CORRESPONDENCE Empirlea! F a c t s Chicago, Ill. To the Editors: I'm grateful to Sister Marie Augusta Neal for her gracious review of The American Catholic: A Social Portrait [Aug. 19], but...

...Confronting the major issues of the day from a moral perspective At last--a bbok that explaifis modern economics in layman's terms and suggests action to be taken...
...COMMONWEAl., 232 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y...
...Let America hear more about these facts...
...Place: St...
...Cloth $10.gS...
...The history of man there has a practical, sensible quality...
...Congress is understandably sensitive on this issue...
...Novak is not the point I wish to make...
...It is there in the cosmology of the Indian making peace with the great beasts with whom he shared the land...
...soft cover $5.95 THE GREAT ECONOMIC DEBATE An Ethical Analysis by ]. PHILIP WOGAMAN Avuilnbh: (tl v o l t r bookstore...
...9 Theology of the Religious Life --Rev...
...The responses almost unanimously convey arrogant contempt for Mr...
...The English Primate, Cardinal Hume, and the Church of England have condemned British military policY in N.E...
...Luke's Lutheran Church E l e c t i o n Echoes Yonkers, N.Y...
...As to the tough "law & order policy" against the I.R.A., this is like a chapter out of "Animal Farm," for the same was written of DeValera, Collins, and Pearse in their time...
...RICHARD MILES Pastor, St...
...Trh 4:35 P.M...
...M'W 4:35 P.M...
...Cosgrave's coalition collaborated to the extent of saying that partitioned Ulster was part of England...
...The Youngstown steel workers have been ruled eligible for special federal assistance on the ground that import competition was an important factor in the elimination of their jobs...
...Second c/ass postage paid at New York, N.Y...
...MW 6:00 P.M...
...I am not a Roman Catholic, but I am a fellow Christian...
...Carter's resolve to take such action is likely to be strengthened by the recent Treasury Department ruling that five key Japanese steel importers have been "dumping" steel on the U.S...
...10016 Telepboae: (212) MU 3-2042 A review of Public Affairs, Literature and the Arts...
...Novak admits he is not fully persuaded on the issue one way or the other...
...The wheat lands of eastern Washington state differ from the wheat lands of the Midwest, even of Montana, for wheat grown on lava soil seems to have a different color...
...Steel is eliminating from 2500 to 4500 salaried jobs...
...At Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, the steel corporation of the same name is eliminating the jobs of 2500 white-collar workers at one stroke...
...Gerald McCulloh, Ph.D...
...The result: 5000 vanished jobs and a loss of a $100 million annual payroll for the Ohio community, aside from the disappearance of other jobs in related industries...
...He further states that there was a "fascist-like trend...
...Viewpoint Historical viewlmint, worth reading, Roe vs...
...C l a s s i f i e d RATES: 70c a word, one time...
...This may be unchristian of them, but it is the empirical fact...
...9 The Person of Jesus in the New Testament Rev...
...ANDREW M. GREELEY Director, Center for the Study of American Pluralism National Opinion Research Center Speaking Softly Winamac, Ind...
...Novak's concern about the "power struggle" in the Church...
...He states that they gave us a glimpse of J.F.K.'s "what you could do for your country...
...Additional courses are available through th Loyola Institute of Pastotal Studies...
...Housing starts for August were up 32 percent over the same month last year, an encouraging sign...
...Lynch, however, is not a great leader...
...For he finds the teaching of Jesus on nonviolence as valid as ever when it concerns violence against persons...
...2 and Sept...
...would never sell out any part of his partitioned country anymore than Lincoln did...
...monthly in advance for mere than three times...
...The saying, "the more things change, the more they remain the same," is very true in Ireland...
...I certainly don't want to enter into that controversy but I do wish to comment on the responses by most Roman Catholics to Mr...
...But the Northwest terminus of that journey remains largely unchronicled...
...Add to this the ever widening American trade deficit which it is now estimated will run to $30 billion this year, or more than four times the record of $6.4 billion set in 1972---a development that Treasury Secretary W. Michael Blumenthal admits is "worrisome...
...Richard Smith, S.J., S.T.D...
...It is there in the invitation of the Indians to the white man's missionary to share the God who gave the white men a seemingly superior knowledge...
...Juan Lozano, C.M.F., S.T.D...
...Jesus and Freedom does not offer a finished model for renewal of society and church in India but a vision and methodology which will benefit the reflections of other Christians involved in social iustice...
...9 Western and Eastern Mysticism: English Language Mystics--Rev...
...John Kilgallen, S.J., S.S.D...
...However, unless the Church is willing to fund research on the subject of the Spanishspeaking, it will not be able to rely on the "piggyback" work of secular institutions like NORC to provide it with data on that segment of the population...
...It is there in people aware that their origins may be varied and elsewhere but that they share the now with other newcomers...
...Classified payable with order...
...An equal opportunity educator and employer _9 Loyola University of Chicago admits students without regard to their race, color, sex or national or ethnic origin * Qualified persons are not subject to discrimination on the basis of handicap...
...1924, to date ava//ab/e through Uolvorsify Micrattlms...
...This makes the problem of probability sampling of the Spanish-speaking population especially acute...
...The point is that I can not recall one p r i n t e d letter written by Roman Catholics, religious and lay, which did not take the posture of an ideological struggle rather than an attempt "to win the brother over...
...Noyak and his ideas...
...MW ?:25 P.M...
...000 O e e e e e e e e e e e e e e NOMIC WOES Not all the economic news is bad...
...t o s u b s c r i b e t o COMMONWEAL...
...program o r in an unclassified status...
...To the Editors: Desmond Fisher's "Upset at the Polls" has a contradiction regarding the defeated coalition parties [Aug...
...TTh 6:00 P.M...
...he rnigtlt yet become such if he courts Wbrld opinion for a reunited Ireland...
...I simply do not think our data are good enough on the subject of Hispanic Catholics to justify serious estimates...
...Aboard the Princess Marguerite it seemed to me that problems can be solved, people can start afresh, and that humanity might make it after all...
...Copyr/ghf O 1977 Cnmmonwecd Publisldng Co., Inc..--US and Canada: $17 a year...
...S/~B/e copy 7Sr Saeclaf two-year rare $29.50...
...Sensitive and constructive proposals for easi n g t h e t e n s i o n s between East and West, rich nation and poor nation, pacifists and non-pacifists, environmentalists and nonenvironmentalists...
...It is there in the story of the first Spanish discoverer who yielded the territory peacefully to an English explorer, having decided that it was too far from home ~o defend...
...I wonder if this response more t h a n anything else speaks to the truth of Mr...
...FOREIGN POLICY AND CHRISTIAN ETHICS by JOHN C. BENNETT arid HARVEY SEIFERT Written by a distinguished historian who is himself a Southern Baptist, this book provides a careful and penetrating examination of limmy Carter's faith and the tradition which shaped it-and how it will affect his presidency...
...That that ended badly was not the result of the Indian decision...
...7 at 6:30 P.M...
...It is structural change to offer liberation from a destructive social system that Kappen seeks...
...The decline from 72 percent to 52 percent happened entirely during the ensuing ten years...
...Forel(m $33.S0...
...Courses may be taken in an M.A...
...19107 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CORRESPOHDENCE (Continued from page 677) Another case in point would be the French Catholics, who are also a notably "skewed" subpopulation compared to the other Catholic ethnic groups-Polish, Irish, Italian and German...
...G77 EDITORIAL: 677 WASHINGTON REPORT: I s r a e l Back and F o r t h : Frank G~tlein GTi ABOARD THE PRINCESS MARGUERITE: Abigail McCarthy G80 TIlE DEVIOUS EMPLOYEES: John T. Noonan, Jr...
...But steel is in trouble...
...For a p p l i c a t i o n o r information, contact: Sr...
...Mary Peter McGinty, C.S.J., 6525 North Sheridan Road, Chicago, llllnois 60626----312-2743000...
...I don't know, but I don't think so...
...The "skewed" distribution of the Spanishspeaking Catholic population is heavily concentrated in a few areas and virtually nonexistent in most other areas...
...Continued on page 702) DOROTllY DAY BHITllDAY MASS To commemorate her 80th birthday, friends of Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker have arranged the celebration of a Mass on Monday, Nov...
...In fact, the weight of the empirical evidence is that the majority of American Catholics reject the righ~ of the Church to teach them both on sexual and social morality...
...In 1964--the time of the first NORC study--72 percent of the American Catholics went to church every week...
...Soft ~:over $7.95 U.S...
...MioroBIms from Vol...
...and I can not but be dismayed by the apparent disregard for the person of a brother in Christ...
...Twelve words minimum...
...687 A POLITIES OF TIlE NURSERY: Saul Maiol~ G88 WALLACE STEVENS, UNIILOOMED: Edward Pro~tt 691 BOOKS: John L. McKenzie, Celia Betsky, Samuel Hazo, Robert Boyle, Martin Turnell, Elizabeth Carroll GO2 ILLUSTRATIONS: Front cover: The Library, Trinity College Dublin, courtesy o] Bord Faiite Eireonn, Dublin JAMES O'GARA: Editor JOHN DEEDY: Maeag/ng Editor RAYMOND A. SCHROTH: Associate Editor ANNE M. ROEERTSON, Editorial Assistant COLIN L. WESTERBECK, JR.: Movies JOHN FANDEL: Poetry FRANK GETLIEIN: Washington BRIAN WICKER...
...Foreign S19...
...I (J...
...Catholic sociologists like Sister Marie Augusta, who dismiss our findings about the impact of Humanae Vitae on a priori grounds, ought, according to the canons of empirical social science, to detect 28 October 1977:702 frauds in our mathematical model instead of engaging in totally undocumented assertions about the impact of Pacem in Terris in the Third World and the Detroit Call to Action meeting...
...with the ordination of women [Sept...
...For box numbers add 60c per insertion...
...Writers from Ross McDonald to Joan Didion have documented what they see as the meaningless and empty life of California, the sad conclusion of the American experience, the journey west...
...So far the current figure of layoffs in the troubled steel industry is 18,000...
...I assume Sister Marie Augusta is willing to concede to NORC the right to decide that in some cases it is not willing to trust its own data...
...It is there in the border established without armed struggle...
...h , | simply complete t h i s coupon o r | , s e n d a f a c s i m i l e t o | I I m COMMONWEAL t I ! 232 Madison A v e . , I I | New York, N. Y. 10016 I | | | I | [ [ ] One year, $17 | l [ [ ] Two years, $29.50 | ~ [ ] Five months, 11-issue trial, $4 | | [ ] Payment enclosed [ ] Bill me _9 l l i l l l [ Name | i I l I I Address I I I I I City, State, Zip 10-28-77 I I Commonweal: 703...
...The latter is the TRUTH...
...Brendan McGtath, O.S.B., S.T.D...
...Similar relief has already been granted to the color television and shoe industries, and Mr...
...Yet the disciple of Jesus who is committed to such a restructuring must b e prepared, in Kappen's view, to face death...
...In line with this it was also announced that President Carter is considering negotiating temporary steel import quotas with the European Common Market and Japan in an effort to curb unemployment in the industry and to head off more radical protective action by Congress...
...For the community "the adequate response can be nothing less than the restructuring of the entire social and cultural system...
...r ilirecl i"r~m] the imhlisher...
...Representative John H. Buchanan, Republican of Alabama, spoke for a good number of his colleagues when he complained Commonweal: 677 of t h e continuing eruption of God into history implies that persons on the one hand "expect everything from God and rest all their hopes in him" and on the other, will to respond by "a qualitative change in one's system of values and mode of life...
...the shape of the 1920s bungalow predominates...
...IOc, twelve times...
...Obviously, Spanish-speaking Catholics should be studied, and they should he studied in much greater detail than the Bureau of the Census studies...
...Ulster as the root cause of the violence...
...Even the Indian legends do not appeal to great antiquity...
...Box 12i, Jenkintown, Pc...
...Prinfed in the USA and pnb/18bed bi-week/y by Commonwea/ Publishing Co...
...Of course, they of the Northwest share our history of exploitation, rapine, violence and despoil, too---but that civilized quality is real...
...63c, six times...
...Covers Marxism, loissez.faire capitalism, social market capitalism, democratic socialism, and economic conservationism...
...19], but would like to express some points of disagreement: First of all, the reason for omitting Spanish-speaking Catholics from the analysis was essentially technical...
...KENNETH TIERNEY Irish American Unified Society, Inc...
...300 N. Zeeb Read, Ann Arbor, Mich...
...To the Editors: I have been reading closely the article and letters dealing LOYOLA UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF THEOLOGY Spring Session January 17-May 9, 1978, Earl A. We|s, S J . , Chairman _9 Contemporary Theology: New Systematic Theology--A Historieist Perspective---Dr...
...ELIZABETH CARROLL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Abigail MeCarthy (eon't) who would say that...
...market, i.e., selling it below cost...
...IAc, three times...
...The shining peaks of the Cascades were only lately active volcanoes...
...As antiquated as his ideas may be (and I doubt that they are), at least he deserves far better from those who are united with him in love and service to our Lord Jesus Christ and one another...
...Commonweal is Indexed /n Reader's Guide to Poriodlcal Literature, Catholic Poriodicai Index, and Book Review Digest...
...This is all the more remarkable in light of the fact that Mr...
...Fianna Fail had on its election promises that the six occupied counties remained part of Ireland under the Irish Constitution and called for evacuation of the area by Britain: Mr...
...it was only 14,000 years ago that the glaciers retreated--the land does not bear the age-old mark of man...
...I will bet Sister Marie Augusta a Texas Instrument 700 data terminal that 90 percent of the American Catholic population never heard of Pacem in Terris or the Call to Action...
...All are welcome...
...Wade, The Legal Principles of the Founding Fathers and end the Supreme Court by Edward J. Melvin, C.M.--$1 to Fro Life Coalition of Pennsylvania, P.O...
...The Campbell plant of the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company, which has been in operation since the end of the last century, will soon close down almost entirely...
...Joseph's Church, 359 Sixth Ave...
...It is literally a new land still...
...Washington Place, New York City...
...Secondly, among the inaccuracies in Marie Augusta Neal's review of The American Catholic is her assertion that Catholic church attendance began to decline in 1957...
...The farmsteads, too, have the look of this century...
...Naflo~rd Sor/a/s Data Program No.: ISSN 0010-3330...
...681 TIlE lSRERWOOD GENEIIATION: Bernard McCabe G83 AN AGENDA FOR WASHINGTON: Peter Stein/els 68G THE SCREEN: Colin L. We,Cterbeck, Jr...
...Whether one agrees or disagrees with Mr...
...9 Theology of the Prophets in Ancient Israel--Ray...

Vol. 104 • October 1977 • No. 22

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