Like Flying


Like Flying BY ANN SCARLETT DALEY aniel Sprtek can paint so cleat the tlucads ill a rue nc Coliiit.. able. the blenush on a tlnn-rr visible, the retlection of the painter. LlpsidC dos n and...

...s 1FRICA~1'1.[:7.1C[llt  ll:n 'il[i] Hi ~)~Illltiiit a a., t1/)Or rt his t]1Oi f ~T]its...
...Ol hIl a ;L'J :C...
...tin C\.Icd, of this carlh...
...nd,01 I I , IC cI a I cu ca iI I LL }1n ]la,l LLLI_c i-I 7 0 'A 11U: hL: : (0 cLS ' k )[Li 3 )L U ail i) :rte I' I L' E'L';: I ' I ,j L I :J I a ;kcd I I i I 11 :ii 1, o a F'),' in n. I .1...
...1]11: hc'i ltlC'11f .1 h,u'L tit'( *lc'innd 5r-irtn •. Colo ldo- n llrrc• hr 17.1• 11L CU  itl...
...Spriek replied...
...Throu-h his work f i- the past 14 vc;irs...
...1 i r L 7 1 7 1 :1:.i,-:I, I I 01c: I I' I "It I :11 1 ) I- : I t C,I ~7 1 t C I CtI I I I 1A IT '-K f I a:-t...
...II oii ;,[1,;1d...
...IN a IMAi WMW.MLI 14LIdio ill GIc] 1„ood 5ht'1tI •. It i• rellill", that hi, odwr illlcrc,c in lit c is fly i ng- At firNi it ,CC nl< .1 diqlararc 1~ dic 'IccidClica1 COUIC 1111011 Ill 111L'J...
...In spate of lies adtinration .and respect tilt' the coasters of realist p:iitlttny, such as the I 1 til century genre l )utch painter ion Verniret-_ S111-iek is Icier te:rpted to dLapheate the feeling of )::other era and location- He is Ifa• left: Al: Tha'We See o' Sewn, 1997...
...d~•l=: 11'll'L'r ]]1c']]1.1110 111:,1...
...d 17,, },a]]r]tl~• .1rL• 'ct'V t'.:LuC17 .lhcnlt hl, t:]c,11_h[•-[17.11 !1 t17C 1111-I' "]1C :11 .3 1c•C!:1i]]',l Y.111 l. 1'111 C::: 0[ 01 ,1 c...
...LlpsidC dos n and 1-e'el's-;eel, (ill the ill]t'ro3' sLl]'t:lee of ;t lass is oh L',ablL-ill otlie]- words_ Iris tci hrlieal alzil it\ raiaks with the best cat Anlet-icaii paintc't-s „cn-kita, today-Spriek is best known far still life pa intuius ~illd 11)(e]- ()I- scene . ;llthou h his r'ar'er landscapes and rite seaprs ,ire first-rate- His work is in the Collections of the Snlttlisol]ia]] Mitsc uin of Anaericall Art, the l)cin•eiArt Museum, the \int]i CirCC1iL Coul-t of Appeals, and U.S...
...the bolt of yellow satin ---;old to reeognize them all as personal effects ir1 the Spt-ick household...
...West C;onununie itionsJ alo(n)g ]llall ~ others-1C hen asked what his work is about...
...CAL L: I i1'1 LL d I I L' 0r,] Olll,iT' 7 1's[ I0 A-c [01a ti( III:: 11:1'i !I' 111,;(OT Al'.l'lc 10 )I ,-:3n t 'A 1 .I:, eT 1 ,i I' I] .\1 n rid :ills, )ac i f7'.1: [):it pnI rv~ o~i' )~: 1 ,% ;I n I )(I I, ( )1:c (): " 1';1:'i Milltc: j'i"' IT- lUl "clt )t brisk ~': ,:,-:r l.j...
...a )(:J_ : I I ; , f) . -1:,1:• k' k _K i is a, -kol Nest Iii I...
...ilelt,' I-,sc Rcses, 20.70 fill...
...t1, 111017 .11 Pc ,i.wt'?!!oi...
...1l OLl:-01-r[,i t11 t1...]ltitlL :.1kc'1 c...
...ILUk.Fl TO U:1 0:,l aT 11-C c:TA Ial -a 1) L': .d %L)[iT...
...f l!i ]tc,rc']llc']li]S+lli'cj 1C 1!i 1 :L':'.l }`l.lt1C 1]t1 ]]7 ,1 d]i...
...workspaee:'studio- Contemporary because Sprit k is a person connected and concerned with the here :acid nosy...
...I have come to know the schefllera plant ill leis studio, the Arab eotIbepot with the heavy lid...
...21 " \ '11 .. A  IIirc, II : f:-Coo- ',I!-,-C C lot]] .0 L'[1 .1 1aLl,irc' tahfr..1 ~ 17]1 p,]11Cir I,ap 1!t< 011 rll~ 11001...
...i d]1tLi]'hi]70 .]111c...
...1 'I%n7 7 1, :'nx % kd, "!~ Jt :I I i '(: Al-, :V 1! , i c IL 7 Il 71CJ ',Lj...
...his magnificent and colorful document is the perfect addition to any home or off icc...
...i: r ta r: an L: -,\ , I I-,, i7 •.1-: fir: i7 , I ! (-]Ii cl~~e A t 1\ f 1( 5, L I C C 3 C ~_C, c I lic' u'lc~ o :7 Vrn:?i-l al: of :11 :71 L'I :'M7 1 L', ;[7„1%1[11i- acid L." C c I I C I- S M ]L i'~ L' unc a~.~Oe 1" 1111 " ...a...
...1=.1un d , ul] : ,rn,u1 r.u:,uu,t:1 of Ii l]t nol = „lor, v,,nlal u'C:1] to b. •:1llic1C:]t u] [hc' ork 01 tP=,1t 1:a1 I]t: .un11.-1111] 51.11, I1.]1 .],i,icd :hi r l !u :±]1 ]11.11 1t.1t::1• thi' 01k ith 11]1 .)air-k :ntCai Cn=L: .1 rid 1,11].10 h1,7 nut...
...Tn critics, Spric:'s work falls under the label of Col ltettiporary IZealis]ll- Contemporary because he depicts lire...
...and .l• biokc'!1 1 i:]c bottle .1 S1rt0 kc•n l,t]rr]L'7 \\ ll,lt kind cltd0...
...CC rn...
...ibl•.•" 1LtlLic'C i]L• [oc, :n .1111101]-},Cc•1...
...l i-I -,III It C: 'iic'l A.o tr:bulc :(I h,':- hu J I I I k 'i H r, it C • . . : L) t I il X a :l 'A L' kIll 1.1\ iii r. l: L'l [I i'lk )t and a tat hap Lac...
...a, % ow "Mm Plants, 1998 N2 1111: kNFRICAN 'PI'{ J\YOR 0 M Ln !001 iInfti My Days Have Been A Dream, 1999 Like f 7)' 1 l 1 o, "Spri[ ''_c pailit111(T l s a boutt t 1111,J` llOt c actly (}f this C'(l1'tl...
...I L;r'ltl: Th': mi...
...AL:J ilk JLIsl )r- ThL' iIJC or L' a,- 17 0 1 Lt, I...
...above) Peeled Grapefruit, 2001 fright) Pears, 2000 SR A Decorative, Authentic 1933 Constitution of the United States of America...
...ritll rc ]]]0i:i Ll 1•c c :  ]1a,lc'_ lnok,•]1 , hC ll•..1 kiit~' \ itl] .]:" c' 11]c'll dc' is .]tc'1 .1.]l.]:n 1'.I 0]' it, `i1...
...n O L n ]tl] C.]a] fit'.]} h1L itla:klt:p, I Ii:h 1-ound ]1 land .1 111,111C O will 1A H1 111-1d 11'-' ,1t I Hllt t['oll] :'1O11t c it c t" lc lt...
...C. A L4" '011 011 i'o iid" 14" \ I I ]1 .t tool' Ir finC[' ill linl]t .i1]=I :.)dun" Ic, p. 0r1L u1,ri~hC ~ritl] .1 ",cm, thc othcl- kin" 011 111 'It (0] .1 n c1„o1... hec;iuse I like to ~,cnel'ate a sense of «-ell-brine and I Gravitate to that which is lice-af}irnyn...
...illtill, but'Icru'llIvt dl,• JCIM' ,ItCC I I t i 0 11 tO 11 Ct,1 3 1 A I I d 3 11 11 FCC IAI 10 11 () F p C Y,p CC t I VC 1ti 1 1C:1 It I ,I te f()T both pa i I I c i I I " and tl, 11) ,,, 1• i k L, t l, i I ig, Spr i ck', painting is batiCd in 1-CAlit" , but i I is about this...
...people, and objects in his world of today...
...Only, Hundreds Available...
...JI A L': '1' ~ J ), "~':l it- fur ( )u I ',I :-~ I i(:t h 010 A A LL:)Ii k):l I...
...1 `,"n ' I _II...
...I L] 1) doing...
...TAS107 'I'lt Ot-010 PCY\OH,thls IcIlov, 1 YIII id SpriLk- 11c A. I I I . until dusk I\ dj\.1 \\L'Ck, 1n11 ll With ]]I' W wi 6c Andrea I.o% k_,.I ilAl l('CT_ ELL Ill C1 Ill NewM"T iii P)7 5nn d his dmgkcy NJIM...
...The 1933 1 i t ho,,, raph make, this ()ti-fear-old antique a rare and valuable product...
...ThL' to 0 }1,•ar"1...
...1 -ran l:1 111,1 .1 0:i-.1d 1pldc i. 1 1110 1'C•ll...
...tIC 4.11.0111 :hi, h.u n]in . :1u,]i 5}10t tl!C FCC 11.1111 t1L•,:r :11L• 1't]!k :'.l}'.'t1-tl]t .M.1 tl...
...Acquire: Ui~lramcd-S249 i)r ('ramed-S495 (Best Qflc...
...I )rant pass up tlhe chance to acquire this historic collectible...
...t-c'11L' c'd l1- .] 1111 1r ::,ul . ]1:: ]t1 .11t •h.]d...
...fL \\ 1l '1111'111 !r i:]1l'1ALL•111Ci1[•" •uLll 0 1[tl.lll]7 .]t [11c' \.]ti rii it Ac .1=Irr]1" Lit I 1inc , iL '' i. 11S 111 L,1=I" 511r]I-k iii,c•1tI'[ 1C•c']11 t„ ni'L'ti the 1t111111h,1• Of c'XOrl ":r.l\.-1 111,111- .1rt1,t, ,: C'k t,, tl]C'17711'-1 L •" I I:• 1~c'1]i1 to 100k IT1'tcj,1 or to tiid 11c' .n-1 Ot }1rclrnt]n 171, Ch,3llphr1...
...VC I 11111 11 .AI11rt-iC.ui...
...IC  ~ 11L1\ hay k [ )1] til...

Vol. 34 • May 2001 • No. 4

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