The Rise of the Reebok Right

THE DANCING IN THE STREET AS THE POLLS Tclosed on March 20 had the distinct appearance of a (HE DANCING IN THE STREET AS THE POLLS)closed on March 20 had the distinct appearance of a...

...T HE PARTY HAS SEVERAL POWERFUL FIG T(HE PARTY HAS SEVERAL POWERFUL FIG )ures besides Cristiani and DAubuisson: Ochoa, cur ures besides Cristiani and D'Aubuisson: Ochoa, current SanSalvador Mayor Armando Calder6n Sol and, until rent SanSalvador Mayor Armando Calderon Sol and, until his death,his death, Rodriguez Porth...
...ARENA had come to power...
...The decision to forego a frontal assault and The decision to forego a frontal assault and instead goinstead go after the reform piece by piece, "privatizing" after the reform piece by piece, "privatizing" somesome cooperatives and tying up the rest with legal chal cooperatives and tying up the rest with legal challengeslenges and credit restrictions, sent Orlando de Sola, the and credit restrictions, sent Orlando de Sola, the ultra reactionary coffee oligarch par excellence, out of ultra reactionary coffee oligarch par excellence, out of thethe party...
...military advisers in El Salvador, Col...
...vate sector raged unabated...
...It a variety of Left groupings throughout Latin America...
...And to confront the sprawling state to total commitment...
...project was consolidated...
...Even three years later, in the March presidential elec Even three years later, in the March presidential elections, ARENA's most effective commercials featured tions, ARENA's most effective commercials featured scenes of death and destruction after the earthquake, scenes of death and destruction after the earthquake, with a melodramatic voice over accusing the PDC of with a melodramatic voice over accusing the PDC of profiting from the suffering...
...At an ARENA rally outside the capital, a coffee oligarch stood ARENA rally outside the capital, a coffee oligarch stood observingobserving the show from the edge of the crowd...
...See Michael McClintock, The American Connection, Volume One: State Terror and Popular Resistance in El Salvador, (London: Zed Books, 1985...
...Even the United States]United States] doesn't play dirty enough...
...The topics of discussion included politicallitical scenarios for El Salvador, relations with the United scenarios for El Salvador, relations with the United States,States, and possibilities for foreign aid from other and possibilities for foreign aid from other sources...
...ambassador, as "a psychopathic of one former U.S...
...Carlos Humberto Romero, he led El Salvador into the Carlos Humberto Romero, he led El Salvador into the Movement of Non Aligned Nations, and even attended Movement of Non Aligned Nations, and even attended the Movement's Havana summit in 1979 to silence criti the Movement's Havana summit in 1979 to silence criticism of the regime's human rights abuses...
...just that morning had blacked out sections of the capital...
...ambassador, as "a psychopathic killer...
...AA T THE CORE OF THE PARTY THESE MEN T THE CORE OF THE PARTY THESE MEN lead is a bourgeoisie that the crisis has unified and lead is a bourgeoisie that the crisis has unified and the party has mobilizedthe party has mobilized with the promise of power...
...We'll have a tour, with representativessentatives from all the sectors, visiting the local sector from all the sectors, visiting the local sector heads,heads, so we can learn how well our cadres are organ so we can learn how well our cadres are organized...
...nationalism is one playing a tape of the national anthem...
...The land reform, though stunted and counterinsurgency...
...Before ARENA, neither the tions that rule the nation...
...On the one hand, a major offensive was construction...
...It was, after all, D'Aubuisson has hardly been eclipsed...
...Jose Antonio Rodriguez Porth a businessman, dent, Dr...
...evident when, as foreign minister for the regime of Gen...
...On the one hand, a major offensive was mountedmounted through the business institutions, playing on through the business institutions, playing on capital'scapital's home court the private sector economy...
...Yet D'Aubuisson has hardly been eclipsed...
...upper class functionaries...
...At theAt the top, Rodriguez Porth and his Advisory Coun top, Rodriguez Porth and his Advisory Council worked to mobilize the business community...
...the scenes...
...Yet D'Aubuisson as a D'Aubuisson puppet...
...In the l980s what was formerly the hired hand of ton...
...It could happen...
...advisers, and much of the killing was directed by on-duty army officers with whom the U.S...
...Though formally disbanded in 1979, according to many reports formally disbanded in 1979, according to many reports ORDEN survived to become a nucleus of death squad ORDEN survived to become a nucleus of death squad activity in the early 1980s...
...We cannot repeat elections every time it occurs to "We cannot repeat elections every time it occurs to some political party," thundered Defense Minister Eu some political party," thundered Defense Minister Eu genio Vides Casanova at a press conference attended by genio Vides Casanova at a press conference attended by allall the ranking officers...
...The Duarte's clique from the formulation of policy...
...nationalism is the bannerthe banner of all sides in this civil war...
...aid, Right would affect its lifeline of U.S...
...In the March 1988 elections ARENA picked up an In the March 1988 elections ARENA picked up an absolute majority in the National Assembly, effectively absolute majority in the National Assembly, effectively guaranteeingguaranteeing the paralysis of the Duarte government the paralysis of the Duarte government overover the following year...
...One former head of the U.S...
...We're"We're not against the American people," he said, "Just not against the American people," he said, "Just certain elements of the government...
...The wave of killing in the chaotic early l980s took place in the highly complex context of complicity, cooperation and conflict between the United States, the Armed Forces High Command, and the ultra-Right...
...The former was viewed by the privateprivate sector as an attempt to make it pay for the fail sector as an attempt to make it pay for the failures of the economic reforms and military strategy im ures of the economic reforms and military strategy imposed by the North Americans...
...aid, and convinced at least partially of the efficacy of elec and convinced at least partially of the efficacy of electionstions as a counterinsurgency tool...
...With Washing tonton defining official military policy, the oligarchs used defining official military policy, the oligarchs used theirtheir back door channels to develop a second, de facto back door channels to develop a second, de facto policy and the wave of "death squad" terror began.3 In policy and the wave of "death squad" terror began.(3)In preparation for elections slated for 1982, ARENA was preparation for elections slated for 1982, ARENA was formed to cover the political front...
...Si was added to the ARENA hat when Col...
...This year's electoral cam women and so forth... English and back...
...Roberto however, do people actually sing it...
...n 1986, In 1986, aacombination of events provided the social combination of events provided the social and political climate for the offensive to begin...
...Reli cil worked to mobilize the business community...
...When capital's consensus political instrument...
...It was, after all, D'Aubuisson who brought Cristiani into the party and designated him who brought Cristiani into the party and designated him its candidate, D'Aubuissonits candidate, D'Aubuisson who remains Cristiani's most who remains Cristiani's most energetic supporter...
...The Major ran the day and then the business began...
...The Chamber of Commerce and specifically its presi The Chamber of Commerce and specifically its president, Dr...
...The campaign apparatusapparatus was structured into regional "commands," in was structured into regional "commands," in some cases staffed by former military officers like some cases staffed by former military officers like Ochoa,Ochoa, who ran the crucial eastern command...
...In numerous interviews with ARENA youth, a significant number interviews with ARENA youth, a significant number saidsaid they had gone to college in the United States hoping they had gone to college in the United States hoping to never return, but were sufficiently convinced that to never return, but were sufficiently convinced that ARENA had become a real option to come back and ARENA had become a real option to come back and work for la patria...
...characterizing him as "my teacher...
...In fact, ARENA challenges the whole con the colonels...
...This year's electoral campaign,paign, tightly run by former military men using CB tightly run by former military men using CB radio communication, was based on a block by block radio communication, was based on a block by block breakdown of the 1988 vote tally and structured both by breakdown of the 1988 vote tally and structured both by geographic "commands" and through sectoral commis geographic "commands" and through sectoral commissions...
...The challenge required a leftist upsurge of the 1970s...
...counterinsurgency proj the ranking officers...
...military advisers were working very closely...
...For its domestic politicalcal partner Washington chose the middle class based partner Washington chose the middle class based Christian Democratic Party (PDC), which came to power Christian Democratic Party (PDC), which came to power first through a direct pact with the military brokered by first through a direct pact with the military brokered by U.S.U.S...
...Preparation for the elections took place on fensive...
...ARENA rallies are liar feature of Salvadoran culture...
...Later many of its members activity in the early 1980s...
...For its domestic politi war...
...3) think tanks such as the the Chamber of Commerce;(6)(3) think tanks such as the SalvadoranSalvadoran Development Foundation (FUSADES...
...Embassy, one where the corrupt Christian tress like U.S...
...This extreme national and "gringo whores...
...But days later he withdrew, citing a fuzzy legal pretext, and days later he withdrew, citing a fuzzy legal pretext, and D'Aubuisson's man, Francisco "Chico" Merino LOpez, D'Aubuisson's man, Francisco "Chico" Merino L6pez, stepped in, affirming his loyalty to D'Aubuisson and stepped in, affirming his loyalty to D'Aubuisson and characterizing him as "my teacher...
...Roberto D'Aubuisson,D'Aubuisson, gifted politician that he is, may be the gifted politician that he is, may be the only Salvadoran who knows just the right expression to only Salvadoran who knows just the right expression to pastepaste on his face throughout the entire song...
...Behind the for the National Assembly and town mayors...
...Each year more than groomed for a leadership role...
...As two blank faced boys carrying the flag rigidly goose stepped in unison boys carrying the flag rigidly goose stepped in unison toward the stage, an ARENA media crew, in uniforms of toward the stage, an ARENA media crew, in uniforms of actual brown shirts, filmed the proceedings...
...One former head of the U.S...
...This prompted one seasoned "nationalist guerrilla war...
...More precisely, two National election were disputed...
...As each polling place finished its to embrace his friends...
...In numerous we saw the youth vote could be decisive...
...While Duarte's re ARENA offered fierce nationalism...
...On January 2, 1987, deputies from ARENA and the On January 2, 1987, deputies from ARENA and the National Conciliation Party (PCN), a small and declining National Conciliation Party (PCN), a small and declining oficialistaoficialista party that had fronted for the Armed Forces in party that had fronted for the Armed Forces in the 1970s, began a "parliamentary strike," refusing to the 1970s, began a "parliamentary strike," refusing to participate in sessions of the National Assembly until participate in sessions of the National Assembly until thethe question of the electoral code had been resolved...
...The former was viewed by the in the electoral code...
...2. See Santiago EcheverrIa, "Analisis conyuntural de los proyectos poliucos," Estudios Centroamericanos, No...
...Cristiani had only joined the party in 1984, but the tall Cristiani had only joined the party in 1984, but the tall and handsomeand handsome coffee baron, wealthy businessman, Geor coffee baron, wealthy businessman, Geor getowngetown graduate with perfect English, and noted graduate with perfect English, and noted sportsman withsportsman with no known death no known death squad squad connections hadconnections had quickly become one of the party's quickly become one of the party's most public spokesmen...
...CINAS has provocatively suggested that, given the situation of effective dual power in the countryside, the recent rise of the Right has been above all an urban phenomenon...
...The forces mobilized far Right was already present...
...In 1983 Ochoa had actually de ARENA leadership...
...In this process, his most important ally was again Ro In this process, his most important ally was again Ro driguezdrIguez Porth at the Chamber of Commerce...
...Even the Cristiani "is a very, very dangerous idea...
...One distraught foreign observer noted after the elections, One distraught foreign observer noted after the elections, "In a short time, ARENA is going to be the envy of the "In a short time, ARENA is going to be the envy of the entire Latin American Right...
...minds" approach on the Armed Forces...
...He was assassinated on June 8, shortly after being named minister of sinated on June 8, shortly after being named minister of the presidency in Cristiani's government...
...ment's perceived lack of response to the catastrophe...
...Calder6n Sol, who is seen as closer to Cristiani, was initially announced as the candidate...
...RobertoRoberto D'Aubuisson is widely known, in the words D'Aubuisson is widely known, in the words of one former U.S...
...come to power...
...Preparation for the elections took place on severalseveral levels...
...In Nicaragua and Guatemala it was the Left that In Nicaragua and Guatemala it was the Left that harnessed public outrage over the corruption surround harnessed public outrage over the corruption surrounding the 1972 and 1976 earthquakes and, more recently, ing the 1972 and 1976 earthquakes and, more recently, economic austerity packages have breathed new life into economic austerity packages have breathed new life into a variety of Left groupings throughout Latin America...
...But by 1984 the designating D'Aubuisson president...
...counterinsurgency project, it seemed,ect, it seemed, was in place...
...he offered to renegotiate power within ARENA...
...Off to the side, Ochoa heldheld court with a group of local ARENA campesinos, court with a group of local ARENA campesinos, severalseveral of whom he appeared to have known from the of whom he appeared to have known from the defensedefense and intelligence networks he organized during and intelligence networks he organized during his militaryhis military tenure...
...8. These meetings, which took place elsewhere in Central America, have been confirmed by both ARENA and Left sources...
...Fine, but it should nel wants to go to the mountains now...
...TheseThese events furthei events further eroded whatever little confidencedence the private sector had in the PDC government...
...The real security people, all carrying walkie talkies...
...for good measure at the assembling foreign press...
...The U.S...
...One, Col...
...We are structuring our cadre to be a multiplying ized...
...approach to counterinsurgency...
...If we go to a barrio where we know there's just one "If we go to a barrio where we know there's just one ARENAARENA worker living," explained workers section head worker living," explained workers section head Herrera,Herrera, "first we get him to have meetings to find out "first we get him to have meetings to find out what's going on in the community, what peoples' con what's going on in the community, what peoples' concernscerns are are...
...But piece by piece the U.S...
...entire Latin American Right...
...7. Several of the alleged former death-squad members were close D'Aubuisson associates...
...In fact, the National Assembly could not meet for over a month, as the results of the could not meet for over a month, as the results of the election were disputed...
...At the private sector had in the PDC government...
...On the other, ARENA was revamped and broadened to be the other, ARENA was revamped and broadened to becomecome capital's consensus political instrument...
...the dominant bloc...
...educated, English speaking, denim clad oligarchs who violently attack the United States is a pecu garchs who violently attack the United States is a peculiar feature of Salvadoran culture...
...Foremost among the officers' concerns was the sources...
...the presidency in Cristiani's government...
...The challenge required a political response and Salvadoran capital, dominated by political response and Salvadoran capital, dominated by the hardline coffee oligarchs, had none ready...
...Decked out in Reebok sneakers, bermuda shorts, surfer T shirts and designer sunglasses,' the light skinned surfer T shirts and designer sunglasses, the light skinned children of the oligarchy switched easily from Spanish children of the oligarchy switched easily from Spanish to English and back...
...Rodriguez Porth played the role of behind rank and file...
...ARENA, in turn, promised the officers that a future ARENA, in turn, promised the officers that a future ARENA government would give the Armed Forces con ARENA government would give the Armed Forces considerablesiderable autonomy in "national security" matters, and autonomy in "national security" matters, and offered to support key legislation the Armed Forces had offered to support key legislation the Armed Forces had been seeking to finance the war...
...The latter was seen by posed by the North Americans...
...Each year more than 150,000 youth will reach eighteen and be new voters, so 150,000 youth will reach eighteen and be new voters, so we saw the youth vote could be decisive...
...At the end of 1986 the conflict between the two came to a the end of 1986 the conflict between the two came to a head over PDC proposals for a new war tax and changes head over PDC proposals for a new war tax and changes in the electoral code...
...As he made eye contact withwith each person in succession, he gave a discreet nod, a each person in succession, he gave a discreet nod, a sign of personal recognition, a look that said, "I know sign of personal recognition, a look that said, "I know you,you, we have a secret, we're in this together...
...18-22, 1983...
...Porth at the Chamber of Commerce...
...ence of Salvadoran capital from the United States...
...The FMLN has us up against the wall...
...Mauricio Siaben, still holds an active military command despite evidence linking him to the kidnapping ring...
...In the center were Roberto D'Au buisson, the party's founder, and Freddy Cristiani, as of buisson, the party's founder, and Freddy Cristiani, as of thatthat very moment his country's president elect...
...The year and political climate for the offensive to begin...
...Before the campaign had even officially begun, Cristiani and the campaign had even officially begun, Cristiani and vice presidential candidate Francisco "Chico" Merino vice presidential candidate Francisco "Chico" Merino crisscrossedcrisscrossed the country visiting virtually every town of the country visiting virtually every town of anyany size...
...ARENA rallies are among the most visibly anti Yankee events in Latin among the most visibly anti Yankee events in Latin America, with angry crowds screaming slogans against America, with angry crowds screaming slogans against "blonds""blonds" and "gringo whores...
...Control of local government had been Control of local government had been a crucial component of the PDC party machinery and its a crucial component of the PDC party machinery and its loss was felt heavily in the presidential elections of the loss was felt heavily in the presidential elections of the following year following year...
...fully explained...
...The Armed Forces also began to change: Their politi The Armed Forces also began to change: Their politicalcal importance grew in proportion to the escalation of importance grew in proportion to the escalation of thethe war, as did their size and dependence on Washing war, as did their size and dependence on Washing ton...
...Ochoa's "insurrection," which received Ilermo Garcia...
...military advisers and Salva with U.S...
...the liberty of the free market...
...Off to the side, Ochoa perfect English in quiet tones...
...But the profound novelty of the ARENA phenomenon can only be appreciated in the ARENA phenomenon can only be appreciated in the broader political history of the Salvadoran dominant broader political history of the Salvadoran dominant bloc the entire ensemble of social forces and institu bloc the entire ensemble of social forces and institutions that rule the nation...
...Reliable reports indicate that some 80 90% of campaign able reports indicate that some 80 90% of campaign financingfinancing came from within El Salvador...
...the Christian Democrats learned, a formidable opponent...
...Lines of division within the secretive party have been Lines of division within the secretive party have been difficultdifficult to follow, though some have had public conse to follow, though some have had public consequences...
...ARENA had measure at the assembling foreign press...
...In 1983 Ochoa had actually declaredclared his troops in the department of Cabanas removed his troops in the department of Cabafias removed from the authority of then Defense Minister Jose Gui from the authority of then Defense Minister Jos6 Gui Ilermo Garcia...
...The schizophre certain elements of the government...
...In fact, ARENA challenges the whole convolutedvoluted "nation" that Washington's "nation building" "nation" that Washington's "nation building" counterinsurgencycounterinsurgency strategists have attempted to con strategists have attempted to construct: a nation where power is concentrated in the for struct: a nation where power is concentrated in the fortress like U.S...
...The campaign viously in Salvadoran electoral politics...
...Before ARENA, neither the landed oligarchy (involved primarily in the export of landed oligarchy (involved primarily in the export of cashcash crops) nor the industrializing bourgeoisie (princi crops) nor the industrializing bourgeoisie (principallypally owners of import substitution industries) the two owners of import substitution industries) the two traditional poles of Salvadoran capital had been able traditional poles of Salvadoran capital had been able to form a lasting political party.' Since the military coup to form a lasting political party.' Since the military coup andand massacre of 1932, formal political rule has been massacre of 1932, formal political rule has been farmedfarmed out to the military and to a series of "official" out to the military and to a series of "official" partiesparties that emerged to participate in one civilian mili that emerged to participate in one civilian military junta after another, according to the vagaries of tary junta after another, according to the vagaries of oligarch/industrialistoligarch/industrialist disputes, before fading into the disputes, before fading into the background...
...This prompted one seasoned Salvadoran newspaper columnist to retort, "So the colo Salvadoran newspaper columnist to retort, "So the colonel wants to go to the mountains now...
...But by 1984 the PDC's Duarte, running with extensive U.S...
...The relatively low profile of the traditional ultra-reactionary coffee oligarchs in the reconstituted Right has not been builds the most effective coalition, uniting allies around a common agenda and exacerbating contradictions within the enemy camp...
...Si gifredogifredo Ochoa Perez, a mercurial officer whose violent Ochoa P6rez, a mercurial officer whose violent disagreementsdisagreements with U.S...
...At issue was the seat that would have given PDC...
...Though ARENA and the business community have demanded punishment for the kidnappers, in April all charges against the accused were dropped...
...Bris say 'this' country, we always say 'our' country...
...Juan OrlandoCol...
...His travels took him to Taiwan, Japan and Western Europe, as well as to the United Japan and Western Europe, as well as to the United States...
...While the Left's power to veto ARENA's hopes for military and economic success may be assured, its ability to transform this power into a popular consensual resolution of the war will test its political skill and maturity...
...A "moderate" among his peers, in 1984 he had voted for "moderate" among his peers, in 1984 he had voted for Duarte, an old sports partner from his youth...
...The meeting was in Cabafias, Ochoa's old stomping ground from his uniformed days...
...However, positions at party headquarters and in the local ever, positions at party headquarters and in the local ARENAARENA hierarchies continue to be filled by middle and hierarchies continue to be filled by middle and upper class functionaries...
...In the 1982 Constituent As dripping with blood, stood...
...question of the electoral code had been resolved...
...Ochoa's "insurrection," which received the tacit support of several other officers, continued in a the tacit support of several other officers, continued in a standoff for several days, after which Garcia was removed standoff for several days, after which Garcia was removed from office and Ochoa transferred to temporary diplo from office and Ochoa transferred to temporary diplomatic duty in Washington...
...The mobilization'sThe mobilization's demands were clearly designed to demands were clearly designed to bring the urban middle classes into the fold, by blaming bring the urban middle classes into the fold, by blaming the economic crisis on government corruption and on the economic crisis on government corruption and on inept state intervention, and promising to get the state inept state intervention, and promising to get the state out of the way of small business... for la patria...
...S S REFERENCES The Rise of the Reebok Right 1. 'Oligarchy" here refers to the agrarian bourgeoisie, of which the coffee barons are the most powerful members...
...already occupied...
...mouth shut...
...In the face of U.S...
...The following year, the presidency by a hefty margin...
...Party taste the power it had so methodically pursued...
...Only at ARENA of all sides in this civil war...
...John Waghelstein, said of Ochoa, "He's a bright light if we can keep his said of Ochoa, "He's a bright light if we can keep his mouth shut...
...But the profound novelty of the mobilization...
...This posture was equally directed at anan officer corps concerned that the rise of an "anti officer corps concerned that the rise of an "anti democratic"democratic" Right would affect its lifeline of U.S...
...8)In the months before the vote, OchoaOchoa announced that if the PDC stole ARENA's vic announced that if the PDC stole ARENA's victory again he would take to the mountains and start a tory again he would take to the mountains and start a "nationalist guerrilla war...
...Even traditional Christian series of campaign dinners...
...we have a secret, we're in this together...
...It is curious, isn't it," he one private shook his head...
...and Development Foundation (FUSADES...
...While it is unclear how successful his efforts have been, the fact that the Armed successful his efforts have been, the fact that the Armed Forces leadership feels compelled to make regular pro Forces leadership feels compelled to make regular pronouncements concerning Ochoa's alleged lack of sup nouncements concerning Ochoa's alleged lack of support among their ranks indicates that the former colonel port among their ranks indicates that the former colonel isis seen as a real threat...
...Below the Advisory Council and the Execu Below the Advisory Council and the Executive Committee, the party has "sectoral commissions" tive Committee, the party has "sectoral commissions" which organize Salvadorans as workers, professionals, which organize Salvadorans as workers, professionals, youth,youth, women and so forth...
...diplomats in 1979, and then through the 1984 elec diplomats in 1979, and then through the 1984 elections that weretions that were a central component of the counterinsur a central component of the counterinsur gencygency program...
...At issue was the seat that would have given ARENA an absolute majority, which ARENA ARENA an absolute majority, which ARENA claimed and with good reason the PDC had stolen claimed and with good reason the PDC had stolen through electoral fraud...
...Decked out in Reebok sneakers, bermuda shorts, schools...
...Death squad activity declined as the Armed Forces moved toward the U.S...
...He was assas cism of the regime's human rights abuses...
...Simultaneously, a business strike coordinated through the multaneously, a business strike coordinated through the Chamber of Commerce closed down the country, sur Chamber of Commerce closed down the country, surpassing in effectiveness the most optimistic predictions passing in effectiveness the most optimistic predictions of its organizers...
...There was a cake to celebrate D'Aubuisson's 44th birth There was a cake to celebrate D'Aubuisson's 44th birthday and then the business began...
...Ochoa, meanwhile, was working at building support Ochoa, meanwhile, was working at building support withinwithin the Armed Forces in a more conspiratorial man the Armed Forces in a more conspiratorial manner...
...The FMLN has us up against the wall...
...force wherever they work...
...His speech fea as always, as "our maximal leader...
...Less known is the fact that he is one of the most astuteastute actors in Salvadoran politics...
...THE DANCING IN THE STREET AS THE POLLS Tclosed on March 20 had the distinct appearance of a (HE DANCING IN THE STREET AS THE POLLS)closed on March 20 had the distinct appearance of a fraternityfraternity bash at a private school in the United bash at a private school in the United States not surprisingly, since many if not most of the States not surprisingly, since many if not most of the celebratingcelebrating ARENA youth activists had attended such ARENA youth activists had attended such schools...
...A FTER ITS SUCCESSFUL "CIVIC" OFFEN AFTER ITS SUCCESSFUL "CIVIC" OFFEN sive,sive, the Right was ready to turn its attention to the the Right was ready to turn its attention to the political field in preparation for the March 1988 elections political field in preparation for the March 1988 elections for the National Assembly and town mayors...
...These constituenciesThese constituencies were the objects of intense or were the objects of intense organizingganizing efforts, especially during the campaign...
...It is men like this coffee grower who financed the It is men like this coffee grower who financed the ARENA offensive, coughing up S5,000 a plate at a ARENA offensive, coughing up S5,000 a plate at a series of campaign dinners...
...Capital struck back on several fronts...
...Slightly embarrassed by the xenophobic tone, one young ARENA embarrassed by the xenophobic tone, one young ARENA cadre hastened to repeat to us the line used by every cadre hastened to repeat to us the line used by every Central American radical hustling support abroad...
...Formal party structures came to reflect this new dis Formal party structures came to reflect this new distributiontribution of power, beginning with the formation of an of power, beginning with the formation of an Advisory Council of big money men chaired by Ro Advisory Council of big money men chaired by Ro driguezdriguez Porth, to round out the work of the political Porth, to round out the work of the political decision makersdecision makers in the Executive Committee...
...Industrializing bourgeoisie" refers to those whose wealth is primarily invested in the country's import-substitution and export industry...
...Slightly ber one, foreign journalists (screams of hatred...
...According to his own account, he used his cam ner...
...Around this core ARENA has assembled a multi Around this core ARENA has assembled a multi class constituency, including petty entrepreneurs lured class constituency, including petty entrepreneurs lured by free market ideology, urban poor angry over PDC by free market ideology, urban poor angry over PDC corruption and the sinking economy (Rodolfo Herrera, corruption and the sinking economy (Rodolfo Herrera, head of ARENA's workers section, claims 90% of his head of ARENA's workers section, claims 90% of his section are unemployed), the personal following of the section are unemployed), the personal following of the assorted machos in the leadership, and neighborhood assorted machos in the leadership, and neighborhood toughs and former soldiers enthralled by the easy access toughs and former soldiers enthralled by the easy access toto power party membership appears to bring...
...There he on his face throughout the entire song...
...Lining the streets were the soldiers who had covered Lining the streets were the soldiers who had covered thethe capital by the thousands to defend the oligarchs' capital by the thousands to defend the oligarchs' victory: full combat dress, faces painted camouflage, victory: full combat dress, faces painted camouflage, dark skinned,dark skinned, with the simple Spanish of the campesi with the simple Spanish of the campesi nos who make up the bulk of the draftees...
...And the entire collection of capital, Armed Forces and U.S...
...doesn't play dirty enough...
...TheThe 1989 presidential race was ARENA's 'final of 1989 presidential race was ARENA's "final offensive...
...THET HE POST 1932 DIVISION POST 1932 DIVISION OF LABOR BE OF LABOR BE tweentween capital and the military did not survive the capital and the military did not survive the leftist upsurge of the l970s...
...It is testimony to the developing political skills of the is testimony to the developing political skills of the Salvadoran far Right that, at least over the short term, it Salvadoran far Right that, at least over the short term, it is they who have made political hay from these events..., Fidel Chivez Mena...
...Later many of its members were recruited to staff civil defense teams in the coun were recruited to staff civil defense teams in the countryside...
...AtAt about the same time, ARENA began a two year about the same time, ARENA began a two year longlong series of reuniones de acercamiento, as the partici series of reunionesde acercamiento,as the participants referred to them, meetings "for growing closer" pants referred to them, meetings "for growing closer" betweenbetween its leadership and members of the Armed Forces its leadership and members of the Armed Forces HighHigh Command...
...Clearly enjoying the role of caudillo, tenure...
...educated, English speaking, denim clad oh nia of U.S...
...In 1985 and 1986 he actors in Salvadoran politics...
...Feminine Front...
...The process of transforming ARENA culminated in The process of transforming ARENA culminated in latelate 1986 at a party convention where D'Aubuisson ap 1986 at a party convention where D'Aubuisson appointedpointed Freddy Cristiani to be the party's president...
...5. For an excellent analysis of these events, to which the present authors are indebted for much of the current discussion, see CINAS, "La recomposicion de Ia clase dominarite," in El Salvador: Guerra...
...In the debate over the party's electoral plat quences...
...But Cristiani, was initially announced as the candidate...
...Cristiani as president, D'Au buisson as partybuisson as party founder and Calderon Sol as mayor of the founder and Calder6n Sol as mayor of the capital all have independentcapital all have independent power bases among the party power bases among the party rank and file...
...Rodriguez Porth played the role of behind the scenesthe scenes intellectual, while Ochoa focuses hs energies intellectual, while Ochoa focuses hs energies on relations with the military...
...seen as a real threat...
...military advisers and Salva doran officersdoran officers close to them had been creating havoc in close to them had been creating havoc in thethe Armed Forces, took off his uniform to join the Armed Forces, took off his uniform to join the ARENA leadership...
...Embassy, the Armed Forces, the PDC and the private sector raged unabated...
...Cristiani as president, D'Au Rodriguez Porth...
...The meeting was in Cabanas, ARENA leadership...
...war stories...
...Though work run by the state in the 1960s and 1970s...
...While it is unclear how around the country...
...The U.S...
...At an with the promise of power...
...In the 1982 Constituent Assembly elections, only the direct intervention of the U.S...
...More precisely, two National Assemblies met, one led by ARENA and one led by the Assemblies met, one led by ARENA and one led by the PDC...
...New lines in the struggle are now being drawn...
...Before who ran the crucial eastern command... (2) Unlike traditional Salvadoran parties, ARENA Unlike traditional Salvadoran parties, ARENA emergedemerged as a challenge to the party sharing power with as a challenge to the party sharing power with the colonels...
...The matter was finally made moot when a PCN deputy defected to ARENA, giving it moot when a PCN deputy defected to ARENA, giving it the majority without the disputed seat...
...Behind the scenes,scenes, the groundwork had already been laid...
...kill people...
...Pausing to catch a few words of D'Aubuis son's speech, he added, "The only way to stop it is to son's speech, he added, "The only way to stop it is to kill people...
...consensus that has sustained the war for so long can be transferred from Duarte to the new ARENA government...
...In the 1980s what was formerly the hired hand of thethe oligarchy became the senior partner of Salvadoran oligarchy became the senior partner of Salvadoran politics.politics...
...PolItica y Paz (1979-1 988), (San Salvador: CINAS/CRIES, 1988...
...for good gans, shouting "GRINGOS EAT SHIT...
...Cristiani, mean with its future partner in the state...
...Its chances for consolidation depend in part on whether the bipartisan U.S...
...We are nationalists.We never say 'this' country, we always say 'our' country...
...We'll have a tour, with repre on responsibilities...
...4. DAubuisson's death-squad links have been extensively documented and will not be recounted again here...
...Pausing to catch a few words of D'Aubuis happen...
...on relations with the military...
...480 (Oct...
...Bristling with energy, he continued the review...
...The topics of discussion included po Command...
...Central American radical hustling support abroad... they who have made political hay from these events...
...Embassy, the Armed Forces, the PDC and the pri U.S...
...Politically, the Right out of the way of small business...
...Only at ARENA gatherings,gatherings, however, do people actually sing it...
...for ARENA to mend its fences with Washington...
...The latter was seen by the right wing parties as paving the way for future elec the right wing parties as paving the way for future electoral manipulation by the PDC...
...This extreme nationalism is rooted, in part, in the relative historical independ ism is rooted, in part, in the relative historical independence of Salvadoran capital from the United States...
...Turning the administration of formal power Turning the administration of formal power overover to the PDC, the Armed Forces became a real power to the PDC, the Armed Forces became a real power behindbehind the scenes...
...3. Ii is simplistic, however, to assume that the "death squads" emerged against the opposition of the United States...
...The paquetazo was followed later in the year by the October paquetazo was followed later in the year by the October 10 earthquake and, more importantly, by the govern 10 earthquake and, more importantly, by the government's perceived lack of response to the catastrophe...
...Some of power party membership appears to bring...
...The two together are referred to as "capital" or "bourgeoisie.' The expressly political manifestations of these sectors are termed "the far Right...
...The anthem ended and D'Aubuisson was introduced, The anthem ended and D'Aubuisson was introduced, as always, as "our maximal leader...
...Cristiani himself, who is much more cred bourgeoisie...
...ARENA "did a systematic Roberto D'Aubuisson Jr...
...I T IS VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR MORE I T IS VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR MORE than five Salvadorans to get together without some than five Salvadorans to get together without someone playing a tape of the national anthem...
...toral manipulation by the PDC...
...Porth's pragmatic political instincts were already evident when, as foreign minister for the regime of Gen...
...was in place...
...At the grassroots, an organizational juggernaut was assembled that dwarfed anything seen pre gernaut was assembled that dwarfed anything seen previously in Salvadoran electoral politics... a counterinsurgency tool...
...he offered to renegotiate power within ARENA...
...According to his own account, he used his campaignpaign travels as a front for holding regular but incon travels as a front for holding regular but inconspicuousspicuous meetings with contacts scattered in various meetings with contacts scattered in various commandscommands around the country...
...In the center were Roberto D'Au favorite rock stars...
...D'AubuissonD'Aubuisson instead offered a rousing denunciation of instead offered a rousing denunciation of the enemies of the fatherland, who, as the crowd's re the enemies of the fatherland, who, as the crowd's response made clear, were presented in ascending order of sponse made clear, were presented in ascending order of notoriety:notoriety: leftist politician Guillermo Ungo (the crowd leftist politician Guillermo Ungo (the crowd could care less), Duarte and the Christian Democrats (a could care less), Duarte and the Christian Democrats (a chorus of boos), the United States ambassador (even chorus of boos), the United States ambassador (even more heated sounds of outrage), and public enemy num more heated sounds of outrage), and public enemy number one, foreign journalists (screams of hatred...
...The business organizations developed by and for The business organizations developed by and for capitalists, on the other hand, have been very powerful capitalists, on the other hand, have been very powerful and remarkably stable...
...But now he waswas furious at how "the mediocre people Duarte has furious at how "the mediocre people Duarte has around him" had ruined the economy...
...As theAs the elections approached, ARENA could already elections approached, ARENA could already taste the power it had so methodically pursued...
...Leaving the less important task of administering the state to the colonels, the lords of of administering the state to the colonels, the lords of land and labor concentrated their organizational ener land and labor concentrated their organizational energies in institutions such as the Chamber of Commerce gies in institutions such as the Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Private Enterprise and the National Association of Private Enterprise (ANEP), through which they went about the business of (ANEP), through which they went about the business of business...
...With Washing Capital struck back on several fronts...
...Cristiani himself, who is much more credible in person, having recently completed a public speak ible in person, having recently completed a public speaking course in Miami, responds to this question by reply ing course in Miami, responds to this question by replying that it is neither the new nor old ARENA but a ing that it is neither the new nor old ARENA but a "seven year old ARENA which, like anything else, has "seven year old ARENA which, like anything else, has matured with time...
...The ARENA challenge extends to supporters of the Salvadoran Left in the United States and beyond, to all those who have sought to make themselves heard for a more democratic El Salvador...
...Even traditional Christian Democratic funders such as the Poma Group, El Salva Democratic funders such as the Poma Group, El Salva dor's merchandising magnates, hedged their bets, split dor's merchandising magnates, hedged their bets, splitting their money between Cristiani and the PDC's candi ting their money between Cristiani and the PDC's candidate, Fidel Chavez Mena...
...Activists in the United States face a test of their own...
...Clearly enjoying the role of caudillo, Ochoa listened toOchoa listened to complaints about PDC officials, prom complaints about PDC officials, promisedised to look into poor public services, and regaled his to look into poor public services, and regaled his fans withfans with war stories...
...sembly elections, only the direct intervention of the U.S...
...When asked why the rich kids his age had free time to devote to party why the rich kids his age had free time to devote to party politicspolitics while he and his friends battled the guerrillas, while he and his friends battled the guerrillas, one private shook his head...
...Death squad activity declined project was consolidated...
...6. Ibid...
...At the grassroots, an organizational jug levels...
...The scene at a party meeting early in the 1988 cam The scene at a party meeting early in the 1988 campaign offered a glimpse of the different roles of the paign offered a glimpse of the different roles of the ARENA leadership...
...But now he Duarte, an old sports partner from his youth...
...The real security people, all men,men, were more difficult to spot...
...ThenThen he sets up a coordinating council, get he sets up a coordinating council, getting people to head different sectoral groups and start to ting people to head different sectoral groups and start to taketake on responsibilities...
...Former Army Major RobertoRoberto D'Aubuisson was at the center of both efforts, D'Aubuisson was at the center of both efforts, backedbacked by the most reactionary oligarchs.4 by the most reactionary oligarchs.(4) In the chaoticIn the chaotic early I 980s, policy disputes among the early 1980s, policy disputes among the U.S...
...ARENA "did a systematic analysis by sector, and we figured out that 600,000 of analysis by sector, and we figured out that 600,000 of the 1,085,000 registered voters were young," noted the the 1,085,000 registered voters were young," noted the younger D'Aubuisson, who at 21 already has much of younger D'Aubuisson, who at 21 already has much of the presence of his notorious father and is clearly being the presence of his notorious father and is clearly being groomed for a leadership role...
...You," he began, pointing at the rally's master "You," he began, pointing at the rally's master of ceremonies, "You began by saying how ARENA of ceremonies, "You began by saying how ARENA wouldwould save this country...
...It could not careful there could be an insurrection here...
...Less known is the fact that he is one of the most killer...
...arrogance ARENA offered fierce nationalism...
...The conflict stemmed from disputes over tactics, selection of targets and, perhaps most importantly, control...
...arrogance parties had to adapt...
...InIn a sense Cristiani is correct: ARENA has broad a sense Cristiani is correct: ARENA has broadenedened over the last few years and Cristiani cannot be over the last few years and Cristiani cannot be dismisseddismissed as a D'Aubuisson puppet...
...The ongoing organizing work is extremely focused...
...How efforts, especially during the campaign...
...Politically, the Right posedposed as the staunch defender of democracy, protecting as the staunch defender of democracy, protecting thethe constitution from the efforts of the PDC to manipu constitution from the efforts of the PDC to manipulate itself into an "official" party...
...been seeking to finance the war...
...Calderon Sol, who is seen as closer to tionaries won out...
...Party leaders even discreetly opened a direct line of communi leaders even discreetly opened a direct line of communication with the FMLN.8 In the months before the vote, cation with the FMLN...
...When these two prongs came together several years later, the these two prongs came together several years later, the resultresult would be a major renegotiation of power within would be a major renegotiation of power within the dominant bloc...
...And to confront the sprawling state bureaucracy filled with patronage appointed hacks, bureaucracy filled with patronage appointed hacks, ARENA promisedARENA promised the liberty of the free market...
...TheThe party is run with an impressive attention to de party is run with an impressive attention to detail,tail, fanatical commitment, and strict, almost military fanatical commitment, and strict, almost military discipline.discipline...
...The schizophrenia of U.S...
...There he was onwas on stage at the ARENA convention late last year in stage at the ARENA convention late last year in his trademark tight jeans and red white and blue his trademark tight jeans and red white and blue ARENAARENA windbreaker, wearing a small smile, eyes moist, windbreaker, wearing a small smile, eyes moist, looking out at the audience...
...The drive to power of El Salvador's Nationalist Re The drive to power of El Salvador's Nationalist Republicanpublican Alliance (ARENA), following major defeats in Alliance (ARENA), following major defeats in 19841984 and 1985, was as impressive as its flawless elec and 1985, was as impressive as its flawless election daytion day mobilization...
...The backbone of the party's organizing drive are the The backbone of the party's organizing drive are the enthusiastic upper class teenagers who provide the shock enthusiastic upper class teenagers who provide the shock troops of the party's street presence, led until recently by troops of the party's street presence, led until recently by Roberto D'Aubuisson Jr...
...Porth's pragmatic political instincts were already will...
...For a fairly complete picture of his murderous history, see Craig Pyes, "Salvadoran Rightists: The Deadly Patriots," special series, Albuquerque Journal, Dec...
...When very moment his country's president elect...
...Interviewed at the time, Forth issued a call to arms: "More than at the time, Porth issued a call to arms: "More than anything else, we have to develop a unified national anything else, we have to develop a unified national will...
...Yet inYet in the only real test of power thus far, the dispute the only real test of power thus far, the dispute over the vice presidential nomination, hard line reac over the vice presidential nomination, hard line reactionaries won out...
...Si meetings it had been holding with the government...
...Fine, but it should probably be the western ones the ones in the East are probably be the western ones the ones in the East are already occupied...
...The Army and around him" had ruined the economy...
...The land reform, though stunted and dripping with blood, stood...
...Embassy are the "dominant bloc...
...We are nationalists...
...Interviewed working among various sectors of the Right...
...2) business organizations such as ANEP and (2) business organizations such as ANEP and the Chamber of Commerce...
...matured with time...
...The United States, eager to "draw the line against communism," States, eager to "draw the line against communism," stepped into the void with a program of economic re stepped into the void with a program of economic reform and counterinsurgencyform and counterinsurgency war...
...Together,Together, the big money, fanatical commitment and the big money, fanatical commitment and systematic organizingsystematic organizing make an imposing package and, as make an imposing package and, as the Christian Democrats learned, a formidable opponent...
...The government backed down.5 of its organizers...
...As one Latin diplomat commented, the idea that Washington can control ARENA through the idea that Washington can control ARENA through Cristiani "is a very, very dangerous idea...
...actual brown shirts, filmed the proceedings...
...Freddy Cristiani to be the party's president...
...Three days later the National Association of Private Three days later the National Association of Private EnterpriseEnterprise (ANEP) announced the suspension of the (ANEP) announced the suspension of the meetings it had been holding with the government...
...Meanwhile, tling with energy, he continued the review...
...In an even more sweeping victory, ARENA took In an even more sweeping victory, ARENA took nearly 70% of the mayoralties, including that of San nearly 70% of the mayoralties, including that of San SalvadorSalvador where the party defeated the president's son, where the party defeated the president's son, Alejandro Duarte.Alejandro Duarte...
...EmbassyEmbassy prevented a coalition of right wing parties from prevented a coalition of right wing parties from designating D'Aubuisson president...
...Cristiani, meanwhile,while, mounted a diplomatic offensive abroad seeking mounted a diplomatic offensive abroad seeking economic ties with which to supplement or, in the worst economic ties with which to supplement or, in the worst case,case, replace U.S...
...TheThe only major Salvadoran political party formed in only major Salvadoran political party formed in thethe 1 980s, ARENA has thrived in the counterinsurgency 1980s, ARENA has thrived in the counterinsurgency environmentenvironment in which it was born but to which other in which it was born but to which other parties had to adapt...
...As he made eye contact looking out at the audience...
...If we're bitterly...
...the groundwork had already been laid...
...John Waghelstein, military advisers in El Salvador, Col...
...Some of thethe latter have links to ORDEN, the paramilitary net latter have links to ORDEN, the paramilitary network run by the state in the 1960s and 1970s...
...The next issue of Report on the Americas will examine this in detail...
...The Major ran the show, reviewing the morning's rally in great detail, of show, reviewing the morning's rally in great detail, offeringfering criticism for some, encouragement for others, criticism for some, encouragement for others, working his cadre the way a good theatre director works working his cadre the way a good theatre director works a cast.a cast...
...It is curious, isn't it," he muttered...
...As one Latin diplomat commented, energetic supporter...
...As each polling place finished its votevote count up and down the avenue, a group of happy count up and down the avenue, a group of happy teenage pollwatchers cheered and chanted victory slo teenage pollwatchers cheered and chanted victory slogans, shouting "GRINGOS EAT SHIT...
...His speech featured little reference to the guerrillas of the FMLN, who tured little reference to the guerrillas of the FMLN, who just that morning had blacked out sections of the capital...
...We are structuring our cadre to be a multiplying force wherever they work...
...SecuritySecurity people were everywhere in ARENA's people were everywhere in ARENA's typically flashy style, this included a team of women in typically flashy style, this included a team of women in even tighter jeans, ARENA T shirts, and red high heels even tighter jeans, ARENA T shirts, and red high heels carrying walkie talkies...
...The matter was finally made through electoral fraud...
...In part, this was late itself into an "official" party... and backed by many members of the oligarchy and the in backed by many members of the oligarchy and the industrializing bourgeoisie, beat D'Aubuisson for the dustrializing bourgeoisie, beat D'Aubuisson for the presidency by a hefty margin...
...A new in the Executive Committee...
...Leaving the less important task and remarkably stable...
...In part, this was possible because the United States had defined "democ possible because the United States had defined "democracy" in El Salvador so narrowly that a party histori racy" in El Salvador so narrowly that a party historically as anti democratic as ARENA could, with a straight cally as anti democratic as ARENA could, with a straight face,face, make an appeal to respect the electoral and legal make an appeal to respect the electoral and legal political process...
...Meanwhile, FreddyFreddy Cristiani and his pretty, impeccably coifed wife Cristiani and his pretty, impeccably coifed wife Margarita sat with a foreign journalist, speaking their Margarita sat with a foreign journalist, speaking their perfect English in quiet tones...
...In the face of U.S...
...The ongoing organizing work is extremely focused...
...Whether or not D'Aubuisson and Company bring a "total war" down upon their compatriots, the ARENA project is profoundly undemocratic, even totalitarian...
...results the Armed Forces intervened on Duarte's behalf...
...Meetings with the Armed Forces continued as ARENA sought agree the Armed Forces continued as ARENA sought agreementment with its future partner in the state...
...matic duty in Washington...
...His travels took him to Taiwan, replace U.S...
...A judge on the case was murdered, as were several witnesses, two of them while in custody...
...Meetings with came from within El Salvador...
...Embassy, one where the corrupt Christian DemocratsDemocrats force through inept economic reforms, and force through inept economic reforms, and wherewhere the North Americans push a sham "hearts and the North Americans push a sham "hearts and minds" approach on the Armed Forces...
...As two blank faced were more difficult to spot... and PDC's Duarte, running with extensive U.S...
...approach to as the Armed Forces moved toward the U.S...
...most public spokesmen...
...Ochoa's old stomping ground from his uniformed days...
...F(ROM THIS ALL TIME LOW THE SALVA )ROM THIS ALL TIME LOW THE SALVA doran far Right began a methodical process of re doran far Right began a methodical process of reconstruction...
...Juan Orlando Zepeda of the First Brigade, leapt out Zepeda of the First Brigade, leapt out to embrace his friends...
...In the debate over the party's electoral platform, for example, it was finally decided that the agrar form, for example, it was finally decided that the agrarian reform carried out in 1980 by the Christian Demo ian reform carried out in 1980 by the Christian Democratscrats was ideologically irreversible and thus politically was ideologically irreversible and thus politically untouchable.untouchable...
...Many of the networks involved in the death squads had actually been created in previous years by U.S...
...the majority without the disputed seat...
...The year began with President Duarte's paquetazo: a series of began with President Duarte's paquetazo: a series of belt tightening economic measures which, although they belt tightening economic measures which, although they squeezed hardest the already reduced waists of the work squeezed hardest the already reduced waists of the workers, infuriated the big money men who felt excluded by ers, infuriated the big money men who felt excluded by Duarte's clique from the formulation of policy...
...profiting from the suffering...
...A the show from the edge of the crowd...
...and (4) a somewhat shadowy collection of "civic" organi (4) a somewhat shadowy collection of "civic" organizations closely tied to ARENA, including the Peace and zations closely tied to ARENA, including the Peace and Work Crusade, the National Action Movement, and the Work Crusade, the National Action Movement, and the SalvadoranSalvadoran Feminine Front...
...When the men began to address their fans, a truckload of the men began to address their fans, a truckload of camouflagedcamouflaged soldiers pulled up, and the commander, soldiers pulled up, and the commander, Col...
...But piece by piece the U.S...
...When asked nos who make up the bulk of the draftees...
...We never save this country...
...The United the hardline coffee oligarchs, had none ready...
...If we're not careful there could be an insurrection here...
...The Army and the government have not done their homework," he said the government have not done their homework," he said bitterly...
...The forces werewere of four types: (1) the political parties led by of four types: (1) the political parties led by ARENA;ARENA...
...Jos6 Antonio Rodriguez Porth a businessman, shrewd behind the scenes organizer, and former Minister shrewd behind the scenes organizer, and former Minister of Foreign Relations emerged as the intellectual center of Foreign Relations emerged as the intellectual center of gravity, drawing on a long history of successful net of gravity, drawing on a long history of successful networking among various sectors of the Right...
...While Duarte's reformism waffled in ambiguities and his deadly war was formism waffled in ambiguities and his deadly war was foughtfought as a "low intensity conflict," ARENA appealed as a "low intensity conflict," ARENA appealed to total commitment...
...This posture was equally directed at political process...
...Foremost among the officers' concerns was the needneed for ARENA to mend its fences with Washington...
...As March's presidential elections approached, the As March's presidential elections approached, the eight hundred plus foreign reporters in town frequently eight hundred plus foreign reporters in town frequently asked if they were seeing the "old" ARENA of Roberto asked if they were seeing the "old" ARENA of Roberto D'Aubuisson and the death squads, or the "new" D'Aubuisson and the death squads, or the "new" ARENA of Freddy Cristiani and a moderate Salvadoran ARENA of Freddy Cristiani and a moderate Salvadoran bourgeoisie...
...Former Army Major formed to cover the political front...
...The following year, the PDC won a majority of seats in the newly formed Legis PDC won a majority of seats in the newly formed Legislative Assembly, and when ARENA tried to contest the lative Assembly, and when ARENA tried to contest the results the Armed Forces intervened on Duarte's behalf...
...The government backed down.(5) InIn this offensive, the outline of a reconstructed and this offensive, the outline of a reconstructed and mobilized far Right was already present...
...The ARENA youth crowded around a group of men The ARENA youth crowded around a group of men emerging from customized jeeps as if mobbing their emerging from customized jeeps as if mobbing their favorite rock stars...
...On home court the private sector economy...
...In 1985 and 1986 he waswas dividing his energies between keeping himself out dividing his energies between keeping himself out of a scandal involving several close associates former of a scandal involving several close associates former death squad members who in the name of the guerrillas death squad members who in the name of the guerrillas had turned to kidnapping wealthy Salvadorans for huge had turned to kidnapping wealthy Salvadorans for huge ransoms and rebuilding his party after its consecutive ransoms and rebuilding his party after its consecutive defeats.7 D'Aubuisson began by going to key business defeats.' D'Aubuisson began by going to key business people who had distanced themselves from the party and people who had distanced themselves from the party and were working instead in the business groups and think were working instead in the business groups and think tanks...
...In fact, the National Assembly the following year...
...A new featherfeather was added to the ARENA hat when Col...

Vol. 23 • July 1989 • No. 2

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