The Bootblack Stand

The Bootblack Stand Dr. George Washington Plunket, our prize-winning political analyst, has just completed a penetrating study of the last Congolese election. Published in August, it focuses on...

...Philip L. Geyelin Editor, The Washington Post Dear Mr...
...There are some questions that are best left unasked...
...But in the very few productions I~'e subsequent ly seen in which the players (not their genitals, however) bobbed around midst the audience, I found myself more interested, more involved, less put-off...
...They have made him out to be a great yearner for peace...
...When journalists report their findings that, say, a Senator eats his beans from a can or sleeps in his suit, it is an annoyance for the esteemed representative of the people...
...Address all correspondence to The Bootbhck Stand, The Establishment, R.R...
...When discussing the afore-mentioned Dionysus in 69, for instance, Mr...
...We must be honest "about our motivations...
...Thus, this doctrine about the people's right to know is butter for every, journalist's bread and should ipso facto he consldered ethical and indeed sacred...
...Nixon's trip, there are no blacks among the government and party leadership...
...GWP II of the Performing Garage tells us about this is his essay, "Post Proscenium...
...Regards, Pete Hamril Dept...
...Nixon to attract attention to himself and away from the horrors of'modern Amerika...
...What kind of government will you have if the Halls of Congress are inhabited by mediocrities...
...Think of the propaganda coup...
...In fact from what I have been able to discern from the television coverage of Mr...
...This whole China thing is an elaborate hoax by Mr...
...Everyone disports about doing his own delightful thing: Life is elegant and exhilarating...
...Under such conditions public service loses all of its allure, and promising politicians depart for more profitable fields like journalism, for instance...
...GWP Dear Mr..., of course, the newspapers can make a great deal of money by snooping around and turning up juicy talesabout public figures...
...Walter Kerr of the New York Times leads off with a snappy overview of trends, his writing, as usual, more than competent...
...A kind of attenuated bell bottom seems to be allowed, but there is no grass...
...Richard Schechner of the Chinese People's Republic...
...Plunkitt: On February 8 Senator Proxmire was seen in Washington, D.C...
...Schechner's piece is leaden, but the trends he describes are intriguing...
...The essential question is "Can I or can I not make a buck from it...
...We all know of theatre-in-the-round and in-the-square, but theatre in and around the audience is less familiar to most Americans...
...Dear Mr...
...As with so many other things it boris down to a question of ethics...
...11, Box 360, Bloomington, Indiana 47401, Continental U.S.A...
...George Washington PlunkRt, our prize-winning political analyst, has just completed a penetrating study of the last Congolese election...
...wearing a pair of dark sun glasses, apparently to hide from the view of the people a couple of black eyes around his eyes...
...You have been had...
...But when a journalist is inveterately exposing, say, pay-offs between senators and HEW bureaucrats, this is a more serious matter...
...This is something the good government crowd never seems to understand...
...Surely you should have known that the real China is one of the glories of the globe...
...Nixon's latest scheme...
...Plunkitt has agreed to advise American statesmen in this time of troubles...
...Poking around in other people's, affairs has been one of the great triumphs of journalism and making the commonplace or the trivial juicy is what distinguishes the mediocre journalist from the virtuoso...
...They have given him wave after wave of headlines...
...When several courageous and, I might add, dedicated representatives of the media asked him about these mysterious black eyes he had the temerity and, I might add, guile to say "no comment !" Is this not a violation of the people's right to know...
...I admit again to a somewhat fusty attitude at the start toward theatre in which the players literally lunge at me...
...In fact, they all look alike to me...
...So that's what it was...
...What is Red China anyway, a Rockefeller fiefdora...
...It is titled Escape...
...And who took the eng~es off all their cycles...
...Those drab scenes you are seeing on television are downtown Kansas City...
...In "Again from the Razed Grom~, an Experience of .the Theatre, 1920-70," Harold Clurman, one of the long-time giants of the American theatre (actor, then dramatist, now critic), offers a The Alternative April 1972 19...
...Kerr talks of the '~rheatre of ~herapy'," which he says is "with us everywhere, in the dithyrambic abandon of a suddenly topless (sic...
...The American Theatre 1969-1970 is the third in a series of annual publications, a good book by which to learn what's up in the theatre at present...
...Kerr must be myopic) bacchant~ inviting members of the audience to shed inhibitions and join the players on stage...
...The people in the streets all look just like participants at 4-H Club Conventions...
...I greatly enjoyed the very nude, very naughty Dirtiest Show in Town, not, certainly, because of its story," which was minimal, in fact barely existent... can be purchased in all bookstores...
...Geyelin: This whole matter of the people's right to know is an enormously complicated issue...
...experiencing jostling genitals in my face, at a play, is a bit disquieting...
...Published in August, it focuses on the unique position of minority groups in the Congolese electoral process...
...Hell man, downtown Peking looked just like I imagine downtown Kansas City must appear...
...Now, through this column, the distinguished Dr...
...Tolerance and diversity abound and there are flowers, always flowers...
...The tendency to implicate others in one's less noble activities is always a danger, but am I simply rationalizing by thinking that it's precisely the kicks of voyeurism, legally sanctionf<l, as it were, that account for the success of things like Dirtiest Show...
...Long hair is suppressed...
...What is more he is undertaking a dangerous hair transplant...
...On the other hand, for the politician the doctrine can prove annoying and when taken to its extreme it can even debilitate a nation's polity...
...And all the while he has been mending political fences with America's agricultural barons...
...of Philosophy The New York Post Dear Mr...
...In itself this might seem a matter of little moment but its significance is really quite grave, for now the Bolsheviks know that our senators, heretofore judged as the most comely solons on the globe, are artificially preserved...
...Hamfll: How astonished I am to see that even a serious journalist like yourself has fallen for Mr...
...You can perhaps imagine my surprise when I observed that the Chinese delegation greeting Mr...
...He simply packed all those eastern journalists onto The Spirit oJ 76 and flew them to Kansas City...
...Plunkitt: For years now I have been increasingly aware of the enlightened qualities |1 IIIIIII wa " y, which includes off-off B and offoff-off B, is up - - down and up, that is, in the eyes of this book's contributors...
...Nixon's landing in Peking was decidedly unyoung, unblack, and ungay...
...It is this kind of publicity that has given graft a bad name, and driven competent men from public life...
...I hope the latter accounts at least for my disenchantment with the present theatre, but frankly I ' m not sure...
...A New Demand Response System...
...Now that reporters have been buzzing around poor Senator Proxmire, the word is out that those black eyes are the aftermath of a face lifting...
...Clearly Broadway is down...

Vol. 5 • April 1972 • No. 7

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