Correspondence: About Last Month &c.

CORRESPONDENCE Third Time's a Charm I've found a little mistake in the March 1997 issue of TAS. Although up to its usual high standards, Wladyslaw Pleszczynski's column might better have been...

...senator, and Republicans won every statewide race on the ticket...
...Religious wars to come...
...His mother said he should come, and he seemed happy to be back with his friends...
...RICHARD D. BUTLER Greensboro, North Carolina Hats off to Tom Bethell for "Losing the War...
...But to get the cash, Clinton had to ignore warnings about the propriety of the contributions...
...on the lack of interest in the campaign finance forms maintained by the Federal Elections Commission is the stimulus for my writing...
...I used that miracle of modern technology—my cell phone—to call home, which was less than a mile away, to reach another marvel—an AT&T digital/chip answering machine...
...The source described a meeting in May 1995 in which the president was "incredibly intense" about the need to raise millions of dollars for his re-election campaign...
...Chesterton saw that the moral breakdown of a society is also a mental breakdown...
...This journal was run by a snobbish Marxist clique, somewhat academic, believing themselves superior commissars...
...Communism, socialism, and the welfare state all come with the full faith and credit of Christianity, insofar as its precepts can be translated for the economic and social spheres...
...Supreme Court "would have been more activist had Hubert Humphrey, George McGovern, Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, or Dukakis been elected president...
...I hope that my forthcoming book, The Fat of the Land, will help improve those odds...
...I began panicking and wondered, "What if it was a drunk or wino or some person on drugs who stepped out in front of my car...
...Finally, Dr...
...Early on, that seemed to be the case, leading some people to conclude, as does Moshinsky, that being 20 percent underweight is as bad as being zo percent overweight...
...Horowitz strongly reminds me of anti-New Left saints versus New Left sinners...
...As Mr...
...The police officer had to call animal control to tag the deer so the hunters could kill it...
...Finally we all converged, and just as the female police officer drove up, a pickup with two big burly hunters inside appeared...
...Then he gave the strongest clue yet as to what had really been going on...
...One interesting result of Coia's pact with the government is that he was able to use the cover of cleaning up the union to get rid of his most potent rivals...
...While I thought our military was betrayed by our leaders, our Congress, our media, I was far more critical of the New Left...
...Nevertheless, I take exception to the way you comment in the Continuing Crisis on the execution of sentences of death...
...Republicans picked up two open Democratic congressional seats and won a majority in the state senate for the first time since Reconstruction...
...Your magazine is a disgrace...
...Warren Christo84 April 19 97 The American Spectator...
...10 April 9 9 7 The American Spectator In short, the religious wars have already been "fought...
...Then, I read an article like "Death in Venison" that makes me feel like the earth did not stop spinning because Clinton got re-elected...
...Senate seats, the commissioner of agriculture, all three railroad commission seats, seven out of nine seats on the supreme court, six out of nine seats on the court of criminal appeals, 16 of 31 senate seats (and likely to pick up another with a special election coming up), 68 of 150 house seats, and 13 of 30 congressional seats...
...In any case, the literature showing increased death rates with weight gain are utterly voluminous...
...May I ask why you are doing this...
...I can't stand reading about Clinton's corruption anymore...
...The officer asked me if I wanted to claim my kill, which turned out to be an 8-point buck deer...
...A limitation on amounts that can be spent will strengthen the power of those controlling the flow of news to influence the outcome of political contests...
...Few things that government does should be as sobering...
...Many observers thought it a disheartening sign that just 15 percent of the union members eligible to vote cast their ballots, but in some ways Coia appears to have more power today than before...
...In 1989, in Milwaukee, a panel of the Midwest Chesterton Society spoke on "What Killed the Family...
...034 Timmerman (Continued from page our two countries become friends again...
...The Spreading Scandal In mid-February, the New York Post's Jack Newfield wrote a column in which he quoted a "conscience-stricken Clinton adviser...
...The Pope said that when people do not acknowledge a transcendental norm, they are in danger of surrendering themselves to forces which take control of society without concern for individuals or their freedoms...
...Bethell or the Spectator insists on proscribing the views of these other conservatives, then conservatism has scant chance of becoming the majority party it rightfully should be...
...Until it does, the Foundation will not receive a check from me nor will I undertake any further gift subscriptions to friends...
...Now we're going to try it this way, and hope we will have greater success...
...However, conservatism is simply not what Mr...
...Anna Quindlen put down her pen for the wheel of her minivan and greener soccer fields...
...Let me suggest that the most realistic hope for removing the curse of the professional politician from the scene is in term limitations, not additional campaign finance reforms and restrictions...
...ROBERT YATTO via the Internet Who's the Unconscious Hater...
...As the article explains, they are coming into the cities now and posing an extreme danger...
...Naturally, what kills the family kills the culture, whether or not the thing has real determination behind it to do just that...
...The woes of the twentieth century can be traced directly to the enforced institutionalization as public policy of the first four books of the New Testament...
...He saw the free family as giving the poetry and diversity to the culture...
...We went to dirty unions like the Laborers International...
...Having them each limited to the same amount of campaign spending is like having a 100 yard dash with the incumbent starting at the 5o yard line, and each being given no more than 8 seconds to complete the race...
...Wang of Alexandria, Virginia...
...Attending three strategy meetings in Berkeley and at least five similar meet(Continued on page 82) The American Spectator • April 19 97 13 Correspondence (Continued from page 13) ings in San Francisco, all quietly organized by the Communist Party, I never heard a peep from Horowitz...
...The deer had indeed gone over to the opposite side of the road about loo feet up from where my car was, and it was what the cars that stopped were looking at...
...Wang's contributions...
...James Bovard's great article ("The Error of Big Government," TAS, February 1997) should be a warning to all of us that tyranny can come from the Right as well as the Left, especially the pusillanimous Right which so often caves in...
...It is one thing to disagree with Mrs...
...RAMBO via the Internet Free at Last This is a happy day...
...After all, the existing laws were all drawn by incumbents whose reelection percentages are in the 90 plus percent range...
...The campaign finance disclosure forms have a chilling effect on anyone who might be inclined to contribute to a challenger...
...Our auto repair shops are very prosperous because so many tourists hit the deer that feed on that grass...
...The deer that hit my '92 Toyota Corolla caused approximately $2,000 worth of damage, and I had to pay a deductible —right before Christmas...
...I shudder to think that policies will become determined by those possessing great wealth, whether personally acquired or inherited...
...We all recognize the power of the media to influence political outcomes by selective reporting of events (the lack of interest by the major networks and newspapers in David Watkins's confessional ["Hell to Pay," by Rebecca Borders, TAS, January 1997] is a good example...
...I was driving about 35 miles an hour, in a 45 mph zone...
...I have always loved animals and treated them with utmost respect...
...82 April 9 9 7 The American Spectator With 300,000 Americans dying prematurely each year from obesity-related causes, it's sad to think some of these will have found comfort (albeit assuredly not aid) from Mr...
...For six years I was critic-at-large for the monthly Minority of One, an opponent of the Vietnam war, but an anti-Communist magazine...
...Today Mr...
...The prospect of having one's representative aware that you assisted someone in their effort to dislodge him from office is not attractive...
...I hope, before it is too late, that your publication recognizes its own blind spot...
...And another warning later that year...
...America and the world need a party dedicated to those adult individuals who accept responsibility for themselves, their children, their town, and their nation, but who do not seek to control others or to be controlled by others...
...E . MENDOZA via the Internet Correction Last month's Kenneth Timmerman article, "All Roads Lead to China," incorrectly attributed donations from Chi Wang of McLean, Virginia, to Dr...
...Wang and his wife contributed $4,000 to Virginia Sen...
...CHRIS R. WOGAN 176th Legislative District Member, House of Representatives Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Baby, Come Back Call me sentimental, or one of those guys who blather incoherently about the good old days, but Current Wisdom just hasn't been the same since Ms...
...Excluded from that loop were the CIA directors (Woolsey, Deutch), the secretary of state (Christopher), and the secretaries of defense (Les Aspin, William Perry...
...Conservatism is not a static orthodoxy no matter how achingly loud or plaintively the orator may declare it or how grand his soap box...
...As someone active in the trenches as a conservative Republican in alarge city, the tremendous increase in crime and welfare caseloads caused by these waves of immigrants is all too obvious...
...For one example: In his (and Peter Collier's) most noted book on the 1960's, he never once acknowledged the normalizing role played by The Minority of One, published by a holocaust survivor who knew totalitarianism when he saw it...
...It appears to me that we must begin a major re-study of our campaign finance regulations, with the aim of making elections a more equal contest than now exist...
...The article by James Ring Adams in your February 1997 issue ("Do You See What I See...
...I mentioned several in my review, and Mr...
...To the contrary, in an ideal world, we would allow the operation of a free market in political campaigns and terminate any government involvement, including reporting requirements...
...I was so stunned I did not know what even happened...
...Did Bill Clinton really not know...
...He had moved miles away and had taken a subway to get to that meeting...
...I left a message to please come to where I was pulled over to the side of the road...
...The strategy worked... from the Laborers no doubt played a role in winning Clinton a second term...
...It makes no positive contribution to legitimate political debate—and the muckracking content and ad hominem attacks on President Clinton—serve to diminish principled conservative dialogue on the issues facing society in the United States...
...He saw that cleverness is a poor substitute for wisdom, that a substitute answers one thing where wisdom answers ten...
...It has been succeeding because, to put it in Chestertonian words, the moral ideas need to be as pugnacious as they are popular, and they have not been...
...This leads to an increased birth rate in the spring, and continued high levels of deer...
...It is deeply disappointing to me that The American Spectator has chosen to champion the mass immigration to our shores which is proving so utterly destructive to our country...
...Asked about his newly imposed ban on trade with Iran, the president said that he had "tried it the other way for two years, and that didn't work...
...With the federal laws reaching ever deeper into our daily lives (see "The Error of Big Government" by James Bovard in your February issue) the probability of someone finding it necessary to seek the help of their elected representative (or senator) to escape federal administrative tentacles becomes more real every day...
...How did Lake keep his secret initiative toward Tehran quiet...
...Having worked in political action for many years, I can say that it is not viewed as prudent to throw money into a losing cause, and Stockman's race had all the attributes of a losing cause...
...I know two young Hispanics myself very well...
...I am so tired of Bill Clinton's corruption I can barely listen to Rush, Liddy, or read your magazine...
...But Chesterton was against both presumption and despair, both sins against humility...
...The error did not affect what we reported as the total amount of Dr...
...I have researched the topic of weight loss and life expectancy for my book Things You Know That Are Not So: A Digest of Erroneous Popular Wisdom on History, Science, Health & More...
...He knew what happens when a culture begins to honor not wisdom, but cleverness...
...At present, Republicans hold the governorship, both U.S...
...AJE is one of the most prominent medical journals and is readily accessible through the MedLine computer database, other computer databases, and the Index Medicus...
...Bethell's list of specifications for conservatism are doubtless shared totally by a few million Americans, but more millions disagree heartily with this or that of his tenets...
...Beyond that, a simple search of almost any newspaper database will reveal articles going back years detailing the alleged mob ties of Coia and his predecessors...
...The opportunities to divert cash into the pockets of candidates and their campaign staffs would be impossible to control...
...The amendment might not pass, but it would focus public attention on their self-interests...
...Norman claims that deer herds have grown to an all-time high because modem agriculture gives the animals large food resources and the open space they like...
...I am also a computer nerd...
...After homes were found for them in a nearby state, they continued to take a subway to East Harlem to remain with that troop, which is still active and successful...
...We are hearing increasing discussions about the need for additional campaign finance laws emanating from Our Noble Leader in the White House, and it appears that the pundits in the press are beginning to beat the drums for congressional action...
...DANIEL DAVIS Arcadia, California Love TAS...
...There really hadn't been a need to call the police, but my husband was afraid if we left the deer there by the side of the road, it might get up again and lunge in front of another car...
...By killing large numbers of deer in the fall, hunters cause an increase in available food and space for the remaining animals that have not been killed...
...But I had no sorrow over killing the deer...
...It hurt my shoulder, but I did not require medical treatment...
...My husband and aunt and our two sons walked up with the police officer to look at the dying deer...
...Fumento, I did not select studies to prove my point...
...Remove my name from your mailing list...
...Where do you go for so much soft money...
...z. A population 20 percent overweight had lower mortality than people zo percent underweight and about the same mortality as people of normal weight...
...I then called 911 and about a half hour later a police officer arrived...
...John Serpico and Samuel Caivano, who at one time were two of the most powerful officials of the union, are out—ousted by Coia as part of the deal with the Justice Department...
...When we look at the political scene today we will find that to a frightening degree our political establishment is becoming a game that only the rich can play...
...LESLIE WOOLF HEDLEY Editor/Publisher Exile Press Cotati, California Everything's Coming Up Roses Relative to your discourse with Craig Veith (Correspondence, TAS, February 1997), I find that your use of Texas's recent election as an example for your argument to be weak grounds...
...Already the Constitution allows non-lawyers to serve on the Supreme Court and some of the next nominees should be such...
...In the case of the Laborers, the Justice Department played a similar role: it twice warned the White House that Coia and the Laborers were trouble...
...I can only imagine the venom that will spew from the weak and pathetic so-called conservatives in the Republican Party after reading Mr...
...I found many peer-reviewed studies that show as follows: 1. Loss of weight leads to higher death rates...
...Of course, the sale of an American presidency to foreign interests might stimulate further thought in this regard...
...GLORIA TOOMBS Uvalde, Texas We Meant Re-elected Author Terry Eastland ("Deactivate the Courts," TAS, March 1997) opines that the U.S...
...Are the old forces so hypnotized and apathetic that they are incapable of resisting new evils...
...Or were Coia's contributions to the Democrats simply too valuable to let a Justice Department investigation come between the president and the generous union boss...
...It is a scam designed to stimulate animal populations so that hunters will have plenty of targets...
...Or perhaps it's safer to be anti-leftist today...
...Let me suggest that further congressional action will probably result in greater advantage to the incumbents and more handicap for the challengers...
...We went to the Asian clients of Clinton's Arkansas friends...
...Chesterton warned that evil succeeds through the help of its splendid dupes...
...The 9th District of Texas is the most unionized district in the country...
...How dense could he have been...
...Thank god for Lady Bird, and pass the grass seed...
...One reason is that the usual fingers were kept out of the pie...
...Therefore I wonder at his pseudology...
...For the sake of our freedom, we should look at consolidating some of the new cross lines in politics...
...We now know, for example, that in the case of illegal Asian donors, some members of the National Security Council tried to warn top White House staffers to stay away from the shady characters...
...Bovard's article does miss one point, Cui bono, who benefits...
...Unlike Mr...
...CHARLES GREEN via the Internet Although some points bear repeating, WP took this notion to a new level when he cut out February's About This Month opening page and simply pasted it onto page 4 of the March issue...
...Norman states, the end result of such habitat manipulation is an increased deer herd...
...After the mystery hit, all I could think was that this must be a deer 12 April 9 9 7 • The American Spectator hit, but all I even saw was a brown shadow of sorts...
...Shouldn't someone tell Eastland (gently) that Carter was indeed elected—even if that didn't matter much, one way or the other...
...In a series of essays I called David Horowitz & comrades a New Degeneracy...
...Perhaps he was taciturn...
...While the district is becoming more Republican, to unseat Bentsen would have been considered an upset...
...Why you are doing this is beyond me...
...The incumbent begins the race with name recognition that the challenger must try to gain by expensive advertising...
...I believe as Bethell said there is an aggressive force determined to do just that...
...Your writer is loo percent right on...
...Bethell, all conservatives must endorse (if not kowtow to) 1. absolute right-to-life, 2. absolute sexual correctness, and 3. absolute belief in an afterlife and the divine origin of morals...
...Promising everyone who would run for federal office a fixed amount of cash to assist in their efforts would make "running for office" the largest growth industry in America...
...It amazes me that hunters will claim that they need to limit the deer population, when the revenue generated by the sale of hunting licenses goes to pay wildlife biologists who manage animal populations so that there will be a surplus for hunters...
...Mark Falcoff may be naive, but don't let anyone even hint that Horowitz didn't know that Communists helped finance Ramparts...
...That's what caused people to start cutting corners," the adviser said...
...It is a reasoned argument to say that, in at least some cases, executions are necessary, because the crimes are so grave that there is no other way to protect society...
...Then—CIA director James Woolsey has testified that he had no knowledge of Lake's Iran operation...
...Whatever the case, Arthur Coia is now in a position to keep contributing for the duration of the Clinton administration...
...Paxon's motives in not plunging into this race, but from where we sit it appeared reasonable...
...Lady Bird Johnson planted green grass on the right of way for all of Texas Highways...
...I then called an aunt who lived nearby who answered her phone, and came to see what happened...
...He said there are four moral times: Evil, Allow Evil, Endure Evil, and Fight Evil...
...Bethell declares it to be, never has been and never will be...
...Later researchers realized that what they were seeing was people losing weight because of what was killing them, usually cancer...
...This leads one to conclude that wildlife management, as it is currently practiced, is a scam...
...GOODWIN Dallas, Texas This can be a letter to the editor, but mainly I want to give you feedback on the Geoffrey Norman article, "Death in Venison...
...Michael Fumento's review of Glenn A. Gaesser's Big Fat Lies was a big fat disappointment (TAS, January 1997...
...Both house and congressional seats represent increases...
...I submit that it is our lawyer class which is behind much of the spread of government tyranny and the vast criminalization of formerly civil penalties...
...As your article stated on page 33, "Deer are largely nocturnal creatures and they act unpredictably around automobiles...
...The next day at work several people kept asking me if I was "sad" that I "killed Bambi," and several people jokingly called me "Deerslayer" and other such names...
...York (Continued fror n page 35) early 1995 and perhaps far beyond that date...
...Shaw saw it coming when he said the next war would be over the minds of the children...
...I even enjoy TAS the second time around...
...My lo-year-old son, when we got home later, re-enacted dramatically in a great floor routine, how thedying deer would try to raise his neck and then his front legs, only to fall back in a heap...
...I can not comment on Rep...
...It never ends...
...Efforts to provide "public financing" are naive...
...My last issue of TAS has just arrived...
...Next time you hear of someone dying in a deer/car collision, thank the hunters and their allies in your state wildlife department...
...That would result in a Pandora's Box of problems, to which no answer could ever appear...
...But of course, we sinned being anti-Communist...
...Bethell's painfully honest assessment of current conservatism in the U.S...
...Actually the name they wanted was Barricade because it carried a Soviet touch...
...This is a busy road...
...But remember that it is a human being who dies, even if, you think, deservedly...
...During that period of the 1960's we rose from 5,000 subs to over 30,000...
...Moshinsky doesn't provide any citation I cannot address it...
...Regarding the 15 percent study, since Mr...
...Perhaps a late bloomer...
...If Mr...
...This causes the male sperm count to increase, and the females don't absorb embryos like they would if they were overpopulated...
...I can't help but think: Did he ever read Silone, Koestler, Solzhenitsyn, Tertz, Tarsis...
...Moshinsky has made no attempt to refute them...
...They have a way of darting out of the shadows into the path of a car at night, giving the driver no chance to stop or swerve...
...One of our best Scouts became Scoutmaster for a troop made up primarily of homeless boys...
...It is a lethal scam that triggers animal populations so that their inflated numbers can be used as an excuse to kill them...
...This is not a new development in the medical literature...
...DAVID MOSHINSKY via the Internet Michael Fumento replies: I can't say that Mr...
...I have no confidence that he has correctly read it...
...What in Lucifer did he mean by that...
...Today, our elected officials are looking more toward the next election than the interests of the next generation when casting their ballots on legislation...
...Instead, according to Mr...
...I had just crossed through a four-way stop sign intersection on Nieman Road into Kansas City, Kansas...
...A computer search of fifteen years of published studies failed to find one study to show weight loss associated with lower mortality...
...As I was so stunned and shocked, after the wreck, we said, "No," and the hunters gladly claimed it...
...On most issues, I enjoy your more-than-a-little-sarcastic tone...
...The formerly all-powerful Chicago Laborers have fallen, and Coia remains standing...
...At least for those of us who habitually surf...
...Clinton—but to visually depict the First Lady as a sullen witch with a poor caricature of her husband looking on—shows disrespect to the office of the Presidency and the role of the First Lady...
...My two sons and I have been actively involved in scouting for over a decade...
...We apologize to both men...
...Chuck Robb's campaign, not $so,000 as we reported...
...The other run-off race involved an incumbent Democrat named Bentsen (does that name ring a bell...
...My car continued running, and I was able to pull over on the shoulder...
...Bob Dornan, who has had a similar blind spot to the problems associated with post-1965 mass immigration, has belatedly begun to recognize his errors, now that he has lost an election in which aliens probably made the difference...
...DOROTHY S. NAllARO Boynton Beach, Florida Crossing Big Government Again the American Spectator is leading the battle on a vital front...
...Falcoff may not have been there...
...Now the story is coming to light...
...When I truthfully reported that the New Left was an umbrella group of old Communists, Trotskyists, Socialists, liberal Democrats, Anarchists, Nihilists, a few lesbians, androgynists, nudists, black racists, drug pushers and their addicts, Harry Bridges and his thugs, plus an assortment of freaks, Horowitz never uttered a reply...
...BEN BLACKBURN Jasper, Georgia Deer Readers I read Geoffrey Norman's pro-hunting piece ("Death in Venison," TAS, February 1997) with interest...
...It proposed gutting the Fourth Amendment by effectively allowing warrantless searches into anybody's home, while many "old" Republicans like Bob Dole, Senator Hatch, and Congressman Hyde supported it...
...MAX COHEN Summerville, South Carolina Leave it to Tom Bethell to write about the important stuff...
...Now, I had never thought in my life about hitting a deer, especially in the city...
...In my rear view mirror I could see several cars pull over on the opposite side of the road, look, and pull off...
...The American Spectator lacks virtue, honesty, integrity, and "family values...
...Those who inherit wealth have never known the daily struggles of the ordinary citizen, and those who acquire it quickly forget...
...The most fearsome result would be the establishment of a federal commission to determine which candidates should be allowed to run (serious and qualified...
...But the Justice Department sent the "mob puppet" warning in January 1994...
...WILLIAM SHEELEY Phoenix, Arizona Bang the Drum Slowly Though not a subscriber, I read The American Spectator quite regularly...
...You are free to express your views...
...One can even say that at least some executions are not only necessary, but even just...
...In one study, dieters who achieved a weight loss of 15 percent experienced double the mortality of their unsuccessful co-dieters who did not lose weight...
...It would be desirable to limit contributions to those living in the congressional district or the state from which the candidate is running, but this would require reports, with their negative results...
...From what I've seen of Horowitz since, I detect that same ego...
...Oddly enough, on February 28, the Democratic National Committee announced that it was returning $5,000 to one Chi R. Wang—it's not clear whether he is the same Chi Wang of McLean, Virgnia, who contributed $27,000 to the DNC...
...Yes, it is true that in Manhattan many of the Scouts have been unwilling to wear their Scout uniforms in transit to meetings out of fear of being mugged as "dweebs...
...Perhaps a partial solution is to put the media focus on our lawyer class by proposing a constitutional amendment that no more than 25 percent of any state's conThe American Spectator • April 1997 gressional delegation may be attorneys...
...It states that "intentional weight loss of any amount was associated with a zo percent reduction in all-cause mortality, primarily due to a 40-5o percent reduction in mortality from obesity-related cancers...
...To treat someone's death as fodder for sarcasm or cause for celebration is to lower oneself to an abysmal level, indeed...
...We have nine and ten year old sons who could have used that money...
...No wonder demoralization is rampant in the traditional churches...
...However, I have noticed that you have been aimlessly attacking Republicans of late...
...One of the biggest impediments that any challenger faces is the reluctance of potential contributors to assist in meeting the financial demands of a political campaign...
...I realize that you are a conservative magazine, and that is why I buy it...
...ARTHUR V. PRAETE New Rochelle, New York I read with interest "Losing the War" by Tom Bethell...
...Your writer is loo percent right on...
...or, as we say nowadays, "Follow the money...
...On November 20, 1996, a Wednesday evening about 6:30 p.m., I had just gone to the bank in Shawnee, Kansas, a Johnson County suburb of Kansas City, and was driving four miles to my home in Kansas City, Kansas...
...Last week at our troop meeting a Scout we hadn't seen in weeks showed up...
...They are my grandsons...
...MARIJANE GREEN Kansas City, Kansas I want to thank Geoffrey Norman for writing "Death in Venison...
...Christianity was triumphant, and everybody lost...
...However, in spite of this threat, they and their fellow Scouts (from a diverse ethnic cultural background) regularly attend meetings, camp-outs, merit badge rallies, volunteer projects, and summer camp...
...While we are eternally grateful to Steve Stockman for retiring Jack Brooks in 1994, his election that year was opportunistic and any idea of retaining the seat was not realistic...
...Suddenly, a loud thud and the sound of breaking glass...
...Once they isolated this effect, the association between weight loss and death, as well as being underweight and death, disappeared...
...At first I thought it was simply deja vu, but on closer examination realized it was a deja boo-boo...
...Moshinsky's not having done his homework...
...That's another reason many of us fear the flat tax: that Republicans can't get "from here to there" without giving away the store on the way...
...Although up to its usual high standards, Wladyslaw Pleszczynski's column might better have been called "About Last Month...
...Perhaps as investigators in Congress push for more information about the source of questionable donations—and how the Clinton administration might have changed its policies as a reward for the money—they'll add the case of Arthur Coia and the Laborers union to the list of suspicious transactions...
...EDWARD MCDOWELL via the Internet What a Lovely War Tom Bethell's "Losing the War" (TAS, February 1997) was a masterpiece and a chilling look at the reality of America's political and moral denigration in the twentieth century...
...My husband does not like to answer the phone...
...JON BASIL UTLEY McLean, Virginia Fool Disclosure I am writing to you with the background of a former member of Congress from Georgia, Republican, with four terms of service before the electorate determined it was time to "throw the rascal out...
...Just when I feel I might let my subscription lapse, I read my favorite article, "Ben Stein's Diary" (does he have an e-mail address...
...Such people are generally law-abiding, moral, and honorable, considering such behavior as self-evidently necessary for the good of all...
...And John Serpico, Samuel Caivano, and David Caivano all say Arthur Coia told them he had discussed the RICO issue with the president in the first week of November 1994...
...It should be enough for the conservative party to aspire to represent such people...
...A person who knew that an election was not their ticket to perpetual employment, generous benefits, and retirement (not to mention massive ego expansion), might exercise honest personal judgment when casting their vote establishing national policy...
...It should be required reading by every so called "conservative" on Capitol Hill and distributed throughout the country as a modem-day edition of Paine's Common Sense...
...Proposed villains were Hugh Hefner, materialism, the technological habit of mind, schools, and apathy...
...Today, I received a solicitation in the mail to subscribe to The American Spectator...
...Somehow his computer missed such studies as David F. Williamson et al., "Prospective Study of Intentional Weight Loss and Mortality in Never-smoking Overweight U.S...
...It's been nearly two decades since I first read articles which talked of the one side winning the war, because most on the other side didn't even know a war was going on...
...Thanks for the deer article, and Ben Stein's Diary...
...Even G.B...
...Moshinsky's letter has been a very impressive advertisement for his book...
...He ignores the fact that various state fish and game departments clear-cut areas and plant the vegetation deer like for the sole purpose of artificially stimulating deer herds...
...Especially do I refer to this sentence: "She was white—and for reasons that require no explanation in my neighborhood—had in tow two young Hispanic boys...
...After the hit, I was shaking, and I had been thrown forward—although I was wearing my seatbelt...
...MICHAEL J. SHERIDAN Helena, Montana Check This Although I have been a faithful reader of your publication for a number of years, and have contributed to your allied educational foundation for the last several, I can no longer support the foundation...
...It was a coalition of freshmen Republicans and some of the old (real) liberals who fought against the worst aspects of last year's Clinton crime bill...
...What took him so long to recognize facts...
...Also, the hunters took care of the deer and now have its antlers for a trophy and ate the deer meat, so the deer hit did not go to waste...
...The knowledge that the incumbent seeking reelection has a better than 90 percent chance for success will 11 make anyone considering support for a challenger think long and hard before going on record in opposition to the incumbent...
...I didn't even think about it, except that I was angry/upset that this deer was causing me to pay a deductible that could have gone toward's my family's Christmas, and money is tight...
...As for "other Republican disappointments in Texas," please consider that Texas went for Dole, re-elected our senior U.S...
...CHARLES EISLER Balmorhea, Texas Left at the Barricades With no fear but emotionally trembling, let me dare question Mark Falcoff's encomium for the David Horowitz book (TAS, February 1997...
...KAYE DEMETZ MCGRATH New York, New York I take umbrage at your February 1997 Last Call about the Cub Scouts by William Tucker...
...He also warned, as do the Pope and others in this present day, that those outside the norm are those who will decide which way the nation will go...
...He also warned about just beginning to fight for a good thing when it is too late, to defend a good thing after it is already defeated...
...ELLEN BOURGET South Milwaukee, Wisconsin If the conservative movement in America is as Tom Bethell has characterized it in "Losing the War," then its demise will be of its own making and not that of the "revolutionary force," nor of the media, nor of the bureaucracy...
...I see that former U.S...
...For what...
...This plentifulness, caused by a lack of competition for available resources, leads to a dramatic decrease in stress for the animals...
...JOSEPH H. SAYLOR Swannanoa, North Carolina You Have to Ask...
...While I don't wish to revisit that wasteful conservative-neoconservative verbal contest, Mr...
...Gaesser or Mr...
...It is true that there have not been many studies looking at weight-loss and reduced health risks, for the sad reason that the database of people who have lost weight and permanently kept it off is quite small...
...Far too many congressmen either are lawyers, are married to one, or have a son or daughter learning to be one...
...The claim that "loss of weight leads to higher death rates" as stated is false...
...What kind of explanation does anyone at anytime and in any neighborhood owefor the presence of two Hispanic boys...
...On page 34, he continues, "The deer are usually killed in the resulting collisions and the cars are damaged...
...Tucker to take heart...
...May the better man win" — and we know who that will be...
...As more Tory Democrats retire, they are being replaced with Republicans, and control of the house and congressional delegations is a matter of time...
...I guess I am lucky I did not have an air bag in the '92 model — I might have really been hurt...
...Yes, we are "trapped between two uncompromising cultures," but the Boy Scouts of America is also an uncompromising organization...
...I was...
...The hit must have broke his legs, I do not know...
...I sat in my car, then in the police car to fill out a report...
...Late last year, in a union election that was supervised by the Justice Department and which for the first time allowed members to vote directly for president, Coia was easily re-elected over a little-known opponent...
...Not even the Founders subscribed to all of these...
...Thomas Merton, a Roman Catholic monk, wrote in Seeds of Contemplation The American Spectator April 1997 83 that "It sometimes happens that men who preach most vehemently about evil and the punishment of evil, so that they seem to have practically nothing else on their minds except sin, are really unconscious haters of other men...
...Horowitz behaves as though he invented the idea...
...But again the White House ignored the advice...
...Such an intrusion intothe democratic process by government would be a death blow to the entire concept of representative government...
...For example, you ran this headline on your Feburary cover: "Why Republicans Won't Keep Uncle Sam From Taxing, Regulating, Fining, Harassing, and Threatening You...
...Dallas, Texas More or Less...
...The Little Brown Ones I was made heartsick by William Tucker's "lament" ("Scout's Honor," TAS, February 1997) because, while he made a valid point regarding negative attitudes toward the Boy Scouts of America, there is, I believe, a great deal of hope...
...The same questions Chesterton put back in the early part of this century can be asked today: Is there any power of resistance in the tradition of the populace...
...Their advice was ignored...
...White Women Aged 40-65 Years," American Journal of Epidemiology, June 15, 1995...
...The witty one-liners that introduced, nay, punctured her gas bag of the month offerings were a highlight of every issue that ran them...
...Efforts to restrict the amount that can be spent by a candidate only work to the advantage of the incumbent...
...Your Web site is better than most, because it contains actual content and is frequently updated...
...However, your freedom to express your political views should not give you license to poor taste in the name of conservatism...
...It took Horowitz a long time to discover Communist stupidities and his own philosophical sins...
...I urge Mr...
...I was surprised and happy to find Wladyslaw Pleszczynski's About This Month column on-line: an excellent way to rectify a printing snafu...
...The hunters said if they had a knife with them they would have slit the dying deer's throat to have put it out of its misery and prepare it to butcher...
...They think the world does not appreciate them, and this is their way of getting even...
...The real foreign policy decisions were very close hold," says one former cabinet official, "between the president, the vice president, Tony Lake, and Sandy Berger," Lake's deputy and successor as national security adviser...

Vol. 30 • April 1997 • No. 4

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