spotlight of publicity they turned on it has brought results...
...The lease was fought by Norman Thomas, on behalf of the Socialist Party, by the National Popular Government League, and others...
...Socialists Rallying for Reading Meet Candidates to Be Named ' at Sessions Next Week End—All Members to Take Part B r a N e w L e a s e r C e r r w a s a a e a t) READING, P a — The Statewide conference of Pennsylvania Socialists which meets in Reading Saturday and Sunday, May 31 and June 1, will be welcomed by Mayor Stump when the opening session convenes at 10 o'clock, , daylight saving time, Saturday...
...dummy for Montana Power, for development of the chief power site on the Flathead Indian reservation in Montana...
...He declared the the worker* must supply the body and the point of v i ew of the nev party...
...treasurer, O. G. Villard secretary, Howard Y. Williams assistant secretary, Norman Stu der...
...Most of them have found casual jobs at lumbering, mining, and farming, while the women are making- the popular mountain craft hooked rugs in a factory owned by the strikers...
...The Montana Power Co...
...tm The mystery about the lyaclfW is in the fact that railroad " o S - cials admit the train rnadf "ptg stops, due to freight interruption, but no stop was made' at or la the vicinity of Locust Grtr** where Wilkins' body, still waroi, was found with a gaping in m m near the heart and two skull free* tures...
...and i f beaten there he would appeal to the courts...
...The primaries are June 16 Pa...
...is also curtailing...
...The bulk of the membership...
...and one or two f r om Non-Par:isaa League sections in North Dakota...
...Farmer-Labor Rivals ' File in Minnesota ST...
...The Indians are to receive an average rental of $140,000 a year for the first 20 years of the 50-year period of the lease, if t he development takes place...
...The officers and national exec utive committee are: Chairman John Dewey...
...Supt Hunt recently announced that even on this schedule hours would have to be cut from the 10 n ow worked...
...While the government can control the capitalization of the Rocky Mountain Power Co...
...Williams said, ived in N ew Y o r k State...
...It is a matter of common knowledge tbaf raitroad and Pullman regulationi make it practically impossible lot a human being, dead or alive, be removed from a train walk in motion...
...The Montana Power Co...
...Louis and New York...
...Walsh has volunteered tf prosecute the case without charge...
...P A U L — ( F P /— Almost at the last minute former congressman Ernest Lundeen...
...Strikers are n ow In the most favored position...
...He predicted :he election of Floyd Olson, candidate of the Farmer-Labor Party, is governor of Minnesota...
...He stressed the organixa tioa oft the unskilled in the baaii industries, the need f o r a militan policy in the o l d unions, and thi signs' o f an awakening in the A m erican labor world...

Vol. 10 • May 1930 • No. 16

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