Mayor's Lack of Program Holds Big Opportunity For Los Angeles Socialists

Mayor's Lack of Program Holds Big Opportunity For Los Angeles Socialists Porter. "Good Government" Man Proving Inadequate in Face of Unemployment and Other Serious Problems — Hard Work Will...

...The so-called unemployment commission appointed b y the Governor was a meaningless gesture in the face of a grave emergency...
...Gentlemen, I abhor war...
...This list of "successful business men" who have piled up unearned increment does not include the multitudinous real estate sharks who have fleeced mercilessly, nor the promoters of fraudulent corporations which literally have separated from their trusting owners hundreds of millions of dollars...
...Toal contributions from this source ire $1,357,229.46...
...He quoted in conclusion from Eugene V. Debs' speech to the jury trying him, in June, 1918, on the charge of violating the Espionage A c t : "I have been accused of obstructing the war," said Debs...
...Prosperity" Has Vanished I t follows: •The hollowness of Hoover prosperity is becoming increasingly apparent as unemployment grows in Philadelphia with the profits of public utilities...
...In a dozen years Los Angeles has quadrupled its population...
...Socialist Party Attacks Record of Roosevelt And N. Y. Legislation Law-Makers Failed to Aet on Unemployment on State Ownership and Operation of Utilities, Survey Shows — Labors Bills Were Killed While'Slight Change in Labor Injunction Law Was Made ALTHOUGH the N e w York legislative session had before It numerous vital problems, tka action taken on some.of them, and the failure to do anything on most of them, have made the work of the session a disappointment to progressives throughout the State, Norman Thomas and Louis Waldman, co-chairmen'of the Socialist Party's Committee on Public Affairs declared in a statement reviewing the session...
...The balance of the income, so ong as Milwaukee has any outtanding debt, shall be paid anlually to the city treasurer and ipplied in payment of interest on he city debt, any surplus to be ipplied to paying the principal, f and when the city debt is exinguished the same balance o f net ncome of the foundation shall be urned over annually to-the credit if the general fund o f the city, i t is expected that as the First Civic Foundation becomes better known aad grows la size it will receive many bequests from public spirited citizens...
...Protestantism is the ruling obsession among those who profess religion, although Catholicism is strong...
...She said it was time the constitution were brought up to date, and into harmony with the Pact...
...I admit it...
...Yet during the entire dscussion of the Kellogg Pact the State Department never received a letter opposing that pledge against the making of war...
...The reason is simple...
...No consideration at all was given t o emergency legislation for a shorter working week...
...The luxury and the marvels of science and machinery which our capitalist civilization has achieved are not more remarkable than the squalor and misery in which large populations live...
...The c i ty contributes to the fund nterest it receives from various lources...
...The wealth of the wealthy is not more impressive than the poverty of the poor...
...William B. Harvey spoke for the Quakers, and John Nevin Sayre for the Fellowship of Reconciliation...
...This foundation now has on land $3,569.57...
...The significant fact connected with this election is that Shuler almost singlehanded and alone directed his appeal to the working classes and the small business and professional men, -and they responded overwhelmingly...
...Contributions made b y the city from its awn funds since the starting of the debt fund are $1,800,146.84...
...Both funds work toward the same object, the elimination of Milwaukee's public debt...
...Stafford Fights Norris Bill on Shoals Milwaukee Reactionary Filibusters for Two Days Against Government Ownership WASHINGTON.—( F P )—Remarking that "There is nothing sacrosanct about the National Defense A c t in its requirement that Muscle Shoals be retained and operated b y the government,' 'Rep...
...Oa Public I till tie* " 5 . Public Utilities...
...These gentry were professional crooks before coming to Los Angeles and have merely continued their crooked career under cover of the law...
...A t the moment he is like a sheep in a den of ravening wolves...
...Public operation and control is the only sound and democratic al- . tentative to a private power trust > which has evaded successful regulation and will continue to evade it...
...Dorothy Detzer, of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, declared that the results of the London naval conference had shown how slow the process of disarmament through diplomacy is going to be...
...A full state ticket is to be placed by petition in the November elections...
...In this plan for a State system should have been included the right of municipalities and power districts to own and operate production and distributing systems for the benefit of the people...
...That further, postpones a sound solution of the long neglected problem on water power...
...Leo* Roster Land's address at the • o'clock fellowship Service at the weekly meethat of the Bronx Free Fellowship...
...The bi-partisan agreement on the commission may take the issue out of the next Gubernatorial campaign, but it does not settle the question advanced by the Socialists and progressives for the public operation-and development of water power...
...The movemeat Is receiving great impetus f r om college professors, university students, professional men and labor unions...
...Another accumulated a block of store and office buildings through skinning suckers by means of the well known "pay-off" game...
...It had been used to cover up invasions of Haiti, Nicaragua and the conquest o f the Philippines...
...54,253 in the -professional, clerical and general group, averaging $7.45 a day, and ?,696 in the transportation group averaging 38.82 a day...
...for the text following 25 years half of he income must be so invested, md thereafter .one-eighth of the let Income...
...To answer these questions intelligently, many factors must be considCalifornia in many respects might be regarded as one of the pivotal states in a national political contest...
...David Feli x and H. H. Goldstein, attorneys...
...With all due respect to his honesty and sincerity...
...Howard, for the Department, explained that the Muscle Shoals plant was out of date since the entire process of manufacture had been changed...
...Secretary of the department John J. McCarthy, who was a Tammany worker in the 18th A. D., Manhattan...
...Contributions Received The First Civic Foundation of Milwaukee, also established as jart of a plan to eventually rei r e Milwaukee's city debt, is intended to receive donations and >equests from private sources to >e used for the same purpose as h e city amortization fund...
...Caroline Lexow Babcock of the Women's Peace Union urged that another world war would result f r om failure of Congress to accept responsibility for placing this plan before the American people and thereby pledging to the world the peaceful purpose of the strongest of the nations...
...age assistance law represents a ioubtful advance, but it is a disappointing travesty on the sort of thing that Socialists and other advocates of old age relief have been idvocating for years...
...These are the individuals who are now industrially, politically and socially dominant...
...Mayor's Lack of Program Holds Big Opportunity For Los Angeles Socialists Porter...
...When the Rev...
...The statement follows: "Circumstances, including unemployment, the virtual collapse of regulatory machinery for public utilities and the prison riots, together with the cumulative effect of long years of work b y the labor movement in general and by the Socialist party in particular, brought it to pass that this last session of the Legislature has seen more discussion of issues that really matter than any session since the Socialists were expelled...
...The first Wis:onsin Trust Co...
...The most important item s interest on deferred, payments >f street paving assessments...
...this was demonstrated, when United States Senator Hiram Johnson turned his back on Charles Evan Hughes and thereb y insured the election of Woodr ow Wilson to the presidency...
...By far the greatest numbers came from the Mississippi valley and...
...Unprincipled slickers from the Eastern centers also came, and, in consonance with capitalist procedure, taking advantage of the gullibili ty of their less sophisticated fell ow citizens, rose to the top...
...Labor Laws Killed "6...
...Many of his appointments to some of the most important offices in the city government have been instigated and engineered by scabherding corporations who saw to it that the men they wanted appointed complied with the mayor's prejudices regarding religion...
...It Is idle to blame the legislature, for these things as long as the citizens remain content with a political system under which both old parties are brokers between la*, tercets with power, aad the masses with the votes, aad tend to vie with each other to as* not what can I s done for human well-being but at what a low price the people of oar state can be kept content under a system which fails to provide them with economic security and well being, or with genuine democracy...
...In i few more years the interest will equal the city's contribution...
...Hoopes I s Speaker Sen...
...Daniels To Be Organizer The letter then asks support for a program including the bringing of Franz Daniels as organizer to Philadelphia and establishing headquarters at the Labor Institute, 810 Locust street...
...Our comment, therefore, is confined to certain main heads: Unemployment Board Criticised " 1 . Unemployment There are definite things that Should have been done by the State of New York far in advance of anything that was done or even discussed by the Governor or the Legislature...
...Thomas pointed out that the executives o f t h e department are largely political appointees, citing in particular deputy commissioner James Fay, formerly vice-president of the Anawanda Club...
...By compounding the Interest through such reinvestment the fund will grow much faster as the interest becomes a greater factor...
...The necessity for vigorous socialist education and organization is great...
...Mayor Porter's impending debacle could and should prive to be the greatest opportunity that ever same the way of Los Angeles So:lalism...
...The letter Is signed by Harry Berger, of the Jewish Daily Forward, Andrew J. Blemlller, of the University of Pennsylvania...
...Anti-injunction legislation, riere a forward step was taken by h e passage of a l aw requiring noi c e o f hearing before a judge prior o the issuance of a temporary inunction...
...T^ghtin'g J&ob" Shuler get away with whs*- he does over the radio, or a. zealous member of the Campbellite Church, like John C. Porter, win his way to the mayor's office...
...No effective provision was made for the investigation of city aad county government either in Greater New York or up-state because both old parties have too much to fear aad too much to conceal so , that neither l a ta a position to take a vigorous Initiative...
...Total independent disarming of itself by the United States was the theme of the dozen speeches...
...1591 Boston road, near Bast 172nd street on Sunday evening April Jeth...
...He has twice been jailed in N e w York in defence of the civil liberties of the Ladies Garment Workers...
...The National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party, concluding one of it* most successful sessions since the World War, having left Los Angeles, what, locally, is the situation and what are the prospects for future Socialist success...
...Hill of Alabama that Stafford read the printed hearings of the committee for the past 10 years, if he desired to give himself a technical education on chemical fertilizer, did not halt the Wisconsin reactionary...
...This proposed amendment reads: "War for any purpose shall be illegal, and neither the United States nor any State, Territory, association, or person subject to its jurisdiction shall prepare for, declire, engage in, or carry on war or other armed conflict, expedition, invasion, or undertaking within or without the United States, nor shall funds be raised, appropriated or expended for such purpose...
...The rust agreement provides that for !5 years after the creation of the rust, three-fourths of the net income shall be accumulated and inrested with the principal...
...The Leglsature aad the Governor, b y agreenent, deferred action on water tower until a commission appoint ed by them will have an opportunity to study aad report oa the desirability aad practicability of the Governor's proposal for State dor velopment of the St...
...Out in Wisconsin we do not use commercial fertilizer, but rely on the cow, as you know, to return natural fertilizer to the soil...
...It is well to admit here, however, that neither Mayor Porter nonahis protagonist, "Fighting Bob" Shuler, have the slightest conception of the fundamental principles and program of the Socialist movement...
...Socialj ists were the chief advocates of • | this measure before the Knight | Commission, L "While Something was done to strengthen the Public Service Commission the chief result of the work of the Knight Commission and of , the Legislature is to show the impossibility of bringing about really satisfactory regulation to deal either with the power companies or with such a case as that of the New York Telephone Company, which is still unsettled after ten years before the Commission sad in the courts...
...surplus from Neptune tageant, $75...
...San Francisco, on the other hand, is decidedly wet, and by the people of Los Angeles is regarded as a city of foreigners...
...Placing the blame both on Governor Roosevelt and the legislative leaders, the Socialists cite the scrapping of the program advocated b y the State Federation of Labor, appointment of an unemployment commission without power funds t o investigate or, deal with fundamental relief measures, defeat of the N e w Y o r k City transit, unification measure, for which the Socialists also hold Mayor Walker responsible, inadequate anti-injunction relief, and the failure to take effective action for a development of the state's water power resources b y state agencies as among the major questions on which the record of the legislature is to be condemned...
...The' fund is invested in Milwaukee bonds and the interest is reinvested...
...No step was taken to give the great city the clear right t o g o in for municipal housn g under circumstances w h i c h will permit such a program both t o reieve unemployment and to remove ilums...
...M. V. Leof, physician...
...Disillusionment Is Due John C. Porter, mayor of Los Angeles, is an active member of the Campbellite, or Christian Church, is executive head of the Church Brotherhood, an organization of Protestant men of California, carries a card in the Telegrapher's Union, and in private conversation claims to be a Socialist : That he is thoroughly honest even his enemies concede.' Since his accession to office he hss accorded the right of agitation and organization to Socialists and trade unionists, despite the disapproval of the Better America Federation challenging only the Communists, and that principally because of their denial of God...
...In proportion to population and opportunity not even Chicago excels Los Angeles in political chicanery, commercial corruption, social vice and every other iniquity inherent in the capitalist system...
...This la, however, a small •king...
...On a straight liquor v o t e the wets would find little satisfaction...
...Organized labor in San Francisco is largely Catholic, politically Democratic, and clannish Until now the workers have counted on winning victories through the trade union movement City of Contradictions Los Angeles presents an admixture of inconsistencies and contradictions as unusual and unique as ever got together in an American community...
...Good" Government Wins These precious buccaneers are the gentlemen who have been influencing the industrial life of Los Angeles, dictating its politics, Sib...
...But if the workers and small property owners are diplomatically propagandized, despite die opposition of the Better Amsrica Federation and allied organxations, including the American Legion and the Chamber o f Commerce, every prospect indicates that the night of capitalism may M turned into the day o f Socialcm, with the complete redemption of Los Angeles aad Southern California Railroad Wages in January Averaged 63.9 Cents An Hour WASHINGTON—(FP)—C l a s s 1 steam railways in the United States bad 1,537,799 employes in January, 1930, sad the average pay o f the 1,417,049 who worked on s a hourly basis wss 63.9 cents an hour for straight time, according to the monthly report by the Interstate Commerce Commission...
...Re:eipts of this fund have been from hese sources: Accumulated income from gifts if $1 to $10—3934.57...
...Jesse H. Holmes and Dr, Clair Wilcox of Swarthmore College, Maynard C. Krueger and Clement Weinstein, also of the University of Pennsylvania...
...The sponsors of the revived interest in Philadelphia Socialism Saturday night mailed a letter to thousands of the city's residents outlining the party program and soliciting the support of the people for greater social control ol their industrial environment...
...deputy commissioner Louis Conn, who served as an aide of Edward Flynn, Democratic leader in the Bronx, and deputy commissioner Edward Cadley, who was Democratic leader in the 17th Assembly district, Brooklyn...
...Among the oil magnates one of the best known formerly was an all-round thief, having been successively pickpocket, shoplifter and general confidence man...
...By Socialism we mean an increasing measure of social control in our economic life, looking forward to the development of a planned economy in which the means of production shall be collectively owned and democratically controlled...
...None of these people can be helped b y the Porter administration, as is rapidly being discovered, and many of them are realizing the hopelessness of expecting relief at the hands of politicians now in the public eye...
...San Francisco, the most radical labor city in the West and the best organized, 8as heretofore proved an infertile field for'Socialist agitation...
...Milwaukee Civitas Hub, $25...
...Compared with San Francisco in character, conduct and appearance Los Angeles functions like a big overgrown town, although possessing twice the population...
...Edmund Chaffee, of the Labor Temple la New York, said there were great numbers of Christians who repudiate war and stand definitely with the pacifist position of Jesus, Dill asked him to explain why Jesus "used force to drive the money changers from the temple...
...I f the radio pastor of Trinity Methodist Church could defy the powers o f capitalism, and with virtually no platform of promised performance could arouse and provoke the voters into placing in the mayor's office a man of little business ability and no political accomplishment, surely the Socialists with a city-wide organization, the backing of organized labor, strong working class candidates of recognised standing, and a-practisal platform of immediate demands should be...
...Thomas Accuses Walker Of Responsibilty for Politics in Hospitals Mayor Walker and Tammany Hall are responsible f o r the breaki n g down o f standards m the Department Of Hospitals of which the Mayor complains, Norman Thomas, chairman o f the Socialist Party committee o n public affairs, charges...
...The age of seventy Is altogether too late, the politics likely to be Injected in its administration is altogether unfair t o the public and the needy, and, finally, it does not remove the stigma of :harity from the assisted pauper...
...When i i e fund reaches $10,000,000 the nterest on it will be about $450,000 i year, considerably more than the :otal contribution to it annually i t this time...
...The class, divided into two sections, meets Wednesday, April 23 in the Rand School Studio, 17 East 15th Street, between 7 and S.20 P.M and 8.30 and 10 P.M...
...Fred C. Brockhausen esate, $25...
...Excepting a handful of radicals and conscientious objectors, flag worship is a generally recognized function...
...The subject of Wright's talk will be "Anarchism...
...Dill answered his own question by saying that it is business intrigues that are the real source of modern wars, and until business is regulated wars will continue...
...Denouncing the bankers and big business men for what they are, he raised the standard of political revolt and actually succeeded, in one of the bitterest campaigns Los Angeles ever experienced, in electing mayor the present incumbent, John C. Porter...
...And Los Angeles was the the center of Socialist activity and Appeal to Reason propaganda...
...That every ounce of energy on the part of every Socialist will aave t o be thrown into the fight, if victory comes, is conceded in advance...
...It was started in 1923 with an initial sum Of 3500,459.80... to c a r r y Los Angeles at the next mayoralty election...
...N o r ris told the Senate four years ago —that Muscle Shoals had ceased to be a fertilizer proposition, but had become the greatest power project in America—the Milwaukee Congressman was forcing the experts to begin to argue with him all over again...
...Whan one remembers that the measure adopted received the blessing of the Niagara Hudson power combine, a Morgan concern controlling over 69 per cent of the electricial energy in the State, one cannot be sanguine over what happened in the matter of water power...
...The fact that these experts agreed that Muscle Shoals is no longer a potential factor in the commercial fertilizer industry, since the process n ow employed requires a wholly different equipment than the one installed at the Shoals after the war, made him only more talkative...
...Half-suppressed groans of impatience came from committee members who had spent years in informing themselves on the reasons why the direct synthetic process of producing fixed nitrogen was better than the cyanamid process...
...Into this situation several years ago "Fighting Bob" Shuler projected himself with his radio, KGEF, which he hoisted over Trinity Methodist Church...
...Under the terms of the declaraion of trust a committee of five esidents of Milwaukee county a an ages the foundation fund...
...Interest receipts In 1929 were four times the receipts from the same source in 1924, five years before...
...This tremendous influx of people, bringing together every conceivable type of character, many of whom, now numbered among the city's most influential business and political leaders and formerly figuri ing as law-defying criminals elsewhere, has had the effect of developing the community very much like the boom mining towns in the intermontane regions of the wild West...
...Free speech and press were never utteatv suppressed there during and after the World Wax as in Los Angeles, but it has always been extremely difficult for Socialism to make headway In the Northern city...
...Comptroller Reports The City Comptroller reports as follows, the progress of the Duncan plan, which went into effect July, 1923: Milwaukee's amortization fund, which is expected to pay off the city's funded debt in 40 or 50 years, is now increasing at the rate of about $100,000 a year from interest on the fund itself...
...Everybody Is welcome...
...Among the >ther sources are interest on bank balances, interest on extended a x e s and interest on securities...
...While the child labor law was strengthened b y raising the age at which permits can be issued by one year,' more than that might reasonably aave been done, especially in an emergency...
...The total contributions from the interest on the fund are $347,033.64...
...Two funds are necessary because it is illegal to have private and public moneys mixed together in the same fund...
...The platform of both Porter and Shuler is nebulous and consists largely of indefinite demands for good government and the square deal...
...Dill questioned the witnesses...
...I would oppose war if I stood alone . . . Men are fit for something better than slavery and cannon fodder, and the time-will come . . . when slavery will be wiped from the earth, and men will marvel that there ever was a time when men who called themselves civilised rushed upon each other like wild beasts, and murdered each other by methods so cruel that they defy the power of man to describe...
...The agents of special privilege will leave no stone unturned t o prevent the people from Searing and receiving the Socialis t message...
...Mayor Porter will not measure up to the requirements of his office, and he will fail to fulfill the expectations of the people as surely as the factors of capitalism perform in Los Angeles...
...At nine O'clock Open Forum, Algernon Lee will speak on...
...The United States, she pointed out, is t o expend half a billion dollars on new naval construction, in consequence of the London agreement if it is ratified...
...The opportunity is even greater...
...By enlisting the support if the local labor movement, working with the forces of labor and making the interests of labor their iwn, incorporating in their platform planks of a constructive character peculiarly adapted to the needs of a working class community, there i s ' every reason to believe that a disillusioned electorate, shocked by the failure of Mayor Porter to make good, will rally to the support of Socialist candidates rather than return to i regime of politcal reaction and jraft, Conservatively estimated there i re at least one hundred thousand persons out of work in Los Angeles now, and this number will not decrease...
...Thousands of small home jwners are desperate as a result >f high taxes and Increased - Tints apartment houses lost their prope r ty through foreclosure to the American Mortgage Company, a local institution, during March of this year...
...2 . Old A g e Security... the trustee of his fund, which must be kept inrested in municipal bonds...
...the Schuster stores, 12,500...
...Protestant church membership and en-' dorsement constitute the open sesame to politics...
...Lawrence asm private operation...
...This evil iss not even been touched b y the egislation...
...Plan to End Milwaukee's Debt Advanced Progress is Being Made on Scheme Laid Out by State Senator Duncan, Socialist MILWAUKEE, January, 1930, marked four and one-half years since the city of Milwaukee adopted t h e plan of Senator Thomas M. Duncan to eliminate its public debt—and the four and one-half year mark finds the city with 32,147,180.48 in its public debt eliminating fund and with $3,569.57 in its private debt eliminating fund, all invested in city of Milwaukee bonds...
...It is unfortunate for John C. Porter that be won the election, but his experience unquestionably will demonstrate to the people of Los Angeles the folly of electing a good man to office purely on a program >f cleaning the rascals out...
...Edward 3rieb, $10...
...The New Capitalism— what is there new about it... under the Porter administration...
...9 and at present secretary of Local 905...
...One prominent apartment house owner served a term in the Ohio state penitentiary for swindling...
...An oldfashioned American from the mountain regions of Virginia he split the air for a square deal for the poor...
...Robert C. Brooks, D r . Arnold Dresden, Dr...
...Nothing was done to give more honest elections in New York City and other cities...
...Stafford of Milwaukee conducted a filibuster, April 10 and 11, in the House military affairs committee, against prompt action on the Norris bill for making this clause in the law effective...
...The city administration, however, did not come before the Legislature with clean hands...
...vertising its possibilities, sad, blatantly waving the flag of patriotism, have sought to trample in the dust the aspirations of American workers who dared to organize against their rascalities and greed...
...Maurer is a former President of the American Federation of Labor...
...The total fund i s 32,147,180.48...
...The slate will be headed by James Maurer running for Governor...
...Suggestions b y Rep...
...The 120,750 persona employed on a daily basis, whose average p a y was (8.36, included 16.975 in the executive, official and staff group, averaging 117.63 a day...
...The quality of the work done is better tested by certain great issues than by any attempt to measure the routine grist of legislative mills...
...Southern states, the small town and country districts contributing most...
...The legislative program of the revived party will include the following local and national measures: A referendum on the repeal of the prohibition act, outlawing of yellow dog contracts, the five-day week and minimum wage for all industries, barring of the use of state police and injunctions in labor disputes, unemployment insurance, old-age pensions, public ownership and operation of public utilities, coal and oil industries, revision of court practice which permits assessment of trial costs against defendants declared not guilty, proportional representation and immediate, drastic reduction of the United States' naval and military forces and the abandonment of their use to dominate the weaker nations In A s i a central and South A m e r i ca Rand School Class To Hear Anarchist View The next lecturer in the symposiumcourse in Labor Problems at the Rand School presided over by Louis Stanley will be Thomas Wright, speaker for anarchist groups and the American Association for the Advancement o f Atheism, formerly president of New York Painters' District Counsel No...
...Nothing wss done by both parties to better the disgraceful conditions in the prisons until the tragic riots which resulted In the loss of life en both sides, and the evil theory behind the archaic laws affecting owe penal system...
...Porter is the mayor who attended the big Socialist banquet recently and welcomed the visiting National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party...
...Good Government" Man Proving Inadequate in Face of Unemployment and Other Serious Problems — Hard Work Will Bring Socialist Party Chance to Bid for Power LOS ANGELES.—What of the aftermath...
...No consideration was given t o unemployment insurance and none to a scientific program of public works in dull times such as has been at least discussed b y the Federal Congress...
...The annual amount added to the fund from all sources since the ttrst year are: In 1924 $247,847.38 En 1925 224,980.86 in 1926 288,392.61 In 1927 275,492.77 In 1928 287,474102 In 1929 322,533.04 In 1929 the contribution from interest on the fund was $96,252.78 and f r om the city $226,280.26...
...Protesting its love of the five cent fare it has failed to use its recapture powers and failed to tax property especially benefitted so as to make a five cent fare more easilyj possible...
...Leaders Urge a Strong Socialist Party Labor Men, Educators and Others Join in Appeal to Workers — Daniels to Be City Organizer (By a New LaaSar Cawaasanatsaal r:E Socialist Party in Phila delphia is rising like a phoenix f r om the post-war ashes of Republican prosperity...
...The entire program of the State Federation of Labor, aad the welfare laws required to make our laws for more humane treatment of women and children in industry, were crushed at a time when in the enlightened countries In the rest of the world, national and local governments devote their energies and statesmanship to precisely those fields of social legislation...
...THE BRONX FREE FELLOW S RIP "Why i believe to Personal Immortality" will be the topic of Rev...
...Preponderatingly, Los Angeles is American in its make-up, with a psychological complex that is preeminently small-town...
...Off the record, I'm entirely new to this matter...
...If the United States would disarm, he argued, the rest would follow gladly because their fears would be r e moved...
...What Sen...
...In the old days when Eugene Debs polled almost a million votes for Socialism in the United States and the Appeal to Reason boasted a circulation of six hundred thousand copies weekly, the Socialist Party in California had a formidable following and the readers of the paper a numerical strength second only to New York State...
...The old...
...Leo KryzckL organizer, Amalgamated Clothing Workers, and Charles Kennedy, business representative, Pocketbook Workers Union...
...The most oppressive Inunctions in the experience of organized labor have been granted >7 judges on the basis of mere arhlavits without a trial on grounds insound in l aw and discriminatory igainst labor, and often issued be;ause of the deep-rooted prejudice •f the presiding judge...
...Daniels is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and of Union Theological Seminary...
...Azure Masonic Temple...
...The present business depression is magnifying as never before the inherent inability of capitalist production and distribution to raise the great majority of American workers up t o the minimum standards of health and decency...
...that if the improvement continues until 1935 as it has since 1924, the United States will have no need of Chilean nitrates...
...I t s title is Senate Joint Resolution 45...
...Other matters...
...Darlington Hoopes, Socialist, and c i ty solicitor of Reading, P a , pictured the various nations as steadily increasing their preparations for war, because the strongest powers are doing so...
...Both parties made a football of transit in New York and in consequence the Legislature adjourned without giving New York City * the power that it unquestionably should have to bring about proper unification..., $3,569.57...
...Pacifists Ask Constitution Ban All Wars Big Delegation Urges Proposed Frazier Amendment Be Submitted to All the States WASHINGTON.— (F P ) — Pleading with the GillettDill subcommittee of the Senate judiciary committee to give the anti-war sentiment in the United States a fair chance to show its strength, speakers on behalf of the absolutist peace organizations o f the country, at a hearing April 12, urged Congress t o place before the state for ratification the Frazier amendment to the federal constitution, which makes war illegal...
...We who sign this letter are convinced that the program of Socialism offers the most practicable way out of this economic impasse...
...Yet in proportion t o the greatness of the need the amount of action was inconsiderable...
...A notorious pickpocket owns valuable real estate in the Western part of the city and poses as a diamond merchant...
...As it stands, it is at best a liberalized pauperization measure and cannot be said to meet the problem of old age lecurlty...
...The cry of "national defences," he suggested, is largely a smoke-screen to hide the profits of munition makers...
...Helen Murphy, educator...
...Nowhere else could Almes Esmple McPherson perpetrate h:r emotional hysterics under the guise of religion...
...They are: Interest for 1923 $8,218.60 Interest for 1924 24,083.09 Interest for 1925 30,041.76 Interest for 1926 50,399.87 Interest for 1927 . . . . . . 56,089.51 Interest for 1928 81,948.03 Interest for 1929 96,252.78 For 1930 the interest will be well above $100,000...
...Now, Doctor, please give us a general picture of the fertilizer situation," he suggested...
...The voice of an active Socialist party has not been heard in Philadelphia for many years...
...Patiently Dr...
...The rate at which interest increases is shown by figures given out by the City Comptroller for the time the fund has been established...
...He explained that the "situation" of the fertilizer industry is one of steadily reducing cost of production in order to widen the market...
...He persisted in asking elementary questions of technical experts whom he had caused to be summoned f r om the Department of A g riculture...
...The Duncan plan is in two parts —there is a municipal debt eliminating fund, created by his bill, introduced into the 1923 Legislature and signed b y Governor John J. Blaine,—then there is t t 2 First Civic Foundation, the private debt eliminating fund with the- First Wisconsin Trust Company as trustee...
...It is .known that a number of wills have been drawn which make such bequests...
...Wss it because they were money changers, or was it because they were playing the game of b i g business in the temple...

Vol. 10 • April 1930 • No. 11

Developed by
Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.