Fullness of Faith:

Komonchak, Joseph A.

on the inside. the autobiography was previously pub- even to specialists. The experiences of an American boy lished in New York in 1963 under the...

...beauty-all of them disvalued in the prescaring about the properly doctrinal bases Death is a terrible event in our lives, an ent social context-we see death itself as of his own position as the authors, fol- awesome, feared unknown whose mystery inherently undignified...
...On accomplice in a nuclear holocaust...
...however, is presented in such a way as show the public significance of the faith THE REV...
...after having visited and prayed in each of published by Gallimard's prestigious se- Green's intelligence, sense of humor, these churches, he glances up at the spires ries called Editions de la Pleiade is to pub- humility, and deep faith are all in evidence of Notre Dame in the distance and says to lish only those works written in French, in this most interesting collection of eshimself: "This is my city...
...In March 1916, he freely converted TOWARD A PUBLIC THEOLOGY to Catholicism...
...by Green as a recounting of a spiritual thors have only suggested Second, their argument is at almost itinerary, a description of the action of grace needs to be done: an articu- every point directed against three features within his soul as seen by a man in his lation of "the social aspects of dogma" that of contemporary American public dismidsixties able to recognize more clear- Henri de Lubac urged over fifty years ago cussion: the privatized status of religion ly in retrospect how God had worked in Catholicism...
...30: 24 September 1993 Commonweal...
...720 six times...
...I suspect that the au- To the Editors: Your editorial "Health Dying a high-tech death thors on this point are much closer to Reform at Risk" [July 16] makes a cogent Murray than to Hampshire and I would be Pittsburgh, Pa...
...They further main- each other...
...Stated in terms of repre- sence in the book of any serious discussentative figures, this is a choice of sion of the need for conversion, and the Reinhold Niebuhr's method over John abandonment of the notion of nature that Courtney Murray's...
...And they make plied to life after birth...
...science was given its voice during the gram would be implemented...
...Finally, Mr...
...with order...
...His Christian American, the one who in midcareer came given special attention...
...Brummel may remember that con- with him should consider how their pro- liturgical use...
...worker ownership in a globalizing economy in Mondragon, Spain, and at other drug users a year, both inmates in state pris- Spanish co-ops...
...Would the taxes imposed to help pay for it-includ- poor receive drugs free...
...JOSEPH MULHOLLAND Mondragon Cooperatives Study Tour: 161...
...The purhis carnal desires were directed toward Michael J. Himes & Kenneth R. Rimes, pose here, it would seem, is to demonstrate members of his own sex...
...I can only hope will...
...On July 16 he was In summary, they think of addiction as enterprise...
...example, in his review of John Rawls's death alone that makes human life seriPolitical Liberalism (The New York Review ous, makes living worthwhile...
...Murray's appeal to natural law philoso- The neglect of this notion of nature is phy in order to generate the public con- pertinent to the other aim of the book: to sensus through which religious meanings "As if Sunday isn't enough, he now wants us provide a properly theological rather than and values could be publicly mediated was to introduce religion into our everyday life...
...His crime: refusing purpose while addicted...
...The experiences of an American boy lished in New York in 1963 under the title They cover the subjects that interested growing up in Paris in the years before To Leave before Dawn...
...His special demic settings, during the war years...
...pears in the subsequent chapters...
...what they believe he wants to hear...
...The facility and beauty of expression...
...danger of the Balkanization of the public Death...
...Their book may be read too often assumed by both believers and within him during his early years...
...His FULLNESS OF FAITH cal Catholic social doctrine and suggests achievement is all the more striking since The Public Significance of Theology certain concrete policy choices...
...First, certain features of the effort to a view of persons as made for commu- But this very fact leads one to wonder identify central Catholic doctrines and to nion and a notion of rights that relates peo- whether the authors' project in the end reexplore the moral vision they imply are ple to one another rather than setting them ally differs that much from what Murray questionable...
...In this respect the brothers Himes that would place this first volume of are following a trend that has become Green's autobiography within the context dominant since Vatican II, in the social of his career...
...There over mind and inspiration by assuring us attachment to two churches in the Latin are also three short pieces published in that an essay on the subject of France must Quarter, Saint-Severin and Saint-Julien- Commonweal at the time...
...tients and families often disregard the gest...
...guistic principles as the bishops' "Criany health-care legislation...
...ticulated through concepts of person and DANIEL CALLAHAN is director of the Another, not unrelated example: from community, of the common good, of huHastings Center and author of The Troubled the doctrine of grace the authors derive man rights, etc., that in fact did not have Dream of Life (Simon & Schuster...
...The medical November 5-20,1993 to do justice to the powerful and the weak, profession has to do a better job of in- GUATEMALA to continue to love and to do good in a forming patients and families about these December 10-20,1993 April 4-14,1994 world of dishonesty, self-interest, and potential burdens...
...Their argument is at multaneously throughout the book...
...the sacredness of physical life or the If they were to undertake such an ar28: 24 September 1993 Commonweal gument the authors might find themselves of conscience, the soldier who dies to de- the most important values of personhood, in the same arena and forced to undertake fend country or comrades, the just judge, it views death as utter defeat...
...ter shows how the trinitarian image yields devoted to this mediation...
...they believe they dered "You who are in relationships, be town to thirty days' imprisonment and one cannot hope to lead a life of meaning and submissive to each other...
...Because the a project much more similar to Murray's the honest politician, the faithful husband dying process involves dependency, burthan they seem to imagine...
...Asked about de- York...
...He should realize, parables the sex of individual persons macy of conscience will some day be ap- however, that others who have proposed should be retained...
...It is shunned...
...Like Murray, they mediate the tion of the doctrine is very rapid, while is the reaction to the Protestant view of public significance of faith through a sothe unfolding of the moral norms and pos- corrupt human nature that the reality of cial ethic...
...monthly in advance for more To the Editors: Out of experience gained Riga appears to believe, is his solution an than three times...
...The next chap- above, the larger part of each chapter is the book's other two aims...
...It is mine...
...This of Power Trips and Other Journeys (Wisconsin...
...He also shows the ture...
...He has refused to pay war- ferent people," because they engage in tentionally, gives the mistaken impression taxes since 1972...
...Riga and those who agree teria" and already approved by them for Mr...
...Cost: $3000 from New ons and those on parole...
...For too long, modem medicine has Holy Week GATE March 24-April2, 1994 The making of these choices and the treated death as only a medical or techni- MEXICO doing of these acts not only make life mean- cal problem, shunting aside its religious November 17-27, 1993 June 17-27,1994 ingful, but in a sense they transcend even and philosophical meanings...
...These texts were written in English in praise of Joan of Arc and the Virgin upbringing to the Catholic church paral- and, except for a short story that was pub- Mary (large portions of which Green was lels the shift from American to French cul- lished in The University of Virginia Mag- translating at the time...
...absurdity that Schroth points to in the ing-out, i.e., refusing to pay for holding Mr...
...11 human suffering, quality of life, the loss In the culture, of dignity in dying a "high-tech death," the faith, the struggle and the effects on relationships and com- and dreams of a people...
...In fact, as noted some questions may arise with regard to from the Protestant view...
...uation of Inclusive Language," issued in country have argued successfully for years And they admit that while "on" drugs 1990 by the National Conference of that the social contract binding this coun- they commit many crimes to get money Catholic Bishops, proscribes the kinds of try together has no room for selective opt- to buy more drugs...
...Anyone who requests it...
...one would expect to meanings and values...
...him most at the time...
...One sus- that ethic, despite the fact that it often apSecond, in part because it is so rapid, pects that Niebuhr's gratitude for the pears to be at least as important to their the presentation of the doctrines at times choice of his method would not extend to arguments as the generating of religious its application here...
...cle on her father's death ["My Father's Left ed in any health reform package...
...June 15-25,1994 cynicism...
...To cite a basic clear from the beginning that they respect "muzzled" his faith), strategically, and example: on Original Sin the authors con- "the legitimate autonomy of other social effectively...
...But he was acutely aware of the (Saint Francis spoke of, and to, "Sister burdens of treatment...
...damental problem is not so much drug use times...
...Because our society stresses in- Global Awareness Through Experience tence...
...The story reflects the existence substantive and methodological questions both in the medical profession and in the an appropriate response to their call for larger society of a bias toward prolong- GATE otfers a properly theological debate that is at once ing life without consideration of the costs, broad range of adequate to the faith and pertinent to our either in economic terms or in terms of learning a perlences through Immersion society...
...I be- these texts are hardly known in France, says...
...Hyde, legislating to ex- trapped in the ghetto would turn criminals the New Revised Standard Version, clude the use of tax funds for abortion- into zombies, while increasing the num- based on the same theological and lina policy that we hope will continue with ber of drug abusers...
...The book thus adds was developed in the Catholic tradition its support to a view of Murray's project in order to measure the sinfulness of sin that threatens to become a consensus: that and the graciousness of grace...
...Rochester, N.Y...
...image of nature and grace in favor of the is particularly important when other DAVID O'CONNELL is professor of French idea that everything is grace...
...A sliding scale...
...It's no wonderpalowing several other commentators, sug- can be fully penetrated only by faith...
...But so great attempted...
...In some cases, as hear from him something about the the- for abortion, the key insight is even said ologia gloriae...
...Meanwhile, we have route taken by Mr...
...This idea, Catholics, engaged in a similar effort to and chair of the department at Georgia State University in Atlanta...
...While Catholic view that the image of the Trinity the level of cultural debate and proceeds most readers may have no difficulty in is not destroyed...
...I do not be- and wife, the caring doctor, the dedicat- densomeness, passivity, loss of physical lieve that Murray was as ignorant or un- ed teacher, the holy preacher...
...to pay federal income taxes as a matter of tain that when using drugs they are "dif- But Schroth's article, perhaps uninconscience...
...760 three Decriminalize...
...Yet families and patients November 25-December 5, 1993 be responsible even if it costs, even if no usually choose to "do everything" to pro- November 24-December 4, 1994 one else knows, to be compassionate and long life, without considering the bur- GUATEMALA-EL SALVADOR kind even to those who cannot reward us, dens that may follow...
...The writer is commissioner of the board March 17-28, 1994...
...The bishops the world a nuclear hostage...
...charge comes from responsible people I'm confident that the inclusive-lanThe editors reply: living and working in ghetto communi- guage lectionary currently being preWe are not entirely sure that the high ties-ministers, priests, teachers, social pared by the NCCB will give us a text moral ground lies in tax resistance...
...trast to the classic Protestant view of the institutions" that secularization has propThese three purposes are at work si- utter corruption of human nature with the erly brought about...
...that the church's social ethic is in fact This book is marred by the lack of an Paulist Press, $14.95, 213 pp...
...When he walks along the river complete works in the Oeuvres completes ten in...
...There are beautifaith, inherited from his mother, is already back and spent five years in the United ful pages here on Charles Peguy's poetry firm, and the evolution from the Episcopal States...
...Only serious addicts...
...Explore democratic I speak to approximately 2,500 former of parole, State of New York...
...Perhaps he might also to rest "upon moral reasoning, not appeals REVIEWERS wonder at the absence from the book of to faith...
...the de- both more reflective of the faith and truer University of America, is working on a book scription of baptism as the celebration of to experience...
...JOSEPH A. KOMONCHAK, pro- to suggest that the very distinction (I do (Michael Novak and Richard John Neufessor of theology in the Department of Religion not say "separation") of nature and grace haus, for example), think other concepts and Religious Education, at the Catholic is in danger of being lost (cf...
...the not-yet-dying, thereby robbing gen- GATE For the values embodied in these acts, we erations of any opportunity to struggle 912 Market St., La Crosse, WI 54601-8800 are willing to die, if need be, because they through the meaning of illness, suffering, Phone: (608) 784-6500 are worth more than mere physical exis- and death...
...ing a telephone tax...
...The faith does agreeing with the necessity of overcom- gument against the liberal "myth of self- not yield immediate policy decisions...
...Our health- July 1-11, 1994 death itself, opening up another dimension care system "hides" the sick and elderly July 26-August 5,1994 of reality, hidden and mysterious, that is in hospitals and other facilities away from for more information contact: greater than life and swallows up death...
...CORRESPONDENCE EASTERN EUROPE Every treatment must be evaluated in May 19 - June 4, 1994 (Continued from page 2) light of its costs and risks as well as its EL SALVADOR presumed benefit...
...his (admittedly partial) solution to the clear that, in general, "the church expects RICHARD BRUMMEL drug problem have been accused of ad- for its translations not only accuracy but vocating a form of social genocide...
...case for excluding abortion from the packinterested to know how they might engage To the Editors: Geraldine Gorman's arti- age of tax-financed benefits to be includthe question effectively...
...If the fun- RATES: 800 a word, one time...
...grounded more securely in the central index...
...Taxes & conscience of Books, August 12, 1993), argues that PETER J. RIGA the necessary consensus is not substantive Kansas City, Mo...
...In this he speaks simply and eloquently for many Catholics from around the world who have had a similar experi ence...
...It calls us to choose, while we as an ending to be hoped for rather than porary discussions...
...wish to enter a respectful dissent to Peter These are questions that demand to be ex- Study Tour Riga's article urging decriminalization of plored if we are to consider decriminaldrugs ["The Drug War Is a Crime," July ization...
...first appeared in 1963, it was conceived ly attempting what many au- bishops...
...but only procedural...
...That is why we honor the martyr dividual autonomy and independence as Commonweal 24 September 1993: 29 us through our taxes to pay for abortions...
...doctors to deal with death as a natural part tinctively religious warrants and of the need We can see that our being is bound by time of life...
...Even more troubling is the lack of faith than in the natural law or in "right any kind of serious introductory essay TJoseph A. Komonchak reason...
...Lovers, love year supervised release...
...from birth to death, and that death gives public should once more come to see Whether such a consensus is possible or meaning to the in-between, to this inter- dying "a gentle death in one's own home" even desirable is at the heart of contem- val page...
...also with Vatican II is worthy of note...
...ago, was enough to turn me off to this Ramsey of Saint Louis...
...Limit 20 persons...
...Thus the Catholic ues and goals...
...as the conditions that encourage it, as Mr...
...Who would PEGGY ROSENTHAL Vietnam War, when even some on the be eligible...
...But ["Let's Go to the Text," August 13] of Before you and Henry Hyde take the in most cases one cannot miss the depth the lectionary published by Priests for moral high ground here, I suggest you take of their emotion and the substance of their Equality...
...The first sample I saw, years a second to consider the case of Bill convictions...
...Unlike Murray, they do not spend sible public policy implications takes up sin, original or personal, hardly ever ap- much time explaining where they found three-quarters of the chapters...
...Here philosophical grounds, and that need to be losophy at Vanderbilt University, is the author the key is the rejection of the two-storied argued for rather than simply stated...
...CLASSIFIED If not, why not...
...on John Courtney Murray...
...Stuart Hampshire, for still can, to become what we will be...
...On this they build an ar- by persuasion not coercion...
...Would crack be available...
...Contact: Inter'Inclusive' can work criminalization, they overwhelmingly community Justice and Peace Center, 215 (about 98 percent) respond negatively...
...COMMONWEAL, 15 in eleven years in my present position, I effort to solve the problem "on the cheap...
...dren, sleeping for long periods, finding the contrary, the "Criteria for the EvalThe political Right and Center in this themselves unable to do even simple tasks...
...The authors make it recently made that Murray had thereby leaves much to be desired...
...Yet, as Callahan has shown, re- The time has come for patients and arena that can follow from appeals to dis- flection can bring light to this darkness...
...We workers...
...ing certain features of what passes for pub- interest' 'that they think was the secularized those have to be argued for on the basis lic discourse in contemporary America, anthropology Hobbes and Smith derived of a mediating social ethic...
...It is important to know, for he Himes brothers should documents of Popes Paul VI and John Paul instance, that when Partir avant le jour be congratulated for actual- II, and in the pastoral letters of the U.S...
...doctrines of Original Sin, the Trinity, But third, the book argues that this task Green, despite his sexual orientation, was grace, the Incarnation, and the Commu- is best accomplished by the construction, sure of his place in the church even though nion of Saints are briefly discussed in not of a public philosophy, a consensus the church itself might not have been...
...Similarly, the communitarian oriSUZANNE KEEN is an assistant professor the doctrine of redemption by the cross and entation of Catholic social teaching is arof English at Yale University...
...indeed he appears to be on the front state, for instance, that "in narrative and that this newfound emphasis on the pri- lines of this struggle...
...Thus, diary-keepWorld War I are recounted here from the The essays contained in The Apprentice ing, novel-writing, translation, and the perspective of the sophisticated French Writer represent Julian Green the Catholic tradition in French literature are writer he later became...
...as the church's distinctive contribution to Two things are worrisome here: the abpublic debate...
...E long here...
...Tel: Obviously, some of them may be telling To the Editors: I couldn't agree more (513) 579-8547 (Mon.-Thurs...
...Since the edi- of necessity go in quite different directions le-Pauvre, symbolizes this aesthetic at- torial policy of the editors of Green's depending upon which language it is writtraction...
...For Green the adhesion to Catholicism azine while he was still an undergraduate extent to which the daily routine of the as both a religious and cultural phe- at Charlottesville, consist for the most diary is essential to his fictional oeuvre and nomenon is necessary if he is to partici- part of lectures he gave, usually in aca- posits the power of linguistic structures pate fully in French culture...
...Riga is obviously a person of good Priests for Equality text...
...It is first an effort to show nonbelievers, the individualism that marks that Green's decision to write an autobi- how the central symbols and doctrines of much public discourse, and the domiography coincides in time not only with Catholic faith yield a vision of things that nance of instrumental rationality over valthe beginning of the sexual revolution but has public significance...
...Dutch St., NYC 10038...
...Both health professionals and the to achieve a substantive social consensus...
...8 AM-3 PM, the authority figure putting the question with Raymond A. Schroth's criticisms EST), Fax: (513) 579-0674...
...It successive chapters and shown to yield the about basic meanings and values that should be noted that this first volume of "background theory" that informs classi- might unite all participants in the public Commonweal 24 September 1993: 27 debate, believers and unbelievers alike, but startling affirmation that "a person does of a public theology, a vision derived from not require a second religious `rebirth' basic religious convictions that is offered to be ushered into the world of grace...
...The limpid style, the sensitivity, the delicatesse, the discretion in talking of his sexual awakening are all in the French tradition of restraint, sobriety, and good taste...
...At best, they hold, decriminal- that is both theologically sound and esmuch prefer the clearly constitutional ization as a "cure" for drug use by those thetically pleasing...
...merely philosophical mediation of the a mistake theologically (the remark was faith to public life...
...Any Right and in the Center withheld various age...
...Colossians 3:18-19 was rensentenced by a federal court in his home "a monkey on my back...
...If the experiment failed, could we recriminalize drugs...
...In most cases, the descrip- over and against one another...
...The fact at three levels...
...At one The enterprise the brothers Himes set Hand," July 16] reports, unfortunately, a point you say you are "convinced that there themselves can only be welcomed, and I typical experience in American hospitals is more to be said about requiring all of hope that they will be able to see in my today...
...an argument in support of the consistent an exclusively or even primarily religious JEAN BETHKE ELSHTAIN, Centennial pro- ethic of life that Cardinal Joseph origin, that can be debated on strictly fessor of political science and professor of phi- Bernardin offered a few years ago...
...This is at least his sec- behavior they would never consider while that all inclusive-language lectionaries ond conviction for refusing to be an "normal": beating their spouses and chil- are, and must be, of this poor quality...
...Classified payable New York, N.Y...
...E. 14th St., Cincinnati, OH 45210...

Vol. 120 • September 1993 • No. 16

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