Vol. 40 • July 1993 • No. 3

IRVING HOWE 1920-1993 275
Walzer, Michael
Uninformed welfare reform 277
Bernstein, Jared
Corruption in Italy 280
Barkan, Joanne
Proposals for Bosnia 283
Denitch, Bogdan
Thatcher's disastrous legacy 287
Hirst, Paul
Post-cold war Angola 291
Pereira, Anthony
The gay rights march 295
Glenn, David
Choke Hold on Haiti 297
Packer, George
The Crumbling Case for NAFTA 309
Faux, Jeff
Downfall of the Business Giants 316
Bell, Daniel
Asia's Industrial Revolution 324
Amsden, Alice
Requiem for the Yugoslav Economy 333
Horvat, Branko
In Honor of Mike: Thirty Years After The Other America 340
Howe, Irving
Who Was Malcolm X? 345
Dailey, Peter
Glib, Tawdry, Savvy & Standardized: Television and American Culture 351
Gitlin, Todd
Civil Society and the Spirit of Revolt 356
Isaac, Jeffrey C.
Beyond "Race vs. Class": The Politics of William Julius Wilson 362
McLaughlin, Neil
Russian Jews and African Americans 369
Siegel, Lee
Drug pricing 371
Vlahov, Sonia
Demented men as film heroes 374
Monaco, Jerry
Linda Colley's Britons: Forging the Nation 1707-1837 377
Thompson, E.P.
Dorothy Sue Cobble's Dishing It Out: Waitresses and Their Unions in the Twentieth Century 382
Montgomery, David
The memoirs of Anna Larina, Bukharin's widow, This 1 Cannot Forget 385
Howe, Irving
Tony Judt's Past Imperfect: French Intellectuals, 1944-1956 387
Wolin, Richard
Kathleen Hall Jamieson's Dirty Politics: Deception, Distraction, and Democracy 389
Scheuer, Jeffrey
Alan Dawley's Struggles for Justice: Social Responsibility and the Liberal State 391
Gerstle, Gary
Peter Fritzsche's A Nation of Fliers: German Aviation and the Popular Imagination 394
Ovshinsky, Stanford

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