
Binsse, Harry Lorin & Stapleton, John & Brégy, Katherine & O'Sheel, Shaemas & Radziwill, Catherine & Hennrich, Kilian J. & Healy, Patrick J. & Cavanaugh, John & Sharp, John K. & Dwyer, James L.

BOOKS Papini's Saint Augustine Saint Augustine, by Giovanni Papini; translated by Mary Pritchard Agnetti. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. $3.00. THIS year the fifteen hundredth...

...He will be neither wiser, nor will he have spent hours entirely free of boredom...
...The result of such systematic instructions in evil, can be easily imagined...
...Humphrey less than justice...
...The conservative tone of the book is still further accentuated by the frequent use of familiar historical cliches...
...Very few have the experience which Miss Lamkin enjoys and still fewer have her judicious and inspiring way of communicating it to others...
...It is significant, however, that two of the protagonists of the modern cultural period and process, Copernicus and Tycho Brahe, came from the penumbrous region...
...Another outstanding quality of the book is that it is satisfactory and by this is meant that it is practical, suggestive, inspiring and really entertaining...
...It would, however, be wrong to give the impression that his book is in any way made to order...
...For Professor Smith there is little difference between legislation to enforce certain moral or ascetical principles and denunciation of moral delinquencies...
...Organizations and associations have sprung up offering to help people to use their spare time beneficially...
...The general reader, with no special attraction for the saint, may, well be stirred out of his indifference by this book, and spurred on to a more detailed acquaintance with Saint Augustine himself and with other commentators on him, to whose number it is probable that there will be several notable additions during the present year...
...This is a personal study of the great Saint as seen, loved and apprehended by an Italian intellectual...
...If," he says, "I begin by telling you that Augustine spent half his life quarreling with the Manichaeans, Donatists and Pelagians, you will immediately scent a menace of boredom and feel strongly inclined to skip the pages that follow...
...Missioners to Ohio The Cross in the Wilderness, by Sister Monica, O.S.U...
...One would like, however, in the name of modern science to have the following statement authenticated by an exact reference: "The Spanish Dominican Bartolome de Medina, in a commentary on Aquinas (1577) expounded probabilism as the theory 'that if any opinion is supported by authority, it is lawful to follow it, even if the opposite opinion is supported by better authority.' " From Professor Smith's account of the theory and practice of the probabilists, their influence must have been frightfully disruptive socially and morally...
...Dillon was so well known in Russia that this is hardly possible, and he is too modest when he assumes that they took him for an ordinary tourist...
...Founded in 1845 by Jane Chatfield, English girl converted in her French Ursuline School and afterward an idolized leader of her sisters in Ohio, "Brown County" was an outstanding, very distinguished school when I first began to read the newspapers—alas...
...zVGAIN, as in Winterwise, and Chrysalis, Mrs...
...It shows us the danger of Bolshevism, as well as the necessity to watch its movements...
...If one mixes with this a good portion of sociological melancholy (of the Harper essay variety), a little naturalistic sex, some very clever descriptions, a chapter of stream-of-consciousness, and a cynical, all-wise porte-parole, which makes it possible for the author to inject his own theses without seeming too olympian, one has the recipe for "— & Co...
...The sublime but abstract doctrine of grace, for instance, is conveyed to a little child as it should be: a thing of more enthralling beauty and charm than any fairy-tale...
...Not that it would be easy to write such a book...
...In this we see what the Germans aptly call the 'police-state,' that policy in which every act is supervised, and almost every act 'verboten' by the government...
...His letters to the Daily Telegraph, of which he was for many years the correspondent in St...
...Civilization is imposed by the leading classes on the masses, often against their stubborn opposition, generally without their full knowledge of what is taking place and always without their active cooperation...
...The books are not perfect, of course...
...I have said that this is a terrifying book...
...In purpose and appearance they are like the pioneer religious texts and readers of Doctors Shields and Pace, but ever so much sprightlier, incorporating advantages unknown half a generation ago...
...If, with the necessary reservations and within certain limits, you will put Madame Blavatsky in the place of Mani, Donatus in that of Luther, and Pelagius in that of Rousseau, you will readily perceive that Augustine's battlings and skirmishings are by no means lifeless relics of a dead era but actually what might be termed current events...
...that Bishop (afterward Archbishop) Lamy of Santa Fe was the archbishop to whom death came in Willa Cather's book...
...Faith healing was the keynote of the cult...
...It was inaccessible, somewhat, but generations of beautiful, bright young women (many from illustrious families) made their way to its doors...
...Humorists have improved their technique more than a little during the years since, but these old yarns have a burry flavor which is considerably like raw whisky...
...more than fifty years ago...
...Petersburg, produced at times a great sensation, while his intimate friendship with Count Witte, of whom he was a political adviser, and whom he accompanied to America during the latter's journey to Portsmouth, at the time of the conclusion of the treaty of peace between Russia and Japan, gave him exceptional opportunities to be well informed as to all that was going on in Russian political spheres...
...The Soviet Scene Russia Today and Yesterday, by E. J. Dillon...
...But those in quest of the sources of American literature cannot afford to ignore any one of more than a dozen writers which figure in this anthology...
...In this vast Bolshevist organization of a new world, there is no spirit to vivify it, no soul to thrill it, there is only nothingness, a mechanical nothingness, which tries to create out of what does not exist, something that has got life...
...But perhaps a catechism is also used with these texts as readers...
...The difficulty is rather that her writing mood remains too much the same...
...Next year a log barn-like thing—yet more comfortable than the Stable!—was built outside the corporate limits, the first permanent chapel in Ohio...
...Here is a good book in every sense...
...Dillon, the immense progress made by Russia from the intellectual and educational point of view...
...While we are led to believe that culture is "that complex whole that includes knowledge, belief, morals, law, customs, opinions, religion, superstition and art," we are also told that "a history of culture is a history of the intellectual classes...
...Dillon will forgive me if I say that I doubt the Bolsheviks did not know who he was when they granted him the visa he required to cross the Russian frontier...
...translated by C. K. Scqtt-Moncrieff...
...Possibly the best of Mr...
...Unfortunately, the novelized form of Mr...
...There are other devices for the teacher primarily, and therefore not to be found in these books, which are normally taught in any course in methods and find their way into the teaching of religion...
...For cannot all be summed up thus: "Stars in the firmament of the grass, Dandelions in the blue meadow of the sky, And a world turning . . . turning...
...It is a revelation from more than one point of view...
...In short one may say of this book that, just as the Storia di Cristo must have sent many readers to the Gospels, so this very individual study of Saint Augustine must send many to the Confessions— in connection with which Papini is not afraid to challenge Freudians on their own ground—and to the City of God...
...Leisure Hours Good Times for All Times, by Nina B. Lamkin...
...WILDERNESS indeed was southwestern Ohio before the bishops, the padres and the nuns came permanently in the middle of the last century...
...It would be profitless to attempt to analyze any of the many chapters into which the author throws the results of his wide and varied reading or to seek to evaluate the conclusions of so much painstaking investigation...
...And though with jest and song I screen My house from passers-by, The tell-tale stone before the door Declares the lie...
...Each topic is quite large, but it is broken up into smaller topics which range in number from fifty in the first book to 100 in the fourth...
...The training of the teacher is paramount, the child's textbook is secondary...
...In 1564 Pope Pius IV chartered the Spanish Society of the Holy Name for the purpose of stamping out the practice of taking God's name in vain, and his successors promulgated drastic laws against it in the Patrimony of Peter...
...Virginia's part in the evolution of the America of the colonies into the America of the constitution is not stressed, though it might be of interest to point out that the difference between the Cavalier and the Puritan ideas of liberty is still at the root of much political controversy and conflict...
...The picture presented to us by Dr...
...Surprise and interest abound...
...Destruction always yields before the mighty forces of reconstruction...
...Doubtless, use and criticism by competent teachers will improve both content and presentation...
...on the contrary the famous author of the Story of Christ, that remarkable work which, for all its shortcomings, must have driven many to a new study of the Gospels, has written this new book out of a long and intimate acquaintance with the saint...
...Catechism Transfigured The Spiritual Way Series...
...The subject-matter is grouped about large doctrinal topics rather than vivisected into unrelated and isolated questions and answers...
...Such is the title poem of this volume, celebrating the little Irish town the poet has never seen, but knows as well by his mother's tales and by the evidence of a great carved chest, a blue glass bowl, a candlestick, a grandam's chair...
...The light of culture shone strong on the central nations of western Europe—England, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Italy...
...If only half of what Dr...
...immorality was rife...
...Dillon tells us is true, then there is arising not far from us, in fact, among us, a new universe, a new order of things, a new religion of irreligion, from which there will be no escape except death, and from which it is to be hoped, death will remove us as soon as possible...
...A Fiery Evangelist Dowie, by Arthur Newcomb...
...Sister Monica writes well...
...Each paragraph or two is driven home with questions and answers based upon it...
...Nearly every subtopic concludes with a series of practical tests or project suggestions for incorporation in the child's note-book...
...Protestantism," we are assured on one page, "was in one aspect but the religion of the rising bourgeois class," while on another we are told that, "after the Reformation had weakened and divided the Church, the universities became more and more organs of the state... something quite different...
...its seat was (and still is) Zion City, Illinois...
...Happily, it is not possible, because history is there to show us that sulphur and brimstone cannot overthrow what is eternal, and that in the long run a Godless society such as conceived by Bolshevik and Communist minds, cannot thrive, although it may prosper for awhile...
...This reviewer closes the volumes with an almost Augustinian sigh: too late have I known thee, too late have I loved thee...
...There is a delightful originality in format, approach and content...
...It is much more to the point to regard this book as something fresh from the loom of modern culture, as a pronouncement or set of pronouncements issued by one of the small, but important and leading, class of intellectuals, to be administered, with or without their cooperation or their full knowledge, to the stubborn masses...
...Very few persons will question the justness of the statement that: "Three centuries after their first ancestors landed in North America the people of the United States remain thoroughly religious, sectarian, and to a considerable extent Puritan...
...The moral disintegration of the man (characterized in part by secret polygamous teachings and an avidity for literary erotica) was reflected in the final days of Zion City under his rule...
...Regard for the adolescent mind should have impelled him to soften this figure somewhat... to their stern religion and to their fierce love of political liberty, nothing is more remarkable than the eagerness with which they cultivated learning...
...The sacrament of penance, for instance, is not treated explicitly until the last book, in the sixth grade...
...Yet they are given with a sort of unchanging cheeriness, which suggests a ready-made optimism much more than a capacity to make what is sombre or inexplicable in life yield up its sweetness...
...The writer is more concerned with the practical consideration of the prevalence of Manichaeanism today, and incidentally one is driven to wonder whether a recent reaction against Saint Augustine in certain literary circles, for example a recent essay of the French critic, Andre Suares, is not, unconsciously, due to the wide prevalence in our time of a form of Manichaeanism...
...The fiery little Scotch evangelist ruled with an absolutism almost beyond belief in this age, exercising complete temporal and spiritual authority over his flock...
...It is, all in all, a workmanlike, serious novel, showing considerable ability to observe, and remarkable knowledge of Jewish psychology...
...E. J. DILLON has, since something like forty years, been considered in Europe, as one of the most competent authorities in regard to Russia, Russian politics and Russian affairs...
...He tells us that Saint Augustine, with Pascal, was the only Christian writer he read, before his return to Christ, with an admiration that was not purely intellectual...
...As a result, five out of six American reviews gravely tell their readers that a new Balzac has come into being and that his book is just as much a classic, to be read by every schoolboy in future generations, as any Balzac masterpiece...
...The author undoubtedly deserves the highest commendation for the earnestness with which he undertook a difficult task, and for the labor he expended on covering such a wide and varied field, but it is deplorable that he indulges in so many snap judgments and that he gives expression to so many superficial and irrelevant opinions...
...FASHIONS in poetry come, go and change almost like fashions in feminine dress, but lyric poetry goes on forever...
...Youth's clairvoyance and high faith were present in his earliest verses, and youth's inexpungable joy in the simple beauty of the world remains with him as the years pass...
...Some stress the educational activities, others the recreational without neglecting the cultural aspects of recreation...
...1 HE title selected for this volume is not entirely accurate because a great deal of the material hails from the deep South...
...Dissension split the community into weird, and often morbid, factions...
...The most interesting chapter in Dr...
...And, finally, he went to school in Florence in the Via Sant 'Agostino...
...John Cavanaugh...
...What really matters is the gentle, half-comic, half-pathetic study of Mario himself...
...The varying reactions of emotionally unstable minds to the downfall of their quasi-divine leader revealed the religio-hysteria which predominated in the sect...
...He made the town of Cincinnati the centre of ecclesiastical power in the Middle-West and far beyond...
...Its success would mean the Sovietization of the entire earth if such a thing were possible...
...There are no horrendous abstractions or sesquipedalian words...
...In some of these papers—On Rereading the Bible, for instance, or The Artist's Predicament, where the purpose does not put the strain of contrast on the manner of writing—one finds great pleasure...
...Humphrey writes of the spiritual and physical adventures attendant upon life in a Vermont town...
...looking at sunsets, attending church conferences, listening to undramatic life histories, are simple occupations, but they need not be trivial, and it is Mrs...
...New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, Incorporated...
...THIS year the fifteen hundredth anniversary of the death of Saint Augustine of Hippo has been marked by the holding of the International Eucharistic Congress at Carthage, and Giovanni Papini has observed the event with a new study of the great saint...
...Their trade is cloth-weaving...
...It seems to me that he has only looked upon one side of the picture, the one which was internationally put before his eyes by the very people he came to observe...
...Childhood is being desecrated, demoralized, depraved, youth is told that we have been put into the world simply to gratify our evil, bestial instincts, that we are no better than animals from a certain point of view, that there is no God in heaven, and no love or charity on earth, that we have got wants instead of passions, physical necessities instead of spiritual desires, and that there is no such thing as moral consequences...
...And anyone who reads it will have read a novel—nothing more and nothing less...
...New York: Alfred A. Knopf...
...This impression certainly does Mrs...
...Moreland's thinnest vein may be illustrated by such a piece as this called Erosion, where an apt image is made just a bit too obvious in verse just a bit too neatly turned: "As passing feet have worn the stone Before some busy mart, The feet of grief have left their trace Upon the doorstep of my heart...
...The book has been compared by Romain Rolland to Balzac...
...Meine's authors was the first among them —Augustus Baldwin Longstreet, an extraordinary Georgian...
...It appears in Americana Deserta, a series of reprints and selections edited by Bernard De Voto...
...There is nothing machine-turned about Moreland's verse, but one who writes so much inevitably drops into trite modes now and then...
...By this method the Jesuit confessors were able to argue away all crimes known to the laws of God and man...
...The basic formulae of any science must be memorized after due understanding...
...One of the latest important books in this line is the volume under review...
...Papini has not carried his subjectivity to excess...
...Katherine Bregy... would certainly not have occurred to anyone without M. Rolland's convenient preface...
...In that age of poor communications the differences between the several nations were greater than they are now...
...Leisure-time recreation for all" is a slogan not infrequently heard...
...Certainly he was not instructed, but it was very rare to find a peasant who could neither read nor write, at least in the Ukraine or in the Volga or Ural regions...
...As such it cannot fail to have an attraction for the general reader which the more specialized study would not possess...
...Theology was the main interest, theocracy the natural government of the chosen people...
...On the other hand we are shown by Dr...
...But he is comforted with the thought that the children trained in the spirit of these textbooks will surely accomplish the things their teachers have only dreamed...
...That Dr...
...The indignant author evokes a terrifying figure of a Jesuit making havoc of the laws of morality with the principle of probabilism...
...Shaemas O'Sheel...
...John Richard Moreland is a lyric poet, and his fourth book proves that his song neither flags nor changes, save in the good way of ever greater perfection...
...In fact, the subsidiary portraits are confined to Mario's invalid brother, Mario's business associate and his enemy, the commercial traveler—with, of course, the sparrows he daily feeds and daily incorporates into the little fables which have grown to sum up his philosophy of living...
...It is somewhat of a surprise to find that the "verboten" motif has not passed from literature, but, as might be expected, the Calvinistcapitalist theme is still in vogue...
...Mountains have a sullen way, Cold and pitiless, They will nail you to a cross Hewn of loneliness...
...those they had made were very quickly repaired...
...a stern reality, smelling perhaps of sulphur and brimstone, but with a mission on earth, and a mission which will undoubtedly be fulfilled...
...The nuns gave him a grave in death as they had wondrously given him devotion in life...
...Dillon for this opinion, are even more terrible, more terrifying, because he demonstrates all through his remarkable volume the one fact we did not yet know, and which we refused to see, or look upon, the fact that Bolshevism possesses qualities of a constructive order, which they apply to the organization of a world and a society of their own, out of which every idea or vestige of morality, honesty and honor has been excluded...
...After the war A of 1870, they decide to move to France rather than to become German subjects...
...Newcomb's narrative, with its injection of a "love interest" and the use of fictitious names, considerably lessens its value as a study of Dowie...
...translated from the Italian, with an introduction by Beryl de Zoete...
...No one understands better than he does how to present a question from an angle likely to attract both the student and the man in the street, and his latest work is no exception to this general rule...
...It is not that she ever records what is intrinsically unimportant...
...It is almost true that if southwestern Ohio were the Wilderness, John Baptist Purcell, second bishop and first archbishop of Ohio, was the Cross in it...
...It opens before us such unlimited possibilities that one can but shudder at the thought of what these may become...
...The Puritans in New England as in Old England were a greatsouled society...
...I hope Dr...
...What is time...
...It is easy to talk of Attila and his Huns, or of Genghiz Khan and his Mongols, but they only left behind them their own ruins...
...THREE decades ago John Alexander Dowie founded what was, in all likelihood, the most thoroughgoing Christian theocracy of modern times—the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church in Zion...
...It covers recreation for all ages, both sexes, the family and mixed gatherings on different occasions and for different days and seasons...
...New York: James T. White and Company...
...He founded a whole hierarchy of missionary bishops, long in line and broad in spirit and in geographical distribution...
...Again, there is a truly splendid treatment of the sacraments, but nowhere do we find as a necessary and concluding summary, the concise definition of a sacrament which serves as an epitome and password of the Faith...
...We are left in the dark as to what precise epoch was, or is, known as the "age of poor communications," and the act that the light of culture did not then shine on Spain makes the identification still more difficult...
...To spend this time well is important for adults as well as for children but it frequently constitutes a problem with the younger generation...
...Set on the borderline, it went through the war, of course...
...His violently abusive language on the platform of Madison Square Garden made him a national laughingstock, and the crusade eventually ended in disaster—financial and spiritual...
...It is very French—and very modern French at that...
...Culture without faith, and without other principles than a blind worship of the state, is bound to produce a generation of monsters, strong and powerful, and therefore more likely to succeed in overthrowing our old, weak world...
...There are many illustrations...
...Since Copernicus A History of Modern Culture, by Preserved Smith...
...Volume I, The Great Renewal, 1543-1687...
...they become the largest industrials of a large industrial town—Simler & Company...
...James L. Dwyer...
...Bolshevism may be the "mightiest driving force in the world today" to use the words of Dr...
...One of the most terrifying conclusions to which it leads us, is the realization that in a country of 150,000,000 people, there will be soon no one left with a vestige of the old faiths, or the old traditions that had made it great in the past...
...The background of Trieste during the recent war is not stressed picturesquely, there is no insistence upon psychology and no sex interest whatever...
...After all it is God, and not Satan, who rules the universe with all that it contains...
...Even history, pageants, pantomimes and manual arts are utilized...
...It offers programs for family, club, parish and community parties and outlines for picnics, outings and the stage...
...New York: The Century Company...
...The books come very near to teaching by themselves...
...Otherwise, "— & Co...
...I EISURE time grows in proportion as the hours and days A-* of work are reduced...
...Undoubtedly it is a very delicate piece of art —but it happens to be precisely the sort of art with which American readers are least familiar...
...Far more likely it is that on the contrary they put every chance in his way to show him their work from the angle they considered the most favorable...
...For the only similarity between "—& Co...
...Books One, Two, Three and Four, by Mother Bolton...
...He mellowed the raw country with his learning as he toughened its moral fibre by his hardy virtues and his eloquent aggressive zeal...
...We are not told...
...I have lived in the country in Russia, and studied the peasant from the point of view of a large landowner, and from that of a humanitarian, and I have never found him the ignorant being Dr...
...Dillon, but this force may be directed against it, instead of exerting itself in its favor, and let us hope that such will be the case...
...Practically every program is a combination of games, stunts, songs, music, stories, playlets and dances...
...The author is keenly alive to the difficulty of writing culture-history...
...And the colophon at the end of each book telling us that "the little H means just that—these pictures were drawn by Mother Hackett," is indicative of the naivete and freshness that characterize all...
...This is an illuminating statement which should establish an immediate entente between the members of the Holy Name Society and their Puritan congeners in Connecticut, Tennessee and elsewhere, though such an entente might expose the Society to the animadversions of Mr...
...John K. Sharp...
...Around this proud pageantry and these mournful memories Sister Monica has woven the cloth of gold and the rich lace and the delicate and strong tapestries of the history of the famous old school of the Ursulines of Brown County, Ohio...
...I have lived among them, and some of my best farmers have been Mordvas...
...edited by Franklin J. Meine...
...And there is many a passing observation, trenchant or pitiful, which insists upon being remembered...
...New York: Longmans Green and Company...
...To say that it is not an interesting book, would be difficult...
...Each topic ends with a tone from the Gregorian melodies...
...What, for instance, shall be memorized...
...Unfortunately the parallel is not entirely apt...
...John Stapleton... Jean-Richard Block...
...people always have huge paunches or stringy limbs...
...54' I ^HESE textbooks make religious truth attractive to the •*¦ eyes and minds of children from grades three to six inclusive...
...Catherine Radziwill...
...The positive aspects of doctrine are stressed and opportunity is opened for a budding spiritual life...
...Nevertheless the discriminating Mr...
...The plot itself is tenuous enough—built up about the illnatured practical joke by which that obnoxious traveler pretends to sell the rights to Mario's book, the disturbing hopes and scarcely more disturbing humiliations, and finally the boomerang by which the duped man quite accidentally secures his whole financial future...
...It took rise in 1543 and is exhibited in this volume as it developed in the period from Copernicus to Newton (1543-1687...
...Happily we are not Russians, and we possess sufficient common sense to appreciate the Bolshevik government for what it is worth...
...Patrick J. Healy...
...For most of the facts, or allowable assumptions, the writer, in the appendix, has produced sound documentary authority, and several of the little excursions or elaborations of biographical themes, such as the comparison of the future saint taking leave of his tearful mother, with Aeneas leaving Dido, are much to the point, and justified by known facts of the Saint's life...
...Bishop Fenwick's flock when he was consecrated was fifty families...
...Dowie died an insane paralytic...
...And here is where I cannot agree with him...
...Hence, not much is left that could not be found in its 400 large and closely printed pages...
...IT MUST have taken courage for the publishers to choose, as a first translation of Italo Svevo into English, this slight but subtle story...
...Break you like a martyr...
...One thing may be said for such verse as this: to many readers, to a great class who care little for the superrefinements of literary technique, but who care much for what a poem says— who want words of faith, comfort, consolation, joy and hope embodied in lyric lines that heighten them and make them memorable—to myriads of simple human hearts, many of Moreland's poems must be precious jewels for memory's casket...
...If he did not attain his objective the failure must be found in his method rather than in his spirit...
...Dillon believes in the reality of this danger, cannot be doubted for one moment...
...A "nude" cult was formed...
...Modern culture seems to be the child of modern science...
...It is from such mythical monstrosities that psychoses arise...
...Its thought and philosophy rest on a substratum of Calvinism, not Calvinism in general, but an eclectic Calvinism, which permits the author to say: "The Calvinistic Shorter Catechism promulgated by the divines in 1647 was well known by our grandfathers, though happily forgotten by most of us today...
...He early learned to admire Saint Augustine's Latin style...
...Too, the author's treatment of his subject is superficial and often highly naive...
...There are twenty topics treated in the four books and they range from creation to the gifts of the Holy Ghost and the beatitudes, sufficient for the needs of children from eight to eleven who make their first confession and are confirmed...
...Far from it...
...a world and a society built up on one standardized principle, which consists in the negation of the Divinity, combined with complete disregard for those notions of good and of evil upon which humanity was supposed to thrive, and which it was supposed to respect and in a certain measure to follow blindly, and always to obey...
...And there is an incredibly idealized Christian heroine, all-beautiful, all-knowing, completely the mistress of her fate...
...As much could have been said for the Forsythe Saga, and yet who has ever thought to call Galsworthy a new Balzac...
...Most of them demand a cycle every two years, some every three...
...Somehow, one does not easily forget the pastel portrait of this unselfish egoist, whose thoughts are always "more intelligent than his deeds," and whose castle of dreams becomes an impregnable escape from the bustle and bruises of outward life... makes the Milanese saint live before us, in his age and society...
...Tall Tales of the Southwest...
...THIS is an essay in general Kulturgeschichte...
...Where I also differ from Dr...
...It is as if the saint had been watching over this brilliant and turbulent youth...
...Newcomb was for eight years one of Dowie's officers...
...Delicate Art The Hoax, by Italo Svevo...
...Its geographical limits are somewhat more restricted...
...Dillon writes is interesting, even when one cannot altogether agree with what he says...
...To solve it has become a life work for many...
...Dillon, reminded me at times, of the famous lines of Lermontov's poem, The Demon, those in which he speaks of a temple without Divinity...
...It may be found that the grading needs revision and that the tests are incomplete, reviewing the topics partially only and not completely...
...At his very best Moreland is a lyric poet who can hold his head up among the great, and in proof I submit this perfect little poem called Bright, Blue Water: "If you are tansy-hearted, Dry as a russet leaf, Never seek a mountain To assuage your grief— Search for bright, blue water...
...his narrative of the main events of Saint Augustine's life is straightforward and interesting, but without the lively overdrawing one could imagine an Emil Ludwig would have given us...
...All the same Russia Today and Yesterday is one of the most remarkable books of its kind...
...In the penumbra round about lay Scandinavia, Scotland, Portugal, Spain and Poland...
...There is a certain foggy exaggeration about it which becomes all the foggier and all the more exaggerated for being translated into English...
...For here is the tale of an ingenuous, middle-aged Italian, the author of one early and soon-forgotten novel, whose uneventful life is given reality and even happiness by his persistent dreams of literary achievement...
...and Bishop Machebeuf of Denver was the Archbishop's delightful companion in the same book—even despite powerful, pathetic, eloquent Purcell himself...
...These were accepted as authentic by his followers...
...Attractive rubrication and varied type, border decorations, verse and scriptural passages are also worked into the text ingeniously and attractively...
...And not only this particular spiritual and intellectual malady of our age does Papini, in one of the most telling chapters of his book, show to have been anticipated 1,500 years ago by the saint of Hippo...
...Later in his career he invaded New York City with several thousand Zionists...
...The account of the Manichaean heresy might perhaps be described as too sketchy, but there are other books, to which Papini gives references, to which those particularly interested in the philosophical side of the matter may turn...
...The torn fragment on which Professor Smith turns his gaze splits under his hands into four great processes or movements, designated, respectively, The Sciences, The Humanities, Social Control, and The Spirit of the Times, and these into multitudinous minor subdivisions that deal with various phases of intellectual and social travail and achievement...
...The subtopics start from the apperceptive bases of child life and knowledge already possessed, and present their religious truths in expository, hortatory and narrative form...
...But there is something more than interest in those pages in which he relates to us his impressions, because one can hardly call them experiences, in regard to this Bolshevist paradise, which we are told by its angels, represents the last word in regard to human happiness distributed in homeopathic doses, to an ungrateful world...
...The latter occasionally imply the use of one...
...The discussion of probabilism does not ;eveal anything original—in fact it may be said the author takes up the subject where a certain school of German controversialists left off half a century ago...
...The publisher informs us that it is "the most complete and satisfactory book of its kind" and one is inclined to assent to this statement...
...Throughout there is a vague brooding feeling of race and environment, of inheritance and tradition...
...A notable example of this failure to distinguish between law and exhortation is the account of the organization of the Holy Name Society: "Typical of the Blue Laws were those punishing blasphemy...
...It is also one of the most disturbing...
...Competent "_ & Co...
...when he died ten years later it consisted of 7,000 souls, and there was a "cathedral" and a tiny seminary...
...But it is a joy to welcome these highly attractive and most useful books for children...
...Calvinism and capitalism have been allies because Calvinism was but the religion of the bourgeoisie created by capitalism...
...Good Lyric Wine Newry, by John Richard Moreland...
...As his madness grew he proclaimed himself the reincarnation of various biblical prophets...
...Some of these qualities are sadly lacking in many books written to serve recreational leaders...
...But the most beautiful and inspiring pages in this book are those that deal with the glorious nuns themselves...
...Dillon wants us to think he was...
...Doubtless they are given in the course of methods which the author has made so popular...
...Beginning 100 years earlier, in 1749, transient Jesuits and Benedictines and such glorious diocesans as Badin and Flaget had darted in and out of Ohio...
...After this account of his relations with Saint Augustine it is hardly necessary for Papini to assure his readers that he has not written of the Saint as a patrologist or a Scholastic, but as an artist and a Christian...
...If you are tansy-hearted, Dry as a russet leaf, Never seek a mountain To assuage your grief— Seek the bright, blue water...
...Now, after fourteen years' absence, he has revisited the country, to which he refers in his book as that of "his adoption," and he gives us a description of it, such as it is now, in a volume called Russia Today and Yesterday...
...But it is neither amusing nor is it Balzac...
...The four books present a complete cycle indeed, but few students of this subject would run a single cycle of four years in an elementary course...
...The concentric or cycle method, followed traditionally and psychologically justified, has not been formally adopted...
...Harry Lorin Binssh...
...New York: Doubleday, Doran and Company...
...He had bled them dry through the tithing system, compulsory purchase of stock and numerous other levies...
...The book is complete as far as it contains what might be reasonably expected...
...The money thus gained he spent on world tours and the most ostentatious and extravagant living...
...Historical facts are strange entities that do not lend themselves to the uses of preconceived theories and hypotheses...
...And this despite the fact that Jane Chatfield's godfather in France afterward became Bishop Rappe of Cleveland...
...Briefer Mention The Beloved Community, by Zephine Humphrey... are poetry, drama, pathos, holiness, heroism galore, and all set down with the sparkle that more frequently goes with fiction than with fact...
...Though thoroughly modern, the book is far from being revolutionary...
...Sequence is both logical and psychological...
...He brought over from France the pioneer priests who afterward became the bishops of Santa Fe, Cleveland, Denver, Burlington...
...Moreland, whose lyrics have adorned the pages of The Commonweal and have an exceedingly wide acceptance among periodicals everywhere, is an ageless boy...
...A formidable array of books has been written covering practically every field of recreation—organized and private... was not until he had reduced his people to destitution that they finally ousted him...
...Such half statements abound in the book, as do such sweeping generalizations as the following, in which the author, speaking of Saint Teresa, Saint John of the Cross and Luis de Leon, says: "In their writings one may read the rhapsodical outpourings of love and rapture, which they interpreted as marks of union with the divine, but which modern psychologists reckon as symptoms of hysterical disorders rooted in starved passions and in frayed nerves...
...The work is, also, decidedly American in tone, but American with a dash of New England mythology...
...Yonkers: World Book Company...
...Anything that Dr...
...One of his strongest childish impressions was of the picture of Botticelli in the Uffizi in Florence, the representation of the Saint with the child by the sea which he tries to empty...
...but when Edward Fenwick was named first bishop in 1821, the village of Cincinnati, his see, had an ordinance forbidding the erection of a Catholic church within its straight and narrow limits...
...Cardinal Newman's parallelism between the Donatists and Protestants is celebrated in the English-speaking world, but to the Italian audience which Papini is, of course, primarily addressing, the thought will be novel, and for readers anywhere the remaining parallels will be full of suggestion...
...There is contained in them a distinct warning, uttered in most distinct terms, of the danger which confronts us all, unless something unforeseen happens to destroy the red monster let loose by Lenin and his disciples...
...One does not even forget the brother, Guilio, always torn between solicitude for Mario and solicitude for his own health—nor the traveling man, who might have been "ground up and analyzed" without betraying "a single cell destined to anything but striking a bargain"—nor the serviceable sparrows themselves, whose "weakness roused one's pity, their wings one's envy...
...A factory is found in western France, and, although they go through much hardship, their inexhaustable energy and their impregnable family unity win out...
...Dillon's book is the one in which he tells us about the Bolshevists' cultural campaign...
...But water is very patient, Ocean, pool or river . . . It will listen to your grief, Soothe and comfort ever, My son, my daughter...
...Such lyricism as his, generally is a morning-song, spontaneous in youth but as the years pass either dying to silence or degenerating into artifice...
...Meine has made an extraordinarily good collection of tall stories, race skits, religious burlesques and political satires written in the South prior to the Civil War...
...Modern culture is neither coeval nor coterminous with modern times or modern geography...
...There is, however, much to command the respect of connoisseurs of poetry, in Moreland's best...
...New York: Simon and Schuster...
...Even full-time employment leaves a considerable amount of time for activities of one's own choice...
...In addition to material conquests, the triumphs of modern science have produced a new mentality, not, indeed, as yet among the masses, but among the intellectuals, who constitute a small, but important and leading, class...
...Some of her conclusions—the need of pain, the discipline of love, the effectiveness of prayer—are so wise that they must have been tragically arrived at...
...Cultured savages are something which we have not yet seen...
...There had been a few temporary ones...
...New York: Henry Holt and Company...
...Thinking rather than memorizing is emphasized and self-activity is given ample scope...
...Those interested in such religious phenomena will find more valuable material in the files of contemporary newspapers and magazines...
...Might not each topic have incorporated its few definitions to be memorized...
...Eyes are always "slits" in "pouchy" faces...
...Yet they seem to demand a teacher's manual of directions...
...But the very spirit which has made possible their success begins to be swallowed up in the complexities of the machine they have created—the "Simler" is absorbed by the "& Co...
...reincarnate prophets sprang up like mushrooms...
...The roaring loom of time weaves but one seamless web from which for purposes of examination a fragment must be torn...
...And as for the Mordva over whose superstition he laments himself, they were, on the contrary, an industrious, strong, vigorous race, far superior intellectually speaking to the Russians...
...p HE Simlers are a family of Alsatian Jews...
...These are terrible words, and the reasons given to us by Dr...
...And again her rendering of these adventures is apt to evoke very varied responses from any given reader...
...A particularly interesting chapter is that in which Papini characterizes Saint Ambrose...
...Dillon is in his descriptions of the prewar Russian peasant...
...The subject of the Blue Laws is handled tolerantly, even sympathetically...
...the story he has here set down is chiefly interesting as an account of the effects of primitive evangelism on minds eager for the literal fulfilment of promised wonders...
...It is sufficient to read the melancholy conclusion of his book to realize it, a conclusion in which he calls Bolshevism, the "mightiest driving force for good or for evil, in the world today...
...has a family for its hero rather than an individual...
...Then staggering under years and infirmities, with pathetic unwisdom but innocent and charitable intent, the really great archbishop brought bankruptcy and demoralization and shame to the flock and died a broken-hearted and paralytic old saint...
...complexions are always covered with "livid" splotches...
...Its purpose is "to exhibit as a unified whole the state and purpose of modern culture...
...but when I add that, as a matter of fact, it was against Theosophists, Protestants and Romanticists that he strove, you will prick up year ears...
...and any novel in the Comedie Humaine is that "— & Co...
...Humphrey's strength that she does not see them as trivial...
...And it makes us shiver at the possibility that its attacks upon our old civilization could ever succeed elsewhere as they have succeeded in Russia...
...New York: Samuel French...
...It is not a pleasant history...

Vol. 12 • June 1930 • No. 8

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