Week by Week

284 THE COMMONWEAL July 17, 1929 WEEK BY WEEK MANY circumstances attending the reconciliation between Church and state in Mexico are genuinely romantic. The return of priests to their...

...The economic and political destiny of Mexico is now linked closely with the policy of the United States, and both adroit action as well as a certain amount of luck are needed...
...We might be able to afford breakfast or a chocolate soda with the Count...
...We wonder if some of the eminent director's rhetoric is not designed to placate European elements which have resented the willingness of the Labor Office to make a survey of wage conditions for Mr...
...Instead he seized (we believe with no hesitation) a telegram blank and wired...
...PERHAPS the Fourth which has just been celebrated was safer and saner than many which preceded it, but the list of casualties recorded in the Making press on the following morning demenstrates that the ideal is far from attaina Noise ment...
...So, whether the sport fan prefers his athletes to be amateurs or inclines rather to the realism of the professionals, he has his reading cut out for him...
...CITHER curious, though scarcely novel, Independence Day celebrations were contributed by the orators...
...Steed has said so frequently) deeply religious in feeling...
...School sisters of the district, Wichita though anxious to secure additional teacher training, naturally faced with considerable misgiving the prospect of joining a wild young state-university crowd...
...This deals, it is true, with prediction in criminal reform, and declares that science is now able to tabulate those who, possessing as they do a given heredity and environmental complex, are likely to commit repeated felonies and larcenies...
...Dollard, acting in behalf of the university, was to surrender cheerfully the promise of another fee...
...Massis ^e are nappy to note tnat the recipient this year is Henri Massis, whose several contributions to The Commonweal have been widely appreciated...
...About the only big-time plan for putting these rules into effect is the Marquette idea of a board of governors entrusted with the financial development and control of the university...
...Here the leading part was taken by Father John J. Burke, general secretary of the N.C.W.C., whose trip to Mexico for a conference with General Calles was authorized by Rome and undertaken during the early months of last year...
...r ROM the American point of view, great interest attaches to the help which Ambassador Morrow secured from his Catholic fellow-men...
...Defense of the West has appeared in translation, and almost everybody interested in such matters knows that incisive book, dedicated to the state of mind of post-war France, which the author signed with the pen-name Agathon and which was one of the earliest symptoms of a Catholic renascence...
...The ban on the sale of fireworks, which some localities have legalized, has often proved to be a boomerang in its effect, since more jubilant souls have substituted pistols and homemade detonators for the giant cracker and Roman candle...
...The formulation of a Catholic educational and social literature permeated with the Catholic viewpoint, and not unmindful of the history of the fields and the contributions of non-Catholics everywhere...
...It seems impossible, however, to secure it from Catholic men of wealth unless the fundamental rules of giving are observed...
...In honoring him the Academie doubtless recognized his beneficent influence as a moralist, thus offsetting with its approval some of the popularity of Andre Gide...
...One may not always agree with him, particularly when there is question of what is vaguely termed "Latin civilization," but it is impossible not to relish his courage, his upright spirit and his logical power...
...Does the Count buy his own lunch...
...But it does do corporal and spiritual works of mercy, wherfore the critics bless it...
...During the final negotiations, Father Edmund A. Walsh, whose sojourn in Russia had prepared him for an equally crucial experience in Mexico, acted as special representative of the Holy See...
...Intellectually the Salvation Army has never amounted to much...
...This was, perhaps, the most important and difficult task ever undertaken by the N.CW.C, and Father Burke1 s skill cannot be too deeply appreciated or too warmly commended...
...r . roucauld...
...Jack Sharkey, our outstanding contender for the heavyweight championship of the world...
...Thus western Europe, as it kneels at the grave of a holy man, will know that his spirit summons some still farther into the wilderness...
...Of course the obvious step for Mr...
...The return of priests to their congregations and of bishops to their sees...
...How do you get that way...
...Would it not be an excellent idea for judges to prepare similar charts for divorcees and their partners...
...Awe, we say, not only because of the brightness of the picture, but because of the faith which he has in it...
...But, after all, it is a mean trick to put a conundrum like that up to Dr...
...Certainly traditional observance has lent a semblance of truth to this belief, but the traditional observance is as outmoded as warpaint...
...But a more immediate glamour attaches to hundreds of personal episodes...
...One may see in the recent funeral new evidence that the Labor movement in Great Britain is compounded of the country's best traditional fibre, and so is (as Mr...
...More seriously, who can help noting the dire moral and spiritual plight of so many who rank high in American achievement but pay the price for inward emptiness in terms of marital separation and scandal...
...F ERHAPS awe is the only emotion with which to regard the annual report of Mr...
...Later on he reported that the grape juice purchased was doing nicely, indeed, since "the pressure was so great that the head of the keg was bulged...
...Appropriately enough, the heart of the great solitary was left behind among the people whom he strove to win...
...At any rate, it is probable that his opinions will be so interpreted in Paris, where there has been so much advertising of the American plan to elevate Europeans—and particularly to elevate the French...
...What is your scale for tea and toast with Tolstoy...
...We join in the applause sincerely and jubilantly...
...Generally speaking, however, this is the season for tournaments and the rumors of tournaments...
...DEAN FITZPATRICK also frankly recognized the need for "talking points" in the quest for financial assistance to education, and proposed that the schools find the solution for a number of important problems...
...A college course in philosophy capable of influencing all learning and functioning in the daily world view of the student in college and after...
...The provision of a series of text-books for Catholic schools conformable to Catholic ideals, and at least as- good as the best, if not better than those used in the public schools...
...PHOTOGRAPHS of the funeral of General Bramwell Booth, as reproduced in our newspapers, have not failed to make a deep impression...
...More light is thrown on the matter, it seems, by a recent paper by Dr...
...bor this saint of the *l Uolea Sahara" the land of the Touaregs had verily been home, and to its inhabitants he was grateful even for martyrdom...
...Following the modish stressing of AngloAmerican brotherhood, amity and unity, Lord Reading at the Fourth of July dinner of the American Society in London bubbled over into the statement that the War of 1776 dated the creation of such estimable bonds between the two countries...
...There is hope in the mood of good-will with which the press and the public have received, generally speaking, the news of July 17, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL i«5 the reconciliation between Portes Gil and the hierarchy of his country...
...THAT grape juice can be made palatable and potent is a theory no one will deny but one which was recently proved in an individual application Wh th before the St...
...Archbishop Orozco y Jimenez, whose refusal to leave Mexico and whose ability to elude detection veiled him in a blanket of mystery, appeared again in public with a narrative of adventure fascinatingly dramatic...
...Ruth is the sole important exception to Reading this law...
...But how shall he be secured...
...Doubtless the Dean is right when he feels that an earnest campaign for a program of this character would bring results...
...Lucien Dubech has called him "le grand rectificateur," and few among the French younger generation have made a better or more lasting impression...
...Never before, in all likelihood, have ecclesiastical diplomatic missions of so delicate and vital a character been entrusted to American priests...
...Why not try it...
...Espinosa is not technically in this category, though Mr...
...A spectator can only say: In Reno veritas...
...Reid that they would like to tender the Count a luncheon following his talk...
...Clarence True Wilson...
...The University authorities, with an eye to the amenities, suggested to Mr...
...Jones's terrific defeat of Mr...
...Courses of study and faculty membership will be subject to the scrutiny of both...
...No doubt this most illustrious of modern missionaries will soon be beatified, so that the universal Church will pray to one whose tomb is in the desert...
...As SUMMER gets under way, the sporting news invariably takes on an international tinge...
...Albert Thomas, director of the International Labor The Office, who sees in the great masses of Helping the world a movement toward a higher Hand culture, intellectual emancipation and moral improvement...
...These are: "The best organization of our parochial 286 THE COMMONWEAL July 17, 1929 school system...
...The records are not pleasant to read, but they are an index to deeply rooted maladies of the soul...
...Fun for the kiddies" and "being a child again" are insufficient excuses for a practice that is decidedly getting out of bounds...
...NUMBERLESS platters of wisdom have been served to educational conventions during the past weeks, and we have been struck in particular with wicrUm (nt- much that was said under Catholic ausVV lbtlUIIl 1UI . - 1 1 11 »n 1 VA pices...
...President Hibben of Princeton University, chief speaker at the dinner, supported the idea by a nice bit of local color when he hailed as a "symbol of the destiny which has brought our two nations together" the fact that after the Revolutionary battle of Princeton the American and British dead were buried in the same grave...
...ANOTHER educational development of unusual interest has been announced by the Reverend Leon McNeill, superintendent of Catholic News from education for the diocese of Wichita, w< , . Kansas...
...But these will be avoided, erased, by establishing equitable and humane working conditions for all, thus eliminating for instance, the first cause of the superiority in which 288 THE COMMONWEAL July 17, 1929 some groups hold themselves, and the reason behind all reasons why they will not admit fraternity with others...
...1 HOUGH a few American families are still living in relative peace, the tendency to acquire divorces has not abated...
...Wichita's municipal university has entered a contract to establish a Sisters' College as a branch summer school, and to maintain it for as long a time as circumstances may require...
...Yes, verily, the noise making was not limited to the shooting off of firecrackers...
...The disbanding of the "Cristeros," as the forces of religious revolutionists were called, restored to their homes thousands of men who, during several years, conducted one of the most thrilling guerilla campaigns on record...
...Remedial nostrums in Souls in plenty are on the market, but the w...
...O MANY literary prizes are offered nowadays that none is markedly distinctive, but special interest is always attached to the Grand Prix •p tt • which the Academie Franchise awards for "the whole of an author's work...
...But the whole Mexican story has been extraordinary, and the end is not yet...
...The Wimbledon matches, what with the losses of the immortal Tilden and the wins of the immortal Wills, have been good for columns...
...Edwin J. Cooley...
...There one unfermented prodBrew Begins ucts company was defending its wares against the taunts of another, and used as part of its evidence letters from Arthur Robinson Gould, United States senator from droughty Maine...
...Max Schmeling, the white hope of Germany, will or will not be permitted by his ex-manager to fight Mr...
...Campaigns for safety and sanity have, in consequence, more or less nullified the work which embodied their good intentions...
...It is reported that Father Burke then initiated a conference of the Mexican hierarchy, at whose instance Archbishop Ruiz proceeded with the work of establishing a new modus vivendi...
...The reorganization of religious instruction in the elementary school, high school and college...
...He made a cursory bow to history by stipulating that "the War of 1812 was -just a painful little after-thought, a sort of accident which did not count...
...EnGeneral gland described the event by means of a Booth's comparison with the obsequies of WeiLast March lington, but that tells only half the story...
...Massis's best-known books are, perhaps, those Jugements which have analyzed the "relativity" of various modern thinkers and proposed a return to objective criteria...
...disease rambles on at a pace which has ~oc lately alarmed many who pin no faith to the sane old Catholic prescription...
...Ultimately, so we are informed, the diocese plans to establish its own, selfaccredited and full-time college...
...Patriotism, which many dust off and air on the anniversary of our independence, apparently is most effectively expressed by the sole expedient of making a noise...
...Finance is the necessary cement of institutionalized endeavor...
...He was further moved, despite his foreseeing the possibility of being severely criticized here to state that the United States was most generous in its war debt settlements...
...Dean Edward A. Fitzpatrick, of Marquette University, offered two suggestions which— though they may need refinement in detail—are certainly worthy of comment...
...but Mr...
...Ruth has no international for the connotations whatsoever, yet he unquesSports Fan tionably is news, whether he is occupied in breaking his own record, as he was last year, or in not breaking it, as—on account of an interesting illness—he is this year...
...Espinosa is a Spaniard...
...John Dollard, assistant to the President of The Expen- the University of Chicago, who we feel sive Lunch- has expressed fully, if somewhat idioeon Guest matically, the sentiments of many banqueting committees, in his telegram to Count Ilya Tolstoy's agent in New York...
...As usual the talk oscillated Educators between what can be done about the student, and what for (and about) the teacher...
...And the most columns of all are being devoted, and will be devoted, to the question of whether Mr...
...One cannot easily doubt that the United States has assumed greater responsibilities to the south than ever before...
...Also go jump in the lake...
...Diplomacy had adroitly opened a door which later events and other forms of pressure were to push still farther ajar...
...Reid wired in reply that the acceptance would be gladly made for an "extra $50.00...
...The university director is granted "such general supervision over the branch summer school as may be necessary to comply with the laws," but the "internal management" is to remain wholly "in the hands of the diocesan school office...
...Similarly, the challenge of the Hurlingham Club to the United States Polo Association for the 1930 games is already the theme of active conjecture and thrilled anticipation...
...The problem has been solved in a way which is, we believe, novel in the United States...
...Plans for teacher training adequate to the demands of fundamental Christian living in a democratic society...
...The Count it seems, was scheduled to lecture at the University while on his interesting and, no doubt, lucrative tour of America...
...the assembling of vast Settlement congregations at Mass, after a long period of deprivation: these things are unusual enough in themselves, and probably without a parallel in history...
...These admissions naturally did not amuse various custodians of Volsteadism...
...Aspects of the restoration of churches to their the Mexican rightful owners...
...Last but not least, our dear friend Bishop Diaz, whose sojourn in the United States was often so dark with foreboding, is now primate of Mexico and able to minister once again to his beloved people...
...But his compatriots and brethren in religion wanted, naturally July 17, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 287 enough, to bring what remained of his body to a place where it would be safer and easier to visit...
...God Almighty put those flowers and vines on earth and He intended them to be used...
...Though it may be open to criticism on a number of points, the plan manifestly deserves close study and plentiful attention...
...He placed his faith in prayer, and has not been disappointed...
...I am about as loyal to the prohibition element as some of these southern Democrats are to the Democratic party," he declared in the first epistle, adding that he considered a "license for light wines and beers" an imperative national requirement...
...We who talk so much of the "practical Englishman" often forget that he is the "mystical Englishman" also, sometimes muddled, frequently wrong, but changelessly "pious" as almost no other race on earth...
...and these, by the logic of modern communications and the modern wide diffusion of sporting activity, have become arenas in which nations exchange that courteous hostility, and interlock in that deadly effort masked in casualness, which make amateur sport so illogical and so fascinating...
...However, in Paris, the French Minister of Finance, M. Henri Cheron, who was guest of honor at the banquet of the American Chamber of Commerce, declared that since he came from "a district famed for its shrewd business men," he could understand the custom "in settling up an old account, for the creditor [the United States] to give a dinner for the debtor [France...
...Jones is such a gigantic figure in his field that the papers are even now working up a very authentic excitement over his proposed invasion of Great Britain next year...
...It would be far more direct to strike at the fundamental fallacy that makes July 5 reading so appalling—the fallacy that noise is synonymous with celebration...
...The application of the principle of the encyclical On the Condition of Labor to the actual circumstances of contemporary industrial life...
...Publication of these would be something like a matrimonial stock bulletin, giving fair warning of bad investments and impending alimonies...
...Even now the parochial school serves only a majority of Catholic young folk, and it is well worth wondering whether the others are receiving the attention they should get...
...The arrangement looks like a very fine way out of a difficulty, and merits watching...
...Accordingly Father de Foucauld now lies awaiting the resurrection in the little Christian cemetery at El Golea, which is only a day's journey beyond the fringes of Algiers...
...Its theology would render it forever laughable to the French, and its jubilant refusal to become sophisticated hampers its effectiveness in America...
...It is one thing to become a nation's greatest soldier in a martial era, and another to establish a "religious mission" for the poor...
...1 O THOSE who have a luncheon on their hands without a guest of honor, we recommend Mr...
...The teacher is now in demand especially for higher educational institutions, there being more than one hundred and fifty colleges with an average student enrolment of 500...
...He is just realist enough to admit that there are still innumerable prejudices separating the peoples of the world and retarding acceleration of the movement...
...The senator, however, appealed effectively to vox populi and theology: "The people in my section make wine from elderberry flowers and grapes...
...r EW caravans have wound across the desert bringing so precious a burden as that which recently traveled more than two thousand miles RnrJoi n* m quest of the body of Father de Burial at „ n ., „ , . J...
...Thus a divine is reported as declaring that "clinging firmly to one stride in the marriage march is an elementary sign that one has not gone the broad and easy way," and a psychologist has been heard averring that "divorce is a symptom of social neurosis...
...Louis, Missouri, federal _ R . court...
...Who knows but that eventually, as a result of his example, El Golea may be as definitely a place of pilgrimage for Arab Africa as Mecca itself...
...In return for the advantages gained, a nominal fee for each student enrolled is paid to the municipal university, which grants the usual honors, credits and privileges...
...Premature explosions, misdirected bullets and even dynamite figured largely as causative agencies...
...But he did not do so...

Vol. 10 • July 1929 • No. 11

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