
like the Tom Lehrer lyric. 'When the rocket goes up, who cares where it comes down ? That's not my department,' said Wernher yon Braun. " "Most intellectual causes ar~ far removed from their...

...Rodman's section on the area in "The Dilemmas of Conservatism" (TAS, March 1982...
...But of course no history book records that Sherman, by pinning down so many troops, enabled Grant to slice through the.heart of the Confederacy Only great generals "slice...
...The alternating successes of contending views describe the history of scientific approaches toward a valid conclusion...
...and N.Y...
...Inevitably, reading Saki sends one irresistibly back to the stories themselves...
...Myra Sklarew, a professor of literature at American University, had an even more drastic suggestion...
...Veal's _9 objections, he is certainly right in saying (and I wish l ' d thought to make the point myself) that the conspirators could not have planned both to shoot Kenned), from two different locations and set up Oswald as a lone gunman...
...No one, a f t e r all, advocated restoring Batista's dictatorship, and Cuba had (and has) plenty of honest, democratically minded leaders from whom an administration could be formed... could be a lot...
...By Volume I1: Intermediate...
...Killing a President is, as Mr...
...The question of how sedulously Oswald was being guarded just before J a c k Ruby shot him raises points that Anthony Summers, using material gathered by House Assassinations Committee investigators, add r e s s e d in his book but which I wasn't able to include in my review...
...O'Lessker's article offers a number of miscellaneous data that, if solidly grounded, show that there are more things in Dallas than Ockham dreamed of...
...Cohen claims that by pinning down German troops, Montgomery "paved the way for Patton's audacious maneuvers, much as Grant's slugging matches with Lee in the Wilderness enabled Sherman to slice through the heart of the Confederacy...
...The underlying cause of the conflict was, and remains today, the refusal of the Arab states to allow Israel to exist as a sovereign, independent Jewish state...
...As such, it becomes one with such diverse expositions of the same thesis as theJ ames-Lange theory, behavioristic psychology, and the imaginative fantasy " F r a n k e n s t e i n , " to say nothing of a host of other sciencefiction stories and almost all psychology textbooks...
...The Arab-Israeli conflict did not start in 1967, when Israel came into possession of areas won in the Six-Day War... all cases, however, the credit or blame should go to the authors of the three books under review...
...What did the organizers think was accomplished...
...Now, how are we going to suppress such combinations--license physicists...
...One modifies the purpose of the Norman aristocrat's journey to America...
...Very, very quiet...
...Many other FSI language courses also _9 This course turns your cassette player available...
...JA, % The Viguerie Co...
...We never set out to 'accomplish' anything at all...
...he are we...
...The irony of the Reagan Administration's actively assisting Soviet proxies in conquest should not be lost on the r e a d e r s of The American Spectator . . . . --Peter E. Goldman Executive Director Americans For a Safe Israel Washington, D. C. In an otherwise sterling article on "Reagan the politician" (March 1982), Professor James Q. Wilson takes a somewhat inaccurate view of the Reagan Administration's political conservatism...
...Veal and I may think, Marcello at least didn't regard as '~ marginal" the "advantages from eliminating the Attoime}' General'.s bt'other...
...So fill out this coupon and mail it to us today...
...eeooeeeoee*oesoooB=eoee=eoo=e41e=oo= CORRESPONDENCE (continued from page 29) free-market price...
...His book, needless to say, is not for children--but then, n e i t h e r are the slight, often ephemeral, sometimes perfect stories of Hector Hugh Munro...
...every situation...
...Department of State has spent thousands of dollars developing l this course, It's by far the most effective way to learn Spanish at your own con_9 venience and at your own pace...
...Oh, am I full of error...
...depending on 5'our talent and experience...
...But this confusion of theory and fantasy are repeated many times in the piece by Mr... really is a magnificent piece of investigative reporting...
...l tow much will we pay you...
...Whatever such ties Kennedy actually had, there was nothing to be gained 40 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MAY 1982 by seeking revenge for his " b e - trayal...
...New York...
...Pournelle spent the rest of the conference fingering the pages of a science-fiction novel...
...Patrick Dean, the Dallas police officer given responsibility for securing the area through which Oswald was being led, not only was a long-time friend of J a c k Ruby's but had underworld connections of his own through Dallas mobster Joe Civello-widely r e p u t e d to be Carlos Marcello's "representative" in Texas...
...The'Chinese decline in the rate of population growth is the outcome not of inevitable forces but of an arduous and a u t h o r i t a r i a n campaign to discourage large families...
...It is most unlikely that both of these contentions can be true...
...I (Conn...
...Second, the plotters presumably would have wanted to silence Oswald a f t e r his a r r e s t , lest he be able to clear himself...
...defeating (but not destroying) Rommel, courtesy of a superiority "not much greater than that of his predecessors...
...Consensus, if it ever does come, is still a long way off...
...Loose Projections I followed Ben J . Wattenberg's television series on American business with interest and respect...
...But I am a long way from being persuaded as tothe accuracy of any particular scenario or reconstruction my authors proposed...
...The second alleged m o t i v e - - t h e Administration's supposed toughness toward organized crime--is at least a bit credible, being .sprung from selfinterest rather than punishment or revenge, but Robert Kennedy's activities as a crime fighter had hardly cut the mob to the quick or reduced it to a state of desperation...
...Yet, to make a promise about gold convertibility will not reassure anyone in the lending business, inducing them to ask lower interest rates...
...Nevertheless, I should like, for the record, to offer a response...
...According to these findings, Sgt...
...Finally, I think it important to note that rather than being so hard on Jackson, we should reevaluate him and compare him as often as possible to today's hero, Ronald Reagan...
...I can only apologize for not making clear enough the distinction between their views and my response to them...
...For that matter, was it at all likely that a U.S.-installed Cuban government would be friendly to a revival of criminal activities on the island...
...If vou answc, red "Yiis" to all three qllestions , . . we wmlt to talk to you IIOD,' a h ( l l . l t a l l ex(:itillg IIOW ( : a r e e r . A new career that will put ,,'our talent and backgrou ut to full use...
...Please invent a cure for the commoncold," s u g g e s t e d O.B...
...1 am afraid he makes a number of errors of fact, and appears to misjudge the notion of what a theory is First, his comment on "The Asterhid and tlae Dinosaur," a TV program which to:him resembles the theories of Velikoysky, in that it promotes wild theoretics...
...n the end of the course, you'll be learning Order today...
...You'll learn Latin American Spanish recorded by native speakers...
...Promises can be broken...
...It seems more likely Nancy is being attacked with so much hostility because she r e p r e s e n t s what the liberal (feminist) press has come to dislike and s c o r n - - t h e traditional woman...
...O'Lessker suggests, though in a tentative fashion, halfrepudiating his own assertions, that Kennedy was punished for breaking off his connections with the mob...
...I know someone who can answer you'll keep it conf'idential...
...while conservative politics offers little more than subtraction...
...Bethell's quoted remark seems singularly pointless...
...Walter James Miller, a professor of English at New York University, proposed as the topic for next year's conference, "To what extent are science and literature stultified by their reliance on the profit system...
...This program is anything but Velikovskian...
...His "Population L o s t " (TAS, March 1982), however, was a disappointment...
...On the other hand, one need not have a command of the minutiae of the event, nor need one be a blind adherent of the Warren Commission, to detect a glaring inconsistency in Mr...
...When Karl O'Lessker's piece on the assassination of President Kennedy...
...It would be interesting to know more about the circumstances of other countries...
...Okay, I'll be quiet...
...your q u e s t i o n s , but I'm I'm e n c l o s i n g my resume s e n d i n g you the name of and work historv...
...Now you can learn to speak Spanish just as these diplomatic personnel do with the Foreign Service Institute's Prol grammatic Spanish Course...
...But if in fact there was a conspiracy at work, it's not hard to believe that it would have involved gunmen at different locations for just that sort of fail-safe reason...
...O'Lessker contends that (1) shotswere fired at President Kennedy from both behind (from the book depository or some other location) and in front (from the "grassy knoll") and (2) Lee Harvey Oswald was set up as a " f a l l guy" by conspirators who wanted it believed that the killing was the work of a "lone nut...
...The advantages to be gained from eliminating the Attorney General's brother seem marginal, the risks, if the operation was discovered, appalling...
...Reagan has become a "victim" because of her vulnerability as the wife of a President who is seen as too amiable a man to attack...
...Veal rightly sees as my doubts about some of them...
...I do not find them serious, and I am sorry they appeared in The American Spectator . . . . --Reney Myers Elizabeth, New Jersey Gentlemen Revisited In an otherwise informative article, Delba Winthrop ("The Voluntary Spirit of Tocqueville's America," TAS, February 1982) p r e s e n t s two observations about which I would like to comment...
...For not only was Tocqueville here to "appreciate" American institutions, he was here to learn from them and adapt them to French institutions . . . Tocqueville wrote that the dilemma facing France in 1848 was in replacing the overthrown monarchy with a long-standing republic...
...So we are back to the question again and Mr...
...Try it for three weeks...
...Langguth has successfully filled in many of the gaps left by sister Ethel's assiduous letter-burning and deliberate concealment, even turning up six uncollected Saki stories (none of which, it must be said, is very good) in the process...
...Ockham's razor suggests, however, that the prime suspect is the man who owned the murder weapon, was at the scene of the crime, and tried to flee after its commission...
...Another is the enterprise zone concept, stripping regulations, taxes, and zoning restrictions from depressed urban areas to create growth...
...They would, if they were all dead, wouldn't they...
...Mail this coupon and your resume 'to Dept...
...In the meantime, anyone with even a mild interest in the assassination should run, not walk, to the nearest bookstore and get a copy of Anthony Summers's Conspiracy...
...BERNARDO 2400 Westhelmer, # 10~V (T), Houston, TX 77098 ~_~ [] Do you have writing talent...
...Now this problem," Tocqueville wrote, newly posed for us, was solved in America stxty years ago...
...Be bold/show U'~rn off...
...So no m a t t e r what Mr...
...I The U.S...
...If P r e s i d e n t Kennedy had been struck by shots from both in front and behind, no clever planting of evidence could have convinced anyone that the assassination was the work of a single gunman...
...But that doesn't rule out the possibilities (a) that he was set up as amember of a team, or (b) that he was a member of a team and no one trmd to set him up at all The o t h e r .gunman got away, he didn't...
...A conspirator could not have had a very high degree of confidence that silencing Oswald would be feasible...
...As for catastrophism and gradualism, these are two theories which are in contention today...
...For make no mistake about it, such a book is not merely the examination that it purports to be of computer development and logical propositions...
...But in response to one of his specific points, that concerning the "second alleged mot i v e , " a key witness at the House Assassinations Committee hearing quoted Marcello comparing John and Robert Kennedy to the head and tail of a dog: "The dog will keep biting you if you only cut off its tail...
...8 cassettes, _9 (l 11/2 hr...
...It may well be that E = me 2 is beautiful, but implicit in Einstein's 1905 paper is the atom bomb...
...appeared (TAS, October 1981), 1 anticipated that you would recei,~e numerous l e t t e r s pointing out the fatal flaws in his theories...
...In a word, the basic premise that is not only unproved nor even examined, but not even explicitly stated, being taken as a self-evident axiom (which it is not) is this: that what we know as "mind" or "intelligence" is in fact a condition of physical matter, and exists only to the extent that it can be examined by physical means...
...His industry has given us the first reliable life of H.H...
...For sixty y e a r s t h e p r i n c l p l e o f t h e s o v e r e i g n t y o f t h e p e o p l e , which we have i n t r o d u c e d b u t y e s t e r d a y , h a s prevailed unchallenged t h e r e . . . While all the nations of Europe have been ravaged by war or torn by civil strife, the American people alone in the civilized world have remained pacific . . . Where e l s e can we find g r e a t e r c a u s e of hope or more valuable l e s s o n s ? The other item which 1 would like to address is the author's conclusion that Andrew Jackson was a "vulgar demagogue.'" Au contraire...
...I may be very generous, but I hope that there were more people like you and less like the others...
...We should have more play, and for that I'm going to get a penguin brain...
...The course consists of a series of cassettes and accompanying textbook...
...William Meredith glared at Pournelle...
...O"Lessker--his shadowy connections with the espionage demimonde, his ideological inconsistencies, the difficulties of determining what he was doing where and when--make his participation in the Kennedy assassination more, rather than less, plausible...
...7777 Leeshu~g Pike, Falls Church, Virginia 22043 our employees are aware of this ad ASl L j Wild Theoretics I am moved to offer some comment on Tom B e t h e l l ' s article on the " P r o l e t a r i a n . E v o l u t i o n " (TAS, March 1982...
...But what killed them...
...Wilson is correct in his knowledge that the voting public has greater difficulty in accepting promises that "less is more" than do, say, students of Mies van der Rohe...
...but one returns this time with an enhanced understanding of the complex emotional forces at work within Munro's fiction, an achievement for which A.J...
...Was there any plausible ground for expecting that Kennedy's successor would do anything about the Cuban regime...
...As to the specifics of Mr...
...I was glad to hear from Mr Wattenberg that world population is not zooming out to infinity as predicted a few years ago...
...n B and speaking entirely in Spanish...
...said Pournelle...
...I have a whole series of stories on this, and I make a lot of money offof them...
...Either way, the assassination would still have involved a conspiracy Next, if there had been no particular effort to' set up Oswald and if he ha{t "been wkh other people at the moment of tbe assassination," clearly he would not have been able to take part in the shooting...
...But his slight to General Sherman (equires p r o t e s t . Mr...
...O'Lessker fingers as the guilty parties, while one can easily ascribe almost any villainy to such thugs as Sam Giancana and Carlos Marcello, their alleged motives sound rather weak...
...Bethell derides the scientific process, because it evolves as it finds out new information...
...YES, YES, YES to all 3 ~ No, 1 c a n ' t answer Yes to Questions...
...Andrew Jackson was a gentleman democrat...
...The difference is that earlier theories have been settled, while the evolutionary theories have not...
...He states that Israel must choose between peace and land, as if Israel had such a choice...
...If you're not l convinced it's the fastest, easiest, most _9 painless way to learn Spanish, return it and we'll refund every penny you paid...
...However, I disagree that Mrs...
...Wilson observes that Democratic politics is "essentially a process of addition," or promising more...
...I into a "teaching machine...
...The remaining delegates discussed what should happen at the next conference...
...It is tr'ue that scientists often "find what they are looking for and ignore everything else," but is that not what Mr...
...All in all, the facts (if they be facts) about Oswald adduced by Mr...
...Pournelle retreated into a corner, his voice growing quieter and hoarser..., however, your readership seems to have remained silent...
...I The Foreign Service Institute's Spanish course is unconditionally guaran- _9 teed...
...On the contrary: it is only the continued puffs of the press that keep such a ragged balloon aloft, as Mr...
...The author writes at the end of the article that M. de Tocqueville "would have been pleased by the way Americans now remember him: as the Frenchman who visited America 150 years ago to appreciate what makes a republic great and who wrote a book to inspire and inform 'the true friends of liberty and human dignity' with its image" [my emphasis...
...we agree...
...Choice in Currency Commission Washington, D. C. Cutting a Minor Figure In his review of Monty (TAS, March 1982), Eliot A. Cohen claims that Montgomery's reputation suffers in this country from bad press...
...YES NO D FJ D E ~_@ Do you have a conservative, political background...
...Wdle for ~. B I[, ',~ gralis presentaUon of Bemardo' s exteflsive colkctton ,I...
...At this point, J e r r y Pournelle roared...
...It is one thing to believe that President Reagan might make a promise to convert dollars into gold at a fixed price, but would Walter Mondale (Heaven forfend...
...Our monetary problems are due to discretionary management by our central bank...
...It was scarcely foreseeable, however, that the accused assassin of the President would not be sedulously guarded...
...Hence, unless the conspirators were amazingly stupid (or capable of the sort of incredible skullduggery that writers like David Lifton allege), the "shots from the grassy knoll" theory and the "planting of evidence for a lone gunman" theory are incompatible...
...They seem hardly fit subjects for ridicule, especially today, where their success is all too evident...
...All the firing would then have had to come from the grassy knoll...
...I do not pretend to have any solution to President Kennedy's assassination...
...Giancana, Marcelio, etc...
...With its Our l0thyear...
...Wattenberg's crowing about how wrong the predictions were does not explain why they were wrong, or in fact dispose of the great likelihood that it was recognition of the trend by certain countries like China and India that, for those countries at least, changed the trend . . . . --Joseph Burlock Poquoson, Virginia She's a Lady Fred Barnes's Presswatch "Kicking Around Reagan" (TAS, March 1982) seems to accurately sum up President Reagan's status with the national press at this time...
...The U.S...
...Langguth deserves high praise...
...T. Veal Chicago, Illinois Karl 0 'Lessker replies: By the way of modest demurral I should point out that the piece in question was a book review, not a report on my own independent investigations...
...A new carc'er where you will work with the people who are making today's headlines...
...Bethell is doing...
...9 to U.S...
...C 0 R R E S P 0 N D E N C E Reagan Year One One wonders why otherwise lucid commentators such as Peter Rodman seem to enter a fog when discussing the Middle East, as illustrated by Mr...
...In fact, it is another in a long series of theoretical constructions aimed at proving the wholly material nature of reality without actually stating its basic premise...
...Pournelle stood up, his voice reduced to a dry whisper...
...A /1~'~'~, Bemardo exclush~: tnit~ or rm~ engraved on l / , ! ~ - brass hardware, Own wardrobe/gifts...
...If these allegations are true, Ruby's ability to get to Oswald at the precisely right moment will not seem so surprising...
...O'Lessker's preferred scenario...
...Reagan . . . . --Arla J. Tracz Falls Church, Virginia --'Bullish on Braces?7-~'--" "l~at's right--big comeback to braces/suspenders...
...One aim of my review was to show why, in my judgment, the new evidence presented in two of the three books makes the Warren Commission account a p p e a r less probable than many of the responsible alternatives now being put forward...
...O'Lessker notes, a high risk operation...
...Brian E. Sowers Sbippensburg, Pa...
...It might be helpful to have a creative musician or a creative artist, but perhaps that's against your rules," said astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle...
...There are further objections to the hypothesis that Oswald was framed that render it entirely unbelievable...
...By the same token, whether Oswald was or w a s n ' t part of a conspiracy, we may presume he would have made every effort not to be with other people at the time Kennedy's motorcade was scheduled to pass by...
...B'ut this was a projection, and like all projections it indicated a trend to be heeded, inevitability...
...text, $98...
...Reagan is the ultimate, traditional woman no one will deny...
...tion of, and, in the end, failure to fully come to .grips with, the basic philosophic assertion made in this work...
...A third, first announced in Reagan's speech before the Organization of American States, overturns decades of governmental thought on foreign aid by redirecting the aid to nations' private, not publie, sectors, and also by encouraging American private sector investment in selected nations...
...l~,.,n~ ' For d~ss/bus~r~sss: ~so toctay's ~ Uvfng: Wear ~I/v"AP'~ with slacks/sperts ~acket...
...Or, charge to i your credit card (American Express, _9 VISA, MasterCard, Diners Club) by enclosing card number, expiration date, _9 and your signature...
...moving his troops at one time " a l m o s t as fast as Patt o n ' s . " Such praise makes its own refutation...
...Mention of Mafia kingpin Carlos Marcello takes me to the penultimate four paragraphs of Mr...
...Let's see how well that works... the Oval Office in 1989 keep that promise ? If we lead the long-term bond markets down a primrose path to gold convertibility, and then watch helplessly when a future social-democratic Administration pimps them, we will most assuredly have destroyed the free-market system forever...
...To me, opinions of this kind appear to be the views of an uninformed person...
...The American Spectator welcomes correspondence from its readers...
...It is unfortunate that his favorite theories do an even worse job of " s a v i n g the appearances...
...O ' L e s s k e r ' s well-deserved reputation for clarity of thought has intimidated all would-be critics...
...or perhaps Mr...
...Veal dofi't share that view...
...India, with less means for coercion but with equal will, has had a more qualified success...
...We are the Viguerie Company, a well-known nationwide direct mail advertising agency, headquartered in the Washington, D.C...
...The decline in Bangladesh, for example, might very well be for d i f f e r e n t proximate reasons from that in South Korea...
...Finally, Mr...
...The assassination would not even warn o t h e r Mafia-influenced politicians, since the mob's part in it must necessarily be kept secret...
...I do indeed believe there was a great deal more to the assassination than met the Warren Commission's official eye...
...A new career where you can help (:hange the future of America...
...IJV .~t~.dT of smashing British braces/exciting American ~ . . ~ J suspenders...
...My own present view, as I mentioned earlier, is that the weight of the new evidence makes the Warren Commission account one of the least plausible of them...
...Specifically, in what way would the elimination of Kennedy have b e t t e r e d the lots of Messrs...
...But I am neither surprised nor incensed to learn that intelligent readers like Mr...
...Unlicensed physicists are taken out and shot...
...9 "You should learn to be more . . . socially responsible...
...Stephen J. Masty Alexandria, Virgina I enjoyed Alan Reynolds's dissection of Reaganomics' faults (March 1982...
...residents add sales tax) _9 TO ORDER, JUST CUP THIS AD and mail with your name and address, and a _9 check or money order...
...Bethell quotes Darwin Retrted to the effect that "all explanations of extinction boil down to elaborate ways of saying that the animal at issue stopped reproducing...
...On-the-Green, _9 i i , - n n i n l J l = , m | Gulffo~, ~ . ~3~ i I MIJIi IIJ'I;IIJ I,,IIIII q ~ , Or visil our New York saies otfuce: 145 E. 49th St...
...Perhaps no one cares eighteen years later who killed JFK...
...In the battles around Atlanta, the opposed forces were of about the same strengths as those of Grant and Lee in Virginia at the same time...
...promises will be broken in the future...
...manual, and 614-p...
...Throughout his life the Hero aspired to the lofty positions of society, from his young adult days in Charleston to his r e t i r e m e n t years at the Hermitage...
...This sentence could have been worded more strongly...
...Said Maxine Kumin, "That's a stupid question...
...I've included my home and work phone numbers...
...Write us for free catalog...
...promises have been broken in the past...
...Veal credits me with adducing certain facts and attributing certain motives...
...Reagan a debt of gratitude for catching the ire of those who have chosen to forget America became great due in large part to women just like Mrs...
...Veal's letter dealing with attribution and interpretation of Mafia motives as postulated in the book by Blakey and Billings...
...If that were.the case, tt would be all the more desirable for the conspirators to have him eliminated...
...n unique "programmatic" learning meth- i od, you set your own pace - - testing Audio-Forum i yourself, correcting errors, reinforcing Suite 403 _9 accurate responses...
...Please limit your comments to 200 words, and include f u l l name, address, and telephone number...
...Yes to them...
...He rightly apologizes for seeming ironic in listing the " g r e a t " achievements: having conducted a divisional retreat...
...minor figures "slug" and " p i n . " - - Wilham Vesterman Pzscataway, N.J...
...That is, he reduces scientific ideas whether right or wrong to absurdity, which is a rather extraordinary thing to do . . . . Mr...
...embassies abroad,.where they must be able to converse fluently in manual, and464-p, text,$115...
...Cohen's review itself demonstrates...
...There is today THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MAY 1982 ~9 rather more direct e~,idence for the opinions in "The A s t e r o i d " than t h e r e is for the existence of black holes, for example, .while the "theor i e s " of Velikovsky are entirely devoid of evidential support...
...First, Oswald might easily have been with other people at the moment of the assassination, eliminating him as a suspect and probably drawing unwelcome attention to the conspirators' maneuvers...
...One :final obserr With all that has been written abo~at Lee Oswald by everyone who has ~ever:looked into the~case, his role in it re.aires very nearly impenetrable .~qe.coutd have b~een anything from a crazed Marxist lone gunman to a hired killer in Castro'~ vmpioy to an, agert of simsrer right-r forces to the " p a t s y " ' h e claimed to be Madde~ngly, thet'e is evidence for all of these and more...
...Simply follow the spoken and written instructions, listening and repeating...
...He sounds like the sort of man who would hatch a crack-brained scheme to kill the President...
...As controversies, they are no different from the Ptolemaic and the Copernican theories of the universe, or the conflicting theories of oxidation and phlogiston which exercised the minds of scientists in the past...
...This is exemplified by the psychological dictum, " F o r every sensation t h e r e is a p r o c e s s , " which is a s t a t e m e n t of faith r a t h e r than fact . . . . --John E. Harry Cambridge, Minnesota Who ShotJFK...
...Mary's College in Maryla~id...
...Inside the Mind's I Hugh Kenner's review of The Mind's 1 (TAS, March 1982) is both interesting and4disappointing in its descrip...
...10017 (212)753-1783 _~IP ~ , LV" ~ m m m m n i m m n m m m m m m ~ ' THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MAY 1982 29 meticulously researched and on the whole well-written account of Munro's intriguing career...
...I agree with almost everything he advocates, but I must demur from his solution to high interest rates: "guaranteeing to convert dollars into gold at a known price, adjusting policy levers to make that promise stick...
...the other so shocked me" that I was nearly knocked off my chair and left gasping for breath...
...As for the various Mafia chieftains whom Mr...
...The first of the motives attributed to the alleged assassins is disappointment over Kennedy's failure to overthrow Fidel Castro...
...12 cassettes, (17 hr...
...Most intellectual causes ar~ far removed from their effects," said Michael Glaser, professor of English at St...
...Do you have 3 to 7 years of advertising, ~_~ public relations, or business experience...
...R'ereading my review, I'm puzzled how anyone could have mistaken an account of their views for my own, especially in light of what Mr...
...If it were a mere border question, the problem would have been solved well over three decades ago . . . . The total failure of the Reagan Administration's Middle East policy is well illustrated by its actions in Lebanon, where it has prevented Israel from combatting Syria and the PLO and assured that these Soviet proxies continue to occupy most of the once democratic Lebanon...
...Alonglwith this fact, she is lovely, loves her husband and family, admires and enjoys fashion and beautiful surroundings (just as a lady always has) and, most of all, she seems to prefer "virtue" to "vice" which is quite d a r i n g o f h e r at this time in our nation's experience . . . . I believe America owes Mrs...
...Joe Cobb Executive Director U.S...
...O'Lessker assumes that this was so and suggests that Jack Ruby was the mob's hit man...
...In these and a number of other instances, Mr...
...It is not a question of borders or territory, but of existence...
...Munro ever to see print, one not likely to be bettered in the near future...
...Not being an assassinations buff, I cannot explain or evaluate the various anomalies that the author brings forward...
...That Mrs...
...Still, while media commentators are slow to acknowledge it, the Reagan Administration has proposed a substantial number of positive policy initiatives that distance themselves from the old-style conservative negativism Reagan's New Federalism, the wholesale shipping of welfare programs to state finance and jurisdiction, is a noteworthy example...
...metropolflan area...
...Another novel concept, though largely ignored by the media, is Reagan's announcement of sending teams of private sector businessmen and efficiency experts into the Pentagon, HUD, and the Department of Health and Human Services to root out inefficiencies . . . . Even if these policies are n o t placed in their proper perpective by the national media, they bring with them certain changes in public attitudes that it is wise not to ignore...
...What were the rewards that would compensate the Mafia for that risk...
...Gold Commission has recommended a competition between gold coi'ns and paper dollars, at a: (continued on page 39) hke a Biplomatt = m foWh: nt ~;~176176 Jcek~d ta~ coThee FcSo~esPFn~ pa:ish m m tp;erjY~ ptc~sast'b ewhF~ ~'hiSPeady 'nr~ehandeS~176 binder, m m America's diplomatic corps are assigned [] Volume h Basic...

Vol. 15 • May 1982 • No. 5

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Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.