Week by Week

i , it. The matters at stake were all clearly outlined in the memorial presented to the Mexican legislature on September 6, I926. This dignified and comprehen-sive plea, which Bishop Pascual Diaz...

...One may be sure, however, that religious peace and prosperity can- not, in any country, be secured more cheaply than they are among ourselves...
...Every aspect of the scene is harrowing...
...There is agreement on only one point: that the figure is high...
...NGRESSIONAL indecision on the much-debated "~stion of a summer recess has produced some queer results...
...Faith can live in the catacombs ~but it too, we may say to an age which seems to believe an oil well more important than conscience, has a right to a place in the sun...
...John A. Ryan has estimated that the number of unemploy'ed is 3,ooo,ooo...
...AU this would not constitute much of a program in the United States...
...But it must be noted that what the Conferences, and all similarly functioning groups, are doing is the second, and later, part of a double job...
...Very likely it could be, provided sufficient time, energy and money were devoted to organizing the citizenry against it...
...Uhi-"rqately, of course, we do want the people who must d,'ink to indulge in light wines and beer...
...Perhaps it really has with the going of Archbishop Ruiz to Mexico City...
...RECURRENT echoes of Memorial Day in the l;ress and in correspondence indicate that we have probably witnessed the last observance Covering of this civic rite in its traditional form...
...Does citizenship necessarily imply military service...
...In the second place, Mr...
...Men of good-will, to whatever group or faith they may belong, will join in that prayer...
...Of course it may i(,1" have happened that a violently anti-Semitic jo~ re list expressed his prejudices...
...HEN other considerations arise...
...As Mr...
...not forever will the quest of the epithet lead large numbers of the human race an in-human chase...
...In theory it most certainly does not...
...Re- Gospel of frain from derogatory or disparaging Advertising statements that tend to injure or discredit legitimate competitors or other business or industry, relying for success on the merits of our own product and services...
...THERE was no major crime in tracking Colonel Lindbergh and his bride to the small Maine port at which their boat put in for fuel, and "Compli-in broadcasting photographs showing ments of the Colonel on deck abaft the cabin the Press" where young Mrs...
...The public, for once cannot be blamed...
...The minority report, de-livered by Mr...
...New York state, . ,ugh its sad experience with Mrs...
...At best, there is only a confused idea of the extent of this condition...
...Speaking, in effect, from this record of brilliant achievements and no mistakes, he asked for privacy...
...This query Mme...
...The tariff and farm relief , Recess measures, knotty questions having no aot to connection with the threat to keep the l ,ess Houses in session throughout the dog' days, face filibusters in order that cer.t~ dissatisfied and otherwise impotent elements may i their ends...
...But the incident points very sharply the tasteless, caddish, persecuting tenacity which is part of the license assumed by the press in the pursuit of what it often refers to as its high call- ing...
...and so the present pacifist, Rosika Schwimmer, would be a menace as a citizen...
...the concession to religious communities to settle in the country, to own property, and to do the work of prayer and charity...
...Under the liberal r6gime this object was important enough...
...Schwimmer sought to ~e...
...The most recent o~e at Denver, for instance, naturally devoted an important part of its program to a discussion of the indecent working conditions in the Colorado sugar-beet fieldJ...
...Ybarra notes, juvenile crime is on the increase throughout France...
...With tools and colors andmodeling clay they are learning to take the burden of stamping their egos on life from those brain-centres which produce lives of the Presidents, unflinching self-revelations, free verse and monographs on free verse, and to transfer it to those centres which produce baskets and bird houses and pictures and beds of radishes...
...In the plan he g: l~ubmltted for the Hearst prize, Dr...
...The "G 'rt pointed out that the defendant had spoken as at~ ,ncompromising pacifist, had confessed to having ,k~ nationalistic feeling," and had said that "my cos- mi consciousness of belonging to the human family is ]ared by all who believe that human beings are ~'~ children of God...
...Of 5,ooo consumers who were asked their opinions on retail advertising, "45 percent replied that they believed it to be 'exaggerated...
...after the bearing comes fallowness and after the effort re- pose...
...To anyone who believes in true temper- ance for the United States, this possibility is genuinely disturbing...
...Morrow has ridden patiently down the long and bitter trail...
...More, our children are being trained in sub- stitutes for the self-expression of the written word...
...Oddly ,jugh the despatch referred to insists that Mussolini a quashed the threat on the ground that the Jew is ,]tled to remain in Italy because he was there during ~erial Roman days l So, for that matter, were the ~al virgins...
...but the tenor of the despatch indicates the appalling lack of inform which still persists regarding hostility to the History shows clearly that the Roman ghetto J never molested by the papal government in the states of the Church, and that this ghetto was a place of refuge for many who fled from other Europe...
...Robbins's speech is not dissimilar to what must really have prompted Professor Rogers, by fallaciously emphasizing the importance of material well-being, to exaggerate the necessity of high self-valuation...
...Anal across the street from jubilee headquarters was ,"-saloon...
...If anyone has deserved from his fellow-citizens a sporting response to his known wishes, it is surely this extraordinary young man...
...A hurried, semi-secret wedding, an escape timed with the grim seriousness of a dash from prison, a honeymoon cruise overshadowed by fear of the cameras and interviewers lurking on every landing-- these wedding gifts to America's chief hero are the ones to be marked "With the compliments of the press...
...Belloc says in one of the wisest of his books, it is by working with their hands that men grow into companionship, not by spinning words out of their weary noodles...
...But we sincerely hope that the next naturalization officer who confronts a nice, intelligent, elderly lady who professes an eager- ness to become American and a horror of fighting, he will benignantly and solemnly blink one eye...
...On March 30 the Reverend Lawrence Monaghan, speaking to the employees of Kresge's department store, found what seem to us just the right words: "On Memorial Day it is customary to call upon us for a new dedication to the causes for which the honored dead have given sacrifice...
...The rumor is a fair sample of gossip r.mt the concordat which flourishes the world over...
...MONWEAL June 19, I9~9 WANTED-SOME STATISTICS S OME very good work has been done this winter and spring by the N. C. W. C.'s Regional Co~aferences on Industrial Problems...
...His genius, his disinterested devotion to flying, his inspired good sense, have brought honor to us all...
...As I conceive it, it is only a new resolution to give ourselves wholeheartedly to the working out of the spirit of America...
...It is not easy to hurrah under those circumstances...
...It merely buys what is offered for sale...
...Unfortu-nately one does not quite see how this definition can be arrived at in public...
...No W there are two ways of looking at this disturbance Of a celebration planned to mark off the history of Republicanism, and from either of them the incide;a seems poetically just...
...Of course many battle-wise veterans of the advertising business have no higher an opinion of the intelligence of their audiences than Mr...
...MEANWHILEthe great men from Madison aoq,.] Washington had arrived, and the parade started, bdt' the bystanders were more intent upon the raid tha~h upon the line of march...
...What must be discovered first of all is how many men in tii' country are usually out of work, how many enjoy sporadic employment, what percentages are contributed by each state, and what are the figures for each toy, and city in the state...
...We do not quote these details by way of rescinding our agreement with Pro- fessor Fa~:, who is a sound historian...
...But in Mexico every single entry runs counter to views which the party in power, maintained and subsidized by the United States, has expressed for years...
...To help toward this fulfilment is our duty--the duty which will make us heroes of peace as well as of war...
...If the Nation can hasten the day on which the change really begins to tell, it will not only have relieved mankind from a frightful oppression~the oppression of too much reading--but will also have done more to promote universal brotherhood than all the peace congresses ever held...
...Now the years have left these millions mortally tired...
...We shall soon be in a position to know...
...Nevertheless he seems to fear that development may proceed too far, and so feels emphatic restatement of the unparalleled greatnes Fascism may act as a curb...
...THE Columbia commencement address of Dr...
...Yet the thought behind Dr...
...But as the censt;i...
...American Bars" spring up like mushrooms, and in appalling numbers of drawing-rooms teas are given at which, investigators report, "the one beverage served is not tea...
...Even such simple legislation as the ,)portionment bill has been complicated by bracket, it with the seemingly related, but actually extrane- c ; matter of the I93O census in an injudicious effort t: ram necessary business into a few weeks...
...When the Chief Justices do not agree regarding her powers and perils, why should any other group of citizens try to reach agreement...
...It would be u ~', available even to a President's fact-finding commission...
...Justice Holmes, declared that the candidate was in all other respects the possessor of a clean bill of health, and that her opposition to war, while amusingly optimistic, was fundamentally not much different from opposition to mosquitoes...
...Secondly, most of the dry sentiment j~ the country has been attached to the Republican part- in recent years...
...truth as has been learned...
...Would a concession on the part of the government that wines and beers were all right strengthen its position and tend to "educate the pub- lic" away from hard beverages...
...stance, is something which no one in the United States has yet done satisfactorily...
...Howard Chandler Robbins employed more fortunate words than that of Professor Robert Mass E. Rogers of the Massachusetts Insti- Snobbery tute of Technology, which has already become notorious because it reiterated the gospel of snobbery...
...At present the shepherds of the Church, anxious not to halt the ministry to souls longer than human weakness can bear, may not press all their former demands...
...We are indebted for some illuminating figures to Mr...
...For what it is worth, we offer the estimate that 50 percent of the advertising carried in the average edition of an aver- age newspaper could not be accepted if these or similar principles of conduct aroused anything like a general acquiescence...
...37 percent said it was 'misleading...
...recognition of the independence of eccle- siastical authority, in matters pertaining to the Church, from civil rule...
...Ripon city attorneys, state commissione~o county superintendents, town chairmer and so forth at Ripon, Wisconsin...
...Lindbergh remained in hiding...
...Th waiting guests invaded the saloon and all therein w,'t~ proceeding merrily when the henchmen of the la~v came upon the happy scene...
...He has made romantic valor an actuality to us...
...The growth of the American idea, which originated in the uniting of many people of many creeds, each contributing its share to the nation's prosperity and strength, I believe will some day be the ruling factor ef the world, resulting in the merging of all nations in harmony...
...That plan would l~eave the traffic in heavy drink still in the hands of bootleggers...
...Industry has ceased to function, banditry of all sorts has flourished, the individual's freedom to speak and act as a citizen has been destroyed, education has ended, and telephone poles are still grim with bodies offered as a holocaust to the whims of bloated corporals...
...But while in some cases their discussions c~n turn upon original studies, prepared for the occasion, for the most part they must disseminate information gathered from the statistics of the United States De partment of Labor, the census of manufactures, etc...
...Modification of existing llegislation so as to legalize light wines and beer would ~t~ot," he said, "solve the problem...
...It is a neat scheme, detection of which in the midst of 71,248 plans must have been no end of fun...
...but these themselves have never been in vain...
...His has been the performance of a sterling trooper, and we honor it...
...The dumping of be~ upon the city pavements was as essential (if unpr...
...New York Jewish dailies carried, on May I6, a : item to the effect that Italian Catholic editors , demanding that all Jews be expelled from the lan ]sb" that a nation "IOO percent Catholic would no Ic ~e~ be defiled...
...But for the purposes of remedial action, surely, one ca,l place no reliance on figures which differ by two millions or so from others equally worthy of trust...
...These things all have their term...
...She observed that she was both feminine and forty-nine, but the majority of the justices con-red this language vague and ambiguous~though "2...
...Between the achievement of that right and the present circumstances there lies a Mexican revolution- ary efort which has plunged a nation into disaster...
...but other principles, such as the dictum of Saint Thomas that one could not participate in a war unless one's conscience approved, have been pretty well lost sight of...
...Florence K. tPP' has learned the evils inherent in unrestricted ius appointments...
...acknowledgment of the right of parents to give their children instruction in the Faith, and of the legitimacy of religious schools...
...ad .anwhlle in conferences between Senate and House, ~ator Wagner's proposal that census enumerators ",uld be placed under the Civil Service Commission :been discarded...
...The idea resulting from this combination o circumstances proved, as it were, irresistible...
...A decade of prohibition laws has accus-"tomed the public to subterranean traffic in liquors...
...One govern- ment after another adopted the notion of a "citizen army...
...MONWEAL I73 and the few not yet laid to rest are lone stragglers, feeble though glorious, behind the ultimate march...
...If it can be carried everywhere, a st~fficient sympathy will rise, and readjustment follow...
...William Nelson Taft, and ultimately to the Boston Better Business Bureau, where he got them...
...There is little distinction between the advice to New York students to keep themselves free from the "base and dismal groupings" which pretend to be the voice of the people, and the Massa- chusetts council "not to drop in speech, manners and general intelligence, and [go] to the level of the crowd that has not had the opportunities" of higher educa- tion...
...And verily it is difficult to see how William Penn would get into the country under the present conditions...
...i , it...
...and that traffic has largely consisted, of necessity, in strong drink...
...The most important demands expressed in this docu- ment were : establishment, as part of constitutional law, of religious liberty for all faiths...
...Or would it prove a half-way measure, weakening the forces of control a'r~d leaving the root evil unaffected...
...Defense against the enemy became virtually impossible unless a nation assumed that it, too, had the right to draft its subjects...
...The latest news indicates that a harassed and per- secuted people is hoping, once again, for the remedy- ing of its woes...
...Not forever, avers Miss Freda Kirchwey, shall we be tortured by the double-edged gift of articulateness...
...The public has erroneously identified this w:'~' "'alcoholic beverages"--a grave and harassing, if somewhat comic, blunder...
...That is, they can demonstrate that the prevailing weaknesses of our industrial system are unnecessary, and being unnecessary, unfair...
...Meanwhile, how- ever, we are probably headed for some such tentative solution as that proposed by Justice Hoyt...
...But it is worth observing that no other country which has abandoned prohibition--and there are now .9_everal such countries---has found adoption of a wine- ~d-beer formula practicable...
...Walt Mason wrote, twenty years ago, tae Fires of "the little green tents where the soldiers sleep," and of the weary few, '~oung and stalwart in '62," who walked among them...
...It is not a simple matter to believe that the Church can prosper or find peace in the midst of such desolation...
...We are proportionately Bookless glad to hail its latest prophecy: a Future golden age by grace of an old metaphor and a new paradox, an age of literary silence...
...It is disappointing that so little .~[ :1 has been paid to a provision the soundness of ch can be scarcely questioned, and that it has gone } en under purely political attack...
...As Assemblyman Lamoureathi put it, they turned their backs upon an issue of t~e past to contemplate an issue in the making...
...The fact th~tt barrels instead of bottles were used is in keeping wi~lh the elephantine implications of the name so belatedly pronounced...
...THE newly organized Advertising Association of America counsels its members to good behavior: "Avoid all manner of exaggeration, The misrepresentation and falsification...
...This dignified and comprehen-sive plea, which Bishop Pascual Diaz himself once commented upon in these columns, has been virtually ignored by the official press on both sides of the Rio Grande...
...And a great deal of information that must be desired by everyone interested in this work: conference, ne~ .9 paper and university, is unavailable...
...Modern anti-Semitism owes its rise to -rose nationalistic feeling, and rightly sees in Vol- ee one of its first and foremost apostles...
...We have not been able to trace the o :ini of this despatch, which probably owes its exis~ ~el to some feverish imagination...
...Conceivably enough, failure may again be the fruit of patience and effort...
...and must sometime be rewarded, if only with the immemorial burden of the cross...
...WE APPROVED in these columns a few weeks ago the opinion of Professor Bernard Fay that the French-American entente cordiale, the Minor triumphant survivor of some rough going in the past, is probably destined Note to continue unabated into the indefinite future...
...Exodus .n Washington, you know, is desirable...
...a pacifist, though she may not be obliged to serve personally, may talk others out of serving...
...There is also need, however, for its restatement in vigorous language for our citizenry at large...
...Thus intg" each section of the country the N. C. W. C. is carryidf the truth about industrial America--or as much of th...
...and there naay be some value in getting to the place where this [.oint is admitted by the law...
...MUSSOLINI'Saddress can only be properly ur ' stood if one correlates it with the flood of opir regarding the treaties which has deluged the pre Italy and all parts of Europe...
...I I percent characterized it as 'false,' and 6 percent felt that it was 'truthful.' " OUR contemporary, the Nation, has predicted vari- ous millenniums (or millennia) with an enthusiasm which has left us something laggard For a and doubting...
...4" Of course such data can be efficiently gathered onll~ by the United States Census Bureau...
...What matters is that the battle been shifted to new territory, where it may cont protractedly and indefinitely...
...First, it happened at a time when official Wisconsin was naming Ripon as th starting-point of that history...
...Its meaning can be phrased brilliantly for the intellectual...
...Anyone whose centres of association are working will not need to read the paragraph to the end to realize that this has automatically prompted the gravest stric- tures on the American movie...
...At other meetings, the half-truths of prosperity have been pretty well shown up in reports on the evils ~ the new industrial revolution...
...E KNOW precious little about Rosika Schwim- m ; upon whom the Supreme Court has showered fame through its refusal to grant her 1 ~i ,itds plea for naturalization...
...But two notabld~ were missing: one being Governor Kohler, and th~ other Secretary of War Good, whose presence w~s expected to lend some federal prestige to Ripon~r claim to be known as the birthplace of the G. O. 3" While waiting for these headliners it was necessary to provide amusement for the other guests...
...She professed ,htI inability to answer in the affirmative Question 22, which inquires into one's ' readiness to bear arms in defense of :b.ountry...
...he flippant it will seem remarkably frank...
...Meanwhile here is Rosika Schwimmer...
...Evidently I1 I wished to impress upon everybody that he was abdicating and that he was determined to make continue to follow his prescriptions...
...WEEK BY WEEK O F COURSE the altercation between Pope } and Mussolini has surprised many people...
...coming conflict between Catholicism and poll Italy will, in all likelihood, not differ radically t past struggles...
...WE CONFRONT here an exceedingly complex moral problem, which has been raised frequently enough in the past but never quite so pointedly in the United States...
...In general, the conf," ences have insisted on the application of Catholic prir~ciples to social and economic relations, and have askc.d a fuller recognition of the rights stressed in t'JBishops' Reconstruction Program of I9 I9...
...with Fascism in the saddle, it has become an ine~ able necessity...
...Occasionally there is a sign that this estimate must eventually be revised...
...ginning of time) for the diamond jubilee of the, Republican party found a large gather Current ing of state senators, judges, member, Events in of the assembly, mayors, county clerks...
...Against such economic mal...
...With the rise of modern nationalism, it is clear, circumstances changed radically...
...Other experts have indicated that he figure is considerably higher...
...But in so far as either Mexico or our own country is concerned, we shall believe in dawn only when that trail begins to turn...
...But perhaps we all need the journalist and reporter, keen on the concrete present, to feed our historical generalizations and to show us what fantastically trivial factors may trouble even a predestined amity and disturb relationships which, regarded on any deep basis should be genuinely secure...
...If we now change it to read "all alcoholic products of distillation," wine and beer will come back victoriously into the taverns and al.1 this pother about trips to Canada will cease...
...Some day, it is to be hoped, ,country as well will recognize the unwisdom of s~ cting enumerators on a patronage basis...
...J. M. Gibbons -'epudiated a number of what seemed to him false olutions of the problem...
...Hearst for a "temperal.~.~ How to plan," has been studying the scholastic Serve method...
...Recent observations sent from Paris to the Outlook and Independent by Mr...
...It is therefore only reasonable ar proper that at all party functions beer should ser-(if at all) the purposes of an exterior symbolis instead of an inner utility...
...Indeed, the report added, with deft pertinence, what is to be our attitude toward the Quakers...
...In such ;:le the census-reapportionment bill, made more c ,z,plex by various amendments, faces the probability .t ~oostponement until after the contemplated recess "* the added possibility of not being passed at all...
...practice as fair-minded people everywhere are concerned with, information--propaganda--is about the best weapon...
...To Caesar Church must have got no end o" What Is shock out of the circumstance t Caesar's before the Lateran treaties had e been so much as signed, so intransi~ a stand should have been taken by the Holy Fat On the other hand those who have hoped, with siderable anxiety, for a new order of things in w Catholic affairs in Italy would be freed from the dens incident to politics, can hardly help seeing the horizon is far from gleaming with rosy-ring...
...and defense of the just rights of the citizen, in accordance with principles held internationally by all good governments...
...But it did not fail to call attention to something not so well known to the nation at large, that is, the existem of conditions almost as serious in the Colorado mines...
...The "civis Romanus" was probably distinguished by the circumstance that he could hire somebody else to do his fighting...
...The very things which made the Lindbergh marriage "good copy" from a newspaperman's point of view are things which, in decency, should have cut that copy to its irreducible minimum...
...The real obiect of the agreement reache4 from the Vatican point of view, to secure for Church a status independent of the intellectual social control of governing factions...
...Laws are usually held to :xpress the intention of those who framed them, and ~onstitutional procedure especially is replete with ef- forts to discern what "the fathers wanted...
...and in response the papers set their whole pack upon him...
...Worthy of note is the fact that the United States did not approve the selective draft idea until I917, and that various emi- nent statesmen, including Daniel Webster, had spoken against it...
...Mussolini probably understands very well, and no doubt even hopes that the dew ment of Catholic strength in Italy will serve his interests...
...This is the spirit of which her wars have been but an incidental interruption...
...Thereupon it proceeded to t argue much as follows: precedent has demonstrated that "the very conception of a just government and its duty to the citizen includes the reciprocal obliga- tion of the citizen to render military service in case of need...
...During the ages which followed martial careers were reserved for a social class and its retainers...
...In the first place, ac-cording to Mr...
...TI" who felt sure that an alliance had been efec between Fascism and the Cath...
...THE day which had been intended (from the be...
...To MANY observers it will seem that Justi Franklin Chase Hoyt, who won the $25,ooo offer, ~. by Mr...
...His way out of prohibition, Refreshments difficulties is a simple matter of definiag the term "intoxicating liquors" which forms the piece de r~sistance of the Eighteenth Amer.d- ment...
...Frank Kent has of the voting public, and know that hokum is as effective in business as in politics...
...Ybarra, the American cocktail is so popular that "it is causing acute worry among the conservatives of France...
...confiscated the confisca~: ables, turned the crowd upon the streets and pacL locked the doors...
...meditated) a part of the ceremony as is the cham- pagne ritual in the launching of a ship...
...It is to the enterprising merchants of sensation who scent the penny lying in the pocket and begin forthwith to talk about "what the public wants," that Colonel Lind- bergh must render his acknowledgments...
...Robbins rightly notes that "there is nothing inherently moral about a group of men acting or will- ing in concert and that the voice of the people is not the voice of God...
...One must not place ~ high a valuation upon verbal passages at arms...
...About a year ago, Sec~, tary of Labor Davis placed it at 1,875,ooo...
...If he is willing to step into the position of leader, fully appre- ciative of the possibilities of doing good, humble be- fore the realization of the fallibility of human wisdom, confident in the soundness of convictions, he need not fear the trite slander of being characterized "snob" or "high-hat...
...And a great humanitari~ purpose is being served...
...Ascertaining the facts about unemployment, for in...
...Many of rumors have, of course, been utterly absurd...
...Indeed there is more supercilious complacency in the man who goes with the crowd than in him who is impelled by every instinct of intelli- gence, rectitude and good taste to withdraw from participation in those things which are condoned merely because they are widely practised...
...Time alone can t~ell...
...The resulting criticism comes, instructively enough, not on the score of health, but because the youth "have got their palates into such awful shape from steady con- sumption of horrid American-mixed beverages that they are incapable of enjoying Burgundy or Bordeaux, or savoring its fine points, of appreciating its exquisite qualities...
...There remains the knotty question as to whether the Amendment itself can be repealed...
...T. R. Ybarra suggest that the rough going has not been entirely confined to the past...
...One principle has survived clearly out of that time--the emancipation of clerics from army duty...
...The day nevertheless remains great, reminding a new age of its immemorial obligations...
...There-~ore, since everybody knows that champagne and 1;~ilsener were anathema to the drys of I918, it is a little hard to surmise how their hostility can now be focused upon Bourbon and Jamaica, gin and anisette...

Vol. 10 • June 1929 • No. 7

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