War and Peace : Foreign Policy in Brief

Haag, Ernest van den

ten a very conservative position paper for his father on the problem of inter-national terrorism.) But Low Tide, flaws and all, is still a first novel of obvious promise by a literary critic who is...

...Still, in fairness, it must be said that Mr...
...In Switzerland, Orwell's 1984 still seems pleasantly remote...
...In fact, hundreds of competitors are working hard to see that you don't...
...The dialogue is crisp, the plot efficient, In democratic societies foreign policy puzzles most people...
...JURG M. LA'ITMANN: Investment planning - the Swiss way HARRY BROWNE: Swiss bank liquidity, BRUNO BENZ: Goldplan and Silverplan: unique Swiss investments...
...But that would undoubtedly be too severe...
...Ultimately this power is tested in war...
...Every business in a competitive economy must operate this way...
...basket is to flirt with disaster...
...Well, then," his dad responds, "why don't you go into business...
...we learn that - only the IRS can attach 100 percent of a tax debtor's wages and or property only the IRS can invade the privacy of a citizen without court process of any kind ^ only the IRS can seize property without a court order ^ only the IRS can force a citizen to try his case in a special court governed by the IRS only the IRS can legally, without a court order, subject citizens to electronic surveillance We also learn of recent armed searches conducted by IRS agents, of "hit lists" of snooping, of harassment, entrapment and a myriad of other horrors that are actually happening in our republic...
...Such tales are surely exaggerated because the Swiss will not knowingly deal with such people...
...Yet we do picket missile sites, ministries, and embassies, demanding an end to war...
...They know that they must listen to consumers because their competitors do...
...In THE SWISS SYSTEM, you'll find all the answers and more discussed in exhaustive detail and accompanied by dozens of helpful charts to give you a clear picture of world investment trends...
...This one apparently will consist of variations on the theme "Those Bastards Haven't Really Changed...
...On the whole, a propaganda exercise and not a very convincing one...
...I guess I've never thought of that...
...Witness Mr...
...War itself is not the Ernest van den Haag is the John M Olin Professor of Jurisprudence and Public Policy at Fordham University...
...Merle Temple, Jr...
...The League was helpless against Japan invading Manchuria, even against Mussolini, let alone Hitler...
...Rostow/University of Texas Press/$30 SECRETS OF STATE Barry Rubin/Oxford University Press/$25 NATION AGAINST NATION Thomas M. Franck/Oxford University Press/$19.95 Ernest van den Haag As Congressman George Hansen reminds us...
...But they take what they can get...
...To Horse Our People, a RAPS per copy (add SI for posrage & handling) for which I an, enclosing my check for $ I Name I Address City State Zip AS - I WAR AND PEACE: FOREIGN POLICY IN BRIEF ON TRIAL: REAGAN'S WAR AGAINST NICARAGUA Edited by Marlene Dixon/Zed Books, Ltd./$9.95 THE AMERICAN CONNECTION: STATE TERROR AND POPULAR RESISTANCE IN EL SALVADOR (v...
...Perhaps his investment in foreign aid is too great to expect a critical examination, although events have by now unequivocally discredited his views and confirmed Lord Bauer's...
...Thomas M. Franck in Nation Against Nation tries to explain "what happened to the U.N...
...Like myself, Morris left the South and sojourned long in supposedly more enlightened precincts, only to conclude (again, like me) that the old country wasn't a total loss after all and that he would be hap-pier if he came home...
...The fact is, the overwhelming majority of Swiss bank clients are honest, law-abiding citizens like you and me...
...paper, $14.95 cloth, $34.95 Available at bookstores 177 Post Street, Dept...
...So the next time someone suggests to you that only the government can protect consumers, give 'em the business...
...CORRESPONDENCE (continued from page 9) I am now warned, courtesy of Mr...
...and their influence on foreign policy...
...We just wish Mr...
...My name is Robert Kephart and for eight years I conducted seminars in Zurich for Americans just like you...
...banking system, now hostage to the whims of third-world debtor nations...
...Lucy Shannon, the wisecracking "detective" of One for the Money, is portrayed in admirably straightforward fashion...
...You will find sample Swiss banking agreements translated into plain English...
...Men and women who realize that to hold all their eggs in the U.S...
...But they are as hard to hide as they are impossible to avoid...
...Despite the truisms there are a few moderately interesting angles, enough, perhaps, for a readable ten-page essay...
...But I don't expect you to spend even $30 with-out some guarantee...
...Not least, foreign policy requires much lying: since the doings are unacceptable they must be disguised...
...But I will say that if rococo sentence structure and florid diction are stylistic faults, it is hard to see with what face Mr...
...James Harkness ("Mississippi Foot-prints," TAS, February 1986) that we are in for a new phase of South-baiting...
...Ross Jackson, Mississippi The recent article on life in Greenwood, Mississippi left us perplexed...
...You will discover Swiss-managed investment funds...
...policy—in effect how to get out, or use the threat of getting out—are sensible...
...Belsky's sense of place may be good, but there is no character to his New York, none of the sour, angry, corrupt flavor of Hammett's San Francisco or Chandler's Los Angeles...
...Swiss bank secrecy — how it protects you...
...LABAN J. QUIMBY: Financial privacy and confidential investing, ROBERT D. KEPHART: Why invest road...
...Medicine thrives despite its limitations...
...Perhaps the most distasteful trait of such writers is their willingness to convert even our virtues into mere adjuncts to vice...
...exercise power over one another...
...It made no difference one way or the other...
...Therefore American taxpayers now have the dubious pleasure of paying de jure one quarter (de facto much more) of the expenses of a consistently and virulently anti-American organization...
...i Book Division I PO Box 1682 I Bellevue...
...EXPERTS SHOW YOU THE WAY SIEGFRI HERZOG: Using your Swiss bank account for privacy and profit...
...If I am not fully satisfied, I may return it within 15 days for a full I refund...
...Harkness's indignation at our failure to adopt the manners of the urban subway...
...This time Congress was not wise enough to stay out...
...Consequently each state remains armed and ready for war...
...How to open your first Swiss bank account...
...To be sure the U.N...
...You will discover that you can use a Swiss account to invest in every market in the world...
...There are charts and tables and lots of quotations and notes...
...Barry Rubin in Secrets of State describes the struggle over foreign policy within American administrations since 1933...
...stranger things have happened...
...30 a copy...
...There is a foreword by Harvey Cox, a theologian at the Harvard Divinity School, which shows that the supply of what Lenin called "useful idiots" has not given out...
...But I do not bring international law (or Italian opera which I like just as well) into discussions of foreign policy, or even of the U.N., because it is not relevant...
...Should you consider Swiss real estate and Swiss residency...
...4n et tremely perceptive and salutary study...
...But if war seems as unavoidable as death there is no reason to be discouraged...
...One aspect of 1986 I did look at in my article was what appears to be, in matters of race, the compatibility of strategic stubbornness with tactical compromise...
...But I know I want to help people...
...In Zurich they met a handful of carefully selected Swiss — bankers, financial ad-visors, investment managers — who helped them quietly, confidentially create their nest egg in the world's safest money haven...
...The world is run by differentsocieties organized into separate states...
...it is truly potestas legibus absoluta...
...What isn't...
...Which is true, but not helpful: wars always involve (at least) two sides, and are not settled by one side pointing out that there would be peace if the other surrendered...
...But one will want to see some-thing more sharp and personal in his second novel...
...Whether an emerging black middle class will "eventually" make common cause with Reaganite Republicans I won't try to predict...
...What if gold ownership is outlawed...
...Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile...
...JOHN A.PUGSLEY: The case for investingabroad...
...Contrary to the wishes of President Wilson, however, Congress had the wisdom to stay out of his creation...
...Belsky's use of a woman as first-person narrator...
...One closes it having learned both too much and too little: "So what else is new...
...House of Representatives and a long-time enemy of the IRS or power and law, they would fight out their conflicts...
...and of other Dear Fellow American: Can there be any doubt that we are living in the eye of a hurricane...
...Yet, undeterred by experience, American diplomats took the lead once more in forming the U.N...
...How to retire on annuity income from Switzerland...
...trade balances now at historic highs...
...But in the meantime, I hope he will be kind enough to stop carping at people who are trying, without romantic illusions and in the face of discouraging obstacles, to preserve an admirable heritage while purging it of its ugly flaws—trying, with no help from the likes of him, to build a better life down here...
...As a bonus, we will also send you a free subscription to our monthly journal Imprimis...
...Have you ever thought, for example, that a company like Procter and Gamble is in the consumer protection business...
...There is in his letter almost nothing to reply to, any more than you can usefully rebut the spitting wail of an outraged tabby upon whose tail you have stomped with an insufficiently reverent heel...
...Most are about as realistic as romance novels but, although less widely read, they help the authors secure academic appointments...
...Harkness objects...
...S7 KTVN CH...
...Harkness is a pretty fair writer, which is but to say that he has prostituted some fine gifts to this squalid undertaking...
...137C A51...
...They have supreme authority and power over their territory and are in-dependent, both of the authority of other states and of any superior authority...
...We do not picket hospitals or funeral parlors demanding an end to death...
...Public and private debt totalling $6 trillion...
...No state—be it Albania, Pakistan, the United States, South Africa, the Soviet Union, or Iran—accepts outside decisions it does not approve of, if it has the power to ignore them...
...The "witnesses" seem largely selected by the Nicaraguan government, many being employed by it...
...replies Jim, obviously shaken...
...Rubin is aware that most foreign policy professionals and "experts" are charlatans and makes occasional incisive observations...
...Send for THE SWISS SYSTEM today...
...That is why geographical diversification of some of your assets now — before exchange controls make it impossible — may be the most important survival step you will ever take...
...The rules are self-made and self-serving, the "judgment" as predictable as, say, the judgment of a Soviet tribunal in a political trial...
...No one can force you to buy this particular company's products...
...Even so, I will suggest that a less hysterical reading of "Mississippi Footprints" will turn up scant traces of defecation, ritual or otherwise...
...has no actual power...
...The people at P&G don't do this out of kindness...
...Although different in form, The American Connection is a similar propaganda exercise and must be judged no more convincing in its presentation of the civil war in El Salvador and Guatemala...
...I share his interest in international law, to the point of barely restraining myself from teaching it...
...Harkness can condemn them...
...Please charge my ^ VISA ^ MASTERCARD 1 1 Card No...
...Willie Morris went through a similar phase and outgrew it...
...Where-fore there is no end to them...
...Dream and what to do about it...
...Transferring it to Tanzania would consign it to the obscurity it deserves...
...But who knows...
...there is no unwelcome hint of tour de force in Mr...
...Consequently, they work hard to develop better products and to keep prices low...
...Harkness had looked at Greenwood-1986...
...Ross, for whom I haven't, strictly speaking, much reply...
...least source of universal puzzlement and indignation: Why war when every-body is for peace...
...after the Second World War...
...Above all, no state entrusts its defense interests to a group of third persons, whether or not the group is called a court of law...
...Belsky handles the self-imposed conventions of this particular genre with great assurance, and One for the Money makes for a very pleasant read...
...We are duly grateful to the physicians who help us overcome our various crises and postpone death...
...Government, on the other hand, has monopolized our postal service, most of our schools, crime prevention, etc.—all of which are among the least satisfactory services known to consumers...
...I suspect Mr...
...I) and GUATEMALA (v...
...But the actual program presentations have been transcribed and bound in a 211 page report called THE SWISS SYSTEM...
...But the book is too diffuse to hold together...
...How in-deed could the Soviet Union, China, and the U.S...
...What is legal...
...Their power is independent of any laws they don't make or approve...
...Both books report on atrocities, which probably did happen—they al-ways do in civil wars—but pretend that only one side commits them...
...Swiss Investment Counsellors DEPT...
...Nothing of the sort exists to settle the conflicts among states or to restrain TMetrii Mail Marketing, inc...
...The escalating U.S...
...Swiss bank ac-counts are, after all, absolutely secret...
...I no longer produce these seminars...
...There is nothing we can do about it...
...What we see in him is nothing more complicated than the renegade's irritation towards the man who acknowledges the force of ancestral loyalties...
...Before a single one of these products appeared on your grocer's shelf, millions of dollars and countless hours were spent asking consumers, "What do you want and how can we do it better...
...Most of us probably haven't...
...No one can violate the privacy of your Swiss account — not the U.S...
...Harkness is by now so familiar as to be banal...
...Good riddance, one is tempted to say...
...There must be a reason...
...He briefly acknowledges cogent contemporary criticisms such as those of Peter Bauer (now Lord Bauer), but he does not answer them...
...He makes his visitation, painfully conscious of its high moral significance...
...They could lead to treatment, cure, or at least management—if they feature an objective and full presentation of the relevant facts...
...We don't quite face it but we are resigned to death...
...However, although recorded history has not avoided it, war is believed to be avoidable...
...THE SWISS SYSTEM will help you enter the world of Swiss banking just as so many tens of thousands of prudent Americans have before you...
...482 pages...
...they must support violence and deceit for the sake of defense or peace...
...No state will give up its sovereign independence to submit to an effective law superior to its own...
...when the storm finally hits...
...This is the sort of novel where the characters take the subway and get off at the right stops...
...What is missing from One for the Money is the idiosyncratic point of view that mystery writers like Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler brought to their work...
...That's why, at just $30, this comprehensive special report is such an outstanding bargain...
...But Low Tide, flaws and all, is still a first novel of obvious promise by a literary critic who is already far past the "promising" stage...
...But it is a formidable propaganda machine, which, although used for anti-American, indeed anti-democratic and anti-Western, purposes, continues to be financed by and to enjoy the hospitality of the U.S...
...Franck is not altogether unaware of this...
...Harkness graduated from high school in 1965, which means he has not yet seen forty...
...Why war when nobody wants it...
...But there is little chance...
...Legend has it that Swiss vaults are lined with the loot of criminals and dictators and the profitsis so marginal to foreign policy, indeed to anything, that one wonders about the energy spent...
...On the contrary, Swiss law demands absolute secrecy in banking and investments and sternly punishes any Swiss who betrays a client's trust...
...is, as a whole, realistic, and that his proposals for U.S...
...Three city council seats are held by conservative Republicans...
...In the past, Communists managed to assemble a fuller array of respectable fellow travelers...
...I believe eventually a "common good" working coalition will be formed between activist Blacks and "Reagan-Kemp" Republicans to the economic advantage of all...
...Cecil S.H...
...It is, you know, and it protects consumers far more effectively than the government...
...filths savour but themselves...
...Franck, his description of so many trees, will not help readers see the forest, although Mr...
...1 1 1 ^ My check is enclosed, payable to the order of McCaffrey Enterprises (New York residents 1 add 8'i4% sales tax...
...Managed funds in Switzerland...
...Operating from the hallowed premise that fledgling novelists should write about what they know, Mr...
...Why Swiss banks are called "financial supermarkets...
...Franck himself appears to have of drug dealers...
...The detailed recital of events in that organization offered by Mr...
...Yet, what happens in the U.N...
...II) Michael McClintock/Zed Books, Ltd./$30.95 (set...
...After the First World War the U.S...
...they must participate in rebellions and civil wars, even if neither side is savory, let alone democratic...
...If individuals were as autonomous, as independent of superiGeorge Hansen has been one of the most outspoken members of the U.S...
...He is an able and objective historian, the possessor of a readable style and of much organizing power...
...And you surely cannot afford to have all of your assets inside the U.S...
...His Eisenhower, Kennedy and Foreign Aid is anecdotally interesting...
...Six of seven seats held by Blacks and working class Republicans is quite a feat here and is indicative of the change underway...
...Now turn to The Mood/Interest Theory of American Foreign Policy...
...The ends are unclear, sometimes even to the protagonists, and the means often are foreign to the democratic ethos...
...Should a Swiss bank manage your stock and bond portfolio...
...After all, each war, however much imposed on individuals, could be avoided by the society that fights it...
...And then he gets back into his car and drives back to his fastness in upstate New York, where he can be immured with Rilke or Rimbaud or whomever he translates, and where he can encounter black people slightly more often than he would in Norway...
...Seldom has a kettle been rebuked by a blacker pot...
...Democracies must associate with repulsive dictators to prevail over equally repulsive others...
...I is a typical scene: Father con-fronts son with the inevitable question, "So what do you want to do when you graduate, Jim...
...Indeed, towards the end Sinclair Lewis is said to have uttered some generous words about Sauk Centre...
...Because the facts just rehearsed unpleasantly conflict with our wishes,an infinity of books is published catering to them...
...the sense of place strong...
...an old maxim states that "the power to tax is the power to destroy" In this chilling expose of the IRS...
...Aquaculture is thriving alongside agriculture and industry, and interestingly enough, the emergence of Black political power has been accompanied by the demise of the patronizing white Democrat and the "old money" liberal GOP and has coincided with the arrival in the Delta of the Reagan Republican...
...Thus there are many occasions for moral indignation by the noisy minority which prefers morality to foreign policy...
...As Thomas Hobbes pointed out, there would be a bellum omnium contra omnes...
...Yet, like death, war can only be postponed...
...So, if you should find within 15 days that THE SWISS SYSTEM is not for you, just send it back for a full refund — no questions asked...
...Well, I'm not really sure yet," Jim answers...
...It may just be the best $30 insurance policy you will ever buy...
...An American presence would not have changed that...
...We refuse to realize that foreign policies and appropriate defense preparations may postpone particular wars, but cannot avoid war, any more than physicians can avoid death...
...International anarchy is but transparently disguised by wishful thinking and the U.N...
...Bankers there don't copy your checks for the government...
...Belsky has made his hero a reporter for the New York Blade, a newspaper which emphasizes screaming headlines and detailed coverage of bloody metro murders...
...Most people, however, are mainly concerned with sex and taxes—until war, the ultimate foreign policy, threatens to involve everybody...
...But the habits of a lawyer are hard to shake...
...I beg leave to inform him, moreover, that his talent is not yet so great as to entitle him to condescend to Mr...
...Belsky knows more about his mouthpiece than he is telling...
...They don't open records for casual inspection...
...Bodin and Puffendorf are great fun...
...WA 98009 I Please send me copes of Congressman George Hansen's book...
...811 c/o McCaffrey Enterprises • 15 Oakland Avenue • Harrison, NY 10528 ; Please send me copies of THE SWISS SYSTEM at U.S...
...And should they ever fail to do this, or should they ever lie about their products, the competition will be only too happy to tell us about it...
...Nevertheless, the company successfully markets over sixty well-known household goods...
...and then will inflate, tax and possibly confiscate it in response...
...Consider the fragile condition of the U.S...
...Foreign policy does too, helping to avert war, to postpone it, or to win it—and sometimes making mistakes that bring about war...
...I can only assume that Mr...
...it is ineluctable in the end...
...Franck's assessment of the U.N...
...Yes, THE SWISS SYSTEM is far more than just another book — it's a comprehensive Special Report, containing every vital element you would have learned at one of my seminars in Switzerland...
...Those who have advanced orthodox conservative or liberal views of the family will be both challenged and fascinated...
...Morris hardly needs my help to deal with this cardboard Coriolanus...
...Now, this isn't a testimonial to Procter and Gamble alone...
...And not just investments within Switzerland...
...Temple's letter...
...Western countries...
...Which is why we have governments and laws and, not least, courts which have the authority and power to impose their decisions on individuals...
...Other books, however, investigate foreign policy problems as physicians investigate particular pathologies...
...Despite evidence showing that with few exceptions (such as Taiwan) American foreign aid was wasted, and in some cases detrimental to the economies supposed to benefit from it, Rostow apparently cannot be rehabilitated...
...and that what I actually said bears practically no likeness to what m^w SARKES TARZIAN INC WRCB Ck rI E L CF NOOGA 17131...
...It describes some domestic battles about the American foreign aid Rostow himself fought for...
...What sets them apart is that they have discovered the safest possible haven for their offshore nest egg—and some of the most fertile investment possibilities the world has to offer...
...Mirabile dictu, he finds what he is looking for, and takes it as confirming his diagnosis of our continuing depravity...
...Both books fail to analyze seriously, let alone objectively, the ultimate aims of the parties in the civil war, beyond affirming that one side is good, the other bad...
...Above all, both books insist that if one side—the American supported anti-Communist party (represented as reactionary and anti-nationalist)—were only to give in, there would be no civil war...
...The "judges" are self-selected, or selected by interested leftist organizations...
...Swiss gold and silver investment plans — free of Swiss taxes, and securely stored in Zurich...
...Anyhow, the development of aquaculture in Greenwood is an interesting datum, if not the only fishy item in Mr...
...That gives him plenty of time to wise up...
...Over the course of his let-ter, my "squalid undertaking" devolves from turncoat loquacity and expatriate South-baiting to renegade bitterness and simple "filth"—language in whose trajectory I see little prospect of profitable exchange...
...BRUNO BANDULET: International gold markets...
...His own style is not exactly a model of terseness and Attic simplicity...
...Upon reading his strictures on that writer, I felt as though I had just heard a quonset hut speak patronizingly of the architecture of Chartres and Salisbury...
...One is inevitably reminded of the words of Albany in King Lear...
...Isn't there something we can do...
...And now we come to Mr...
...44 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR APRIL 1986 of the propositions are a little but not much more useful than "American Foreign Policy Moods . . . fluctuate between extreme introversion and extreme extroversion with intervening periods of moderation" (proposition 2) or "The U.S...
...budget deficits...
...It will show you how to maintain your in-vestments confidentially, far from Washington's prying eyes...
...Nor has he changed his ways...
...The course set by Mr...
...So does the testimony of Richard Falk, a Princeton professor...
...Because, when the crisis arrives, the government will impose controls to keep your wealth in the U.S...
...It is that, rather than any number of Faulknerisms, to which Mr...
...When describing the plight of Blacks here, he failed to mention that Blacks now occupy three of seven city council seats in Greenwood, a significant Black university exists in this county, and there is an emerging Black Middle Class...
...An important work!» —ROBERT NISBET Columbia University THE AMERICAN FAMILY AND THE STATE Edited by JOSEPH R. PEDEN and FRED R. GLAHE Foreword by ROBERT NISBET A distinguished group of scholars takes a comprehensive look at the modern family and how its increasingly serious problems relate to the intrusions of government...
...In any case, one suspects that his grievance with Mr...
...And we learn that there are things we can do to fight the IRS...
...Harkness will someday put his considerable talents to a better use...
...Willie Morris...
...has generally definable Foreign Policy interests" (proposition 3...
...Yet he cannot quite overcome his legal training...
...And Lucy Shannon is more a deft sketch for a first-rate series character than a fully finished creation like Philip Marlowe or Ross Macdonald's Lew Archer...
...If Southerners treat one another with courtesy, why, that is only a pose, or even a manipulative stratagem...
...Rubin also describes in tedious detail what went on in and about the State Department bureaucracies...
...There is some hope that Mr...
...Expires 1 1 I Signature Name (pteaseprint) Address 1 I City State Zip 1 ...SA3Q5 J THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR APRIL 1986 45 fairly good vision...
...People unrealistically expected a supernational and instead got an international organization, at best useless, at worst deleterious...
...In a county where blacks have had an absolute majority for a century or more, three council seats out of seven sure looks like it might fall under that heading...
...took the lead in forming the League of Nations...
...one is never quite sure if Mr...
...Cost-averaged gold and silver in-vestment plans...
...Insurance and annuity policies in stable Swiss francs...
...He casts about for instances of petty behavior, and for evidence that white racists still exist in Mississippi...
...Let me give you a few more examples of the useful and fascinating material you'll find in your copy of THE SWISS SYSTEM: • How to move funds to and from Switzerland — confidentially...
...WHY EVERY PRUDENT AMERICAN SHOULD KEEP SOME MONEY IN SWITZERLAND MY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE If you attended one of my international seminars, you would have paid up to $500 for the same information you will find in THE SWISS SYSTEM...
...Such a presentation is not found in On Thal, which offers "testimony" given to "the Permanent People's Tribunal" about the civil war in Nicaragua...
...Morris is notstylistic but substantive...
...In this non-propagandistic but academically pompous book, Jack E. Holmes, who teaches at the appropriately named Hope College in Holland, Michigan, suggests six propositions about long-run moods in the U.S...
...What if exchange controls are imposed — what happens to your Swiss accounts...
...Hillsdale College Hillsdale Michigan 49242 For a series of 36 of these award-winning essays, send $10.00 to Alternatives, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan 49242...
...Thus war, limited one hopes, but total 'one fears, ultimately cannot be avoided any more than conflicts can be, although, fortunately, particular wars are avoidable, just as particular illnesses are...
...Dick Belsky, city editor of the New York Post, makes his debut as a novelist with an engaging murder mystery in the hard-boiled vein called One for the Money...
...President Roosevelt got himself reelected by promising not to send American boys to Europe...
...Also included are special tear-out forms allowing you to send in for personalized proposals from recommended Swiss financial institutions, without obligation and in strictest confidence...
...government — not even the Swiss government...
...You cannot afford to ignore these storm clouds...
...Managing your assets through a Swiss bank investment portfolio...
...What is the famous Swiss numbered account...
...Each state exercises what power it has to pursue its interests—actual or fancied—and to provide for its security...
...W. W. Rostow has had a distinguished academic and government career, and now teaches at the University of Texas in Austin...
...Greenwood, Mississippi James Harkness replies: Merle Temple wishes I'd looked at Greenwood-1986, but I fear what he really wishes is that I'd seen through rose-colored glasses...
...This unique book analyzes the many major family issues, including the viability and role of mediating structures, the consequences of social welfare programs, and such problems as domestic violence, children's rights and parental authority, divorce, and teenage pregnancy...
...Harkness still views Greenwood as it was twenty years ago...

Vol. 19 • April 1986 • No. 4

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