The Second Stage


B 0 0 K R E V I E W S I~ is tempting to call Betty Friedan, whose 1963 book, The Feminine Mystique, launched the contemporary women's movement, the Kerensky of her revolution. She is,...

...Moreover, they want babies and they value the family as an emotional c e n t e r for t h e i r lives...
...Three cheers for that...
...Thus, when confronting some of the differences between men and women that have proved problem, atical for West Point in its coed phase, her strategy is to trash masculinity...
...Unhappily, it's not enough to save her from folly and mischief when she tries to think about society...
...Readers of The Feminine Mystique will remember that the reason postWorld War II women got trapped in those little suburban houses with all the washing machines and cars and lawn mowers was that profit-crazed advertisers made them think that's what they wanted...
...wmf J i ( / f ' ~ ~tt~ st,x~,,~ons lac~t, h t~/~,,~ tram om A ffrH, ), brass hardware...
...The point is that "The way capitalism has exploited the alienated human needs for love and dignity and has, above all, exploited the resulting sexual obsession for profit or power, have [sic] diverted people froria paths toward true autonomy...
...For 205 years this nation has endured...
...Analysts of American defense capabilities should note that this social analyst was invited to West Point to help the military establishment modernize its thinking...
...Still, this is not the full extent of Anne Crutcber is a journalist based in Washington, D.C...
...Two years $25.00 E (Send me my first two issues free...
...most existed only in handwritten form, sometimes in a number There O])l)on'tunit _9 - " _9 Y i n Al lerlca ! [-q of versions, sometimes in mere fragments--and sometimes lectures had been either delivered extemporaneously or later lost altogether...
...The New Book-Burners," by William Ryan...
...Well, it's still going on...
...Lawrence all wrote well about Nathaniel Hawthorne without having much else in common...
...Many students had testified to their fascination, and Nabokov's own memory seems to have improved on his legendary classroom performance: He claimed in those arch late interviews to have delivered the lectures from neatly typed manuscripts...
...The Classics of Secular Humanism," with commentaries by Brand Blanshard, Isaac Asimov, Richard Kostelanetz, Albert Ellis, Robert Rimmer...
...To be specific, she d o e s n ' t think a selfrespecting woman has to hate men or be a lesbian or mold her career style on male patterns or pass up motherhood for the rat race...
...yet he was still exemplary: tri-lingual Charles Nicol, Professor of English at Indiana State University, is co-editor of Nabokov's Fifth Arc, forthcommg from the University of Texas Press...
...However, the new Friedan thesis has roused excitement everywhere and cries of betrayal among many of the old ERA stalwarts and veterans of the fight to "desexigrate" newspaper help-wanted ads...
...that with Flaubert and Chekhov he shared a scientific attitude and a cold eye...
...One of the world's eminent philosophers offers a piercing critique of the call for unqualified equality...
...Or, at least, t h r e e cheers for moderation and sanity as opposed to utopian frenzy...
...A vital statement focusing on the commitment of secular humanists to free inquiry and on the need for critical intelligence in today's world...
...Yet those manuscripts actually were often mere notes which even when typed had been endlessly modified in pen and pencil...
...Communism and the American Intellectuals: From the '30s to the '80s," by Sidney Hook...
...Chronology is, however, more chance than causality, and literary history hardly begins to classify the individual genius...
...I have seen only praise for Bowers's editing of these two volumes, the first on Austen, Dickens, Flaubert, Joyce, Kafka, Proust, and Stevenson," the present one on Chekhov, Dostoyevsky, Gogol, Gorky, Tolstoy, and Turgenev...
...Now, Sarkes Tarz~an Inc Bloommgton, Indtana "Lectures on Literature, Harcourt Brace J o v a n o v i c h , 1980, $19.95...
...Women must transcend the '~feminist mystique" that succeeded the old worship of clean sheets and homemade cookies...
...B e t t y F r i e d a n ' s discovery, revealed in her new book, The Second Stage, is that women still want lbve-in most cases, heterosexual love...
...Away with the superwoman who'knows how to get hers but h a s n ' t come to terms with her own desire for something more in tune with the universals of humanity than mere feminist battle trophies...
...What was the appeal of the Communist movement to American intellectuals...
...It opposes doctrinaire fundamentalism, absolute morality, and political repression...
...What's more, this Friedan will actually sit still for a bit of the volunteerism the National Organization for Women denounced as exploitation ten years ago... literature underpinned the late, enormous Ada...
...and that with, say, Melville, Borges, and T.S: Eliot he shared a love of literary reference...
...Prophets of the Procrustean Collective," by Antony Flew...
...She recalls that, while Ronald Reagan doesn't look much like Hitler, "various political scientists have suggested that if fascism comes in America it will be a 'friendly fascism.'" Like Margaret Fuller, spunkily deciding to accept the universe, Betty Friedan has chosen to admit a few basic truths about human nature...
...Those many years of teaching, first at Wellesley, then at Cornell, left a quantity of further material on Russian and European fiction...
...So far, so good...
...Yet there is still something of the martinet and a whiff of the overbearingly incompetent here...
...Wrtte for ~. _9 ~ smashing Brtllsi~ I)races/exc~tlng American .1[ , ~ . j ~z~r~rs, BERNARDQ 24oo wuownw, # 1olin (T...
...He defined his predecessors by his allusions, the resonance of his language by the books off which it bounced...
...At his death in 1977 the project was not only unfinished but unbegun...
...Boldly stating these heresies, Friedan goes on to posit a second stage for the cause...
...P . _9 As a young emtgre in Berlin, he wrote book reviews, the first Russian crossword puzzles, chess problems, and professional articles on butterflies...
...He helped support himself with English and tennis lessons--all in all, a fitting background for a future American academic, if not necessarily for a major novelist...
...Friedan has even developed reservations about the way the movement she created has dealt with the cherished "constitutional right" to abortion...
...The Return of the Sacred," by Daniel Bell, with commentaries by Joseph Fletcher and others...
...City State Zip One year $14.00 L3 (Send me my first issue free...
...With many a twinkling sneer at "the warrior mentality," "boy-soldier oppressors," and "the undeniable selfhate, weakness and.sense of powerlessness machismo hides in men," she calls for a military ambiance where "men are allowed to take off t h e i r own masks and be sensitive, and yearning and vulnerable...
...that with Proust he shared a passionate artistry of memory...
...She discerns frustration in women who have taken such routes to fulfillment...
...Z.-L;-':'FL~ Elf eel of f:ducllion on .,'1::" 7. :" ,L~-" i Religiou~ Belie[~ SPECIAL OFFER: The current issue free with your paid subscription (first two issues free with a two-year subscription) This issue features articles by Sir Karl Popper (author of The Open Society and Its Enemies) and Professor Ernest Nagel in "A Tribute to Andrei Sakharov," "The Effect of Education on Religious Beliefs," by Burnham Beckwith, and "Secularism and Modernization in Islam," by Nazih Ayubi...
...Bullish on Braces?~--" F~ dmss/t)u~mm...
...She is also a dirty fighter, more inclined to dismiss opposing arguments as lies and propaganda than to refute them...
...His edition of Stephen Crane was outrageous in the length and ostentation of its textual notes...
...Russian literature was essential to the structure of the early Despair and then to The Gift, Nabokov's magnificent farewell to his native language...
...Unlike Lenin's predecessor, she is likely to see her version of the revolutionary doctrine prevail...
...G e t t i n g at the larger issues, Betty Friedan elaborates an earlier theme...
...Please enclose payment THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR FEBRUARY I982 3~ expenses, but the emotional problems and nuances which were difficult to deal with...
...The lectures on literature are that dialogue in a different form...
...She reproaches her old colleagues for allowirig the Enemy to take over the whole area of traditional feminine concern, leaving the women's movement often as its successes as in its failures...
...He belonged with his readers to a culture of literature...
...Noting survey data that show women in favor of ad hoc child-care a r r a n g e m e n t s - - i n the family if possible--the woman who once believed in a government solution for every problem, public or private, no longer thinks massive, federally funded day-care programs are the-answer to the working mother's need for someone to look after the kids...
...Hook discusses the sources and grounds of its influence...
...It's getting worse, too...
...But the growing threat of the politically active Religious Right threatens to divide our country...
...And indeed, Nabokov's American years produced not only Lolita, three other novels, and Speak, Memory, but also a wonderfully perverse, book on Gogol and a brilliantly eccentric edition of Eugene Onegin...
...Secular Humanism Debated," with =ommentaries by John Roche, Sidney Hook, Phyllis Schlafly, Gina Allen, Roscoe Drummond, Lee Nisbet, Patrick Buchanan, and Paul Kurtz...
...Maybe it shouldn't take extraordinary powers to see this, or heroism to talk about it...
...LECTURES ON RUSSIAN LITERATURE Vladimir Nabokov, edited by Fredson Bowers Harcourt Brace J ovanovich / $19.9 5 Charles Nicol Vtadimir Nabokov, the last great modern author, born the same year as Hemingway but much later in his impact, shared with a brilliant generation those emblematic features o f exile and translingual authority...
...Why have many intellectuals become so enamored of egalitarianism that they have often abandoned the idea of freedom...
...In his heyday Bowers had set up a sort of bible of textual editing, laying down the commandments that no later scholar dared violate...
...That doesn't excuse the corporations, though...
...Unlike other magazines, it is ready and willing to take on the sacred cow of religion, including the Religious Right, and others that graze on the pasture of politics, ethics, and the social sciences...
...She is, after all, decently appalled by what the Bolsheviks of latter-day feminism have done to her idea of equality between the sexes...
...Two views on sex education, by Thomas Szasz and Peter Scales...
...i .'~ 71 :? ~,A: 7...
...Instead of designing group dwellings that will minimize housework for the jobholding mother and offer social solace to the lonely divorce'e, architects pander to the corporations that continue to push individual homes" so they can sell more equipment...
...While that book may have grown out of Nabokov's lecture notes, it seems inexcusable to excerpt the sections on Dead Souls and "The Overcoat" just because Nabokov discussed those works in class...
...The interviews created a mythical earlier Nabokov, an ideally austere teacher who perhaps confounded his later avatar when he opened that Pandora's box of old classroom lectures...
...also Imay's cas~ argo...
...traditionally in America a political conservative is one who holds a deep, abiding respect for the Constitution and treasures the freedoms it was designed to protec t . But the "New Conservatives"--the so-called Religious Right-are fueled by issues that have little or nothing to do with conservative politics... seems there are women who, to flaunt their fertility, deliberately become pregnant and then have abortions...
...Better to note that Nabokov's wit was his own...
...Political preachers are trying to dictate morality to all Americans in the name of "conservatism...
...Lest the thought of being defended by an army of sensitive, yearning, and vulnerable soldiers should dismay anybody, she reminds her readers that the Vietnamese were no taller than most women and they beat us, d i d n ' t they...
...We can applaud her for that, but hardly for the rest of what she has to say...
...throughout his twenty years in a Swiss hotel, Nabokov promised to publish his classroom lectures...
...She feels that being "for abortion" somehow obscures "the life-enhancing value for women and families of the choice to have children...
...Students from thirty years ago at the University of Virginia remember his affected manner, his cigarette in its long holder, his disciples (parading the same cigarette holder) who thought editing a great science instead of a minor art...
...It was a dialogue not with history but with his fellow masters...
...THE SECOND STAGE Betty Friedan / Summit Books / $14.95 Anne Crutcher the revisionism...
...Lectures on Russian Literature contains, in the first place, one piece of very polished writing: a large portion of Nabokov's book on Gogol...
...Nabokov's first major publication was a translation into Russian of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland...
...She is a pushover for tendentious psychologizing and for the theory that whatever goes wrong in the world can be traced to the obscene lusts of capita!ist corporations...
...Betty Friedan has always been a more wholesome person than the Simone de Beauvoirs, Marilyn Frenches, and Adrienne Riches who are forever shaking t h e i r fists at the sky because they c a n ' t stand the ambivalences and tensions the human condition imposes on both sexes...
...but it seemed to me in reading the earlier volume that Bowers lost the thread of Nabokov's argument on Joyce and sewed the pieces together cross-patch, and the evidence in this volume is even more disquieting...
...One senses that she knows a bit about love between men and women and between parents and children...
...The difficulty, she says, "was not so much physical labor, although there were continual battles as we worked out by trial and error the sharing of the chores and 30 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR FEBRUARY 1982 IS RELIGION A SACRED COW...
...E n t e r Fredson Bowers, the notorious dean of American scholarly editing, himself in his seventies...
...The elective affinities of writers are often fascinating--Herman Melville, Henry James, and D.H...
...By maintaining the separation of church and state, the United States has avoided the intolerance that has so divided the rest of the world...
...In the Reagan campaign, the far Right clearly played to and diverted our rage, using the power of Government to subordinate the interests of people to profit and subjecting our lives even further to authoritarian or corporate control, while pretending to do the opposite...
...The real problem, as Friedan sees it, is devising appropriate assignment policies and childcare arrangements for the two-career military family...
...She is vaguely repelled by the "abortion chic" she read about in the Village Voice...
...H~mon, TX 77t)M and thrice in exile...
...FREE INQUIRY, a new magazine, is committed to basic conservative values, such as freedom, a secular society, and the separation of church and state...
...Besides, the next war, if machismo should force us into one, will be all technology anyway, won't it...
...A Secular Humanist Declaration," drafted by Paul Kurtz (endorsed by 58 leading intellectuals...
...Own w~'drobe/g~s...
...There is a difference, though...
...7" 7 ' . ".7 ?L':~ _9 " ~ " : ; 7 "7k7...
...The Gogol material should have been either left out altogether, since a published version was already available, or included in its totality--along with, perhaps, Nabokov's published introduction to A Hero of Our 77rues to replace his missing lecture on Lermontov...
...The good news is that the American housewife-who told all-the other American housewives that a professional career can be more gratifying than a perfectly polished kitchen floor is having second thoughts about the way some of her disciples have construed this blameless notion...
...Praise the Lord, his version of Nabokov's lectures is merely a "reading edition"--which means that textual notes are minimal, the statement of "Editorial Method" is brief, and Bowers has become all unbuttoned...
...It became a job for experts...
...Of course, Friedan h e r s e l f has tried group living with "an extended family of c h o i c e " and found it "almost as much work as an individual household...
...Published quarterly Box 5, Central Park Station, Buffalo, NY 14215 Name (please print) 5-8212 Address Apt...

Vol. 15 • February 1982 • No. 2

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