On Modern Economics Editor: There are good reasons to criticize modern economics, but, unfortunately, Mark Kelman and Robert Lekachman do not employ them in their articles in the Summer 1973...

...Assuming (solely for the sake of argument) that Vanek's figures are both true and relevant to this society, Guttman still completely fails to take account of the fact that there would be no reason to compensate capitalists who obviously served no social function, and capitalists, knowing this full well, have thus by and large sabotaged even limited job-enrichment programs...
...In his "shipwreck" example, he assumes a monopolistic market (there is only one doctor), and a supply of medical care that does not satisfy even the demand of the richest victims of the shipwreck...
...Barasch's style of argument...
...PAUL FELDMAN, Social Democrats, U.S.A., 1182 Broadway, New York MICHAEL HARRINGTON replies: In his New America article on the Yablonski murders, Paul Feldman, of course, expressed his opposition to that horror...
...The point is simply that those shortcomings are much more capable of remedy than Kelman's and Lekachman's cynical blanket criticisms suggest...
...See Robert Lekachman, "The Conservative Drift in Modern Economics," and Mark Kelman, "The Social Costs of Inequality...
...United States Code...
...1) Kelman's central point, that with an inelastic supply, the price of a good is determined solely by the richest consumers, only holds in very special cases...
...This would mean that 10 hours are "available" to the poor victims...
...And all this did happen, and it was done...
...were theoretically available for more desirable full-time jobs" (emphasis added...
...Barasch uses statistics in a way that is sometimes incomprehensible, and at other times comprehensible but wrong...
...Even this difference may not persist in the face of long-run excess demand, which educates each individual seller to the perpetual auction situation: in fact, competitive doctors are well-known to practice considerable price discrimination...
...C. Total paid circulation...
...Barasch tells us that 37 percent of modern language teachers (in universities) are women, but only one-third worked full-time, "which means that two-thirds [of these women...
...I'd be glad to send those interested the statements on the issues in question of the S.D., U.S.A...
...The point of the above example is not to lend uncritical support to Vanek's thesis, but rather to show what a "cold" preoccupation with efficiency can do...
...Surely, few people in basic research make that kind of money...
...Cost-benefit analysis, to which Lekachman refers in his article, is a way of avoiding interpersonal utility comparisons and showing that in many cases the beneficiaries of a project gain enough to compensate the "victims" and have enough "extra" welfare to justify the project...
...Why am I so critical, picky, and captious about Ms...
...Title 39...
...This would be a puzzling picture indeed, if it were true...
...colleges and universities, only 0.9 percent more than in 1968-69...
...Is efficiency not a value...
...5. Location of the Headquarters or General Business Offices of the Publishers: 509 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y...
...And all this did happen, and it was done...
...But in no case will price fall below the demand price to the cost of supply, the free market ideal, when supply is inelastic and the highest bids of buyers exceed costs...
...If an unmarried woman were to choose clinical work in a great city, over research in MisLETTERS 119 soula, Montana, on the grounds that there is more to life than work, that would not be the fault of the University of Montana...
...3. Frequency of Issue: Quarterly...
...In short, Lekachman is at once unfair to economics by claiming it to be more narrow than it really is, and unfair to his own objective of providing an intellectually serious critique of the state of economic science...
...Actual number of copies of single issue nearest to filing date-3,750...
...Barasch has done is to claim that she has statistical proof when all she has is ignorance of how to use statistics...
...F. Office use, left-over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing...
...Universities are located in some odd places...
...For if the latter were the main "fault" of economic theory, we would have no reason to hope for the situation to ever get any better...
...Guttman makes two points about my piece, neither of which is the least bit cogent...
...Barasch says, only 5 percent of women are engaged in basic research (which I again take to mean university work), and another 28 percent are in clinical psychology...
...There might indeed be some difference between monopoly and free competition in the supply of inelastic goods, but that difference is only in the ability of the supplier to practice price discrimination, that is, to charge the very rich more than the rich...
...Clinical psychologists are, I am told, well paid, at least in private practice...
...When economists concentrate on efficiency, they ought to know what they are doing: expressing an ethical judgment of what an economy ought to be doing...
...A central problem one would want to investigate is the efficiency of such firms, relative to their capitalistic counterparts...
...Schaffer's pretense at reasoning would be laughed out of a real court...
...q Politics on the Left Editor: In its Spring 1973 issue, DISSENT carried what is introduced as "a chapter from Michael Harrington's forthcoming book...
...If they exist, they must prove they are qualified...
...This, after all, is essentially what Marx attempted in his use of the classical economists' insights...
...Harrington forgets to mention a few things...
...The science of economics does not need to make value judgments any more than other, more advanced sciences do...
...and, "Can the lower academic status of women in any given field be explained by their lower age...
...Barasch then finds discrimination in the facts that there are many women with Ph.D.s and Ed.D.s in psychology (at least 3,000...
...If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be given...
...But if they can prove this, they are fools for doing so, because clinicians (Schaffer has this on hearsay) are "well paid," and there is always "the pleasure of helping people," a reward presumably denied to basic researchers and academicians...
...Average number of copies each issue during preceding 12 months- 1,700...
...This conduct is completely economically rational though it does not meet aggregate cost/benefit calculations...
...If a survey were to show that, say, Jews were rarely found on law faculties (this is in fact not so), although just as qualified as others, one would not know whether this was because of discrimination, or because Jews were fond of making money, or because Jews were fond of fighting cases for good causes, or of fighting cases for the fun of the game...
...In fact, given the real, continuous distribution of income, marginal price would equal the spending of income-holders just poorer than the millionaire...
...Actual number of copies of single issue nearest to filing date-5,100...
...Barasch does not state exactly what the figures are for male Ph.D.s in psychology, so let us also suppose that for men the numbers are reversed: 5 percent in clinical psychology and 28 percent in basic research...
...Actual number of copies of single issue nearest to filing date-7,500...
...Schaffer removes us from the forum of rational discussion and constructs a fantasy courtroom in which to posture and insinuate...
...The fortunate fact is that one does not need to make such interpersonal comparisons to analyze objective economic problems and provide direction for progressive changes of our economy...
...9. For Optional Completion by Publishers mailing at the regular rates (Section 132,121 Postal Service Manual) 39 U.S.C...
...First, in a market not cornered by a monopolist, price is determined by what the marginal consumer is willing to pay...
...Suppose we increase the number of doctors to, say, five, but keep their supply inelastic at a total of 250 hours of medical care...
...on the other hand, he refers sarcastically to economists' "noble" reluctance to judge the "social merits" of the items that enter the national income accounts...
...Penn., 1973...
...Even these numbers would prove nothing...
...Because good causes deserve good advocates, and feminism is the best of causes...
...Actual number of copies of single issue nearest to filing date-6,650...
...He implies that this symbolizes the co-optation and "corrupting" by the AFL–CIO bureaucracy of those socialists he criticizes...
...If one knew more, if one knew that women prefer basic research to clinical psychology, and that they are willing to live in university towns, and that their qualifications were really equal to those of male psychologists, then there would be proof of discrimination...
...cit., reported by Bernice Sandler, American Association of Colleges, Project on the Status and Education of Women, August 1973...
...If they are qualified, they must prove they seek the kind of employment their complaints say they seek...
...But these poor victims, according to Kelman's example, cannot afford to pay as much for their medical care, so that the doctor with the 10 hours to sell must provide those hours at the lower price...
...The American Council on Education has also completed a survey [Teaching Faculty in Academe...
...The New America article attempted to argue for such action as persuasively as possible against what was, in effect, a hands-off policy not only by the AFL–CIO but also the UAW during the UMW conflict out of a traditional labor position of noninterference in the affairs of another union...
...I suspect that all of these "ifs" are in fact true, but suspicion is not enough...
...Formally there is nothing to chose among these value preferences...
...Soon, in spite of critics like Schaffer, I may begin to believe it myself...
...If, as Bernard Nossiter recently charged, economics is a burnt-out case it is because the profession, with honorable exceptions such as Myrdal and Galbraith, ignores the way economic life is conducted...
...blank—not relevant] 11...
...from a tenth-rate university granted for mere rote work...
...Barasch's other comparisons are meaningless for the same reasons...
...this fact and Schaffer's nonspecific reference to one acquaintance who prefers part-time work may be juxtaposed and judged...
...2) Lekachman cannot seem to decide in his article whether economists are "too" careful to keep value judgments out of their work, or whether their work is full of such value judgments...
...For a quarter of this century, I have taught my sons and students that there is virtue in the merit system...
...Schaffer is one of those critics I referred to who will not "be stirred into [affirmative] action" until "individual cases of discrimination" are proved...
...Stanley Plastrik, Business Manager...
...Efficiency mandates measurement of economic progress by the rate at which GNP grows...
...Even if this is not the case, there's no evidence at all that it would lower the price of medicine...
...Lewis Coser, 509 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y...
...I repeat myself, of course, but that is the point of my article: "the arguments...
...A. Total number of copies printed (net press run...
...6. Names and Addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor: Publisher: none...
...Without statistical and other quantitative techniques, such analyses would not be possible...
...E. Total distribution (sum of C and D...
...D. C. SCHAFFER Boston FRANCES BARASCH replies: D. C. Schaffer's lengthy commentary on "HEW, the University, and Women" is precisely the kind of rhetorical backlash that has impeded the progress of equal rights since the beginning of the laws...
...But I have reason to believe otherwise...
...Indeed, I can think of reasons to doubt it...
...If Schaffer had read all, he or she would have learned that I argue for fair practice under HEW guidelines so that women who have earned exactly the same degrees as men, even as their own husbands (the Porter-Gardner case), can have equal access to the jobs they seek...
...3) Just as Kelman misplaces his emphasis by stressing a bogus assertion about the elasticity of supply of vital commodities, Lekachman puts too much weight on the economists's refusal to make interpersonal comparisons of utility...
...As will be seen, it really shows nothing at all...
...Barasch, by the way, does not tell us how many male teachers of modern languages are working full-time...
...by Alan E. Bayer] which shows that, in 1972-73, women were 20.0 percent of a faculty of 519,000 in 2,400 U.S...
...Barasch's case is the best that can be made, then there is no reason to believe that universities discriminate...
...Schaffer's absurdity arises from ignorance of recent legal developments, for which novices in law may be forgiven only if they refrain from premature publication and practice...
...She compares this with the fact that about 20 percent of all faculty positions (in all subjects) are held by women...
...I would guess that the answer to both questions is, "No," but why should I have to guess...
...Such measurements are not considered to be value judgments, as Lekachman states...
...The example brings out the fact that economic theory can be used to promote radical as well as conservative causes...
...Extent and Nature of Circulation...
...Surely, at first glance, it shows the opposite...
...To argue the case badly will do more harm than to drop the case completely...
...Almost all of Ms...
...Actual number of copies of single issue nearest to filing date- 1,150...
...First, he presumes a bizarre world, one where there are X number of millionaires and 100 percent—X people who are "poor" rather than a continuous distribution curve of income-holders, and he states that marginal price will be that available to the "poor" when an inelastic supply equals X + 1 goods...
...4) None of the above is meant to reflect a lack of awareness of the shortcomings of economic theory...
...Actual number of copies of single issue nearest to filing date-850...
...Barasch has proved nothing at all, a difficult, but not impressive feat...
...Okla., filed June 30, 1973...
...8. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities: None...
...On the one hand, his piece is replete with references to economists' "intellectual values" and "scientific values" (which he identifies with an "attachment for market models...
...2. Date of Filing: October 1, 1973...
...There is nothing wrong with preaching to the converted, but there is something wrong with a preacher who makes the converted lose their faith...
...She starts by saying that in the natural sciences, about 20 percent of all Ph.D.s are held by women...
...I would like to point out the fallacies and internal inconsistencies in their writing, and to suggest some of the ways in which modem economic science can be improved and made an instrument of progressive social change...
...However, more able and willing women candidates applied than could be accepted...
...If she chooses New York City, that may indicate that her husband is inconsiderate, but the University of Montana seems blameless enough...
...4. Location of Known Office of Publication: 509 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y...
...Average number of copies each issue during preceding 12 months-6,400...
...If this were the case, we would observe anyone promoting selective economic controls and tariffs (Adam Smith was among them) being accused as "unscientific...
...But what rightly outraged Joe Rauh was that the main thrust of the piece was to mourn the antiunion uses to which the tragedy would be put rather than mourning the dead...
...Under the 1972 extensions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, statistics showing patterns of discrimination can be used as prima facie evidence of discrimination in universities...
...My honest belief is that an expansion in the supply of doctors in this country would have an adverse effect on health since it would primarily serve to increase the amount of unnecessary, lifeendangering surgery...
...Yet there is still another explanation why women might choose clinical psychology instead of basic research...
...One could imagine, assuming other valuations, measuring progress by growth in work satisfaction, reduced inequities in the distribution of income and wealth, greater success in reducing poverty, unemployment, racial and sexual discrimination, and so on...
...Accepting these numbers as correct, what do they prove...
...They prove only that Ms...
...that in 1972 only 5 percent were engaged in basic research (which I take to mean university work), and that therefore "the number of qualified women who are potentially available for academic work or upgrading is over 3,000, at a minimum, and the employment figures of women on the faculties of academic psychology departments do not reflect these figures...
...in which he describes his experiences over the last few decades...
...If Ms...
...The article he refers to, which I wrote, opens by saying: "The murder of United Mine Workers opposition leader Joseph Yablonski and his wife and daughter is a heinous and a personal tragedy: it also happens to be part of an assault on the hopes for union democracy in the UMW...
...also United States v. Oklahoma State University, Civil No...
...In the real world, behavior is better explained by politics, private economic power, and the unavoidable interpersonal and intergroup comparisons such processes involve, than by the "scientific" apparatus of modern price theory...
...If owned by a partnership or other incorporated firm, its name and address, as well as that of each individual, must be given): Dissent Publishing Corporation, 509 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y...
...But this did not happen, and it was not done...
...Samples, complimentary, and other free copies...
...Average number copies each issue during preceding 12 months-8,100...
...In economic terms, it is a question of the position rather than the shape of the supply curve...
...A Ph.D...
...Average number of copies each issue during preceding 12 months-1,450...
...In Schaffer's court of the absurd, women psychologists must prove they exist (even though they are the plaintiffs...
...If the implications of his work are correct, switching to labor management would not only make the working class and the poor better off, but would pro117 vide enough growth in per capita real income to fully compensate the capitalist class for its lost property...
...Why should we assume that...
...7. Owner (If owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of stock...
...Barasch's figures about the employment of women psychologists are consistent with a pattern of blatant discrimination against women...
...Probably, underutilized academic women are being upgraded to positions requiring their full competency...
...MARK KELMAN replies: Mr...
...A lawyer arguing a case for a client who really deserves to win, on a point of law of great social importance, knows that she bears a great responsibility...
...The article closes by noting that "labor can't continue to throw up its hands in helplessness over a situation such as that in the UMW," and it appeals to socialists and trade unionists to back the insurgents...
...Bayer suggests this redistribution of affirmative action...
...One who charges $20 per hour and works 2,000 hours a year would make $40,000 per year...
...I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete...
...I think those who argue in the forum of public opinion face the same problem and bear the same responsibility...
...Furthermore, clinical psychologists have, one hopes, the pleasure of helping people, and the reward of gratitude...
...majority which Harrington polemicizes against...
...Then I read Frances Barasch's article ["HEW, the University, & Women," DISSENT, Summer 1973] which attempted to prove that this is indeed so...
...Actual number of copies of single issue nearest to filing date-7,500...
...How can economic theory be value-free and yet include rigidly set "scientific values" such as promotion of free trade...
...Barasch considers all Ph.D.s to be equal...
...He criticizes it because it "hardly reacted to the epochal struggle of the miners for internal union democracy and reacted to the brutal slaying of the rebel leader, Jock Yablonski, primarily by worrying that this tragedy might be used by the foes of labor...
...Interspersed between Harrington's descriptions of meeting with and campaigning for Robert Kennedy, his discussions with Mankiewicz, Moynihan, Schlesinger, Galbraith, et al., his Magellan-like discovery of a "New Class," and lectures on socialist morality, is a polemic against his former associates in the democratic socialist movement who today provide much of the leadership for Social Democrats, U.S.A...
...This comparison is supposed to be probative of discrimination...
...More desirable...
...They are also consistent with perfect fairness in hiring, or even with blatant discrimination against men...
...Fm sure fair-minded people will want to read the other side of this debate on foreign policy, the conflict in the Democratic party, and other political issues raised in Harrington's article directly and not through an interpreter...
...D. Free distribution by mail, carrier or other means-1...
...The price would then fall to the price the poor victims can afford and some nonprice mechanism would be required to ration the excess demand...
...Actual number of copies of single issue nearest to filing date-400...
...B. Paid circulation: 1. Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales...
...Second, he argues the familiar line that there is a shortage of doctors in America...
...Since I wrote my article, in fall 1972, the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education has reported data similar to mine, describing identical patterns, and concluding—far more strongly than I—that women are "the largest unused supply of superior intelligence in the United States" [Opportunities for Women in Higher Education, October, 1973...
...Second, the real reason we observe a shortage of medical care has nothing to do with the elasticity of supply, but rather depends on the shortage of doctors and other suppliers of such care...
...According to the ACE, there has been an increase in the percentage of women employed in universities and a decrease in two-year and four-year colleges...
...q Sex Discrimination in Universities Editor: I have always suspected that universities discriminate against women in hiring faculty...
...It is, after all, a syllogistic parlor game that any number can play: if Harvard had granted doctorates to women as well as men, and if Harvard then failed to hire reasonable numbers of their own women or other women, and if Harvard did hire Harvard men and other men, and if the Harvard faculty had taken a census (under HEW's guidance) and discovered that women were underrepresented even in proportions reflecting their own women doctorates, then one might conclude that there was discrimination against women at Harvard, and even the Harvard faculty might be moved to take affirmative action and seek to employ a proportion of women equal to the proportion of women granted Harvard 120 LETTERS Ph.D.s in recent years...
...Suppose further that the rich victims together only require 240 hours of medical care...
...This, however, is not the case: the journals contain quite a few articles on subjects Lekachman claims are "verboten": articles on the quality of goods as a concern of those who construct price indexes, articles on the valuation of nonmarket goods, articles on collusion, corporate growth, and monopolistic competition (Lekachman claims the existence of giant corporations to be in "defiance" of economic theory), on the welfare costs of inflation and unemployment, on the economics of socialism, etc...
...G. Total (sum of E and F— should equal net press run shown in A...
...Now for another example...
...In accordance with the provisions of this statute, I hereby request permission to mail the publication named in item 1 at the reduced postage rates presently authorized by 39 U.S.C...
...Furthermore, he would have been led to examine the important question of why the supply of medical care is being held back—whether it is a question of the AMA blocking entry, or whether some other force is at work...
...One may as well refuse to patrol public parks, victims' complaints notwithstanding, until all the individual muggers have been caught and convicted...
...This example illustrates two fundamental points...
...Actual number of copies of single issue nearest to filing date-1,350...
...Average number of copies each issue during preceding 12 months —1,050...
...2. Mail subscriptions...
...I do not apologize for the tone of my essay...
...Finally, if D. C. Schaffer had read my entire article, as is by no means clear from the reply, he or she would have learned that thousands of women, for example in science, choose to sue the National Institute of Health for (full-time) jobs...
...Is it scientific simply because the economist's version of it facilitates the computation of mathematical transformation functions...
...Jaroslav Vanek of Cornell University has studied this question and has concluded, on the theoretical side, that such firms would be at least as efficient, and, on the empirical side, that Yugoslav economic growth has been over the last 20 years about 8 percent per capita per annum, in real terms, which is, he writes, some four times that of the United States...
...By focusing on the shortage of doctors rather than the alleged inelasticity of supply, Kelman would have been able to explain all the effects he notes in order to "test" his "model," and he would not have had to rely on the rather difficult-to-prove argument about the supply of medical care being inelastic in the `real world...
...Johnson v. University of Pittsburgh, op...
...Or suppose a married psychologist has a choice between research in Missoula, where her spouse cannot find work, and clinical work in New York City, where her spouse can find work...
...I believe that if one took into account, and compared, not Ph.D.s, but Ph.D.s of equal quality, one would still find bias against women, but that is only my hunch...
...One of the targets of Harrington's advertisements for himself on the way out is the publication of the S.D., U.S.A., New America, which I edit...
...Average number of copies each issue during preceding 12 months-4,975...
...Or, if a woman biochemist at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine charged discrimination in denial of tenure, and if the tenure records showed that in the past six years 70 men and only three women had been granted tenure, and that there were four untenured women for each untenured male, and that a male of comparable qualifications was granted tenure when the plaintiff was denied, and that other discrepancies had occured in treatment of the sexes at the School of Medicine, then a court might grant a preliminary injunction forbidding the University from terminating her employment on the ground that a prima facie case for discrimination (based on statistics and other evidence) had been made...
...Average number copies each issue during preceding 12 months-3,525...
...This is simply a myth: we've got far more doctors per thousand people than England and far worse medical care...
...All one need do as one reads them is ask, "Can the failure to hire women be explained on the grounds that all Ph.D.s are not equal in quality...
...Suppose, for example, that one wantel to study the possibility of having firms run by their workers...
...Furthermore, there is an increasing, rather than decreasing, interest in measuring the nonmarket benefits and costs of such projects...
...What Ms...
...Harrington, in retrospect, seems to suggest that New America should have lectured organized labor on morality...
...I might add that some people prefer part-time academic work: the most qualified woman professor I know insists on working part-time, so that she can spend more time with her children...
...When, however, he announces the lower price, all the other doctors must lower theirs or lose their business to the doctor with the "extra" time...
...For my stance, I may inherit the wind...
...Irving Howe, 509 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y...
...The conception of morality I learned in the socialist movement had nothing to do with posturing...
...Those cities with an incredibly extensive number of doctors, such as New York, still completely fail to deliver medical care in the market and do a poor job with current nonmarket supple118 LETTERS ments...
...I claim no novelty in this position...
...q STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (Act of August 12, 1970: Section 3685...
...Editor: Irving Howe, 509 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y...
...In fact, as one observes the development of economics over the last 30 years, one can trace a drift, not toward conservatism, but toward a wider and more relevant application of economic principles...
...from a great university, with brilliant course work and a fine thesis, is different from a Ph.D...
...If a pattern is indicated, the burden to justify practices falls on the university...
...An "economist" who thinks in terms of aggregate efficiency and a conflict-free world rather than the economic relations among men is of no service to progressive change...
...3626 provides in pertinent part: "No person who would have been entitled to mail matter under former section 4359 of this title shall mail such matter at the rates provided under this subsection unless he files annually with the Postal Service a written request for permission to mail matters at such rates...
...There is no fundamental reason why these subjects would be incapable of objective study, given an expanded set of analytical tools and an imaginative use of the existing tools...
...But pretty plainly a Ph.D...
...bear repeating," and reason must hold a steady course in the face of common nonsense...
...In a socialist movement with high standards of political debate, a fundamentally democratic ideological tradition, and a leadership that included Max Shachtman and Bayard Rustin whose credentials were validated in real struggles against Stalinism and racism, attempting, as Harrington does, to kill one's opponents with kindness ("It was love of justice in America which led Bayard to ignore monstrous injustices in Indochina") and moral posturing ("there was a tendency in Shachtman's approach to reduce Marxism to a kind of pragmatism which put aside ideals . . . he had come perilously close to eliminating morality from the Socialist vision altogether") was considered the greasy-kid stuff that it is...
...Suppose these women want to work part-time...
...1. Title of Publication: DISSENT...
...Most were neither very young nor inexperienced...
...Managing Editor: Edith Tarcov, 509 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y...
...Guttman also evidenced at the end of his letter the most sterile form of non-contextual "economism" in his statement that "a progressive economic" argument for workers' control might be that it is so efficient that it could "compensate the capitalist class for lost property...
...To fail to prove discrimination where discrimination in fact exists will be a disaster, because the judge and the public will think, "If this is the best case that can be made, all this talk about bias must be nonsense...
...These are very important considerations in my own field (law) : no university pays what a good lawyer can make in private practice...
...I do not say they do so want, but until we know, this is not evidence of discrimination...
...Johnson v. University of Pittsburgh, 5 FEP 1182...
...I'm no fan of the AMA's restrictive policies, but their conduct is simply not the telling factor...
...they have been available for some time, and many still are...
...For the last four decades Gunnar Myrdal has been scolding his colleagues for their naivete in the pursuit of "scientific" analysis...
...I refuse to apologize for stating my affection and sympathy for Bayard Rustin even as I detailed our political disagreements...
...It does need to expand its field of vision and to examine more carefully alternative socioeconomic institutions, the theory of collective decision-making, the types and consequences of economic conflict, and other areas...
...Stanley Plastrik, Business Manager...
...Finally, a man who can, within a single sentence, boast of his "high standards of political debate" and then dismiss a reasoned, serious critique of his views as "greasy kid stuff" needs no further refutation...
...One must either laugh or cry at the spectacle of so many bright people wasting so much time, thought, and ingenuity on the foolish pursuits of contemporary, mainstream economics...
...Guttman, presumably a loyal economist, admirably reinforces the central criticism of our specialty I made in my essay, that conventional practitioners smuggle value judgments wholesale into their ostensibly scientific inquiries...
...Interestingly, the New America article on the UMW appeared on April 15, 1970, before it became a cause célèbre in the liberal community and it was not until long after, I believe, that Harrington, who had access to New America, other publications, and at the time a syndicated column, took up the cause in his writings...
...In the context of DISSENT, this means it is Schaffer's kind who must justify the patterns of discrimination that I reported in brief...
...The New America article, in arguing, in this case, against the application of the traditional position —which has much historic justification—appealed to labor's self-interest and traditions for which no apologies whatsoever need to be made, and HarLETTERS 121 rington's charge of "self censorship" makes no sense...
...At my own university college, since 1972, six women were promoted in rank, another was hired at senior rank, one was hired as director, three were elevated as deans, and new hires were made in unprecedented numbers...
...On Modern Economics Editor: There are good reasons to criticize modern economics, but, unfortunately, Mark Kelman and Robert Lekachman do not employ them in their articles in the Summer 1973 issue of DISSENT...
...Average number of copies each single issue during preceding 12 months-375...
...Now let us suppose that all Ph.D.s in psychology are equal, but that, as Ms...
...is like a union card, or a negative Wasserman test: not having it means trouble, but having it proves very little...
...Even a strong case can be lost if its advocate is weak...
...I myself would rather live in Missoula than almost any place I know, but not everyone may share this taste...
...2. Copies dis122 LETTERS tributed to news agents, but not sold...
...Average number of copies of each issue during preceding 12 months-8,100...
...there are local as well as national indications that this is the case...
...They might show blatant discrimination against women, but only if one assumes that basic research in psychology is a more desirable field then clinical psychology, and that both men and women so view it...

Vol. 21 • January 1974 • No. 1

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