States of Mind

O'Gorman, Ned

labor rights. Similarly, the United States is almost always a laggard in multilateral...

...To cite just one example, we still do not adhere to the Basel Convention that bans the export of hazardous waste to developing countries...
...Global trade in and of itself is a good thing for the it rush over the boulders into a gully world's poor and should not be used as a bargaining chip and bash into a forest...
...Until the movement's hostility to globalization is reversed, it cannot help the world's poor...
...Multilateral agreements but got it: the lines of it, are necessary to secure adherence to global rules concernthe little cube he drew ing labor and the environment...
...D Commonweal 1 8 June 2, 2000...
...Until we can present ourselves as more of a model of In the wetlands of sound labor and environmental responsibility, the antitrade moveI have set up my camp...
...Those who want to looked into the windows help workers in the third world and protect the environment of the sun and should be working diligently to elect people to Congress needed then to break who will support such international agreements...
...Similarly, withholding trade privileges caught in a cantilevered will not advance environmental protection...
...Just as movement toward a rule-based global trading but let it go and not record another wandering inch.system was achieved with the establishment of the much3. The Poet derided World Trade Organization, similar advances can be secured by codifying and enforcing international rules conHe just let it end...
...Shouldn't the United States States of Mind clean up its own act before it demands that others, especially poorer countries just now scrambling onto the ladder 1. The Autistic of material progress, accept labor and environmental standards...
...Such adherence will require into the shoreline to explain strengthening institutions such as the International Labor just what the map was a picture of Organization and the United Nations Environmental Proand why he'd do no more of this gram...
...them open with his body The tragedy, then, is that those who oppose globalization as he had the body of his and claim to speak on behalf of the poor and the powerless beloved but do so in a way which stands in almost perfect contradiction he was broken by that leap and to the interests of the disenfranchised...
...her subalterns, their wings Without unions, in turn, an effective counterweight to elite shining, honey on the filaments, dominance is lost...
...Trade creates jobs without which there are no unions...
...He had cerning labor rights and the environment...
...of my brain have floated More important, the imposition of trade sanctions will up round my face and hold me hurt the working class in poor countries and inhibit the abilin an aquatic stall: like the ity of labor to unionize much more than it will damage the winter time of bees in a hive of ice, corrupt leaders of such nations or multinational corporathe queen bolted to an icicle, tions...
...He and environmental standards should be dissociated from raced to write it down and saw trade talks...
...This must be rethought...
...deflects attention from the major sources of environmental 2. The Map damage globally-the economically advanced countrieswhile at the same time depriving poor nations of the wealth He had caught it, the curve and technology necessary to reverse the ecological damage of the river and the landing, for which they are responsible...
...ment's demands will continue to look very much like a My mind is brackish...
...possesses the potential for raising standards of living in an ever more integrated world economy is something that those who demonstrated in Seattle and Washington, D.C., have Ned O'Gorman not yet come to terms with...
...Lost it, to achieve other desirable objectives...
...Words smokescreen hiding an effort to raise production costs outtoo long in the hollow stone side this country...
...Similarly, the United States is almost always a laggard in multilateral negotiations concerning the environment...
...Cutting trade spasm of the abysmal now...
...As a consequence, many of these well-intentioned individuals would put trade and the progress it represents at risk in the service of an ill-founded American unilateralism...
...That globalization could not undo the scorching...
...the barge and then the river Hard as it is for many well-meaning people to see, labor gone round the cliff...

Vol. 127 • June 2000 • No. 11

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