In Kennedy they trust

Kovier, Peter

bility of bureaucracies, whether government or corporate-or were these standards themselves up for grabs in the search for Commonweal is currently operating on its summer...

...Wexler, Humanities Endowment Chairman Joe Duffey and Energy matters naturally received a good bit of attention, several additional "observers...
...In spite of the seemingly endless reports guidelines for judging the validity of other voluntary affirma- of its death, liberalism must still be considered one of the most tive action plans and even fuzzier ones for determining how far important forces in American politics, particularly Democratic federal courts could go in mandating such action...'s political balance...
...the percentage of citizens believWeber majority...
...Thus, the nature and context of affirmative action will conN JUNE 27, five Supreme Court Justices found that Kaiser tinue to be critical . factors in future litigation...
...Justice Brennan's majority opinion (a) relegated Bakke to an inconclusive footnote and (b) was premised solely upon his sophisti- AIN KENNEDY THEY TRUST cated reading of Title VII (Bakke, it should be remembered, LIBERALISM IN SEARCH OF A CANDIDATE arose under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act... boldness...
...Parallel the force of Justice Rehnquist's dissent (though not, one statistics can be found in areas as different as school integrahopes, by its mean-tempered tone), provided only fuzzy tion and sexual mores...
...nominee people would have the choice of voting "for one We are hugely encouraged by this initial responseRepublican against another...
...10016 Please enroll me also as a 1979 member of the Associates to enable Commonweal to continue its work...
...strongest and most effective position-that of solidarity...
...An even greater number have sent in single "cheap and sleazy...
...yet without them, it cannot muster the political resources to implement any program, no matter how effi- passed muster because it was (a) directed against "traditional cient on paper...
...The "regrets" won, by a vote of 11-10 and thereby (A former aide to Senator Hubert Humphrey and Consignaling some greater loyalty to Israel...
...For years the group has important Rauh's and the ADA's views on candidates once been perceived as top-heavy, strong on spokespersons, weak again one saw the narrowness of the daily press's interests...
...He added, "Carter's policy is and very grateful...
...The New York Times comment that "Bakke . . . turned on the Court's analysis of the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amend- DEBATE HAS started on the popularity of American merit" while Weber "did not involve the Constitution at all" is liberalism...
...Commonweal: 420 Hence the significance of the annual convention of Ameri- the gathering, "All I ask for in this world is a chance to vote cans for Democratic Action, held in Washington in late June...
...readers that in 1948 the ADA had made a similar judgment about Truman and had pushed for Eisenhower as Democratic O N FOREIGN POLICY the ADA seemed to like most of Carter's party nominee...
...Jerry Brown isn't anything," he de- from meeting the pressures of inflation...
...The critical difference between the two cases lay in national liberal attitudes... Spain's past...
...Regionalist sentiment has grown throughout much of the ADA National Director Leon Shull agreed: "We are seeing country...
...And only if Carter persuades the terminate when the proportion of blacks in skilled occupations public he has a clear, understandable set of political principles reached their proportion in the local population...
...Employers Aluminum's affirmative action plan "designed to elimi- should voluntarily and flexibly remedy past discrimination nate conspicuous racial imbalances in [the company's] rather than take solace in Rehnquist's warning (and Brennan's then almost exclusively white craft work forces" did not reluctance to contest it) that courts and other federal agencies violate Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act...
...Public confidence in big business leadership Justice, Stewart, silently switched his vote to provide the plummeted in the last decade...
...Although not a stirring orator, solution and the present effort promises to be extremely arduWynn expressed the beliefs of many of the delegates, that the ous and difficult, especially in arriving at an acceptable comAmerican right "is fundamentally unchanged... clear signals...
...The ADA convention," he added, "will be the har- self-rule scored unexpected gains significantly altering the binger of the dominant political coalitions of the 1980s...
...As much as any Whatever the potential problems, it is certain that ADA's other organization, ADA reflects the American liberal's am- stance has given the Kennedy candidacy more credibility...
...For ADA is the largest and probably the most influential group instance, there were some reports that there was to be a call for formally to endorse a Kennedy candidacy...
...COMMONWEAL ASSOCIATES, 232 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y...
...However the thinking of the American liberal...
...and (c) temporary, since the promotion plan was to industry will support it...
...own victims...
...and their decisions, even the convention domestic advisor Stuart Eizenstat, Action Ad- if publicly unreported, surely measured, as accurately as any ministrator Sam Brown, Special Assistant to the President Ann thing else, the current mood of American liberals...
...Regional autonomy in Spain From a strategic point of view, ADA seemed eager to get greater participation from organized labor...
...We are still far to offer much more... that government should limit corporate profits increased Justice Brennan's majority opinion, perhaps discomfited by from 25 percent in 1966 to 55 percent last year...
...confounded not only some predictions (see my article, "Death ISIDORE SILVER of Affirmative Action...
...The latter is behind his energy program, will the nation support it...
...If he does, private delayed...
...In one of the working group conferences, there was a dozens of incipient Kennedy campaign headquarters around vote on whether to say that the ADA found the absence of other the country...
...A report from the Boston publication the facts, first, that two pro-Bakke Justices, Stevens and Pow- Working Papers for a New Society argues that liberalism is on ell, did not participate in Weber and, second, a third pro-Bakke the ascent...
...Indeed, such important labor representatives as Keith Johnson, president of the International Union of Woodworkers, and William Winpisinger, president of the 0 NCE AGAIN the Spanish government and that country's Machinists Union, played large parts in the convention...
...debate-was on the rights of Palestinians...
...In the past ADA has once a campaign staffer for Eugene McCarthy, a co-founder of advocated breaking up the companies as a way to end their the Vietnam Moratorium, manager of the re-election cam- monopoly...
...But the daily media, even the liberal media, saw this as a But nationalization, as one delegate told me, "represents a ridiculous ADA mistake...
...convention to remedy discrimination...
...The problem has long eluded satisfactory Commercial Workers Union...
...can, Weber be reconciled with last year's Bakke decision...
...To many of the nation's political leaders, to the national press Of the approximately fifteen questions asked at the press and to the leadership of social activist groups, ADA reflects luncheon, all but one concerned political candidates...
...To a group of relatively friendly reporters, he Commonweal readers...
...Arab countries from the peace talks "regrettable" or "deplor- PETER KOVLER able...
...decontrol would unfairly burden the poorest of Americans...
...confronting the government of Prime Minister Adolfo Suarez...
...Their talent for myth-making and self-delusion is Perhaps-one of the most interesting debates-or lack of stunning...
...We are ready to give battle in our end to the blood letting is nowhere in sight...
...How tory at John Jay College of Criminal Justice...
...The next issue will be dated August 31, after which the normal the "best" technical solutions...
...The magazine clared...
...The country is a composite of diverse ethnic As delegate Tim Black, ADA board member and veteran cultures and languages and through much of its history conChicago activist, said, "If there was one surprise, it was the troversy has raged between those favoring a highly centralized Commonweal: 422...
...Although Brennan did not address the question of just how Affirmative action fara court could go in remedying "past proven violations" of Title VII (an issue of some significance as I pointed out in these pages last March), he may have been humbled by Rehnquist's blistering dissent which, at times, seemed to be directed to0B1~KKE TO WEBER TO...
...important because Brennan explicitly disclaimed any intention to "maintain" racial balance once it had been "achieved" by the Kaiser plan...
...has just been notified of an increase in the cost of the Rauh repeatedly drew an analogy between 1980 and 1968...
...I had never seen THANK YOU...
...ward this-next-issue rather than the one at hand...
...That ADA chose to push for nationalization, even in Although Eizenstat, Mixner and several others made cogent what one should note was a very poorly attended plenary arguments for their principals, the 500 delegates (ADA has session, must surely be seen as a crucial step in legitimizing a 55,000 members) were enamored with Ted Kennedy...
...From heretofore heretical idea...
...The bivalence towards political arrangements in that region...
...enclosed remind me of balance in 6 months...
...Tensions over the issue of auIt should be noted that largely because of a relatively strong tonomy have reached such disturbing proportions in the Baslabor involvement, the ADA rejected a call for wage controls que region that it is considered the most serious challenge in addition to price controls...
...If the ADA is angry enough to consider the idea Writing in the New York Times, Tom Wicker reminded then it is certainly no longer a `wild' notion...
...Over 100 readers have ansaid that Democratic National Party Chairman John White, a swered our appeal by enrolling as new Commonweal close Carter associate and top political appointment, was Associates...
...In the March 1st parliamentary elections and the the greatest liberal/labor unity and cooperation of the past municipal balloting of April 3rd, parties advocating regional decade...
...the following days the delegates debated some of the interestDoubtless, it was for this reason that the White House sent to ing and critical questions of the day...
...Similarly, Jerry Brown sent and the most striking position taken by ADA was to vote 72-54 one of his most effective liberal spokesmen, David Mixner, for nationalization of the oil companies...
...Bakke cannot readily be reconciled with Weber...
...In the end, though, what most provoked interest-as well as Debate over regional and cultural autonomy is deeply rooted derision-was the ADA's 500-0 vote to back Teddy Kennedy...
...Displeasure him would be on the stump, proclaiming that he had seduced surfaced in their vote for a full economic boycott of El Sal- and betrayed them...
...of those who overvalue prop- this writing suggest that some progress has been made but an erty And undervalue life...
...Very aware of the liberal versus labor split during the Vietnam war era, Rauh, ADA President Patsy Mink and others tried to emphasize that T8E BASQUE PROBLEM the time was ripe for the New Deal coalition to come back ETA'S PURSUIT OF POLARIZATION together...
...It is still the promise for the violence-torn Basque region...
...Plac- growth that is essential to survival_ ing his palms together and turning his eyes to the sky, he told We ask you not to delay...
...Joe Rauh, ADA founder, head of the organization for years BY THE TIME this issue reaches you, we will have and currently its vice-president, set the tone at the first day's received over $10,000 in contributions from press luncheon...
...younger ADA members, the older liberals clearly still partial to Israel, the younger ones displaying more sympathy for the Palestinians...
...Doubtless, that an independent Palestinian state...
...The decision may have only limited power to compel such action...
...Most interestingly, gressman Sydney Yates of Illinois, Peter Kovler reports reguthere was an almost complete division between older and larly from Washington for Commonweal...
...BUT HELP...
...What are Weber's guidelines for both voluntarily adopted affirmative action programs and future court orders attempting A.D.A...
...He said that if Carter is the Democratic donations...
...Brennan FUNNY THING ON THE WAY TO COURT stressed that Kaiser's "voluntary" compliance with the overall purpose of the Civil Rights Act should be encouraged...
...And in the Washington Post, David Broder policies, heartily approving the Panama Canal Treaties, wrote, "It is a safe bet that two years into a Kennedy presiSALT II, the Middle East peace and the maintenance of dency, many of the same liberals who are now trying to draft economic sanctions against Zimbabwe-Rhodesia...
...Enclosed is my contribution of $ Name Address 'WFLL, IF ADA SUPPORTS KENNEDY AND KENNEDY WAS PROMISED TO SUPPORT ME City, State, Zip I'LL WAVE STRONG BACKING FROM THE LEFT' 3 August 1979: 421 James Schlesinger's resignation and made it known that oil complete agreement that Carter should not be the President...
...Developments at instrument of the people-haters...
...Patron: $200 or more $ • Charter Member $100 0 Sustaining Member: $50 • Full amount © Half the full amount enclosed...
...And we desperately For him Caror was this year's L.B.J., and Kennedy, he need the funds which, through promotion, can mean the hoped, would be something approximating a McCarthy...
...But they are their own seducers-and their vador, Nicaragua and Honduras...
...labeling and mailing operation...
...urge our other readers, however, the same as Hayakawa's...
...The administration has given biweekly schedule will resume...
...bility of bureaucracies, whether government or corporate-or were these standards themselves up for grabs in the search for Commonweal is currently operating on its summer schedule... many well-educated liberals fervently believe in an American mahatma...
...But because the matter was message has been heard at the White House, in Sacramento, in considered to be too controversial, it was not brought up for a the office of the senior Senator from Massachusetts and at the vote...
...Columnist Garry Wills recently wrote that both misleading and irrelevant, for four of the pro-Bakke the reasons behind Teddy Kennedy's success in the Justices did not mention the Fourteenth Amendment in that polls may not be charism but, instead, a genuine rise in case at all...
...In on constituents, but its views still carry considerable weight...
...As expected the delegates voted for the first moments of the press luncheon preceeding the convention to adjournment on the final day, the delegates spoke, thought and dreamed a Kennedy candidacy...
...One of political parties are engaged in the Herculean task of the keynote speakers was William Wynn, president of the establishing a workable formula for the institution of largest AFL-CIO union, the newly formed United Food and regional autonomy...
...b) proreturning from Camp David, "I told him that he has got to tective of white interests (contrary to the Boston Globe's persuade the public that he has a clear, understandable plan comment that Weber was "shut out," his promotion was only and the staff to follow through on it...
...Kaiser's plan party politics...
...But this year the organization took the "radical" paign of Tom Bradley and currently an anti-nuclear activist...
...For Rauh, Jerry Brown didn't seem to join with these generous supporters...
...Commonweal, March 30, 1979) but (Isidore Silver is Professor of Constitutional Law and Hisalso engendered some confusion in early news accounts...
...Said corporate leader David J. Mahoney on patterns of racial segregation" in crafts occupations...

Vol. 106 • August 1979 • No. 14

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