
Reilly, Joseph J. & Vernon, Grenville & Mattern, Johannes & Downing, Eleanor

August 28, I929 THE COMMONWEAL 427 BOOKS The Wicked Street Wall Street and Washington. by Joseph Stagg Lawrence. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ~5.oo. Stabilization of...

...And so sure and deep were the foundations lald thal even the upheavals of industrialism and the growth of capitalism have left unshaken the principles on which his work wa~, founded...
...The Reserve Board's measures have been futile, and it has lacked the courage to employ others which would be successful...
...JOSEPa J. REILLY, a member of the Enghsh department of Hunter College, New York Ctty, xs the author of Newman as a Man of Letters...
...but it has escaped both the pseudo-internationalizing of the East and the arid and despiritualizing materialization of the West...
...Chapman added her name to the llst of southern novelists who are producing probably the most vital work in contemporary American creative literature...
...Station, Route 49...
...In Ellen Glasgow, who can be counted in this group inasmuch as her really significant work belongs to this period, in Julia Peterkin, in Du Bose Heywood, and in Fiswoode Tarleton, the South is fulfilling the promise made by Miss Murphree and Joel Chandler Harris a generation ago...
...Specialties: Commercial, Music, French, Art...
...Also two years of Pre-Law and Pre-Medielne...
...This is a charming book, with its frequent glimpses into outof-the-way places, its tolerant and kindly point of view, its lightness of touch, and its incidents unfailingly colored by humor or mildly sophisticated sentiment...
...The narrative slips frequently into dramatic form and we are face to face with the saint in the crises or in th~ normal incidents of his career...
...Registered by the State Boards of Bducatiea ha N. Y., N. J. and Pa...
...Ostensibly it has done all these things because it believed that "there is danger of a scarcity of gold," that "there is danger of a general credit expansion and inflation" and that "the 'undue' absorption of funds by the stock market deprives commerce of its legitimate due and the latter has suffered or is suffering or will suffer...
...GERTRUDE RYDER BENNE~TT is a Brooklyn poet ADRI^n SCOLTEN lS a research student in mcdmine at the University of Wzsconsm...
...who grappled with poverty as a problem rather than a chronic social condition...
...but it is not lacking in the finer qualities of perception and poetic feeling...
...The readiest proof of this lles in his last chapter but one, entitled The Trip to the States, in which he gets no farther than New York and Boston but proves in delightful prose that he has caught the savor of each...
...It is the natural manifestation of the chronic attitude of a type which can be traced back to the antagonism "between the democratic pioneer communities and the tide-water 'nobility' [which] was evident along the entire coast...
...And in reading Mrs...
...Coming to the case of the Federal Reserve Board as stated by its representatives at the hearings, we are informed that it has done about all that it thought wise and legitimate to keep call loans, prices and speculation down...
...of I.C...
...The rules of this code, he remarks, "apply only to its [Wall Street's] own members and their violation is visited with severe punishment," whereas "Congress passes laws for others to observe which are flagrantly violated by the very men who have passed them...
...New York: Houghton Mifflin Company...
...New South Wing has just been completed with accommodations for twenty additional resident students...
...Every page bears evidence of the author's strong conviction and courage...
...Lawrence and Saguenay, Bermuda, Porto-Rico, Havana and West Indlas...
...and ashes indeed seem their thoughts and lives beside the splendid vitality of Mrs...
...In fact, too close attention to the economics might make one lose sight of the politics which for many readers will constitute the pith of the matter...
...Catalogue Addetus Dean, Brat C. Ceavent Statien, New Jereey THE URSULINE ACADEMY A College Pre4~ratory School [or Girls Resident and Day Pupils Chartered by the Regents o[ New York Grand Concotmm at 165th St., New York City ST...
...What more could the Board do...
...Yet it is a true and at times a very beautiful book...
...Every parent should have copies of these two books...
...That the South should have come into its own is not surprising...
...Goldring's) impressions of the Americans...
...Hence there ought to be another law to remedy the Board's deficient methods...
...BEAUTIFUL LOCATION Fogty Minutas from New York...
...But after all, these moments are to be forgiven for the beautiful truth of the major portion of the book, a book which "asks no hidden questions" but which tells a simple story in a language of rare orlglnality and poetic power, spoken by people who are of the earth and yet of the spirit...
...REv LEo R. WARD, C S C., of Notre Dame Umverslty, is an essayist and erltm...
...R. GOLDRING is an excellent traveler for he has keen eyes, amiability and a sense of humor...
...They go rushing on and take the European visitor with them as long as he can stand the pace...
...These books by Ella Frances Lynch, founder of the International League of Teacher-Mothers, and a leader in the field of training the child in the home have been accepted as the outstanding contributions to this most important phase of education...
...BOOKS AND COMMERCIAL PRINTING Saint of the Poor The Heroic Life of Saint Vincent de Paul, by Henri Lavedan...
...Worst of all, in the form of rediscount loans, this borrowed money comes in part even from the Federal Reserve Banks...
...One of them is reputed to be the leader of the Ku Klux Klan in his state...
...Homeplace is not a great novel...
...Against a background of conflict, civil and religious, of degraded poverty and irresponsible wealth, of brilliance and squalor, of selfishness and heroism but of heroism latent and inactive--the writer draws for us, in strong but simple outline, the figure of the Gascon peasant, the devoted priest and missioner, the pioneer of modern charity...
...Stabilization of Prices, written in I928, Professor Law- N rence takes issue with those who believe that some steps more positive than discussion and study should be taken in the matter of stabilizing prices...
...Unfortunately, more credit was advanced from the hinterland anxious to benefit from this higher interest rate and, of course, prices and volume of speculation in Wall Street went higher still... I OUS " " is no longer painful reading...
...Write for our FREE Style Book K thatIn shoes from PEDIFORME...
...To foot ills we're a stranger Regardless of the nature of your foot troubles, "PEDI.Never a bunion or corn FORME" shoes wdl did youAlways dressed in the latest style to regain normalcy...
...He it was who first systematically directed the hidden impulses of charity in thousands of hearts into practical channels of rescue and relief...
...JOHANNES MATTER2r 428 T H E C O M M O N W E A L August 28, I929 GOOD COUNSEL COLLEGE, White Plains, N. Y. d CATHOLIC COLLgGE FOR WOMs Reg/stered by the Un/yerdt7 of the State o] New York with power to confer degrees PEDAGOGICAL COURSE...
...220 GREENWICH STREET NEW YORK , CHURCH VESTMENTS, ALTAR LINEN Ecclesiastical Embroidery Conferences ~Ath re[erence to the adornment of churches Old Embroidery Transferred l~l EAST 47th STREET NEW YORK Vanderb~It 8761 when she speaks herself, she would speak as a woman filled with the spirit of the life of which she writes, yet not writing as if she too were one of her characters...
...These transactions of a crazy stock market are made not on a ready cash basis, but largely on money borrowed from all kinds of banks, from all parts of the country, depriving all sorts of commerce and industry, including agriculture, of needed credit...
...Approved by the University of the State of New Yock...
...In consequence the interest rate on call loans went up...
...It has sold "governments" in the open market and raised rates at the same time...
...They are the champions of the agrarian party...
...Today the battle-cry is prohibition, farm relief, anti-Romanism and inhibition of speculation...
...Tennis, hockey, riding and oth~ epogta...
...California (Water Ra~]), The Great Lakes, Motor Coach and Rail Tours to New England and C~aeh...
...To those considering THEIR VACATION PLANS w/ll be pleased to mr61 de~'~ipti~e literature and submit itineraries ~ requeAt to FARLEY TRAVEL AGENCY Phone.5--~ A.~ ~.Murray 8390 8391 Y. city Hill IRISH HAMS and BACON , Hungarian Salami German Frankfurters Westphalian Hams M. H. GREENEBAUM, INC...
...Recently the day's gambling reached the stupendous volume of $6,ooo,ooo,ooo...
...along the middle Atlantic, in the similar conflict between the farmers of the interior and the wealthy merchants and traders of the coast cities...
...tells how to overcome foot dis in the natural way...
...He holds that this assault upon Wall Street is not the result of an acute indignation caused by the sudden discovery of the shameful behavior of bankers, brokers and speculators...
...New York : The Viking Press...
...Of old, the devout suppliant raised his eyes to saints in glory...
...He starts out from somewhat the same premise in Wall Street and Washington... the saints walk the earth with us, clad as we are, speaking our language, seeing further, gripping harder, loving more perhaps, yet with eyes and hands and hearts llke our own...
...Today our best social thought and effort show surprising correspondence with those which characterize Sainl Vincent de Paul...
...When the Federal Reserve system was established, it was expected that the Central Banks would be able to control the activities of the money market...
...47 miles S. of Chicago, 2 blocks S.W...
...Scarcely a phase of charitable work escaped him: prison work, hospital work, the establishment of night refuges, of foundling hospitals, of associations of charity and of religious orders foi relieving and visiting the poor--these, in addition to the spiritual work of country missions of retreats for clergy and laity, and of personal direction, were but part of the vast edifice of charity which the single initiative of one man was able tc erect...
...For truly, to no man does organized social work owe more than to Saint Vincent de Paul... is too local in its feeling...
...Maer N i laml -OUR LADY OF MERCY ACADEMY Syosset, (Long Island) New York A Residential and Day School for C_~rls, Conducted by the Sisters of Mercy...
...It has raised and raised again rates of discount...
...that it is, for such a purpose, too purely Latin in the quality of its fundamental emotion and in its method of approach to the subject...
...Wall Street is hurting productive industries and agriculture...
...Especially p reading has religious biography freed itself from the taint of conscious edification, or if here and there it lingers on, it belongs to a bygone age when saints' haloes were warranted non-detachable from the cradle to the grave, and the twinkle of very human eyes was lost in the permanently uplifted gaze of the ecstatic...
...If the present age has contributed to spiritual truth --as what age has not !--the essential humanity of the saints is not the least of its lessons...
...Not until the coming of Jefferson and Jeffersonian democracy did it reach the ascendancy over the wealthy mercantile and cultured sea coast...
...Southland Homeflace, by Maristan Chapman...
...ELEAnOa DOWNZNO, a poet, is a member of the English department of Manhattanwlle College, New York City...
...Courses in Home Bconomict and Music...
...Half a century of sectionalism finally led to secession and Civil War...
...Campusof 400 acre...
...Accredited by the Assoeiatmn of Colleg~ and ~iecondary Schools of the Middle States and Maryland...
...For Professor Lawrence is of the opinion that the band of senators which now is "revealing the hideous turpitude of Wall Street" is "the identical group which has given us prohibition . . . prevented our participation in the League of Nations . . . [and] has discovered farm relief...
...As Professor Lawrence adds : "The mere enumeration of these men classifies them...
...And then--peace be to the ashes of the Intellegentsia...
...It belongs undoubtedly to the type of popular biography...
...Send [or Bulletin BETHANY HOUSE (Colducted ~or Womem b~ the Mar~yknoll Sssters) DELIGHTFULLY SITUATED AMONG THE WESTCHBSTBR H]~J...
...THE INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE OF TEACHER-MOTHERS Minerva, New York e0rget0mn reparat0r , bcbool ~arcett/partt, :~ar~lanb Coantr,/ School Conducted by the J~uit Fathet~ Regular Four-Year Classical High School Course Classes Limited Private Room, Only Situated in the villa section of Montgomery County, Maryland, Eleven Miles from the National Capital...
...who studied indefatigably its many phases, and brought to its solution an enlightened charity--a charity that dealt, indeed, with the individual, but with the individual as related to the group...
...But Professor Lawrence thinks that the Board was stung into action by fear of those men in the Senate and the things that were to emanate from that source...
...Only when Mrs...
...CONTRIBUTORS JoHn CARTER, the author of Man is War...
...The language in which it is written, so archaic that it almost seems as if we were back in pre-Elizabethan times, is yet racy, filled with poignant feeling, uplifted with an extraordinary freedom and audacity of metaphor...
...LEO KF*NNRDY IS an assocxate editor of the Canadlan Mercury...
...Chapman is not a southern peasant, and she would be more effective if, TEACHING THE CHILD AT HOME A letter from Most Reverend Nei...
...GRErZVXLLE VERNON, the author of The Image m the Path, is a crltte of mnsm and opera...
...The implication is patent...
...Conducted by the Si~ers of Mercy Liberal ~lets Course, Per-Medical, Music, ~let Teachers' Promotional Credit Classes Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarte~ Send tot .4nnounooment GLAD FEET We're a pair of happy feet Stepping out from morn to night Always had the best of care With a future just as bright...
...Considering the politics of the issue, we come to understand the author's scorn for the senators' zeal and his lack of appreciation of the Board's alleged want of candor...
...Goldrlng's interest in places does not overshadow his interest in people, and against the setting of hill or huddled village or out-of-the-way pension he sketches many a vivid figure with deft strokes...
...If the economics of the book makes fascinating reading, its politics has a persuasive appeal most difficult to resist...
...Progress . . . whither and to what...
...Whether we want to or not, we feel inclined to believe that the author's diagnosis of the case against Wall Street is essentially correct...
...Their utter lack of judicial temper and financial knowledge impeaches their competence to pass on matters concerning Wall Street...
...In the career of Saint Vincenl de Paul--in his life as a shepherd-boy of the Landes and a., a slave in Barbary, in his later contacts with the humble and the great--there is much that is picturesque, and the authoi does not neglect his opportunities...
...Chapman herself speaks do we sometimes feel that we might wish her writing a little different, do we regret that she is not content to allow the characters to live their lives and speak their thoughts in the language which is theirs without striving to put her own thoughts into similar language...
...One need not be adept in the cabalistic art of high finance to penetrate the mysteries of the controversy...
...322 Livingston St...
...After all Mrs...
...Bookless Lessons for the Teacher-Mother, $1.85 postpaid...
...stand, shout and fight...
...Another is afraid of Roman dominion, an apprehension which he voices loudly--and continuously...
...Lavedan's style--simple, vivid and dramatic is peculiarly suited to his purpose...
...EDWARD'S UNIVERSITY AUSTIN, TEXAS Ranked as a Senior College of the First Class by the Catholic Educational Association and the Association of Texas Colleges...
...The descriptions, though brief are impressive and animated by poetic feeling...
...This is the gist of the economics, stated in the idiom of the original: According to the prevailing argument voiced by the senators in question, and the members of the Committees on Banking and Currency of both Senate and House, Wall Street is indulging in a veritable orgy of speculation...
...Spaclou~ Groumds--Modern Structare--ExceUeat Table sad Sr~'* Chapel--Dsdy Masa R,tea: ]g4,00per d*~ ~d U~rd, Im:l~m$ Me~ St...
...Aon~ DE BLACAM is the authm- of Gaelic Literature Surveyed, from which book the present paper has been taken...
...If we only knew, if they only knew, their destination, we might have a glimpse of the future history of the world for the rest of the century...
...Goldrlng has to say about us, we turn to the beginning of the book, convinced that in accompanying the genial Englishman on his further pilgrimages we shall find some stimulation and much delight...
...He refuses to concede that the situation is so desperate, or that we are equipped with the knowledge to determine what remedial measures beyond discussion and study we should apply...
...This has proved a vain hope...
...Finally, the Board felt constrained to warn the Reserve and member Banks against the danger of speculative loans...
...Separate department for Boys from 6 to 12 years...
...Obviously they cannot proceed at such a rate without getting somewhere . . . or running off the rails...
...But he reminds those "gentlemen of high moral voltage and abysmal prejudice" that Wall Street "has enforced upon its members a code of ethics which it were well for the supreme legislative body of the land to emulate...
...ITH the appearance last year of The Happy Mountain, Mrs...
...Cabell out of the roster because his novels, with the exception of The Rivet in Grandfather's Neck, belong not to the South but to No Man's Land...
...J. DRSBRIRRR IRwin, a vice-president of the Aviators' Auxihary of the American Legion, as now a resident of Aruba, Dutch West Indtes...
...The book is a spirited defense of that "innocent community," lower Manhattan, and a merciless castigation of those interfering with its doings, to wit, certain members of "that chamber of absurdities," the Senate, and the Federal Reserve Board charged with doing their bidding...
...Goldrlng listens to a fellow-Englishman recount his (and probably Mr...
...That the book does not present a more subjective view of the saint can scarcely be deemed a fault--though one may regret its absence --for the author's purpose has clearly been the presentation, at once objective and informal, of the saint's life and work...
...its canvas is not big enough...
...He admits that speculative operation "has been surrounded by a fringe of fraud which has imparted to all speculation its own sinister countenance...
...Chapman's latest book, one realizes that only in a country like the South could such a work have been written... the South, in "the struggle between the small farmers and the wealthy patrician planter with his army of slaves and dominant position in the community...
...New York: Longmans Green and Company...
...And that human treatment, that spiritual realism translating divine into human terms, has guided M. Lavedan in his study of Saint Vincent...
...August 28, I929 THE COMMONWEAL 427 BOOKS The Wicked Street Wall Street and Washington...
...translated by Helen Younger Chase...
...One feels, however, that the work does not readily lend itself to translation...
...But where are they rushing to, my dear Douglas...
...It is poor in the things of this world, it is narrow and intolerant if you will...
...The~ translation, though occasionally a trifle too literal, is on the whole excellently done...
...It is at these times that the book becomes too near a tour de force...
...29 Washington Pl...
...Travel Here and Yonder People and Places, by Douglas Goldring...
...His friends, of course, introduce him to that unique American institution, the speakeasy, where over "$2.00 worth of whisky" they excitedly discuss Ezra Pound, Shakespeare, internationalism and the rest, or Mr...
...In the creation of the constitution the interior element had little influence...
...Ignorance may be anathema to the modern mind, but sometimes ignorance may keep a people's soul untarnished by far deadlier things...
...WALBURGA'S ACADEMIC SCHOOL 630 Riverside Drive, New York City Boarding and Day School for Girls, conducted by th* Religious of the Society of the Holy Chdd Jesus...
...No figure in the calendar of saints--save perhaps Saint Francis of Assisi---invites more human treatment than does Saint Vincent de Paul...
...In contrasl with the more striking qualities of the work is the reflectlw note, which is occasionally developed into a brief essay--as August 28, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 429 for instance, the passage relating to the white cornet of the Sister of Charity...
...As a biography, the present life will reach many who would turn aside from a more ponderous work...
...Accredited Boarding School for Girls...
...Chapman's mountaineers--how healthy is the spirit of the book...
...The conversations of the characters are a joy, and the characters themselves live their lives as vitally as the peasants of George Eliot or of Hardy...
...For these are the issues for which "the members of the upper house whose strictures on speculation have dragooned the Board into a series of repressive measures...
...and Conquest, is associated wtth the State Department m Washington...
...with the particular ill, but with the ill as a possible symptom of a social disorder...
...Beginning the Child's Education, limited edition in paper covers, half price, $1.10 postpaid...
...We pay unhurried visits to the Balearlc Islands, to the Riviera, to Brittany and to ~/[ontenegro, and are never disappointed...
...When our curiosity is satisfied as to what Mr...
...Write the Regmtrar for a catalog OUR LADY ACADEMY Manteno, ill...
...New York East Orange, N.J...
...McNeil, D.D., Archbishop of Toronto: "What I want at present is a book for pastors and their assistants so that they may instruct societies of mothers, and 'Bookless Lessons for the teacher-mother' meets this need...
...Against the drama of the age we see unroll itself the drama of the saint's personal ex perience...
...Resident and lqon.Reeident Studenta Cata/ogues on oplleatlon to the Secretary COLLEGE OF SAINT ELIZABETH MORRISTOWN, ~ JI]RSIqy A Catholic college for womea offering tout'see leading to BachElor de~em in ainU, science and music...
...In New England that manifestation was evidenced in the antagonism between the inhabitants of the interior and the aristocratic high hats of Boston...
...we will leave Mr...
...Bess herself might be a figure out of one of the lesser Elizabethans, so sane, so sweet, so free in her mind and her expression...
...For in]ormatlon or catalogue apply HEADMASTER GORHAM ECCLESIASTICAL PRODUCTIONS Rosaries Cand|estick~ Vases Crucifixes Ostenso,la Pyxis & O11 Stocks Medals Vestment~ Triptychs Altar Appointments m Church Decorations Mosaics--Tablets--Stained Glass Windows GORHAM Fifth Avenue at 47th Street, New York 43 ~ THE COMMONWEAL August 28, ~929 i ST...
...JOHANNES MATXE~tr IS a member of the faculty of Johns Hopkins Umvermty and author of several standard treatsses on phases of pohtlcal science...
...Though the "most truculent dissidents" were curbed by force of arms, the strife of interests remained in the form of the greenback movement, the silver-standard question and the advocacy of bimetalism...
...Conducted by the Congregation of Holy Cross...
...Please send me one hundred copies, and ten copies of 'Beginning the Child's Education...
...Again with one exception they are staunch supporters of prohibition...
...SUMMER VACATION TRIPS and CRUISES Europe, Nova Scotia, New Foundland, St...

Vol. 10 • August 1929 • No. 17

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