
Farley, Ambrose & Kolars, Mary & Shuster, George N. & Lane, James W. & Crowley, Paul & jr., Ernest Brennecke & Cunningham, Doris & Healy, Patrick J.

October 3 ~, I929 THE COMMONWEAL 675 a false impression that nothing is being done. It is unfortunately true that, notwithstanding the use of all safety devices known today, and the...

...Subscription price: $2.00 per year... those who know Hardy only by hearsay will discover the best of all possible introductions to a literary figure whose already great stature is still increasing...
...and though it may be somewhat overcautious in tone, the style is generally commendable...
...2.00 VJIGIL by A Sister of Notre Dame (de Namur) THIS book of meditations is intended primarily for nuns...
...Approved by the Uaivenity of the el N_ew Y_~M Accredited by the St~sec~ttlea el C~llqtu mid ~adm-}, ~ools of the Middle Smt~ tad MaTIts4...
...Was spring...
...Ernst Sebastian, the examining magistrate...
...9 to 14 FALL TOURS A ~o~du,ted per~ .Jill...
...Vincent De Paul At New Orleans, Nov...
...It has a depth of earnestness that Dante would have recognized and respected, and it has the lucid and benign teaching which we Catholics of the present, as of all ages, share with the Florentine...
...RICHAP.D RZID is secretary of the Catholic Laymen's Association of Georgia and editor of the Bulletin...
...The new knowledge concerning this subject, once confined to specialists, is now being made accessible to the cultured public...
...J'AMES W. LAN~, is a general crztic of literature PAUL CROWLEY AND A~ERosz FAR~Y are erzties for contemporary magazineS...
...Rogers's book, Tennysonian...
...What could be more humane or Christian than for each new labor-saving device to mean not a curtailment of personnel, but a curtailment of working hours, so that the same productivity at the same cost at the same price to the purchaser is achieved in fewer working hours--in other words, giving the laboring masses the benefit of the time saved through inventive changes...
...THERE is a story here...
...R. ROGERS'S life of Cyrano makes short shrift of the romantic conception which we owe to Rostand...
...and when a good break in his fortune really comes with the production of his play by his one patron, refuses to erase offensive lines, is made the butt of popular aversion, with the play forever after banned, and becomes, at thirty-six (his dying year) the model of despair...
...Adler was a Jew, "that is, of the race from which the world is willing to accept everything but superiority...
...old Craignan reading Dickens again and again, who would not raise a son above his class...
...and Historical Chxstianity and the Social Question...
...Bert Jones's "cone-shaped trousers...
...Am ~ School with Ww~em V~go~ A Northmm School with Southsm Clhax~ Coltq~ Wom~ From iig/~mm $t~u~ ~ ]J~]~age0 from Egoadway 43 ~[~ll~at~l Jh~m PJ.ttl~e~ I MOUNT WASHINGTON SCHOOL COUNTRY FOR BOYS MOUNT WASHINGTON, MARYLAND ~Wa w/// Pre#~ Yo~ Son FoT Higll Scl~oolI~ I~oxim~ to Mount Saint Agna k the Mamat WssMngtmm ~ountry School, the ideal bom~lhg mad day school ~vmicma Limited ~vuty ~ Bay~ From 8isg to thbtocm yee~e of age inu IMMACULATE HEART COLLEGE HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA Chartered Institution for the Higher tMucation of W~ Fast-year College Course leading to Culh~ato Degree Accredited High School Department IMMACULATE HEART COLLEGE Holl~rwood, California Living, by Henry Green...
...The reader is stirred, often profoundly, but he seldom needs to be ashamed of that which stirs him...
...Perhaps Professor Wright has given us the corrective introduction which will lead to a broader and more socialized view of the question...
...Hence Hardy's careful and iterated warning, and his stated aim to record diverse human phenomena as data which should be felt as well as known by those who seek a sound attitude toward life...
...Standing in foundry shop son of Mr...
...Cornelius Clifford Mar...
...its title is taken to describe the life-long vigil of those cloistered souls who eagerly await the coming of the Heavenly Bridegroom...
...They tend to impart a naive literalness to conceptions which we know only in the vast, stark outlines of delivered dogma...
...Or is it, unlike Mr...
...Rogers agree that this morbid sensitiveness and hostility to the world were caused by Cyrano's Punchinello nose...
...Sebastian becomes convinced that the prisoner is a former classmate of his at the gymnasium...
...Buy it soon and then begin recommending it to your friends...
...famous Contrat Social tends to establish the claim that Rousseau was not trying to write an outlandish history of social relationships, but to trace an ideal government which has since appealed to many peoples as desirable...
...October 3 ~ , I929 THE COMMONWEAL 679 Vision When the I/ell Is Rent, by the Right Reverend Francis Glement Kelley...
...2.00 On Sale at all Catholk Book Stores P. J~ KENEDY & SONS Publishers and Booksellers 44 BARCLAY ST...
...They represent Hardy's lyricism at its best--that lyricism which was once so unaccountably called "harsh" and "unmelodious...
...This remark he repeated ahnost verbatim in the preface to his second volume of lyrics...
...Sebastian probes to the depths of his being in an endeavor to discover a reason for his bitter antagonism to Adler, his relentless annihilation of the boy's self-respect, and he comes to but one conclusion...
...Augustine) Charleston, S. C. and Washington srtiv...
...This accounts, probably in large measure, for the growing respect and admiration in which Hardy's poetry is being held... la Mare reminds us, though the feminine writers of narrative in those days did not, "in their explorations of the House of Life, lavish an uncon68a THE COMMONWEAL October 30, t929 Briefer Mention Meetings of National Conference Catholic Charities and Society of St...
...17 Jan...
...Single copies, 20c...
...The result, given these circumstances and those of the present belittling literary fashion, and also those of the author's own tastes, is a detailed, well-written, easily interesting book about a personage, probably minor, who, though possessing indubitable talent with the point of rapier and of quill, morbidly turned his world against him and became a derided failure in those arts of life wherein he most wished success--dueling, loving and writing...
...October 3 ~, I929 THE COMMONWEAL 675 a false impression that nothing is being done...
...There is a demand for a comprehensive treatment of the sisterhood that existed, and still exists, between religion, arts, and letters...
...New York: of the Holy Child J~ta...
...Earp's interpretation of Greek traditionalism...
...He hurries home and begins to write in a perfect frenzy, laying bare details which reveal the corroding influence of his strong, perverted mind upon Adler's sensitive, ultra-refined nature...
...Gouverneur Paulding has written A VISIT TO LOURDES which adorns an old theme with considerable novelty...
...Though Professor Wright's views on these and other Rousseauistic topics are not new, having been propounded for the most part by less conservative-minded French critics, his book is probably the best exposition of the subject from the point of view adopted...
...Douglas Bush, whose familiarity with the Canadian scene is exceptional, has replied to a question: IS THERE A CANADIAN LITERATURE...
...676 THE COMMONWEAL October 3 ~ , 1929 acre /rt e./i Series of Lectures The tremendous influence of religion on arts and letters is a fact which now is being recognized as one of the most hopeful trends of the age...
...Class Reunion is an engrossing book, but by no stretch of the imagination could it ever be called pleasant reading...
...Its contents are well chosen...
...John B. Watson's brand of American Behaviorism and an expose of the criticisms leveled against him by Keyserling and others is the subject of an interesting paper, THE METAPHYSICAL BEHAVIORIST, by Frank Whalen...
...O the Editor :--I am writing a biography of Kate Chopin (I85I-I9O4) the American authoress, whose short stories were popular in the nineties and whose novel, The Awakening, aroused much criticism in 1899...
...DORIS CUNNING~IA,~ IS au occasional contributor to The Commonweal...
...Obviously, however, they cannot thus condemn a poem (assuming that it succeeds in evoking the intended emotion) if the poet explicitly disclaims such an intention-if he asks them to appreciate it merely as drama, as an educational document, a photograph of a human mind in an interesting state or situation, as a "slice of life...
...He warned the reader to look, not for a coherent system of thought but only for a series of dramatizations of diverse, possibly inconsistent, moods--the moods of various characters in varying situations...
...His novels, if we except three or four masterpieces such as The Return of the Native and Jude the Obscure, have faded a little, possibly because they represent a not perfect compromise between Hardy's ideals of art, his social propaganda, and the popular tastes of their day...
...It was for this reason that Matthew Arnold was dissatisfied with many of the English Romantic poets--even with Wordsworth--since he declared that they simply "did not know enough...
...The essential aim is to discern popular ideas and general cultural attitudes which are reflected in literature, and to help to explain them...
...Rogers has written of him, however, in a dashing, word-spiced way, half ~t la Strachey, half ~ la Thomas Beer...
...It follows the reminiscences of an old priest who holds that "most people, at least once in their lives, have heard a voice that seemed to come from out of a cloud-closed land," and who illustrates his thesis by relating an experience which came to him in a dream or a vision...
...Consider these, however, picked at random: "Evening...
...I will be grateful to readers of The Commonweal who may possess original letters to or by Kate Chopin, or who may have first-hand reminiscences of her llfe and literary activities...
...Watson promised to do and did not do is, according to Mr...
...With what neatness this playboy who was never anything else turned phrases...
...The key to the matter is certainly the Jesuit doctrine as professed in France during the Grand Si&le...
...Lily, with her chaste elopement to Liverpool...
...M. UNIONIZING THE FAITHFUL Maryknoll, N. Y. O the Editor:--I wish to remind the writer of Unionizing the Faithful, which appeared in The Commonweal some time ago, that the maxim attributed to Saint Paul was not formulated by the great Apostle, but by Saint Augustine, and reads as follows: "In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, et in omnibus charitas...
...Vice is subdued and virtue emerges triumphant, to the tune o~ a wedding march on the last page...
...Such a reader rightly distrusts an emotion which follows a stimulus without the intervention of his critical faculties...
...I do not know whether either comparison is especially eulogistic, since each of these two biographers bears to his task much malice that is but dimly Parnassian...
...NEW YORK 680 T H E C O M M • N W E A L October 30, i929 whereas Rostand would have his reader put credence in his hero's idealistic fervor in love and in religion, Mr...
...Secretarial Department ~peclal advantages in Music and Art...
...INSTITUTE OF HOLY ANGELS, Fort Lee, N. I. HIGH SCHOOL ~t~ed by the University of the State of New York aud by th~ New Jersey State Board of Education...
...There is no wish here to suggest that Bishop Kelley's version of the soul's journey challenges Dante's in grandeur or permanence of quality...
...It is a summary of recent theories of progress, and therefore of many prevailing philosophies of history, and at the same time an assertion that religion is not only the key to history but the source and explanation of progress in culture and civilization...
...By CIVIS ROMANUS HE treaty which Was recently made between the Pope and the State of Italy is so significant that it brings up for timely discussion the aims of the Papacy and its future influence...
...G~ogoE N. SHUsr~R...
...It does.not seem reasonable to suppose that Hardy insisted on this point merely in order to prevent hasty persons from reading all his poems as circumstantial autobiography and from attempting thereby to reconstruct the external events of his life, which was actually an unmelodramatic one...
...It is almost pathetic to discover it upon opening every one of the eight several books of verse which he produced before his death...
...Also stmdar ~olders contmmng hst party game rail, returning water, and via Havana, if at i~-'xpermye trgp$, des,red...
...It remains to add that his book, buttressed squarely upon the great writers and artists, rambles amiably over the fields of religion, morality, belief in a future life and general culture...
...T. Lawrason Pdggs, Dec...
...All letters submitted will be copied and faithfully returned...
...York b~ New Steamer DIXIE Nov...
...Rogers has been to Bergerac in Gascony, he has particularly read the life by Pierre Brun, and he has pored over manuscripts of the era in the Biblioth~que Nationale, most of which have described Cyrano unkindly...
...edited by Harley Granville-Barker...
...the action centers around their efforts to provide a musical education for the boy...
...New York: Doubleday, Doran and Company, Incorporated...
...Progress and Religion: ,4 Historical Inquiry, by Christopher Dawson...
...New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, Incorporated...
...On the way home he reflects upon the irony of the circumstance that Adler, the one boy in his class who might have achieved distinction, is now accused of murder, while he, Sebastian, the boy who was responsible for the seduction of Adler's intellect, should be the examining magistrate...
...Christowe writes intimately of life in Bulgaria, of which country he is a native...
...It was given him to follow the destiny of one of those men who, in life, have been good by nature rather than by grace...
...28 Liturgical Mrs...
...RIOR to I88o, Mr...
...and the great truths of the dignity of the human soul, its obligation to aspire loftily instead of meanly, its need for love and humility, are given an explication which really and deeply impresses...
...FROM MR...
...For this feeling for and use of language one is grateful, as well as for his having made Cyrano something more than the usual French interpreter, of his period or ours...
...Franz Josef Adler, accused of murder, is brought before Dr...
...Here the Hardy enthusiast will find many of his favorite pieces...
...THE LITURGICAL PRESS COLLEGEVILLE MINNESOTA writing ardent epistles only to exercise himself in the artificialities of Rambouilletan expression...
...New York: The Macmillan Gompany...
...THE EXPERTS LOOK AT UNEMPLOYMENT New York, N. Y. O the Editor :--It is my opinion that the solution for unemployment arising from technological sources is apparent and, in fact, is being forced to some extent by the unions...
...Lourdes, he says, is "a Passion play...
...The story outline is uncomplicated...
...The entire story is best described by that over-worked adjective "appealing...
...Dupret thought in mind...
...Jo~r~ O'GRADY is professor of Sociology in the Catholic University of America...
...But in so far as his emotions follow automatically in the wake of unexamined stimuli, he regards himself as an ignorant victim of his purely physical impulses...
...IF you have a touch of the sentimental in your make-up you will have a glorious time reading this latest novel by Father Scott...
...It is a fair assumption that buildings will be constructed more rapidly in a five-day week now enjoyed by the building trades with the aid of time-saving devices than formerly in a six-day week...
...Rogers's style is readier than theirs--colorful and vigorous...
...It ought to prove immensely stimulating to American readers interested in the Romantic era...
...They part company in reference to plot, for KENEDY by Martin J. Scott, s.J...
...Liturgical Professor Karl Young, Nov...
...Rogers has discovered the obscure Italian family of much oil and little breeding, from which Cyrano's grandfather in Bergamo sprang...
...Photogravure frontispiece and z6 other illustrations...
...New York: Longmans, Green and Company...
...There are certain passages of descriptive beauty even in Bridesley, Birmingham...
...S. RANKII~,S...
...31 Sacred Bancel La Farge Feb...
...No effort is made to minimize or depreciate the tremendous advances which are evident in the present urbanized, industrial civilization, but no attempt is made to conceal the apprehension which is felt that this structure rests on a very insecure foundation...
...He also raises the vital question: Will there be a foreign Pope...
...17--A delightful Send [or deseript**,e two weeks' Autumn trip at moderate cost...
...Heavy blue clouds stayed over above...
...New York: P. J. Kenedy and Sons...
...A. COTTA...
...It has intense fervor, it has spontaneity, it plays upon an astounding variety of human experiences, yet it seldom affronts the reader's intelligence or requires him to remember the author's dramatic intention...
...Several new series of articles relating to the liturgical movement, Mass, Communion, and practical present-day situations will be of interest to all Catholics...
...PAT~CK J. HEALY is dean of the faculty of theology in the Cathohc University of America...
...and it must be confessed that toward the end of When the Veil Is Rent, some such criticism does begin to trouble the mind...
...For particulars and information write the FARLEY TRAVEL AGENCY .~ ~ifth, ~. ~. C. Phone: Murray Hill 8~90-8~91 PIUS X SCHOOL OF LITURGICAL MUSIC COLLEGE OF THE SACRED HEART 133rd Street and Convent Avenue, New York dUTUMN AND WINTER SESSION mtlna Ward Method, Conre~ I, II, III ozlan Chant Gregorian Accompaniment oi~ Conducting mad Liturgical Singing Theory, ear ttminlng, sight.reading, melody writing Hsnnon~, Mustcal Appr.~.mtion Counterpoint PolyphmlyL~ons m Vocal Pr.oductton, Organ, Violin, Piano, peivatoly og in due Fnz fisethe~ mformauem) addeus the Secretary Cathedral 1334 SETON HILL COLLEGE Ii G]tEENSBURG, PA...
...Conscience and a Coward Class Reunion, by Franz Werfel...
...The ignorance regarding "mediaevalism" which prevailed until recently is now being dispelled...
...It is far more likely that he was acutely sensible of the important fact that when a lyric poet gives impassioned utterance to an emotion, without commenting on it explicitly, he is generally understood to approve that emotion, to propagate it as an experience worth having for its own sake... the publisher and editor of the Syrian World...
...New York: Simon and Schuster...
...From them there gradually emerges his suggestive philosophy, so singularly ~ruitful and coherent in spite of his disclaimer...
...He had on bowler hat, high, high crown...
...It need not do that to fulfil its purpose...
...Dupret's son, "picking his nose...
...The more intelligent he is, the surer he wants to be that his emotion follows, and does not precede, an act of intellectual or moral judgment on the experience which has induced it...
...What Dr...
...There is characterization...
...He duels well, for instance, until, a career as swordsman assured and a patron in the offing, he foolishly throws up fighting for writing...
...JoHlq ADAMS...
...But because very few other virtues bolstered that one, and because he was unlucky with fortune, friends and family, each one of whom he flouted, the run of his life became tediously marred...
...Rogers shows us the swordsman as cold, never really amorous except THE, POPE, KINGin a certain green sickness for his cousin (the real Roxane...
...This remains, however, a closed book to almost all students, who do not even seem to be aware of the light which the Abb~ Br~mond's books shed, quite incidentally, upon the Rousseau problem...
...for RAIL and MOTOR St...
...Is it not therefore the truest, in spite of our modern love for picking things to pieces...
...After Dickens The Eighteen Seventies...
...Whalen, the target of his critics rather than what he has accomplished...
...What one misses is any reference to those Scholastic sources from which Rousseau derived many of his notions, and any comparative study of the rightness of his inferences...
...14 Literature Mar...
...WALBURGA'S ACADEMIC SCHOOL ture stories for boys...
...Published every four weeks, beginning with Advent...
...Since the capacity of the hall is limited to approximately 4oo seats early application for tickets is advisable...
...There is the Comic Spirit, quite Meredithian in cunning...
...The schedule is as follows :m Introductory Professor Edward Oct...
...JAMES J. WALSa, writer and lecturer, is the author of The Thirteenth, the Greatest of Centuries...
...When he sent forth his third collection, he again insisted that the poems "are to be regarded in the main as dramatic monologues by different characters...
...But the greater part of the book is undeniably successful in its effort to convince us of the reality of the soul's initiation into eternity...
...ExtensiveC, amp~, 94ddresJ Secretary CHURCH VESTMENTS, ALTAR LINEN Ecclesiastical Embroidery Con#rences r~ith reference to the adornment of churches Old Embroidery Transferred 1~1 BAST 47th STREET NEW YORK Vonderbil~ 8761 E. P. Dutton and Company...
...With a sure, deft hand he builds up his situations bit by bit until the consequences are inevitable...
...Architecture Ralph Adams Cram Jan...
...But all this is submerged in the author's medium...
...The reason for the book is to be found in a conviction, which reflects the thought of countless others, that civilization is again at the crossroads, and that the determination of its future destiny depends on the choice of direction which will govern its future course...
...Few things better in the way of collateral reading could be offered college students in the classics...
...Friedrich von Minkus, after describing this treasure, costly, beautiful, venerable, develops the fact that, for Hungarians, the idea of one single nation is embodied absolutely in that sacred crown as the consecrated relic of their first king, and demonstrates how the history of Hungary has borne out this idea...
...Tickets for each lecture, $2.00 Subscription for Course, $25.00 Spedal Rates for Students Upon Application Application may be made to The Director of the Plus X School of Liturgical Music, Telephone Cathedral 1334--or to The Commonweal, Suite 4622, Grand Central Terminal, New York City, Telephone Murray Hill 8581...
...9 A charming story of a boy who was the eyes of his aged grandfather, is recounted in Stoyan Christowe's GRANDFATHER SEES THE BISHOP...
...L40 HEN Hardy definitely abandoned his career as a novelist and published his first collection of short poems, back in 1898, he remarked in his preface...
...In small back garden of villa small tree was with yellow buds...
...For youngsters, thrills aplenty are guaranteed...
...Cyrano Unmasked Cyrano : ,Swordsman, Libertin and Man-of-Letters, by Cameron Rogers...
...That sympathetic interpretation has lasted the longest...
...It is no dispraise to Bishop Kelley's gifts to say that, he is not a deathless poet...
...If the spirit is to gain supremacy it must be by utter self-abasement...
...25 Kennard Rand, Harvard University...
...What is apt to estrange the reader in such essays at symbolic interpretation is the ingenuity of the ideas and images employed...
...His paper is timely because a new school of letters in Toronto promises to flourish...
...Then, just when he could achieve his ambition and be the best known, as he was the last, of the Libertins, he makes enemies of his best friends...
...and this even where they are not obviously so...
...translated by Whittaker Chambers...
...These meditations contain fresh thoughts, the calm dignity of certitude and the refreshing peace of Christ...
...He is the author of The Valerian Persecution...
...Hardy always addressed his poems to the intelligent reader, and he knew that the reader who values and exercises his intelligence tends to distinguish clearly between the values of various emotions...
...Permit me to take this opportunity to register my opinion that The Commonweal represents the best of contemporary journalistic endeavor, Catholic or otherwise...
...That night he attends a very dull reunion of this same class and finds in Adler's absence further grounds for his belief...
...H~ MAR~ TOOLS is a graduate student at Yale University...
...Those who have read this author's previous devotional books know the sublimity of her thought and the classic simplicity of her style, which are the reasons for her charm and distinction...
...New York: The Macmillan Company... unregenerate freethinker dying, as he had lived, heretically and detesting, as in Rostand he had not detested, the sight of Sisters of Mercy...
...The theme of Divine illumination and mercy, and of finally awakened human penitence and understanding, is very finely and touchingly developed...
...As penman, too, he produces a classic tragedy only little below Corneille, a philosophical treatise full of original and later to be fulfilled ideas---e.g., rockets to the moon and the phonograph--and a comedy a scene of which is appropriated by Moli~re...
...Those who know Father Scott as the strict logician and precise thinker will find him in this book both a poet and a student of human nature, an entertainer for the heart as well as for the mind...
...but the actors literally suffer their passion and hope for and sometimes witness a miracle...
...14 Painting Feb...
...Verbless sentences, too...
...John Gould Fletcher expressed this growing conviction some years ago when he declared that to turn from our younger versifiers to the lyrical Hardy was like turning to Bach or Beethoven after listening to a ragtime band...
...A clever analysis of Dr...
...The author begins by examining the "Roman Question" and brings the discussion down to the present, including Mussolini's religious policies...
...If his emotion appears to him as an intensification of a good judgment, he values it as a healthy bodily resonance...
...The effect on the reader is bewildering...
...He is a gifted and sincere writer, whose book cannot be read without profit...
...And Wordsworth himself, in his saner moments, held that every good poem, no matter how impassioned, must make "good sense...
...J. B. CULEMANS...
...2, returnmg at close of meetmgs by rail BY STEAMER m special pullmans stopping at Jacksonville, Fls...
...These people are real...
...Question-and-answer, Correspondence, and Book Review sections will be added as special features to keep readers and editors in close touch with each other for a free exchange of views...
...The Pius X School of Liturgical Music in consequence of its recognition of this need, announces a course of public lectures on the History of Sacred Art...
...ERNEST BRENNECKE, yR., 1S a literary critic, author of Thomas Hardy, a Study, and lecturer on English literature in Columbia University...
...HIS book is no less significant for its general conclusions than as an indication of current opinion...
...25 The Lectures will be given at the Plus X Hall, I3oth Street and Convent Avenue on the dates mentioned above at 4.00 P.M...
...Short sentences--yes...
...LASS REUNION is an account of a man's examination of conscience and suggests a similar examination which Germany might wisely make regarding her treatment of the Jew...
...3.50 G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, 2 west 45th St., New York SARA ANSLEY O'ROURKB auadated n4tk EDITH L. SMITH Speclalhst in W~tch~tet and Fairfield Country Hom~ ROOM 25a0, SALMON TOWER II WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK CITY Ts[qpbome pat~sylvml~ki 8762 Fr/** f~ foM~ SUBSCRIBE NOW TO ORATE FRATRES ( A review devoted to the liturgical apostolate) The issues of the new Volume Four will be sixteen pages larger than heretofore, without increase of price...
...Similarly, the discussion of the cgr T EEK THE SACRED CROWN OF SAINT STEPHEN rests in the castle of Buda, in an inaccessible chamber, guarded day and night by an armed troop of knightly custodians...
...Further evidence of Hardy's still growing reputation is presented by the career of the present little volume in Macmillan's Golden Treasury Series, a book which is already in its seventh printing...
...CLIFF MAXWELL is a writer of vagabond and sea stories...
...But possibly the novelists of those faraway days (in particular the author of Ginx's Baby) may "pity us because we are so clever...
...15 Rubrics Rev...
...HERE is a good deal that is unusual about Bishop Kelley's story of what happened to one human soul after death...
...Underneath all of this fustian in Cyrano lay, one cannot help thinking, only the redeeming virtue of a love for picturesque language...
...It is unfortunately true that, notwithstanding the use of all safety devices known today, and the abolition of grade crossings, the railroads are still killing people by the wholesale...
...Does Mankind Advance...
...This volume is after the usual pattern 630 Riverside Drive, New York City appealing to the juvenile sense-of heroics---including duels, ]~-dlng and Day School for C~ls, conducted by the Religlmm of tlra Jl mutinies, Indian fights, mysterious caskets, Aztec jewels, et al, embellishing the theme of Jacques Carrier's second voyage to the new world...
...Gradually Dr...
...EARP cannot write about the Greeks with the unction of Gilbert Murray or Paul Shorey but his book, designed to avoid "infallibly repelling all but a few scholars," seems quite as valuable as theirs...
...And so do automobiles and water-going craft of all kinds...
...The rapidity with 678 THE COMMONWEAL October 3 ~ , I929 m Emile and its companion books argue less for an easy existence beside a breadfruit tree than for a life in conformity with the dictates of "natural law...
...They reflect his steady critical attitude, so different from the crude "pessimism" with which he was once charged...
...1 Drama Yale University...
...A direct, clear and simple style has been employed effectively to depict the sequence of vivid and often moving allegories which define and elucidate, in concrete imaginative application, the awesome and yet comforting mysteries pertaining to our final destiny...
...6 Chaplain Dec...
...BOOKS The Moods of Hardy 8elected Poems of Thomas Hardy...
...Those who thus demand for their cherished aesthetic experiences a sound foundation in logic or ethics, may reasonably justify their condemnation of many an ecstatic poem on the assumption that the poet is implicitly calling for their approval of what he presents as a sincere outpouring of a worth-while gust of emotion...
...lq~VERETT McNEILL is a well-known writer of advenST...
...28 Sacred Rev...
...The pieces are in a large degree dramatic or personative in conception...
...New York: The Oxford University Press...
...Though the author restricted himself to an analysis and criticism of the sociological, the historical and the anthropological theories of progress, his discussion took a much wider range and included many other hypotheses not usually discovered under these categories...
...In the train of Catherine de'Medici this ancestor arrived in France, and for his Guisard loyalty was granted putative demesnes, the chateaux of Mauvi~res and Bergerac (in which ravished milieus his descendants never had the courage to live) and a coat-of-arms...
...and The Popes and Science...
...The new woman was also not unknown, Mr...
...But one who has lived in China recognizes the thrifty technique of Pidgin-English, which uses the concrete word and deletes the rest...
...The theme is based on the mutual and touching love existing between a twelve-year-old boy and his mother...
...Yet Hardy's poetry requires this warning less than the output of almost any other English versifier since 1798...
...After he humbles himself to the man whom he had supposed to be Franz Adler, Sebastian, for the first time in his life, feels the proximity of God...
...Well, what of Rostand's play, one will ask...
...The author has not shrunk from the double task which the subject demanded, of making a survey of universal history and submitting to analysis the theories of others who had striven to explain the relative value of the past and the present social order and civilization...
...Really Cyrano had never been outside of Paris until he was twenty...
...He repeated this statement insistently, almost as a supplication, at apparently every opportunity...
...Hugh Walpole finds, "the new forces came sweeping in" the realm of English fiction and definitively squelched the older decorum...
...LOUISE DRISCOLL is the author of Garden Grace...
...11 Music Apr...
...Editorial comment in The Commonweal has already stressed the interest of Mr...
...Carlyle innovated them...
...Leaving aside criminal negligence, which no law seems ever able to reach altogether until the harm is done, if anyone could make rules against storms and fogs and cloudbursts, there would be no collisions on land or water, and no airplane accidents...
...The Shores of Adventure, by Everett McNeil...
...The VC'ay of the Greeks, by F. R. Earp...
...squanders his independent living on printing his own insignificant lampoons...
...But his verse, which he composed with steady devotion throughout the sixty years of his maturity, now commands an enthusiasm that grows firmer year by year... New York Sunday evenmg, Nov...
...BLACKSHEAR Brooklyn, N. Y. Oethe Editor :--Thank you for the courtesy of sending a marked copy of your issue of October 9May I add to my word of thanks in regard to this matter, that you have evidently overlooked the utterances of Monsignor John L. Belford in his October issue of the Nativity Mentor...
...20 Catholic Club, Yale University...
...Justine B. Ward Apr...
...he was no Gascon at all...
...Rostand and Mr...
...Werfel is intensely concerned with problems of the spirit, and in Class Reunion his message is less obscure than in some of his other works...
...Here is a powerful presentation of the fascinating and inherent antagonism that always exists between a great religion and a great State...
...and The Garden of the West...

Vol. 10 • October 1929 • No. 26

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