On The International Front

ON THE INTERNATIONAL FRONT French Socialists Win Two Seats In By-Elections While the Tardieu Government painfully reeks f r om one v o t e to another t o maintain its majority In order t o...

...I n face o f these statements, and ignoring t h em the editor comes forward with the statement that it was the Executive Council which did the overriding of the parent body, and makes the statement as though it were admitted by us...
...Don't you gasp every n ow and then at the thought of what would have happened to y o u a nd y o u r gang if we had stayed out of the bloody business, and Germany bad w o n the war...
...Every time I pass a certain theatre in the tenderloin, I am reminded h ow delightfully human the old gent was In his . . . ( l e t us b e charitable aad just say) emotional nuances . . . Apparently you have not Improved...
...The Communists accordingly show a falling off in votes down to one third, from 1,885 to 518 as compared with the last elections in Bergerac and f r om 232 to 104 in Dreux...
...Nether am I passionately attached t o the talkies...
...Drinking usually has some **j*uon to sociability but in a group o f men drtak* f white mule sociability has about as much chance ** * Socialist candidate in the Fifteenth Assembly °utrfct of Manhattan^, • • • ^ o u guessed i t I've o n ly been out here a month **d Tm homesick as anything...
...Another Open Letter to J. P. Morgan MY DEAR J a y Pee: ( Sorry I could not coma to Maine last week and Join in a t the launching o f your two and a half million dollar y a c h t Have been a trifle busy trying to find work for several of m y unemployed friends, and Just couldn't break away with any grace...
...I questioned the charge and suggested that it was a "rump" group o f members of the Executive Council which did the repudiating...
...To this day t he precise nature o f their alleged offence remains obscure and unrevealed...
...Of course, I 'm expecting a little t o o much from you, considering the life snd tales they ten o f your sire...
...But tbe poor lads on tbe breadline are t o o f a r gone in body and mind t o even bother about w h o or what you are...
...Til bet y o u do...
...LA CROSSE, Wis.—(FP)—The j annual convention of the WiaconI sin State Federation of Labor will I open ta La Crosse ' J u ly 15...
...I t has required nearly two years for two members to discover that the statement is i n c o r r e c t As it appears in the pamphlet published by the national office o f t h e party under the title "Your Unions Your Future" it reads: "In tbe year, 1924 the American Federation of Labor for the first time withheld its approval of a Democratic candidate for President and supported LaFollette...
...The sum total of the matter is therefore this: It was individual members, in their individual capacity, of the Executive Council...
...And even after 'the war, twelve years after, does even oae o f our sad g o l d star mothers realize that her b o y died so that you could live and make money enough to splurge a mere two s a d one half million dollars on a pleasure boat...
...I f a revolution did t a ke place, and the people took over all the industries that you n ow own and control, you'd be ta a fine soup, eh...
...The old man would net have been dumb enough to pull such a deliberate bull of provocation in a time of national hardship...
...This you knew and I know...
...The special and deliberate object of every meeting will, however, be to demonstrate ta favor of International solidarity, equal rights for women, peace and Soc i a l i sm A special n«— "~;r of the German paper, "Die ssin" The W o man Socialist i, will be issued in connection with Women's Day...
...The statement was n o t signed as Individuals but as officers...
...The magistrate ' h a s said of at least one o f them that bis activities have been confined t o Trade Unon w o r k Is that adequate ground for criminal proceedings...
...Suppose the organizer, the secretary and a majority o f t h e executive of Local New Y o r k of the Socialist Party had issued a state-' ment two weeks before the national election ta 1928 ta support of Hoover...
...No use asking them t o Join in protest or rebellion...
...Here are the opening sentences of their statement: "We...
...Marie A n toinette with her cake formula and N e r o with bis fiddle are just historic pikers alongside of you and your brass gall stunt Tell me, J a y Pee, d o y o u expect anything like a revolution t o take place here, that you prepare yourself with such a sumptious getaway . . . ? If so, I cant blame you...
...The longer it drags on the worse will be the effect ta India and the more difficult the already difficult situation...
...Or they alt on park benches and peruse "Help Wanted" ads...
...H o w could you keep up three country estates, the numerous town homes, and the English castle...
...Maybe you'd make a kind of deck washer on a Staten Island ferryboat...
...Now consider the statement we quote above...
...The women Socialists o f Austria will issue, as in previous years, a special publication entitled "The Women's Day...
...We regret to stood or has misrepresented the Times story...
...From that report it appears that the members who signed the repudiating document were accused before the Central body as having "sold out...
...But, how ? " By clouding the situation...
...I'll probably sever find out because the attitude of the a*aIl-towner towards a N e w Yorker is that of the debutants in tbe ads towards the lad w h o is fafsnag from halitosis...
...It had also passed through a committee o f the convention...
...e e • Bat lest anyone imagine that because of the rite sad fleeting beauty of a n early Spring, I am ••lag small town, let m e hasten to disabuse him...
...Greens and soft pinks tad purples fairly exploded o n t b e bushes and trees > this little town, hiding away all the dirt and _|1IMSS that a winter of "rains and ruins" had JJ,BJIIIllltf jfOw in the court-house square in the evenings the youngsters, the b o y s In red a n d y e l l ow corduroy oeuiars sad white shirts thrown open at the neck, the ftrla la summer fluffinesa, sit f o r hours In their parted cars listening to the radio broadcasting in : sp drug-store...
...You'll have a swell home on the international oceans...
...They have thereby betrayed in the worst and saddest manner the very ideals for which they once fought—they, who are so quick to "brand" alleged "acts of treason" on the part of our best comrades, and have such a propensity for scenting treason in all other sections o f the world working class...
...The Central body apparently accepted that e x planation and exonerated the parties accused of "selling out...
...it is innocent enough appearing but o n e 4r>ak of this molten lava is enough t o make an * '•ary human send In a contribution t o the Methelat Board of Morals and Temperance or whatv r t T they call the damned thing...
...And with plenty of gold in the boat's ' money chest . . let ' e r burn . . fellows, let 'er burn...
...I suppose you've been figuring It out w i t h yourself a long time...
...e e Sadden as the temper of these people o f Southern jjgaoi*, so outwardly languid and slow-moving b u t -gat the less stirred to tremendous passions by trhet seem the most trival matters t o an outsider, fa* the arrival of Spring...
...Assume that the statement followed the same form as the one ta which the Central Trades and Labor Council repudiated LaFollette...
...McAIister Coleman...
...NEWARK, N. J . — ( F P )— Firemen of Irvington, a Newark suburb, have organized and obtained a charter f r om the IntL Fire Fighters Union...
...ON THE INTERNATIONAL FRONT French Socialists Win Two Seats In By-Elections While the Tardieu Government painfully reeks f r om one v o t e to another t o maintain its majority In order t o continue the reactiona r y course o f F r e n c h policy, there are signs o f a n extremely important change of opinion in the country itself...
...We would urge him t o consider whether this is the course of justice...
...The account indicates that there was severe criticism o f the officials but the vote was o n approval or condemnation of their support of Davis...
...6—As a final rejoinder t o The New Leader's answer, I might cite the report of the N e w Y o r k Times, November 7, 1924, regarding the proceedings of the Central and Labor Council on this matter...
...Tfcrt* shots of that and a man is justified in think* * that he is an mini Indian and scalping his w i f e 's ••tsar...
...Wall it has lasted too long...
...But she was a complete ^mir to those of us w h o h a d gone to b e d under ^grT** and who awoke to find a temperature of H j suss registered on the thermometer in front v Jos'* Barbecue next morning...
...I want Si*** some food that Is not fried into the con***acy of peanut brittle...
...That answer is an answer which I, for one, protest against as outraging intelligence and doing violence to straightforward discussion...
...How can y o u tell what kind of a gel I an...
...It's a misrepresentation of m y contentions and Steinberger's...
...And yet I cannot close this letter with an easy flourish...
...In v i ew o f t h e sitting o f the Sejm, especially In v i ew of t he important division, none o f t he S o cialist members of the S e jm could g o t o Lemberg f o r t he celebration...
...No sirree...
...there was n o action of a subordinate committee for the parent body to reverse...
...Those who signed as members of the executive were Costello, Walsh, Keating, Quinn, Curtis, McCaffrey, Quigley, Behllng and Basil and the unions which they represented were added...
...The t wo sentences show that the support of LaFollette 'and the repudiation of LaFollette were both official...
...That in itself i s g r a ve enough...
...Twelve months ago, we repeat, these men were arrested...
...You know how those common folks are...
...The editor n o w states that i t w a s a last-minute action of the executive council which voiced support of the national Democratic ticket, and thus over-rode the action of tbe central body...
...You've done tougher jobs along that line before...
...Moreover, nobody doubts that the first action in September when the Executive Committee supported LaFollette was official...
...Pamphlet Published On Russian Politicals A 52 p a g e pamphlet b y R. A b - ramovitch, in which the situation of the political prisoners in the Soviet Union is described, has a p peared in the aeries of pamphlets published b y the Committee of Enquiry into the Conditions of P o litical Prisoners set u p b y the Labor and Socialist International, (Verlag L E W , Diets Nachfolger G.m.b.H., Berlin...
...That was something which I wished to avoid, however much an important principle was involved...
...Preparations, Pushed For "Women's Day" In many countries—Belgium, Germany, Austria, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia,— active preparations are already being made for Women's Day...
...That's the answer to the strained effort to foist, " by construction," the charge upon the Central Trades and Labor Council that it repudiated the endorsement given...
...It w a s signed by Sullivan as President and by Coughlan as Secretary...
...You could have squatted your well-nourished quarters on tbe soft deck-chair and gone t o the Sandwich T«ia.wea for all the dubs on the breadline would g i v e a hoot...
...It was adopted and referred to the National Executive Committee for further critical scrutiny...
...The vote did n o t occur on whether the officials had sold out...
...Because in New York tbe trade unions have been far man v years a tail to the Tern ran ay kite...
...ed, but that every phase of the j document repudiating LaFollette bears an official aspect is evident to every intelligent reader...
...But I 'm just a bit peeved at the tm cultured manner in which you slapped the news of your luxurious purchase into the public face...
...This kind of thing might get past others...
...H o n o r Herman Diamond The 70th birthday of Herman Diamond was celebrated by the Lemberg organizations o f the P o l ish Socialist Party on the 29th March...
...a • Aad then m y ideas of amusement are n o t on all fans with those of the inhabitants...
...Booby, you have only known me f o r half s> hour...
...You might have also added the signifiP?**eet British workers do not follow the pol"nonpartisan political action" which brings i f * * * * " judges to the supreme bench...
...I did not s ay "rump meeting...
...Comrades Seidel and Steinberger accept the version of these Tammany apologists, not the cold facts recorded in the statement of the executive itself...
...The answer misstates the situation, reads into Steinberger's letter statements never made by him—very much like setting up a man o f s t r aw in order to conveniently knock h im down, and winds up b y injecting something entirely foreign t o this discussion—a device commonly resorted to in order to cloud discussion and turn attention into other channels...
...They have their remaining faculties concentrated on little slips o f paper that mean coffee and bread or a plate o f soup...
...a • e B may be that in their own homes and among their own people these small-town natives are the staple, great-hearted, hospitable folks that The Saturday Evening Post tells us they are...
...The N e w Leader has n o desire to misrepresent any section o f t be trade union movement o r a n y of its responsible officials...
...Is there a single p a r t y member who f o r a moment would tolerate the casuist pleading that the action was that of individuals...
...The Socialist women o f Belg i um have decided t o devote one week In April t o canvassing for their paper "La V o l x de la Femme" (Woman's V o i c e ) . The final and culminating day o f this week Is to be celebrated as "Women's D a y " and the slogan is t o h e : "Women Must Read...
...The incident over which we differ happened nearly six years ago...
...W e quote The Times version as it carries the document in full...
...1—Originally The N e w Leader stated that the Central Trades and Labor Council repudiated the LaFollette endorsement in 1924...
...Comrades Seidel and Steinberger accept this version and both insist that the central body did not approve the officials' action...
...he waited until the full effects of the calamity were spent before he did any blowing o u t , • a • I can see b y n ow that you're yawning, and calling for the Wall Street Journal...
...I f further evidence of official action were needed the document repudiating LaFollette provides It...
...We were consequently treated t o the sight sf a young man moving his lips in passionate avowal sf eternal love but w i t h no sound forthcoming...
...That's me reason f o r m y protest...
...And remember May 1st is not too far away...
...The response to our clear assertion is long and casuist pleading...
...The progress of mule in one's Innards is *krked by a series of internal explosions o f suffic** at potential energy to supply power to an en3rt city lighting plant...
...Comrade Seidel refers to the N. Y . Times account o f the incident which appeared ia the lean* o f November 7, 1934...
...If anything, you show retrogression...
...For example, riding with m y mouth open round and round a small town square is not m y idea o f a w o w o f a time...
...Ike biggest kick I have gotten so f a r out o f these latest triumphs of America' s inventive genius was at Harris burg the other night where I was waiting far Adolph Germer to g e t through with a local union meeting of the miners...
...the members were acting officially and so regarded their action.' A s individuals they could not reverse the previous action of supporting LaFollette and they d o n o t pretend to act as Individuals...
...3—Stein be rger takes up the charge, confirms my contention, contradicts The N e w Leader, and challenges the editor to quote the minutes showing the central body as taking such action as alleged...
...The officials claimed that their repudiation .of LaFollette was not official but as individuals...
...Wild and irrational criticism of the trade unions ia n o m o r s desirable than tbe quietism which becomes an accomplice of those trends that are destroying labor organizations ta the United States...
...For twelve months they have been held ta jail...
...I finally pinned a friendly soul down and said t o h im v e r y slowy and as distinctly as possible, "Why is it that everyone down here in Egypt asks me to repeat everything...
...Yiff-nlff, whose husband bad suddenly become rich enough to afford a West End Avenue apartment and a Bulck...
...LaFollette has no chance, etc" This is followed b y reviewing the record o f Davis and claiming that the decision to support him w a s due to his favorable labor record and also because of demands of many members that this support be given...
...Few such meetings in j any organization are fully attend...
...Beaton, Illinois...
...That graceful hulk of g o l d plated railing aad silver plumbing could have slid down Into the sea and not a splash been recorded...
...I n the foreword signed b y Louis de Brouckere and Arthur Grispien, the chairmen of the Committee o f Enquiry into the conditions o f P o litical Prisoners It Is stated that: "It Is a tragic thought that the same men who fought f o r decades In order that "all chains should rail" in R u s s i a in order that the "Schluesselburg", the "Peter-Paul" fortress, the Siberian mines, and all the other symbols o f repression and persecution under which they themselves had suffered so much, should disappear from the face o f Russia—that these same men should n ow have prepared a n ew and worse hell even f o r their brothers of yesterday, for their old comrades in arms...
...More and more workers are recognizing the role of handmaidens which the Communists are thus playing, and they refuse to help them in this...
...You k n ow h ow to keep things out o f print...
...We new realise that Mr...
...Herald Denounces Govt...
...Friedrich Adler sent a telegram an behalf of t h e Labor and Socialist International...
...Small wonder, then, that the editor tries to turn the discussion into other channels by injecting altogether foreign matter at the end o f his answer, and injecting it with bold-face type...
...It has been esger t o ascertain the facts...
...We now realize that Mr...
...it conveys the idea that the central body did the repudiation outright and directly...
...So we stand apart facing each other, you parading a Palatial yacht before my outraged soul . . . and I praying for strength and patience to go about tbe long task of educating aad preparing tbe people t O T _ _ _ Your, for tbe Reveluttoa...
...Thus the o r i g inal charge of the Leader breaks down...
...THus The N e w Leader's original charge is n ow undergoing a "transition stage," it's in "the phase of transition," to speak in the dignified and highsounding language of certain addicts...
...At all events I have not sufficient independence or integrity or whatever it is that is sanded to get along f o r weeks on end o p m y own lastan m without the comradeship of those w ho Save the same interests as I have...
...When the central body approved the action of the executive that central body also made the action Its own and the repudiation was made as completely official ss It Is possible for a body t o make it...
...You might have kept the matter to yourself...
...Since the appearance of The N ew Leader's answer t o Emerich Stetaberger, it, becomes impossible to remain silent...
...All political refugees are excluded from the so-called amnesty...
...the editor's further statement that "John Sullivan, then president of the Central Trades, presided at that meeting of the executive c o u n c i l , " and, "the action of the executive committee was taken at a rump meeting, as Comrade Stein be r g e r insists,"— when fact is that Steihberger n o where made any such statements, much less "insisted" on such a version, show the editor as misreading and twisting our statements out of shape...
...They have been denied trial b y Jury...
...If I were emotionally uncontrolled, it would be relieving to fling a threat of Immediate revolt gainst your unforgivable insolence...
...I want t o walk the street without having people l o o k at m e *» though wondering what part of m y anatomy "••red the beat target f o r a Colt revolver...
...At any r a te I can never hope to reproduce the strange nasal notes that rasp the balmy sirs o f this southland...
...2* workers of Great Britain," says President S " ? o f the A F. of L., " f r om which country w e )^ir*^oMu*r *s<iys t em o f l aw and equi ty, have neve r o r restrained In the exercise of the ^**al functions of trade through the issuI w * ° * such an injunction as was approved by Parker in the Red Jacket case...
...back into Hungary not only l 1 Communists but also the Scci: - Democrats and even honest bou...
...You managed t o keep the international loans out o f t he public ear until we were dragged into the war to save the necks o f y o u r partners and your own...
...And since the central body never reversed the executive council in the matter, it therefore, " b y construction," repudiated L a Follette...
...Came tip-toeing in on a moonlight night last There was a whispering of her coming in j * , corn-fields and a l o ng the willows in the bottom feajjj of the B i g Muddy...
...It might soften the bitterness to shout out a warning o f what the "conquering armies of the proletariat" will do to your "class...
...I want t o carry • * conversation that doesn't sound like a monoto a deaf and dumb asylum...
...It is a statement o f officials, not o f individuals...
...In a September meeting we endorsed the candidacy ef Senator LaFollette...
...That was the only issue...
...g~ • ois Democrats like the aged Pastor Hock o r Professor Jaszi...
...I 'm sure he didn't launch the old "Corsair" right after the panic of 1907...
...The members of the executive committee do not s ay that they are speaking as individuals and at no place in the document d o t h ey M y this...
...The pamphlet tells o f mass arrests aad searching of homes, of tbe situation In the prisons, o f hunger strikes and suicides, of banishment by administrative action, of the concentration camps and o f the terrors o f the Solovletski islands...
...j»st even the magnificent canvass of a crimson •asset ever the prairies is sufficient compensation fjr the mental and spiritual starvation which I always suffer when I a m exiled t o one o f these iwsssa I suppose that deep within me there is the spirit of a gangster...
...It has n o place in the councils o r in the ranks of the Socialist movement Let me be specific...
...it gave them a vote of confidence...
...Some minor alterations were made in i t The address was printed in The N e w Leader about the time of the convention...
...The words arrived simultaneously with the •peearancs of the rival suitor who w a s mouthing east turned out to be, "Pardon me,*I hope I am not intruding...
...They mention the organizations they represent and also add that they represent "700,000 members...
...Steinberger also, in his letter, twice speciflcaily states it was "individual members w ho declared ta favor of Davis...
...And here I must admit that I have aeefully failed to live u p to a reputation that some el a y loving friends have cooked up f o r me...
...I t Is capable of making rmstakes but we insist that it has made no mistake in this matter...
...That paragraph reads: "After two hours of wrangling last night, the Central Trades and Labor Council adopted a resolution endorsing the action of those members of the Executive Board who switched their allegiance from LaFoUette to Davis last week...
...No *°*der they have periodic massacres down here...
...2—In reply to m e on this point, The New Leader reiterated its charge, to wit: "It was not a 'rump' group that repudiated La Follette and endorsed' Davis...
...From The New Leader Mail-bag The "Quietest" Policy In the Unions Editor, the N e w Leader: Following publication o f m y letter in the N e w Leader, March 15, and the editor's answer thereto, I had decided to l e t the matter r e st I was inclined to believe that The New Leader realized the weakness of its original contentions, and I did not want to press the matter further lest it take on the semblance' of a quarrel...
...In their defence they pleaded that "their action was a result o f t he demands of the rank and file- of their unions...
...After the session of the Sejm Comrade Kurylwlcz arrived in an aeroplane...
...Thus 26 members o f t he "Revolutionary Fraction" of th* Kosxyld district p a r t y i n Warsaw, including the chairman and secret a r y of the district party, disappointed with the p o l i c y o f t h e G o v ernment Socialists, returned o n the 26th March t o the Polish Socialist P a r t y which they had left a short time ago...
...Single track minds running en single track desires...
...We leave the answer to our readers...
...It , ii the flesh that is weak, not the spirit that is unwuHag...
...I want t o read a paper JP* has something in i t beside death notices and strips, in the language of these dear people, j * want out o f here...
...The majority o f t he accused men were arrested in places where they had been f o r some tune past living snd working...
...a a a The elimination of the automobile and the talkies from one's scheme o f things amusing leaves only * * violation of the Eighteenth Amendment to be considered...
...I mean Spring...
...New York City I n answering the above intemperate letter we shall cut through the tortuous and involved reasoning and questioning of motives and go to the heart of the issue which is: Did the Central Trades and L a bor Council repudiate LaFollette and come to the support of Davis ? Our answer is an emphatic yes...
...He does...
...The electorate is g o i n g towards the Left and is strengthening the ranks o f the S o cialist Party, whose determined opposition t o the Government of opportunists Is finding a powerful echo In the country...
...I called attention to that feature when I stated It was a "rump group of members...
...The " b y construction" postulate we'll take up later...
...Horthy Regime Denies Demand for Amnesty While counter - revolutionary Hungary celebrated with great festivities and miliary processions the tenth anniversary of the Government of the bloody Regent, Nicholas Horthy, the demand of the Social Democrat Deputy Gyorky, that a general political amnesty should be included in the Jubilee A c t w a s rejected by the Prime Minister, Count Be thi en, with a hypocritical reference to the danger of Bolshevism...
...After all your being bawled out b y c peanut columnist in a radical journal Is muchly liko a rhinoceros being buzzed by a giddy g n a t . . The v e r y disproportion of the contending forces may be amusing for a while...
...The Times further reports the following, which bears significantl y o n the present discussion: "In reply to a question f r om the floor Vice-President Mulholiand, who presided, said be understood that the action of t he Executive Board's members was individual and w a s not taken officially...
...Above them a crystal moon hangs s a heaven o f stars and f o r this little breathinggases the town forgets the sullen hatreds that have tees it to pieces time and again, forgets the youth U th* Jail who is soon to b e tried f o r the brutal ripiwr of a c i ty official, forgets the hanging of the jaagiur Birger who gave the b o y t en dollars f or the Job, forgets the b i t t e r factionalism in the miners' anjga and remembers only that life is somehow food...
...It was weird but swell...
...This prospect, of course, wouldn't suit you...
...Unfortunately it is not the only unpleasant feature of the case...
...Polish Renegades Decline The so-called "Revolutionary Fraction''.—the group which has broken off f r om the Polish Socialist Party and is working In favor o f Pfisudski—is In a continuous decline...
...The Labor and Socialist International will not cease from attacking this system until the chains have been broken, and the victims of the cruel terror which has lasted in the Soviet Union f o r twelve years and is n ow tendingtowards a n ew climax, have been released...
...He gives the impression that the vote came in the central body on whether the officials had "sold out" in repudiating LaFollette...
...A few weeks before the election the Central Trades and Leber Council of New York City and vicinity issued a statement in support of Da via, the Democratic and Wall Street candidate...
...That is something which emphatically I object to and protest against...
...I cite the newspaper version as I have no access to the authentic documents...
...Rarely do I speak a single sentence without being asked to repeat i t The •wbssaat you s a y ' s ? " rattle 'round my discouraged ears like machine gun bullets every time I essay the simplest speech...
...The decree declaring an amnesty contains the following clause: "All those persons whose offence was committed abroad or for whose arrest a warrant has been issued are excluded from the amnesty...
...At the meetings, which, as In previous years, are t o be given a character of special' solemnity, all the questions to which the Interna tionl has devoted special attention In recent times will be raised, v i z : the protection of working women and women's nationality...
...Here let us draw an analogy...
...s . / • a a Just sitting in a plush chair before a long mahogany table and scaring a lot o f pot-bellied bankers and bosses into borrowing money f r om you a t profitable rates isn't the right training for useful work in a real people'.-, republic...
...Nor, during the lingering preliminary proceedings before t he magistrate, has it become at all clear of what definite offences they are charged...
...That policy is deadly...
...After the election at a meeting of the central body on November 6 some Tammany apologists pleaded that the executive members had acted as individuals...
...WELL, she's here all right...
...the members of the Executive Committee ef the Central Trades and Labor Council of Greater New York aad vicinity, representing 700,000 members, after deliberate consideration, take the following action in conjunction with the Building Trades Council ef New York, Lang Island and vicinity...
...And those who are working, aad still have some •elf-respect left, they're too much worried about keeping what little they have, to bother about tbe breadliners or you...
...a They'd think I 'm ritzy or something...
...Despite this publicity in The New Leader a n d t he reading o f t he address in the convention the statement regarding the Central Trades and Labor Council went unchallenged till it was repeated in T h e New Leader a f ew weeks ago...
...Right in the middle o f » supposedly dramatic scene in which the h e r o w a s telling her all about it, the synchronization went blewie...
...it was individual' members thereof—eleven of them...
...Just as significant as the weakening o f t h e bourgeois parties is on the other hand the falling off In the votes of the Communists, who continue their criminal policy unchanged, by maintaining their hopeless candidatures against the Socialists even when this can o n ly benefit the reaction...
...Steinberger a third time called attention to this individual capacity in which those members acted, when he stated that the central body is not bound by the opinions of its Individual delegates...
...The native f o rm o f release f r om the monot"ies of a machine age takes the shape of a particularly noxious smelling liquid, familiary called "mule...
...Instead, they were taken off to a district with which they and their activities had only the flimsiest association, but ta which they have no benefit of jury...
...Whether the officials acted ta their individual or official capacity may be determined by the statement which they sent to the press and which appeared in the morning papers of October 11, 1924...
...he cannot...
...The w a y y o u c an stand up before a country that's just gasping f o r a f ew dollars to keep paying rent aad food bills and spit a $2,500,000 joy boat right -into its face Is superb...
...We leave it to the intelligent workers to recognize your part...
...With this fact staring us in the face, note the second sentence quoted above: "In a September meeting we endorsed the candidacy of Senator LaFollette...
...LaFollette has no chance," e t c Than follows the endorsement of Davis...
...5—Fact Is, It was not, as the editor n ow states, the Executive Council that performed the repudiation...
...f So y o u have made your decision to take n o chances...
...Gosh, I wish I could dish up enough gumption and be as hard-boiled a s y o u are about things as they are here...
...This is sufficiently indicative of whether or not they signed as the "Executive Council...
...I f the overturn takes place, y o u w o n ' t be caught napping like so many of the Czar's bunch of blueblooded parasites...
...a • e To begin with there is the difference in language to be overcome...
...The Regent's decree declaring an amnesty refers primarily to the offence of insulting the person of the Regent and to minor misdemeanor punishable with not more than s ix months' Imprisonment, All other victims of the counter-revolution, whose only crime was to take a political part In the events of the revolutionary period, and all the unfortunate victims o f Horthy's justice must continue to languish in the Hungarian prisons...
...The excuse o f "the danger of Bolshevism" is a sheer impertinence, as all the world knows that Horthy refuses to amnesty or al1...
...There would be no use f o r stock-jobbing, mergers, dizzy financing, and tbe like...
...It was the Central Trades and Labor Council...
...Now l o r the facts...
...Help the revolution with song and dance...
...The charges should be made specific and definite and this trial speeded up...
...Right y o u | ^ Bill...
...a a a You could have spared us that vulgar gesture with a telephone cell to your publicity headquarters...
...Of India on Meerut The London "Daily Herald" of March 21st, w r i t e s as follows on the Meerut trial:— "It ia twelve months since tbe men now o n trial at Meerut for sedition were arrested, Even now their trial proper was scarcely begun...
...The wards boomed across* the theatre a half second later ja*t as the young lady was supposed to be saying, "stot Mr...
...it does not g e t past me...
...The f a c t is that a f ew comrades are following a quietist policy on the most Important questions that have faced the labor movement in this country...
...No wonder the weak ones become impatient and howl for barricades and blood...
...N o w understand me, b i g boy, Tm giving you credit for being careful and f a r sighted...
...The vote of confidence was passed by a large majority against the protest* of a vigorous minority led by Abraham Lefkowits and Joseph Jab Ion - ower of tbe Teachers' Union and William Kehn of the Upheesterers' Union...
...Neither Seided nor Steinberger will contend otherwise...
...In one case the gain was a t the expense of the Radical-Socialists, and in the other o f the Republican Socialists— in both cases therefore at the expense o f bourgeous Left Parties The newly elected members are Raymond Berenger and Simounet...
...It may not have been a full meeting of tbe members of t h e ! executive...
...Had they been charged, according t o normal procedure, ta these places they would have had the right fib be tried by a jury...
...Had he quoted the leading paragraph of the story he would not have been able to give this impression...
...At the national convention o f the party in 1928 t he editor read an address of the country to the Socialist delegates which carried a reference to this incident Before submitting the final draft it b ad received the criticism o f comrades Hill quit and Thomas...
...In Sweden " W o men's Day" is to be celebrated f r om March 9th t o 17th, in Austria and Switzerland from March 23rd t o April 13th, and in Czechoslovakia on March 16th...
...You'd be a white-collared gink without a j o b . Why, you can't even play a decent game of golf...
...The language here is plain...
...The joy o f playing and the pleasure of genuine training In the fine points of drama and TerpJsehore are yours for the visit and registry...
...What is required la sympathetic discussion and criticism, aid to every labor organization in trouble, avoidance of exaggeration, honest endeavor t o ascertain the facts, snd intelligent educational work within the unions...
...Those who make it their business t o question our motives when w s t ry to engage in helpful criticism and d o little or nothing within tbe unions to help tbe members t o more progressive policies render no service to the labor movement, including the atociaitat Party.—EDITOR, The The Chatter Box rO ZmOFELD will get you girls, aam^jbEjam far that matter, if you watch out aad Jam the May Day Pageant Chorus of dance and song that the famous Impress rice, Stuyvesant and Stanley, are rounding into shape, these Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings tat tbe Studio Room of the Rand School...
...Instead, you had all the newspapers parade your extravagance before the pinched faces and starved stomachs of seven million out-of-works . . . just like any Mrs...
...4—The editor, however, is compelled to answer...
...A clear proof of this development is provided , b y the results of the by-elections which took place on the 30th o f March, when the Socialists gained two seats in Bergerac (Dordogne) and Dreux (Eure-et-Loire...
...Y o u cannot make a "red army" out ef them...
...Ha look at me f o r a perplexed moment and then snd "Whaaat y o u s a y ? " a a a It must be that I talk too f a s t or mumble m y words or something...
...Further • details on the manner In which the W o men's Day is celebrated will be g i v en later...
...The editor doesn't meet the challenge...
...The Secretary of State for India has declared that he cannot interfere with the course o f justice...
...For twelve months, without any crime yet proven against j them, they have been held in an Indian jail...
...there is no hint or suggestion that a different body, a subordinate body, did the repudiation, and that the parent body was to be "construed" as repudiating La Follette because it did not reverse the minor body...
...Rump" group, as everyone knows, means unofficial...
...We know the kind of l ow exultation such a lady would feel by showing off before her East Side neighbors as she came bonking the horn and stopping off before the stoop of her o ld tenement home on Christie Street...
...Indeed, the editor's statements to the effect that "what is n ow called a rump meeting of the executive council," when the fact is that neither of us ever so characterized the action...
...Your experience with yachts and such matters might help to land such a place...

Vol. 10 • April 1930 • No. 11

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