Current Wisdom

Jackasses, Assorted

C U R R E N T W I S D 0 M The Soho News In a h i s t o r i c i n t e r v i e w , P r o f e s s o r Norman Mailer unveils a novel theory of j u s t i c e , namely: crime w i t h o u t punishment...

...The only people who have gotten anything out of this whole tragic mess are the ones who are calling for more law and order, and more taw and order means moving this country toward a fascist state...
...Send $1.25 for 15 samples and catalog...
...Send clippings to: Editorial Intern, Public Research, Syndicated, 201 W. Fourth, Claremont, CA 91711...
...I'll exercise-sometimes go down to the beach in the morning or, at some point in the day, go to Jane Fonda's "Workout...
...Weatherford be lieves all this ceremonial posturing may be fine at a Moose Lodge meeting, but gets in the way of governing...
...Do you have Mexican investments or bank deposits...
...The federal government already subsidizes segregated schooling for millions of white, middle-class Northern schoolchildren...
...Publicity, advertising, beautiful books...
...Issue tt J3] Vegetarian Times The winsome and complicated Patti Davis--daughter of our P r e s i d e n t - - i s interviewed by Vegetarian Times, the journal of America's Hungry Young Men: Vegetarian Times: Patti, my first hunch is that saying, "Good Morning, " to the California sun and the Pacific Ocean must be an energizing way of starting the day...
...Free lesson...
...Characteristic is the following example: "Those who do the best wilt be struck the most, and their children will be taken away, stripped, and their bones will be crushed and broken...
...Nostalgic set...
...Elbee Co., Box 230-AS, San Antonio, TX 78291...
...When writing to us about your subscription, always attach your address label or print your name and address exactly as they appear on your address label...
...Established 1970...
...classroom discussions replace lectures...
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...Interested in the outlook for the peso...
...I resent the notion that I can be manipulated that easily...
...Informational Pamphlets, Conferences...
...Somewhere along the line, I recognized that the implicit assumption in all that stuffis: if you show us a slender thigh or reveal a bit of breast, not only do we salivate, we jump through hoops and instantly abandon our brains...
...Nikki Doryland is a non-aligned dyke and commie who majors in Women's Studies at San Francisco State and works in a hospital...
...Classes do not exceed 20 students...
...STELLA MARLS 'BOOKS, Box 11483AS, Fort Worth, Texas 76110...
...70-120 years o l d . All S t a t e s . Stamp for Catalog...
...Accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges...
...1,000 only $34.50...
...This class will examine how feminism and socialism both explicitly analyze connections, divisions and who benefits...
...James Beck makes one of those stimulating risible judgments that render scholarship in the Post.Freudian Age such a gas: Certain themes, often set in the form of prophecies, fables, or riddles, crop up regularly in his writings, including that of being unappreciated...
...129A, Plainfield...
...r'o~6e.,d\\ ~ s~ xl x-~ 5 \'O'x .6~o ~ ~N~ ~Xx ~ m~ ~~ .,~\~ : ,4vceoc~i ' ~o ~,~co "5 ,,~e~o~.e~e~co.~: .~,~ ), ~x.'~ ~6,o,,~ e o ,~'s" ~O"- 0 Cv C'r" ,e ~(~' ~0 ( Changing your address...
...Please renew my subscription for one year (twelve issues--S18) [] Payment enclosed O Please bill me PLEASE PRINT Name Address I City I State Zip I Date of change I X82A CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM You can reach 120,000 informed and inter: ested readers in the classified section of ]'be American Spectator...
...Carlton Press, Dept...
...Louis Globe-Democrat Large and luscious fruits of progress o f f e r e d by P r o f e s s o r J a c k Mclver Weathefford, anthropologist: Anthropologist Jack Mclver Weatherford, who has studied Swahilis in Kenya, a Bavarian village called Kahl and a California village called La Jolla, has put the United States Congress under his microscope...
...All the ritual is about to choke Congress to death," he said...
...Her husband graduated from Bronx High School of Science, attended Columbia College in New York City and graduated from Goddard College...
...ASO, 84 Fifth Avenue, New York 10011...
...Susan Buck-Morse displays the quality of lucubration now transforming Cornell University's government department into a kind of Florence: Historically, the medical profession has defined women's sexuality and reproduction in a way that puts them under the control of a male-dominated gynecological profession, alienating them from rights over their own bodies (see John Ehrenreich, ed , The Cultural Crisis of Modern Medicine...
...Falls Church, VA 22044...
...Meet interesting, sincere, high quality singles nationwide...
...It does so through the Internal Revenue code, which allows their parents to deduct from income the interest payments on mortgages for overpriced homes in districts with "good"--meaning, in real estate salesmen's code, mostly white--schools...
...It allows the entire digestive system, and all the other body cells, a chance to break up and eliminate the viscous-like mucous material and toxic wastes...
...Although this is written in reference to walnut trees, an autobiographical connection may be assumed...
...h ' s getting harder and harder tO get any work done," he said...
...MYERS Professional Editing, Rewriting, Revising...
...If I don't have something set to do, I work on my writing...
...The couple will delay their honeymoon until the last week of December, when they will go to Ft...
...So now when I'm with other men and the commenting starts--"Will you look at the legs on that one...
...A ten-lesson study that will throw light on today's baffl!ng problems...
...Brucha Patt of 3965 Sedgwick Ave., Bronx, N.Y...
...Box 1992, Pittsburgh, PA 15230...
...Jack Abbott didn't benefit from this...
...C U R R E N T W I S D 0 M The Soho News In a h i s t o r i c i n t e r v i e w , P r o f e s s o r Norman Mailer unveils a novel theory of j u s t i c e , namely: crime w i t h o u t punishment so long as the criminal can prove that his butcherings have profited him not: It started politely enough, with Mailer observing that "Abbott is a very complex man with great gifts," but that "paranoia is a very unhealthy stimulation for a writer...
...Box 11711, Philadelphia, PA 19101...
...IMPORTANT Allow six weeks for address change...
...Everyone just goes back to doing what he was doing, and the moment passes...
...january 2I, 1982] 42 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR APRIL 1982 classified HELPWANTED AGGRESSIVE NEWS SERVICE seeks young, talented Stringers...
...Write Box AE, Swarthmore, PA 19081 or call 215-566-2132...
...Seven books, hardbound, $29 postpaid...
...number of words) x .70 (price per word) Cost for one issue x (number of issues ad is to appear) Total cost (payment must accompany order) Ad classification: PLEASE PRINT Name Address City State Zip Please type or print your ad on a separate sheet of paper, attach and send to: THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR Classified Department P.O...
...The Health Hazards of Not Going Nuclear," $5.95, Golem Press, Box 1342-A, Boulder, CO 80306...
...January I0, 1982] Vegetarian Times How do the famed Adonises of Bulgaria and Hunzaland do it...
...Understanding the connections, in our heads and in our guts, is using theory as a tool we can control to analyze ourselves and our oppressions (and those we may help perpetuate) whether these oppressions are on our jobs or in bed...
...January 26, 19821 The CoraeU Daily Sun Prof...
...HOME STUDY COURSE in Economics...
...Both " i s m s " start out as theories...
...December 6, 1981] New York Daily News Someone by t h e name of L a r s - E r i k Nelson s p o t s r a c i s m a t its most arcane: Let us acknowledge, at this point, some Northern white liberal hypocrisy...
...It's too easy," Mailer continued, warming up, "for people to say they ought to put this guy in jail and throw away the key...
...Send for fact-filled booklet and free manuscript report...
...Nellie (George) Hepp of Windsor Locks, Conn., and the bridegroom is son of Mrs...
...A graduate of Windsor Locks High School and of Goddard College, she is employed by the Savoy Theater in Montpelier...
...Conservative, Patriotic, Anti-Communist...
...For list send stamped, addressed envelope: Box 549, Iowa City, IA 52244...
...After much study, he believes he has found the problem with Congress: It's full of men . . . . Congress has 515 men and 20 women...
...It may be encouraging to your readers to know that most of the time this puts a stop to any further escalations of the commenting, either within the group or to the women...
...Box PP, c I o American Spectator...
...The bridegroom, as justice of the peace, performed the ceremony...
...Box 1969 Bloomington, IN 47402 (Please attach address label here...
...Tuition free-small charge for materials...
...You should be reading MEXLETTER...
...Send for list: The Appalachian Forum, P.O...
...Free information: Wren, Box 548, Woodville, TX 75979...
...THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR Circulation Department P.O...
...Subscription: $15, payable to: Indiana Center for Shroud Studies, R. 3 Box 557, Nashville IN 47448...
...Even as a child I knew that making comments and wisecracking at women on the street was wrong and sexist...
...They are at home on High Street here...
...But l did it anyway when I was with groups of other adolescent boys because I somehow felt I had to...
...Free catalog: Hamilton's, 98-74 Clapboard, Danbury, CT 06810...
...Write Henry George Institute, 5 E. 44th St., New York, NY 10017 SERVICES FREELANCE WRITING, EDITING, RESEARCH Specialization foreign affairs, economics, trade...
...Lunch isn't really important to me, so I might just have an apple in the middle of the day . . . I'm just trying to be in touch with what I think my body needs--I can feel if I need protein or whatever...
...I've been playing an electric guitar and trying to write a lot, right now, musically...
...For information write to: Director of Admissions--AS Thomas AquinasCollege 10,000 N. Ojai Road Santa Paula, CA 93060 (805)525-4417 PERSONALS UNATTACHED...
...YES, I would like to place a classified ad in The American Spectator...
...For a free copy write: MEXLETTER, Apartado 1335, Mexico, D.F., 06000, Mexico, or call (905) 511-5470...
...Do you have any kind of nutritional regtmen that follows...
...Typing Box 1019, South Pasadena, CA 91030 BOOKS CONSERVATIVE Out-of-Print Books: Buckley, Kirk, Solzhenitsyn, Evans, Muggeridge, etc...
...fine literary selections...
...Among other things, we will read the Combahee River Collective Statement and Pink Collar IVorkers...
...I might make a smoothie and take it with brewer's yeast, and my vitamins...
...The president, with each stroke of his signature, uses a different pen to hand out to congressmen as souvenirs...
...The bride is daughter of Mrs...
...Endorsed by M. Stanton Evans, Russell Kirk, Malcolm Muggeridge...
...Print your new address and mail this form to The American Spectator...
...Recent and planned issues: Leo Strauss, Modernity, Eric Voegelin, SubMISCELLANEOUS DON'T JUST cut defense spending and Social Security--eliminate them completely by adopting Brainbeau's war-ending winners-losers national defense strategy and even age work force with a guaranteed lifetime income...
...number of words...
...He is director of the Barking Rooster Theater Inc., and co-director of the Central Vermont Transportation Association...
...Tibolt, 2819 E. Carmel Glenside, PA 19038...
...that will be heavier than a ton of bricks...
...81 will be sent with the spring issue...
...It lets our total mind, body and spirit rejuvenate at the beginning of a new year...
...Issue #53] The Sunday Rutland Herald From the society page of the toney Sunday Rutland Herald of Rutland, Vermont, news of holy wedlock amongst the neoterics: Marilyn J e a n Nasuta of Plainfield and Avram Isaac Patt of Plainfield were married at sunset Nov...
...Even with the right to legal abortion (now threatened by the Anti-Abortion Bill), this situation has not been remedied: by New York State law, a woman cannot have her diaphragm renewed should she lose it., or should it develop a hole, without first seeing a doctor (even if that means waiting a month for at~ appointment)--yet condoms (which work by the same contraceptive principle) are sold at every corner drug s t o r e . ]November 17, 1981] St...
...A perfect example of needless, pointless ceremony is the signing of a bill...
...SP, Dunnellon, FL 32630... withheld) [january 1982] Miscellany From t h e w i n t e r 1982 b u l l e t i n o f c l a s s e s a t t h e E a s t Bay S o c i a l i s t School in progressive Oakland, California, news of some stupendous intellectual opportunities thanks to the gifted Nikki Doryland: MAKING THE CONNECTIONS BETWEEN SOCIALISM AND FEMINISM Nikki Dory/and Thursday, 7:30-9:30p.m., beginning January 28 Why is the connection between an imbalance of power based on gender, and the agony this causes in all of us, female and male, so specifically obscured...
...c Box 1368, Dept...
...Positive proof in scholarly booklets, $3.00: Vector, Box 6215-S, Bellevue, WA 98007...
...An anonymous correspondent reports a n o t h e r happy ending to the readers of the journal of happy endings, Ads.: The letters in your September issue about street hassling were so interesting that I searched out your original articles at my library and read them...
...proffers inside information to the bony readers of a revolutionary organ: After celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah and New Year's, you've probably succeeded in eating and drinking more than you are used to...
...Northern Map Co., Dept...
...I always eat something in the morning--definitely fruit and maybe a little bit of yogurt...
...The bride will retain her maiden name...
...December 11, 1981] Ms...
...2,000 titles, all subjects...
...frequently employed short fasts--either for health reasons or when their food reserves ran out...
...MAGAZINE & NEWSLETTER SAM- F--,, PLES . . . only 50 cents each...
...Agencies, international business newsletter...
...I try to respond with some version of "So what...
...scription--$12.00 (Students, $8.50): 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rue St.-Louis-en-I'lle, F-75004S Paris, France...
...Professor Doktor Steve Schecter, N.D...
...I resent that idea...
...Include an additional $4 if you want a box number...
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...Join our successful authors...
...Hugh Ward, 6306 Waterway Drive...
...BOOKS McGUFFEY READERS, replica 1879 edition...
...Professional experience: U S. Congress...
...Then there is the name taboo on the floor of Congress...
...Lauderdale, Fla...
...Box 1969, Bloomington, IN 47402 t . . - - - - - - 1 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR APRIL 1982 43...
...PERIODICALS THE INDEPENDENT JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY provides an international forum for the exploration of responsible, articulate alternatives to the positivistanalytical, Marxist, and narrowly academicist trends of contemporary philosophy...
...Over 145 ~ publications, covering a wide range of interests, to choose from...
...These cultures have had the best record for longevity...
...SINGLE BOOKLOVERS for the cultured single, widowed or divorced...
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...NJ :~ 07061...
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...All subjects invited...
...Bumperstickers & Buttons, Merchandise, Personals, Miscellaneous...
...Patti Davis: I've always been kind of an early-morning person, so lr do wake up six-thirty or seven o'clock...
...POSITIONS WANTED ARTICULATE, YOUNG, Published Conservative with professional degrees seeks policy analysis position--private or public --Suitable for a true believer...
...and we will forward all inquiries to you once a ] week...
...Please specify classification: Help Wanted...
...III I I CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION Thomas Aquinas College offers serious intellectual discipline and a close-knit community of students and teachers...
...The description of the problem was good but the authors missed the real reason men harass wom~n...
...I've earned $187,000 with mine...
...What better way to bring in the New Year than by going on a short, appropriate winter fast...
...A member must say "the gentleman from Virginia" instead of another member's name, and a member must ask for and be granted permission to extend his remarks, even if he wants only two more minutes...
...SASE for info or $4 KLS Publishers, Box 292-S, Sarona, WI 54870...
...260 titles...
...Pilot issue of Dec...
...Classics from Aristotle to Einstein replace textbooks...
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...L OLD MAP KITS Consisting of old State, Railroad, County & Civil War maps...
...The American Spectator reserves the ] right to reject any copy for any reason...
...Rosemary Open Eyes Leach, the bride's daughter, was maid of honor and played piano...
...The writers in the room seemed skeptical...
...PD: I'm real aware of what I eat during the day...
...How does it begin for you...
...PERIODICALS SHROUD SPECTRUM INTERNATIONAL A new quarterly devoted exclusively to serious Shroud studies, will bring you authentic information on all aspects of sindonology: American research, translations from European authorities and ancient texts, covering a literature of 19 centuries...
...WOODEN NICKELS with your advertising copy, 500 for $24.50...
...Books, Periodicals...
...through a review of the life of Leonardo da Vinci, Dr...
...There's a whole list of things that can be done to reform Congress...
...Please attach the address label from the most recent issue of your American Spectator in the space provided...
...Send SASE to worksharing, inescapable EVEN AGE, Box 2234, Youngstown, OH 44504...
...Many close-to-nature cultures, such as the Hunzas, Bulgarians, Southern Russians, American Indians, etc...
...Nuke Tip O'Niell" $3.00: Gotchemisms, #18A18, Countryclub, Manchester, NH 03102...
...MIND STIMULATOR remakes lives...
...A simple three-second act has been extended to an hourlong ceremony...
...100 different $5.75...
...Winter 1982] The New York Times Book Review Midway...
...elective system replaced by an integrated, comprehensive study of mathematics, experimental science, language, music, history, literature, philosophy, and theology...
...But the easiest, simplest way is, if enough women were elected to Congress, they would cut all the ritual...
...25 on the bank of the Winooski River here...
...Please print clearly name, address,, zip...
...I felt pressured to demonstrate sexual interest and prove my heterosexuality...
...A winter fast gives the body a restful break from the dense, concentrated and sometimes questionable party foods...

Vol. 15 • April 1982 • No. 4

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